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No. 219614

>adele is popular because of black people being oppressed

>her voice belongs to black people

>she doesnt know what shes doing

>adele wishes she was anywhere near as good as beyonce

>her sucess comes off the back of black people

actually my summary does not come anywhere near the level of stupid the answer is there. some tumblr blogs are really good but its shit like this that gives tumblr its reputation. there is a difference between outright stealing another groups music and saying that certain singers are popular because they have a strong vocal range which must = stealing black peoples voices and therefore making money off of the oppression of black people. I really do not like adele's music but i am finding this argument a huge reach and this is like the 4th post i have seen which accuses adele of this (there are also other posts saying the same about amy winehouse) I am so done.

No. 219624

can people please stop making shit threads like this in pt when b exists for a reason?

No. 219648

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