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No. 320261

Luna never was with Wong shes been dating some viner forever he was on her snap this weekend

No. 320264

Holy shit not only did lina come to mariahs thread to fucking white knight herself but she made an entire thread to fucking white knight herself.

No. 320265

hey luna, talk more about how kayyybear hurt your feelings 7 years ago in highschool and share more of your theories about Jnig botting all her patreon followers and sssuccubus being funded by terrorists.

No. 320266

Lunatic Lanie how about you keep going about how every one is a "costhot" except you even though you flashed your photoshopped implants and frankenstein nipples on patreon for cash.

No. 320270

why is this Luna person even involved…? I just looked at her Instagram and she's just another half assed "cosplayer" with implants and a face that is aging horribly

No. 320272

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Be sure to make yourself a Team Leader shirt you batty bitch.

No. 320273

Because she's fucking insane and went on this tirade against kayyybear and any cosplayer associated with her. She recently got into a fight via facebook with Mariah Mallad and has been sperging about recently in Mariah's thread.

No. 320274

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Look at how this nutty bitch photoshops

No. 320275

It's Kaybear the dumb nigger whitewashing herself again. So angry shes better than your ugly monkey spray can looking ass

No. 320276

wow. her eyes alone say "I'm a fucking nutjob"

No. 320277

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Nice mental breakdown Luna. Shouldn't you be photoshopping your cheap implants to bimbotic levels?

No. 320278

It's sad how these sex workers can't get anybody better than an old lizard with 4 pairs of fake hardass tits to promo them

No. 320279

holy shit Luna go to sleep

No. 320280

Poor babies I bet your vaginas smell like regret and old Cheetos

No. 320281

Hold shit lol this isn't Luna deal with it you psycho bitches Im going to stalk you till your cunts bleed black

No. 320282

ok luna

No. 320283

Daddy didn't love you Kay go cut yourself into pieces

No. 320284

O Kay

No. 320285

Yeah she was never with him that's why she made him cosplay with her at anime expo

No. 320286

Wow luna is on a vendetta today

No. 320287

Luna Lanie wants her own Lolcow thread so bad. She's trying to be the next Kiki

No. 320288

No. 320291

She already is the next kiki. It's almost like kiki copypasta in here.

No. 320294

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Lmao look at how Luna photoshops herself. She's fucking retarded to think this looks good.

No. 320295

What is with Luna's massive vendetta against Kay? Is it because she's the only popular cosplayer she knew IRL outside of the community? How does one become this insane?

No. 320296

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Can't even keep her shoops consitent.

No. 320297

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Here's Lunie's excuse for hating Kayyybear. This was posted in the most recent Mariah Mallad thread

No. 320300

Cant even take you bitches seriously Martin Wong gay

No. 320301

Ho swimsuit unibrow dyke you still telling people your 25 you old twat

No. 320302

What does this even mean? Luna your brain is imploding

No. 320303

you do realize that your fans are are in mental hospitals you insult them and their lil pee

No. 320304

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This is a fucking gold mine. Also how old is luna? She looks like shes in her 30s

No. 320305

I like how the wall bends behind her photoshopped ass

No. 320307

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No. 320308

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they look like they are inches from popping lol

No. 320309

shes so disgusting. kek

No. 320310

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She looks like a retired washed up porn star. Look at her fucking lip injections

No. 320311

Are they forming a uniboob already????

No. 320312

She's really pretty in the OP where you can't see her face

No. 320313

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No. 320315

What is even going on in this thread??

No. 320316

Luna tried to make an entire thread to white knight herself

No. 320317

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No. 320318

nah that's definitely a pushup bra

No. 320319

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And her lips are all natural too of course.

No. 320320


Her lips injections are just really poor quality like I can't see anyone paying more than $50 for those

No. 320321

Her body looks really stumpy here, I can't figure out if it's the unflattering leotard or the horrible photoshop, or both.

No. 320322

I think it's her lip shape, their just too shoe string and long and have no width.

No. 320323

Is there anyway to get the admins to change this to a Luna Lanie thread? It's fitting since she started it herself.

No. 320332

I agree!

No. 320334

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No. 320337

Looks like meth. Lol

Can someone fill me in on Luna's scamming? Heard she swindled a lot of people out of money

No. 320355

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the only thing real on this girl is her psychopathy lol. she used to be kind of pretty here but still somewhat resembles a rat. now she looks like a washed up whore. its gonna be fun to see her spiral

No. 320362

pumping and dumping girls is exactly what straight guys do. sorry luna

No. 320364

>those man legs
>dat mutant hand

No. 320365

Moved to >>>/b/119689.

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