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No. 217025

Scottish lolita
known her her bitter attitude
enjoys a good bitching session
known for backstabbing her friends when they ask her help.
has pisse dalot of people in the scottish cosplay group off from what i hear.

feel free to move to snow

deets plz

No. 217026

No. 217029

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oh god i know this girl. shes actualy ita trash. ive been to a few meets with her. she acts likes she above everybody else.

overheard her having a massive bitching session about the Maid in Scotland at a recent meet. despite sucking up to them and attending thier cafe. shes cause assed kinds of problems between them before. distinctivley said
"there not that good of a cafe, the marshmallow dreams cafe is alot better, more pressesional. wear real branded lolita"

came to the meet dressed as a trash christmas hatsune miku

No. 217033

No. 217035


If you're going to shamelessly samefag at least format your posts differently.

No. 217041

Nice selfpost. Not gonna work here.

No. 217042

>known to be bitchy
>enjoys a good bitching session
>known for backstabbing friends
Ahh, and don't we all like those things. This is cow, kiddo. We're all like that and no one cares about your extremely average lolita/selfpost.

No. 217052

Moved to >>>/snow/74853.

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