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No. 251448

Summary about her:
>16 year old swede/probably Spanish on her dads side
>Photoshop user(more like line camera)
>Haafu japanese desu
>High metabolism not ana
>Fake bitch
>"anon" hater
>Attention seeker
>Art stealer
>Video stealer^
>Blocks anyone that says or that shes not asian or that she shoops her photos heavily
Her original instagram name was Tsutsucat, then changed to tzukini, then changed to jiaoxrei, then changed to xiaoxni, then changed to alot of random numbers. Then deleted (after she saw a thread on another page) The only account she has now is, Nicoleprivat. A private account.
I have tons of photos of her fake photos, her real face, her twitter posts etc. Just ask for it and i'll upload more.(fuck off)

No. 251452

Take your vendetta / self post and leave. This girl is a nobody who hasn't done anything of interest.

Fuck me, lolcow is full of cancer lately.

No. 251456

What the hell does this even mean?
Also, obligatory "read the rules, faggot."

No. 251459

the asian version of ivanhoe

also OP, lolcow is not your personal army

No. 251462

How's HS spring break going?


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