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No. 321964

OH GOD PLEASE can people check this mess out?! https://www.youtube.com/user/tatyology/videos

She's one of those tumblr 'My (blatantly fake) Dissociative Identity Disorder is so edgy and awesome!' types. Meanwhile, she calls herself a witch, and pretends her 'alters' are astral witches from past lives. Talks to her pentagram necklace, insisting it holds the soul of a demon hunter… and she's twenty fucking six! Rambles about her narcissistic mother but boasts about herself to the point of looking narcissistic herself. Lately has taken to boasting about how much sex she's getting every other sentence.
Listen to the latest livestream she posted (maybe the first ten minutes, not the whole two hours!) to her channel for details of a vampire she vanquished with her talking necklace to save her twin 'alter'. This is no joke to her, or at least that's what she assures her building audience (who seem to all have the same made up bullshit)

No. 321967

Take this to /snow/. This bitch aint nothing special. She doesn't seem to have any milk. She's just some attention seeking alt teen.

No. 321979

Moved to >>>/snow/211109.

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