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File: 1405773222330.jpg (320.38 KB, 800x533, Pixiteri Retouch practice.jpg)

No. 2607

I am bored, since our queen is being silent on the internet. Lets post shoops, pictures you want to see shooped, and lets all try our best to turn our queen in something cute

No. 2608

File: 1405773279370.jpg (145.23 KB, 782x550, Pixiteridolly.jpg)

No. 2609

File: 1405773310866.jpg (1.38 MB, 1784x1349, Pixyteri retouch.jpg)

No. 2619

She has so much potential she isn't an ugly girl anyway, she is just carrying too much weight to be good for her and chooses to pull that daft cat arse lips expression.

No. 2632

that's actually worse…

No. 2648

I was just about to say that hahaha

No. 2675

I really don't think there's any saving that photo. It's awful. Same with >>2609, all shoops look, well, like shoops.

No. 74942

File: 1428092992241.jpg (161.9 KB, 640x960, devart_id__just_me_by_crawling…)

and THAT shooped her. Hypocrisy at finest. It's funny when lolcows are picking at lolcows.

No. 75520

how did you find her? lol

No. 75579

how is she a lolcow

she looks like a fat zoey deschanel but i dont see how that makes her a lolcow

No. 76434

How is that a lolcow? Well, if you look at her comments she seems to call PT fat and ugly even though she is fat and ugly herself.
I searched pixyteri once in deviantart and saw her submission/comments and got extremely annoyed of her.

No. 76438

i wouldnt say that she's ugly

shes pretty average

she might be pretty if she wears makeup and doesn't make creepy fucking faces

No. 76440

File: 1428307454615.jpg (87.27 KB, 852x720, cute.jpg)

she's kind of cute

No. 76443

same goes for the queen.that man-jaw though….

No. 76459

WTF are you her?


No. 76467

Yeah she's kinda cute.
Not sure what the point of randomly attacking this girl was.
Personal vendetta or other reasons?
All she did was post edits of PT

No. 76471

I remember this girl from /cgl/ lmao

No. 76494

You can't say someone is fat and disgusting if you're fat and disgusting yourself.

No. 76512

You can and a lot of seagulls would shit on PT because it made them feel better about their own fat rolls that weren't quite as bad.

The point of shitting on PT is making sure you're Anon. If you're actually cute and you shit on her then you look like a typical mean bitch and if you're fat and ugly then you're hypocritical.

No. 76531

But she isnt anonymous, she is a big annoying fat hypocrite.

No. 76600

You come here screaming how she is annoying and fat and whatnot and posted the shittiest pic you could find of her. (most likely)
Then someone else posts a picture in which she looks rather cute.
People ask you what is the point of this and so far you haven't given us any information other then OMG LULZ SO FAT AND ANNOYING

Are you going to actually tell us something on this girl or are you going to keep posting about how fat and annoying she is? because we saw your vague no information post the first time
she's on the chubby side but so far i have seen nothing that would indicate her being annoying while you are starting to get on my nerves. (just me? anyone else hates when people do this?)

No. 76602

this, seriously


it doesnt matter if shes fat or ugly. pt is infamous bc she wants attention, and will stop at nothing to get it, while being fat and ugly

being fat and ugly doesnt mean you cant laugh at lulzy cows

being fat and ugly doesnt make you an lolcow, and she isnt even ugly

No. 76606

>>76600 again
I just googled her Deviantart myself since i got curious. (turns out she's a Dutchie like me)
All i can find is that her gallery is full with photoshop manipulation pictures of random E-famous people like PT, Kiki and some others.
Photomanipulations of random stock pictures, photomanipulations of celebrities, photoshopped banner graphics of bands etc.

So i assumed ''hey maybe she commented on them in a ridiculous way?''
So i looked at each individual deviation and read her descriptions and comments for the pictures.

So far all i can see is her thanking people for constructive criticism on how to make her shooping skills better.

So honestly to me she just seems like a rather boring chubby girl who likes to shoop things.

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