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No. 319866

I've been up to date with onion boys shit storms since 2012 and I know about most if not all the shit he's been involved in. However in my opinion things involved skye are for the most part undocumented.

Yes, I know he cheated on her with Shiloh, I'm assuming that's what caused the divorce but I've heard from various sources that onion boy did some terrible horrible shit to skye.

I'm not sure if this is just a rumor on anti-O blogs but I think someguy has touched on the topic a few times as well.

Does any one know the gory details of all the shit onion boy did to skye?

No. 319901

Tumblr may help you out on this one, sorry.

No. 319909

No. 319991

Read the past onion threads newfag

No. 319993

God why didn't you just ask in the onion thread. What was the point of making a new thread.

No. 320068

Fuck off. She's made herself difficult to find online so it's obvious she wants her privacy.

No. 320072

She needs to do her eyebrows though.


This is what happens when and after you've become the wife of an infamous Internet grease lord. No privacy even if you tried your hardest to get away unfortunately.

No. 320084

Moved to >>>/snow/206824.

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