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/pt/ - lolcow general

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No. 222216

This place is creepy as fuck

No. 222217


What's creepy about a bunch of women stalking people to laugh at them and feel better about their crappy lifes?

No. 222218


And that entire thing you said is creepy. So far ive seen weird animu dolls and pics of weird women. Its like im at a sleep over with a bunch of serial killer women. For some reason similar shit happening on 4chan doesnt disturb me as much. Like this entire site belongs on /x/

No. 222219

Are we talking about PT here, or lolcow in general

No. 222221

There's a replica thread started in snow so I'm guessing lolcow.

No. 222222

Sheesh shoulda saged that.

No. 222223

Relax anon! Bring your favorite PJs and we can talk about our queen Pixy all night tee hee~

No. 222225


Yes so far im just asking about lolcow in general. Tell me about this place and show me your exploits from stalking other women

No. 222229

File: 1452838898662.png (626.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-15-00-21-11…)

Look at this shit jesus christ

No. 222230

oh no, poor kiki.
she is really innocent :^((

No. 222232

Is this a girl you are trolling?

No. 222233

Endless riches and male attention

No. 222237

Discussing the content you publicly posted yourself is not stalking. When are you dipshits going to learn this? If you post things on the internet, people might actually find them. Shocking.

No. 222248

male pls leave

No. 222249

File: 1452852069752.jpg (93.37 KB, 600x450, 978256714476876.jpg)

Relax anon we all are friends here tee hee~

No. 222250

File: 1452854145465.png (151.21 KB, 892x590, 1446852343540.png)

pic related

No. 222263

/r9k/ pls go.

No. 222272


muh safeplace

No. 222276

how the fuck did all these faggots find lolcow jesus christ

for a fucking imageboard that isn't utter shit and it's going to get screwed by this fucking autistic crap no one else want to stand now that they found "the grill board to trollllllllll teehee"

No. 222280


Google images searches probably.

But it's not like the board is full of threads like this or continuously under attack.

If the girls from snow can deal with weirdos posting here their pictures and bitching about how horrible their nails are, you can deal with this.

No. 222285

Moved to >>>/b/59678.

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