File: 1461198683792.png (272.2 KB, 615x437, Evi plan planned for many mont…)

No. 262142
Last time on River Kappas Gone Wild:
>>259462Margaret has a little over two weeks until her visa expires. She's currently couch surfing somewhere in Tokyo while spamming instagram with pictures from her brief jaunt across Nippon in search of Manaki's parents, and attempting to scrounge up sweet parfait money by pawning Venus's old belongings on her website. Midge also directly plagiarized Eat Your Kimchi's Terms of Service and didn't even bother to change identifying info, resulting in farmers contacting EYK to inform them of Midge's crazy. The busy Madame Gendo has also debuted her first single, formally known as the Hater Comment Song.
For now, Mayo seems to be stalking Shibuya in search of her daughter.
Pastebin for newcomers: No. 262146
File: 1461198947077.png (34.29 KB, 318x208, Screen Shot 2016-04-20 at 5.31…)

Ha, I was just making a new thread!
Anyway, Margo's stolen goods aren't overpriced she says. And you'll definitely receive them, for sure. No way she's running a scam.
No. 262148
File: 1461199018308.jpg (276.04 KB, 924x502, 1461159529070.jpg)

Caps of her selling off V's old stuff.
(Pt 1/2)
No. 262149
File: 1461199058944.png (802.68 KB, 1200x1920, 1461011678802.png)

Caps of her selling off V's old stuff.
(Pt 2/2)
No. 262150
Reposting a post that was made at the end of the last thread because it was spot on.
I don't think so. To me it seems more likely that what irritates Margaret evolves in direct correlation to her dwindling finances and power.
At the start of this she was, for all intents and purposes, financially stable and in a position with a massive upper hand. She had control of the majority of Venus's social media accounts. She was established as Venus's mother which gave her word at least some kind of credence. She had primary control of, and sole access to, V's bank account. She had years of successfully conditioning Venus under her belt. To Margaret, she still had Venus completely underfoot, but unfortunately juuust out of reach. To her, Venus was either bluffing or would soon buckle under the weight of Mag's wrath, but either way she would be rushing back to her mother's arms shortly. She never anticipated Venus exerting this kind of backbone. So because Margaret still had money and power, and thus security, she considered herself above them in every way that mattered, so they and their situation were inherently inferior. Sure, she was showering at the airport and eating sausages, but this wasn't her natural state, merely a product of Venus's cruelty and disobedience. It was a sign of how much Marg had suffered at the hands of Venus - proof of how heartless her daughter had become, and how selfless she was to endure so much in order to get her back - not an indication of how low she had stooped. Venus, however, had voluntarily settled for a life with a mere factory worker, living in an apartment that didn't even have an adequate kitchen by Margaret's high standards. When she was riding high, it was a lot easier to look down her nose at them.
But now, here we are months later, and she's quickly running out of money, time, and influence. She has no security, no home, she's pawning off what little she has to try and scrounge together enough cash to get by, and she's getting angry. So the gears started turning the other way. Instead of viewing the situation through the lens of "Oh Venus, how pitiful that you have stooped so low", she switched to "Venus, how dare you live better than me!". Instead of seeing their life for all that they don't have, she's started seeing everything they do have. The more she loses, the more jealous she'll become.
(Apologies for the essay)
No. 262151
File: 1461199213233.png (36.03 KB, 305x205, Screen Shot 2016-04-20 at 5.37…)

And caps of her current delete and block spree on instagram. She's still losing supporters - some bailed after her Hail Satan edgelord post, but selling good without permission and on Venus's website when Margo has her own site (or she can use ebay, which would offer protection against scams) are making many nervous, excepting her most committed stans.
No. 262153
File: 1461199452419.png (470.03 KB, 1097x500, Screen Shot 2016-04-20 at 5.42…)

"Stella McCartney running shorts" Looks like undies, meant for the peverts.
No. 262159
File: 1461199973719.jpg (4.83 KB, 225x187, 9a441d5dd322cbf4a1cb62faa64b4c…)

>>262153That just seems disturbing af. I'm going to assume those are reslly tiny shorts buuuuut man I'm sorry those look like girl's briefs underwear.
No. 262166
>>262162Yeah, I'm
fairly certain the workout clothes are Margo's, but I agree with
>>262163 that it's only a matter of time before Margo starts selling Venus's undies.
No. 262172
File: 1461200878866.png (173.5 KB, 575x323, Aolaz.png)

Jesus fucking christ the thought of Margo going to creep level by selling Venus's underwear for ridiculous prices for perverts is frightening.
No. 262178
File: 1461201514530.png (20.28 KB, 302x89, Screen Shot 2016-04-20 at 6.16…)

If she's able to pick these things up - as in, they're NOT with her friend in Korea as she claimed - that means she was able to get into the Tokyo storage. The one she claims mastermind Manaki and evil plan Venus refused to allow her access to (except she could have the key from them, or they could ship the things to her if she paid the shipping costs. So because they wouldn't meet her in person at the facility: stolen).
No. 262188
>>262150>>262124This is indeed spot on. A glimpse inside the twisted mind of a raaging narcissist. Agree 100% with everything except the "now she's getting angry" part..she's been raging the WHOLE TIME.
And to add one more thing to what margge had going for her initially: she had a lot of sympathy & good will at first. Now.. not so much. Just a couple of obsessed loons left in her corner. She's managed to drive everyone else away w/her crazy.
No. 262201
File: 1461204801903.png (279.88 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160420-220921.png)

>>262142OP this her second single.
Here is her FIRST single: on itunes for only $9.99
No. 262207
>>262201Thats $10 well spent.
Is there anyway to tell if anyone bought this?
No. 262208
File: 1461205814947.png (387.57 KB, 537x630, ff8d468f-4ea3-4370-bd46-7a98fe…)

Bet this is her current Airbnb rental. This is exactly what she did w/her last one, post a pic of it captioned "cute house." Also her recent comment "Venoos should come to 'my house'…"
No. 262220
>>262218"It was nice to host Margaret since she was easy to communicate with. She was clean and responsible. I would host her again any time again!
From Seoul, South Korea ยท October 2015"
That was the last review.
No. 262225
>>262188Yea I figured someone would point that out, but it's a different anger now. Her rage was always been petulant and possessive before, but it's growing jealous and spiteful more and more as time goes on.
>>262190Where you want the wedding bb? <3
No. 262241
File: 1461212452671.png (667.65 KB, 682x800, 415dad20-a6d3-4a0d-8b87-2f9a58…)

>>262227>>262234This is the one I was talking about. Is this marge's Spanish chef Airbnb?
No. 262269
File: 1461223621732.jpg (107.69 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

No. 262306
>>262281lol @ you trying to play hero.
Venus will never acknowledge your existence.
No. 262329
>>262281>>262326surely if she starts selling used underwear, you can report her… somewhere.
I mean that's got to be illegal right? Or frowned upon.
No. 262330
File: 1461238039572.gif (472.4 KB, 245x181, giphy (5).gif)

>>262329I don't think it's illegal but it's DEFINITELY frowned upon. I swear I will be so angry if she stoops that low!
No. 262339
>>262281I would do the same if I had the money. I thought about it reading the OP where it said about Maggot selling Venus' belongings.
I would love to be able to buy them all and then message Venus asking if she would like them back.
(Plus it's a nice fuck you to maggot)
No. 262384
File: 1461253659212.jpeg (1.23 MB, 640x2314, image.jpeg)

Maggot responding. She makes no sense yet again. So her "friends" are trying to contact V? But they're deleted? Or they're trying to contact maggot, but she deleted them? Wtf
No. 262387
>>262303Wow you keep reaching anon. I think she's just exasperated still about the shit her mom did/is doing. It's been 3 months straight of nothing but bullshit like
>>262384I think she wants to reply to margo's shit but is being told to. Also the fact that Margo is stalking her in her area now so she cant go out and do stuff as much as she used to because the Kappa might drag her into the river
No. 262391
>>262384Lmfao didn't Margy write all of Venus captions and stuff before she escaped
How would she even know her typing style at this point
No. 262410
>>262401It's just so beautiful because it's literally all Margo's fault.
Venus ran away and Margo has no money? Margo was the one who encouraged the marriage and gave venus the opportunity to leave her.
Venus being protected by a bigger company who will legally go after Margo if she keeps up her false copyright claim shit? Margo was the one who signed the contract and arranged this deal in the first place.
Venus being strong enough and confident enough to take care of herself? Again Margo made her cook, clean and earn income for them both from a young age (probably because she's a lazy bitch) so it's her fault venus can function without her (which she didn't want).
She's just such a dumbass, I can't understand how she couldn't see all this coming from a mile away (especially the marriage thing? how the fuck did she think she could also live in japan, wtf, is she braindead?)
No. 262424
>>262417lel I'm the one who needs to lurk more? It's incredibly obvious that Margo never cleaned wherever they lived. Don't you remember the old videos of venus where the soles of her feet used to be black from walking around on the wooden floors (I think this was back in their london house)? That place was dirty.
Even in Margo's japanese house tour video, she didn't care that it was dirty. Someone in the comments asked her why she didn't clean it before showing off her living conditions to the world and she responded that it wasn't her house so why should she have to? (Despite the fact she had to live in those conditions).
Venus' place looks nice and clean vs Margo so it's super obvious Venus did any and all cleaning when they were together.
Also, nice doublepost newfig
>>262419That kind of makes sense, but I remember it happening suddenly that she didn't approve of the relationship immediately after they married and was too late to stop it. I always assumed she realized it meant she couldn't stay and venus would be separated from her but maybe it makes more sense that she then found out his money status (how did she even think he was rich anyway?). Do you think maybe Manaki exaggerated his career to buy him favor or that Margo took things up the wrong way as usual? I mean I like Manaki and all but both seem pretty plausible.
No. 262435
>>262424>>262426>>262427Couple theories:
1) Manaki's parents may be well off but it may be expected that Manaki earn his own money, thus he is not entitled to the wealth Mags previously thought he was.
2) Mags simply
assumed he was richer than he was, perhaps by way of seeing a couple novelty or luxury items around that she deemed being indicative of a higher class position.
3) His wealth was and still is perfectly adequate, but Mags saw her plan starting to backfire as Venus grew genuinely more attached to him and started to pull away from Magoo. This made his wealth irrelevant, as no amount of money would matter if it meant Margo losing control of Venus (since she wouldn't get her motherly pay out anyways if she did). This is less about Manaki as a person as it is about sabotaging Venus's relationship with him in order to regain control. Which is also the same reason for the pedophile stalker accusations. Maggot has no comprehension of what Venus's values are, and we've already seen how she considered Venus to be an extension of herself. So because Mag values money, she thinks Venus will, so to her, saying "Venoos he is poor factory worker!" is something horrible that her daughter should absolutely care about. But I think in turn, Maggrot has an immense ability to convince herself that her own lies are truth, like Venus' evil plan planned for many months, so in turn, Manaki truly became a poor pedophile abusive stalker in her mind.
No. 262449
>>262423This so much.
Funny thing, if Mana mooched off his parents instead being the responsable man he is and this whole drama still happened, margo would accuse him of being exactly what she is, a parasit kek
No. 262456
File: 1461264270314.jpg (36.61 KB, 960x626, 11822476_1226809287384159_6714…)

Also magoo wanting to be a third wheel is fucking creepy. I'm pretty sure she would want to sleep in the same bed between them, wear bikinis 24/7 around the house in front of Manaki and crazy shit like that.
No. 262463
File: 1461265161625.jpg (665.6 KB, 1872x1073, 2016-04-21 20.57.54.jpg)

No. 262465
>>262435To add to your second point, manaki has a car right? Maybe that's what made her think that he's money.
Also, his parents may have money and may have even helped out when possible but they probably taught him how to make his own money so he can be his own adult. Idk, we have to look at it from their point of view and not mags.
No. 262471
>>262435Conspiracy theory:
What if Venus and Manaki lied about Manaki's money to Margo to have Margo approve of the wedding. Meanwhile, after the marriage they told her and she freaked out using whatever manipulation she could to convince Venus to leave. Meanwhile, Venus and Manaki are still talking and Margo starts sending texts to Manaki and other things to make sure there's no chance Venus will get back to him. To escape Margo's clutches, Manaki gets her when Venus's marriage Visa comes in. Despite trying to reason with Margo, she chimps and destroys her relationship with her daughter.
The conspiracies and plans Margo talks about are actually about her trying to marry Venus off to money and realizing they both lied to her. Of course Margo won't disclose that because they'll know she was using her daughter and vicariously gold digging.
No. 262491
>>262463Omg. So, Maggots own father posted this? What does it mean?
I hate Margo, but this is really weird to me. What kind of parent mocks their own kid online?? Makes me feel like I understand now where Margo gets it from…
No. 262495
>>262491Margo posted that first. Looks like it's been deleted from her account now though.
He's not mocking her, read his comment.
No. 262515
>>262469>Meg from Family Guy is hated for pretty much no reasonthat's always bothered me while watching lol
>>262463"this is do not my opinion"? maybe he got the pic from another place and just re-posted it on his IG?
No. 262518
>>262513I agree. She is abusive but no need to be an asshole to your own daughter, this will make people think "oh so thats why marge is an abuser". I hope Venus wont become a crazy mother.
>>262514Dont have children ever please.
No. 262519
>>262518Same anon here. Just checked his account and he deleted the marge post after someone commented "why do you hate your daughter? Lol?"
I should've capped it, not really milk but it's interesting.
No. 262536
>>262533I literally made three posts in this thread. Now stfu and/or sage.
>>262529She probably does.
No. 262542
>>262533>>262536Guys shut the fuck
up seriously, no one fucking cares. Just grow the fuck up and stop replying to each other.
No. 262547
File: 1461281797747.png (640.02 KB, 933x576, 105239847.png)

Venus seems incredibly balanced and mature honestly. It's startling when you compare her to her mother.
No. 262552
>>262513I think he meant "This is
not my opinion"
about the red caption idk, the original pic had it? I don't recall this pic.
sage for sperging
No. 262553
File: 1461283909766.jpg (102.67 KB, 960x593, IMG_20160421_180811.jpg)

>>262552No it didn't have the red text or cigar. I grabbed this from the last thread.
Like I said before, What kind of parent mocks their own daughter online?? Is that where margo gets it?
No. 262595
>>262574Its friday for me.
Marg hasnt been able to keep with he own deadlines so far so I really dont expect much. Im surprised that she has been giving us a video each week since she announced it and hasnt flaked out.
But that last video was pure gold.
Fingers crossed.
No. 262620
>>262595Thanks you're right it's not even wednesday anymore haha. I'm surprised too tbh, especially about her last song-video cause I thought making it without a laptop, only a phone like she claims, would've been pretty difficult.
Can anyone with an IG account ask her about this weeks wednesday video? I can't make an IG, no smartphone to sign up with
No. 262628
File: 1461306056687.png (149.75 KB, 893x373, Screen Shot 2016-04-21 at 11.2…)

She's put up more things: 20 items now
She's selling Venus's bunny. She's a fucking monster.
No. 262629
File: 1461306143006.png (99.38 KB, 592x306, Screen Shot 2016-04-21 at 11.1…)

Fire sale
No. 262630
File: 1461306159576.png (98.2 KB, 621x337, Screen Shot 2016-04-21 at 11.1…)

No. 262631
File: 1461306168921.png (175.62 KB, 850x357, Screen Shot 2016-04-21 at 11.1…)

No. 262632
>>262628Poor Bunny-chan.
He went on a journey to be reunited with Venus.
He was chocked in the talon like grasp of margendo and was unwillingly photographed as evidence of his adventures.
He then spent his time with some wieghts and soapskummy clothes in the luggage, dragged across japan.
Poor bunny
The stories he could tell.
No. 262634
>>262628I can't help but wanting to buy the bunny to ship it then to Venus. She seemed to care a lot for it, breaks my heart to see HER MOTHER selling it.
…plus the reaction Margo would have if she saw a pic of Venus reunited with the bunny
No. 262641
>>262628>selling your own daughter's stuffed animalMargaret is not a mother–she is a fucking
monster. Even when their children have grown up, most mother would never sell their stuffed animals without their children's permission because of the sentimental value.
I didn't believe it was possible to hate her even more than I already did.
No. 262648
>>262638Even better, initiate a chargeback. If it's international then the seller often gets a big charge whacked on top of having the funds reversed.
Source: bitter experience.
No. 262651
File: 1461312152379.jpg (159.09 KB, 1600x900, lCr4iDs[1].jpg)

pretty OT, but does anyone know which shoes these are?
they were in Margaret's morning routine video, and i think they're pretty cute
No. 262670
File: 1461317069266.jpeg (555.03 KB, 640x1296, image.jpeg)

This is fucking gold. One of those weeabo haters tried to pretend they're an Asian girl only to be found out.
No. 262679
>>262628remember anons, venus chose to leave the bunny behind.
however selling it is really creepy because it's a used 'snuggle toy'. it's selling something that was intimate and has no real value outside that.
No. 262682
>>262659Could be, but I still think it's more likely she doesn't give a shit about Venus and doesn't even realize the sentimental value it holds. Empathy, am I right? Mags can't understand affection and even less can she understand Venus.
Also this shop is probably a scam. Mags will never ship these things, she just wants a nice fat wad to blow on delicious Denny's.
No. 262695
>>262628i want to buy this and send it back to her… but would she even give an address to someone random when she's aware that her crazy mother has even crazier people who'd probably hand it over to her?
(pls tell me i saged right)
No. 262701
File: 1461328185497.jpg (134.65 KB, 562x1000, 7.jpg)

She is selling the hat from this picture for $90….
No. 262704
File: 1461328987247.jpg (139.79 KB, 1019x710, fdsffsd.jpg)

>>262670Th girl whose picture she stole replied.
No. 262716
>>262713Eh, Venus seems to be avoiding doing anything that might provoke Margo. If someone were to do this, I'd imagine she'd thank them but not post it anywhere publicly.
It's odd that she left it behind though. I know she would have had limited space in her bags but you'd think she'd have taken the bunny if it really was that important.
No. 262717
>>262716Yeah, I can't imagine it was THAT special if she didn't prioritize taking it
Honestly think anons here are reaching as usual
No. 262722
>>262628I'm crying over her selling pink bunny. Imagine Margo hoping Venus would eventually give her address to get it back.
Can we please save her bunny and get it back to her, the bunny at least? it has sentimental value to her
No. 262753
>>262722Sweet fuck you belong no where near any chan based image board
Off to your hugbox with your irrational feefees you reaching varmint
No. 262761
>>262751you should
free him
No. 262785
>>262784Literally none of it.
Also how do you know where to send it to??
No. 262791
File: 1461348972505.png (470.8 KB, 1049x520, Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 11.1…)

No one buy shit from Margo. She's a scammer, and adding to her Stalk Venus Fund is fucked up.
Margo has sold 2 dresses and 2 figures so far, and she's got like 80 items up now. Including Venus's waist trainer. Are we calling this the beginning of Margo selling her underwear?
No. 262795
>>262791That's why I said I'd get my money back. Scamming people like Margo on paypal is ridiculously easy. I just never do it because most people aren't pieces of shit like her
She'd probably spend the money immediately and run her account in debt too
No. 262810
File: 1461350821478.png (48.33 KB, 319x315, Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 11.3…)

The thirst is real with these small time jvloggers. Imma keep an eye on this one, cringe city. I can't imagine how much money her husband is spending so this trick can live out her dreams of standing around in lolita fashion in glorious nippon. "Venus, notice me, senpai! I also love pocky! Ice cream flavor!? Weird"
No. 262811
File: 1461351045675.jpg (2.12 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3939.jpg)

By fusking the files from her site you can view the photos of items she's uploaded to the server but has yet to list.
Didn't mention this a few days ago because I was holding out on her being stupid enough to upload sensitive files ร la Kiki but I guess it's not happening.
No. 262817
File: 1461351278915.jpg (1.73 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_4011.jpg)

R.I.P. bunny.
No. 262819
File: 1461351394122.jpg (2.6 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_4058.jpg)

A lot of this shit is definitely hers. She must be fucking desperate if she's photographing shit like this tacky-ass beanie in the hopes of selling it.
No. 262821
File: 1461351428778.jpg (1.86 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_3929.jpg)

Maggot's skivvies, anyone?
No. 262823
File: 1461351497545.jpg (2.09 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_3960.jpg)

Fugg I like this Liz Lisa skirt.
No. 262828
File: 1461351745664.jpg (1.92 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3897.jpg)

wtf she's intending to pawn a granny tea-towel? #desperate4Denny's
No. 262832
File: 1461351880254.png (586.87 KB, 596x589, Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 20.0…)

>>262819Venus did wear it, but I bet it was Margo's choice. Doesn't look like anything she wears now she's free.
… I'd forgotten just how tragic this outfit was.
No. 262847
File: 1461355797077.jpeg (409.29 KB, 892x662, image.jpeg)

since no milk now I was snooping around and I found this troll comment on maggots koifish Instagram post saying to check DM. She supposedly saw manaki with another girl on snapchat.
I'm thinking she's trying to stir the pot and get some random girl involved or she's the random girl. But somethings going on.
Also found her commenting on manakis Instagram but it's in moonspeak
No. 262896
>>262811This is exactly what she did to Venus, accessed Venus's photos on the server before she bricked the laptop. Remember her sneering about their crappy kitchen & the photos Venus took for her 'running away' video? Too bad there weren't any good ones on marge's though.
So she's basically emptying out the storage unit she bitched about not having access to I guess, and selling it all- on the website, named after the kid she publicly disowned & tried to destroy but will milk for all the ca$h she possibly can. Go maggot
No. 262918
File: 1461367796387.png (86.51 KB, 285x292, Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 4.28…)

Mags is up; comments 100% gone
No. 262929
>>262925… the fuck? Margo
shows improvement by deleting any comments that aren't direct asskissing? So that people can't criticize her for selling stolen belongings on her daughter's website that she won't let go of?
In what way does this show maturity or "improvement as a person"? Genuinely curious how you got there.
No. 262939
File: 1461370421092.png (39.79 KB, 327x271, Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 5.13…)

Oooh, saucy mags. So much for maturity!
No. 262940
File: 1461370435342.png (40.29 KB, 340x296, Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 5.13…)

No. 262953
Found this is info in the official site.ใๅๅไพใ
ใซใธใฅใขใซใใใ ๏ฟฅ8,000๏ผ็จๅฅ๏ผ
ใจใฌใฌใณในใใใ ๏ฟฅ20,000๏ผ็จๅฅ
a chart of prices. First regular hats, about 70usd, second deluxe hats, about 180USD.
Found in the official site a link to a Rakuten shop and found this item for 8,500yen she claims she payed twice the price she is selling it.
No. 262954
andddd this is a ellegant hat from Maxim. this is about 180+ which would be double the price she claims she paiyed. Thing is that hat looks like the regular ones, which cost less.
No. 262959
>>262944Absolutely. Throughout this whole two month debacle, what is the funniest is that:
Before Venus ran away, we speculated that maggot was behind SOME of the creepy, oversharing, weird, and mean stuff that went on with Venus and her social media channels.
Now that Venus has gone, and we've seen maggot's (over)reaction, we have almost 100% proof that ALL of it, every single shady thing venus ever supposedly did, was either maggot's doing or maggot's idea.
In the two months they've been apart, maggot's meanness has been on show for the whole world to see, she's broadcasting it herself in living color, while Venus' hasn't done anything that was mean, creepy, or harassing.
No. 262963
File: 1461375842515.png (699.26 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160422-213700.png)

O M G these are MAYO'S bootyshorts?? She bought these for her own 40-year-old ass(lol) and WORE them (ewwww) and now she wants someone to BUY the nasty things??? gaggggg
No. 262975
File: 1461379061863.png (28.86 KB, 332x198, Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 7.36…)

>>262953She also thinks you're agreeing with her
No. 263028
File: 1461382420886.jpg (99.71 KB, 851x418, copypastemargo.jpg)

>>262791She copy/pasted product info for the waist trainer from the companys site without even editing out the unnecessary info.
No. 263032
File: 1461383145386.png (74.71 KB, 316x508, Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 8.42…)

What's this?? Margo… defending Venus when some stans tell each other that Venus fakes eating the pudding and pukes up her food? I don't think it's because she cares about Venus; it's probably irritating to her that she's not controlling the narrative. But still, weird.
No. 263036
File: 1461383450015.png (64.1 KB, 319x396, Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 8.50…)

No. 263054
>>263051Probably not. Some anons pointed out how her fitness videos were basically teaching you how to fuck up your knees because of her posture and the way she was lifting.
by the penis nosed kappa hobo
No. 263068
>>263054Sucks to be her. Her thighs are pretty developed, but her ass is as flat as a Denny's pancake.
Don't get me started on her jowls.
No. 263127
File: 1461416227295.jpeg (152.25 KB, 750x936, image.jpeg)

Do you know locomoco?
No. 263128
File: 1461416257637.jpeg (161.19 KB, 738x937, image.jpeg)

Do you know mall?
No. 263130
>>263127That's an amazingly decorated room Manaki has her locked up in. Looks just like a restaurant!
>>263128That bastard, driving his car through the room to make it look as if he takes her out.
No. 263143
>>263133Because she doesn't go to school or has a job outside her home. She needs to go to some place where she can socialize and meet people with similar interests, idk cooking classes, a gym, find a hobby and go to some kind of worshop/meet, etc.
I guess it's difficult to do something like this in a different country when you're not super fluent with the language and you're going through a hard time, but she needs something more than home+youtube+dates w/husband.
No. 263144
>>263133Because crazy maggot is still hunting her, and who knows what she'll do to her.
Once they have confirmation maggot has been deported, she'll probably look into further schooling/career options in Japan. There's no rush. Let her be safe first.
No. 263154
File: 1461424222430.png (23.55 KB, 283x152, Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 16.0…)

Good job keeping to that schedule Margs + bonus bizarre rambling
No. 263160
File: 1461426849509.png (526.38 KB, 600x526, 544.png)

>>263155Our edgelord Margo.
Seriously, what…what in the hell is this?
No. 263161
File: 1461426886862.jpeg (435.16 KB, 701x684, image.jpeg)

>>263054Same ratty ugly red wig
No. 263169
File: 1461431226375.png (213 KB, 641x401, 1416886513900.png)

>>263054Her face and pose in that thumbnail never fail to crack me the fuck up.
No. 263176
File: 1461434417535.png (1021.17 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160423-131305.png)

>>263160>>263162No, it's a kid in Hungary who just came out w/his very first witch house tape. (Witch house= house music but dark & witchy & spooky & satanic ooh so 3dgyyy!) Buy the tape & it comes in a super 3dgy black envelope with free satanic stickers and pentagram pins (not kidding.)
the kid's facebook: up: mayo in full goth mode /black lipstick black nails black everything cause SATAN! WITCHES!
hungarian edgelord pictured:
No. 263177
File: 1461434891502.jpg (117.42 KB, 500x332, tumblr_o2wt08ThvH1s1so8yo1_500…)

>>263176Satanic witchy merch
Pentagram pins!
be the coolest kid in class
No. 263201
File: 1461448176705.jpg (18.44 KB, 667x68, LEAVE AND GOODBYE.JPG)

I'm re-reading some of the old drama on ED and I found this gem. I'm very tempted to send Margo her own words and see how she reacts.
No. 263205
>>263130Top fucking kek
Venus is looking really good lately. She's seems to have gained a little weight in her face, which suits her and makes her look cuter
No. 263216
>>263208Narcissistic mothers of daughters have a really fucked up perspective; they waver between wanting their child to reflect them (be hot, make people want her, because she's yours and by extension they want you) and seeing her as sexual competition.
Margo probably projected onto Venus as a baby - Margo is a nasty one - and when it became apparent that Venus was very pretty and would be competition for attention, Margo started controlling Venus's sexuality like crazy: she had to be pure, but also sexy bait. And Venus was only supposed to be with a man Margo arranged for her. Margo still can't wrap her head around Venus having any kind of sexuality on her own; according to her Manaki is a pedo and Venus is an asexual, she's child with plushies and a pink room who never has sex, and somehow the pedo (who is married to and attracted to an adult, NOT a child) never has sex with her?
Anyway, it's hard to explain exactly, but narc moms are super fucked up around their kids' sexuality. If they have sons, they do this fucked up emotional incest shit where they need their son to think their mother is sexy and buoy up their sense of being adored, and compete with whoever the son has a relationship with.
No. 263231
>>263133The most common ways to make friends is through school, work and through mutual friends.
Mana doesn't have fantastic English and works nights, so he probably can't take her to meet his friends, she obviously hasn't gone to school in Japan.
Her best option is to meet other jvloggers but, even then, it's hard. She won't have friends until she feels comfortable going out.
No. 263235
>>263232Yes, it's nice. Even if her nose sometimes resembles maggot's a little, it's great that she doesn't feel as if she has to filter the crap out of her face anymore. She was probably being bullied by maggot to do that too. I'm really just glad to see how simple and consistent her taste is now, I hope it's a reflection of her mental state.
Unlike maggot, who's chaos/edgy, dirty and all over the place. She doesn't have taste, she just picks stuff with labels she imagines will give her status with her loony teen fans: chanel make up, stella mccartney adidas gear, satanist member card…
No. 263236
>>263235>doesn't feel as if she has to filter the crap out of her face anymoreShe enlarges the fuck out of her eyes, you can tell by the oval shape of her actual iris/pupil like in
>>263128I mean, I do prefer her without the crazy highlighting, but she still fucks with her face.
No. 263256
File: 1461478109021.png (730.86 KB, 933x597, Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 11.0…)

Oh, and Margo claims to have sold 7 items total and promises to ship them tomorrow (I counted 5; 2 dresses, 2 figures and the bunny).
No. 263266
>>263256But why.
The burando ok but why would someone buy that poor bunny? Margendo doesn't have enough fans, and surely Venus fans aren't stupid or perverted enough to give this bitch any money…
No. 263272
>>263266My guess is someone bought the bunny with the intention of trying to get it back to Venus. I very much doubt Venus will trust anyone trying to contact her about it, however. Just imagine her DM inbox, with 50 messages from NJM and her ilk per day with "urgent business opportunities!!1!" She likely only skims the contents. At this point, I'm sure Venus has accepted the loss of anything she left behind.
Blag shit: growing up with Margo-types makes you very accepting of loss. You get so used to tricks, being lied to, and getting nothing or having things taken away if they mean anything to you. To this day I am prepared to leave my whole life behind in 5 minutes if necessary. I don't know if that ever goes away. But other people who've been in that situation often feel similar. We don't assign the same value to childhood objects that others do (maybe because the memories are shit.) /end stupid rant
(no one cares) No. 263295
>>263291She actually looks like her mother in this picture
>>262142same penisnose and facial expression lol
Besides the extra deep nasolabial folds Margo has but that will come later.
No. 263298
>>263272OT but same fam. I try to distance myself from materialism and when I begin to accumulate too many things I start tossing stuff out or donating them. I've been doing dragged around so many times in life, often at just a moments notice, I now associate the accumulation of objects equally with the pain of losing them.
I always try to ensure its possible for me to fit all of my life's possessions in a very large suitcase w/ 2 or 3 bags.
I expect it's probably the same for Venus since her bedroom looks pretty sparse. If you don't get attached to stuff it won't hurt you when it's taken from you.
(no one cares) No. 263300
>>263298You must be spoiled too if you think her room is sparse.
>>263299Because this thread has attracted the underaged sperging PULLretards. Logically most of the 18+ posters aren't touching this thread until there is new milk. Sadly I always respond to the shitposts.
No. 263322
>you must be spoiledDid you totally gloss over the whole "dragged around my entire childhood" part or what.
Her room does seem sparse. Last I looked it legit only had curtains, a bed and some plushies, at least from what I could see. It's not a bad thing, dial down your autism.
No. 263323
>>263299Because there's shit fuck all going on so in the downtime we're attempting to dissect the concurrent psychological state between Maggot and Venus with anecdotal experiences? Wow, what a crazy theory.
>>263300Then you're just as bad as the PULLtards.
No. 263333
>>263323How about not posting when there's nothing going on. Nobody cares about your worthless blogs. Get back to PULL.
And learn to sage you tart.
No. 263340
>>263323>>263299Because there's quite a few undergrads here posting whatever they learned in their Developmental Psychology and Abnormal Psychology courses. Essentially any fake intellectual goes around trying to show the pathetic amount of knowledge they have in psychology, which is the basic bitch degree of people who want to appear smart by obtaining one of the easiest degrees possible.
And essentially any tragic heroine faggot bragging about how hard their life is just like Weeenus.
Pixy used to get this same amount of pseudo-analysis before she dried up. Our darling Kappa should be due for another freak out soon, so let's all hold out until then.
No. 263346
>>263344I read this and thought admin had brought back the filter.
Was disappointed to see it's a real post.
No. 263364
File: 1461518923893.png (1.37 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160424-132244.png)

They were out pretty late (for them.) Her casual style is so cute.
No. 263366
>>263364it's easier to hide in the dark from crazy ass maggot.
I wonder when the river hobo will post a current selfie - it's been a while and I wonder how filthy she looks now.
No. 263378
>>263364derpy face but cute clothes and hair :3
>>263376I think she has already forgotten her tbh, its really easy to get over things when your life is good.
But yeah its really nice her boyfriend did that (I refuse to say husband kek)
No. 263379
>>263378I don't think she's forgotten Magoo that quickly, anon. She was living with the witch for almost her whole life after all.
But on another note, it's good to see she looks a bit happier.
No. 263389
>>263378why do you refuse to say husband? aren't they married?
But yeah, he seems like a real sweetheart.
No. 263410
File: 1461529597629.png (662.96 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160424-162422.png)

She's not gonna like this when she wakes up. LOL
No. 263431
File: 1461532841021.gif (1.74 MB, 500x281, omg017.gif)

>>263410oh she gonna be mad
No. 263438
File: 1461534653693.gif (1.55 MB, 450x253, shocked-spit-out-drink-o.gif)

>>263410Holy…shiiiiiieeeet!!! Wonder what she'll have to say to that.
>Do these clothes come with your leg hair?I can't even…I'm ded.
No. 263441
>>263410they right tho
I mean who in their right mind would buy her shit after seeing the squalor she lives in
No. 263459
>>263440That's not really how trauma works though dude, and the iT's My OpiNioNโข thing isn't really enough to support your argument. Something can still bother you for years even if your life gets better. If a good life was all it took, then why would people like Robin Williams kill themselves?
It's only been a couple months since Venus left Maggot, and that entire time period has been plagued by her mother's destructive antics. She doesn't even have her channel back yet, the loss of which was
caused by her mother, and every day she can't make a video is a reminder that her mother exists, hates her guts, wants to destroy her, and is doing everything in her power to achieve that goal. It would be impossible for her to have just simply
forgotten about Margaret with a snap of her fingers like that when she currently has no income
because of Margaret. You don't just simply eat a bento box under some cherry blossoms with your hubby and magically stop giving any fucks.
No. 263466
File: 1461542348123.png (240.85 KB, 640x644, 40bc51fd-e840-4dc9-bf25-a4cc74…)

She's up und at 'em. Answering comments & deleting the comment so she looks even stupider than she already did.
Oh and now she HAS PERMISSION to sell Venus's stuff. okayyy, marge
No. 263467
>>263459Sounds bitchy but I honestly couldn't give ten fucks if neither of them came back on the internet or if Venus ever made a video again. They were all the same, food videos and boring. Her mother is a nutcase. That's all there is too it.
Venus could probably go into teaching or some shit like translating because she's fast at picking up languages anyway.
No. 263470
>>263466Oh, so now margo admits that manaki told her she can go in the storage unit whenever she wanted to get her stuff. And margo assumes that because manaki told her whatever of her own belongings she doesn't take out of storage, they plan to toss out, that means margo us free to steal Venus's things from storage. She is truly a piece of work.
And this is the same storage unit she claims Manaki refused to let her into, and that he had stolen all of her belongings from it because of this. It was her casus beli at the beginning of this thing.
No. 263487
File: 1461546223751.png (46.66 KB, 324x279, Screen Shot 2016-04-24 at 6.03…)

High five to whichever farmer this is
No. 263506
>>263440Because having a loon middle aged woman who's up to no good lurking around your house is that easy to ignore.
c'mon anon this isn't Kiki and her imaginary harassers.
No. 263513
>>263508>>263512She could help out kids with their English (or other languages). It doesnยดt take much, and an English certificate would be enough for, say, elementary school children.
To do anything else she needs to get back to school.
No. 263514
File: 1461555439734.png (273.38 KB, 600x701, e89e6eac-b57f-4c23-8666-66615a…)

>>263466…and two hours later, she thinks up the perfect response to that (deleted) comment and comes back with THIS zinger:
No. 263515
File: 1461555528074.png (161.56 KB, 676x560, 054cd94f-3fbf-4c7e-ad93-5c3a31…)

>>263514original comment:
must have really stung.
No. 263523
>>263521Her reasoning was that it was a filthy old house and nothing worked in it properly. The washer didnt wash her clothes to her expectations and so she had to pre wash her clothes.
The actual execution of thi… Has a lot to be desired.
Short version: her clothes were being washed badly so she found a way to make it worse.
No. 263543
>>263541It's hard to even understand wtf she's talking about, especially
>The runaway is made up by her for no normal reasons and I sat all the time.What the fuck does that even
mean? I don't think we'll ever be able to decipher Marglish. For fuck's sake, she lived in bloody
England for a few years and her English is worse than a 4 year old's.
No. 263549
>>263545And cut it out with this bunny. It is gone, deal with it.
>>263514Oh, Maggo, you smart you. Delete the comment and then take two hours to answer. Brilliant!
No. 263550
>>263543I read it as 'I sat back the whole time (and didn't say/do anything while Venoos slandered me)' because Margo thinks all her horrible comments are just her telling the truth, while Venus is an evil bully.
But honestly who fucking knows, Margo's dumb as a rock.
No. 263558
>>263545 The only childhood plushie we know of is that unicorn plushie (but its possible even Venus doesnt really care about it) and even then you should not care as Venus is 18+, something you are not. You should really literally grow up before you post here.
>>263519>adopted meUnderaged?
No. 263597
>>263595Oh, that too. But I get the feeling Venus is pretty comfortable staying at home with her husband. Maybe she just want to be a housewife, she seems pretty homely, and make her videos. (And really, it would not surprise me: she never really had a family or a stable place to call home.)
But yeah, she has time.
No. 263617
File: 1461598220329.jpg (286.37 KB, 718x667, margendo.jpg)

No. 263621
File: 1461599170099.jpg (22.79 KB, 599x231, salt (2).jpg)

>>263617fuck mags, you old salty bitch. She is mad that nothing worked the way she wanted it and now she knows that venus will get her channel back, no matter what smh. She needs to get a life and job jeeez.
No. 263633
File: 1461600572603.jpg (5.97 KB, 259x194, Mrs deagle.jpg)

Quick sage for slightly OT.
I was watching Gremlins, and I just had the realization that Margo looks a little like Mrs. Deagle. Guess we know what she will look like in two years. Hahaha
No. 263636
>>263633Not really, I mean they have wrinkles but so what? Lol..
Now that you mention it I worry about Venus. At what age did Margo started to age?
No. 263638
>>263617The old whore needs to get a fucking job and stop seeing her own
daughter as a living ATM. I have zero doubts that she took the majority of Venus' money when she was her "manager." She's a money grubbing dusty ass bitch.
No. 263647
>>263636Referencing her childhood pics margo looked aged from the get go
Venus has pretty below average looks in my opinion, but I think she'll look differently from margo at the same age
No. 263659
>>263647I think she'll age better than her incubation unit only because Venus looks happy now and will most likely stay that way. The
thing on the other hand? Angry and bitter for over 40 years.
No. 263674
File: 1461612977231.png (475.93 KB, 637x582, ce2e4838-1244-4d1b-9892-c4e324…)

so much cringe @ this creature
No. 263707
File: 1461623920417.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-04-25-17-37-18…)

Marge finally eating her first meal after selling Venus stuff
No. 263710
>>263707And so she's blowing all her cash rather than just eating sensibly from a supermarket
No. 263719
>>263711When I was in Japan, I found it cheaper to eat out, but eating out meant that I had nearly no vegetables. Lots of the food is like chicken and sauce, and sushi is a delicacy.
Marge probably looks like a dehydrated, haggard mess and feels tired. I'd assume since she tries to live healthily (PT, dietitian claims etc.) that she's probably not used to not getting her veggies and it'd be taking a knock out of her. Sad, grey old woman. She must be looking about seventy right now.
No. 263772
File: 1461645932215.png (375.55 KB, 624x833, 72c26867-278d-4a9e-959e-983c88…)

So ole girl is sticking to her story that VEENOOS could have gotten her channel back if she had just contacted marge to make "an agreement," but VEENOOS missed the deadline and now there's nothing marge can do about it, the channel is gone (and VEENOOS is lying about YT working to get it back.) Like, some scenario where marge gave Venus a deadline to contact her or she (marge) would initiate legal proceedings of some sort? Except we all know that's not how copyright law works, and the only deadline involved is for marge to file a lawsuit in court by a certain date or her claims expire.
I guess in her alternative-reality lizardworld that's what she thinks is happening, along with VEENOOS's dark plan and Manaki holding Venus prisoner and Fullscreen blackmailing her.
No. 263780
>>263772>>263776I like her answer to "why not just let V do what she wants and go on w/your life? why the drama?"
Marge: but you don't UNDERSTAND! She planned it all, stole my $$ and bullied me, OUTSMARTED me, thought she could get rid if me and have everything! I can't let her get away with that! I must make the world UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH!
No. 263784
File: 1461648408200.png (58.87 KB, 1009x534, 9cfd7b17-690d-40ce-86bb-a5d755…)

I just visited margoo's website and it now says: Used and new clothing from Japan. Ships worldwide from Japan.
That might be a problem after next week.
No. 263816
File: 1461656589502.jpg (18.51 KB, 519x342, nope.jpg)

Has she always had the donate button the site or have I just noticed? She doesn't even say why you should give her money!
No. 263820
>>263816I havent noticed it before either.
It doesnt seem to have a minimum, how much does paypal charge per transaction?
No. 263835
File: 1461662850196.png (8.36 KB, 636x246, hurry up Margo.png)

>>263707Ha ha ha Margo sells a few items and heads straight to Kabukicho.
I knew it was money well spent
No. 263869
>>263848Well I figure a donation to the Margo Milk Fund was in order. I donate to Wikipedia and animal welfare groups when they ask. Margo has been pretty entertaining, I am happy to shout her a parfait.
I also have questions like: how is Margo as a seller? Will I get a thank you note? Will I get a freebie or just extra leg hair? Will it be shoved in a shipping bag or folded nicely? How stanky will it be? Does Venus stink out clothes as much as Mr Yan claims?
So many questions
No. 263882
>>263869If you buy any clothes off her check to see if they really have leg hairs and soap scum.
I feel like someone wore her clothes they'd feel prickly as hell cause of those leg hairs lol.
No. 263928
>>263927from what farmers have said here about this idea is that it would look like she would try to evade the yt ban. So that wouldn't be such great idea.
It's been already a while since her channels has been put down tho.
No. 263959
File: 1461705015111.png (308.81 KB, 935x549, c9983921-34c9-46bd-8f54-2996b2…)

just fyi, marge bought these booty shorts for herself (according to description on website.) Think about this for a minute.. she really thought her 41-year-old pasty ass would look hottt in these.
No. 263973
File: 1461710425493.png (542.17 KB, 928x590, Screen Shot 2016-04-26 at 23.3…)

Still posting old pics by the looks of it.
No. 263974
>>263973She doesn't want to show her face for some reason.
She's gonna have to up her game though b/c her IG is b o r i n g. People are losing interest, marrggge.
No. 263989
File: 1461721766726.png (453.71 KB, 919x322, Screen Shot 2016-04-26 at 6.43…)

>>263986>>263973Mags thinks she slick
No. 264012
>>263995That could also have been Marge's deteriorating english, meaning that she never sees pics from Venus going out in Shibuya i.e. that she's a prisoner in that bedroom.
It may not occur to Marge that Venus stays inside to stay safe, and goes where she wants to go with Manaki when they have time, which may not be fucking Shibuya.
No. 264015
File: 1461741072721.png (655.89 KB, 639x949, e71e1ad1-ebc8-4289-a096-082a77…)

Venus just calmly going about her biz, looking all cute and still rocking those extensions- and more plaid.
Oh and look marge, she has a kitchen!
No. 264018
>>263994Margo is learning?
Well its about time.
No. 264030
File: 1461750551026.png (776.82 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 264046
>>264035I really hope they do, this is some scary shit. Imagine waking up at night, the maggot stuck to your ceiling.
>give me all the money weenooooos, give it to me! You are mine, mine, mine! I will have you for an ATM!But I almost hope she does something that gets her arrested, just to have her deported.
No. 264054
>>264052of course, i just meant that i hope he properly explains the whole extent of the thing so that the police can get the whole picture of just how crazy margo is so that they don't brush it off. not just 'oh my wife's mother is stalking us'
japan does have a stalker culture but i'm not sure how the police usually handle it..
No. 264056
>>264054I think Manaki is very, very aware of the situation. He was the one who told Margo to stay away, he has been in the background but he has been involved in the most sensible ways.
>>264055Lots of Japanese houses have long driveways and side entrances, if she was on the driveway she was on private property.
No. 264062
File: 1461753638118.jpg (108.9 KB, 946x598, screenshot.jpg)

here is the pic from his instagram
No. 264076
>>264041She's probably convinced she does anyway.
"He didn't want to talk to me! He's hiding something!! HE DIDN'T LET VENOOS OUT THE HOUSE! HE'S CONTROLLING HER! But! Also look how scared he is! Venoos is bullying him!"
No. 264081
>>264074Yes it's not great anymore.
Does anyone find it weird how much Venus and Margaret actually share on ig? It's literally a running commentary of their argument. You would think that fullscreen would step in and say to them both that they wont back them if they don't stop public arguing online. I mean it was entertaining but now it getting old and I seriously wonder how long this commentary can go for.
No. 264084
>>264081Venus has only posted big updates, she has not responded to insults past the two videos and now a PSA that her mother is fucking crazy. She knows that her biggest source of material to use against Margaret is what places like PULL, Kiwifarm and lolcow have put together.
Also, since she may not have many friends in Japan, think of it like how you may text your friend/family 'i'm walking home late at night along this street, I'll let you know when I get there' etc. She's doing this to document the extremes Margo has gone to.
No. 264093
File: 1461757264930.png (829.97 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

I want to get off Mr Bones' wild Ride
No. 264095
File: 1461757384844.png (197.39 KB, 640x481, f1f4c94b-465f-4e21-adb5-2caacd…)

No. 264099
File: 1461757685548.png (213.87 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>264098Thank you for the download.
Margendo changed the caption.
No. 264103
File: 1461757819799.png (281.79 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>264099Holy shit, she changed the caption again. She can't even keep up with the comments now.
No. 264110
File: 1461757974725.webm (3.51 MB, 640x640, 13085192_637186166435233_21047…)
Here, I converted it into webbum so it's easier to share
No. 264115
>>264110I can't tell if his right arm moves right before the camera jerks away.
But if Margo was hit I'm sure she would have screamed.
No. 264118
>>264114Yeah, even someone who doesn't know anything about body language can tell just from his hand he was asking her to stop and then to hand over the camera to him.
Oh, but I forgot, Margo is an expert in microwhatevers and could tell he was clearly trying to bully her on account of his bullied past!
This woman is a serious nutjob, she legit has zero empathy at all it seems.
No. 264129
File: 1461759343348.jpg (27.54 KB, 346x237, margoucray.jpg)

Is she attempting to say the events in this video occurred after Venus' IG post. Like, Manaki saw that and is retaliating or something? It's hard to understand Margo twists and turns.
No. 264132
>>264118exactly, he's showing his palm, this is the least agressive gesture showing you haven't got any bad intentions and are harmless and weaponless. Everything about his body language shows he was just being cautios (you've
got to be cautious if you have to deal with a venomous snake!) and felt uncomfortable being filmed by the crazy-ass river monster without his permission.
I feel sort of proud of Manaki, he acted very decent in this crazy situation.
No. 264135
>>264128Looked like she just backed away and lowered her hand while doing it. Don't think she fell.
The dumb bitch was filming everything so she could incite a response. Seems like a normal reaction to ask the person to stop filming. I'm literally wtf'ed when I read Venus' update. Just leave her alone Maggot.
No. 264149
File: 1461760579154.jpg (15.83 KB, 266x93, wtf do you want her dead.JPG)

Why in the world are people still sticking up for this loon after this? I get the feeling they're just as mentally unstable as Margross is.
No. 264153
File: 1461760849776.png (598.94 KB, 500x579, 1d2.png)

this shit is gettin' wild. it's like a trainwreck, i don't want to watch but i can't stop
No. 264155
>>264149NOOOOO. I HATE people who say this shit.
"Your mom is horribly abusive and clearly narcissistic? Well, doesn't matter, she's still your mom, so you must love her!"
No. 264167
>>264163>slenderIt's time for slendermom!
She lurks in front of your apartment
She knows when he's away
She knows if you're in bed or not
So call the cops, for goodness' sake!
No. 264171
File: 1461762572832.jpeg (230.25 KB, 750x1188, image.jpeg)

Oh look, the crazy Margo defenders are starting to show up (very top and bottom comments). I forgot that it's "guilty until proven innocent", right?
No. 264174
File: 1461763208122.gif (12.93 MB, 640x360, giphy.gif)

>>264110Margo man how did you find where they lived????
Venus and Manaki better prepare to sleep with kitchen knives and holy water to fight this lady. Holy hell this woman is terrifying!
No. 264188
File: 1461765049612.jpg (1.07 MB, 3451x2100, melisandre-old.jpg)

This is what I imagine Manaki saw when he pulled up in front of his house. Only much crazier.
No. 264189
File: 1461765214658.gif (280.06 KB, 500x296, tmp_10906-…)

Do you guys think Venus knows how serious this is? Like, does she maybe still have a soft spot for the Maggot that could cloud her jusgement of the situation? Goddamn, I feel so sorry for them.
No. 264204
>>264197Margo seems to be doing her best yo ensure that she is arrested or deported as quickly as possible.
I am guessing that another reason why the police are reluctant to act is because this is a "family matter."
No. 264208
File: 1461767204737.jpg (5.37 KB, 294x43, notangelic.jpg)

>>264191She is getting flooded with negative comments and it's not too easy to go on a classic delete spree.
← This comment made me laugh a little though.
No. 264213
>>264204>I am guessing that another reason why the police are reluctant to act is because this is a "family matter."True, but I hope that since Manaki is involved Venus will have more credibility and they'll take it seriously. If V didn't have him I'm sure they'd be even less helpful because it can be dismissed as crazy gaijin drama.
No lie, I'd give anything to see Margo get dogpiled by cops and carted away. I admit I didn't really give a shit about Venus until all this went down, but man, no one deserves that level of crazy.
That's not very kawaii of you, Margo
No. 264219
>>264218same here she probably did tbh and ran off like a loon
either she will get deported and thrown in a nut house or it won't end well for venus
No. 264223
>>264202I'd like to know what she would have done if Venus had opened the door. Like why did her crazy ass really go there? What was her plan? I guarantee it wasn't to "check on Venoos my only daughter to see if she was okay" or to "save the channel."
It's night time there. I bet they don't get a wink of sleep. I'd be too scared to sleep.
No. 264228
File: 1461768876714.jpg (386.64 KB, 986x806, Screenshot_2016-04-27-10-45-33…)

>Thinking that Maggot was abused
This person just responded to me with this bullshit. Shes an idiot claiming that there's no evidence that anything thats been happening is true but says that Margos been abused when there's zero evidence for that. I almost replied but then realized it was pointless with this level of delusion.
No. 264236
File: 1461769178003.jpg (9.01 KB, 262x193, images.jpg)

No. 264249
>>264084Do you guys think it would be appropiate to respectfully approach Venus and offer her screenshots of margos crazyness just in case she needs proof to get margo's stinky ass kicked out Japan?
this whole ordeal is revolting
>PEDO KIDNAPPER HITTING AN ABUSDE ME IN BROAD LIGHT IN JAPANand some elaborated BS a la Kiki's "sexual harassment in Japan" vlog.
No. 264251
>>264245I think they understand, especially Manaki. He's already warned his parents and cut off all contact from the kappa. Venus is smart enough to realize that giving Margo an inch let's Margo get her claws in you so she hasn't given her even that. The problem is that these are legal issues and they take time and procedural nonsense. You can't just deport someone due to someone making claims, even if there's some proof. It's a process to find legit grounds that way no mistakes are made. I'm sure the police aren't turning Venus and Manaki's concerns away, but are trying to conduct things properly. All of it takes time. In the US, it's difficult as hell for women to get a simple restraining order against an abusive husband with clear signs of abuse. Sometimes police involvement comes too late and she is assaulted or killed. Time isn't on the side of victims despite proper legal intervention.
Anyways, I think the best thing to do is for Venus and Manaki to stay with his parents for awhile until the police can do something about Margo's erratic behavior or until she leaves.
No. 264255
File: 1461770625401.gif (297.33 KB, 500x272, tmp_20176-tumblr_nbiv0cncy01ra…)

Maggot reminds me of the Beldam from Coraline.
You guys are making me kek so hard, though. Your commentary is fucking hilarious.
No. 264264
>>264260Plus she only chose to put up a small clip that looks favorably for her.
You can clearly tell he's approaching her like she's a wildebeest so he can grab the phone and delete the pictures.
No. 264272
>>264264I know it would have been scary, but this post made me think how fucking bizarre the whole scene would have been to watch.
I'm imagining 5 minutes of Margo holding up her phone whilst ranting and raving in totally broken Japanese and occasionally stepping towards Manaki, then back, then forwards until she finally got the money shot of him reaching his arm out. Then she throws herself backwards like she's been electrocuted and starts running with her 20kg suitcase.
Fucking lunatic.
No. 264277
>>264275Except that Manaki presumably still has to show up at his job 5 days a week or else he'd get fired. That's my assumption. Although maybe he'a got some built up vacation days that he can use? I wouldn't blame him if he didn't want to explain the whole situation to his supervisors, it would probably look really bad to drag all of these personal life problems with him to work.
Maybe Venus can go into hiding at his parents' house but she'd probably feel less safe by herself without Manaki around to protect her.
No. 264283
>>264279You can also see him reaching towards the camera and the camera's POV is having Margo bend over to clutch the phone. It's clear they're struggling for the phone and once Manaki realizes he can't easily take it he walks away.
Margo is one of those people who thinks that getting too close to her is assault. Gross exaggerations and lies. When Venus cutting herself from BULLYING.
No. 264284
>>264110LMAO this bitch literally walked up to him, walked back, probably whispered something so he would come a bit closer and then started playing with her camera/turning it around to pretend he hit her.
Margo is fucking insane.
No. 264294
File: 1461774761032.jpg (680.18 KB, 1922x1110, 2016-04-27 18.32.09.jpg)

No. 264295
>>264294Awwww, I knew he would be on Venus side.
I mean, he knows Marg, he has witnessed the crazy since her birth.
No. 264307
>>264306Visa not Venus…saying Venus expires while discussing Margo …is awful.
Stay safe, Venus!!!
No. 264309
File: 1461775499966.jpg (55.59 KB, 919x406, gitka.JPG)

>>264304"Gitka" is a nickname for Margaret and he states that they love their children.
I guess they really do, even if they condemn Maggo's actions.
No. 264312
File: 1461775602692.jpeg (99.57 KB, 750x420, image.jpeg)

Bitch be crazy
No. 264320
>>264312You know I get tired of you anons, blogging about your Narc mothers or analysis about Margo's Narc tendencies, but as time goes on, I understand why. She's so text book it's fucking painful. I've never seen one person incriminate themselves and expose themselves as being fucking deluded as Margo has done.
She's so up her own ass, she comes out through her mouth, but then goes right back in again.
No. 264325
File: 1461776315207.png (12.07 KB, 276x159, Untitled.png)

But how would she know "Venus is veryslim and her voice is very weak and very high" if Venus wasnt there?
No. 264327
>>264324I know this. We all know this, but everyone has to go around analyzing anyways or relating to it. I'm just explaining why people HAVE to go into depth about the subject and it's because it's so god damn obvious it's like a nervous tick not to address.
>>264325I think she's talking about Venus in general. Venus is delicate and she's trying to say how Manaki could easily over power her if he needed to. You know, the same Venus Margo describes as manipulating and bullying.
No. 264332
File: 1461776722615.png (9.42 KB, 279x106, hkn.PNG)

No. 264335
File: 1461776776798.png (8.12 KB, 298x92, wot.PNG)

No. 264338
File: 1461776898655.png (489.42 KB, 859x443, thebeautyherself.PNG)

>>264335This is the chick that posts those comments to manaki… a true queen herself
No. 264342
File: 1461777106824.png (30.27 KB, 298x191, Screen Shot 2016-04-27 at 18.1…)

Margo still has no idea how fucking nuts she is. All her actions are fine, everyone else is wrong.
No. 264344
File: 1461777305392.png (451.67 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160427-191410.png)

>>264340Nah. It's possible to post videos up to a minute recently
No. 264346
>>264312What a cool law. You can grab someone but they can't grab you because you are their mother.
No. 264347
>>264342>talk to him on the public streetYou just don't go around approaching people and shoving your phone on their faces or recording their car plates. Even your dear Satan doesn't approve that, margo.
>As an option given by YoutubeSure, Jan.
No. 264353
And funny how Mana-san went from being 'Venus's BF aka rich meal ticket' to 'abusive pedo stalker factory worker' to 'his parents dressed him like a girl lolololol' to 'abusive kidnapper' to 'being manipulated by V' to finally being called "my son" kek
>>264348>>264352yeah, magoo have no clue of personal boundaries
No. 264354
>>264338I thought that chick was balding kek
>>264342Margo girl you looked like a lone nut filming him. Looked more like harassmemt to me but…yeah. Damn she's so stupid and delusional.
No. 264357
File: 1461778215986.png (15.37 KB, 293x179, saf.png)

So she did see her. Ughh.. poor Venus. Must be so upset by all of this.
No. 264360
File: 1461778713910.png (34.13 KB, 289x230, Screen Shot 2016-04-27 at 18.3…)

>lalalalaaaaaa I can't hear you
No. 264366
>>264312"Instead of keeping her mouth shut."
Wow…. That alone is scary. If that doesn't scream abuse. Crazy Margo wants Venus to keep her mouth shut so she can her precious daughter!
No. 264372
File: 1461779825560.jpg (37.9 KB, 720x178, _20160427_135451.JPG)

So a man is suppose to sit back and watch a crazy woman attack his wife? Yup, that makes total sense…. The logic here
No. 264402
>>264335>>264338I don't get this psycho bitch. Her eyes scream crazy. First she's on Team Maggot then turns tail once she finds out that she's a Satanist and shit. Then she goes on to harass V and M. Wtf…
>>264342That's not how shit fucking works, Maggot. By now it should be clear to everyone who really had the "evil plan planned for many months." They need to involve the police ASAP.
I just woke up and saw that this thread exploded and not for good reasons… I thought that maybe Venus had gotten her channel back but one of my worst fears has come true. This is truly terrifying.
No. 264403
File: 1461782731215.jpg (99.62 KB, 720x431, _20160427_143912.JPG)

No. 264405
>>264359Bitch you are crazy.
Maggot tried to grab Venus and drag her away in a packed airport, what makes you think she wouldn't do any worse in a park? She can't reasoned with.
No. 264440
>>264426I think you're lost but I'll help you find your way
https://prettyuglylittleliar.netYou're welcome.
No. 264442
File: 1461788176733.png (788.87 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-04-27-16-10-32…)

Went thru moggles insta
Did no-one notice the wiggly thighs in this lmao
No. 264446
>>264442Ay so thats why these instathots look curvy on pictures, they probably look either really small or fat IRL.
But damn she needs help ASAP, but idk she makes me laugh so maybe not. Well, if she isn't up to anything more crazy because her visa is almost running out I dont think she can actually harm Venus. Doesn't mean Venus shouldn't stay in when Manaki isn't at home, just in case Margo wont kill the poor girl. But if she leaves Japan I have the feeling she will kill herself. Or ends up in a mental institution by force. I hope the latter. If so, when she gets out she might become really kawaii inside.
Manaki is really ugly though I'm glad I could have a closer look.
>>264444If you really want to know: she shooped them in an attempt to make them curvy or something. Dunno why she used meitu (or whatever azn beauty app she used) 9 out of ten times it makes you look uglier than you actually are.
No. 264450
>>264446u sound a bit retarded anon how is this situation funny and why is manakis looks relevant?
>>264030this is so scary i'm glad venus was smart enough not to open the door also how shady of margaet to hide herself from the camera screen
No. 264453
>>264229>>264234>>264237>>264238My Japanese is rough, but I'm pretty sure "Desu ka" is rather simple japanese, added on to the end of a sentence to make a question. It's basically akin to the verb(s) is/are in english.
Eg: "Baka desu ka?"="Are you an idiot?"
Therefore I think she was trying to ask him something (Like maybe if he's an abuser?), likely in horrible japanese, thus manaki's confused nani (what?)
No. 264461
File: 1461790285520.webm (7.64 MB, 1280x720, whenRiverMonsersAttack.webm)
>>264110>>264316>>264399it isnt that im lazy, I just didnt know how to do it. so I did the best I could, IDK if this will work.
This is right side up and in slow motion if anyone is interested. the only thing I can see is Margos leg going toward Manaki at the end. then she either fell down or dropped her phone. also it was a very quiet confrontation, no yelling or even heavy breathing. just weird.
No. 264469
>>264461He's clearly just going to try and grab the phone and she's making a huge deal out of it.
Also kek, love the filename
No. 264477
File: 1461792121644.png (1013.92 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160427-232122.png)

Old but gold
No. 264489
File: 1461792823996.png (370.23 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160427-233257.png)

Let's stay entertained
Oh god the last comment on the pic .. I can't ..
No. 264515
>>264461If Venus is saying the truth (which I do not doubt), then Kappa Momma had been filming for a while. He probably just wanted to make sure that she didnt get their address and house number recorded. And it seems like he was gesturing for her to give him the phone. Goddamn, that woman pisses me off so much.
>>264512Finally. She has better to do than to delete comments. All of the stalking!
No. 264531
>>264529Not just you, Margo's taken the video down.
I wonder what her next move will be.
No. 264532
>>264531Margo's travel tips, living in the gutter outside Venus' house edition.
I dont think Venus will be leaving untill magoo's visa runs out.
No. 264533
File: 1461798300926.png (500.8 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-04-27-19-04-38…)

Oh the irony. How delusional can she get?
No. 264535
>>264312Under Japanese law marriage is like adoption, but it's one-sided: usually the wife enters the family register of the husband.
Which means she does not have a son, and officially not even a daughter. It's getting kind of irritating how retarded maggot is. All this stuff about the Japanese family system is on Wikipedia.
No. 264543
>>264533I'm laughing too hard at 'copyrithy'.
>>264536The longer she evades it the longer she wont be allowed back. Overstaying on mistake is one thing but overstaying and evading makes it worse. As well as since she's not staying where she wrote on her form that will make it appear that she's trying to stay in the country illegally permanently.
No. 264545
>>264417That's true. As a foreigner they will usually leave you alone if you're a woman, but not if you're acting erratic and crazy. If they've called the police it's just a matter of time before her crazy as is rounded up.
>>264442She used to be a fatty and she'll be a fatty again once she is in a Hungarian mental hospital.
No. 264550
File: 1461799486115.png (56.54 KB, 296x401, Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 00.2…)

Moar from the comments on Margo's latest super ~artistic~ super ~professional~ photography:
It's everyone's fault but Margo's! Of course! She's literally done nothing wrong in her life and she just happens to keep getting into these bad situations!
No. 264560
File: 1461800355403.jpeg (306.89 KB, 1272x1440, image.jpeg)

She's up and at it making stupid comments about how she was in the right. Lightning, please strike this evil whore down.
No. 264568
File: 1461801683169.png (393.12 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160427-195924.png)

She's writing a thesis, guys!
No. 264572
>>264560So overnight she's flipped from "just wanted to see my only daughter, so worried she's with that abuserr!" to "Venoos just a cruel psychopath bully." OVERNIGHT. She flips so fast it makes me dizzy to watch.
Total epic meltdown coming in 3… 2…….
No. 264575
File: 1461802905717.gif (856.94 KB, 450x254, tmp_27704-anigif_enhanced-2470…)

>>264568So, what school does she attend?
No. 264577
>>264545If they did report this to the cops it'll be their second contact w/her & her crazy (first was her calling the cops to check on Venus and trying to involve Manaki's parents. God knows what she sounded like to them with her broken Japanese.) Plus she dragged their landlord into it this time, he's a witness & can corroborate if they question him.
The first thing the cops will do is check her visa…BOOM. She's gone. (IF they called the cops.)
No. 264581
File: 1461804505790.png (195.87 KB, 639x543, 84e94c4c-7d6f-49a4-8ac5-8fbbd8…)

She's on a roll
No. 264582
File: 1461804520158.png (233.67 KB, 612x635, 1031dca4-fdc6-4986-81f5-696a1a…)

No. 264583
File: 1461804535313.png (201.02 KB, 635x557, 6f0ed6b7-262c-4caf-ba03-5cfe66…)

No. 264593
>>264583>camera is at 1m height, can't see people through thatbecause, fellow farmers, only toddlers,midgets and dwarves visit the Okadas lmao
her backpedaling is getting more hilarious than ever
No. 264600
File: 1461809017463.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-04-27-21-02-56…)

Ohhhhhhh I saw this on insta under her tags
No. 264607
File: 1461812154074.jpg (17.97 KB, 369x375, mfw weenoos wont let me wear h…)

No. 264630
File: 1461819825078.png (454.48 KB, 720x1134, clip_now_20160428_010146.png)

Someone sounds bitter
No. 264647
File: 1461822854645.png (2.2 MB, 1440x2560, 1456244313430.png)

>>264600>>264616>>264618I found it. its him right??
No. 264654
>>264470As someone who knows no moonspeak I thought the translation was interesting. Margo is asking a question yet conveniently leaves out what the question actually was.
>>264512We all knew that was going to happen, it's not helping her out much since her other pics are getting hate comments now. Thanks to the anon who put it the video up!
>>264570I'm so scared for V&M right now. Margo knows she's on borrowed time and she's not going to just slink away quietly. She's determined to make contact with Venus and she knows their address this could get violent!
No. 264658
>>264630what does Maggot even want anymore??
like what is her excuse for stalking Venus? she's got the storage and has said that Venus isn't her daughter anymore.
No. 264664
>>264647Its hard to judge without knowing the real context.
And honestly at this point, how do we know it was Venus talking, or if it was Margo acting as Venus? I mean how could Margo get hold of the screencap otherwise?
No. 264665
File: 1461827355157.png (645.47 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160428-025353.png)

So the maggott wants to DM with this lil teenage IGer:'s been spamming her account with marge's pics of Venus in bed with her 'hookup' in the past hour. With captions like #tellthetruthvenus #cheatingisntkawaii and shit like that. Guess her new plan is to assemble a teenage hitsquad to spread that Venus is a Cheater rumor. Whatta mom.
>>264658Maggot wants to hurt Venus. She wants to inflict pain. She's like some insane insect that stings and stings till it dies.
No. 264672
>>264658Revenge maybe?
>>264605So Margo sold her to one of those guys and now tries to blackmail her with that… I can't put into words how much of a terrible human being she is.
I'm scared what Margo will do to Venus. And I really hope her and Manaki are strong enough to put up with that situation.
No. 264678
File: 1461829678215.png (1013.17 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160428-034619.png)

Heehe, Venoos lives!
No. 264679
File: 1461829680551.png (647.62 KB, 933x599, GanbatteVenus.png)

On one hand I can imagine Margaret seething in fury that Venus is already posting positive cute food pics so soon after Mayo's latest attempt to shake up V's life failed miserably once more, but on the other hand, I really hope Venus isn't pushing herself too hard to act positive and neglecting to actually work through the emotions of what Maggot is doing. Stuffing it away won't help her at all, so I hope she can at least process this in private alright.
No. 264682
File: 1461831049179.png (130.58 KB, 711x420, 07b61c73-cff4-4e13-af63-efece0…)

aaand… DELETED! hahaha margooo
No. 264697
>>264693You have to go right back to right when Venus left to know it.
After hiding it for a few days, Margo announce Venus' departure and said she (Margo) was going to the river.
This evolved into Margo living in the river, being a monster, being a kappa.
No. 264700
>>264699She probably watching the house.
"Weenoos did not even leave the house today. Manaki is soo abusive. Look at my flower pictures!!1"
No. 264721
File: 1461843421823.png (447.57 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-04-28-07-16-17…)

Chuface is the new jassy, she's hardcore defending Mags. I thought fangelics could be bad but at least some of them didnt blindly defend Venus with certain videos(i.e. shitty makeup vids)
No. 264724
File: 1461843784763.jpeg (119.77 KB, 728x1060, image.jpeg)

Venus please contact the police
No. 264738
File: 1461849762358.gif (2.54 MB, 350x263, tackle.gif)

>>264732pic related
>>264735thanks for the links. perhaps it would turn out better for everyone if she does end up getting banned. maybe she's more calculated than she appears because it would be a sane move long-term to leave voluntarily, but she seems to have lost all decorum up til now
>>264733that is kind of scary
No. 264745
>>264743No, not for a tourist visa because she is from a country in the Eu, which has a reciprocal deal with Japan. There are no checks on anything about you and there is no application - you just arrive.
I read up on some Japan visa info and it sounds like there is a tourist visa extension application - who knows if you have to show bank proof for that or not.
No. 264746
>>264742My money is on her taking a quick and cheap trip to Seoul if she still has anything there to collect. Or maybe somewhere less expensive if not.
Rinse. Repeat. I dream of an ending like in the film To Die For, where the fam works out what's up and gets a hitman to take care of it. I can dream.
No. 264747
>>264745If you want to extend your visa you have to show them a good reason why and also proof of financials so you have enough money to support your stay for another 3 months.
And then it's up to the officer if he/she accepts it. Some days they decline everybody, some days they give extensions.
No. 264758
File: 1461854991254.png (325.08 KB, 540x298, tumblr_nsp1peCkhu1usv7xpo1_540…)

>>264747>you have to show them a good reason whymagoo be like
>>264755I really hope so too, but if she overstays and gets banned from re-entering Japan then Venus is out of her reach for good. I fear Margoyle won't risk that. Or maybe I'm overestimating her.
No. 264764
File: 1461855440622.png (31.57 KB, 341x180, Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 8.56…)

Margo Logic 101 - I desperately need that class.
No. 264767
Loooool bought that for 15 dollars. She wrote it under her igpic once
No. 264769
File: 1461856600769.jpg (108.49 KB, 1048x551, bag.JPG)

This bag is so hideous omfg
No. 264770
>>264769Is she for real with that price? It pains me to know Margo bought that expensive bag with Venus' income, it's also ugly as sin!
>>264764I hope this bitch gets sued.
No. 264778
>>264769This bag looks a lot like shit the old ladies here have in TX who have bedazzled crosses littering their houses.
It's fucking ugly
No. 264780
File: 1461857705234.jpeg (657.74 KB, 640x1444, image.jpeg)

Maggots also selling that gray fur jacket she got when she first touched down in japan, which she bought at a second hand shop for super cheap~
So cheap margo thought it was fake
No. 264785
File: 1461858465094.jpg (6.83 KB, 291x44, lolwho.jpg)

Someone on IG is asking about the donations. We all know who it would be going to.
No. 264812
File: 1461864768913.png (77.86 KB, 1440x337, Screenshot_2016-04-28-13-31-44…)

Another of Margo's strong supporters falls. Only the most insane ones remain now.
No. 264832
File: 1461869781509.png (945.13 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-04-28-14-44-53…)

So these are the ~precious~ Swarovski crystals shes been ranting about; its really unimpressive. For some reason I was expecting more but this reminds me of the cheap, tacky belts Ive seen in ghetto clothing stores.
No. 264856
>>264769The infamous ugly as fuck bag from this stupid as hell video… Goes to show how tacky and classless she is if she thinks that a duchess would carry around a bag this ugly.
It really pains me to see how she pissed away Venus' money. She probably gave Venus an "allowance" that was probably only 5% or less.
No. 264858
>>264856Same anon, but I did a price check on one of the ugly items. The wallet retailed for $350 so it goes to show even
more how fucking selfish Margaret is with Venus' hard earned money. The handbag must have cost $1,000 or more. Jesus Christ…
>>264857That pisses me the fuck off too. The river monster uses Chanel and NARS makeup while Venus had to work with cheap shit made out of who knows what. I really do hope she gets her channel back so she can have her income once again. It'll be another rage inducer for evil Margo Gothel.
No. 264890
File: 1461879693532.png (1.23 MB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160428-173915.png)

Auntie Zsu is on Mana's IG, begging him to check his DMs.
No. 264918
File: 1461885112153.png (1.46 MB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160428-191007.png)

This comment, lol
No. 264920
>>264062Oh my god. I just decided to check this thread after some days and I feel so upset now. I can't feel bad for wishing for something bad and humilliating happen to Maggot. If Venus doesn't update daily, her fanbase will freak out and expect the worst.
I really think she'll try to kill them both and that makes my heart drop. I don't care if she is ill, she shoulf be locked away for ever.
Please, she says she is an xray techniciam, a certified nutritionist, a psychology thesis writer, a mensa member, a good person. Is there anything she hasn't lied about except being her mother ?
No. 264923
>>264918That comment LOL
With how she made out her Swarovski collection to be this big magnificent thing, it's really just a bunch of ugly items decorated in crystals. Gaudy ugly ass shit that I used to sell at the airport to middle aged women like Midge. If her crystals were so important to her then why sell them? Maybe she realizes that she's going to be fucked in the ass real hard once her visa expires and she can't keep her belongings once she gets banned from Japan. I really think she plans on overstaying.
No. 264928
>>264920Well if you really want to know: to me she lied about being chronically ill lol
>>264799Idk, conversation(s) were pretty long and she rambled a lot, she is VERY paranoid and I had a hard time to understand herโฆshe just isn't mentally sound. It just seems like she actually believes someone is watching her and is out to get her, her dad, police etcโฆ and "no matter what I do or where I go they dont go away".
Sounds pretty fucked up to me and Venus definitely has to stay away from her.
No. 264929
>>264927>>264928Well damn
Were these DMs? Did you take any screenshots? More, please!
She's totally shizo, +/or bipolar. Those are classic paranoid delusions.
No. 264974
>>264856This is the worst ASMR video Ive ever seen. Its not even remotely soothing
>Shitty sound quality>Spoken at normal volume instead of softly or whispering>Focusing on herself instead of the viewer>Cringey acting>Loudly handling itemsOther lulzy things are the letter she reads around 6 min is a love letter to her(from the viwer) about some expedition to the Congo and 11:40 min she talks about her special perfume that she sprays herself with instead of washing everyday like the peasants. Even in her fantasies she's dirty, tacky, and condescending
No. 264981
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>>264062Oh shit. How did she find them?
No. 264997
>>264994Manaki and Venus have been on the phone with the police.
Besides, if their marriage papers are in the " being processed stage", then she can stay until the paperwork is done. You get a new stamp in your passport that says as much.
No. 265000
>>264997Oh okay, I hope that means Margo has a higher chance of getting found and deported if she tries to overstay her tourist visa.
I haven't kept up much for a few weeks, what is she doing in Nagoya?
No. 265013
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New IG post where she desperately tries to look young and it's fucking creepy. The caption is nothing special, just "Sunby days."
No. 265021
>>265013I still think she should get with Onision, they both have delusions of attractiveness, can't stand to be alone yet are horrible to all the people they have around them. They could keep their craziness contained or possibly self destruct together, either way…
>>265016No one pay attention to the disheveled homeless woman putting on make up in the parking lot and talking furiously to herself.
No. 265028
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This Ogal comic is how I imagine Maggot living. Even these girls are cuter than her
No. 265030
>>265024I say Greg and Kiki get together and Margo becomes their momager.
Trio from hell
No. 265034
>>265024>>265026A decade younger isn't working out for him, he could try a decade older lol. He'd get some edgelord points since she's a satanist. She'd stay in the house with him and edit videos all day because it beats being homeless. They could agree with each other when they complain about their terrible ex's, children and peons who fail to recognize their superiority.
>>265030Ooh this could work!
No. 265043
>>265030my inner white knight is showing but i don't want kiki a part of this. sure she's a trainwreck but…i want it to be ginger bronson with gurg managed by margo because i REALLY want to see margo do ginger's "slutty lana del rey trapqueen" style.
japanese styles have that kinda innocence to them, while it can be fucked up when done badly it's just not as bad. i want margo letting loose with the svarovskis rapping "kill yourself you witch" to old school britney instrumentals instead of a ukulele or camming like megan marie.
No. 265048
>>265046that whole post is gold. I want this to happen so bad. If it were a reality show they'd have so many views. Also, Margo could start dating that Jrcach guy (or Keemstar!) so we'd have the complete Supreme Meme Dream Team.
Imagine Ginge giving Margo a "babygirl" makeover and then Margo talking about sex with her "daddy"…and possibly Ferenc commenting on her IG. I'd die and go to heaven.
No. 265058
>>265050Margo is domain squatting, and Venus is within her legal rights to get the site back via court and lawyers (which she doesn't seem up for right now.)
Margo has set up an illegal business on a tourist visa in Japan, however (the site clearly states everything is being shipped from Japan so she can't claim the business is based elsewhere.) She's not allowed to earn income there on a tourist visa, and she's definitely not paying taxes on said income. Not sure where to report this besides to immigration, though.
No. 265061
>>264928Someone I know recently started being paranoid this way and started confronting people that were supposedly 'out to get him'… he had to leave school and is now in hospital.
I used to think Margo was just pure evil but now thinking its a mental illness? If so I pity her, she needs help before she hurts Venus (even more than she has already).
No. 265062
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Going through her old insta photos, I didn't know Magoo hunted Cara too.
No. 265092
>>265075do you live under a rock?
shes an actress now as well.
No. 265093
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>>264918Lol! I always though of stuff like pic related when she was talking about her Swarovski collection, not some tacky charms and other shit.
No. 265113
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>>265101 Kek look at the video from
>>264856. If she has a bag that ugly I wouldn't be shocked to find her really having horrible accessories and what not instead of something cute or fancy. I mean, holy shit…that bag made me lose all hope.
No. 265125
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No. 265132
>>265127If my mom was a crazy hobo stalking me outside my apartment I'd probably ask my boyfriend to pick me up some McDonalds so I could stress eat.
We're only getting a limited view of her life based on the 1-2 pictures she posts on IG per day. Maybe she eats steamed broccoli and fruit the rest of the day but doesn't post it on IG because it would be boring to look at. Maybe she's so depressed and stressed out from Margo that she's binge eating or throwing up all the time and only wants to eat comfort foods.
No. 265136
>>265134Margendo also has a dumpling head in this photo
>>265062I think if Margendo would copy Venus' eyebrows she'd look like her even more.
I hope I wont give her new ideas.
No. 265147
>>265141They definitely look like mother and daughter, but their eyes are not alike at all. Margo has creepy slit eyes that are hooded. Venus has really round eyes.
While they have similar features, they're set in the worst ways on Margo. Mostly it's the puffy cheeks and tiny lips that's most similar.
No. 265150
>>265147>hoodedBecause she is rotten milk (old and she didn't really aged that well and her personality isn't really fresh either but I remember in the beginning people found her for a mum pretty fit).
>creepy slitsB-b-but Venus has the creepy slits as well (hence why I said lizard eyes) when she does not wear her lenses. But I agree with you that Venus is an improved version of Margo but that's normal isn't it? Most daughters become prettier than their mothers (not always, I know).
No. 265153
>>265133>She might be stressedI'm going to guess also depressed. One of the hardest things to do when you're severely depressed is take care of yourself in the most basic ways such as bathing and brushing your teeth. These past few months have been crazy and downright tumultuous for Venus. She uprooted her life to try and flee her crazy mother and the maggot has found her as well. I would be surprised if she's even able to sleep now that the grouchy kappa has shown up at their house; maybe even showering and thus letting her guard down scares V enough that she just doesn't. Or maybe she's afraid to even make a sound in case maggot hears she's home.
All speculation honestly. I really hope this does get resolved with Maggot being deported and V FINALLY being able to exhale.
No. 265155
>>265150Have to majorly disagree with Venus having lizard eyes. I think they're just plain round, without circle lenses they look beady because of all the white you can see. But it's just like…opinion.
Anyways, stupid thing to derail, but this thread usually has so much Margo milk. It goes from 0 to 100 with Manaki assault/daughter stalking vids then we get a pic that says "sunrays!" and a giant hamburger.
What a wild ride it's been, anons.
No. 265156
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>>265013She's back at the Airbnb, compare those metal steps (?) and the roof.
(And excuse my shitty phone edit)
No. 265164
>>265155There is an own term for that I think in Venus's case they eyes also seem dry, likely from wearing circle lenses so often.
No. 265182
>>265175If that's true I don't really like it. Her followers are the reason why she could buy that burger in the first place. I mean I dont give a shit about vegans or meat but I hate it when people treat their fans like shit. But I'm pretty sure it was just a shitty attempt at being funny, I hope so at least.
Well, now the vegan ex margo supporters were just about to be fangelics until they saw this pic and now they just say fuck you to both of them I guess. I hate PC culture but why wouldnt you want those extra vegan fans? Sage for idgaf about meat but treat your fans good
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>>265156Fortunately she's not camping outside Venus' house, not that it matters now that she knows where they live.