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No. 278558

Well as the Liverpool shitfest is over, we have Animeleague's first summer manure-riddled con, London Hell full of Dumb Weebs Con in a few weeks.

He began his life in the UK anime community back in 2002, proclaiming he was the hot shit.

Animeleague is, pretty much, 5 cons, several 'meetups' and a massive dramu weeb forum where about 80% of its users aren't even British.

Any form of criticism, from "this was the shittiest event I've ever been to", to "your hat looks stupid" he takes very personally, and threatens to 'blacklist'…as in inform other UK cons of your existence and let them know you're a troublemaker. But the rest of the community here know only too well what this person is like; back in 2010, he was banned from all MCM events for hacking into their forums and acquiring all of their users' email addresses so he could send spam emails.

His Encyclopedia Dramatica page, for more:

No. 278586

Meh, not going to go to ED since I'm on mobile.

OP can you tell us anything recent that he's done? Or examples of his lolcow qualities (screenshots, links, etc…) and maybe some links to his social media?

No. 278661

He super paranoid and sees anyone who disagrees with him as a "traitor"

No. 278742

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Despite him saying (like all the time) that his events are 16+ or 18+, his events are full of kids underage who are drinking.

Plus he sees no problem with making his sex drive known to the public.

No. 278744

…plus there's one detailed account from a former worker. It's old, but a lot of the opinion is still quite relevant now.


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