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No. 239365

New black chick that's trying to be the next Aminyan. Panders to lolicons for follower count boost, self-pity attention whore, the whole shebang.

No. 239370

Links, screenies, anything? ffs

No. 239372

Shit thread, but if its gonna go anywhere then >>>/snow/

No. 239373

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Did that chick with the goggles lose weight?

No. 239374


No. 239375

please, snow is for actual snowflakes.

No. 239376

Damn, whos this chick?

No. 239384

Right so… thin short little black girl who realizes she can be kawaii because of all these assets and that sjw will lick her ass because she's black which gives her a boost.

Buys weave/wig and does stupid childish styles to make herself look kawaii.

Jesus, why are all these weebs the same? The black ones just… no originality whatsoever.

No. 239385


Probably a self boast

No. 239389

There's already an Aminyan thread in /snow


No. 239391

This isn't about aminyan i think

No. 239392

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That Chick with the Goggles. Formerly on The Nostalgia Critic's team. She was actually good and not cringy like the rest of them.

Then she stopped. Last I heard, she does camwhore stuff. She got hot as fuck. She was a skinny little girl during the NC days.

No. 239393

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Shall I unleash my entire folder?

No. 239394

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No. 239395

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No. 239397

who cares if she's a camgirl? is she a cow, that's the question. smells like a vendetta.

No. 239403

No. 239412

There was a thread about this girl before.
She's anorexic, she edits her pics weirdly and has said some unhealthy things, but otherwise she's not too interesting. Himeka has more milk.
She's really nothing like Aminyan, either. I don't know why OP felt the need to compare the two and say she's trying to be "the next Aminyan"(?) just because they're both black weebs, but it's a bit unsightly.
This should be in >>>/snow/ tbh.

No. 239413

Oh, and this isn't her (if it's unclear to anyone).

No. 239415

Wait so you use Amina's selfie to talk about a wannabe Amina?

No. 239417

That's not Amina in the OP, anon

No. 239422

Barely, because there is literally fucking nothing on this girl.

No. 239429

Oh okay, my bad. She looks exactly like her wtf.

Agree with >>239422, reporting for board switch.

No. 239441

Name is Lea Edge on FB actually, sorry fell asleep last night

No. 239442

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Only difference really is how much of a stick Lea is. Why do a lot of the "doll-like kawaii" black girls look kinda creepy

No. 239443

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I'm not exactly sure. Awhile back, she posted that she was getting bullied on Tumblr. I'm not sure if I believe it too much because it was the only post on there. Seems awfully convenient to me.

No. 239445

is this thinbunee? I remember a girl on instagram with a ton of followings and she would post about her eating disorder. she lost a shit ton of weight, she's an obvious lolcow.

No. 239446

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I might have believed it, but her response to it seemed kind of suspicious to me. Sounds like the start of another copycat kawaii black girl.

No. 239447

That would be the one actually. Never looked at her Instagram. Just glanced at her twitter.

No. 239453

There's another thread on her

No. 239467

Unless there is lulz and milk. This thread is pointless.

No. 239476

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>Why do a lot of the "doll-like kawaii" black girls look kinda creepy
because if they use the same super blurry, super bright camera editing as white girls, they look extremely unnaturally plastic-y. im not even trying to be mean. meitu does some shit to black girls

No. 239486

I wish there was some kind of differences between them. It's like you see one, youve seen em all.

No. 239505

Moved to >>>/snow/95311.

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