I wanted to make a thread to discuss annoying recovery warriozz, wannarexics, and attention whores on tumblr (there's already an insta thread)
lord–swoledemort on tumblr is the most annoying pretentious fuck ever and she doesn't hide being a attention whore. She claims to be anorexic, which is up to debate since she has posted her stats and its clearly bullshit, I mean she claims to be severely underweight and she clearly isn't… She claimed to be bulimic but then claimed to be anorexic b/p type most likely to gain popularity like her tumblr pro ana friends. she claims to be recovering now but just posts all her disordered thoughts and shit for attention. Fish through her blog for all the bullshit. Here's some shit from tonight.
http://lord--swoledemort.tumblr.com/post/135416424395/i-saw-a-60-year-old-guy-at-the-gym-today-who-kept#notes [low key admits to exercising while in recovery for anorexia LOL WUT]
http://lord--swoledemort.tumblr.com/post/135416787115/as-a-recovery-blogger-why-do-you-feel-the-need-to#notes [fake ass response when questioned about it because she has no treatment team and a therapist is not a doctor]
http://lord--swoledemort.tumblr.com/post/135417266210/a-therapist-isnt-a-doctor#notes [her butthurt when called out]
thoughts? I think she's more annoying than alyrealrecover