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/pt/ - lolcow general

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No. 221155

I'm at a loss for words

No. 221156


OP, this is a shit thread. Who the fuck is pinku neko? Why the fuck should I care? If you're gonna make a thread about someone, tell us who they are.

No. 221161


A screencap of a YouTube argument with no links or info doesn't even warrant a /snow/ thread, never mind a /pt/ thread.

Go and post this in the lolita general in /g/ or something like that.

No. 221162

File: 1452442445208.jpg (33.09 KB, 500x500, 201412_2046_faeeb.jpg)


But I don't know who they are. I got banned from cgl.


any way to move this thread?

No. 221248

Moved to >>>/snow/79360.

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