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No. 317999

I doubt this thread will take off, but on the off chance that this will catch some anons interests, I found these two profiles on Tumblr. One is 'miaowzer' a 15 year old girl who is in a romantic relationship with a 21 year old male pedophile, 'dazed-visions'.

Her Tumblr: http://miaowzer.tumblr.com/

His Tumblr: http://dazed-visions.tumblr.com/

They both said that the girl's parents are "aware" of their relationship and know that they are romantic with each other. They are long distance and haven't had sex yet, allegedly. I think she lives in the United Kingdom.

No. 318009

>mfw in my country 20something guys dating underage girls is legal and socially accepted
>mfw I know a 27 years old guy who fucked a 16 years old girl last year and she bragged about it on Tumblr

Yeah it's gross but I don't think there's enough milk anyway. This shouldn't be in /pt/

No. 318012


Ah, oh well. Thanks!

No. 318015

15 is a year shy of being legal


No. 318018

Moved to >>>/snow/202709.

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