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No. 321503

'I can make £400 selling pictures of myself'
Does anyone want to talk about Noodlerella?
I used to enjoy her videos a lot but I actually can't stand her anymore.
I find her so irritating. She gets free trips to America and Japan, gets to walk the red carpet at movie premieres and seems really ungrateful for it all.
Connie acts like an actually princess and Beckii, Kelsey, Abi and Riri all hang around her trying to gain some fame for themselves

No. 321507

You mean, you're jealous of her kek. Nothing what you said makes her sound lulzworthy/ridiculous/dumb.

No. 321510

She recently got hit by a car and broke her leg.

No. 321517

Not OP and I don't know a thing about this girl but that's a really unfortunate face. If this isn't just a bad pic and she does really look like this…yikes.

No. 321520

Go to UK idol thread on snow. Thats where all these girls are.

No. 321529

This belongs in /snow/

No. 321531

>Connie acts like an actually princess
lul wtf that does that even mean?
obviously not a cow. her eyes are a very pretty shade though.

No. 321533

Moved to >>>/snow/209642.

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