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No. 296568

Has anyone been watching these ? Seriously please tell me I've not been the only one.

(Bad pic but all accounts are private now"

Bad makeup
Horrible personalities
And "great singers"(terrible thread)

No. 296570

That is no milk considering most people on the internet are like that and if all of their accounts are private, what do you expect us to do or look at? Shit OP.

No. 296573

I'm saying if you have seen their shit in the past you would know what I'm talking about. Getting cops to take their pics , pretending they aren't high , loving shitty music, eyeliner . Follow them and you will see .

No. 296574

Accounts go public like every other day

No. 296575

How about you post proof
I'm not gonna follow some random ugly bitch who can't smile

No. 296576

Fair enough . Not sure how to save ig videos but they have a ton of followers . They just piss me off . Look them up on YouTube , I hate them .

No. 296577

No. Go away with your self-post.

No. 296578

Ive been waiting for a thread about these 2 twins . And it needed to happen.

No. 296579

You're right though . I should post when there is stuff to make fun of . I am just bored and want to talk shit. Someone may know what I'm taking about.

No. 296581

You're pathetic.

No. 296594

Moved to >>>/manure/4595.

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