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No. 277058

Kelli Autumn (aka "Kelli Maxx" from her legit porn days) is once AGAIN quitting MyFreeCams because she is claiming people have been doxing her and posting her personal info. She frankly has a habit of deleting her Twitter accounts / all of her tweets, creating separate accounts that people need to pay to access, then deleting those as well for similar reasons. Like running away from trolls makes the trolls go away. Does anyone have actual record of her being doxed? Has anyone seen her or her SJW tweets?

Sorry if any of this is on the wrong board or anything, or if I'm duplicating a thread about her - kind of new here.

Instagram: https://instagram.com/KelliAutumn_
Twitter (for the time being): https://twitter.com/Kelli_Autumn

No. 277062

I don't see how claiming to be doxed, whether true or not makes her a cowl, or even a snowflake. she's deleting her own accounts and making new ones, so what?

No. 277090

Camwhore general thread is in /snow/

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