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No. 216832

Amber McCleary is a cosplayer from Scotland who manipulates others around her into constantly feeling sorry for her. Her most recent exploits range from taking photos of her sleeping friends’ feet to use for fetish purposes to crying suicide after being posted on r/fatpeoplehate.

When called out by the girl she took photos of, Amber did not apologize to her and immediately blocked her and took to victim blaming, saying she could not control her fetishes and that her friend should forgive her, despite the photos being posted online on numerous fetish websites. Amber explained how she was now feeling suicidal because the friend called her out publicly and ‘ruined’ her reputation. During the most recent Glasgow MCM, the victim was working a stall where Amber approached her and tried to instigate a fight.

Amber is a close friend of the lolcow favorite ‘Sindy Pop’. Gossip, photos etc welcome.

No. 216833

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I remember this girl but can't find her on facebook. Did she delete her account?

No. 216834

Moved to >>>/snow/74667.

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