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No. 255242

Could be our "Jun"?

I'm still baffled by one thing. Why did she – consensus here seems to point to an African American female pretending to be a Japanese-Korean male – choose to be someone outside the USA? It seems kind of arbitrary to decide to create not just a fake identity but an elaborate, busy campaign around two countries where you'd never been. She could have chosen Zimbabwe or The Philippines or Argentina. Why Korea and Japan? And, can you imagine the effort it would take to hunt around the web every day for non-PC things said about East Asian people or culture that you could get all offended about? And you're not even from there??

It's true that Asian Americans do suffer "microagressions" as minorities in America. But in Korea and Japan, they're the majority. How can you possibly apply American social justice to places where you've never been? Hard to imagine getting pleasure out of finding things for other peoples to find offensive.

Photo via http://fuckyourracism.tumblr.com/post/95306837122/shootallwhitepeople-asianfemalevicepresident

No. 255260

That entire post was so fucking stupid.

No. 255261

Another black girl pretending to be a Korean boy? Or is it the same as last time yet again eh?

No. 255263

I just read it and am legitimately filled with shame and embarrassment lol.
On top of that, there isn't a single Japanese native that speaks that way. What the fuck is this crazy bitches problem? Bizarre.

No. 255265

Also she's so stupid did she forget about yukata or the myriad of other types of kimono people wear on more than just things like weddings and funerals? She didn't even research first.

No. 255275

Moved to >>>/snow/114572.

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