No. 306378
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>mfw open Blogger and it's all 2edgy4u vampire shit with IC posts
No. 306380
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>Told Onion when he was growing up that he was an Indigo Child multiple times
>been divorced three times
>skipped town to avoid one of her divorces and onion's stepfather had to hire someone to find her to serve the papers
>Onion used to make videos shitting all over her and she made a video airing out all of his shit
>She happily agreed to make a video with Onion, mocking Shiloh's claims about him pushing her into a door which caused her miscarriage and "I want to make a rainbow"
>now she makes unfunny comics and shitty vampire novels that she claims she's won an Emmy for. AN EMMY.
been drinking Onionmilk since AJ was a part of his life and Tami is a fucking NUT.