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No. 255672

talks about being an ed survivor and her road to recovery
offended at every little thing

https://www.instagram.com/p/BChOOGXD3YA/ I can't stop watching her instgram video. Her mouth though. That underbite omg

No. 255674


instagram: instagram.com/chooselifewarrior
blog: chooselifewarrior.com
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsXsdkpFrheBL_pMAL_fu7w/videos

No. 255676


Celibate for a year or stick your dick in that rat trap of a mouth and let her blow you-?

No. 255685

Why is this in PT? She has braces now and is actually undergoing jaw surgery next year to fix her underbite. Don't think she qualifies as a cow just because she gets offended at meaningless stuff, that's not exactly uncommon on the internet these days.

No. 255688

you're right, I should have posted this in snow. I'm retarded and can't delete now that it's been over 30 mins.

No. 257276


Doesn't seem like this blob has recovered.

No. 257286


Recovering from an ED?? Completely bullshit, unless she means from compulsive overeating, and in that case I think she might need to recover some more.

No. 257332


okay. I'm thoroughly disgusted and no longer wish to look at this hamplanet anymore.

No. 257334


her suicide story. she seems like a huge attention whore.

No. 257339


I don't give a shit what your weight is, but jesus, at least buy tops that fucking fit.

No. 257340

You clean /pt/ by filtering shit threads to /snow/

No. 257380

Moved to >>>/snow/116727.

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