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No. 273402
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No. 273404
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Dating is hard.
No. 273405
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No. 273406
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No. 274016
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People are actually defending this guy btw. They think women are just jealous of underage young girls, and that's why they are criticizing him. Yeah sure, women are totally jealous of a young girl being manipulated and groomed by a creep.
No. 274017
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No. 274021
File: 1464519555646.png (24.12 KB, 492x278, lucas werner 3.png)

>I'm just saying that I would personally feel better to date the youngest women possible
>B b but I'm not a pedophile!!!!!!
Yeah choose.
No. 274025
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>Women don't want to date me because of white men with money! Totally not because of me being a creep!
No. 274026
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>You're agephobic if you think it's wrong for a 36 year old to date a 15 year old!!!!!11!!!!
No. 274028
File: 1464520071839.png (12.77 KB, 513x133, lucas werner 6.png)

>People breeding with people in their own age group totally causes birth defects!
No. 274029
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His justification for grooming 15 year olds.
No. 274031
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No. 274032
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No. 274035
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He's proud of his bald spot btw.
No. 274038
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No. 274063
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>>273398Before anyone tries to defend him read this.
No. 274146
File: 1464548660246.png (11.8 KB, 430x141, defender.png)

>>274141People really have defended him on Facebook. Mostly they are creeps themselves, who have the idea that every 30+ year old guy is lusting after 15 year olds and that it's totally normal and that there's nothing wrong with it.
No. 274560
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Why is he so agephobic towards older women?
No. 274573
>>274560>feminine youth=energy>masculinity=wisdom>energy+wisdom=successLol, what wisdom does this idiot thinks he can even offer? Wisdom won't help pay the bills. This guy is such a fucking loser.
I bet the actual reason he wants a younger girl is so he can dig for money from her family whereas an older woman would set expectations and wouldn't let him be a food stamps, jobless hambeast.
No. 274635
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I just saw this on tumblr (yes, I know). Is this one of his stupid memes? The ages are rather specific.
No. 274998
>>274864I saw the cap of him admitting that.
How is this douche not on a sexual predator list, or being watched by police?
No. 275120
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"Ageist millennials" …
No. 275121
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No. 276818
>>274026>agephobeLOL so because I and I'm sure lots of other girls reading this post don't want to sex some old gross balding fat and poor crazy guy, we're discriminating?
How on earth does he think he can compete? Even the shittiest guy with a minimum wage job our own age group is still way above his social ranking. At least they can be attractive if nothing else. What does he think he has to offer, because he does not have a good personality either.
>>276806What does this have to do with the thread? This isn't your blog.
No. 279085
>>274560Apparently, he dated an older, balding, overweight woman named Suzanne that was 53 and kinda crazy. Though she is kinda loony herself, she had the maturity and experience to eventually realize that she was in an abusive, one sided relationship where she worked full time so the disgusting piggish manchild could live in a filthy apartment wasting time online.
Supposedly, there was a fight in a Mexican restaurant where Lucas claims he "threw his drink against the wall" yet in the domestic abuse charge its clearly implied he in some way had an altercation with Suzanne. Suzanne pressed charges and kicked him out. He's been "choosing to be homeless" and "seeking a hot millenial" ever since.
It was pretty obvious even before that info started coming up, but it certainly confirms that he is preying on younger women specifically because they may not have the life experience to recognize the relationship as dysfunctional, controlling, and abusive.
No. 304431
File: 1475794447993.jpg (87 KB, 702x975, wernerisgross.JPG)

He's still been creepin on girls, just so everyone is aware.
No. 304579
File: 1475860824229.png (478.59 KB, 885x577, okaylucas.png)

I love the irony of him creeping on young girls awhile he cries about them being "age-phobic" and not dating him because he's 30+
No. 304888
>>304581Can't say if it's typical MRA, but the dude is delusional as hell to expect ANY woman with looks of his.
Looser could have at least hit the gym or something.
No. 304912
>>304888He's not a hideously unattractive guy in the same vein as CWC, to be fair.
He could certainly get a decent woman around his own age if he sorted his other shit out.
No. 331093
File: 1483061085338.png (550.88 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161229-172407.png)

>>273398His most recent creepy encounter.
No. 331094
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No. 331129
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Yeah, a friend commented something on his starbucks post and 24 hours later they had 10,000 likes. He must be banned because normally he would just delet
No. 331156
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oh my fucking god
No. 331501
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No. 331515
File: 1483211272321.png (402.39 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161230-102646.png)

he got kicked out of the homeless shelter for being a dick. why can't the world see he just wants to bestow his knowledge and telomeres with us all??
No. 331571
File: 1483220441711.jpg (63.04 KB, 480x800, datingprofiles.jpg)

Double post but this is how truly awful someone is to get deleted not only once, twice, or three times from dating websites but 5+ times.
No. 331834
File: 1483310282815.png (135.6 KB, 1438x588, 20170101_153636.png)

Do you think pro bird rights posted this as a parody of this guy since he is getting so much media attention, or is it just coincidence
No. 331866
File: 1483316779082.jpg (54.93 KB, 540x960, 14355051_188332601590873_55287…)

>call the police and ask if you can date me
Fucking hell.
No. 331986
>>331866yeah he's in Spokane. I'm a local.
basically every place that has younger women employees is on the alert for this guy right now. he walks in, he's getting the oldest waitress/barrista/cashier available every time.
like there's actually all kinds of business owners in the area discussing him and how to deal with him if he walks in.
No. 331993
>>331986My faith in humanity for 2017 is already looking brighter.
I do wonder where he's staying now that the shelter kicked him out and he's probably going to get refused from any others for his would-be sex offender status.
No. 332002
>>331501>>Why do I feel the need to be inside you.That's… a very good question, lol.
Jesus fucking christ, why isn't this guy sanctioned yet?
No. 332016
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Details as to the note he gave the 16 year old at Starbucks.
He's totally not a creep you guys! He substituted 'sex' with 'date'!
No. 332147
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>>332145As far as I know he's mentally ill and off his prescriptions. Someone who knew him claimed he checked himself into a psych ward but he's friended an alias account and has been posting on that all day so who knows.
No. 332621
File: 1483491357726.png (26.1 KB, 318x244, lw.PNG)

So Werner got himself someone to help him sue Starbucks. Good luck with that.
>She's of legal aged, moron. Talk to my lawyer. bigot moron. You have meme generators and lies. SHUT DOWN OR TALK TO MY LAWYER!!!! AGEIST!
>You have meme generators and lies.
Someone who makes banners, please grant us this majesty.
No. 332776
>>274029'i designed a physics shirt'
he claims to have a FTL transmitter that can 'travel back in time'
he ALSO inists that he can change another persons telemores or whatever with his semen. because humans can change their chromosomes by getting a facial from an old homeless schitzo
No. 332780
>>274031>if teenagers dont date me, theyre republicanshe has an apartment now given to him by the homeless shelter ($250/mo for 6 months or something)
it was all fun and games but now he has a place i worry about any teenage runaways in the spokane area. someone will probably go missing
No. 332808
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>>332780At least it sounds like the police are keeping a close eye on him? I wish they could just pick him up already but he's technically done nothing wrong unless he tries to show up somewhere he's been banned and they get him for trespassing.
No. 332811
>>332808This reassures me slightly. Dude is fucking crazy.
Does anyone remember that other American from not so long ago who spoke about similar things, wanting to date young girls I think, and would make videos of himself ranting and rambling and walking around for hours? Him and this guy seem like kindred, psychotic spirits.
No. 333598
>>332889They make it sound like he wants to fuck 5 year olds and thinks doing so will literally transform their DNA.
Has he ever even claimed his sperm has "curative powers"? Maybe his whole "Older men have healthier DNA because muh teloremes" and "Inbreeding causes health problems, and inter-generational breeding is just like inbreeding because reasons, therefore 18 year olds should bear my children unless they want flipper babies" diatribes could be construed to mean that, but that's a huge stretch. But, seeing as how this is the daily mail we're talking about, I wouldn't put it past them.
No. 333619
>>332889I click onto the front page and this post sticks out
I feel sick to the bottom of my stomach
It's like he's an aspiring holy bottled water merchant but in the most paedophilic way imaginable.
How the fuck is this guy not locked up again?
No. 333714
>>333598Well he did post on FB messages that he was attracted to his super young niece.>>275121
And yes, he has claimed his sperm has curative powers. Sleeping with him can lift your mood, keep you from catching colds (seriously, check his website) and prevent certain illnesses and conditions.
No. 333952
>>333915>millenials love memesI think I just rolled my eyes so hard that I saw the back of my skull. Also why the fuck are they admitting that "Well if we air this he'll probably find an underaged girl" because that's just promoting illegal activities.
They sound as stupid as Lucas is but then again it's Fox News on a 3am timeslot.
No. 334253
File: 1483894297797.gif (59.44 KB, 250x250, IMG_3241.GIF)

Wow this is one fucked-up dude. I work in a group home for adults with mental illness and I think he has been off meds for awhile.
Antipsychotics tend to make you gain weight, and so this recent weight loss he is proud of may be due to that (and breaking up with his sugar mama).
My best guess is that he has schizoaffective disorder with extreme delusions and grandiose behavior. His website is a testament of his disorganized and bizarre thoughts
No. 345275
>>331993He got a small apartment shortly after the new year, he says it's a place that rents to people with mental health issues and it's $250 a month. He's gotten a bit sassy now that he's not homeless anymore and rages about the greybeards as he calls them who live in shelters getting with young girls. Because that's a super common situation for everyone but poor Lucas apparently…
Sorry for bumping but he's been really active on youtube lately and is chock full of WTF. Not that I really recommend watching him though!
No. 345481
>>345296So, if I understand this correctly, he seems to think that people under 35 are selfish for not having sex with people over 35, because that somehow stimulates production of telomerase at a cellular level and stops them from aging?
What a fucking psycho. Telomerase production is what it is for a reason, because if it is excessive/unlimited then that leads to cancerous growth…which kills you anyway. Also, in order to create more it has to be medically induced, although I'm not sure how that works (possibly injected or chemically stimulated) - if it was just from sex people would live forever.
No. 345493
No. 345734
File: 1485792217782.jpg (205.68 KB, 929x848, candy.jpg)

>>345589When I first became aware of him he was talking a lot about giving food to the poor. Naturally I was sceptical but also very curious. Maybe despite all his sperging about teen girls and telomeres he actually is generous and gives food to those who desperately need it. Someone on kiwi farms posted a pic of pepsis and stacks of crackers that he was leaving out along with notes attached. So no he wasn't actually giving food to the poor but was leaving out snacks in places he thought young girls would be. I can't find that pic but here is one I got from his facebook page.
That could be considered littering but I doubt he would get arrested for it. We don't even know if he still does that and he has to pay rent now.
No. 346151
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No. 346201
I bet he is gonna complain because FetLife is under serious observation for pedophilia allegations
No. 346291
>>346151Waiting anxiously for caps of his profile. Dude is whacked.
Anyone ever find his dating profiles, or is he banned from everywhere?
No. 347022
File: 1486167933889.jpg (88.27 KB, 500x882, forget cash me ousside time to…)

>>346663He uploaded this three hours ago as of this posting. I don't even have US cable here, but god I hope this is real, I can only imagine what a wider reach would do for/to his day to day life.
No. 347033
>>347022I so hope this is legit! Of course he would accept the offer because he thinks he's going to be smartest man in the room and educate everyone. I
need to see him sperge about telomeres and how that entitles him to teen girls in front of a live studio audience! I hope they have an expert on the show to explain just how wrong he is in his interpretations of the research.
Oh, he just had to mention his neglected penis in that meme. Also lol @ that filname!
No. 347337
File: 1486264469613.jpg (28.2 KB, 352x477, gross.jpg)

>>347327Who is he to look down on anyone though?
No. 347340
The homeless men/younger girl situations probably arise from drug/prostitution scene, which isn't something to envy at all? Dear lord, I hope he doesn't find a way to coerce girls like that to meet him.
No. 347343
>>347338You can see more of his jiggly belly and moobs in this video.
>>347340He talked about staying with some guys in the past who had girlfriends and it sounded like the they were drug users. He seems to look down on drugs aside from weed so at least he's not trying to prey on some of the more vulnerable girls he could come across.
No. 347468
File: 1486314936039.png (62.78 KB, 664x541, 1.PNG)

screenshotting stuff because I'm fetlife trash
No. 347488
File: 1486319375930.png (342.17 KB, 394x394, 1473555616741.png)

>>347468>cutie pie little fingers>young might raise up a quick genocide>trick to get women as young as legally allowed to date me>usher in a master race of super children>my parents have several million dollars in bank>women reach maturity 11 years sooner than men>18 year old women dating 18 year old men are pedophiles>this is incest and inbreeding>I lived in homeless shelters 14 months>I moved 418 miles because Spokane has popularity for age gap relationships>I will be in my studio apartment 6 months>I'm more than happy in my impoverished squalor dining alone>Only thing that makes me want to live is my pursuit of women>Fibonacci Sequence>Concrete. Cheese. Animals. Alcohol. Telomerase!!!>grey haired old guys getting young pussy on my telomerase research>writing book on agephobia on dating sites>send me email by clicking pizza That was a wild ride from start to finish.
No. 347497
>>347468That first sentence was so fucked and yet I kept on reading. It's a fetish site and he drops all this deluded "science" he believes like that will get him laid. He didn't even
try to conceal the crazy.
No. 347511
File: 1486324230277.png (99.77 KB, 251x238, 1367978081613.png)

>>347468Christ, this is all some insane word salad rambling.
No. 347983
File: 1486386119951.png (281.15 KB, 766x336, 1.PNG)

FL anon again, he's got the same usual pics up… Nothing new or special
No. 347984
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…and I don't think he's done anything since joining, I would send a friend request for further spying but he hasn't even got any friends
No. 350206
>>347984That name is just ridiculous.
>>347542Well he did mention his counselor refusing to give him dating site tips to find younger women.
No. 350401
>>350234Well he's getting really really pissed at people now. He seems a lot more agitated on Facebook. Even people leaving supporting comments are getting btfo at this point. His "fame" from the Starbucks incident is basically gone and he actually thought something was going to come of it. He's that delusional. He is only seeing a psych to confirm his delusions, anything they say to counter it is ignored. He was just posting he was pissed his psych wasn't helping his get dates. Like what the fuck does he think their job actually is?
He isn't actually a danger to himself or others, and the local cops are well aware of him and keeping an eye on him…so there's not much anyone can do but watch.
No. 350771
File: 1486764590471.jpeg (467.62 KB, 702x974, 1463272734490.jpeg)

How old is Asha? Maybe they should meet.
>Both delusional
>He wants young black girl to fuck
>She wants a white man to make babies with
No. 350777
>>350771Huh, she looks less rancid than usual there.
As crazy as they both are, I wouldn't wish this psycho on Asha tbh. She's probably too old for him, anyway.
No. 355580
>>355574Well damn. Even I believed the Dr Phil thing since he's exactly the sort of guet that would be on there right next to the girl who swore she was giving birth to Jesus.
Wonder what he'll do now since he's homeless again. Probably migrate to another city?
No. 357488
File: 1488835279902.jpg (92.29 KB, 800x1339, t h i c c.jpg)

>>357444He should move in with CWC so they can have a lovequest bachelor pad together.
No. 410368
File: 1499983642803.png (251.61 KB, 492x623, 700pgs.PNG)

>>410225He cashed in on 5 months of disability checks. .
Pic: I can not WAIT to see what 700 pages from a schizophrenic pedophile reads like.
No. 410372
File: 1499983912144.png (599.44 KB, 927x869, semenfor1000.PNG)

I'll stop samefagging after this but here is basically what the video says in case anyone doesn't want to watch.
No. 410805
>>410711They really should just lock him away the rest of his life at this point. There's no hope for him.
>>410708Just wait till he one day snaps and hurts/kills someone.
Then what? I feel like he needs to be put up somewhere for his own good. We've seen this story before. It doesn't end pretty.
No. 412253
>>411978Of course he will. And then we'll have to listen to "oh no how could've this have happened" all the while we know the government/police sat on its collective ass doing fuck all. Just like how Polly Klaas had to die before reforms were made - no one wants to do anything until they're forced to.
I'm sorry, but some people need to be forcefully committed. Get this guy into the Cuckoo's Nest and throw away the key. If he does anything to anyone, then he's not the problem but a symptom of it.
No. 414382
>>412297And he should STAY committed. He should not be allowed out into the public the rest of his life.
That's what I'm saying. How many times does this guy need to prove he needs to be locked away? Just "lose" the key if need be - it's gonna save a family a lot of heartbreak, trust me.
Washington State doesn't need another Anna Svidersky if you ask me.
No. 414608
File: 1500681855292.png (12.63 KB, 485x124, wern.PNG)

>>414418released on the 12th. recommitted on the 13th.
No. 488109
>>487784Not that anon but this is his patreon: There isn't really anything on it though.
No. 702860
File: 1568455355603.jpeg (36.24 KB, 682x604, received_217804085337245.jpeg)

Fuck this dude though, seriously.