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No. 218168

Surprised she isn't on here yet.
> Talks shit about people but when in their face says nothing.
>her and her lackeys bully other people when people don't do what they want.
>claims what white people can't do, but is engaged to a white person herself
>bully's others to the point of people blocking her.
>complains and whines to get photos
>tries to make people feel bad by saying they have lighter skin so that's why it's easier for them in life and constantly plays victim

No. 218169

>Surprised she isn't on here yet.

Ah, the opening line to every shitty vendetta thread.

She sounds like a typical SJW to me, but at the very least, I'm certain this shit belongs in /snow/.

No. 218175

No links? What a half-ass job, OP.

Also, being a dumb bitch doesn't qualify someone to be an lolcow. Give us some milk, or take this to /snow/.

No. 218493

No. 218495

No. 218640

Moved to >>>/snow/76458.

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