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No. 222143

16 Year Old and Transgender

Drama with Angela Vanity AKA Diamond, glamorousing Vape, having a bad reputation for the way she portrays herself as tran, and dating older guys.


No. 222144

No. 222149

So… what did this person even do? This reeks of self post, move to /snow/ please.

No. 222151

/snow/ material.

No. 222153


No. 222162

Not a cow. Provide more info, OP.

No. 222172

>glamorizing vape
lel everyone vapes though, who cares?

No. 222178

Been waiting for this thread but poor form, anon.

Basically she attacked the two trans girls she was online friends with that helped her get her hormones and shit for no reason other than that's "her personality now", had a massive public argument with them and also made fun of popular trans YouTubers (Gigi & Julie Vu) for attention. Cause haters will make her famous, etc.
Turned into a cheesy 2006 scene girl and did a lipsync video of Millionaires song and got roasted for it, and she then went on to post a long ass rant video shitting on all of her fans and making excuses for why she's being a huge cunt, further digging her grave.

While being a lolcow, this probably belongs in /snow/ until she starts her inevitable escalation.

No. 222182

There's a few videos pre-blowup that I cannot find atm.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FPmUSh2cDQ Elena's first video on the subject, taken down due to backlash

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgmcAsYMMiU Elena's Millionaire's audition

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tomWUMd1pjY Elena's second video, where she commits social suicide

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeJBfP34l3k Finally, Angela's only response

No. 222191

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i guess she still goes to school then

really doesn't look 16 at all though

No. 222200

Are those lenses? How did his eyes turn from brown to green?

No. 222201

No. 222204

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No. 222209

>glamorizing vape
Are you 12?

I know vapers are annoying but i'd rather her do that then post fifty selfies smoking cigarettes.

No. 222210

Also dats cuz facetune. Nobodies selfies are that great at school. (She might even have one of those light attachments on her phone but I'm probably reaching.)

No. 222211

Moved to >>>/snow/80998.

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