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No. 257721

I thought this deserved a topic because tumblr graces us daily with the cancer that is the Steven Universe fandom. I've seen a few threads about it on Kiwi.

No. 257733

belongs in snow

No. 257734

Cool but /pt/ is for lolcows. Kind of belongs in /b/.

No. 258478

it's a fucking shame tumblr has claimed the show as it's personal goddess. It's a good show, and the creator doesn't take this shit.

No. 258481

really am not sure the point of this thread, my sister and a good friend are part of this fandom on tumblr and claim that there's a lot of different factions of it and they don't cross or anything.

so like how could we even talk about this, like are there specifically lol-worthy tumblr figureheads in the community or something like OP just bailed

No. 258486

This should have been included in the tumblr/sjw thread. I think the fandom is pretty okay and I know a few people that are in the fandom on tumblr (of all races) that are pretty chill. The issue is that people want to make the show more than it is.

No. 258543

Moved to >>>/b/85887.

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