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No. 307275

Does anyone of you ever heard of the youtuber Screamkiwi?
-Claims to be the Queen of kittenplay
-Thinks everybody copies her
-All her friends left her after sometime because she insults them
-Wants to give her cat away to get ferrets with her boyfriend
-Dated her protector (which is a big no-go in BDSM)
-denied her boobjob, which later got confirmed
-Makes a big deal about her weightloss and weight gain, even though nobody sees it besides her

She goes by xxscreamkiwiwxx on every social media plattform

Any thoughts?

No. 307276

>Any thoughts?
yes, learn to write a better OP, and work out where to post it, hint: /snow/

No. 307277

My mistake, and yeah sorry english is not my mother tongue

No. 307280

Looks definitely not cute

No. 307384

Moved to >>>/snow/185637.

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