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No. 311977

Can *chan boards be lolcows? Because I think this board is an lolcow:


>bunch of gamergaters with a femdom fetish who "worship" feminists because they think they're ACTUALLY female supremacists

the captions are cringey as fuck

pic related is what they actually fap to

No. 311988

File: 1478447723550.gif (2.38 MB, 349x202, 4dzewjpg.gif)

thank you for this anon.

No. 312000

Idk, I think this would fall more under the scope of "weird/cringy websites" and is more of a /b/ thing

No. 312001

This is milkly af. The stuff they make up about Anita and other feminists is pretty creative. I keep rolling my head back in laughter.
thank you OP-sama

No. 312032

Moved to >>>/b/116004.

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