File: 1453773488509.png (65.92 KB, 940x385, better.png)

No. 225726
>>213172 last thread.
Onions fans are realising what a piece of shit he is, cheating with a barely legal cumdumpster on the mother of his children.
No. 225727
File: 1453773540866.png (36.99 KB, 554x274, ayylmao.png)

my sides
No. 225730
File: 1453773626391.png (49.14 KB, 593x448, cum.png)

No. 225736
>>225733Most recent vid on onion's speaks channel is about cutting.
As expected.
No. 225737
File: 1453773783377.png (39.72 KB, 591x241, cumdumpster.png)

No. 225740
File: 1453773889030.webm (1.46 MB, 640x480, Milk.webm)
This shit has been too good to completely ignore. A total roller coaster since I was first PM'd about it this afternoon.
No. 225743
File: 1453773916280.jpg (7.87 KB, 300x168, new.jpg)

How much do you want to bet that everything with Billie and Lainey was completely forced by Onision?
Her reply earlier to someone asking about her kissing Billie was replied to with "Because he fucking wrote it into the script.."
Dude needs to be locked up.
No. 225745
File: 1453773978758.jpeg (194.01 KB, 600x399, image.jpeg)

Waiting for the fallout from the new drama. How ever will banana boy justify this one? Will he drag Lainey's name through the mud? Is his new relationship with Billie twu wuv? Has he finally found someone who can out-edge him?
No. 225748
File: 1453774008318.png (285.75 KB, 902x334, forced.png)

No. 225759
File: 1453774333465.gif (1.83 MB, 270x279, a705a110-fe34-0132-4fc0-0ec273…)

No. 225760
File: 1453774350926.png (86.85 KB, 1294x584, ohyes.png)

the fans tho
No. 225764
File: 1453774540328.jpg (187.56 KB, 1920x1080, upset.jpg)

No. 225768
File: 1453774687574.png (21.63 KB, 234x200, 4837-desperate.png)

>>225763Please make a video about this, someguy
He deserves some good ol' someguy roasting.
No. 225769
File: 1453774720450.png (64.64 KB, 879x525, lmaodatsalt.png)

No. 225773
File: 1453774888183.jpg (32.89 KB, 480x360, rekt.jpg)

I'm really curious about how Onision is going to try to justify all of this.
If he'll recant all his old statements on cheaters?
What his excuse will be for why this was totally morally justifiable?
No. 225778
File: 1453775022785.gif (13.94 MB, 600x501, 5ZSyoSW7Of.gif)

No. 225780
>>225773That video is so freaking similar to the one he did a year before. He's creepy.
The scene at 1.13 is the exact same as with Billie and Lainey.
No. 225785
>>225770Depends on the state, sometimes they force it. Now, I personally don't always agree with Child Support because I've seen it used as scam by women as vindictive as Gurg who never use it for their children and instead have friends and family dump on them everything the kid needs instead, but in her particular case, I think she has a viable option to go forward and pursue. She has nothing. Just like Shiloh said in the "truth" video, he stripped away her ability to be self sufficient. She hasn't worked ever, and fuck anyone who says doing the videos was "work", it's not. It's not a real job, I trained to be an EMT once, THAT SHIT is a real fucking job.
This fuck only paid for ANYTHING (college, clothes, other material shit) for her because he wanted to keep her around and that is IT. Fuck, he knocked her up for the same god damn reason. Like the load that created their child, he thinks she's just "fire and forget". Sorry, assmuncher, you created life, you need to help take care of it. Honestly this is for the best because Troy would possibly EVER have grown up fully adjusted being raised by a stunted manbaby like Gurg. The best he could ever do knowing as little about life as he does is be a father from a far, basically a monthly paycheck and that's it.
He isn't in the situation I was in, he was taken advantage of and had to find out seven entire years after the fact, he knew full motherfucking well what he was doing the entire time. He even tried to talk AJ into getting pregnant by him THE FIRST TIME THEY MET. He has no idea how fucked he is. Whatever, that's what you get for taking life lessons from a mother who looks like Inmendham, Gurg.
If I recall, her step dad is a lawyer, so that works in her favor. What stopped Skye from being able to get proper justice was that her family was on a budget unfortunately. Even then he was flashing his money around and saying he'd get a better lawyer with their divorce and still got cucked…with alimony.
No. 225791
File: 1453775842379.png (317.54 KB, 966x570, dkkdodwode.png)

His fans are really turning on him :D:D:D:D:D
No. 225792
File: 1453775886753.png (1.04 MB, 1423x781, billie.png)

The caption on this photo was "How old do I look?"
No. 225793
File: 1453775968390.png (60.55 KB, 640x542, used.png)

No. 225800
File: 1453776365245.png (121.57 KB, 831x813, plot twist.png)

Maybe she really just wanted to ruin his marriage?
No. 225807
File: 1453776579355.gif (922.02 KB, 400x183, Happy-excited-gif.gif)

>>225800Gurgs gonna be forever alone, she wont find him cool now that everyone hates him
No. 225817
>>225815or like "I have never done anything so horrible in my life, never cheat you guys
sob i am the worst piece of shit" and then their gonna feel bad for him because he is actually "sorry"
No. 225818
>>225815I can imagine that. I have a few theories about what he's going to do post shitstorm.
Part of me thinks he's going to make himself a martyr and talk super super openly about cheating on his wife and make it out like he feels soooooo bad and struggles with suicidal thoughts over his guilt. etc. etc. etc.
until eventually he starts throwing Billie into the videos as the One True Soulmate *TM who was there for him in his time of need and showed him so much pure love.
No. 225819
File: 1453777280257.png (82.33 KB, 670x508, hmm.png)

>>225818>>225817>>225815Or hes gonna go with the "She did it too u guys!!" Some of his fans are going with that already
No. 225821
>>225819Yeah; that's another possibility.
Can also see him using her "TAKING AWAY MY CHILD" as hate fodder.
No. 225826
>>225824This is something I wonder about, too.
I really think they've only got the one son because it doesn't seem like there's any time she could have been pregnant again/had another child.
I think it's just some weird choice of language.
No. 225827
File: 1453777677629.png (564.88 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-01-25-22-04-50…)

>>225825>>225826There's too many for it to be a coincidence
No. 225828
File: 1453777694860.png (509.16 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-01-25-22-05-22…)

No. 225829
File: 1453777720644.png (865.78 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-01-25-22-04-03…)

No. 225833
>>225827>>225828>>225829I honestly think this is just a case of Greg and Lainey using intentionally ambiguous language in their videos and people being confused. There's just no way there was a time when she could have had a second child, she's posted consistently since giving birth to their first including posting photos most days/being in videos/ etc..
Just doesn't check out.
No. 225834
>>225826Maybe that had twins but never mentioned it? They were very weird about their child anyway.
(Or they got Onision's other child. Unlikely, but yeah.)
No. 225838
File: 1453778189553.png (451.88 KB, 1419x787, bill.png)

No. 225842
>>225838second time?
oh cumdumpster, u card
No. 225852
>>225846>>225847>>225848And she's ignoring every single question about what happened. She's really only doing it for views and followers, wow.
Anyway, I've already have enough of her, hopefully one of you guys can watch a little longer, although I don't think she'll talk about anything.
No. 225853
>>225847Doubt she'll talk about it lmao
so far nothing
No. 225855
>>225853shes really laughing about the comments about greg
wow what a cunt
No. 225859
File: 1453778687291.png (511.68 KB, 1228x608, cumdumpster.png)

So far its just them talking about boring shit, and she likes panic at the disco ofcourse
No. 225860
File: 1453778696429.png (495.29 KB, 1002x588, cumdumpster.png)

No. 225862
>>225858Really agree with everything you said
If she ever mentally matures she's going to look back on this with so much regret
No. 225863
File: 1453778836264.png (138.39 KB, 692x288, LMAO.png)

LMAO shes asking people what panic at the disco song she should sing(her friend) and i see this gem
No. 225865
File: 1453778864266.png (553.28 KB, 1216x651, cumdumpster.png)

the other blue-hair is singing
cumdumpster's just whoring for likes, don't think we're gonna get any details
No. 225867
>>225773My money is on him coming up with some piss-poor excuse like "b-but Lainey wasn't affectionate enough!!!"
Fucking manbaby.
No. 225871
File: 1453779436327.png (516.53 KB, 1112x554, feelbadformuh.png)

You can see shes about to break down
No. 225872
>>225867There was this one tweet he made earlier when this was all coming out and the wording of it was super suspect.. It was like "my wife CAN be so affectionate and loving…"
So I think you're right.
No. 225878
File: 1453779637601.png (437.49 KB, 960x526, feelbadformuh2.png)

>>225875Well she tries to laugh and stuff but as soon as she focuses on the comments she looks really distressed
No. 225882
>>225880Maybe you should in case she says anything, but honestly I don't think they will.
Think they're just using this for the views that they couldn't get on stickam when they had myspace pages at 11.
They're just living out scene queen fantasies that they couldn't have as preteens.
No. 225885
File: 1453779941771.png (499.04 KB, 1004x521, cumdumpster1.png)

She's so upset when she's reading those comments
No. 225889
File: 1453780153358.jpg (98.77 KB, 610x543, ss (2016-01-25 at 10.47.26).jp…)

trying not to cry
No. 225890
>>225882I recorded about 4 mins and the only thing that happened was tryhard friend said "Who is Onionman?" Billie just kind of looked at her haha. I can upload it but it is utter shit, nothing happens except as I mentioned, you can see them reading the comments and skipping over them while acting fucking stupid.
The comments are basically the same thing over and over again, homewrecker, you suck, poor lainey, etc.
I can't watch anymore because their stupidity is making me rage.
No. 225894
File: 1453780526923.png (402.78 KB, 1008x524, cummydummy.png)

Things got quiet for a minute and she was on the verge of crying again.
No. 225901
>>225892Haha okay I took another, about 6 minutes, with some pretty great faces she is making while reading. It's super awkward. I think it would make for some good gifs if anything, all the hate comments scrolling past and her trying to act edgy while dancing around and shit.
I have never shared a vid here, so 2 questions:
Can I post the directly here? (4 + 6 mins)
Is there a way to scramble the data so there is no connection back to me? I only make text posts so idk if posting a video recorded from my computer will reveal any info n such.
No. 225908
>>225763metal >>>>>>> onion
also would you make a new video of his bullshit for the lulz? this shit is mad funny lmao
No. 225917
File: 1453781569330.png (53.38 KB, 1421x602, Gerg.png)

20 days ago.
I really wonder what Greg is doing right now.
No. 225924
>>225920They'll break in time, every time one leaves to do something the other one starts responding to the hate and shit. Patience, people.
We got her to talk about it
No. 225927
File: 1453782371155.png (501.16 KB, 1072x571, FINALLY.png)

SHES TALKING, they are not dating, thats confirmed now
No. 225930
File: 1453782444345.jpeg (59.72 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

A little late to the game but I got a kick out of
>>225702 in the last thread so I tried to use my art skillz to recreate cumdumpster's likeness
No. 225941
>>225935She said they would have been dating a month in like a week.
You can tell though she is trying to talk herself out of a hole though with this oh but lainey talked to me first. Yeah, but you fucked her husband.
No. 225946
File: 1453782995743.png (12.53 KB, 535x94, oogabooga.png)

>>225939I'm 100 % sure that Onision encouraged Lainey to become "le genderfluid femmeboy" so that he they could have threesomes with young girls. He's even more disgusting than I thought he was.
No. 225961
File: 1453783754960.png (125.47 KB, 813x479, mmmhm.. sure jan.png)

tee hee
No. 225966
>>225950I did too anon. I will watch yours first and see if I have anything you don't. Mine is about 14 mins long. I got a good chunk about 5 minutes after
>>225928 posted. Mine is shit quality though because I only had screen recorder. I typed some shit commentary too lol.
No. 225975
File: 1453784440838.png (123.36 KB, 761x500, his hair grease... turns me ON…)

lol i'm done i just wanted to post this one last thing
thanks for the art inspo homewrecker + grease
No. 225977
File: 1453784495359.png (26.22 KB, 737x144, opps.png)

No. 225980
>>225974Even so, it would probably get deleted in time if anything had come from it.
There was a point where they spoke about it, when I made the post saying to record. Now it seems the milk has passed and they're just sitting there singing badly and responding to compliments.
No. 225986
File: 1453784701009.jpg (8.04 KB, 216x209, 1416552475522.jpg)

They're going to try counseling. lmaoooo
No. 225990
File: 1453784731484.png (100.93 KB, 766x508, WTFLAINEY.png)

No. 225991
File: 1453784753494.png (64.64 KB, 628x459, literally why.PNG)

No. 225999
File: 1453784892002.png (49.28 KB, 602x352, why.PNG)

It seems like she's prepared to separate from him though.
No. 226002
File: 1453784955048.jpg (8.53 KB, 250x300, contingency_plan.jpg)

No. 226004
>>225999Lainey PLEASE
oh my fucking god.
Maybe, though, maybe.. they find a therapist who is actually worth their salt and they can reveal to Lainey that Greg has been doing more than just being unfaithful, he's been fucking horrifically abusing her and groomed her from the start.
No. 226007
>>226006I know; I'm just praying for some possible way for Lainey to actually get out of this.
Maybe they could look him up online though, and see his chronicled history of abuse.
No. 226009
File: 1453785603741.png (52.22 KB, 585x465, fsdfsdf.png)

No. 226013
File: 1453785836611.png (18.12 KB, 571x156, stupid_ho.png)

No. 226017
File: 1453786110502.png (49.49 KB, 575x283, lol.png)

No. 226023
File: 1453786307824.png (24.45 KB, 586x213, qwfwdvdfv.png)

No. 226033
>>226023Well, if she were allowed to have more friends in real life, do you think she still would have blown up about it on Twitter?
I don't know but I've given up on her. She's a fucking idiot for wanting to stay with that gross Onion.
No. 226035
File: 1453787048462.png (300.03 KB, 583x762, fsdfsdf3.png)

No. 226037
File: 1453787228875.png (112.9 KB, 648x735, milky.png)

No. 226042
>>226037where the fuck is this mystery second kid???
like, they barely even talk about the one kid but now there's a second fucker running around?
No. 226044
File: 1453787395722.png (50.09 KB, 611x362, fgjnvfvenrv.png)

This bitch is running for cover
No. 226047
File: 1453787521549.png (108.62 KB, 638x815, reeryghergdsd.png)

No. 226048
File: 1453787641651.gif (647.7 KB, 500x275, giphy.gif)

No. 226050
File: 1453787855677.png (51 KB, 618x412, kids.png)

kids, plural. What the fuck.
No. 226052
File: 1453787890190.png (106.7 KB, 638x860, malk.png)

No. 226053
File: 1453788041288.png (54.31 KB, 589x321, 754654.png)

No. 226057
>>226053honestly, i'm having a hard time believing their "kids" exist.
is there any proof?
No. 226063
File: 1453788686264.png (83.35 KB, 590x491, adfbthn.png)

No. 226064
File: 1453788717438.png (38.78 KB, 588x275, nmyujmyu.png)

No. 226066
File: 1453789020407.png (95.17 KB, 637x775, gfd.png)

No. 226067
File: 1453789066460.jpeg (57.92 KB, 340x286, image.jpeg)

we dindu nuffin wrong!
No. 226077
>>226074That's what I was wondering too, but the fact that she's said 'kids/children' referring to them, I kinda wanna assume there's more than one, but someone should ask to be sure. And anyway didn't cumdumpster pretty much confirm multiple children too?
Someone with a twitter just ask something along the lines of 'if it's not too private, what are the children's ages/ age ranges? I hope they're at ages where they won't be confused/ hurt/ generic concerned question relating to children's ages'.
I truly hope the child(ren) isn't distressed and all but it's like the only way to actually maybe get confirmation.
No. 226078
File: 1453790697261.png (Spoiler Image,154.82 KB, 1129x609, lain.png)

dumping tweet collage
No. 226080
>>226074>>226077I think there is only one child, Troy. It's pretty hard to physically hide pregnancy especially considering all the selfies she takes. Troy is only two years old, so there would be barely any age difference between them if there was a second child.
They could have adopted another baby but that seems really unlikely.
Taylor does keep saying he is the father of her "children" sooo she could be currently pregnant but very early into it.
No. 226083
File: 1453791586173.png (96.13 KB, 584x287, fuck me.png)

No. 226091
File: 1453791803999.png (553.96 KB, 1188x914, lainey4.png)

>>226088 ^ dropped pic, i'm a retard
No. 226092
File: 1453791858370.jpg (24.37 KB, 400x290, CTaKXtiWcAASLxV.jpg)

>>226083What the fuck man.
I understand her wanting to give everything a long thought for the sake of her kid(s) but give it some ACTUAL FUCKING THOUGHT. FOR AN ACTUAL PERIOD OF TIME.
No. 226095
File: 1453792372688.png (25.43 KB, 601x278, lainey5.png)

>>226093right? boot the bitch out ffs
No. 226097
>>226089God I want to choke and wring this bitch's neck just from her her whiny, clearly shaken voice. I'm new to Greg drama, but it's really clear Lainey is the biggest victim in this and this girl has zero remorse. Poor girl seems to attract psychopaths. It's like laughing and doing a livestream after punching someone's dog.
>"I'm not immature about the situation"Top fucking kek.
>"I think I'm a good person"So why do you have to defend yourself?
No. 226118
File: 1453795693157.png (Spoiler Image,80.49 KB, 590x859, lainey6.png)

No. 226120
File: 1453796146069.png (15.56 KB, 462x159, ss (2016-01-26 at 03.15.22).pn…)

No. 226123
File: 1453796609839.png (94.37 KB, 583x390, AboutOnion.png)

She does seem to she his part as well but mostly seem to think it's Billies fault.
No. 226124
File: 1453796635422.gif (973.86 KB, 500x377, midgetbitch.gif)

No. 226125
>>226094>he might be losing his shit and threatening to kill himself or run away with the kids.I'm betting this is what is happening, guys.
Never underestimate Gerg Onion's psychotic victim complex tard tantrums.
No. 226126
File: 1453796769707.png (20.11 KB, 597x189, onion.png)

muh hate, muh self pity
No. 226130
>>226126It really sounds like they had sex or at least made out/did something physical.
Sure Lainey has ever right to be pissed they were cuddling in her bed, which is not okay esp after she said no, but with how weird gurg and billy (she hates it spelled with a 'y' instead of 'ie') are acting, plus how Lainey is devastated enough to "never trust again"… it really sounds like something more than cuddling.
No. 226132
File: 1453797444308.jpg (81.41 KB, 652x1024, 1428341681362.jpg)

>>226130I agree, but Lainey's reaction is nothing out of the ordinary.
No. 226133
File: 1453797515352.png (Spoiler Image,89.5 KB, 605x864, uhohbro.png)

looks like she's blaming herself now
No. 226135
File: 1453798334739.jpg (20.51 KB, 750x244, 1428341255032.jpg)

>>226134These are from a few months ago. I've lost count of all the times she's posted shit like this and then acted like her marriage was perfectly fine.
No. 226147
File: 1453801205965.png (499.61 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-01-26-18-37-24…)

Holy fuck, why didn't you kick the bitch out.
You had to move with your children while she was allowed to stay in the house??
And Gurg of course didn't protest. Who cares abou children when you can keep the jailbait for one more night, right?
No. 226162
>>226008Posts like this make me really sad. Everyone accepts that Greg is either a sociopath or has NPD and groomed Lainey from the start, but blame her for not leaving? That's not how an abusive relationship with someone like this works. They take away any shred of agency you ever had and convince you it's what you want. Lainey is a puppet, and she wont regain the ability to function as a normal human for a long time after this ordeal, if she ever manages to escape, there's a good possibility she'll never be normal again.
I really hope people posting things like this aren't ever in a situation irl where something like this happens.
No. 226165
>>226160>>226161That shoddy blurring of Billies face.
Video has descriptions about sexy times between the three of them. Bit vom. Mentions how his mum massages his entire body minus his genitals.
No. 226169
>>226161What happened to his nose?
Did she punch him? Or did he take the chance to get a nose job?
No. 226177
File: 1453817764047.png (567.66 KB, 1344x766, ONYONSAN.png)

The screen shot he put at the end of the video.
Looks to me like Billie was still trying to smooch that sweet onion butt.
I feel sorry for her, it's obvious that Onision has been manipulating everyone in this situation, and he's absolutely the 'villain' here, but at the same time I definitely believe that she just wanted to be close to Onision for that sweet, sweet e-fame.
"Oh, you can talk to me any time, Onion! I promise I'm strong enough to be there for you! I want to come back to visit you for sure :) love me pls"
I'm glad he decided to stop talking to her, but I bet that if Lainey continues to leave him he'll get Billie back into the equation with some lame excuse for why it's twu wuv again.
No. 226179
>It's up then it's down. ?Yes, Lainey. That's how abuse works.
God, it really sucks that she's probably not going to leave him, but that's not her fault. She's brainwashed.
Greg will inevitably leave her for someone else, anyway. Another naive teenage girl who will have to put up with his abuse for a few years.
I wouldn't usually wish death on a person, but I think the world would be better off if Greg just decided to kill himself. His life is just a continuous cycle of picking a victim, wearing her confidence down, playing games with her head, leaving her, and moving onto the next.
No. 226182
He makes me fucking gag!!
.. Also the part where her friend shushes her is at 1:51 No. 226183
>>226171short version:
>onion is asked not to cuddle with cumdumpster>does it anyway>lainey flips out and ditches his ass>non-stop twitter drama>gerg guilt trips plainey into """counseling""">cumdumpster does a cringey scene girl livestream because she dindu nuffinand here we are now. New child bride when?
No. 226190
Lainey needs to GET THE FUCK AWAY. Fuck marriage councilling, that only works if your S.O. isn't an abusive psychopath. I bet if she stays in contact with him and goes along with the ~councilling~ Greasy Greg is going to string her back in or Lainey's going to beg for him back tbh. Lainey's weak and Grig knows this, I have no doubt will he use it to try and take advantage of her even more if she stays in contact with him on """friendly""" terms.
>>226188Probably Billie's house or her friends' house.
>>226187>>226189Kinda OTT but poly relationships pretty much never work out unless it was poly from the beginning. There's always some sort of jealousy and cheating drama that happens and the relationship crumbles.
No. 226196
>>226189>>226190Oh man, I know, I know… I'm bi and poly myself, have been for several years (the poly part at least).
Both of them were completely monogamous to begin with, they're both piss-poor at relationships as well… Lainey being inexperienced and Onion being a, well, you know his experience with relationships.
They both stuck their hands into the fire because they're both stupid trend followers who don't actually care about the implications behind their actions.
No. 226217
>>226161Summary for those who dont want to sit through it.
>No romantic future for Greg and Taylor it seems>When billie came over the first time, Taylor felt that Billie was focusing more on Greg than her. > Billie said that she just felt more comfortable talking to Greg (lol ok) not that she was trying to get with him.> Taylor asks Billie out with a letter at the end of Dec.
>When Billie showed him in Jan, taylor from the getgo was very iffy about it, feeling that Billie didnt care about her and all that shit.>Had teh sex as a 3some (at least until 3rd base), but Taylor felt off and didnt want to continue. >Greg talks about his interest in fucking Taylor while she is with another woman. > Greg and Billie go hang out after this, Greg actually tells Taylor that he needs affection and is aroused and wants to cuddle with someone.> Greg tries to justify his cuddling actions and this is what he does with friends, continues with that he massaged Billie including butt and breasts.>Justification of saying he loves Billie is that he says that to a lot of people, but does acknowledge the meaning when it is someone you want to be with is different than a 'friend'.> When they broke up, he asks Billie if he can kiss her. Billie said no. Also
>Greg gave custody away, is giving her money for the kids. No. 226219
File: 1453823444115.png (81.27 KB, 590x392, NoSurprise.png)

No. 226220
>>226147Lainey is a cuck… a huge fucking cuck.
She says it's "her house" but leaves with her children instead of kicking Billy out.
No. 226221
>>226219Gosh reminds me of my ex pushing me to havING another girl living with us. Shit was so bad he kicked me out twice over this!
May guys like that rot in hell
No. 226222
>>226177Wait… WHAT?!
So this is all a fucking con? Basically everything that was said and done is forgiven and the three of them are back to swapping spit.
I hate them, I truly hate them, I do not hate any cow on this board as much as I hate them.
They will do ANYTHING for views, absolutely anything.
No. 226224
>>226211I had a prenup being prepared with an ex and it would only be invalid in case of one of the partners having an affair if is stated in the prenup and if which one of the partners is responsible or both. It's like any law document, it has to have everything, every single detail written to avoid loopholes and stuff. We worked so many times until we got all the details until my ex trashed on me thinking that my mind would change about having a second girl living with us. I ran away from his abuse and now I'm married to a person that only wants me. I hope that Taylor will find happiness, I hate scum like Onion!
Sick stuff and sorry for samefagging
No. 226233
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God, girl, FUCKING RUN!
No. 226234
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No. 226243
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No. 226247
>>226241I think it's more that she allows herself to be manipulated by him… even Billie shunned him after he tried to shove his tongue down her throat after Lainey left.
If an 18 year old girl can tell him no, then Lainey really doesn't have any excuse. She has more than enough evidence to divorce him, he even said he'll give up custody… there's absolutely nothing stopping her from leaving for good, he doesn't want to fuck her anymore (such as his habits for jailbait) he's admitted that in his video…
If she stays with him, she's a fucking idiot.
No. 226248
>>226245It always amazes me to see people who are lacking this much grip on the concept of how abusive relationships work, and why the victim doesn't leave at whatever point seems logical to an outsider.
Anyone ever heard that boiling a frog metaphor?
No. 226253
>>226247He was so willing to give up custody too lmao yeah it'll be hard to groom your next child bride with your son there to witness it all. How long do you think it'll be before he threatens suicide over paying child support?
>>226248This too. It takes so much inner strength to free yourself from an abuser. There is so much mental manipulation involved where you legitimately think this is the best you are going to receive in life, that no one else will love you, that you deserve to be treated this way, etc. I mean I won't speak for ever abuse victim, but abuse takes so much away from your soul you feel completely empty inside.
No. 226254
>>226252"even if it is logically the best choice for the victim"
not abuser, derp
No. 226255
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No. 226258
File: 1453827314358.png (15.62 KB, 496x166, ONYONSAN.png)

I wish her fans would quit trying to salvage their ~goalz~ relationship. It's really not helping her, ugh.
There's so many of them like "You need to make it work! Greg is sorry for what he did, you can tell in his videos, you have to forgive him!"
I hope that someone out there is telling her how stupid all those fans are, and to not listen to them.
No. 226263
>>226261Yeah - It seems as he is trying to get rid of her.
She said on her FB that he was pretty quick to end it and also initially told her he would date Billie now.
No. 226265
>>226255But… but… he's done this in every fucking relationship he's had so far!
>>Married to Skye, cheats on her with Shiloh.>>Engaged to Shiloh, fucks Adrienne.>>Adrienne doesn't want him, he gets back with Shiloh.>>Shiloh doesn't want him, he tries to get back with Skye. >>Skye doesn't want him, he gets with Taylor. >>Taylor dumps him, he tries to get with Billie.>>Billie doesn't want him, he's trying to get back with Taylor.Just, oh my god.
No. 226266
>>226256>Lain comes out as bi, Greg sees this as a golden opportunity for a threeway with another girl>Encourages her to seek out a gf, Lain expresses she doesn't want two partners but searches anyways>They eventually find Billie, barely scene girl who looks a lot like Shiloh>Billie visits in December, gets close to Greg instead of Lain>Lain calls Billie out, tears ensue>Greg, not losing hope for his threesome fantasy, convinces Lain to give Billie a second chance and she visits again in January>All three get intimate up to 3rd base, Lain gets uncomfortable again and leaves>Greg texts asking for permission to "cuddle" with Billie since he is still aroused>Lain obviously says no but Greg does it anyways>Greg gives Billie a full body massage?? They "cuddle" all night while Lain is out of the house>Greg tells Billie he loves her>Greg confesses to cheating, Lain leaves him>Greg asks out Billie immediately afterwards and begs for a kiss, Billie turns him down>Greg is now trying to repair his marriage because Billie rejected him>Lain is now away from Greg with Selena and their child No. 226267
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No. 226271
File: 1453828194381.png (101.33 KB, 1168x656, hewfwefjwe.png)

No. 226274
File: 1453828653687.png (519.43 KB, 837x619, billi.PNG)"So guys, im extremely sorry for what's going on. I just want you all to know im sorry and i messed up, i know i did, i was ignorant to think it was okay to cuddle with greg. i made myself think it was okay because we were all collectively doing things. I betrayed laineys trust and it sucks, yes i was dating lainey and its a difficult thing to explain. No i was not dating lainey to get to greg. That is a very wrong statement, i did care alot about lainey and im not some sick person who thinks its okay to ruin a marriage and that was never my intention. just in the back of my mind i made my self believe it was okay and it was infact not okay at all.
I made a mistake and i want it fixed so badly. Im so happy lainey ang greg are going to go through counseling and im so happy they are working things out. They are 2 amazing people and they are great together. Obviously im no longer in contact with them and that is a good thing. They need to save their marriage. I understand what i did and i know it's wrong and im never getting involved in a marriage again. Please don't lash out at me, don't tell me all of these disgusting things you feel the need to say. I know you are trying to defend lainey but understand that but bullying is never okay and what you say to people does have an impact on them.. Just leave things alone, everything will get better in time.
As for my followers who know me and have been here for awhile im so sorry guys i feel like i let you down, i love you guys so much, you're always there to support me and you show me that you care, thats all I could ever ask for and I want you to know that from the bottom of my heart. I am so so sorry."
No. 226280
>>226275One of them is telling lies, from this it sounds like Lainey let her stay because Billie had nowhere else to go until her flight was due.
Yet Lainey makes it sound like she was made to go.
No. 226283
>>226282This so much, and it's extremely common for victims to become abusers themselves.
This is Lolcow, not Lainey's fan club.
No. 226291
>>226287If it wasn't Billie, it would've been someone else - they were both pretty intent on having a threesome, Lainey admits herself that she was all up for it until Greg and Billie were all over each other instead of her.
Lainey is as much as a huge dick as Gerg, simply by fucking association.
No. 226294
>>226293You seem to be under the impression that we support Billie as well… you're a strange anon.
Do you not understand that there are people here that are not all up Lainey's ass?
No. 226295
>>226293She actually just tweeted that he pushed her to get girlfriend when she came out. She apparently was not even sure she wanted one.
When she first met Billie it did not really click while Onion and Billie had a blast and she did not want to see her again but Onion talked her into giving Billie a another try. That's a least what her Twitter says.
Now she know why.
No. 226297
File: 1453830862434.png (6.4 KB, 816x65, onionn.PNG)

Just checked socialblade and Onion is starting to lose subs on his speaks channel.
No. 226299
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No. 226302
>>226299What did you think you fucking meathead?
How would you feel if she sensually massaged another guys dick?
No. 226303
>>226301"It's okay, you're completely right to leave me, I'll just be over here.. alone.. forever. Drowning in my own tears. Never feeling loved ever again. :( Yep. You're free to leave, I won't stop you… even though it kills me inside…"
^ He might as well have said that. Honestly, what a transparent cunt.
No. 226312
>>226307Sure, that's shy he groomed into bringing a kid to fuck
How are we betting he'll be fucking some young ass within the week ?
No. 226314
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No. 226315
File: 1453831563109.png (70.05 KB, 1014x572, laineyohnoyoudidnt.png)

Is he manipulating her again or is she that dense?
No. 226317
>>226300It's okay, a lot of us have been in abusive relationships so I know where you're coming from.
Lainey has had hundreds of people literally telling her how to get out of the relationship and how to get help, she is not interested in the slightest, whether or not that's down to the fact she can't help herself or if she divorces him she will lose the 600,000 mansion they currently own… I honestly don't know.
No. 226325
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>>226314And massage them naked, but lets just leave that part out right? convenient
No. 226326
Noone is buying this fucking "cuddling" bullshit, NO ONE.
No. 226337
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>>226332He's RP Twilight in real life, except he's not a permanent pretty boy teenager and can't keep his bitches forever 17. He got the ancient creep going after young girls and the love triangle part down!
No. 226344
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No. 226346
>>226334Ughhh, Lainey is skeevy as fuck, regardless of this being Gergs idea to begin with.
>>"She even got to the point where she was crying…and eventually drove this young woman to the airport."Hey Lainey, if you were so upset with her by the first visit and so not game for all this to continue, why did you continue to tweet romantic shit to her as if nothing ever happened? Why were you so accepting of gifts from her? Why lead her on like that when you weren't actually attracted to her and didn't want a relationship?
Stupid cow.
No. 226348
>>226345What married man would have stayed alone whith someone your patner is uncomfortable to the point of living?
You put the girl in a hotel room, you go with the mother od your child, or that the very least, you maket it an uncomfortable evening where you stay locked alone in your room, waiting to bring her to the airport the next day.
You don't act like an horny 17 abd five a full bidy "massage".
No. 226350
>Cuddled and watched TV with another girl all night>After giving her a full body massage>After having admitted to being attracted to her>And telling her he loved her
>The whole thing seemed so innocent to meHahahahaha oh my god, Greg.
It's sad. He
knows the difference between right and wrong, but he just does whatever the fuck he wants regardless of how much it'll hurt other people and then desperately backpedals once he gets caught.
No. 226359
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>>226354Here's the big public 3 that were shown.
No. 226364
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Those that i know of, but he has had others before, and probably some flings
No. 226367
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>>226362>>226361This is her, her name is Billie as said above, it was Laineys "Girlfriend"
No. 226371
>>226361fuck I meant from this shop
>>226344 or is that also billie? If so she looks wildly different
No. 226382
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>>225860Her yellow grimey looking teeth.
No. 226397
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>>226386Yup, besides his son Troy, they have Dobs and Leelu. I'm sure Lainey have them now, hence "kids"
No. 226414
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I posted this on earlier thread but I guess this is still relevant.
No. 226415
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>>22641313 seconds in and im already laughing
No. 226419
>>226177Mmmmmmmmmkay so, let's pretend this whole thing isn't a fake stunt for a moment. (Although I really think it is.)
He posts PROOF that he wants to keep Billy in his life after he and Lamey broke up. (And possibly have Billy live with him, according to the "come back" part?)
Through these messages it is obvious he is implying they both want to maintain some kind of connection because he is warning Billy about all is internet h8terz and she says she can handle it. He is doing this while editing the video about what happened, meaning they already broke up and he is agreeing for Billy to "come back."
So… that definitely sounds like he initiated wanting a relationship with Billy ASAP. Then, assuming his last response isn't shooped, he changed his mind.
Why are Lamey and their stupid fans overlooking this? It is proof he tried to be in a relationship with Billy right after he and Lamey broke up. Am I taking crazy pills??
No. 226420
A younger non-fat version
No. 226421
File: 1453837255263.gif (963.82 KB, 400x293, lol.gif)

>>226413This shit is gold. Also, holy fuck I always forget how childishly he speaks. He sounds 15
No. 226426
>>226425So monotone…
Ironic tho haha
No. 226433
File: 1453837857506.jpg (76.47 KB, 639x369, awildjudgmentalmiddleageasianm…)

my favs
No. 226435
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>>226433lmao that asian guy
No. 226438
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>>226370Sexual Onion is sexual
No. 226440
>>226414Wew that is really disturbing.
What I don't understand about Greg is if he just wants to cycle through 5-6/10 insecure teen girls, emotionally abuse them and dump them, why is he impregnatinng them and proposing to them almost immediately making him on the hook financially (which he hates). He is insane.
No. 226442
>>226434Lol, it even says "Be like Onion".
It fits good.
No. 226445
>>226439Hes in washington?
No. 226459
>>226457Yep… "Friends do this"
I've never massaged or fell asleep with a friend, shut up Onion. You're such a manipulator.
No. 226462
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Are we not going to talk about how he said his mother gives him full body massages? Does this confirm her as a sexually abusive prostitute?
No. 226465
>>226414I feel like this whole few years is so that he can get another Shiloh. Get married, have a kid. Emotionally cheat on wife, separates from wife, has sex with new meat. "See gaiz, not cheating".
I think this whole thing was preemptive in the first place. He was probably doing shit with Billie, and used Lainey's bi-curiosity to get what he wanted. New girlfriend, and some girl on girl action.
No. 226481
>>226175Anon-san, his video explaining how he cheated has 20k likes, only 1k dislikes, and mostly comments whiteknighting him
The only way this ends is if he dies or goes to prison, but even then, he'll just be replaced by someone new and equally putrid
No. 226492
>>226462no wonder he's insane, with the shit this lady did to him.
No. 226498
>>226493Double post but: (does not specify himself) (does not specify what happened)
IMO I think it was his sisters and/or their friends. Not him.
No. 226514
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No. 226527
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this entire thread made my week
No. 226538
>>226537Becomes a trans woman to get more pussy…
Chris Chan 2.0?
No. 226555
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No. 226556
>>226550Haha true but think about it.
Option 1: He rides things out as they are right now and just gets labelled as a greedy guy who wanted a threesome (which he admitted to wanting super badly in his vid) and groomed his gf to get it like the psycho he is.
Or 2: He is actually a woman inside and being present during lesbian sex made him feel more like himself. Then everyone will go awwww you poor thing no wonder you were so repressed let us embrace you with our SJW arms you did no wrong.
Haha I'm mostly fucking around but considering gurg has no shame, I would not be surprised if we went with option 2 at some point to save his reputation or as a new way to make $$$ after he loses enough popularity.
No. 226560
>>226557A "break" is like a day for people who need social media yo function.
Or hell, maybe she's actually getting away and flying back to be with family.
No. 226562
>>226550>>226556He'd probably just have to yell 'I AM BEING ABUSED AND HARASSED!1!!' Most of them still defend Sarah Nyberg despite the weird, creepy pedo shit she/he did bc HARASSMENT
sorry, slightly OT
No. 226593
>>226590He asked her to visit and then he changed his mind, presumably when Lainey decided not to leave him.
I'm guessing he's either going to continue seeing her on the down low or he'll get back in contact with her as soon as things get shaky with Lainey again.
He's a pathetic manchild who can't go 10 minutes without getting into a disastrous relationship.
No. 226596
>>226590I posted
>>226419 and I agree, that it sounds like he had intended on immediately getting with billy but then something changed. It was probably Lamey saying she would go to counseling with him. There is no way Billy would turn down being with gurg.
No. 226602
>>226596Oh yeah, for deffo. He would offer the same shit for Billie as he did with Shiloh, Adrienne and Taylor… the whole "Drop your life right now and live with me, I'll pay you to edit my videos, you don't need any belongings or family ties - I will care for you, we'll get married, I'm madly in love with you" shtick.
It's worked for him those three times in the past, so he'll continue to use it to entrap his little fucktoys.
No. 226615
>>225838I duno I think it's neither Lamey's nor CrustyBillie's fault though… I think this is all on Onion.
>>225865I love that this stream is tagged alternative for some reason when like every teenage girl on tumblr and at the mall looks like these two rn because edgy shit is really trendy now. it's just all so mainstream that ppl still doing this and claiming to be beautiful and unique just make me lol.
>>225913>this girl looks like a pimply pale 16-year old.So just Onion's type then?
No. 226616
File: 1453858030826.png (37.58 KB, 597x164, Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 6.47…)

>>226593I think that Billie just didn't play along, to be honest. Both Greg and Billie said that she didn't want to kiss him. Also -I know that this has been posted before but was kind of lost because so much was happening - I think this tweet is really important.
He went back and edited a 20 day old tweet while leaving every positive thing up. Why? And he basically made Lainey leave (he helped her pack etc.), so he shouldn't be the one being hurt/ acting like this.
No. 226622
>>226616I think her leaving is the part that people get muddled up.
She wasn't made to leave per se… she wasn't happy with him texting her about wanting to "cuddle" with Billie downstairs, she was really pissed with him and began packing to stay at her friends, he helped her to pack and she left on her own accord.
For some reason, it didn't occur to either of them to put Billie up in a hotel for the night until her flight the next morning, instead of staying at the house and fumbling around with Gerg.
Ohoh, I don't think Billie rejected Gerg either, according to both of them - he tried to kiss her and she said "bad timing", if the texts are anything to go by; they were both ready to get into a relationship until Onion had his "epiphany" and called things off.
No. 226626
>>226618Shit, I think you're right. The user that originally uploaded this screenshot said it's been edited and I didn't think twice about it. The "Lainey Divorced Onision" video was uploaded on the same day.
Sorry, but thanks for noticing/ clarifying.
No. 226639
File: 1453861238939.jpg (204.88 KB, 804x1325, IMG_20160127_111713.jpg)

>Look guise! This internet celebrity supports me! But please tweet positive messages to laineybot, not me!!!
Holy fuck, Gurg- an absolute manchild.
No. 226641
>>226639Keem's an asshole
Onision is an asshole.
Pretty sure there's a saying for this.
No. 226652
>>226627Onision is the BIGGEST hypocrite in the world.
Tattoos, dating smokers/people with piercings, making fun of emos yet he is one, saying he hates meat eaters then he doesnt, when it comes to sex/rape etc etc etc
Biggest hypocrite ever
No. 226663
>>226639manipulative abusers of women flock together I guess.
tbh I do kind of feel sorry for Billie in all of this. While I do agree she is to blame for seemingly doing all this just for fun and for fame, she is young (yes, 18 IS mentally still young) and thought this would be an ~adventure~. Also it begs the question; where are her parents during all this? Do they support her flying across the country to be with a married woman, her baby, and her husband who is 10 years her senior? This girl is legit neglected by her parents, she is probably desperate to feel accepted and supported within a structure of love, and unfortunately she was offered this clusterfuck that's unfolding now. But to her, at the time, maybe it seemed ok, or fun, or interesting, and because her brain is still developing she may not have fully realized the emotional fallout of the situation or online repercussions until it had already happened.
Again not saying she's blameless, but god damn it Onion is such a piece of shit for dragging a straight up CHILD into a love triangle with him and his wife. Like what the fuck, she's a mom and he's 30, neither of them should be fucking around with teens.
No. 226688
File: 1453868863028.png (544.04 KB, 923x588, fuck me with a rake.png)

No. 226689
File: 1453868902586.png (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 2208x1242, image.png)

I hate this faggot so much, jfc
he's definitely not done with his barely legal bottle of Windex: they're either keeping it quiet for now because Lainey has too much ammo, or waiting for her to fuck off with the kid
No. 226690
>>226688>>226689 I was just about to post it.
It's over, Onion won.
No. 226700
File: 1453869699515.gif (1.55 MB, 400x286, fugdis.gif)

I knew it! I knew that Taylor was too weak and complacent to do the hard thing. You know what? At this point, if she's okay with being cheated on oh wait '''''''''''cuddled''''''''' on with an 18yo scene whore in order to preserve her lazy, meaningless lifestyle and continue on with her 9-5 social media shitposting career, then she deserves all the pain and heartbreak that she'll get moving forward. She knows he's a piece of shit. She knows that she's aged out of Grog's favor and has resigned to being the safe option until Grog finds another barely legal piece of ass to ditch her for. She's just too unmotivated and too addicted to the attention she gets from being a the wife of an 'internet celebrity' and being ~mom~ to all of his prepubescent fans. I had some sympathy for her, but at this point the fact that she's '''''raising'''''' her kid(s) '''''''with''''''' a self-important, cheating pedophile instead of getting them the fuck out before they end up with serious emotional issues is just horrible on so many levels. She's putting her comfort and internet "fame" well above what's best for her kids.
Oh well. Grog is clearly tired of her and needs a younger piece of ass. Soon Taylor will be kicked to the curb whether she likes it or not.
No. 226708
File: 1453870580519.gif (499.57 KB, 500x200, tumblr_mj1vdiBN5B1rmam31o1_500…)

THIS STUPID BITCH!! Does she not give a shit about Troy, like AT ALL!!!?
No. 226709
File: 1453870787554.png (Spoiler Image,518.89 KB, 1242x2208, image.png)

>>226705yeah, it's probably an old picture, but the way he worded it just sounds like they're trying to work it out?
"To be given permission", "I don't deserve this but thank you", etc. Idk though
No. 226710
File: 1453871070392.png (Spoiler Image,571.35 KB, 1242x2208, image.png)

more tweets from Lainey's account, her friends are apparently managing it for right now
No. 226711
>>226709Idk, I tried image searching the picture/laineys part and nothing came up, unless it was in a video, if someone wants to do more searching.
UGh, either way hopefully this isnt a good thing im so MAD
No. 226722
>>226414You they did a legit study proving that men learn abuse behavior from their dads, and repeat how they were taught/shown how to disrespect women. It's deeply ingrained.
Like Onion's fucking psycho mom was probably cheated on by his dad, and I know he left them. Onion now finds "crazy"/damaged girls to torment and leave because he hasn't confronted his childhood and probably never will.
also personally backed because once i learned when dudes had abusive dads, unsurprisingly they pulled the same shit unless they actually deliberately confronted it.
No. 226731
>>226700She's extremely co dependent now after literal years of domestic abuse - of course when she tries to stand on her own for the first time ever she's going to feel that fucked up separation depression over it.
she's too unaware to know the pain/emptiness is straight up the hole greg clawed into her heart to control her. and he's being sooooooo calculated and guilting the fuck out of her so the abuse cycle can repeat.
I'm pissed too, but she's so emotionally and socially stunted she doesn't fucking get it. on top of probably truly believing staying with her kids dad is the best option.
No. 226741
>>226731I agree with what you're saying, but at the same time I don't. Greg's obviously the abuser here and being ridiculously manipulative, but when there's an innocent child in the mix, there's no excuse for staying in that environment once you have a moment of clarity. Taylor even acknowledged that everyone who warned her about Grog at first was right, and she's not isolated to the degree that many abuse victims are. She could have easily swallowed her pride and gone back to her parents' house. Hell, she even acknowledged that she had to make the choice between 'what is easy' and 'what is best'. She made the conscious decision to choose the easiest option and return to Grog, despite the consequences it will have on her child. If this were some horrific domestic violence issue where she were cut off from the world, her decision would be much more excusable, but she is demonstrably self-aware enough to know that she is choosing the option that is easiest for herself, and people have been telling her from the get-go that Grog is abusive and spamming her with resources for victims of abuse. She has farrrrrrr more support and information than the average abuse victim does and yet chooses to remain in her situation. I agree that it's because she's emotionally and socially stunted and codependent; I imagine that she has some mental health issues that prevent her from leaving. That said, she had the perfect opportunity to leave but didn't. I'm pretty sure that it's because she doesn't want to give up her lazy lifestyle given the 'better vs easy' tweet, which is inexcusable.
>on top of probably truly believing staying with her kids dad is the best option.Hmmm, do you think she might get her shit together if people show her research about the outcomes of children with a narcissistic or abusive parent, or an unstable parental relationship? If she truly cares about Troy, it might work.
No. 226742
Can someone just bait Onision into e-cheating on Lainey by pretending to be one of his young and delusional cult members
No. 226745
>>226743I'm pretty certain that the situation is grim… :(
>>226744I don't really have a social media presence; if I link articles about how a poor parental relationship, unstable household, or narcissistic parent can affect child development here can somebody send them to her?
No. 226760
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No. 226766
I wish someone would hold this greasy fucker down and pluck out his ass hairs individually. Then move on to his shriveled dangly balls.
No. 226768
>>226763He claims she makes it off t-shirt sales and videos, but that wouldn't be enough for anyone to live on.
Lainey is stupid as fuck, he was willing to give her custody and pay her monthly for support… but this is all a stunt, she'll no way give up their $600K mansion and constant supply of new clothing and stuff.
She's always been deeply materialistic, she's probably also worried she'll fade into obscurity if they divorce and her fans will wane with their attention.
I don't think this is about Troy in the slightest, for one; he's too young to register anything that's going on so she can stop with the excuses, and they were not thrown out in favour of Billie either, she left on her own accord.
They could've called a taxi and set Billie up for the night in a hotel if Lainey was so uncomfortable in her presence, they're loaded with cash so there was no excuse.
I guess this is why I'm 70% on edge about this all eventually being used as a publicity stunt.
No. 226770
>>226769This, and the way she acted in regards to finding a teenage girlfriend was skeezy as fuck, she may be a victim of Onision's abuse, but that doesn't give her the right to make others his victims by proxy.
Heck, this whole situation was shady as fuck with Billie to begin with, picking up teenage girls over the internet with your e-fame; because a guy looking for a teenage, bisexual lass who can be coaxed into a threesome seems more suspect to the potential victim.
I'd say that goes beyond her superficial whiny disposition.
No. 226778
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Just gonna leave this here for reference.
No. 226781
>>226778not only that fam but
"I destroyed my marriage with a woman I was supposed to love."
supposed to
sounds forced as fuck
No. 226798
>>226745>if I link domestic abuse information can someone tweet it to LaineyCan someone help with this?
I also don't even know how to use Twitter but I'd really like to send her some simple stats, can anyone help?
If anything it might be good for her followers to maybe see them.
This whole thing reminds me of when rhianna, idol to teen girls all over the world, went on to gaslight her own abuse story. Lainey isn't just a mom, shes "mom" to thousands of impressionable teens. Lying to then them that this relationship is ok is not a good thing, even if she's a victim this has the potential to effect the ideals of more kids than the average domestic abuse case.
>>226778Send this cap to her too
No. 226823
>>226781That's what confirmed to me he's a real sociopath. He throws around the word "love" and can make it disappear on a whim without remorse or heartache. Like what an anon said before, he's just emulating emotions he sees elsewhere.
The way he worded this sentence is just so wrong on so many levels.
No. 226830
>>226760I hope this will become a common response.
Shut up scum you cheated on your wife, your opinion is worthless. (Then link him to one of his videos about how all cheaters are scum. Extra lulz if it's the one where he says if she ever cheats he will commit seppukus.)
No. 226836
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No. 226837
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>>226836the backpedaling is real
No. 226844
File: 1453918449953.jpg (169.82 KB, 1143x843, shiloh.jpg)

Old blog post Shiloh wrote post-breakup.
No. 226846
>>226823It reminds me of the Adrienne saga. As soon as he feels that his partner "isn't fighting for love" (i.e. not meeting his exact expectations) he loses all interest in the relationship.
He definitely has some kind of cluster B personality disorder.
No. 226850
>>226838There's absolutely NO WAY he just "cuddled" with her whilst naked after massaging her tits and ass with oil, he even bluntly told Lainey he was hard as fuck for Billie in response to her saying no to him in asking to cuddle her…
He is not the type of guy to ignore his sexual predatory tendencies for an "innocent cuddle", he told Billie he "loved her" during all of the above, I wouldn't be fucking surprised if he was all like "SUCK ME!" repeatedly at her just like he did with Adrienne.
Not at any point did he stop with the "cuddling" on the couch with her, not at any point of that did he say "This isn't right without my wife being here". Instead they progressed from the couch into the bedroom, slicked her up, pretended to be a masseuse with a stonking hard-on, had a shower than cuddled up naked in bed together afterwards.
He rutted with her throughout the night, this isn't a guy who thinks with his brain before his dick.
No. 226854
It's really horrible how he's been purposely leaking out bits of information for Lainey to discover.
Like, at first he was all "It was just a cuddle whilst watching movies!"
Then it was, "Welp, I massaged her chest and butt with oil, but that's normal!"
Then it was "We fell asleep on our bed in each others arms."
Then, "I told Billie I love her."
Also a little later, "Oh, and I tried to kiss her."
Then, "I wanted a relationship with her as soon as you dumped me."
It seems to all continue to trickle out, like he's purposely trying to hurt Lainey with these little half-truths so she purposely lets it go around and around in her head as she tries to figure it all out.
He's one of the cruellest people I've ever seen, I honestly believe he's a fucking sadist.
No. 226855
>>226847Mom is a massage therapist - you take off your bra but they don't work on your boobs, it's just so it's easy to work on your back without the strap getting in the way. They ask if you want them to work on your glutes (no matter client/therapist gender), but even if you say yes, it's purely nonsexual. In porno, ass massage is usually some weird sensual light rubbing and slapping combo, but in real life it's just like working on an extension of your legs.
That said, that still only goes for professional massages like you'd get in a spa. Shit you can actually get a receipt for from your insurance company. A full body rub between friends in a casual environment really is pushing the boundary.
No. 226857
>>226855Yeah, and that being said… Gurg using his mom as a reference means shit, the lady is just as psycho as he is and has also been a member of a cult.
He could say she's some kind of psychic healer and stuck crystal dildos up Billie's snatch, and he'd still think and say he was innocent in all of it.
No. 226859
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>>226850i appreciate your concise brief, but god damn if i didn't want to retch reading it.
No. 226866
File: 1453923743078.png (232.85 KB, 731x581, gross.png)

Please, please, someone tell me that I'm not the only one that doesn't feel that the retweet he made above his newest Tweet doesn't feel coincidental.
Of all the Tweets his fans make, he decided to retweet that one above a post where he says he's happy and hopeful about the current situation??
No. 226868
''Cheating boyfriends make for some of the worst case scenarios when it comes to dating. Onision plays a character cheating on his girlfriend with other girls. He makes up excuse after excuse but his girlfriend (Laineybot) is too smart to believe him. Good for her.''
I hope she will be smart enough in real life too, to not believe all this love and woe is me bullshit.
No. 226875
>>226838"whatever you need to do to feel superior and justified."
I don't have to do anything to BE let alone FEEL superior to you you piece of shit - not even before you pulled your latest abusive stunt. And you're not getting hate because people "need" to feel superior and justified, it's because you are a Grade A CUNT.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the typical Narcissist double-edged "sorry-not-sorry 'apology'."
No. 226881
File: 1453926241555.png (43.79 KB, 729x295, hahaaaa.png)

Whoa… I totally missed this at first, but he's actually gaslighting her already.
From his video:
>>I also revealed to her that I gave her a massage.
Lainey didn't seem to care so much about the massage…especially considering her girlfriend and I gave her a full-body massage…within 48 hours prior at that time.
Lainey's response in the image posted.
No. 226883
>>226872I think he's had three houses in total so far, he's currently living in a mansion in Washington.
I don't think he uses the second house as a studio anymore since the lease was up… so it's primarily his house in Washington now.
No. 226886
>>226768>600k>mansionOh anon, you sweet summer child.
>>226838Greg, I don't need to do ANYTHING to "feel" superior when I know damn well I AM superior. At least I don't lack the courage to stand behind my convictions. I love the amount of backpedaling he's doing over the suicide thing. We all know he loves himself too much to commit suicide. And no therapist is REQUIRED to answer your call. They could be filled up with patients. Stay mad.
>>226872>>226878It's not his real address. He made his address over by Someguy's old apartment in Nevada to spook him. He lives in Washington iirc.
No. 226895
>>226886I'm wondering if he's now only mentioning the "cuddling" and none of the other details for damage control.
I know that when he kicked Shiloh out of his house, he was on the phone to his lawyer soon after.
It's very suspect how he's playing the innocence card, all his fans are now saying that Lainey is overreacting.
No. 226903
>>226894I don't think he goes out much. You're probably more likely to run into Lainey, although I do have the feeling that they prefer to order things online.
>>226895That's exactly what's happening. Did you see the tweet where he says "I think it's pretty harmless too, but not in this context"? He wants to acts superior by acknowledging what he's done so his fans can tell him that he didn't do anything and that it's just Lainey. And he's succeeding.
No. 226905
>>226895He probably told cumdumpster to only call it "cuddling" too. I still believe that they had sex.
>>226828He did mention he was using his computer to text, I don't know what they look like on a mac. But it's so easy to fake an imessage conversation, I don't know why these people are all being like "I HAVE THE TEXTS TO PROVE IT" It doesn't prove anything.
No. 226908
>>226903Could also be the reason he's talking exceptionally fast in his video as well, taking the focus away from the details and just focusing on the "betrayal for cuddling".
I'm really glad that Gina transcribed it for us, because the devil is definitely in the details.
No. 226914
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>>226911He's getting her back to the honeymoon phase in the cycle of abuse.
No. 226915
>>226911It's really suspicious, there's still no word from Lainey yet and if she has forgiven him without our knowledge… she certainly has not been back home since the incident.
So far, it sounds like she's stuck to what she's said and he's doing damage control with his fans by saying he's "hopeful and happy" and that he deserves hate for just "cuddling" - his fans are now standing by him and saying Lainey is overreacting (re: Gaslighting) so until Lainey decides to say something on the matter, we're all left guessing.
I'm holding onto some hope that Greg is just in denial for legality reasons and projecting martyrism like he did with Skye, Shiloh and Adrienne after the relationships ended with them, and preparing himself for the oncoming shitstorm.
One can only hope though.
No. 226918
>>226915I looked at Onion's latest instagram post where he's smiling and some fans said on Lainey's snapchat (Laineyybot) she posted a snapchat with him in it.
For fucks sake, what a fucking dumb cunt. She's gonna regret this
No. 226925
>>226918Bleh, I don't understand her, I really don't.
One minute she's agreeing with those who tell her to leave him, the next she's staying with him.
It's a constant cycle… I can't even count the number of times Shiloh broke up with him before she finally left, it must of been half a dozen times at least.
He's gonna cheat on her again, there's no doubt about it, he's already gotten away with it once now already so he'll just find another way of doing it. Lainey has proven she's dumb as fuck so he'll probably even coerce her into finding a "new girlfriend" as he'll probably spin it as Billie "clearly wasn't the one fighting for love" - the marriage is a sham, it's passionless and dead.
No. 226927
>>226923The only people who are gonna be able to help her is her family, but she never allows them to intervene, which after four years of marriage; they've still not been able to do shit, even with a baby on board.
Gerg continuously poisons her mind with reminders that she no longer needs them in her life.
It wasn't until Shiloh's mother had to forcibly take away her passport to stop her from going back to Gerg that she stopped chasing after him, she never listened to anyone else either when he was clearly abusing her.
No. 226930
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I can't believe we ever thought she'd be strong enough to leave that abusive shit
No. 226934
>>226930Ehh, it's just gonna be milked as some "love conquers all, against all odds!" bullshit by them both for more publicity.
Fans will gush all over them again as being their "relationship goals!" and how "that slut couldn't tear these two strong lovers apart" ect, ect.
Now we can expect to go back to the usual schedule of Gerg spamming his Twitter account with his "undying love" for "his beautiful wife Lainey" who he "doesn't deserve" (^_^) and Lainey going back to her breastfeeding and circumcision obsessions with some emo lyrics chucked in there for good measure.
Same ol' same 'ol.
No. 226936
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Can I just say, I'm not really surprised to see Lainey going back to Gurg? Disappointed, yes. Surprised? Not really.
Let's look at it this way: Onion is a manipulative psychopath who has been grooming Lainey to be his child-bride since she was 17. Some of you may say she was old enough to realize what she was getting into. However, I think that it's Onion who should be old enough to know not to get in relationships with people 10+ years his junior, not to alienate them from their family, not to manipulate them into becoming a person they never really wanted to be, and not to emotionally and physically cheat on the mother of his child with an 18 year old girl.
But you can tell, even in his tweets, Onion is trying to play himself off as the victim. He's trying to make this off as not a big deal, like it was "just cuddling" but "boo hoo I'm so terrible Lainey I don't deserve you leave my house with my kid so I can go fuck this barely legal teen a bloo bloo."
So I imagine that Gerg has just been manipulating Lainey with suicide threats, making it seem like she was upset over nothing, and has made millions of empty promises that 'everything will be better if you just give me a chance!"
I don't hate Lainey for getting back with him, even though I despise her decision and wish she would move back in with her parents and get a real job. I don't hate Billie for being immature and cheating with Onion, even though she should have never entangled herself with them. But I fuckin hate Onion and I hope that he takes a shotgun to the fucking face before he destroys anyone else. He's the one who is really at fault here. He's the master manipulating psychopath in this whole situation.
No. 226943
>>226936I agree with you. A lot of women stick it out with cheating husbands, women older than lainey, with more life experience and their own jobs to fall back on.
But, just because she says she'll stay with him now doesn't mean she won't change her mind later. She has a lot to process, even if it was "just cuddling". She also has the pressure of a shit load of 12 year olds and their psychopath senpai pressuring her into staying. I wouldn't be suprised if he threatened to commit suicide in the same breath he used to say "b-but think of our child(ren)!"
No. 226951
>>226892IDK about Washington but here in Georgia yyou can get a literal mansion for that muc, if not damn close
Their house is really nice though I struggle to understand how gurg gets enough YouTube shekels to afford that shit
No. 226961
>>226847Every time I've gotten a massage, they did the very top of my legs just below the butt but not my actual butt. They avoided my breasts completely.
He said he based it on the massages his mother gave him but the dude doesn't have tits so what made him think massaging her boobs was okay?
No. 226967
>>226964It's what he does all the time. It starts off minimal and then snowballs.
I feel sorry for Lainey because there isn't enough distance between him and her for her to reflect on the relationship. It's so easy to see all the flaws in a relationship when you're well out of it but he never lets her get far enough away.
No. 226978
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>>226973Lamey started out as Onion-obsessed dumb fangirl while the whole Shiloh and Adrienne drama was going on.
And his pickup line to her was basically
>Boost my ego even more then.No wonder she is so easily in denial.
No. 226985
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No. 226987
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>"I'm not associated with them anymore"
>retweets Onion
No. 226989
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>>226985>>226985Is… Is this real life?
No. 226991
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>>226985>>226985These two shitbags are literally mocking Lainey.
Does she even realize that?
No. 226993
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>>226991and he's still going with this shit
No. 226999
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He's starting this shit again. He really doesn't regret a thing and he doesn't feel bad at all. I'm not sure if they're back together, but whatever he's doing, I think it's working in his favour.
Lainey disliked the whole topic and stated that they don't agree with him and tried to explain how racism works. He wouldn't talk about a sensitive topic while still fighting for Lainey, right?
No. 227007
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No. 227008
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No ring.
But seeing as he's gone on some weird, manic spamfest on Twitter - he could just all be fucking with them.
No. 227013
>>227009They met up again at some point yesterday or earlier today, there were snapchats between them both.
So she's either gone back with him to the house or he's just visited and picked the dogs up whilst he was there.
No. 227014
>>226712Lamey is a boob nazi because Onion is a boob nazi. Onion was boob fed and he turned out better than all of us. Oh wait.
>>226892Not the same anon, but a McMansion then. Onion probably lives in a McMansion.
>>226886Maybe yeah, but did he not move to Nevada briefly to fuck Shiloh or Skye or Lamey or whoever while she was underage or something? I remember some story of him moving out of state to fuck an underage girlfriend.
>>226936Yeah I'm not surprised at all either tbh. My heart hurts for this poor stupid girl, but it takes a lot more than she, someone who has been groomed into this since a teenager, has got.
>>226973Uh yes she can because that motherfucker has totally brainwashed her. Same as how she could say everything was going "just fine" until 2 nights ago even though there has been a lot of bullshit coming from Onion over the years.
>>226993Ugh this is just dumb. I've used spit or lube or w/e to give my uncircumcised bf a handy before. It still feels better with lube apparently. nbd.
Why is he so obsessed with other dude's wieners anyway?
Makes me think his is probably tiny. Or bent like chrischan's.
>>227007So much for cutting ties with Onion. Lol.
No. 227015
>>227012Nah fam, I've had a lot of tasty uncircumcised dicks in my time, there's only been a couple of occasions where I've refused to suck a dick cos they're dirty as fuck.
I betting Onion has a dirty dick though with the way he goes on about them.
No. 227021
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>>227003>>227008The mental image of the first post plus the picture from the second, with that pedo-smile and the smell that's gotta follow him everywhere… kill me
No. 227022
>>227007If Lainey is in on all this and she's allowing them to disrespect her in public, then there's no fucking hope for her and she's clearly into humiliation and masochism.
If she's not and she's unaware of this, then she needs to see it for herself so she can do herself and her son a massive favour and fucking leave him.
No. 227024
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>>227022Supposedly, she is taking a break from social media.
But given that she is on them 24/7, I don't think she doesn't lurk and check twitter from time to time.
Unless, Onion suggested to take away her phone to "help her take a break from internet so she can decide what is best for her, no pressure :-)" and she actually complied.
I wouldn't put it past both of them.
No. 227028
>>227016I find it sad yet amusing that every girlfriend or wife he's dumped in favour of a new girl, have all turned on each other rather than question Onion's motives.
They don't think "Oh shit, this dude has a long, bad history of relationships - maybe there's something wrong with him and not the girls he dated" but nope, they'd rather pretend to be nicey-nice with each other until they use each other to get back with him then stab each other in the backs.
I think that's another reason why he enjoys dating underage girls instead of women, because Adrienne wanted no part of that when Shiloh backstabbed her.
No. 227032
>>227028Yeah, I wish all of his exes (at least starting from Skye and including Taylor, if she only would break up with him) kind of grouped together and ran campaign against him. I know they moved on with their lives but maybe it could help preventing him getting more barely legal victims and it would ruin jis career.
I just want Onion to burn in hell.
No. 227033
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eyebleach urgently requesteed
No. 227039
>>227032I think they eventually did (Adrienne and Shiloh at least) after they finished with him for good. They both wrote separate accounts of their time with him, but there's not really much they can do outside of that.
His newer girlfriends (victims) have refused to even take their accounts into consideration, both Taylor and Billie… even his fans think their accounts are bullshit.
"Greg would never treat me like those neurotic whores! Ugguuuu! I'm just so special to him! :3c"
No. 227043
>>227040Yeah, Adrienne wrote the one lengthy post about their time together and posted his insane phone-call audios but that was enough for her, she pretty much disappeared for good after sharing some emails between herself and Shiloh's mother to warn her about Greg.
Shiloh wrote about their relationship more than half a dozen times on her own blogs and other blogs that requested that information from her. She definitely doesn't want to continue talking about him anymore as she's said she's done explaining the same shit, and that it's an extremely disturbing piece of history for her to keep looking back on.
No. 227045
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No. 227046
>>226663yeah unpopular opinion: billy bob whoreton is actually so dumb and socially/emotionally stunted i don't believe for a second she's as conniving as people think.
she was stoked she could be with Lainey but got excited of being with the "famous" onion when his plan worked out and he was showing her interest. Onion is old, experienced, and very very calculated. Billie is a fucking idiot who was being taken advantage of. Even if she did make a move on Onion it's 100% his responsibility to say no.
She's a top tier dweeb but hating her is what Onion wants. He needs that division and ability to blame her after she was smart enough to reject him.
No. 227047
>>226936>I don't hate Billie for being immature and cheating with Onion, even though she should have never entangled herself with them. That's what I think too. I mean, I think Billie is stupid as shit so I don't like her, but she hasn't had much "stake" in Lainey and Gurg's relationship, like she doesn't owe anything to anyone. On top of course being a young 18 yr old hungry for fame…sure she's smart enough to know better but at that age it's really not surprising, and while I find her obnoxious as a whole, I can't hold it against her. Whereas Gurg, obviously by getting in a relationship, promised Lainey to be faithful, so he's really the one to blame. And obvi he's much older, and as we can see, a manipulator…so yeah. Fuck him.
No. 227051
>>227045I don't even know what to say, lol. Is he just making jokes to distract?
>>227046Not necessarily unpopular. I don't think the thought everything through and think that Greg might have promised her something that she couldn't resist (let's say fame or money, for example).
Also, I felt so good when everything went down and now I'm just upset that all his fangirls are on his side again, hating Lainey and that they might end up together again. Ugh.
No. 227054
>>227046Not to give him too much credit there, but he's only experienced with manipulating young girls.
He has little to no experience of women, relationships or sex in general, he puts them all on a pedestal until he feels like pushing them off… he's a firm believer of the manic pixie dream-girl trope and stereotypes them as such.
We're all either bitches or providers of his sexual fantasies, nothing more and nothing less.
No. 227056
>>227046She still hasn't technically rejected him, she said no to the kissing because she felt it was "all too soon" after Lainey said she was dumping him.
The texts at the end of his video show that Billie was still interested in him and he was trying to initiate a relationship with her until Lainey said he told her he had some sort of "epiphany" and put things on hold with Billie.
With her now retweeting his posts, it's clear she's not sticking to her "Ugh, I'm never getting involved with a married couple again" claims.
No. 227057
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Can anyone confirm that? Also, is there a possibility for someone to take a picture of their phone using another camera or their webcam? I don't have Snapchat and I don't really want to sign up for it.
No. 227060
>>227057Noone else in this thread has mentioned it except for the three photos posted on an earlier snapchat of their wedding rings and faces.
The only photos I know of Onion draped in a blanket and showing off his zitty chest are the ones posted in the last thread? And they were posted sometime last week… sooooo, I don't know.
No. 227064
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>>227057Is it possible they're talking about these ones?
No. 227066
File: 1453953336871.png (Spoiler Image,209.01 KB, 320x480, tumblr_o1mt9c7g201ubls6fo1_400…)

>>227057I think they're talking about this one, it was taken today.
No. 227067
File: 1453953366041.jpg (31.93 KB, 426x316, im_mad.jpg)

Seeing Grog's repulsive doughy body
triggers me tbh
No. 227068
>>227065Nuhuh, they're not recent… they were posted here:
>>222604>>222669>>22267011 days ago, but it's the only ones that fit the description. The Onisiondrama blog reposted that from the eoliveson blog, so I don't know how long ago that was originally posted on there.
No. 227072
>>227071Throwing holy water over everything posted here in the last 30 minutes now.
Ew ew ew, I even know of people who purposely fight because the make-up sex afterwards feels fantastic in comparison to regular sex.
You fucking fool, Lainey.
No. 227079
>>227024>Onion suggested to take away her phone to "help her take a break from internet so she can decide what is best for her, no pressure :-)" >so *he can decideFixed it for you.
Also Lainey looks so uncomfortable in that photo, jfc.
No. 227084
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>>227071It looks to me like she is feeling smug because she had make-up sex with Onion and that will somehow show Billy Bob that she is his true love.
Her fangirl mentality never left her. She will stay forever in Gurg's greasy grip.
No. 227086
File: 1453955928874.png (Spoiler Image,514.56 KB, 1049x649, billiebobwhoreton.png)

her nose makes me think of a pig
No. 227087
File: 1453955960062.gif (927.5 KB, 432x324, tumblr_m7fpbynf2i1ro8ysbo1_500…)

I'm so sad this calmed down and all the milk dried up, but it sure was a wild ride for a day or so. In it's peak I felt like we were bonding over milk.
No. 227092
Here is one interesting excerpt from Adrienne's (Onion's ex-gf) letter.
Obviously, G is Greg.
>A day later, or perhaps it was even that same night, I went to my friends house and paid for his fiance, who is a licensed massage therapist to fix my neck, shoulders and back, because I have chronic pain issues (which G knows about).
>He was fine with this, he was fine with me not Skyping him (in fact he had laid off since he knew I was going out there in a few days, and let me do whatever I wanted without bitching about it). It was when I went home and made a facebook status update on my friends only, private account – referring to my massage as a “sensual” one in an obviously joking manner that he got upset. He saw my status, and called me, just short of screaming. He started telling me that I have disrespected, and publicly humiliated him, because I was writing inappropriate things on my personal facebook. He told me that because I am bisexual, that by nature I am inclined to be promiscuous and that I shouldn’t let anyone but him touch me. That because I am bisexual, I cannot be trusted – that I have been inappropriate with a member of one of the sexes I am attracted to.
>(One of the, uh, two sexes that actually exist).
No. 227095
>>227092Yeh, that was back when he couldn't understand ANYTHING outside of a heterosexual, monogomous relationship.
He still doesn't, he just thinks now that two girls getting it on in front of him tickles his dickiedoo and would make a no-strings attached change from his otherwise boring marriage and world.
He's still incredibly homophobic, he just hides it a little better than he used to.
No. 227096
>>227092This is so scary and reminds me of my own abusive relationship (that, happily, I've left. But the damage it caused me still remains.)
Please get out while you can, Lainey.
No. 227103
What it's all basically come down to is that NEITHER of them have any sexual experience outside of what they were used to.
Gerg wanted a threesome, thinks bisexuality somehow coincides with that, pushed Lainey into a relationship she didn't want to be in, BxL didn't bond as emotionally or as physically as he planned, Billie wanted Greg's cheesy dick, Lainey got jealous, Greg fucked Billie cos his smegdick couldn't handle the pressure (he should've just had a wank with some lube, he would've felt better), he confessed to Lainey, Lainey broke up with Billie and Greg, Greg tried to get with Billie, GREG'S EPITHANY! Greg visits Lainey, both have makeup sex…
Story to be continued…
No. 227112
>>227110It would've worked if Lainey allowed Billy and Onion to date each other, but I remember her putting her foot down before she even started looking for other girls that Onion was NOT allowed to be sexually intimate with other women.
She was fine with him fucking guys, just not girls.
Onion is heterosexual… so no, it was never going to work, a polyamorous relationship was never possible for him at all and it never will be.
So he either has to "turn" bisexual himself, or learn to keep his hands off Lainey's future girlfriends.
But I think this whole experience has left them both a bit rustled, so hopefully… she won't be coerced by him anytime soon into finding a new girlfriend.
No. 227116
>>227115Uhuh, that's why it's never going to work any time now or in the future.
He's either gonna have to accept that he's a monogamous cuck, or start getting experimental with guys, which he won't ever do.
He wants his sexual fantasies to come true, he wants a threesome with Lainey and another girl who he can join in with.
No. 227118
>>227084oh wow, so she's wearing her ring and fucking him now she has absolutely no pride.
he clearly chose billy and even packed her shit up so they could """cuddle""" after a full body oil massage. You were his back up, a fat aging abusive pedophile with explosive acne who
rejected you.
Troy will without a doubt learn to treat women like shit just like his peace of shit father. One day when Troy is older he can also make his girlfriend shave her head. I wonder if Greg will even try to steal Troy's girlfriends.
Maybe over a decade down the road when Lainey catches him getting a little too close to one of Troy's extremely underage girl friends will Lainey know.
No. 227119
>>227118oh jesus I don't even wanna think about that
I'm not putting him passed it though
No. 227120
>>227109>>227112But Lainey herself said she wasn't actually interested in pursuing a relationship with another person and it's Greg who encouraged her.
So I don't think she was actually polyamorous.
No. 227121
>>227113They're gonna end up giving each other ultimatums after this, and it's not going to work.
She's either going to have to stop being polyamorous, or Onion is going to have to stop trying to fuck her future girlfriends.
Now which one do you think with compromise out of the two?
If she wants to stay poly, she's going to have to make arrangements where she and only she makes the visits to see any potential girlfriend and never invites her back to their house, otherwise Onion is going to be creeping and heavy breathing down the back of their necks.
Or Onion is going to have to learn to allow her to be in a another relationship without him, it's just not gonna happen with him.
I think they're gonna give up pretending to be poly shit and settle, until Onion finds another jailbait girl to fuck on his own.
No. 227123
>>227122He doesn't.
Someone on his forums suggested to him that he might have it and he rolled with it.
Internet diagnosis and all.
No. 227124
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Well at least his facebook page is still being cuck spammed.
No. 227128
>>227127Pretty much, that's why I think this is gonna wear the relationship down even more.
They both can't have their cake and eat it regarding the whole poly business, so Onion is just gonna end up fucking someone else anyway, it's his mantra.
No. 227133
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She isn't poly anyways. It was Greg's plan to get himself some new teenage poon.
Now Lainey probably won't settle for a new GF. But I know for sure Greg wants someone new, Lainey became too old for him. The question is how is he gonna do it while painting Lainey in bad light.
No. 227140
>>227133The only thing that makes me uneasy about this, especially with her dropping the poly shit - is that she says there that's she's open to be in an open relationship with Onion.
Open relationship = no strings attached, swinging, fucking and cucking around, not related to polyamory, no girlfriends or boyfriends, just fucking, one night stands, ect.
If that's the case, he will get what he wants eventually whilst keeping Lainey around just as the mother of his child.
There's the possibility he will try to convince her into this idea again, but will say something like - "We didn't do it right last time, I shouldn't of pushed you to get with Billy, this time we can just have no emotional attachment to anyone."
Then it just depends whether or not she's stupid/brave enough to accept that and go ahead with it.
No. 227142
>>227133how does she not fucking get that she is there as bait and his child bearer
greg is a misogynist and has hated women since his crazy ass mom, he will expend all his energy trying to convince you otherwise because he needs you to believe otherwise to keep hiding.
lainey has zero self esteem, i don't even think she's a gold digger i think she just truly believes her life will never get better because she hasn't even been in a stable adult relationship ever.
No. 227143
>>227139You can't internet diagnose like that, anon. Personally, I don't believe he has BPD at all.
But then again, I'm not a trained professional who has worked with him in psychotherapy, so I can't say anything for sure. And neither can you.
No. 227149
>>227146I don't even believe that he's going to go through with this "marriage counselling" bullshit considering how much he's against therapy.
I knew it when he started making excuses that he tried phoning half a dozen of them and "getting no answers".
He'll just continually beg and plead with Lainey to drop as as they're "strong enough" to get through this on their own.
If a therapist sees what he's like and his psychotic sense of reasoning about anything, then they're going to tell Lainey what she doesn't want to hear.
And he won't like that, not one bit.
No. 227151
>>227149>I knew it when he started making excuses that he tried phoning half a dozen of them and "getting no answers". I noticed that tweet. He's so full of shit.
Lainey is probably gonna give up and stay with him. This whole situation makes me sick.
No. 227153
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Why is he suddenly spamming shitty jokes on his twitter?
Trying to hide the drama that occured?
No. 227168
>>227166His videos have sucked lately and he's been putting in minimal effort while talking about controversial topics as well recently as he admitted for money. A shame but he was never that good IMO anyway.
But yeah, Someguy and others need to talk about it.
Also the whole status of their relationship still hasn't been shared with anyone besides the snapchat which is weird to me… Like what?
No. 227176
>>227156>>227157I used to like Rep too, but then he kept threatening to kill himself if he didn't get laid. He looks like a total douche in the video but at least his stutter has gotten better.
I stopped watching him in 2014 when he became the Amazing Atheist jr. Maybe he'll leak a sex tape where he sticks a banana up his ass and talks about the time that Greg caught him lying about wanting to debate him.
No. 227177
>>227175If a guy bathes every day and takes care of his dick, it is a lovely thing to behold, uncut or cut.
Anyone with a good hygiene and self-care routine is a godsend.
Onion looks like he hardly ever bathes though, poor diet, lack of sunlight, too much residue from greasepaint and slimy hair products.
No thank you, I'll pass… (smelly dicked fucker)
No. 227184
>>227180Rep is cute in a pathetic kind of way, but Onion is fucking repulsive.
I still don't understand why even some anons here find him attractive.
No. 227186
>>227184I don't know, I find them both a bit repulsive. I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder though. I think anyone who keeps people in relationships by threatening suicide should really just kill themselves.
>>227177Went to school with a kid that loved talking about his foreskin. He swore that just pulling the skin back, spitting on it, and wiping it off daily was all it needed. Given Greg's disposition and the fact that you can regrow foreskin, I feel his circumcision rants are just too push down the fact that he is a cheater and a cuck.
No. 227191
>>227186I didn't know that much, I don't really follow him, I just went by appearance and patheticness of him through his videos.
I'm reading his ED page now.
No. 227193
>>227192…I just saw a photo of his very strong wanking arm and I am now I am repulsed.
Thanks anon.
No. 227195
>>227194In less than 30 minutes, you've convinced me that he's actually cringeworthy and a lolcow himself.
Fucking hell, most of these YT vloggers are almost on the same level as Onion, it's like some weird predisposition they have in airing their nasty or insane thoughts for all the world to see.
Back on topic though, I'll probably give it until weekend that Lainey reappears online, I can't see her even lasting out that long without her hugbox.
No. 227197
>>226940>I just feel a tad mentally exhausted by it allThis so much. I'm just tired now. This is wrong, but I feel hopeless, what can I do about it? I don't know these people, and they're so used to crazy fans that making a 'truth blog' would be ignored.
I definitely shouldn't blame Lainey but I feel so frustrated by it all, I'm going to just read Taytay threads instead now and look at the pretty clothes.
No. 227199
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>>226161His fans are hilarious
No. 227200
>>227199I don't get it how can someone be that brainwashed. I feel everytime someone tells them their precious Onion is not so perfect, they grab their head and start screaming "NO!! IT CANT BE!!!!"
It's like that fag who screamed leave Britney alone.
No. 227202
>>226832As a vegan (in his eyes superior), I have never judged meat eaters or used my veganism as an argument
>"Yeah but you eat meat and I don't so I'm morally superior and it doesn't matter if I fucked up!"No Grog, you being a vegetarian means nothing to me, if you were a vegan it would mean nothing to me, you cheated on your wife and did a LOT of other fucked up things. Tbh I think that him being a vegetarian is like a 'shit I fucked up, but at least I'm morally superior, I get of jail free' card.
No. 227203
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>>227200>"he ONLY CRIED WHEN THE SUBJECT OF HIS CHILD came up"Gotta give gerg some credit, he's pretty good at manipulating his little underage fans
No. 227205
>>227001The reason for intactivism is to prevent both male and female babies/children from being put through it, but all he does is attack grown people that can't change what happened to themselves, and like it's their fault. He never cared for nonviolent education, which works much better. He just pisses on people to stroke his ego.
>>226973I sent her that TEAR one with modifications, but I expect either no reply or "you don't know my life :)"-type answer.
No. 227210
>>227209Yeah hearing views that are the opposite of your own, can already make you feel attacked. Making it worse by literally calling someone a murderer, doesn't help.
It's like he's socially retarded, not autistic level, but literally as if he has brain damage.
Like I'm sick and tired of having to explain to people that not every vegan or vegetarian thinks that all meat eaters should die. It's because of people like him that it's the most common question I get.
No. 227213
>>227210I also find it funny that he always brings up being a vegetarian whenever he can, to sound morally superior of course, it's as if he's always telling himself that he's better than everyone else. He also refuses to acknowledge that there are in fact unhealthy vegetarians and vegans. Like he says that ALL meat eaters are unhealthy and ALL non meat eaters are healthy, his ignorance on that alone makes meat eaters see how delusional he is about the whole subject and turn away from it. Personally, I'm not one for trying to convert anyone to my vegan lifestyle, I think it's up to the individual to decide for themselves, but IF I was, I wouldn't call the people I'm trying to convert murderers and say that they're inherently unhealthy, as I said before, that just turns people away from you.
Stupid onion.
No. 227216
>>226864Because he's a narcissist and/or a sociopath. That's what they do when they're blamed.
Plus, he knows it'll work, because time and time again, fans have flocked to him to say, "No, no, it's not your fault." Not to mention, all these girls that he's abused are probably so wrapped around his finger that they feel bad and run back to him, thanks to his victim bullshit and guilt tripping.
Most of his fans are underage girls. They believe him and coddle him because they're naive and because they think he's hot. The same thing has happened with other douchey celebrities, like Justin Bieber, for example.
No. 227222
>>227209If it makes you feel any better, I'm past my mid-30s, extremely sociable and I've never met a vegan like people over the internet describe.
Every vegan and vegetarian I've met (I've met a lot) has been nothing but respectful to me, I think cos it's the internet, it's easier to pull the straw man routine because of anonymity and attention.
That's why you get these emotionally stunted children making stories up on Tumblr and shit that never even happened to them, it's bullshit to make themselves more special than they really are.
Onion is no exception to this, if he can take a topic that is barely controversial and make it controversial - he will do it for those sweet, sweet views.
No. 227224
>>227199Who does this idiot think they're kidding?
Crying over Troy?
He gave up custody of Troy in a single split second, in writing, not even something verbally which could be taken back if he made a mistake.
He cannot take care of Troy at the same time as his YT career, and every other fucking side project he has going on regarding his books and music.
He cannot take care of Troy if he wants to use the spare time from his work, chasing underage girls, Troy and his wife's recent divorce would be a cockblock to the majority of potential victims, they would not want to look after HIS baby all day whilst they worked.
That's why he gave up custody of Troy, it had nothing to do with Lainey's rights as a mother, the child more of a ball and chain to him than Lainey is.
He's the opposite of compassionate, PERIOD
His motives have never been anything but selfish and self-serving.
His fans need to get that through their thick-fucking-skulls.
No. 227233
>>227232Same honestly but it would explain a lot, I don't wanna share a disorder with onion but he already brought it up in one of his convos
He's weird in that he mentions mental illness things in his books about himself "I COULD BE a psychopath.." etc over and over but then when it comes to being checked and diagnosed he won't do it.
No. 227238
>>227233His mom used to be in a cult and is now one of those "new age healer" type of wackos.
Her influence over him contributed to his psychosis and thoughts on the medical field in general.
I'm not excusing him at all, but a good percentage of his fucked-up views are because of her.
No. 227241
>>226918I just added her on snapchat with the intention of sending her something about emotional abuse, but then I looked at the story and having it here on my own phone I just don't feel I can do anything.
Honestly, receiving something like that will just make her hurt inside, she's not going to leave him based on a message from a randomer.
I feel so hollow.
No. 227244
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Every single time I see an unedited version of Greg.
No. 227246
>>227243Well, regardless of most of us either liking Lainey or not… noone should wish abuse on anyone, and those who do (I've never seen anyone here think this way) are really no better than Onion.
I think the Onion hatred is universal here.
No. 227253
He has grow his hair because he has such a harsh, deep-set facial structure. Without it, he seriously looks no different to mugshots you see of rapists, serial killers or school shooters, that's why in most of his instagram photos, his hair is covering his brow.
He uses filters to soften his features even more to get that "pretty boy" high-school sweetheart look that lures in his underage fans, once you see him outside these elements… you wouldn't even dare sit next to him on a bus seat, even if it was the last one.
No. 227256
>>227249I know it's frustrating, but it's so pointless.
Until these children walk a mile in a victim of abuse's shoes and experience it for themselves, they're going to be ignorant of it all.
It's safe in their little bubble, they're just going to get schooled by life when the harsh realities finally do catch up to them.
And only then, will they start to reconsider their thoughts about Onion.
No. 227259
>>227254Haha, every time my partner sees my browser window open on this website, he just tuts, rolls his eyes and says; "Oh, you're on the hatebox again?" then goes back to playing Counter Strike.
It's hard to explain Onion to anyone unless they get sucked in by the drama themselves, and considering he has such a long fucking history of his shenanigans, I can't bring myself to waste more time on him by explaining him to them more than I have to bear of him myself.
No. 227262
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Seeing Laineys Dead Eyes.
No. 227264
>>227261I like this but it seems dangerous. Onion's fans seem honestly pretty mentally unstable. Now imagine you make a video like that, and these crazy shits try to doxx you, it could seriously go bad. Honestly I wouldn't want to mess with teenyboppers.
Best make an animated video
No. 227269
>>227264I remember when one of his (ex)fans went to some social event or con where Onion was present and a few of his fans jumped her because she wasn't all up his ass.
She made a video about the assault, but Onion mocked her and told her that he didn't believe her.
No. 227274
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>>227253Here's some more unedited pictured of him. I did not think there's a need to spoiler it because this was before his acne got out of control
No. 227290
>>227281Because he appeals to the edgy and rebellious phase that they're going through as teenagers.
They feel no one understands them better than Onision does, they're the same kinds of teenagers that latch onto the Columbine shooters on Tumblr… they feel ostracised by their peers at school, blame everyone else but themselves but to them Onion has all the answers.
I just wish he'd fucking die for their sins already.
No. 227304
>>227301He has two, "Stones to Abbigale" and "This is why I hate you"
The first one involves a school shooting, this is his intro to it:
"This book is made up of events that occurred in my own life mixed with fiction from the made up life of James. James is essentially a better version of myself. His home, his school & his life all resemble my own at his age. The people James analyzes and is surrounded by are not so unlike those I’ve known as well. I have experienced much of the loss James has however his happier moments are more often than not also mine. I want to share my story without it being purely non-fiction. I simply felt this approach would make for a far better book. At points I cried while writing this, at others I laughed. Stones To Abbigale is not just a book I wrote, it is a piece of who I am."
"This is why I hate you" Intro:
"Within these pages wait violent fights, disease, death, controversy, sexuality, tragedy and crime.
This journal documents a hateful young man's path to darkness. Many events that occur are based on real events. You will find many moments from the authors own life sewn into the life of Arthur Gale.
You can only go so far before all hope of return is lost; this book reaches that point, and goes even farther.
James represented the light, Arthur is the dark. There is no hero. There is only Arthur."
So yeah, that's why I said if it wasn't for his books, I'd agree with you that he doesn't really appeal to edgelord teenagers.
No. 227324
What is next? Will he cheat on Lainey with a rhino? He said he'd give it a full body massage. Will he give it the full treatment he gave cumdumpster?
No. 227327
>>227321Yeah. If I would have more time, I would download and reupload them somewhere else. :(
What I usually do is to copy the video URL from his page without clicking on it and downloading it from a video downloading site. And then just delete it after watching.
No. 227340
>>227329LMAO he's not even vegan anon, he's vegetarian
If you're gonna preach about being morally superior at least go all the way jfc
No. 227386
>>227369They began talking over Skype and began dating a week after he and Shiloh were over. Greg rented a home, so that he could be near Taylor. He moved back to Washington because they decided they should not see each other for 4 to 5 months until Taylor starts college. When she started, they rented an apartment and she planned to finish her semester, then move back to Washington in December. The ex-friend claims at the time of writing her blog post, Taylor's parents did not know she was married to Greg and living with him. They believed she was living in her college dorm. They also did not know she was planning on moving back to Washington with him and that she planned to travel around the world with Greg on Digitour while taking online classes. They also did not know that Taylor and Greg legally changed their last names.
Greg and Taylor decided to take time apart because Taylor's dad did not agree with their relationship. Taylor complains that he says it's illegal, but she says Greg is speaking to his lawyer to make sure it is legal. She says she couldn't go back to Greg's place (most likely the house he rented) because her parents would not let her
tl; dr
Her parents had no idea what was going on as they both lied to them, it wasn't until they dropped their marriage in their laps that it was too late to have any say in the matter.
No. 227393
>>227392When Taylor's sister began to intervene shortly afterwards when they all found out, Gerg began to tear into her over his FB account, calling her a whore, airing her personal details to all his fans.
Taylor did fuck all about it.
No. 227395
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>>227146It would probably go down like pic related.
>>227229Didn't he claim to have bpd in the adrienne voicemails?
No. 227401
>>227400Sorry, just scrolled up and saw that.
But if he thought pretended to have a mental illness would get him laid he definitely has some form of retardation.
No. 227419
>>227254 I raise you one, I ended up talking about this thread at my abusive relationship counselling appt today.
It started off as an offhand comment about how I felt weird because of I'd come across a case where I recognised how clear it was to everyone apart from those involved just how bad the manipulation was, but the counsellor got confused and worried and made me explain. I hadn't intended to give a rundown and felt a bit crazy using my session trying to explain why I keep up with this drama, people really don't get it. Ot sorry.
Is there a way to reach her family or is there just no point in even trying? If they couldn't pull her out at the start I doubt they can now.
No. 227422
>>227419Onion pretty much controls her life, I posted about it earlier today here:
>>226927I hope therapy is going well for you, anon.
No. 227425
>>227395He told Adrienne he thinks he has BPD, yet he's never actually went to see a psychiatrist about it, he just used it as an excuse for his manipulation.
BPD or not, if you're your illness out on other people and not getting help for it, you don't deserve any sympathy.
There's no way he doesn't have some kind of personality disorder, though. My money's on NPD or being one of the less capable sociopaths, but I won't play Dr. Google here.
No. 227427
>if you're your illnessOops.
"if you're taking your illness", even.
No. 227434
>>227375Am I the only one who can't understand a fucking word he's saying? He talks and edits way too fast that it all ends up sounding like a run-on sentence.
I'm not watching it again, I'd have to pause before every edit so I can process what the fuck he's even talking about.
No. 227445
>>227422It's actually going really well thank you, which is frustrating here because it highlights how badly lainey really just needs a similar safe place to speak to someone outside of the gregosphere. If she would just even go see her parents, surely that would be a start?
She just updated her snap story to a photo of her looking bored with emoji tears coming out of her eyes, it says "accurate".
She still seems to be wearing her ring.
No. 227450
>>227440Her sister contacted him telling him to remove the statuses about her, he wouldn't and he continued to post more. He really went into obscene detail about her sex life just because she told Lainey to get away from him and leave him.
It wasn't until the sixth status he made about her that Lainey finally told him to stop, it was really sad to see.
No. 227454
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It's probably best for her to just stay on instagram, twitter is full of his white-knighting fans
No. 227459
>>227393Also when her father tried to stop it, Onision shat all over him too. Actually she shat all over him again in a recent video called "Draw my Wife".
And when Lainey tweeted something nice about her mother for Mother's Day, Gurg also protested. He started tweeting on his public twitter how Lainey's mom is not a good mom because of reasons and she should not be thankful to her.
I really hope Onion ends up in prison one day.
No. 227467
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He's turning on his concerned fans!!
No. 227468
>>227467wow, edgy
this will just bring him cool points from his teenage fans.
No. 227469
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No. 227475
>>227469>Rayna Pollard: gahhhh can people get the message?Typical stan.
Greg could literally burn their houses down and they would still support him
No. 227483
>>227439I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest.
His books seem to set off NPD alarm bells for me.
In STA, his Mary Sue's best friend dies and his best friend's mother gives a long-ass speech about what a great friend Greg's Mary Sue was to him.
The speech seriously went on for about half of the funeral scene.
I know you could blame his shitty writing for that, too, but
fuck. That shit ain't right.
No. 227493
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i usually don't care about "cultural appropriation"
but this chick is a huge SJW tumblrette who whines that people screencapping her stream "without her consent" yet she wears a fucking native head-dress to look edgy
like damn, if you are going to use SJW excuses you might as well follow their rules
No. 227494
>>227209I'm a vegan and also never bring it up unless it comes up.
On the most serious tip, vegetarians are top notch useless fence walkers. Like the idea of being a proud vegetarian is fucking embarrassing, like you're proudly half assing something.
It's even worse that Onion is psychotic about it- how has no vegan group told him to sit the fuck down?
No. 227499
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Onion's pregnancy fetish #1
No. 227500
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Onion's pregnancy fetish #2
No. 227501
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Onion's pregnancy fetish #3
No. 227504
No. 227505
>>227504If chick from
>>225943 is the same chick in the stream, frankly I think she is just mentally challenged.
She presented herself as an absolute doofus during the stream and if she thinks it was cuddling when Greg himself admitted to touching Billy's boobs and ass… Well, she could only be mentally challenged to make a comment like that.
No. 227509
>>227505Why is she contradicting herself in that Tweet, when she said
>>225933 before Billie shut her up?
No. 227513
>>227506She had lots of hair colours, tbh.
I don't think that's the only thing that makes her similar to Shiloh though.
No. 227514
i actually know a girl who lives in france and she was complaining about how so many men there were needledicks with no girth
also i actually read the contractor thing five times legitimately questioning if he was joking or not
No. 227524
>>227499Fuck, I have an impregnation fetish to the point where all my sexual fantasies include it, but this strikes even me as creepy. His stats are somewhat wrong for one, but justifying banging jailbait with 'oh well they're less likely to miscarry' is bullshit of the highest order. Roughly 1/3 of pregnancies are terminated before the woman even knows she's pregnant. Below 35yo, the difference in risk of miscarriage, infertility, and birth defects is negligent at best. Plus child development is mostly impacted by parenting actions unless there are huge birth defects, and teenagers and early 20-somethings are usually not remotely equipped to handle kids. Grog's just a pedophile with power fantasies that caused him to develop an impregnation fetish. He's justifying his abuse with ~lol it's just biology guys~
Can't wait until he's dead quite frankly
>>227503Genuine question- is that weird? The reason we fuck to begin with is to produce offspring. I think my fetish comes watching farrrrrrr too many nature documentaries and basically cleaning out my school library of books about animals, though. There was always a 'mating habits' section, so sex and pregnancy were intertwined for me from a very young age.
Grog's version is creepy, though. It's strong enough or he lacks impulse control to the point where it bleeds into real life because he's a monster who gets off on asserting his dominance or otherwise having power/control over other people. I think the fetish springs from his abusive nature.
No. 227526
>>227514lmao every dude I've been with that wasn't circumcised had a small penis. However one guy who was circumcised just had a super tiny one and he tripped HARD on the circumcision issue.
so i'm saying if you bitch about dick issues, you probably are just projecting about the personal issue you have with your dick.
sry2hear about your friend in france tho
No. 227528
>>227525Hahaha, what's good lazy fence walker?
If you just don't like eating meat I'm obviously not talking about you, and I explicitly stated that this was directly in response to Onion bragging about being vegetarian. Which is fucking ridiculous.
No. 227531
>>227524I dunno, I don't find it weird in general (it's not my thing though, but that's because I have a fear of pregnancy and I like to fuck because it feels good and not to procreate.) if it's just a fantasy though, there's no harm done.
But he sounds like a fucking intentional breeder, like you say, it bleeds into real life for him, he jizzed in Adrienne many times when she told him not to as she wasn't on birth control, and I have no doubt he did the same to Shiloh and Lainey.
I think for a while he believed he was infertile as well, which he felt gave him more of excuse to do participate in his fetish, but I too believe he does/uses it as another form of control and dominance over fragile girls… because in reality, he's a beta cuck.
No. 227532
>>227520I think he's both. They're pretty comorbid. In respect to HPD, he has/is/does
-insatiable desire for attention
-desires attention so much that he intentionally provokes haters/acts provocative
-shallow romantic relationships that are focused more on a basic feeling of romance than a deep partnership with mutual values and goals
-uses me-centric language
-treats friends and family as objects that can get him more attention
-serial relationships or cheating
-regularly makes himself out to be a POS because it gives him attention
-throws himself into his romantic/sexual life until the honeymoon period ends and finds a new partner that will give him honeymoon period attention
-fabricates problems for attention
BPD traits:
-black-and-white thinking
-tumultuous relationships, emotional abuse
-extreme emotional manipulation through playing the victim and playing up others' faults
-serial cheating
-either extremely kind and affectionate or horrible and even abusive at any given time
-extremely strong and unuanced opinions about how the world works with shallow justifications of own behavior
-anyone who isn't a 'good person' aka conforming perfectly to their opinions is literally hitler
I could go on and on and on. The guy's a histrionic narcissistic trainwreck who may even have ASPD.
No. 227539
>>227528What's good, pretentious cocksucker?
No you didn't, but I'm not going to shit up the thread arguing with you because that's just annoying. Have fun looking down on others for not being as self-righteous as you are.
>>227532I think that whatever BPD traits he may posses are amplified by his narcissism. People with BPD usually actually hate themselves, right? And they usually engage in forms of self harm. But Onion prizes himself too deeply to actually hurt himself.
I'm obviously not a professional, so I'm wondering how often BPD coexists with other cluster B disorders? I thought it usually only coexisted with depression, anxiety, EDs, ect.
I don't know, obviously none of us can diagnose him over the internet. I think all we can safely say is that he is an abusive person who almost certainly has a cluster B personality disorder of some kind.
No. 227540
>>227536Well, if she stays with him after Troy gets out of his toddler years and he starts to become more aware of the world around him, he's gonna grow up to have the same fate as his father.
Probably worse, cos Onion is even more fucked up than his mother.
No. 227548
>>227520It's disgusting that Taylor talks about ~putting her children first~ by staying together with someone who will wreck them. It would take like 30 seconds to see how much damage Grog will do to her kids. She's probably done the search but justifies staying with Grog in her sad little mind because this situation is ~special~. Ugh. I had a
housemate for only a year who was histrionic, and it was awful. Can't imagine what horrors the kids will be put through.
>>227539Cluster B personality disorders are often comorbid with one another and other mental illness. I'd bet a year's worth of income that Grog would be diagnosed with numerous personality disorders and at least one Axis I disorder.
No. 227552
>>227551LOL wow I am tired, I meant 18 vs 40 pics side by side shooped into oblivion.
He already did the 18 vs 30 iirc… which is just as cringey.
No. 227553
>>227548>It's disgusting that Taylor talks about ~putting her children first~ by staying together with someone who will wreck them. It's also easy to see hypocrisy in her tweets. She tweeted "I'm thinking about what will be the easiest when I should be thinking what will be the best."
Then later she claims that staying with Onion is best for her kid.
No, Taylor, you just did what was easiest.
No. 227556
>>227553>>No, Taylor, you just did what was easiest.Bingo!
Staying with her financially stable sugar-daddy and "accepting" his "quirky" (re: abusive) nature is far more easier than moving out, not receiving child-support, living with her parents, finding work, raising a child as a single-mother and piecing her life back together.
But of course, she's doing it allllll for Troy, her sanity and her well-being.
What a model woman you are for your underage fans, Lainey.
Tru luv conquers all! Huzzah!
No. 227561
>>227550Yeah, often when it rains it pours. People with BPD, HPD, or NPD are bad enough on their own, but imagine what happens when they're all present and interacting with each other.
Well, I guess Onion happens.
>>227553Yeah, she's using some serious mental gymnastics to justify staying. At this point I really don't give a shit what happens to her. She's an eternal teenager who's more interested in maintaining her 24/7 shitposting career on Onion's dime than making sure her kids don't develop horrific emotional problems. Fuck her. I feel really bad for the kids, though. They're screwed.
No. 227564
>>227556The way you phrased this ruffled my jim jams because it's so true. Grog might be an abusive POS, but Taytay is only staying with him because she doesn't want to lose her meal ticket and actually parent and work for a living. She's almost the epitome of a lazy housewife aside from being about a decade too young for it. She's willing to endure abuse and bring her children up in horrific circumstances because she doesn't want to sacrifice
her comfort and free time. Come to think of it, she might even be worse than Grog for this.
Grog was brought up in a terrible home environment and is seriously mentally ill. His view of the world is distorted in a way that none of us can imagine. Taylor…is lazy. So lazy that she is sacrificing her children to a lifetime of developmental damage so that she can microblog to 12-14yos all day until she's inevitably given the boot. She's more deplorable than fucking Charms.
No. 227572
>>227564The thing is, I'm gonna go a little OT here but it's related.
Raising a child as a single parent isn't even difficult with the support of loved ones around you, and as far as I know; Lainey is still in contact with her family.
I was in an abusive relationship with the father of my child, I left him and went back to my parents because the emotional and mental abuse after a couple of years together began to turn physical.
I never really got along with my parents, they were antagonising fuckers, but they were always there if I needed them. As soon as me and my child moved in to live with them, the whole situation changed because they absolutely adored my child and in turn, realised that I was no longer their child but now an adult and was treated as such.
My child and I fucking escaped the whole abuse that would of torn us apart if we had stayed with the father for much longer, my baby was still a toddler so he adapted well to the separation and sees their father at weekends and the holidays.
In recent years, I moved out of my parents because I now have my own place, I'm financially stable, me and my child are happy and fulfilled and things couldn't be better.
I chose to do the BEST thing, not the EASIEST and Lainey can have that as well if she really wanted what was best for her son and herself.
No. 227574
>>227532>>227536>>227539I wouldn't say Greg is actually borderline (having known a lot of those people & worked with personality disorders generally). There's a lot of public & general misconception about what having BPD means or looks like.
Like, people with BPD pretty much always self-harm somehow. I don't think Greg has any actual self-destructive behaviours (that aren't related to his relationships). No cutting/mutilation, no actual intent on suicide, no substance abuse, etc. That alone would pretty much rule him out.
Furthermore borderlines are really unstable. Grog, for all his shittiness, has a remarkable amount of self-control when it's needed, which is exactly how he manages to control his victims so well. He only threatens to kill himself when it benefits him, he only lashes out in rage when it benefits him.
People with BPD do seriously hate themselves, but they usually react to that by hurting themselves. This can still be abusive (their partner feels guilty & responsible when they self-harm, also it's hard as shit to leave a toxic relationship if you think the other person will kill themselves over that) and sometimes it can manifest as hurting other people (treating other people horribly so other people validate their own belief that they are worthless and should die). Greg's "I'm worthless and should die" never seems fucking authentic, it's always manipulative as fuck and he always ends up completely fine.
However, NPD? I absolutely would not be surprised. Narcissists universally hate themselves as well - the primary driving factor of narcissism is extremely low actual self-esteem that is covered up by delusions of grandeur. He pretty much checks every single box. This also tends to rule out the BPD diagnosis - because most of his BPD symptoms are explained by him being a narcissist, and he lacks classic BPD symptoms that aren't part of NPD.
HPD / ASPD are both definitely plausible. They're kind of essentially the same diagnosis (legitimately incapable of cognitive empathy, no affective empathy whatsoever). I would put it as pretty likely just because Grog always strikes me as melodramatic - like his extreme emotions are, again, an act, which is basically classic HPD. However HPD tends to be kind of the least understood personality disorder so I'm not that confident.
tl;dr: shit's complicated, but grog is pretty much a textbook case of NPD. BPD highly unlikely.
No. 227577
>>227574>>"No cutting/mutilation, no actual intent on suicide, no substance abuse, etc. That alone would pretty much rule him out."He threatens with suicide a lot, but those thoughts are gone as soon as his fanbase tell him how wonderful and right he is.
He's strongly against drugs, class A's, B's, C's, whether they're recreational or prescribed.
He hates alcohol and tobacco as well.
Fervent, rabid and persistent SxE people scare the shit out of me.
No. 227581
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This has been my favorite thread on lowcow so far for this year and we're hardly into it, both for this new year and both for the milk from onion.
The sweetest keks.
No. 227583
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>>227574>>"However, NPD? I absolutely would not be surprised. Narcissists universally hate themselves as well"The way he is self-obsessed to the point of self-disgust but he feels like he can do as he pleases regardless?
No. 227599
>>227572I'm so happy for you, I was brought up in a similar way and my mother is my hero, I hope your child tells you the same one day because you deserve it.
Lainey and Troy are so deep in the shit and she doesn't even know it.
I sent her a generic "take care" snapchat message a day ago and she hasn't even opened it. I don't know if she's ignoring messages or if she's just getting too many to read.
No. 227600
>>227572Good on you for doing what's right. As difficult as it is to escape that sort of situation, Taylor has been bombarded with all of the resources available under the sun for years and has a massive amount of support compared to most abuse victims. She really has no excuse when most victims who escape do so under much worse circumstances.
>>227574There are so many things wrong with this post that I don't even know where to start.
Self-harm is only a symptom of BPD that doesn't necessarily have to be present for a diagnosis. Neither are substance abuse or suicidal intent (empty 'suicidal gestures' are EXTREMELY common however and rarely paired with actual suicidal intent). The 'self control' you're describing is just basic emotional manipulation that many, many BPD people exhibit. Threatening suicide without meaning to go through with it is a common manipulation tactic that BPD people use to keep their partners. BPD people can be abusive because of their black-and-white thinking and self-justification of abuse and manipulation, not because they hate themselves. Idk where you even got that idea.
No. 227602
>>227600thank you for that, that user is making some pretty sweeping generalizations
No. 227609
Yeah, I don't get where they were coming from at all given that even the basic diagnostic criteria states otherwise and can be read with a basic google search. The idea that any personality disorder would be based on superficial and common behaviors and cognition like self-harm and self-hatred is just…idgi
No. 227610
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So he's kind of talking about Lainey as if nothing had happened. By now I really think that they're back together.
No. 227611
>>227609Yeah. And it's so annoying that there's not a single thread without people stating that someone has a mental illness without proof whatsoever.
(And if someones stating they have one, they're doing it for attention. I'd rather talk about things that we know are true or that we can safely assume/ will find out.)
No. 227614
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>Gotta sacrifice my kid for dem youtube subs and a cozy life in Onision mansion
>Don't forget to learn my pronouns
No. 227617
>>227610literally gagged
>>227611Do you think that what people say or how they act online is somehow divorced from what they say or how they act in person, discounting trolls? If you saw somebody on social media writing a paranoid word salad, would you get angry at the people telling them to get help because it's the internet or people can't tell when there's CLEARLY something wrong with somebody? Do you get angry at the people trying to offer support to those who talk about how they want to kill themselves or 'don't want to die but don't want to live anymore', the most common sentiment re: suicide for people who actually commit suicide, because we can't say ~for sure~ if they're suicidal? Do you think that somebody who claims that they can't leave the house because they're afraid of having a panic attack shouldn't be labeled as agoraphobic even if that is the entire premise of the disorder? Do you assume that somebody who says they're on a 400 calorie/day diet who posts thinspo pics is normal until they say otherwise?
Mental illness is the roughly the same as physical illness, if more complex. The symptoms are apparent as much as they are in physical illness. If somebody said that they were bleeding from an knife wound, you would know that they were injured by a knife and need to get help. If someone asked you why they've broken out in hives, then you would say that they were allergic to something. If somebody says they've had seizures for all of their life, you would assume they have epilepsy. Mental illness is relatively easy to spot with basic training and personality disorders even moreso. This 'well u cant tell how they REALLY are online' meme needs to die.
No. 227636
>>227499>>227500>>227501wow that's wiggity wack. disgusting.
his fanfics of himself are so revealing. i feel badly for even paying attention to this drama. sad for the people he sucks in though
No. 227664
>>227600>>227609Self-harm is virtually universal in BPD. The fucking self-harm inventory is used specifically to distinguish between BPD individuals and other clinically disturbed people. The number of BPD individuals who don't self harm in some way is absolutely minuscule, it is most definitely a good reason to doubt a diagnosis of such.
Threatening suicide (alone, without any action) is a common behaviour in BPD. It is not, however, self-harm. It also isn't a suicidal gesture, which is kind of important. Suicidal gestures involve actual self-harm that appears suicidal but is obviously insufficient / not intended to be suicide.
Using lists of symptoms taken off Google is vaguely hilarious, but thanks for the suggestion. The worst thing is, you're not even using the actual diagnostic criteria of BPD (which can
still be hard for a random person to apply over the Internet) here.
All those behaviours can
show up in BPD, but they are not fundamental aspects of the disorder in the same way that emotional dysregulation or a chronically impaired / unstable sense of self are.
These dysfunctions (in borderlines) are not minor parts of the diagnosis. They literally are what it means to have a disordered personality.
No. 227668
>>227662Which posts did you think come across as 'demonizing' BPD? I didn't see anyone implying people with BPD were 'monsters'.
The worst thing about BPD sufferers I've seen posted in this thread is that they're manipulative, which is objectively true, even if they can't help it.
We're calling
Greg a monster, but that's not the same as saying Greg necessarily
has BPD, or saying
all people with BPD are monsters.
No. 227673
>>227669He's still so sarcastic about it, like deep down he honestly feels like he did nothing wrong.
Lainey you need to love yourself.
No. 227675
>>227670greg also claimed he had BPD in the voicemails to Adrienne. doing that and then never seeking out any help or resources is exceptionally shitty period.
Plus, you can't blame something like BPD / NPD / HPD on actively seeking out and grooming people for abuse. There's a difference between being dysfunctional - even extremely dysfunctional - and making these sort of long-term plans to hurt and control people. The former does not necessitate the latter.
No. 227680
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>>227669I hate this piece of shit with a passion that burns brighter than a thousand suns. This fuck sounds almost giddy knowing he got away with this shit.
No. 227683
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>>227669I will admit, this is the first time I've ever seen a video of Gorg.
This guy is the most unlikable, skeevy character I've ever seen. He looks like he's trying to hold back a grin. Disgusting.
No. 227687
>>227669I might be being a little too suspicious here, but it seems a little fishy that people in the thread were talking about how they avoid giving him views when his videos are posted in his thread, and then the next video of Onision's is sent as a link rather than the usual way?
As in, people would have to click and go to the video page to watch it, rather than download it and avoid giving him the view.
Like I said, I'm probably just too suspicious, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
No. 227691
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>>227669All the youtube comments are blaming Lainey and supporting gorg.
No. 227705
>>227701>>227702No, it's because I accidentally had the reply to
>>227669 instead of you.
And yes I direct linked at first by accident instead of putting it in the box. Which is why I deleted my comment immediately and fixed it.
Careful there, your snerky edgelordness is almost at grog levels.
No. 227707
>>227705>Careful there, your snerky edgelordness is almost at grog levels.Give me a break. There's nothing about my posts that says edgelord. I'm just pointing out you were a slowpoke, as you came in here not knowing the video had already been posting. That happens on imageboards.
Seems like you're the defensive one here.
No. 227710
>>227692no. if you don't want to be corrected, don't say shit that's blatantly wrong.
behaviourism is garbage and i will continue my crusade against it forever.
No. 227711
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>>227556that's the sad thing
all these girls just want to run away with an older man so they feel like they wont need to work and can just be a housewife for their whole lives, yet they don't know that pedos will drop them once they hit 20-21
it always happens like that but they think they aren't like the other girl and that it wont happen to them, when in reality you could be the greatest person in the world but sociopaths like onision wont bone you past the age of 23 and that's all they are there for to him
pic unrelated
No. 227712
>>227707>There's nothing about my posts that says edgelord.>Is super snarky, sarcastic, and immediately jumps to "retard."K.
>as you came in here not knowing the video had already been posting. That happens on imageboards.>feels the need to point it out in the first place, regardless of the fact that the original poster didn't even do it rightK.
Just because your jimmies were rustled when you thought I was saying YOU posted the first link when infact, I didn't, doesn't mean you have to sperg so hard.
No. 227715
>>227045of course he would say this shit
to me that whole shower head thing is probably a myth made by pornographers
i had that happen to be and it just felt weird and uncomfortable, its like spraying water on your dick. I dont fuckin get it
No. 227732
>>227728I mean, if you could actually turn his fanbase against him that would be something.
But… that's never going to happen. He has way too many devoted fans who would lick his shit off of the ground.
You could convince Lainey to leave him. but honestly? that's not gonna hurt him, he clearly doesn't love her or actually care about her. She's replaceable to him.
Chances are he also 'encouraged' her to sign a prenup that means she will get extremely little if anything out of a divorce. So that won't ruin him either.
The real way to ruin him would be to get one of his victims to press charges. I'm sure there's more than enough to pin on him, especially shit that never got made public between him.
But that's a really hard thing to ask of any of these people. If they tried, they would have to deal with Onision putting them and their entire family on blast & using his fanbase to torment them, and given how good he is at gaslighting and manipulation he could probably ruin their perceived credibility in a court.
It doesn't help that he goes after specifically vulnerable people, many of them unstable and having personal issues themselves that could again be used to discredit them. Any of his girlfriends trying to go against him in court would be total hell, and it probably would change nothing.
No. 227768
>>227715I only use it when I'm super horny and my wife isn't around but it definitely doesn't compare to sex with another human being.
Also, grug is disgusting. Lainey must hate herself to have slept with him more than once.
No. 227772
>>227734>>227734Someone fly to Washington and befriend Lainey.
Start lacing all of Onion's shampoo products with Nair (hair removal cream)
Watch him go slowly bald
No. 227797
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Came home after a long day of work to my boyfriend "cuddling" another girl. He doesn't understand why I'm angry and is now going to go out to dinner with her, and is getting angry at me for being upset. I've told him multiple times that I do not like her and I don't want them together.
End of personal diary, but I just wanted to say: Lainey, I know how you feel. All the Onions of the world deserve a shotgun to the face.
No. 227822
>>227728I posted yesterday that there's actually a FB exploit we can use, but it will only temporarily inconvenience him.
>>227727Don't be too hard on yourself, anon.
No. 227824
>>227797Uh, why are you still with him? The whole point of this thread is to NOT act like Lainey, fuck that shit.
What is wrong with you??
No. 227830
>>227775>>227780I wish someone would do this tbh, the way onions fans have firmly placed all the blame on her makes me so disgusted, surely she must be angry too? Gregs misunderstanding of sexuality labels as well as slut shaming would rustle some feathers.
But the negative attention from the situation might have already caused Billie to just abandon the topic since her main goal seems to be building her fanbase.
No. 227844
>>227614wouldn't be surprised if onion had a fetish for dressing his wife as a tacky butch lesbian to fuck her as if he is making her straight.
like there is more to this ash ketchum cosplay shit. maybe he's making her do it just because it amuses him and wants to see how far she'll go.
her eyes are fucking dead though.
No. 227849
>>227797This is so bad you have to be trolling.
Stop listening to his bullshit, he hates you and abuses you socially. It's a game to him to see how far and what he can get away with, and he probably gets off on humiliating you.
Stop letting him ruin your life, it will take you longer than you want to know to rebuild all of that.
Tl;dr Don't be a victim, love yourself, and throw all his shit out a window.
No. 227859
>>227824>What is wrong with you??man, this.
what is wrong with people like anon, people like lainey? people who ignore all these glaring signs of trouble? whhhy
No. 227861
>>227614Damn, she's a fakeboi and is raising a kid. Sorry son, I'm not going to raise you because I need more flannel shirts and youtube awards.
>>227830Where is that lesbian who had a traumatic experience with "Lain" and Greg? It's like she could provide so much insight but Greg and Taylor held her hostage unless she signed a non-disclosure agreement.
No. 227862
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omg apparently this shit is floating around
No. 227863
>>227862Did you get that on gts? If not pls name a whole bunch of mons OnisionCuck and send them out
pls anon, you must for the greater good
No. 227940
New thread is here
>>227908 this one seems to have reached it's limit.
No. 227942
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