No. 216111
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>>216010>>216011Just because she "doesn't deny" being "bitchy and fake" doesn't mean that she doesn't produce any milk. OP is a faggot and didn't even provide the milk for us. Here's some (kind of) recent milk:
1) She spent $1000 SGD in an attempt to take down a rival blogging company (
http://xiaxue.blogspot.sg/2014/12/the-big-gushcloud-expose.html) because "muh blogging ethics" when in reality she wanted to take down her former best friend whom she had a falling out over because she felt threatened by her and how she could have possibly taken Xiaxue's most prized "blogger queen" title (
http://www.kaykay.sg/2014/12/my-response/). The blogging company then got bought out by one of Asia's most successful digital agencies (
2) Instead of spending that $1000 SGD on supplies for her son, she relies on sponsorships in order to provide the necessities for her goddamn child. (
https://www.instagram.com/p/_JhB3XlvMW/?taken-by=xiaxue and
3) She filed a protection order complete with lawyer fees, court costs, filing fees, etc. against an anonymous satirical webpage for doing the same things she has done to Dawn Yang, Grace Tan, Kay Kay, etc. (
http://xiaxue.blogspot.ca/2015/02/protection-order-against-smrt-ltd.html). Again, instead of spending it on necessities for her son.
4) Her son is almost three years old and isn't fucking potty trained yet (
https://www.instagram.com/p/-T0tp0FvFI/?taken-by=xiaxue is one of the recent examples of where he's still in diapers)
6) Filters the ever-living fuck of the pictures of her son to lighten his hair and eye color (
https://www.instagram.com/p/9uQD22FvBN/?taken-by=xiaxue) when he really looks like this (
5) Although her TyreQueen sponsorship ran out, her fucking soccer mom van (
5) Killed her pet rabbit by putting his cage on her balcony with Singapore weather at 30°C+ (
http://xiaxue.blogspot.ca/2015/08/igloo-left-me.html) when rabbits cannot tolerate high heat (
As well as the petty shit like her outfits, fried hair, tacky candy pink car, photshopping, etc etc.
No. 216119
>>216111God I didn't know about the rabbit… It seems like such bad taste to post a picture of him dead :c and how she's like "idk what happened"
Good thing she's not alone taking care of her kid.
No. 216128
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Xiaxue on the Haiti earthquake.
This is what made me dislike her (I wasn't aware of different milk back then).
No. 216136
>>216134Holy shit, same.
Why is this?
>Seem friendly as first>Actually rude and racist/fatphobicand I somehow like it. Especially the spoiled type.
No. 216152
>>216111I honestly dislike xx but i find her drama amusing, which is why I'm on lolcow
I doubt she relies on sponsorships to care for her son. She is getting paid to advertise the stuff she was going to buy anyways, I don't see an issue there. As for the potty training, it takes longer to potty train boys and everyone learns at a different pace.
Since she became a mom she has become really boring. Do you have any info on past drama?
No. 216177
>>216152You do raise some good points, but I can just as easily assume that she spent the money she obtained from her sponsorships on the her Gushcloud takedown as well as her protection order. And I brought up the potty-training issue because a while back she would state her son's accomplishments and how he is supposedly a "genius baby".
https://www.instagram.com/p/rWriB1FvH7/?taken-by=xiaxue and
https://www.instagram.com/p/rWsx0KFvJr/?taken-by=xiaxue are some examples. Notice how she mentions how old he is? She also used to use the "genius baby" hashtag as well. She still states his age in some of her videos.
Some really old milk from a while back is that she creates a lot of hate sites against other bloggers:
http://blinkymummy.blogspot.ca/2006/01/blinkymummy-has-hate-site.html (Created after Blinkymummy, the blogger Xiaxue made a hate site to, actually bumped into her IRL and told her off.)
http://kimfucksdogs.blogspot.com (she used to own this blog and it was used to slander another blogger until someone guessed the password to this blog and found out it was Xiaxue running it.)
https://xiaxueexposed.wordpress.com/2013/03/26/xiaxue-the-cyber-thief/ (This one is probably the most famous one, for when she made a hate site towards Dawn Yang)
Interestingly, in reference to her protection order against SMRT LTD, there has been speculation that all of the hate-pages towards her son were made by her in order to make her look more like a victim. After all, she does have a history in establishing hate sites.
Going on that, there's also the time she publicly made fun of her haters and their families who had nothing to do with her (
I find it amusing she will openly mock people not associated with her "haters" (she makes fun of some guy's wife and kids) but when it happens to her family she will actually go through the time and effort to craft some "a-bloo-bloo my safety is compromised!" blog post and exhaust the courts.
No. 216180
>>216145Look at all the milk.
you sound like those people who think this bitch is nor lolcow material but try to milk kota when shes not a lolcow anymore
No. 231276
>>216111Whats wrong with sponsorships? You'd take it if you were offered, sour grapes. She probably spent the 1k and etc, because she has sponsorships covering Dash's care. And why do you keep thinking Dash is neglected or something?
I love how you keep pretending to care about Dash, when you just hate his mother and USE him to hate on her. Really pathetic to use a kid like that.
And no one would kill their pet rabbit on purpose.
You're crazy, stools.
No. 231592
Sage. Also inb4 stop derailing the thread you fags post content or stfu.
> Implying that anon would take sponsorshipsDo you know this anon? Otherwise, prove that they would take a sponsorship.
> "She probably spent the 1k and etc, because she has sponsorships covering Dash's care."Refer to
> "And why do you keep thinking Dash is neglected or something?"Anon never said Dash was neglected. That's one way to interpret it. Another way is to say that XX would rather spends money on frivolous things and skimps out/begs for her kid's things.
> Implying that anon cares about some kid> Implying that anon at least 'pretends'> "Really pathetic to use a kid like that"You know what else is pathetic? Using a kid in a convenient way to be a moralfag and to cry about ethics in the guise of care. Look in the mirror.
> "And no one would kill their pet rabbit on purpose."Hey anon, remember when you assumed that anon thought Dash was neglected? The rabbit died because of negligence. Learn the definition.
Also doesn't make her any less of a useless cunt whether her rabbit died on purpose or on accident.
No. 231739
>>216119Ugh, the picture of the dead rabbit.
no tact.