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No. 305712
Previous Thread
>>>/pt/303405To Recap: Greg and Lainey brought Billie back even though it was stated she was never coming back and Greg said in a recent video he would never see her again even though he loved her very much.
No. 305723
File: 1476247712519.png (788.32 KB, 1000x667, doormatlainey.png)

Everyone's doing photoshops
No. 305744
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Hey Lainey, you are too old— I MEAN please go full-on gay and divorce me.
And take the kids with you, kthnxbye
No. 305755
>>305744What? He is so fucking delusional, if she's still riding your greasy cock like you keep on bragging about saying she does "twice a day" then she is not "full-on gay".
If she's taking a break from riding your greasy cock because she's heavily pregnant, then she is not "full-on gay".
Fucking hell, no one can be this stupid.
No. 305756
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>Hey kids! Post a picture of yourself in this thread and good ol' uncle Onion will guess your age :^)
No. 305780
>>305759That's nothing! He said that he'll make a contest for his fans to send him videos of them 'kissing something in the most disgusting and dramatic ways'. It was the video where Billoh was sitting next to him and cuddled against him.
I'm like. Did you just requested softcore cp?
No. 305781
>>305756This doesn't sit well with me. Considering he's heavily against piercings (as described by AJ), it makes me think he's trawling through these threads looking for a young, depressed, white teenage girl with no piercings to attack next.
"Chance get in an Onision video" (here we go again with the piss-poor spelling) hmm I wonder if this involves flying his new victim out to his home? What a nice little cover he has created there!
No. 305788
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>>305786Some people in the comments are pointing out his exclusion of youtube lol as well as the uselessness of this whole strike.
No. 305791
>>305786Hes so stupid why didnt he just keep saying facebook twitter and tumblr instead of saying non-youtube SM? Way to make ut blantly obvious gurg, maybe not as many people would have caught on to your money ploy if you hadnt repeated that phrase 3 times in the span of 15 seconds…
Atleast he started drawing on paper in these so theres no obnoxious glare and camera reflection over everything (although now the lighting is shit surprise surprise)
No. 305794
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Ohhhh wonder what has Billie upset.
No. 305889
File: 1476380637762.png (92.84 KB, 615x528, jcjJNtI.png)

Still in denial, I see.
No. 305901
>>305900I'm almost certain they're extinct, unless it's a thing with kids in middle/high school again. Considering this
is his age preference/target audience, that would make sense.
No. 305919
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"Taylor" doesn't like her name because "it doesn't suit her". Didn't she once say she hated it bc it's a dude's name? Excuses excuses…
No. 305931
>>305928Yeah I wonder if that is towards Billie Mom.
I feel like Greg doesn't know how to be a good parent. You don't constrict your kid to do something because you hate, you do it to teach them common sense. If it's 5 degrees out and your three year old doesn't want to put on their jacket, you don't let it slide, you make them wear a jacket because you don't want them to get sick.
No. 305932
>>305931Thing is, I don't see any eyebrow piercings on Billoh right now, but it still felt like he was talking about her. Weird.
I agree with you. We teach basic skills for children and teens to learn so that they can take care of themselves as well as succeed in the real world. Gerk doesn't live in the real world.
No. 305933
File: 1476398535017.png (627.7 KB, 824x600, halpmuhhair.png)

Slutty Yellow? Gonorrhea Green? Blue Waffles? Homewreckin' Purple?
No. 305946
>>305942I posted lots of candids in her thread in /snow/: >>>/snow/85507
She definitely looks more homely in photos she didn't upload herself, but I think she still looks fine. Doesn't seem to shoop much, mostly angles.
No. 305960
>>305946Yeah, she's still a cute chick, just not carefully angled alternative Insta highlighter goddess which is pretty much to be expected. I don't know if Onion's videos count as candids but I assume he didn't Kotify her in AfterEffects and she still looks fine in those too.
It's kind of a shame she's such a cunt, because good looks+money+genuinely nice personality can get someone really far but she's only got 2/3 of the equation so her train stopped at Grease dick.
No. 305983
>>305980The new Youtube rules are weird af though. They say they plan to enforce them but they're vague and absurdly limiting to what sort of content you can produce and be monetized for. Of course, this will definitely reduce the amount of assholes and people literally assaulting others or spreading abusive messages for $$, but IDK, I'm worried about it hurting more critical/controversial youtubers who are not technically abusing/hurting anyone. I'm worried this will be the total gentrification of youtube lol. It will become TV 2.0 as no one will want to upload videos there for free anymore, and all that will be left is "family friend" monetized content.
sage for kinda OT
No. 305987
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>>305889>>305898>>305899This is Laneys reaction to her life right now.
No. 306096
File: 1476506790896.png (359.11 KB, 1440x2392, Capture _2016-10-15-00-44-59.p…)

Saw this on reddit…. Is that you Lainey?
No. 306111
>>306110Not going to attempt to convince an anonymous person that I have nothing to do with it. Thus, I am not addressing you anymore. Have a nice day.
In any case, the direct link to the questionable troll/Lainey comment is here: No. 306172
File: 1476552104925.png (618.36 KB, 806x608, Screen Shot 2016-10-15 at 1.20…)

his foundation looks so pale and cakey what was he thinking
No. 306184
>We talk it out when we have problemsAKA bitch over Twitter
>You marry them because you love them and they make your life more completeAKA They were underage and you know its easy to manipulate them into bringing more underage girls into the relationship.
No. 306235
>>306155Hold up! Didn't
he had a rough time coping with his own divorce to the point of going mental over it? Not only that didn't he also expressed regret over it while engaged to Shiloh? Onion has no room to talk!
No. 306260
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>>306254And Shane Dawson! He's had the goth character for a very long time, but it's resemblance to Richie is very uncanny.
No. 306263
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Plain is on reddit complaining about her marriage!
No. 306269
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>>306267Opps dropped my pic.
No. 306270
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No. 306278
>>306277Who knows. She's just really obsessed with her for some reason. Maybe she likes the attention she gets for being obsessed?
Or she thinks she relates to Taylor because they both post edgy and depressing *~lyrics guize*~
No. 306282
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>>306278I think she was just obsessed with Onision for a long time and since she couldn't get close to him because of Lainey she probably thought that befriending her would be the next best thing? I can't find any earlier tweets but the picture at the top is an Onision hoodie that she got for her birthday prior.
But honestly clone, get a life and stop lurking here, no one cares about you. Not even Lainey or Greg.
No. 306283
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>>306282Sorry for samefagging, but that's so creepy.
No. 306289
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Apparently this is Lamo's third pregnancy, she miscarried on her second.
No. 306290
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someone really wants to have their 15 minutes, huh?
No. 306293
>>306292Remember what happened last time we tinhatted?
Don't think the girl is smart enough to do all of what that person did.
No. 306314
>>306308He's such an asshole.
>HURR I KNEW ALL ALONG THAT MY KID HAD A BALL RASH, STUPID DOCS!Then why take him to the ER, dumbfuck? Oh yeah, it's because without process of elimination he wouldn't have had the slightest clue what might be going on with his kid's body. I'm sure Onion and wife came into that ER screaming at staff to do something about their kid's red balls, and then when the doctor's wanted to test (costing Onion money) he decided his kid's health wasn't
that dire. Doctors don't just call security and threaten CPS because a parent is being firm about not wanting a procedure done on their kid. I'm sure Onion was yelling, cussing, and acting like a raving lunatic.
I'm glad he got charged $10k. It was well-deserved for hospital staff having to put up with that arrogant prick. Nothing makes me roll my eyes more when people go to professionals for help and then shit talk about how they know better than said professional. Well Onion, if you knew so much better than doc then don't burden the ER with trivial concerns (it's the reason staff made you wait bc ER admits patients w/ more serious conditions first).
No. 306315
>>306289>>306304Fuck's sakes, is there anyone that's been with Onion that she's actually liked? She despises Plain and she eagerly made fun of Shiloh in one of his videos.
Or does she think no one but her is good enough for her precious "indigo child"?
No. 306343
>>306159Now that you mention it, he totally is.
Fucking pathetic.
No. 306345
>>306335Second this. It's very creepy but if you know what youre looking at pretty obvious.
I think He has multiple mental disorders as well. Just sad for his kids that he doesnt get help. Which would ease his suffering / emptiness he feels when he has no one to control or take advantage of. But i guess it's the only thing he knows.
No. 306368
>>306289No wonder greg is fucked up, his mothers a fucking piece of shit.
I could totally believe lainey had a miscarriage. I remember reading somewhere that the chances of miscarriage is 20-25%, but some other sites say it's 10-15%
It's still pretty common under the 12 week mark
No. 306387
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Remember when Onision tried to refute his ED article? He wrote all the captions on the pictures himself, but in 3rd person
No. 306388
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>>306387Also I have to post this shit here
No. 306406
>>306402Wow, he's such an idiot/ dick. And of course he's posting the video the day SR goes to L.A. so he can't do a response video. The end of the video he's referring to is "please don't be my girlfriend".
I wonder if the rest is true though. Would be hilarious. I thought that SR came with Billie to Seattle when she visited the first time?
No. 306414
holy shit onion you're a pasty vegetarian bodied orc with an inflamed face and massive mouth. this photoshop just highlights how far from vaguely attractive you actually are.
No. 306428
>>306426Why do all these idiots (Onion, SR, and that Onion stalker SG827) go after each other for things like this that they do themselves?
All of them seem to think they treat women right, while this other edgy faggot that they hate is a player/wife beater/etc, but they do it too?
No. 306433
>>306432the projecting is hilarious
am I misremembering or did Gerg try to befriend SR at some point early on?
No. 306441
>>306436"Not mention when a bunch of shit was going down months and months ago when him and Billie first started dating and they broke up for the first time, he fucking followed her to the airport and told Billie that he was willing to leave everything behind and take her and start a new life with her."
LOL. Why doesn't this story surprise me at all? He is so desperate to get rid of Lainey. Actually I am surprised Billie didn't take him up on it.
No. 306442
>>306439I only watched to the end to see the milk, and it is pretty good to be fair. Social Repose basically calls Gregma out for inviting a second person into his marriage when he's married with kids and broadcasts this arrangement and his drama all over social media.
BUT - even creamier, he goes on to say that after one of the breakups, Gregma followed Billiebob to the airport and told her he would give up everything and essentially leave Plainey to be with her and this is a "true story that Billie told me".
Could be BS but he does seem to be pretty genuine when telling that and it's totally something Gurg would do.
REALLY want to see Plain's reaction to this.
No. 306444
File: 1476665752552.jpg (229.08 KB, 960x1200, Cu7ciniVYAAxnCw.jpg)

not preg?
No. 306445
>>306436I honestly think Greg hates SR because as far as music, SR is a lot more talented than Greg. He actually has a good singing voice and does a pretty good job at arranging his acapella videos.
Meanwhile greg does videos like this.
No. 306447
>>306444unless her stmoach just didnt get super big. Not all women get a big belly when they get pregnant, and thats a pretty baggy onesie.
who knows with her…
No. 306449
>>306442ooooh, that's juicy as shit. i wonder if billie will confirm or deny.
>REALLY want to see Plain's reaction to this.she's not gonna do shit aside from maybe tweet some emo lyrics or ruminations about how she's ~codependent why can't i stand up for myself??~, then go back to normal in a few days.
No. 306450
File: 1476666672165.png (318.88 KB, 581x497, Tt9afVp.png)

I can see her shedding a single tear every time she dutifully calls Billie her gf, and Billie dry heaving every time she has to force herself to make a kissy face back.
No. 306457
>>306453It was more than a week before she posted a selfie after making her accounts active again, and even then it was obvious she was posting old pics.
She's had plenty of time to recover from birth, so we can assume she had her premie baby and is now back to posting whole body pics.
She got BIG when she had Troy too, I can't imagine her being able to hide a full term belly in a cheap, china-made onesie.
No. 306477
>>306469Their house is weird, but it seems like a bedroom with a huge rug, and then a bathroom that doesn't have a door. But then there's also a weird stool in the bathroom, which could be for a vanity, but the wall also doesn't go all the way up to the ceilings, there are belts hanging on top of it.
I have no idea what they did to this place considering how fucking nice it looked in the listings.
No. 306480
>>306444I think it's possible she's bending forward in some kind of thigh gap pose, making all of the fabric fall to the front and hiding her belly? Just a thought. It'd be fucked up if she just had the baby because Billie was just there.
>>306441This is such great milk, too.
No. 306505
>>306503She would have been in a hospital gown if they went to one. And this is when she had her meltdown too and all that bs will drain a person.
But there was multiple sources of proof stating she was pregnant, most importantly from his mom and then Lainey herself. And that is the only thing we do know. It's possible she had given birth a few days before that pic, or had a miscarriage from all the stress but I would think she'd have another freak out over it and put it all over Twitter to reel in more sympathy while Gerg and HillBilly watch anime together ignoring her and the loss of a child. But since she's on the bandwagon of fucking Billy again, mocking people for trying to help her if she had of been in a bad situation, I wouldn't put it past her not caring about losing a child, especially one that was a band-aid. But hey, this is all speculation. I say we give it another month before we start tin-hatting, actually, don't do it at all, cause you fuckers reach hard sometimes.
I was also not expecting milk from SR. Can't wait for them to try to get out of this one other than saying "I never said that, I dindu nufin."
No. 306514
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Anyone catching this?
No. 306518
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I think it's safe to say that she's never going to leave now. Billy and Greg could fuck right in front of her and declare their love for one another and she still wouldn't leave.
No. 306520
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>>306516Here's a better view of her denial.
No. 306521
File: 1476701693445.jpg (77.37 KB, 1188x361, dg.JPG)

So how did Lainey drop her off during Billygate when Billy stayed with Onion while Lainey stormed out of the house.
No. 306523
>>306521>We all are very much into each other (Lainey, Myself & Her), so we wouldn't need to pull stunts like that… we'd just communicate like normal people who care about each otherUH HUH. That's why you and Lainey talk primarily over Twitter–especially during Cuddle Gate 2.0, right?
SR's story is the only one that's believable. Gurgles lies all the time and Lainey is in so much fucking denial.
No. 306529
>>306514>>306515>>306516>>306518>>306520this is just sad. this is just very, very sad.
>>306521LOL as if anyone is going to believe what this assfuck has to say. He's the one who wanted to divorce Lainey to be with Billie.
And of COURSE Billie's going to deny it–she doesn't want to lose her "girlfriend"
read: her sugar daddyOnision is a compulsive liar and narcissist and Lainey is a doormat in denial.
>Feel free to contact my wife if you have any doubts.Yeah, so Lainey can be a snotty fucking brat and block you out of pure denial if you don't agree with them or their precious husband or their precious husband's girlfriend KEK
No. 306531
>>306514I do recall at one point it was brought up that she drove Billie to the airport while she was upset (don't remember why she was upset that time).
But during cuddlegate 1.0, since she fucked off and went home, it would have been Greg driving her back to the airport would it not?
I swear to god I can't keep up with all of the different versions of things that have happened in the bilbodrangus saga.
No. 306532
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As I said, Ayalla would the one to know. If someone would ask her if what Billie told her what she said to SR, then we'd have an answer. But as someone else mentioned, she could have exaggerated and lied about it.
No. 306540
>>306535Yeah because the first time, Lainey went somewhere with Troy(home? a friend's place?) and remember Greg tried to mack on Billie but she wasn't having any of his shit, so he took her to the airport. Richie is definitely talking about CG 1.0.
>>306538>>306539I think Lain is genuinely confused and talking about 2.0, whereas Greg knows exactly what happened and is spewing shit just to cover his ass.
No. 306547
>>306402That projection, though. Especially the parts about the concept of reaction videos (Hello, he lives off of that with Google, maybe Google should sue his ass.) and the cheating. LOL, Onision, you are literally, is not the biggest, womanizer on YouTube right now.
So fascinating to watch. Never have I seen anyone project so hard.
No. 306550
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No. 306559
>>306558eugh okay now that's an insult
implying that i was ever hot 4 oniondick
No. 306560
>kidsWhy does everyone keeps saying "kids"? (And this was before Lamo was pregnant…again!)
Oh and, we haven't heard any updates from HSAnon 2.0 about this shit either…
No. 306576
>>306573Nowadays he talks about her in a positive way. Like, how she saved him from pulling the
trigger and shit before he recants and backpedals for the sake of his two sex slaves-I mean wife and her girlfriend and audience. Even new-meat and Lamo aren't gonna fill the void. You dun goofed Onioncock.
No. 306577
>>306573Greg claimed he never loved Skye and only married her "as a friend". Skye's better off without him. One of the HSAnons said that he cheated on her multiple times in high school. In one of her last posts before she disappeared, she claimed that she developed some mental shit because of Greg and had to go to therapy to deal with it. He never deserved her.
>>306574Like around the AJ era? Because that was the last time he ever talked about Skye in a positive manner before he started complaining that Skye was stealing money from him through spousal support and had his fanbase chase her off the internet.
No. 306580
File: 1476725188938.png (24.32 KB, 596x349, image.png)

>>306577You're right, she's better off without him anyway. Although, who the fuck regrets divorcing their "friend" while they're engaged at the time to someone else(Shiloh)?
As for the positivity towards her; watch the "I could've pulled the
trigger" video, recent Shane Dawson videos, and the strip video. He thanks her, pauses and backpedals.
No. 306582
>>306560Hey HSANON 2.0 here, I haven't spoken up cuz I don't really have any new info. All my friend said was the kid isn't skye's and they think its another ex. But don't know who. I know everyone kinda puts skye on a pedestal but that relationship was not a healthy one. They were both garbage to each other apparently and fed off of one another's issues. Its really good she got out when she did.
About young onion:can confirm he went to juvee for beating up his dad, and that dad abused both onion and mom. I'm not sure if this was biological dad or one of the replacement dads. This is all the info I have though. If you guys have more questions I can try and get answers. I've thought about contacting him just to see if he remembers me…but I don't really want to bring that level of crazy into my life.
No. 306586
File: 1476726701342.png (73.59 KB, 525x243, Screen Shot 2016-10-17 at 1.45…)

>who the fuck regrets divorcing their "friend" while they're engaged at the time to someone elseThe same person who would call out Alicia's name during sex with Skye and Shiloh.
And isn't that all Greg is good for? Backpedaling and covering his ass? Seriously, how does a human like this exist?
No. 306592
>Seeing or "talking" to each other in July.Wait, didn't Shiloh confessed to him that she loved him in December of that year? Shit doesn't make any sense anymore…
As for Alicia, iirc she hated his guts.
No. 306595
>>306592 Shiloh and Greg broke up in July 2011 and by that time AJ said they'd been together for a year, but he had divorced Skye in December 2010, meaning he'd been "talking" to 17-year-old Shiloh for five months (July 2010) before he served Skye the papers and used her car to meet up with Shiloh.
But that doesn't fit, considering everything else about them says that Shiloh didn't talk to Greg until early December 2010.
Then again, Shiloh had a penchant for lying about stuff back then and/or it could be another situation Greg lied about to cover his ass.
No. 306601
>>306599Nvm, you have to have a yt account to see it.
>>306598I thought they were debunking rumors earlier in that year. From watching some of old someguy videos, even
he thought they've separated. (Video was shot and recorded in February, they filed for divorce in December of 2010.)
No. 306607
>>306527I can see that.
>>306525I don't think Lainey's staying for the fame, she's just a doormat who doesn't have anything or anyone else, so she clings to her sham of a marriage until Greg kicks her out for good. Maybe he and Billie will decide they want to be monogamous and he'll make a big deal out of his sacrifice for the woman he loves and paint Lainey as the bad person for overstaying her welcome.
No. 306612
>>306606I can't believe I'm giving this fuckass a view and I'm thankful for AdBlock Plus, but for anyone else who doesn't want to click/add to his wallet:
>"happily married" despite breaking up for the second time publicly just a few weeks ago>"the kids">"you losers">"you're jealous">"SocialRepose is so smelly!!">that fucking doodle app>"4 vs 1", despite the fact that plainey is seriously in the dark, Billie could be lying to save her ass, and Ayalla said that she doesn't care.>a 30-something is smug over the fact that he's got a 22 year old and two 19 year olds on his side>OG human pile of trash calls someone else a human pile of trash>Greg suddenly cares about cultural appropriation>^_^His voice is one of the most smug sounding, annoyingly smarmy things I have ever heard. That one HSAnon from the other thread was right about how he talks down to everyone, holy shit. The fact that anyone would want to listen to it for more than five seconds is beyond me.
And again, even Greg says "the kids". Also, Richie/SR said "the kids" too, meaning there are multiple kids in that house. Either Lainey's had the baby/is going to have the baby or Greg's in custody of his alleged first kid.
No. 306618
File: 1476736699253.png (34.93 KB, 578x170, P7LwXT1.png)

reference to "I'm trying to be happy"?
>>306516 No. 306622
>>306621Gotta get extra attention by posting a bit of his kid
Meanwhile Lainey has a hickey. A magical hickey that makes you forget everything.
No. 306640
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>>306624yeah, someone points it out quite matter-of-factly.
>>306634If it was infected, nothing we could say about it now because it's from over a year ago.
No. 306642
File: 1476741283830.png (679.43 KB, 933x597, Screen Shot 2016-10-17 at 5.53…)

holy shit, there's three of him.
No. 306644
>>306640have we not learned yet to not believe every dumb fuck fan says? having twins makes no sense especially since the kid in
>>306621 looks too young to even be Troy's age and the fact both Onision and Lainey have only ever talked about having a boy and singular kids up until rather recently.
No. 306663
>>306658Onion did just post a photo of himself with his sisters. It could be a niece/nephew, which I am more leaning towards.
Like, if he did have a child with Skye, I really doubt that the kid would still be that young and that he would have more that weekend visitation with the kid. Also, it would be evident in any divorce documentation.
I doubt Shiloh would leave a kid in his care and she is literally the only partner I am aware of (because of how public he is in regards to his love life) that he could potentially have a kid with.
I don't think there's another kid in that situation and everyone is looking for something that more than likely isn't there.
No. 306674
>>306436I just had to see this video for myself and Onion's story sounds so fucking
stupid and unbelievable. SR sounds a million times more credible than onions.
shit the projection! Gurgles needs to just go die already. This is the first SR video I've watched and I think I'll give him a sub.
How does
any woman stand Onion's high pitched whiny voice? He sounds like a weird mixture of a middle aged man and a kid that hasn't reached puberty. If I had to hear that everyday, I'd lose my sanity… like all his past woman slaves.
No. 306678
>>306675omg hahaha this is great, SR is a tool but I love that he drops all the tea and calls him out for everything.
ofc greg will just ignore it and probably just assplode about the "theory" that greg want's SR's ass
No. 306682
>>306681well billie, we already know one is his
official wife
No. 306689
File: 1476758600432.png (77.81 KB, 639x637, crawlinginmyskin.png)

Interesting that Billoh just posted this.
No. 306690
>>306675I think this might give even more insight to their relationship, too. Idk if it's been shared before.
>>306665>>306672With Skye, the kid would be anywhere between 5-13 years old. With Shiloh, it would be 4-5 years old. I don't know onion boy's sexual history (and I really don't want to know), so there could be other potential women out there that he could have knocked up. But ignoring age and how hard it would be to hide the existence of a second child at this point, here's my thing: he would have never been able to drop everything in WA to go to NM to date/marry/etc. lamo if he had a kid before Troy.
No. 306697
File: 1476761732984.gif (1.28 MB, 245x245, fuck-yes-richie.gif)

Richie is normally fucking annoying,but fuck yeah. Spill the tea Richie.
No. 306698
So.. Is this Onions personal facebook? shows up in Billies friends and Laineys friends… though Billie and Lainey don't appear to be friends on facebook.
No. 306700
>>306699Why did he do that?
Just a dick move ?
No. 306702
>>306700Probably, most of the things he does are dick moves.
>>306701He said it in the video. You think a vapid whore is going choose a friend over cash?
No. 306706
>>306683Best line!
Didn't know that Ayalla was also on the dole. There goes any hope of her talking Billie down because $$$$$.
No. 306707
>>306702Oops okay, I watched the first video now. I'm so wary about wasting my time and giving these people views but it's worth it this time. Plus he even has a recording of Smergle's so I don't have to watch his. I used to dislike SR but I don't feel so bad about him anymore.
By the way, is it possible people just say "kids" plural because they're including the baby that she is pregnant with now?
No. 306709
File: 1476763455537.jpg (39.54 KB, 768x768, ZXVGQll.jpg)

The hero Lolcow needed
No. 306715
File: 1476764910396.png (39.22 KB, 498x244, Cv9cZiK.png)

No. 306716
>>306715If only he'd make all his videos in text too to save us from hearing his annoying, whiny high pitched maddening voice.
>He's too busy fucking another woman besides his wife.True as hell. lmao
No. 306719
>>306675Holy shit.
Richie is not fucking around this time.
I need Greg to make a response.
Do it, Greg. Feed him.
I need to see Richie lay the smackdown on on his punkass.
No. 306724
File: 1476767563842.png (1.65 MB, 944x610,…)

>>306675>>306719ngl I'm liking him a bit more now
sage for same fagging
No. 306734
>>306675As much as I generally despise this guy, this video was fucking incredible.
He has redeemed himself slightly in my eyes for being so blunt in calling out Onion's bullshit
No. 306737
File: 1476771740752.jpg (51.69 KB, 535x798, 6wTEGud.jpg)

I need Onion to blow up and call him a liar in his i'm-trying-hard-to-be-leafy-but-i-am-obviously-upset voice so SR can spill even more tea.
No. 306989
>>306656It really is a horrifying if you've lived through the conditions described. I'm a bit
triggered tbh. Ah well.
But yeah this is exactly like Onion. And horrifying for him of course too, because narcissists hate being exposed for what they are. They'll go to lengths to avoid it, because if they get exposed, then their supply fucks off and they're left with nobody to admire them.
SR has gotta be upset that after all this, his friend Billie is falling for all of Onion's shit.
No. 307007
File: 1476807828707.png (612.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-18-12-21-52…)

Seems like an odd request
No. 307014
File: 1476809663117.png (45.04 KB, 540x324, asasas.png)

This was posted on the EO tumblr, apparently Ayalla tweeted it then deleted it.
No. 307018
>>307014Ah, I was about to post this but I wanted to wait until the anon posted proof that it wasn't doctored.
Allegedly, Ayalla might be referring to Jaclyn Glenn, a youtuber who's known for her relationship with Tobuscus/doing videos on atheism and plagiarizing peoples' videos on atheism, who Greg was thirsty over and forced to choose between him and SR. She chose SR and he threw a tantrum on social media and people are tinhat theorizing that's why Greg is going after SR now, especially since there are rumors of him and Jaclyn getting together.
No. 307025
>>307022An enemy of the onion is a friend of ours
>>306958This really reminds me so much of the actual presidential election so I'm so glad this was your reaction image anon
No. 307029
>>306716The dude is fucking illiterate. He can't even spell 'straight' correctly.
>>306974I read "sooooo cringy" in his fucking voice. Thanks anon.
Someone befriend Richie and get him to give you all the tea. I hope more comes from these two on the milk front.
No. 307041
I bet Gerg is flustered since most people ignore his videos about them. And it wasn't a good idea for him to go after someone in his personal life who can expose him. I wonder who will get the last word in.
No. 307052
File: 1476817657219.jpg (6.18 KB, 181x200, 68465368542.jpg)

>>307050that's my favorite thing about all of this
No. 307058
>>307052I am honestly surprised he hasn't said anything yet to
>>306675I thought for sure he'd have one of his MS paint vids up by now.
No. 307060
>>307058Maybe he realized SR is gonna fuck him up even more if he continues. Onision is quite a coward too.
Or he is digging more info on SR so he can diss him more.
No. 307062
>>307058I kinda hope he's complaining to Billie about how much she has revealed to people, meanwhile Lainey is reblogging some sad shit on a secret tumblr somewhere, hating her life.
How did Gerg not see this as a bad idea? SR has nothing to lose from engaging in drama, while Greg gets to do damage control with a barely legal snowflake and her big mouth, and his depressive tumblrina wife.
No. 307083
They only have Troy. They keep the amount of children they have extremely ambiguous as well as keeping the existence of Troy very private.
Their logic for saying they have "children" is that they refer to the two dogs as their kids. They only have one child as of right now.>>306690
No. 307134
File: 1476836585584.png (2.69 MB, 1588x1184, Screen Shot 2016-10-18 at 7.17…)

Wtf is wrong with her eyebrows?
No. 307141
>>307007>>307008Maybe she wants to compare screenshots sent in by followers to the ones posted on here so she knows who to block? After all she could ask if anyone
saved them, not asking for screenshots specifically.
No. 307145
File: 1476838019882.png (432.39 KB, 573x671, brow.png)

>>307134Maybe Plain did them? She use to do horrible on her eyebrows until she actually got tips.
No. 307147
>>307134didn't even notice the brows cus of the abundance of highlighter on her nose tbh. looks like she smeared a bunch on her forehead as well.
still better looking than plain.
tho i'd say shiloh was probably the most attractive of gregma's sister wives, imo.
No. 307152
File: 1476838921010.png (1.7 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20161018-185705.png)

From his newest video.
Banner says Claire and in some shots you see balloons. Sounds like Lain gave birth. Id highly suspect it happened after her twitter drama.
Also, Gerg is either using some kind of high exposure lighting or makeup in the video as well lol.
No. 307164
>>306971Honestly I thought his voice was edited for copyright reasons but nope, he really is that weird-sounding.
>>307134I glanced at the picture and thought "well, I've seen worse" but then I enlarged it and wow, girl really thinks we can't tell where her real eyebrows end and the sharpie brow begins?
No. 307165
>>307152Could be decorations from a baby shower. Kind of loling at the fact they cheaped out on deco though. Got some string and some paper and wrote the baby's name. Meanwhile Onision drives a $100k car.
No. 307177
>>307134Look at those snaggly ass teeth. Billie is good looking compared to Lainey, but lets not think they're actually good looking. They're pretty average looking.
>>307147I guess Shiloh is okay looking, but I still think AJ was the hottest, then Skye
No. 307220
File: 1476847858367.png (275.92 KB, 447x346, trtrtrt.PNG)

Isn't that in the background, near the fireplace, a baby swing or not sure what it's called. Only very young babies can fit on those and why would they have it out if Troy is clearly a toddler now? I am putting money the Claire sign and that thing shows they have a new born.
No. 307222
>>307152>>307220I don't want to know what's going on in his latest video but the second screen cap looks like he's photoshopped himself on someone's body. It looks like he had a mental breakdown.
Sorry about your dad, onion babbies.
No. 307229
>>307152>>307220Yeah, Lainey definitely gave birth.
It would explain why Onision took a week off from everything except Youtube and his own forums.
No. 307230
>>306555Using they/them is confusing
To the, like, two people who refer to Lainey as "they," could you please just not? Maybe I'm an idiot for not getting it right away, but when you use they/them it makes it kinda hard to understand.
And why does anyone give a fuck about her gender anyways? She's just an ugly girl with a dyke-y haircut trying to stand out. If she actually gave a shit about being n/b, she probably wouldn't be happy with her husband fucking empregnating her and frequently refering to her as his wife and a lesbian, two exclusively female terms. She could easily just ask him to call her his spouse or s/o, but she doesn't because her agender shtick is just bullshit.
No. 307242
>>307230Unless you're not a native English speaker, I really don't see how it's hard to understand.
Sage for autism about fucking pronouns.
No. 307249
>>307242I'm not a native english speaker.
>>307244Yeah, but we already know Lainey's a girl. No need to use they.
No. 307251
>>307244Agender doesn't exist. Sage for off topic.
>>307229That makes the most sense so far anon. Did the stress make her go in to labor early?
No. 307256
>>307251yeah that's what I'm thinking
the stress of CG 2.0 made Lainey go into early labor because she'd only been pregnant for what? almost eight months-ish?
This would also explain Lainey's full body pictures.
No. 307274
File: 1476863512251.jpg (31.31 KB, 580x435, 1425574625070-1.jpg)

She is a transtrender. If she expects other people to respect her pronouns she should get her greasy husband to do the same.
No. 307286
>>307279>>307282What are you guys talking about? You guys need to chill. Greg's probably going to love Claire just as much as Tami…loved…him.
Oh no.
No. 307289
>I just gave my teenage daughter a fully naked body massage and it's completely innocent as it was with my wife Billie because my mom did the same to meinb4
>forces teenage daughter to eat vegetarian/vegan>fakes drama with teenage son for views/to get on Judge Judy>forces teenage daughter into skinny pact>physically abuses teenage daughter and says it's okay "because she's fat!11!!1!"I'm calling it now.
This man is one of the biggest pieces of scum to women and is the last person in the world to be having a daughter, let alone children.
If Lain doesn't run for the hills now, she doesn't deserve the respect of anyone.
No. 307321
>>307289>forces teenage daughter to eat vegetarian/veganCome on, onision isn't even a vegan, why does there have to regularly be vegan-bashing in his threads?
If normal parents (ie not onion) explained to kids where their food comes from (instead of indoctrinating that cows = mindless meatsacks but dogs = friends), I guarantee most will cry and ask to not be forced to eat a meat diet anymore. I've never seen a single kid complaining they're forced to eat plant-based (they could always eat meat outside of home), but I've seen maybe 50 kids saying they're forced to eat meat by their parents, even though it breaks their heart to be hurting animals.
I'd be more worried about all the processed crap they'll feed their kids since that's all they eat.
No. 307334
>>307321You've NEVER seen a kid complain about plant based diets? Have you seriously never heard parents complaining their kids wouldnt eat their veggies. Shit I know kids who will only eat mac and cheese and chicken nuggets.
Kids can be picky eaters.
No. 307342
>>307334I mean, if the kids don't know hat mac and cheese/ chicken nuggets are then they won't beg for them.
The problem is Onion knows nothing about actual nutrition, and he lives off of processed meat-free shit. So even though he's going to raise his kids vegetarian, that still doesn't mean they'll be healthy.
No. 307352
>>307341He pulled the same shit with AJ. Once she put out the letter, all he and Shiloh had to say was "her vagina smells!!"
Don't wrack your brain over it. He's just a 30-something with the brain of a 13 y/o.
No. 307358
File: 1476895904986.png (566.47 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-19-12-50-18…)

Urgh to me Lainey's and Billie's relationship seems so fake.
No. 307375
>>307358look at those tweets to her sister. Lainey must be so jealous that Lauren is living the life of a normal 18-19 year old, compared to how she was instantly married with a baby, at Lauren (and Billie's) age, to a guy who was pushing 30 and spouting broken promises about traveling and "Digitour".
I can't stand her boring, entitled ass, but damn, the pity is real.
No. 307393
File: 1476908535795.jpeg (52.56 KB, 225x400, image.jpeg)

Found this on eoliveson just now.
Hahahaha Onion looks old af! No wonder he's hiding behind his crappy writings and drawings, holy shit! As for Lamo, well, she'll continue letting herself go is all I can say.
No. 307402
File: 1476913525299.png (533.02 KB, 908x475, ghost.png)

Is it the filters that are making the aquarium water look green?
No. 307413
File: 1476917524949.png (614.04 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>On a date with a gorgeous lady…and my kids.
No wonder he looks mad as hell, he didn't wanna go out! Lol
No. 307417
File: 1476918905684.gif (1.47 MB, 300x225, 4sBuzKD.gif)

>>306675That ending, he got BTFO, goddamn. "You could just make good content instead of just starting shit with people." It only took about five minutes to destroy Greg.
Also, the start of Greg's video honestly startled me because I thought SR played a Leafy video by accident. I know he's trying to stay relevant and latch on to younger, successful youtubers but out right mimicking them? Sad.
No. 307419
>>307413HAHAHAAHHA jesus Onion really is reading these threads and living his life in direct response to them.
I haven't seen them mention leaving the house in ages but as soon as someone points out they look sad and lonely as fuck, they're throwing themselves outside to save face.
No. 307420
>>307402 I wouldn't surprise me if they only cleaned the fish tank out like every few months. This is the guy that left his turtle in a lunch box for hours at the hottest time of the day and killed it.
>>307393Not even the fucking flower crow filter can hide his bad skin.
Hey Greg, if you're lurking. Fucking adapt a new diet you skinny fat prick. Why would anyone want to go vegetarian when they see your acne riddled red greasy skin, and skinny fat body?
No. 307421
>>307323Same, the parents are immature shut-ins with a fucked up relationship, who knows how they're going to turn out. Daddy is a selfish, overdramatic, insecure sociopath who has no problem bringing young girls into his home for sex, and Mommy is a doormat transtrender who can't stand up to her husband. What the hell are the kids going to take from them about life and relationships? Unless they just hate them so much they strive to be normal.
I hope one of them at least takes the son out to the park or something so he's not a pasty shut-in as well.
No. 307426
>>307402>Is it the filters that are making the aquarium water look green?not in the slightest. A tank depending on stock that size can turn green in about 1-2 months but that tanks clearly gone a LOT Longerwithout a change, meaning that that tank has some deadly nitrites in there killing their fish left and right, and it looks like its to the point the only way NOT to kill the fish is to do a 25% water change daily. He probably doesn't even treat the water so the fish are either going to die from chlorine poisoning or the horrible nitrates.
Also I don't see a heater or bubbler in there, which is mandatory for most fish. It's probably got a goldfish in it too that need, depending on species, at least a 55 gallon to themselves or more.
so that tank basically has stunted growth, fish being burned by high ammonia, organs being fucked by the high nitrite and chlorine poisoning.
that tank is a death chamber.
No. 307429
>>307402noticed he's really obsessed with L from death note. not in the normal fan way, more in the way where he tries (and fails) to replicate L's way of being extremely perceptive, smart and emotionally detached. That's just what comes to mind when i hear him go on a long winded explanation of something trying so hard to sound all smart and logical when he just sounds like he's on drugs.
Idk i think there's a reason he's taken a liking to L as a character and tries to be him IRL but just comes off as a fucking psycho…..if you've seen death note u might see what I'm getting at
No. 307443
>>305900It's not the early 00s My Chem/Taking Back Sunday/eyeliner/bracelets/etc emo, but there is a surge of kids who are into to stuff like Twenty One Pilots and Halsey who call themselves emo (lol)
Sage for off topic
No. 307456
File: 1476934545576.jpg (58.84 KB, 444x314, file.jpg)

>>307450Hits too close to home for him, I'm sure.
No. 307479
>>307459Gosh his fans must really be underage or something because what's with all the "relationship goalz" comments? Idk about anyone else but it was kind of uncomfortable watching this video. Knowing about all the shit they've said to each other those
quirky little quips just seemed like low key aggression.
No. 307483
>>307459Lainey looks like she is in her late 30s
>Celebrated 22nd birthday few days agodamn
No. 307499
>>307498Its clearly just an excuse for Greg to make more money. He films and edits everything on that channel, and all Lainey does is just sit there and lets Greg do most of the talking. All of the money that Lainey makes clearly goes straight back into Greg's pocket.
If Lainey every did leave Greg I could see him trying to pull a Margo on her and her channel.
No. 307503
>>307478Billoh can be Misa.
>dumb, gullible teenager>(Instagram) "model" with an edgy look>infatuated with an obvious narcissist>defends said narcissict against any and all criticism and hates anyone who's against him>will do shitty things to please said narcissist, even if they're detrimental to herself or the people around herHowever Gregma isn't nearly as clever as he thinks he is let alone a genius like the DN characters are supposed to be. He'd take the comparison as a compliment.
sage for weebshit
No. 307504
>>307426None of this is surprising. He's a shitty pet owner.
The man killed a tortoise because "hurrdurr it came from the desert and should have survived my neglect!"
No. 307506
File: 1476980100922.png (1.41 MB, 1724x878, Screen Shot 2016-10-20 at 10.1…)

>>307459Ugh his whole demeanour just disgusts me. The way he talks over Plain made me very uncomfortable too, their entire relationship is so fucking dysfunctional
No. 307517
* don't misgender her
No. 307523
>>307522shitlord?! i'll have u kno that as some1 w/ irritable bowel syndrome this is v, v
triggering and i need a safe space and a grief counselor for th emotional distress u gav me
No. 307528
>>307506Didn't he do a video or something once where he was trying to say he looked younger now than when he was in the military because ~MUH VEGETARIAN DIET~
lol SURE Greg. Keep telling yourself that.
No. 307529
File: 1476988300896.jpg (85.74 KB, 996x947, nicefoundationbro.jpg)

>>307528Found the comparison photo.
No. 307532
>>307529Those angles and that makeup
Or does vegetarianism just exchange the size of your head for the size of your nose?
No. 307538
File: 1476988917289.jpg (188.81 KB, 2048x1365, datforehead.jpg)

>cro-magnonTook the words right out of my mouth
No. 307545
>>307504It wasn't just neglect, he baked the poor thing alive. Tortoises are supposed to live for several decades, this is common knowledge. He had it for a month. Part of me thinks he did it on purpose. You have to be a fucking idiot or a sociopath to put an animal under a plastic tub in the sun in summer.
He's probably one of those assholes that thinks his fish are stupid/can't feel pain/don't have good memory etc. It's infuriating.
No. 307556
>>307504he;s a retard who buys pets thinking theyre low matenience to the point all he has to do is let it rot in its tank and look pretty.
fish aren't easy pets, you have to change filters weekly alogn with a decent amount of water, make sure you dont get random spikes or theyll get diseases like ick or swim bladder disease, his turtle was probably malnourished as fuck and had bad pyramiding. the worst thing is pretty much anything that isnt a cat or dog is ignored by the animal neglect laws
fuck onision the animal killing prick, his children have no chance if he can't even do basic matenience on a fishtank.
No. 307563
>>307534Me either. I don't fucking get why all these girls on the net and the two idiots he has IRL are thirsty for him. He's ugly as fuck without the filters, foundation, angles lighti–never mind, he's ugly
with them too. My guess is that they're blinded by his hair and think that makes up for an ugly face with Neanderthal features. Too many stupid girls think a guy with long hair is hot but NOPE! They forget to actually look at their face or imagine them without it.
No. 307578
>>307483>>307490Her makeup is fucking horrendous and way too heavy for a woman her age. She needs to toss the black eyeliner and the dark lipstick because they can age you if you don't know how to apply it.
She'll do much better with a more natural look and play around with lighter colors. I almost want to give her a makeover, what are the best mobile apps for that?
She also needs to grow out her hair, sorry Lainey, but the short look is fucking horrible for your face.
No. 307586
File: 1476999140336.png (684 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-20-17-29-15…)

Hey did anyone see this???
No. 307591
>>307590Laundry should try a pob.
Also I wanna give her a makeover. Her whole look and wardrobe. People call her plain but she could be beautiful with styles that suit her
No. 307619
File: 1477004724708.jpg (83.07 KB, 540x540, blonde.jpg)

I think blonde hair in general seems to soften her features, dark hair is too harsh on her. Lainey sort it out you could be cute.
No. 307620
>>307600Side by side, Taylor looks bigger than Greg. That girl looks built like a defensive lineman.
That Jay Leno jaw doesn't help the profile shots either. Pregnancy weight aside, she looked so mich better with longer, lighter hair.
No. 307630
File: 1477005747923.jpg (18.49 KB, 300x300, 300x300.jpg)

>>307619reminds me of emily osment
No. 307657
File: 1477022372927.png (2.04 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-20-23-54-29…)

Uh oh why do I have a feeling Greg is making a response/video mocking Social Repose. Oh boy….
No. 307661
File: 1477022845027.jpg (90.37 KB, 1000x666, ZoczhIF.jpg)

>>307657I hope he is just so SR burns him again
No. 307674
>>307593It just seems really weird that he'd drop her in a second for emotional abuse, but would just shuttle her off to therapy and work things out if she started
punching him in the face whenever she was angry. idk I feel like it says some weird things about how the dynamics in his relationships work.
No. 307680
>>307674Someone punching him = he is the victim 100%, he saves them, he is the hero, they are in his debt, he is in control
"Emotional Abuse" = much more subjective, often two-sided, hard to prove, holds a lot of power over Onion because he is so full of shit that no one would ever believe him, it's easier for him to drop her and run and be, once again, the victim/hero
No. 307698
>>307579So he posts this video even though his wife had his second child recently. When Troy was born, he was trying to portray himself like a good dad, making a song for him etc.
Now his second child is born, and he can't stop talking about divorce.
I hope he finally goes with it, kids will do better without him.
No. 307699
>>307698I hope so too. All he's doing is trying to prepare his viewers for their eventual divorce. I remember there was yet another video where they were talking about divorce and Lainey thought it was a joke then he firmly responds, "No, seriously. We're getting divorced in two months."
It won't surprise me at all whenever it finally does happen. She doesn't want to leave him since that'd mean she'd have to get a job and move out of that unfurnished McMansion. Grease is going to pull that
trigger, I'm betting winter 2017 as just a guess.
No. 307700
>>307579A lot of people are turning against him in the comments, even his fans.
He is digging his own grave. Nice.
No. 307701
>>307699>No, seriously. We're getting divorced in two months."Funny how, two months after that video, cuddlegate 2.0 happened. And that time it was obvious Onion and Billybop were making a video (where she obviously gives him googly eyes) locked in his office. Probably had sex in there too. I'm picturing a scene like this:
>>306550Too bad for him that Lainey is too much of a doormat to go for a divorce, so I guess he is the one who will have to do it.
No. 307721
File: 1477059947169.png (622.05 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Hey, I'm confused… Is this fat or muscle? Also, that shirt doesn't look like it fits him anymore…
No. 307725
File: 1477061543169.png (726.85 KB, 1136x640, image.png)

>>307723You mean like this?
No. 307730
>>307727Yeah, except he wasn't as fat in that picture as supposed to now.
>>307728That belly looks like it's about to pop out of that shirt. It's okay Onion, you can stop hiding dat "vegetarian body" now, we'll understand!
No. 307731
>>307724Cringe. He is in his 30s. Is he really just resorting to a youtube slap fight with someone younger than him?
Newsflash, Greg, take care of your marriage an family like an actual man and stop being a retard on social media.
No. 307732
File: 1477065107639.png (79.71 KB, 852x284, Screen Shot 2016-10-21 at 8.51…)

Lol, the comments got to him
No. 307736
>>307685Didn't someone once say that Troy is basically treated like a little adult who can make his own decisions, so he’s never told no and they let him do whatever he wants? I don't remember who said it or whether they were full of shit but I remember them explaining that Troy's hair was really long and scraggly because he didn't want to have it cut.
Being raised by a doormat and a narc who both think he can do no wrong is probably going to turn the kid into an absolute terror, and a lack of interaction with other kids at school is going to make it 100% worse. I hope Bandaid (Claire?) escapes as soon as she can crawl. Being raised by wolves would be better than this.
>>307721>when ur dad has mom arms No. 307741
>>306621Onion deleted this picture from his Instagram.
I guess it really is Troy. Lainey is probably dressing him *~gender neutral~* or some shit
No. 307743
File: 1477068922531.jpg (128.97 KB, 987x522, um.jpg)

All you need to do is buy her an animal costume and she will forget all about adultery you committed.
No. 307771
>>307765Oh wow, so her dad offered her advice how to get around onion's prenup during one of the cuddlegates but she refused to listen…
100% onion brain slave
No. 307773
>>307769Its crazy to me how much shit he says thats the same shit HE does.
I have a feeling Lainey's dad contacted her after the last Cuddlegate and was trying to help his daughter get out of a loveless marriage. and lets be honest, Lainey has NOTHING if she were to ever leave Greg. I'm sure her dad realizes this and was trying to get that point across to Lainey. But she's being hardcore manipulated herself and when she told Greg he thought it was just solely for the thrill of taking his stuff.
What a joke.
No. 307775
>>307765>my wife is so amazing because she wouldn't dream of stealing my moneyWow. That and the reason he'd leave her have been repeated a lot. She can't leave because if she tried to get money for the kids, she'd be stealing 'his' money and being horrible because she's not understanding and loyal enough for Gargoyle.
I bet her dad was being resonable with trying to help out and Gargoyle doesn't want to listen. I had a really rough patch in my marriage and my parents offered to help. It hurts one's pride but since they have kids, she should take it. I'm sure they would support their daughter and grandkids.
Too bad she's absorbed his lies and can't escape.
No. 307780
>>307724At 2.10 the magnets on the fridge say "yay twins". Yep, he's obsessively reading our posts here (such as
>>306624) and was hoping we'd notice that.
No. 307784
>>307781Don't worry about it, anon. Most of us can't stand watching his videos for various reasons.
I, for one, feel like drinking bleach every time I hear his voice/see his face for more than three seconds.
No. 307785
>>307772From what I can remember, I'm pretty sure she was, which would explain a lot.
Like, if someone who had just got out of an emotionally abusive doesn't give themselves time to adjusting to life without that partner and to go through the healing process, some asshole has the potential to white knight them and start the whole emotional abuse bullshit all over. Or at least that's what I learned from personal experience.
No. 307789
>I have a feeling Lainey's dad contacted her after the last Cuddlegate and was trying to help his daughter get out of a loveless marriageDidn't she say something about not talking to her family about the situations on twitter when she was fighting with Greg?
It wouldn't be wrong to speculate that, since they've both stated people often contact her parents and tell them what Greg's doing and Lainey said something about not talking to her family about the situations on twitter when she was fighting with Greg, someone told Lainey's parents/her father about Cuddlegate (both 1 and 2.0) and he tried once or both times to bring her and the kids home to New Mexico.
Either that or something more recent must've driven her father to do/say something that caused him to make this stupid video.
>>307772Yeah. One of the admins for eoliveson interviewed him when Lainey and Greg came out publicly after she turned 18 and all he could do was talk about how wild in the sack she was. He was a douchebag tbh.
No. 307790
>>307789I know Lainey has to be in contact with one of her sisters (Lauren) because Lainey did recently tweet at Lauren to text her back.
Lauren more than likely relays any information she gets from Lainey to their father.
No. 307795
>>307789She probably doesn't talk to her family when shit happens because she knows her family will just be "told you so."
Doesn't mean they don't try to reach out to her.
And I'm sure he dad probably fucked her mind up big time if what some of the stuff Greg said was true in the video. Lainey clearly has no idea how a man or is suppose to love and respect her.
No. 307797
>>307785 It's disgusting how apparent it is he goes after girls with family, emotional and/or mental issues. I can't think of any other
sane reason why he keeps getting them with all his petty relationship drama. Not only are they very young (underage) with no real life/relationship experience, they're also extremely vulnerable. They think a prince charming will come along to solve all their problems and Onion sees that and swoops in with his money and alarmingly quick declarations of love. If someone's already damaged by insecurities it's easier to manipulate them and keep them.
No. 307806
File: 1477091703027.png (24 KB, 519x127, YS7vlhj.png)

No. 307814
>>307808second this.
If anyone posts any screenshots of laineyclone can we write them off as her posting on here for attention.
No. 307823
>>307809Ugh gross, they even
sound alike. No
sane mother would agree to make a skit like this with their own son.
No. 307847
>>307797And in his books, his main characters (obvious self-interests) go after girls who are from broken families and/or been in an abusing relationships.
Also this is from his second book:
>Ashley is a product of my imprisonment. I literally have millions of little potential human lives screaming within me to impregnate her as soon as humanly possible. If we were to reproduce I would no doubt “love” the children she produced. This is of course because if I didn’t “love” them then they would be less likely to effectively survive. If our species collectively lost “love” for children, our species itself would begin to die off. We would leave our children in the streets to die; we wouldn’t feed them or at times even risk our safety for them because we weren’t pre-programmed to care.Knowing that 12 year olds read his shit and praise it makes me sick.
No. 307879
>>307765So he tells the guy to grow up and move on, and when he does and tried to act civil he just calls him a hypocrite and says he shouldn't praise the existence of his own grandchild??
Greg, shut the fuck up.
No. 307881
Hope the picture works, but here is a really old pic of Lainey with super long hair. I still think she looks better with around shoulder length and light blonde.'t let me post actual image, sorry.
No. 307891
>>307887, here's another pic of her with wavy hair. They look really weak but I know she straightens her hair. I think she'd look extra nice with long, wavy, blonde hair.
Maybe I should make another thread just to talk about her appearances.
No. 307904
File: 1477158338590.jpg (6.45 KB, 320x180, shiloh2.jpg)

with onion, I know one is from a photoshoot but fuck. How does she go from a girl who clearly enjoys doing her hair/make-up to bald? It seemed gradual as well, her hair got shorter, she started wearing less make-up etc. Lainey is going in the same direction and was the same before, enjoyed hair/make-up. Is it some weird dehumanizing thing for Onion or does he have a fetish for girls who look manly?
No. 307905
>>307904According to Shiloh, he forcefully held her down and shaved her head and shamed her from wearing makeup.
Shiloh is probably the most egregious example of how fucked up Onision is. To go from a canadian pop star on the rise to being abused and having your career and online reputation destroyed by a greasy old man from the internet.
No. 307911
File: 1477159591825.jpg (359.72 KB, 1280x853, beforeafterlain.jpg)

>>307910I found that image from that eoliveson tumblr page, here's another one.
No. 307914
File: 1477159959650.jpg (314.6 KB, 899x675, kek.jpg)

I love this edit lmao, it looks like an old man kissing a toddler.
No. 307916
File: 1477160091556.png (569.36 KB, 799x493, onsion.png)

>>307914LOL yeah, even with the filters he uses I think she looks young enough to be his daughter. The thought of them fucking repulses me.
No. 307922
File: 1477161324117.jpeg (42.3 KB, 500x500, image.jpeg)

>>307909>>307915I found this… it looks like a courthouse setting if I'm not mistaken-oh…
No. 307924
File: 1477161460510.jpg (37.57 KB, 810x231, IMG_20161022_203653.jpg)

Onision status: buttmangled
No. 307928
File: 1477161777324.jpeg (5.36 KB, 225x225, 4475745564.jpeg)

>>307924start the countdown to another buttmad onion video
No. 307930
>>307925Indeed, but look at her smile closely… It's like she's saying "he's my man now bitches! >:)"
Also, this pic gives me Natural Born Killers vibes…
No. 307938
>>307911She's actually quite pretty in the top photos. Maybe it's just because I've never really seen ger smiling, but they just look waaaay nicer.
>>307914>using a filter>still looking like that>>307916She really does look like his kid here. I think he genuinely believes that he looks young and cute and that's why he doesn't realise that all his child brides make him look worse by comparison.
No. 307947
File: 1477166351641.jpg (67.61 KB, 500x500, friends-family-greg-daniel-pho…)

>>307923Some of the pictures look so normal, it's kind of sad
No. 307988
>>307948Agreed. This is probably one of many reasons why he regrets divorcing her.
>>307916>>307914Jesus. These photos just highlight how creepy it is. He looks old enough to be her father. This grosses me out so much. It's no different from those women in their 20s and 30s that fuck old 60+ year old men because they're loaded. I don't get how they live with themselves.
No. 308039
File: 1477187710122.png (428.74 KB, 688x895, 001.png)

>>307916Nice edgy quote t-shirt from Spencer's Bilbo. I thought these stopped being cool with teenagers a good ten years ago?
No. 308043
File: 1477188231428.png (65.98 KB, 719x385, 20161022_215844.png)

Tin hatting a bit here, but this is the chick Lainey gets flirty with on twitter. We all know gregs stance on smoking..
New recruit to his manipulation?
No. 308044
File: 1477189256523.png (30.07 KB, 588x135, yelling.png)

Sorry, what does she mean? I don't get the young kids slang.
No. 308055
>>308044It's tumblr speak. Instead of saying somebody looks pretty or actually being creative with compliments, they just respond to a nice selfie with shit like "im SCREAMIGN" or "im so mad!!!!" and other such dumb shit. Lainey probably just blankly stared at the selfie with her usual plain expression and silently tapped on her keyboard "im yelling". I don't get it.
The yELLING part is an example of the new version "showing off you're drunk", misspelling a Facebook status thing. Except the new Tumblr version is tyPING liek. this?? But with emphasis on being (fashionably) mentally unstable rather than drunk.
No. 308056
File: 1477192457565.png (58.75 KB, 585x227, Twitter.png)

>>308055That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
In other news, did anyone else see the tweets from SR and Ayalla? Funny they tweet at almost the same time.
No. 308091
File: 1477212011056.jpg (58.97 KB, 768x415, IMG_20161023_103917.jpg)

Bracing for awkwardness and complete lack of chemistry
No. 308121
File: 1477242142576.jpg (126.52 KB, 728x705, IMG_20161023_185920.jpg)

So onion was seventh day adventist too…I thought only his mom was.
No wonder he is so fucked up
No. 308169
File: 1477265975338.png (3.85 MB, 2880x1800, Screen Shot 2016-10-23 at 6.32…)

Fat or still pregnant?
No. 308175
>>308173She should try strawberry blonde and grow it out. Maybe once she starts looking more feminine she may have a chance of getting Grek's attention again.
Unfortunately, Billie is so much more girlier and that's what he's more attracted to, so I think it's too late. Wouldn't hurt to try if Lainey is lurking here.
No. 308185
File: 1477271445298.png (2.39 MB, 1920x1080, 1.png)

Look what I found anons
No. 308187
>>308178is this some sort of stay woke meme
smh fam
No. 308188
>>308185>>308186So that means that their now son is named Jacob oh shit
So it's now Troy & Jacob okay, Claire must've been a friend's kid/someone's birthday or they have 3 kids
No. 308190
File: 1477272279273.jpg (137.37 KB, 1024x768, sowhatsthetruth.jpg)

>>308188me right now trying to figure out wtf is going on with their new spawn.
Maybe the Claire thing was for whatever little girl was in that IG post with Lainey, a niece maybe?
She's for sure had the kid though, lets not even question it anymore.
No. 308191
File: 1477272409872.png (306.03 KB, 249x238, Tin_foil_hat_2.png)

>>308190Shit I just realized in
>>308186 mention's a Claire as well. "Get Claire more shorts."
No. 308200
File: 1477274625849.png (289.51 KB, 846x488, Untitled.png)

>>308188>>308191Claire and Jacob where both mentioned in the halloween video
No. 308202
>>308200Its either a troll on their part, or she really did have twins.
Which, honestly, would explain why she gave birth earlier than we thought since when you have multiples the gestation period is shorter. The only thing is what
>>308197 said about greg's mom mentioning only one new baby. Although do we know for sure they had gotten an ultrasound that day? Don't remember the exact status his mom made.
No. 308214
File: 1477277386053.png (605.7 KB, 870x530, hmmmm.PNG)

No. 308215
>>308214So basically either they had twins & were too dumb to realize the shit on the background or they're trolling and it's one kid.
Hopefully someone will confirm soon
No. 308221
>>308218It's plausible and wouldn't surprise me.
I'm going to have to dig, but I got you anon. I will find the answers.
No. 308229
It was "Jacques" not "Jacob". Got my J names confused. anyway in case anyone was curious as to wtf I was talking about. Most of it sounds like bullshit, though.
No. 308231
>>308230No. They sound like they were written like a bored 13 year old thinking it was hilarious. "Braided pubes".
I only got excited because I thought it said something about Jacob.
No. 308232
File: 1477280495383.jpg (26.88 KB, 500x500, oldonion.jpg)

Looking through old Onion stuff. He actually looks good here. If only he'd taken care of himself, his skin, his body, etc.
No. 308233
>>308229This really seems like a Greg fan troll tbh.
There's no way Onion would take care of children that are not biologically his, nor that he would have given his wife permission to fuck or probably even get IVF.
No. 308234
>>308233He doesn't even take care of the rumored ones he had before lamo.
But I have to agree that it's most definitely a troll.
No. 308238
>>308237It's probably not too late. If he just took care of his skin and worked out, it would probably make a world of difference. Older guys can look attractive (in my opinion, anyway), but he's not taking care of himself.
Being hateful 24/7 and never happy is probably taking a toll on him, too.
No. 308243
File: 1477285291477.png (287.38 KB, 540x492, blonde2.png)

>>308241I think her hair being so dark now does her no favors as well, idk why she and onion think she looks better brunette.
No. 308277
File: 1477303086602.jpg (Spoiler Image,23.59 KB, 640x360, 640.jpg)

Oh shit! Someone leaked a picture of Onision's son!
No. 308287
>>308245better =/= good
The dog shit might stink a little less but it's still dog shit.
No. 308300
File: 1477320206896.jpg (82.86 KB, 400x665, tumblr_njc2sv99lp1r9yl3oo2_500…)

>>308229>>308230me neither. notice how here the same person says "what she forces me to call him" and "why does she make you call him a different name?" umm. anyway, even without that part it's ridiculous
No. 308312
>>308302What a bunch of bullshit. She worked to support him when he got kicked out from AF, and when he became youtube famous he told her to quit. That is what his old journals say.
Basically the only true thing he said is that he hardcore emotionally cheated on his ex-wife with Shiloh.
No. 308315
>>308302only lasted for 50 seconds.
It seems like he didn't like how people were praising Skye in this thread. Holy shit, it's not bad enough that his fans chased her off the internet…doesn't matter though. His fanbase knows that everything he's saying is pure bullshit since he changes his tune every year.
Hey Groggles, we know you're lurking. How about you leave Skye alone and start fucking around with Billie Jean more so your wife can provide us with more milky tears? Who knows, maybe she'll realize how much of a dried up cumshot you are and leave with the kids.
No. 308317
>>308312That, and he DIDN'T let her work either.
>Another issue has come up with Skye obtaining a job… I have recently deeply considered the possibility of her obtaining a job, and again, it seems so… inappropriate.The reasoning behind this is that she simply would not seem me nearly as much as she does now… and this is unacceptable.
>If she is going to have a job, she must still be able to see me at least 80% of my time off work, and with me currently working a midnight schedule, we would be lucky to see eachother 50% of my off time… I do not like this percentage… though it would be a part time job, it would also be a day time job, and in result, it would alter her sleep schedule, taking many more hours away on top of the working hours.>Later on this year, I will be switching over to a days schedule, and then, we will both advance in our productivity in the field of finances and self improvement.80% of
his fucking time, later on he moved it up to 95%…
No. 308320
>>308315Maybe he really
does regret leaving her. That's why he's trying to paint her in a bad light again, to remind himself how much of a greedy lazy bitch he is in his eyes. He could have left after he got kicked out of the military.
No. 308322
I'm just glad some if not, most of his fans are calling his bullshit and are even praising her for "robbing" him.
No. 308325
File: 1477324508937.png (97.64 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>30831795% of
his time (increased)
No. 308341
>>308317Wow, that's creepy as shit.
One of the hallmarks of an abuser is restricting the abused partner from gaining employment (so they remain financially dependent) and demanding monopoly of their time. Pretty clear that Gregma has a storied history of both of these things.
No. 308351
>>305712Have we ever herd Greasecock talk like this to any of his exes and Lainey (including Billie) afterwards? 'Cause this sounds like something a serial killer would say to his significant other, regardless if they were just friends…
>Skye […], you know I love you… more than anything… I have a past though, one with other people, I've loved as friends… >I've loved… sometimes, you just can't lose that… if I had to kill the world away, just to leave you alive, in my life… I would likely do it, that is, if I had forgotten about my family… but what I'm saying is, no one compares to you, No. 308372
>>308359Reminder that Twilight was a thing.
Teenagers are idiots.
No. 308375
File: 1477333476279.png (65.19 KB, 1347x444, image.png)

He stalked the shit outta her in high school.
No. 308378
>>308302His concept of love is paper thin. Instead of turning this 17 year old away and turning off the Skype chats so that he can fix his marital issues with Skye–like most normal adults should do–he instead goes for the divorce route and to follow his heart irregardless of who's lives he's going to ruin.
And it's happening again with Billie Bob. He'll realize that he loves Billie a lot more than is appropriate and, again, instead of fixing things with his wife and mother of his children, he'll leave her and go after his heart once more.
For love.
No. 308385
>>308380Resent her? Like, he can't find any other girl like her? 'Cause we all know he can't.
>>308381Maybe he's trying to destroy what feelings he once had towards her, idk.
No. 308401
>>308395I don't watch that YT'er so I didn't know. Thanks.
It's really off putting. I've only seen a few of his videos so I was wondering why he sounded like he's 12 all of a sudden.
No. 308402
>>308400He also said his mate has to look good for him since he does the same.
No. 308403
>>308388" If your fat then you don't care about me, rude"
I wonder what he thinks of ever expanding Lainy ?
No. 308408
>>308402I'm surprised his wives and girlfriends weren't madder about the fact they had to look good while he continued to look like sourdough bread.
>>308405Well, he never actually applies his rules to himself.
No. 308409
>>308400You missed the most misogynistic one:
"If a guy does a 6 on you, you should do the 9 on him. It's called being polite."
Is that how consent works, Smegma? Fuck right off.
No. 308410
File: 1477342231644.png (832.09 KB, 1136x640, image.png)

Who'd want to fuck this though?
No. 308413
>>308409>>308403Well okay, maybe not the worst one, making someone's weight about you is pretty terrible too.
Sage for samefagging
No. 308414
File: 1477343000021.png (1.46 MB, 1136x640, image.png)

>>308410>>308412Sexy vegetarian body!!! -gags-
No. 308417
>>308388" Another is being told STOP THAT OR NO, or any other words that concludes rejection "
-SO rape is fine ? Because they can't tell you no… Or he's not attracted to them anymore/ not financially supporting them.
" Number 8 is poor attitude. If I say hey put this blind fold on, you better fricken love it otherwise nothings gonna happen. Because I'll be too busy not being attracted to you anymore. A can do attitude is the only way"
-Again implying they're not aloud to say no… And must obey greasy Onion dick.
" Number 16 is Creepy sounds or facial expressions. I've literally had someone make this face :O at me when I made love to them. I was like geez I get that you are feeling pleasure but could you please close your mouth. It was just stuck open and creepy like. "
-How does one moan ( if ever with him ) with their mouth shut ? Or not making odd noises …. Is this him implying Plainy just lays stiff as a board/ mouth duct taped shut ?
No. 308421
>>308397tbh I never understood why he'd call her that… she even referred to herself as that during the divorce proceedings…
oh, one of her cats (Caboo - still alive, I believe) has the anagram of Cooba… fuckin' creepy…
No. 308428
>>308417>How does one moan ( if ever with him ) with their mouth shut ?Lbr, it wouldn't be moaning. It would be mouth-closed persistent humming to block out the sound of him asking to make a baby.
> I've literally had someone make this face :OIsn't that like one of the standard O faces? There are worse faces somebody could make and even they don't wander into "creepy" territory, they're just odd. I suddenly feel very sorry for everybody he's ever had sex with if an open mouth moan is that alien to him.
No. 308433
>>308403He really manages to make everything about him, even someone's weight.
>>308417All I'm getting from him there is "I'm a rapist at worst, coercive asshole at best"
No. 308434
>>308410>>308412>>308414Eugh use a spoiler if you're going to post something that
triggers the gag reflex
No. 308437
>>308388He basically presents himself as a rapist in this video and yet his fucking dumb fans defend him.
What the fuck is wrong in their heads, he doesn't even have that emo hairstyle anymore to cloud their minds.
No. 308452
>>308302This is so fucked up… If your partner isn't your lover and best friend you won't have as fun a relationship and it'll probably end. This just shows how warped Greg is, He only cares about sex and appearance.
Saging for opinion
No. 308466
File: 1477356384464.png (33.49 KB, 800x220, kek.png)

One of the funniest comments on his "My Turn Offs" video
No. 308469
>>308400You didn't get the memo? He's hardcore transphobic, racist, homophobic, biphobic - if it doesn't fit in with his black and white way of thinking; he's terrified of it to the point of trying to parody it.
He's ALWAYS been this way, the whole "liberal" way of thinking he puts up a facade about is just another way to lure in girls whose minds are more malleable and susceptible to manipulation - he'd have wayyyyyy too much of a hard time getting a girl with conservative values into his bed.
He's conservative/republican deep down to the core, his "liberal" way of thinking is just a charade… he's been proving this is the case for years.
No. 308470
>>308351Creepy as fuck. This really does sound like something a serial killer would say. If I were dating a guy like this, I'd go to the cops.
I still firmly believe that Onion has never truly loved anyone. He sees women as possessions and once he gets tired of them, he tosses them away. I think he just has infatuations and is only in love with the idea of having control over someone.
No. 308505
File: 1477363587892.png (40.75 KB, 1242x268, IMG_7537.PNG)

Until your husband's dick accidentally slips inside of Billie.
No. 308511
File: 1477364665056.jpg (129.31 KB, 920x537, image.jpg)

Sorry for being a bit out of the loop, but can someone fill me in a bit? I read his ED page a little while ago I know he's a looser who gets paid by YouTube (partner?) and was on tosh once. I know he is an attention seeking faggot who flew a girl to another state to fuck her because she was underage. But what's this here wives thing? He's married to Lainey and they have a ked, right? That's all I know. Who are Billie and Shiloh? Thanks, don't flame me :(! I tried. I'm used to oldfags like Audz, Kiki, hannabeth and Jac drama.
No. 308597
>>308417Related: Onision and Consent.
"It's just a prank guise!" and his stans wanting this to be scripted.
No. 308599
File: 1477403641590.png (13.48 KB, 700x84, friend.png)

>>308597A comment on that video lol, they just shaved part of her head? it's like onion's fans think if anyone shows any emotion to his shitty actions they're "crazy"
No. 308601
>>308505God… this is so pathetic. She's a mother of two and yet she expresses her thoughts like a whiny 13 y/o.
Also, nobody's buying this… we know what her trainwreck of a human being husband is up to.
No. 308602
>>308508I'm leaning towards it being both of their ideas… his very special fetish is impregnation, but of course he can't exactly indulge in that on a constant basis without dealing with the consequences of such a fetish.
Lainey probably indulged him as she initially bailed on the threesome he wanted with his other special fetish (teenage girls) so of course he probably got extra pissy and whiny at her when she returned home and wanted to work things out. He most likely got her to ride him bareback to satiate the impregnation fetish before he was finally able to bend her fingers backwards about the threesome idea.
"Look! I made you pregnant again, this proves we're going to stay together forever Lainey! So you might as well let Billie into our relationship, I'm not going anywhere, this proves it!"
The timeline of the pregnancy seems to coincide with cuddlegate 1.0, so Bandaid is the just the result of a near divorce and Greg's greasy impregnation fetish.
Billie is gonna have to learn to start taking it up the ass if she hasn't already, otherwise she's gonna end up in the same boat as Lainey any time in the future.
Greaseball's two main fetishes are impregnation and teenage girls, he's written about them in BOTH of his books and has pretty much admitted to both on his social media (not to mention AJ's confession as additional evidence) on numerous occasions - Billie is currently only satisfying one common fetish that a lot guys usually have (2 women x 1 man threesome) she's only barely satisfying his two other (disgusting) personal fetishes, the next step will be asking her to move in with him before he starts pushing her to start indulging in them for him… I'm sure having two young, manipulated, supportive doormats as lovers will make it way more easier for him to rope in other teenage girls to his Mcfuckymansion in the future.
He's got it all covered already, he's probably planned it for years.
No. 308641
File: 1477421475769.jpg (144.96 KB, 832x853, onionlamp.jpg)

I laughed way too hard at this.
No. 308649
>>308597Pretty sure Shiloh came out and said it was all faked because she wanted to shave her head (probably greg planted that idea in her head)
but that vid is fake. If anyone flopped out of a car like that they would wake up. (n they came out n said it was fake too)
No. 308667
File: 1477430807125.png (294.89 KB, 1022x1416, hypocrite.png)

>>308666what about this onion? he said it himself in the shane dawson vid that people don't change so i guess you're a transphobic hypocrite
No. 308671
File: 1477431089649.jpg (8.02 KB, 275x183, download (2).jpg)

>>308641this is magnificent
No. 308673
File: 1477431176442.jpg (161.53 KB, 930x720, sweet transvestite.jpg)

>iT MAKES YOU A BY DEFINITION FEMALE IF YOU GO OUT PRESENTING YOURSELF LIKE A FEMALEBecause crossdressers, transvestites, and drag queens don't exist.
No. 308676
>>308651I loved Shiloh. She's insane, but he destroyed her. Such a shame.
Sage for Shiloh worship.
No. 308677
>>308674please sage reaching political debate bait
the point isn't even that he's transphobic, it's that he's a massive hypocrite.
No. 308680
File: 1477433877459.jpg (82.5 KB, 810x563, IMG_20161025_181532.jpg)

No. 308685
File: 1477434517560.png (476.16 KB, 672x374, tumblr_ofmhedY9aE1rgyhcpo1_128…)

From eoliveson.
No. 308686
>>308677i will sage next time. my apolagies.
the hypocrisy is beyond massive.
>>308680>cisplainingmany keks
her kids are fucked.
No. 308693
>>308685We should stop calling him "onion" and start calling him "tomato."
>>308680Why isn't Lainey offended when Greg calls her a "stones throw away from being a lesbian" if lainey is agender/a space prince? Why is he allowed to use the "wrong"'pronouns in taking about her?
No. 308698
>>308693i second the tomato notion.
because she isnt a gender. she is a doormat made from recycled tumblr filth.
>>308694she is literally a dairy cow, tomato breeds with her and she produces milk
>>308695go back to tumblr
>long haired males cannot be cis>>308697that's what i thought the story was.
No. 308706
File: 1477442066675.png (2.08 MB, 1868x1222, Screen Shot 2016-10-25 at 5.37…)

what look was she trying to go for..
No. 308714
>>308706her eyeliner is okay
but she really needs to check out youtube makeup tutorials on eyeshadow that aren't Billie's kek
No. 308735
>>308716Billie isn't any help when it comes to makeup either.
Her eyebrows are okay when they aren't blocky as fuck and she could teach pLain to do hers, but her eyeshadow skills are terrible. She generally slops on some bright colors without blending it well, then puts on a shit ton of highlight, and those stupid rhinestones from Claire's that she sticks on her face.
No. 308750
>>308706She looks like she was crying :o wet eyeliner mark and the inner corner looks smudged on both eyes, plus super squinty and maybe red eyes (hard to tell from the filter)
/tinfoil hat
No. 308761
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>>308680Plain is so bothered over Jaclyn Glenn saying there are only two genders.
I bet in reality she is probably low key butthurt over the rumors that Onion had a boner for Jaclyn and wanted to fuck her.
No. 308762
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hahahahah "employed"
No. 308781
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>>308695Short hair and flannel yet wears makeup. A true revolutionary!
>>308693Tomatoes have smooth skin though. If anything he looks like a blood lime.
No. 308807
you do know that there are also ""actual"" trans men who have vaginal sex and give birth? like I'm not a fan of tumblr trans trenders either, but your example is pretty dumb
No. 308809
File: 1477493662032.jpg (88.22 KB, 810x501, IMG_20161026_160609.jpg)

fakeboi is getting insufferable with her bullshit rhetoric
>>308807for fucks sake, that anon was mocking lainey
No. 308814
>>308762>>308763We all honestly saw this coming a couple of threads ago; he wants her there with him 24/7 so he can monitor and control her - whether it's paying her to "edit his videos" or become their "live-in nanny", it's been his plan for the longest time and he tried/done the same shit with AJ, Shiloh and Taylor.
He DESPERATELY wants a "ménage à trois" to become official - all the cucking he's been doing for the past year has been practically killing his self-esteem… he's always tried to live up to an imaginary "alpha male" status in his head (even though we all know he's less than a "beta") which is why he craves (and gets off on) control over the girls in his life… he won't stand for being mocked as a cuck for much longer.
I'm more interested in betting on how long it will take him to convince her that her friends and family are all terrible people and attempt to isolate her, tbh… his patterns over the past 13 years have become so unvarying and uniform, and with the lack of psychiatric intervention from medical professionals; all this shit is going to repeat itself until the day he dies.
No. 308817
>>308816But not special enough that her own mistress and husband still always refer to her as their girlfriend and wife respectively - as well as using other female pronouns for her.
No. 308825
>>308807Yeah and? Those are all female organs and Trans men are still biologically female.
No. 308829
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>>308824Holy shit, you can really tell here that his face is fucking neon pink and he's trying to cover it up with ivory/porcelain toned foundation… it's making him look like one of those Gloworm dolls from the 80s.
No. 308830
>>308824So Lainey is butthurt because Jaclyn doesn't agree there is "gender fluidity" or "lack of gender" or other tumblr bullshit.
Jaclyn literally calls out people like Lainey who make up special labels for themselves because they wear short hair and want to feel "special".
No. 308832
>>308827It is when you're arguing semantics between each other, arguing between each other what is trans and what is not.
Noone cares about that, make fun of Lamo all you want, but don't argue between each other.
>>308830I don't understand why they're now both
triggered by Jaclyn anyway - didn't he fucking say publically that he no longer follows her since two months ago?
No. 308833
>>308832Well Onion is being onion, he loves attacking other YouTubers for drama and twisting their words etc his channel is slowly dying and he is a narcissist who needs money and attention.
Plainey, I guess she just want to:
a) Suck up to Onion
b) Attack Jaclyn over some non-issue because deep down she knows Onion tried to fuck her and is jealous
c) Act like she is special and a poor victim, for Twitter attention.
No. 308837
>>308833Have you noticed a weird sudden change in Lainey since CG 2.0? I mean… the miserable subtweeting about Billie and Gerg has stopped, she's now posting "smiley, happy-go-lucky" photos to her Instagram, she's engaging more in the topics of interest to Gerg and (awkwardly) but surely attempting to flirt with her girlfriend moreso than she's ever done before…
It makes me wonder, what exactly has he said, done or threatened her with to cause that sudden change? I have a feeling it's all these recent videos he's been making about his "turn offs" and such, especially the one where he publicly humiliates her a dozen times over her clothes and haircut; I think he's browbeaten her into his ideal of a wife through verbal abuse disguised as "joking".
Don't get me wrong, I can't stand the woman… but it does cause me a little uneasiness regarding this rebooted Laineybot V.2.0.
No. 308839
>>308834That's why he's so fucking creepy, any other sound-minded girlfriend/boyfriend would even be fair and accepting of their partner not even being in the mood (for example) sex for any period of time, especially if it's due to medical or mental reasons; it's a non-issue - especially in marriages, the reason why you're wanting to marry in the first place is because of love and understanding.
This asshole marries within a month and demands and expects his spouse to fulfil every need of his, otherwise he'll threaten to divorce you and leave your babies on the doorstep if you don't so much as acquiesce to his wishes.
He'll literally go as far to vindictively ruin you, financially, mentally and socially without a second thought, he's so emotionally-stunted that he will even resort to fucking baby tantrums if he doesn't get his way at first, and when that doesn't work… out comes the hateful vitriol that he takes pleasure in; especially when his fanbase joins in with it.
No. 308863
>>308856Thanks anon, I appreciate your reply (don't worry about the typos) because I completely forgot about this. So much bullshit comes and goes out of his mouth that it's so easy at times to be distracted by the smaller details - not seeing the forest for the trees if you will.
It's just a little strange that he's not exactly been lovebombing her as much as usual on social media when Billie is back in VA, he's mostly been doing the opposite like the "turn offs" video and the uncomfortably cringey haircut/clothes video where he insults her every 15 seconds.
Is he trying "reverse-psychology" on her to bend her to his will? Maybe he's realised he's getting better submissive results from insulting her than from fake-complimenting her.
No. 308864
File: 1477506472423.png (318.67 KB, 998x1264, onionroast.png)

so satisfying
No. 308869
>>308864Those masses of upvotes/likes towards those comments are really getting me the most, that's incredible!
I've never seen him get more than 100+ upvotes on a single positive or supportive comment on his own videos, this is giving me some hope.
No. 308871
>>308868Because those are the only experiences he's ever had and known in his pathetic, meaningless life, his own… noone elses.
He doesn't want to share in others experiences, he doesn't want to learn, he doesn't want to go out into the world and open his mind or expand on knowledge.
All he wants to do is smolder in disdain about his past experiences, sweat in his greasy little computer chair, jack off to his fetishes online and indulge in them once in a while when when he finds an opportunity to find some kind of legal loophole.
No. 308874
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>>308858I hope him and SR continue to shit on Onion
No. 308880
What if he's currently in control of her twitter and is tweeting all this lovey dovey shit because she's tied up in the basement and he wants everyone to think she's happy and okay
No. 308884
>>308882He thinks the people commenting on his channel got their views from Jaclyn. Must have nothing to do with the fact that the vast majority see these snowflake genders are bullshit.
God he's such an asshole like there is nothing redeemable about him. Hoe can you get a kick out of guilting someone like that when they've literally done nothing wrong?
No. 308885
I'm really sorry for the caps, I really am, forgive me anons…
But this guy is a walking mass of contradiction and hypocrisy.. I want to wring his fucking neck or punch him in it.
No. 308886
>>308883There are so many words they could use for their relationship outside of binary terms if her agender was real -
Spouse, lover, lifelove, partner, pride, sin, greed, sweet deadliness… the list goes on, but it's always "MY WIFE".
No. 308888
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>>308863Notice how he's been trying to defend her a lot lately though, as well. He'll slip in his little jabs at her but for the most part he's been posting her pictures saying how beautiful she is and defending her dumbass agender shit. I feel like he may be slowly moving away from the honeymoon stage into the intermediate stage of abuse
No. 308889
Sometimes it's actually healthier to take a bit of a break from this cuckmonster for a while in comparison to the general clickbait shit he tries to cling onto.
I do it at periods when the bullshit gets too much, no shame in it anon.
No. 308890
>>308824I'm so gladshe made a response, and I'm happy to see people fighting back on his bullshit.
I see this going the SR route where Jaclyn is going to make another response to HIS response video and then he's going to realize "Oh shit, people aren't just taking this shit laying down, I'm done" and its just going to prove how much of a fucking pussy he is.
No. 308891
>>308888I'm gonna argue with you here and say only the subtle/to outright ways apply to him and charts like this has made his "loved ones" laugh at people because they mostly imply some sort of physical abuse has gone on.
And that's where he has them by the balls (figuratively speaking).
I can and will make a cycle of Greaselord like this, but you'll have to give me a few days as it's not on my priority list - this has given me some inspiration though so I will get to it.
Thanks for that, anon.
No. 308906
File: 1477518224838.png (28.47 KB, 581x107, Lain.png)

Sorry I offend anyone or seem ignorant but isn't Lainey still considered a women if she gives birth and breast feeds? She seems to take on typical female roles but refuses to accept the title as female…da fuck?
No. 308908
That's your answer.
No. 308911
>>308906i wonder when she's gotta fill out paper work for herself and she's gotta check a gender box if she flips her shit. Or when she's out somewhere and someone calls her ma'am. Or when her kid calls her mommy.
in reality she only puts on this "agender" facade online. In real life she would never say to another person "i'm not a woman", they'd look at her like she was nuts.
No. 308926
>>308924I said this once and I'll say it again:
No. 308931
>>308926Didn't say it wasn't.
I posted it because everyone thinks she's doing this agender thing because she wants to be special but she's likely doing it because she doesn't have any other sense of self and this is the only identity she has, even if it is made up.
No. 308932
>>308821That was on his normal channel wasn't it?
He was pissed off Lainey wouldn't finger his asshole. So he hired a prostitute to finger his asshole, he later came out either on his Onision channel, or the Onision speaks channel saying it was all a joke.
It's greg tho… so who knows. Maybe he says Anal is gross because Lainey is against it
No. 308933
>>308932the last video from cuddle gate 1.0 was obv a way to make it look like all the previous ones were ridiculous for you to believe "like come on finger his ass is why she left? has to be a joke now"
he just thought of a way to try to trick his fans to think the drama was all a lie, theres no way the last video is real
No. 308934
File: 1477530378990.png (Spoiler Image,129.63 KB, 161x496, milk.png)

Spoiler image of where lainey is right now. Greg confirmed to be running her twitter.
No. 308935
>>308906Someone fucking ask her why her own husband calls her "she" and "wife" or what stage of transitioning she is at. God just make her stop. She clearly does nothing all day except tumblr and twitter and it got to her head because like
>>308931 said, she already is lacking an identity and the internet is probably the only thing she knows anymore.
No. 308948
>>308895>not a sexual abuserMultiple women have confirmed that he doesn't take "No" for an answer. He is absolutely a sexual abuser.
>>308937But she has short hair and wears ugly lumberjack shirts! Cis women never, ever do that! She sort of defies gender stereotypes sometimes, and obviously that means she's an agender space prince, not a normal human being who, like 99% of the women on this planet, isn't a walking stereotype of whatever their culture's definition of "girliness" is! Stop being so transphobic!!!11!1!!!!one!!
No. 308961
>>308820He is
super jealous of PewDiePie. He was constantly trying to get into drama with him for YouTube views. Onion has been raging about him for a great deal of 2016. Some of us think he has a retarded ass 12 year old boy crush on him.
No. 308976
One of my hobbies is watching shitty crime documentaries on YT and I just came across this story about a guy who ‘romanced’ multiple underage (14, 15 years old) girls and tried to convince them to move to a different state with him. According to a forensic psychologist “His preference for underage girls is part of his narcissism and his insecurity. He selects inexperienced, easily impressible girls because he does not feel that he has the ability to develop relationships and maintain relationships with women his own age.”
It reminded me of someone, but who? Hmmm.
>>308918>only wants to be with TEENAGE GIRLSfixed that for you
>>308935>transitioningAnon pls she already cut her hair and stuff what more do you people want????
No. 308981
Hahaha, Ayalla has been invited to the McCuckymansion; he's planned all this shit out so well.
Why suddenly invite Ayalla over, she has no business with him, right? Why isn't Lainey visiting Billie's friends on neutral ground? Because she's fucking housebound with kids, what he's done is set this up so Billie's all like "Omg, you gotta meet my "girlfriend"… and her husband! She can't visit us in VA because she has kids sad face but you want to please me (your bestest friend) so you have to meet them."
Lainey is gonna go fucking ape shit when she realises that Grease will be all over Ayalla and Billie like a bad rash whilst he completely ignores her, he's not doing this for anyone's benefit but his own…
Everyone fucking saw this coming, anons knew that he was going to move Billie in as soon as he possibly could, and now the inviting of friends starts and Gerg gets to play a game of "If Ayalla doesn't do what I want, I fucking hate her and Billie shouldn't see her anymore."
Oh Billie, get out now whilst you still have a chance… he's going to isolate you from Ayalla if she doesn't comply to his wishes.
She's risking losing her "best friend" who she is clearly pulling into this shitshow without any second thought.
The milk is gonna flow any time soon now.
No. 309002
>>308984>wasn't sure how well she and Greg would get alone>excited to meet LaineyAyalla seems pretty together so I never expected her to like Gergles, but I'm surprised she wants to meet Lainey. I hope she doesn't stay too long because I can see Gargoyle getting pissy when he realises she is more interested in Billie and Lainey than she is in him.
I also kind of hope she tells Billie she can do better than a tomato/teen fucker and tells Lainey to jump ship too, but I can't see that happening.
No. 309022
>>309016maybe she's going to get more dirt for SR
come on ayalla don't let me down on this
No. 309031
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No. 309037
>>309023Yes but I always thought there was at least a respect thing to not air their dirty laundry.
>>309022I only want this if SR goes in on both of them.
No. 309052
>>309051I can't watch this shit
Whats this about?
No. 309053
>>309051LOL Self promo eh
Thirsty for views much?
No. 309055
>>309051 hey, I can appreciate someone who's not directly affiliated with him calling him out on his shit. the more the better.
Maybe it'll be like the leafy hate train everyone was on a couple weeks ago.
No. 309057
>>309003He thinks his dick is the source of natural lubrication (?!) because he's uncircumcised, which is why in the past he's tried shaming guys who use lotion when they have a wank - what he didn't realise that any guy with an overly wet/slimy dick isn't due to "natural lubrication" (guys just don't produce it, it's the women that produce it unless they're having menopausal issues or medical issues) or even pre-cum, he's not washing under his dickskin, it's smegma and I bet he reeks to high hell…
He doesn't believe in using lubricant, spit or lotions, he's said so before in the past… he doesn't sound the least bit experienced in making women wet either, I can only assume he dry-fucks them with a cheesy, smelly dick.
No. 309061
>>309057>He thinks his dick is the source of natural lubrication (?!) because he's uncircumcisedHow is he so stupid? I remember him saying uncircumcised men can't rape as well because the foreskin hurts them when they try.
I don't know where he gets these ideas from. It's not like he has to look very hard for info when there are English-speaking countries where the majority of men are uncircumcised. It's not like the fool has to learn a foreign language to get some decent info about his own dick.
No. 309079
>>309070>>309077to prove it was hers I just reverse searched on white pages her phone number, confirmed the address that way.
went to another reverse phone search and had the option of finding out it was Taylor and hearing her weird voicemail that just says,"Hello….Hello.."
No. 309081
>>309079Not American so don't know how this shit works, but is everybody able to access her phone number? Might mean it's just some dumb cunt that found it and decided to post it to be a prick.
>>309080Lainey's embarrassing sometimes but I can't imagine why she'd be targeted instead of gammonface
No. 309088
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>>309083>>309084>>309086what is wrong with you people
No. 309095
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If Onion doesn't use lube or lotion, then why the hell is she crying lubricant tears???
No. 309108
>>309107eugenia is allowed to be banned for
triggering then greg should be too since his greasy tomato face
triggers me.
what a dumbass article
No. 309130
>>309124Yes, this is exactly what I wanted. I can see greg replying AGAIN but just repeating his same points or just attacking her again. Its obvious Greg has no idea what he's talking about and his just word vomiting.
Also if Lainey is so fucking offended by this why doesn't she say something to Jaclyn herself instead of having her man-child of a husband do it? So fucking pathetic.
No. 309132
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No. 309136
So I just found out today that underage girls are sending Grek nearly nude photos on and lots of people already reported his page.
Jesus christ.
No. 309141
>>309139You're not gonna see any porn on it, just girls in their underwear. I can't seem to allocate the information of these girls or what their Tumblrs are, but I'm creeped out by the notes where it says: Emily submitted this to Onision. Jessie submitted this to Onision.
I can't find the girl's Tumblr pages and Grek doesn't link them back which is… so fucking weird, ugh.
No. 309157
>>309136This is beyond disgusting, and all under the guise of him judging their looks… No way he's not just adding them to the spank bank. How anyone can even be in a relationship with a man that participates, or even hosts, such competitions between people is beyond me.
Would Tumblr actually terminate his page? Because there's no way a few of them haven't sent straight up nudes in hopes of getting his attention, but he obviously won't post those.
No. 309165
>>309124I love how she addresses Lainey's bullshit transtrender logic in this video.
Also tell people to google "Onision transphobic" .
Oh and
>Greg, if you are so concerned about giving your wife the respect she deserves, maybe start by not cheating on her.Fuck yes, I love you Jaclyn.
No. 309166
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Lainey is so chicken shit, she can't even mention Jaclyn directly, and instead puts the period before @ so it doesn't appear in Jaclyn's notifications
No. 309167
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>Nobody knows what genitals I have
No. 309171
>>309166Okay so not comfortable = trans/special space prince desu !
lel, so funny.
Lainey it's because of abuse (past and present) you're not "comfortable in your body".
No. 309172
File: 1477652749417.jpg (54.83 KB, 640x360, ALwSTcbvE9GoUqrWq3GmAJPgjLUkFA…)

>>309167But you recently produced babies of your uterus, so what are the options? You have a penis and it was a caesarian birth? How did they get in there? Or did the babies come out of your butt? Are they butt babies, Taylor? Is that what you're trying to tell us, that all your babies are butt babies?
No. 309184
>>309166She's no agender (that's not real) but if she's depressed, she would feel disassociated from her body because she doesn't care about appearance or herself right now.
Greg takes girls/women and de-feminizes them. It's pretty creepy.
No. 309190
>>309136I don't know what's creepier tbh, that he's getting teenage girls to do this at all in the first place, or that he's totally doing it under the guise of "body positivity" or somebullshit.
For someone who claims to be the most honest person on the planet (when he wants to shit all over people/things he doesn't like, lol), he's got some really deceptive motives.
No. 309191
>>309124She destroys him awesome job gurl,but the moment I noticed her eyebrows are uneven… I couldn't unsee it.
Saging for irrelvent eyebrows
No. 309195
>>309167She's got to be trolling at this point, she's trolling trans people for shits and giggles - she's not beyond being as fucking awful as her husband, she's just as bad as he is the majority of the time and her fans seem to think that she has her own personality outside of him.
Newsflash: She's Gerg's #1 fan… let that sink in, she's his #1 fan and will do anything to appease him, that's why she's a fucking doormat to him.
No. 309196
File: 1477664471004.png (470.63 KB, 693x607, nononononono.png)

>>309190He sure loves them impregnated teenage girls.
This is the front page of his uhohbro channel, it wasn't edited in any way except for the red lines to prove this point.
No. 309197
>>309195Lainey is transphobic as fuck, tbh. She ignores actual trans people and talks over them whenever they tell her that her definition of being trans is false.
She'll be sitting there thinking fuck u truscum wuw
No. 309199
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>>309136that is the creepiest fucking page ever what the fuck, people adoring this pedo whilst shaming themselves veiled as 'body pos'
No. 309209
>>309197She's immature. So many times she blocks people on Twitter who ask innocent questions because they're curious or want to open a dialogue. She learns nothing, impedes her growth, and educates nobody when immediately shuts out people who don't see eye to eye with her. She gets immediately defensive and forces herself into some bubble surrounded by like-minded people. She's just as ignorant and intolerant as thinks others are. Huh, she's more like her husband than I thought.
Shit, I misgendered her. Shit, I did it again.
No. 309210
>>309209I'm not sure about ignorant and intolerant when it comes to Lainey. Shutting people out and crawling into a hugbox sounds like something a person with PTSD would do. I'm not a psychiatrist and I'm not saying that's Lainey's particular issue, just that the potential for that kind of crippling anxiety is beyond fucking obvious at this point.
Onion on the other hand, ignorant and intolerant fits like a glove.
No. 309212
bitch you popped out two babies and before you got on the agender trend you were very open to say you were a woman.
now she's just making up reasons to hate jaclyn lmao
No. 309215
>>309206No idea, I've never really seen any of the anti-o blogs mention or reference it so I'm not sure if one of those control it.
If it works like any other wiki though; anyone should be able to make an account and update it.
No. 309217
>>309210>Shutting people out and crawling into a hugbox sounds like something a person with PTSD would do. That's like saying that worrying about people gossiping about you is something a person with schizophrenia would do. You're not wrong, but there's no reason to be so dramatic about it.
The vast majority of people who shut people out and crawl into their hugbox don't have PTSD at all. They simply can't handle criticism, be it because they're too egotistical to handle someone disagreeing with their glorious self, too insecure to face the possibility that they might not be perfect, or too sheltered to have learned how to deal with people who don't bend over backward to keep them comfortable.
No. 309219
>>309210She doesn't have PTSD.
She's just avoiding confrontation because she knows deep down she's wrong and she has no good evidence to support her theory on how she is 'agender', and she doesn't want to admit she's wrong so blocking people is the easiest solution.
No. 309220
Additionally, Lainey has been under the influence of Gerg for the past 5 years, adopting his mannerisms and attitude is the most obvious conclusion; not to mention the fact she was his biggest fan to begin with.
Onion does the exact thing over Twitter; he'll make a retarded statement, people will counter it, he'll ignore everyone who has more expertise on the subject and will only pick out the most retarded reply (the more typos the better) and reply to it directly through a retweet to make them look like idiots to his fanbase.
No. 309221
>>309219If you're not under 18, up her ass and calling her a "space prinXe", complimenting her instagram photos and overly sycophantic with support even when she's wrong.
You're blocked.
No. 309229
File: 1477672502293.png (144.93 KB, 798x766, Dl5AmrC.png)

>>309167This is such a fucking piece of shit thing for someone to say.
>even though every single person on earth knows that i carried two babies to term in my own body>i'm going to pretend to have a dick because i think "traps" are so mysterious and alluring>omggg just reminding you guys that you don't even know if i have a dick or not ; )Human garbage. Lainey, I'm sorry you have so thoroughly and irreparably destroyed any semblance of a chance you ever had at having a life of any meaning or significance that you now feel like you have to log onto twitter and pretend to be le epic "CAMAB".
She obviously has a deep well of hate for her own "privilege," ie being 100% white, 100% cisgender, 100% heterosexual, 100% upper class and what we are seeing on her page is her literal fantasies about what it would be like to be an "oppressed" person (that is, to receive the attention that she thinks oppressed people receive.) She is literally playing out her fantasies about being "agender" and then when that doesn't get her enough attention or brownie points she switches it to "I could be transfeminine you guys DON'T get to say I'm not!"
That's what's so sociopathic about this. She looks at the experiences of these people and ONLY sees the attention she thinks they get. She doesn't see any of the bad parts (which are like 99% of the deal) because she can't relate to them and therefore they don't exist. So she is in a position where she can actually think to herself "ommggggggg i wish i was a trans girl so i could get all the attention they get OMGGGGG :((((("
I predict that she will try to find some way to claim that she is "intersex" next. Bookmark this post
No. 309231
File: 1477673658052.png (88.07 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Eww she sounds like Onion!
No. 309232
>>309230Nothing of value would be lost.
But seriously, I can't be the only one that thinks so.