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No. 319745

haven't seen a thread about her so I'll make one. She is a koreaboo and makes cringey dance covers (though admittedly she has really improved). I follow her because I think she's kinda cute. I've noticed that she gets called out for cultural appropriation (which I don't believe is actually a thing, sorry tumblr) and I've heard that she deletes negative comments but not comments from creepy old men.


No. 319746

OP here, I put her name in the wrong tab

No. 319747

shit thread. stop being so new.

No. 319748

hi katie, next time post your thread in snow.

No. 319749

I don't think katieaegi should be in the pt thread. If you are Katie (Which is obvious), please learn how to use the forum, and not make yourself so obvious before posting here.

No. 319750

>literally who

when people will learn to not selfpost

No. 319751


So obvious. Next time you self-post, at least TRY to write something that isn't a massive compliment to yourself. The worst thing you wrote about yourself was that some people thought you used 'cultural appropriation' - but even with that you stuck up for yourself with 'but I don't really think that's a thing anyway'.

No. 319752

>(though admittedly she has really improved).
> I think she's kinda cute.
>I've noticed that she gets called out for cultural appropriation (which I don't believe is actually a thing)

Garbage selfpost. This belongs in manure.

No. 319754

She's cute !

No. 319755

hi Katie.

No. 319756

So cute! She looks just like CL!

No. 319757

check my IP, it's not a self post, I was genuinely curious about what you guys thought and wanted to see if you guys had any milk lmfao

also yeah I'm new here but everyone starts somewhere

No. 319758

>admin check my IP

read the rules fag

No. 319759

Moved to >>>/snow/206224.

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