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No. 308533

OK so there was one of a girl that lived in the south her name was like the-little-bear and she seemed very conceited and hardly posted pictures of her face…. CANT FIND ANYWHERE

then there was boats-and-hoes..? she was blonde and british and took ultra angled photos so that she looked like a bombshell

and then there was one girl from california who was popular for wearing wigs and fake eyelashes and wanted to be a disney princess.. she was half asian i believe. super tumblr famous, cannot remember her username but she used to have this really tropical looking layout

i can't find these people anywhere and i want to catch up on their lives, lmao

these ppl were all famous in like …. 2010-11…..(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 308535

You are in the wrong ass place for this.

No. 308536

No one cares shut up

No. 308537

Moved to >>>/b/113664.

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