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No. 341112
LOL BE MADFrom now on, linking or embedding videos from any of Onision's channels is prohibited.
The reason is that any views still contribute to his revenue even if you use an adblocker, and he's made it clear through his words and actions that he uses drama in his life specifically for his financial gain.Violating this new rule will result in a ban and comment deletion.
Here's how to rehost a video so you can post it without benefiting Onision:
1. Copy video URL
2. Paste it on
KeepVid and download the video
3. Upload on as "unlisted" video, do not add tags or anything to draw attention to it
4. Embed on lolcow using the "Youtube" field as always.
Because there's a risk of mirrors being taken down, and to avoid harassment, use a throwaway account. Longer videos (15 minutes and above) will have to be uploaded on a Youtube account with a verified phone number or split up (using any video editing software like Windows Movie Maker) and uploaded in parts.
This rule also includes channels of other members of his household, like Lainey or Sarah.
Previous thread
>>>/pt/339716- Billie and Ayalla have made videos calling Onion out for being the manipulative dipshit he is
- Billie has also provided screenshots of what exactly he expected as an apology
- Videos are currently making the rounds of Reddit
- Onion confirmed as wannabe Christian Grey
Relevant reddit threads: No. 341114
Part 1 - 2 -
> I can't believe that when I go on Onision's profile I still see people liking and retweeting his shit. That is absolutely fucking disgusting.> I don't ask for much, but I'm gonna ask you for one thing: if you are an Onision supporter and you like me please unfollow me, please block me, please.> Because I don't care, I don't what motivates you but there is absolutely no fucking excuse for what he's doing to Billie right now. And I want you to get off my page right now if you like him.> Because if you think it is right to give away private information because somebody smoked weed, oh my-> I can actually make it really easy: if you support Onision you support domestic violence, you support manipulation of pretty young girls.> If you think it's normal to chain girls in your fucking basement and make relationship contracts, then I'm actually - I'm wondering what's wrong with you.> This is a nineteen year old girl getting harassed by a grown ass thirty-one year old man with a wife and a kid.> There's no excuse. I'm sorry, there's no excuse for supporting this absolute piece of human filth.> And yes I am fucking angry. I'm absolutely fucking furious because that's not how you treat people and if you have a little bit of human decency left inside of you you'll fucking agree with me.> With all my heart I don't wish anything more than that Onision gets what he deserves. I really really hope - ultimately my goal: please go to jail. PLEASE.> Sometimes hard to see when domestic abuse starts, that's why we need to stand up for each other and that's why we need to support each other.> [she's crying] I just can't believe that making money is so much more important than the feelings OF A TEENAGER.> [still teared up but no longer crying] I'll make a wish tonight. I really really hope that your kids are gonna be taken away from you. There's nothing I wish more.> All my respect goes to Billie because she's so fucking strong. Some people, you know that people that are not that strong kill themselves, they commit suicide and that's a fact.> And I can't believe that he gets like eight hundred likes for sharing her private information. What is wrong with you people?!> That's like "oh yeah, you can hate me but I will always speak the truth, always the truth" YEAH. The truth is not what YOU decide it fucking is!> So if you're an Onision supporter please at least able to say with pride "yes to abuse!" say "yes to online harassment!" yes because that's who you fucking stand for. Now get the fuck out.> If Onision would retweet all the bad things people say about him instead of all the "oh Onision helped me" … that'd be an interesting feed you know?> And even though it's so sad that all of this had to be public and online, it's also good because Onision is hella stupid and it's gonna backfire.> So yeah that's it, you can stand up for women and human rights or - oh! Or you can be an Onision supporter. It's pretty much that simple, yeah.> Sad thing is that you're not gonna win anything from it - I mean you're gonna make money from it, Onision, but at the end nobody really gives a shit about your personal drama. Nobody really does.> Actually that's not entirely true. Your fans are going to care, your underage fans that have been brainwashed by you and don't have a life.> I know it's hard for Onision - since he's a sociopath - to empathize but … what if, would he want his kid to date somebody like him?> [snaps herself holding her tazer, makes a joke about not knowing what she'd do to him if she sees him. wrote (THAT'S A JOKE OK!!! i obv wouldn't lol) over the snap]> I have people in snap telling me "oh my god you're so right but I still like Onision!" … I'm blocking you because it doesn't make sense. No. 341120
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>>341118The only thing Gurg cares about is his perception amongst his circle of potential underage fucktoys.
Just like he's pretending to be some sort of supermodel with his filtered photos when in reality he has the body of a 15 year old emo cuteboy and his Botox excesses will make sure he's going to look like the Bogdanoffs in time.
No. 341121
>>341118I tweeted at him on my twitter(even though I don't use it) about how a stable person doesn't demand repentance. You either accept an apology or you don't and move on.
I hate twitter because of the text limitations
No. 341122
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I am straight up cackling while watching the scroll of his mentions on Twitter. I haven't seen any in support of him for about half an hour. Usually his rabid fans even things up with their mindless wittering and parroting of his stupid sound bytes (FAX! MOST HONEST YOUTUBER! SHE BROKE THE LAW!) but if there are any comments like that I haven't seen them, they're just lost in the damning deluge.
It's delicious.
No. 341128
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No. 341133
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>>341132it's 5am for me
>> M I L K S I G H T E D No. 341134
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Still from the video for people who can't watch it yet. Those texts are from Plainy to Gurg. She's ridiculous.
No. 341136
>>341132Oh god.. I wanna see how this idiot tries to defend himself, but 35 minutes of it..
My kingdom for a tl;dw
No. 341146
>stand up for myself>speak for myself>talk publiclyhusbando talks for me in a 35 minute rant
right gurg you dont have manipulation issues
No. 341148
>>341132WHEW 35 MINUTES?
How mad are you, you sick fuck.
No. 341149
>>341145No one has filed any charges against him.
The word you're looking for is "slander".
No. 341151
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Sure you did.
No. 341152
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>"Blah, blah, Billie is bad, she's a liar and then she cheated on my wife."
I'll try and summarise it when I've finished but fml it's long.
No. 341158
>>341152This might be subjective, but who the hell writes up a contract for a relationship?!
The closest to a contract I could think of, that would make any sense, would be a prenup.
No. 341162
>>341156him saying it's not sexual only makes him look worse. what reason is there other than it being a kink/fetish that would make it acceptable (although in this case ITS NOT ACCEPTABLE AT ALL)
onision is a dumbass
No. 341163
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oh my fucking god
No. 341170
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Bitch what the fuck
No. 341173
>>341132He's going to stick at this as stubbornly as his harassment of Eugenia Cooney, if not worse. All while constantly harping on his cover story about the weed.
Predicting Onion in drag and a blue wig pretending to pass out every few minutes from "drugszz!!!1!" before the end of the month.
No. 341174
>>341163He literally looks deranged.
Like the face of someone before they kill you.
No. 341175
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i can't believe BILLIE is the one who has to stand up for lainey and sarah when gerg calls them names. FUCK. how do people still support this guy?
No. 341178
>>341132Someone please back up the video, I think this is the deepest he's dug himself.
/on mobile or I would
No. 341180
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stop! criminal scum!
No. 341184
>>341132>Complains about Billie making a video telling them to stop talking about them and then completely shit all over them>Lainey is so upset and can't trust anyone and it's all Billie's fault>Saying all the subs he gave Billie, she is now using them as a weapon against him (lol whut?)>Bought her nose ring and wants her to remove it like she did with Laineys ring that she threw>Wants to stand up for herself but repeatedly mocked him on twitter>HE'S TELLING THE TRUTH AND BEING SO HONEST AND HE'S BEING VILLAINIZED!!!>Reasons why Billie is a bad person1. Billie wouldn't show her phone to Onion
2. Lied again leading to cheating on Lainey with the whole "Lainey told her not to do anything with me and she did so anyways". And again says "I communicated with my wife and told her I was going to do whatever I wanted to in the relationship because I wanted it to be a trinity"……(doesn't that mean you cheated on her fucktard?) But this time Billie immediately goes downstairs and starts kissing Onion.
3. Drug user.
>Broke the contract to not manipulate and lie>Siding with Billie means you support a liar and drug user and has destroyed them and then says the only thing Billie has on them is harassment but lol is saying they are actually doing it to him and attacking him>Got dumped SO many times by them and more.>Justifies his liar tramp stamp by saying it would show how much of a liar she is and she might be worth another chance to be in the relationship.>You get dumped for fucking up>Saying the only reason we are sticking up for Billie is because she's a woman>Green hair and tan was a different time>One of the most honest people on youtube>Lainey doesn't have the same story because she doesn't do drugs>She hasn't made videos about it because she's shy>By Billie making a video shows she's going after Onion>Says Billie is a homewrecker for the cuddlegate and wouldn't leave the house when Lainey told her to.>"I don't understand secrets. Billie didn't seem much about me before getting into this relationship and didn't know I tell everything about my relationship. If you don't want your secrets out then you shouldn't have been a relationship with us">Liar lying more about chained up in a basement and pulls up his texts.>Still defending chained up wall WITH A DOG COLLAR and saying its super hot and not abusive>He would have agreed to being chained up.>Not talking about sex while chained up but just chained up to the wall to be put in her place>You think we'd put up with her if she was fat and ugly?>She called him out on calling people bad names yet he turns it around saying like she called Lainey a fucking bitch>Yes calling a person an idiot because they don't agree with something like she disagreed with them dumping her>She's trying to demonize him>I didn't tell your family to be criminals>Stop attacking the person who LITERALLY has the law on their side>You have a low IQ and I have a high one because I'm smart>YOU WERE RAISED BY CRIMINALS>Thank goodness I was raised by my mom>Defends the contract and still bringing up that SHE cheated on Lainey>HOW CAN ANYONE NOT BE ON MY SIDE?!?!?!>I PAID FOR ALL OF THIS AND GAVE YOU $10,000 AND PEOPLE ARE STILL AREN'T ON MY SIDE>You could have smoked here, in this room, I was fine with you smoking pot but Lainey wasn't.>Defending sharing her private secrets on twitter because he was trying to get her attention and then he deleted the tweet and if people screenshotted it then it's not his fault>LAINEY IS SO HURT CAUSE YOU CHEATED ON HER>I made it clear I was going to do what I wanted and Lainey was okay with it because I was HONEST about my activitesFFS I can't watch this shit anymore.
No. 341185
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>"And you remember us all taking IQ tests? Well, you scored the lowest for a reason. I consistently score very high on IQ tests because clearly I have some ability to be decently intelligent, considering IQ tests are a measurement of a person's intelligence. So you, a person who scores lower on IQ tests, who didn't even graduate high school, is trying to hold a debate against someone with a higher IQ, someone who's actually using facts, and you think you can win?"
Take a shot every time he says 'IQ'. Now I'm hammered.
No. 341187
>>341175haven't watched yet but - from the description: "I call people names (but refrains from admitting she does too)"
BUT SHE ADMITS IT RIGHT THERE IN THE TEXT??? "i know i name call"????????
No. 341202
>I never got to stand up for myself publically not once in this entire relationshipLook at lainey practically begging gerg to allow her to speak up and say something. Look at gerg using her 'anguish' to make a bullshit video where she again doesn't get to say a word.
How's that New Years resolution going for you, lamo?
God he's such a fucking grub.
No. 341206
for backup incase he becomes self aware(streamable has a 10 minute limit and they are still processing should be done in 5-10 minutes)
part 1 2 3 4 No. 341207
>>341184>low IQ >criminal druggy family>high school drop out! >poor!!!So similar to
>>340978 from the thread we just finished
No. 341208
>>341206sage for samefagging
all parts now working and playable
No. 341218
>>341132Going to finish it out..
>Fucked someone exclusively that wasn't your gf, YOU'RE A LIAR AND CHEATER>Your playing the victim because I told the truth about you>Now that we aren't taking us back, she made that video and i magically destroyed her life>I knew she was a moral disaster cause I thought the universe had a plan>I thought she loved me and loved Lainey even though she cheated on her>MY CRIME IS TELLING THE TRUTH>Billie's crime is being a liar, cheater, being a homewrecker, traitor, and on top of all of that being a criminal>Lainey is the only realest of them all because she hasn't said shit about any of it and not begging for attention and Lainey is the victim>You're using Lainey's statement of smoking weed on new years being ok but you're using statement against me and im not okay with a criminal and im not ok with you committing a crime>When I speak of pot its from the illegal use, my family members smoke it, Billie could have done it legally>YOU'RE OKAY FOR HOMEWRECKING BUT I TOOK YOU BACK>I let down my wife when she was right about you from the beginning>The worst person I ever met, but here let me bring up the rape/abortion so I would bring it up again BUT I'D NEVER DO ANY OF THAT TO YOU BUT IM WORSE THAN THAT?!>I DON'T HAVE THESE SECRETS THAT YOU DO OR RESPECT SECRETS THAT PEOPLE HAVE>Don't tell people you're the worst person you've ever met when you've been cheated on, raped, made to get an abortion>My mom has smoked pot, I don't want them to die, but they do it legally>IM TELLING THE BROOTAL HONEST TROOF>I didn't post all your private info online like your phone number or address I SPOKE THE TRUTH>YES Ayalla is ugly! Saying Ayalla was bragging about how guys like to bang her from behind BUT I'M TELLING THE TRUTH>Billie compared Ayalla to the ANTZ movie ANOTHER TRUTH NUKE>Your family could go to jail for 30 years if the police raided your house, i only said what state you live in so people could see how illegal it is>I WAS DOING YOU A FAVOR>I was going to pay for all this shit and spend more and more money on you>She hates me more than the person who made her kill her unborn child/person who raped her BUT WORSE THAN THEM>It wasn't out of spite, it was to prove a point>I never cheated BUT YOU DID>YOU'RE NOT HONEST>You'll feel happy again cause you're an illegal drug user so just go get high>YOU'RE NOT THE VICTIM! YOU SCREWED OVER LAINEY!>We're not taking you back cause you hurt the real victim which is Lainey. And you barely mention her and compared to me you barely notice her at all.>I don't hate you but I feel bad cause you were raised by criminals>You said your mom gave you an alcohol bottle in a store when you were 3 CAUSE YOU'RE FAMILY ARE CRIMINALS>I'M AN EXTREMELY HONEST PERSON, THIS IS A TRUTH NUKE VIDEO No. 341226
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No. 341227
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No. 341228
>>341222he might have got one before dropping out of chair force
but i do like how he's the smartest person in the room but somehow agreed to and didn't see any warning signs with letting a teen dropout illegal drug addict and stupid head live with him hid wife and children
(imagine big sarcastic airqoutes around the billy descriptors)
No. 341230
>>341227I don't even know where to start with that shit show of a video, it all makes me angry but I had a fleeting thought RE: him being "kinky" and "not boring"
wasn't he giving Social Repose shit for being a sexual sadist/getting off on girls crying? Hard to act holier than thou when you're literally chaining teenagers with no real submissive experience against their will.
That's not anywhere near the biggest issue at hand but just another bullet point on his hypocrisy list
No. 341231
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Exclusive lolcow found footage from the Onion estate!
No. 341234
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No. 341237
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jesus christ what is this dudes deal. He literally rants about the same bullshit every video.
>m-muh illegal drugs
>I gave her 10000$
>muh drugs
>illegal drug users
No. 341243
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He literally edits out/doesn't show the part where Billie says Lainey said it would be okay for her to smoke pot on NYE if she asked permission just to try and prove the point/further the narrative that Billie hurt Lainey and this is all being done in their benefit/defense.
No. 341244
>>341228Murrican armed forces only IQ test insofar as they don't want literal retards running around with their gear.
I seriously doubt greaseface is even one SD above norm.
No. 341245
>>341234lol usually when a partner suggests something out of the ordinary it's not presented as an ultimatum.
Greg really is a psychological abuser.
No. 341251
>says in the video that she could stop consenting mid-"scene" but that would mean that they wouldn't "take her back">"clearly i respect consent" if you respected it, she could stop at any time and you would still be there for her. what you are describing is not bdsm play, it is pressuring her into a physical act as an ultimatum that she clearly wasn't OK with, and therefore, really fucking abusive
>"we're just talking about her being chained up so she can be PUT IN HER PLACE for lying", etcAt the end of the day, BDSM IS PLAY. Being "put in her place" with no choice but to stay in an uncomfortable environment if she wants to continue the relationship, is not play. That is punishment. That is not BDSM.
He uses kink and BDSM as an excuse but from what it seems, he is trying to isct like this is a 24/7 dom/sub lifestyle; however, with billie who is NOT HIS SUB and even if she was HAS EVERY RIGHT TO SAY NO WITHOUT HIM LEAVING HER. She's 19, I 100% doubt she has experienced that sort of thing before, nor do I have any belief that she has the mental capacity for such a lifestyle at that age. You have to have a lot of experience to engage in that sort of thing safely.
He doesn't care about her or her safety. He cares about getting his rocks off and that's disgusting. The mental damage that sort of act can cause is very intense and the fact that she can agree to it but, oh, idk 2 days into their fucking "contract" if she wanted to bail due to feeling like a LITERAL DOG she couldn't do so without being abandoned. Calling this clear abuse kink is an embarrassment to the actual kink community which is centered around safety and trust.
Fuck. This. Guy. sage for rage
No. 341253
>>341251I just don't get it. He said it was nothing sexual, she would watch anime etc. But then he goes on saying he's kinky. SO GRUG IS IT SEXUAL OR NOT??
You can clearly see Grug, that she is not comfortable with it from the beginning. If I loved my partner and they are effy about it and trying to make a deal with me, I would just drop it because I don't wanna do something they 100% don't wanna do. Fuck.
No. 341257
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Idk why he keeps acting like you're not worth shit if you're not kinky.
Not all sex lives are. He just sounds like a 16 year old who had sex blindfolded once.
No. 341264
>>341243sage for samefagging, but my bad - the part about lainey giving permission comes up later in the video.
But then he just goes back on his previous point and says "I won't date a criminal, period" so it wouldn't matter if lainey gave her permission.
No. 341277
>>341234He "likes having fun with people's consent"?
Mother. FUCKER.
Fucking piece of shit.
No. 341278
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He's seriously never going to get over these 3 damn words, will he?
No. 341281
>>341277To add: NOTHING about that was truly consensual. That's not "having fun with people's consent."
You told her you'd break up with her otherwise! My god, you moron!
No. 341282
>>341278this has got to be the best tweet ever.
like poetry to my eyes.
No. 341286
yeah sorry didn't really think that through, pretty shitty thing to do just got caught up in the milking
No. 341289
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No. 341291
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No. 341295
>>341289Fuck no, you aren't done with this, you're going to make a new video tomorrow.
You're NEVER going to live this one down, you fuckhead.
He stooped way too low. The hole he dug himself into this time is way too fucking deep for that.
I hope he leaves the girls alone, but I also hope people keep reminding him of what a piece of shit he is.
No. 341300
>>341258Pretty good video
I think the best example though of him not understanding relationships is when he was talking about how you dont need anyone except your SO. and that if you want to hang out with anyone except your SO you dont really love them
No. 341308
>>341132This fucking cunt.
You're going to get ruined, Greg. Hear all this noise about you? It's bad fucking noise. You are going down.
No. 341314
>>341306it does, it's powerplays and bdsm on more than a creepy not ok level.(just like him))
dude tells his ex to sleep in the hallway, current ex to chain herself up in a basement for forgiveness and he tells them they should be thanking him for the subscribers hes giving them
No. 341319
>>341163Oh, Greg. You are going to get your ass handed to you like such a little bitch. Just keep talking, you manic fuck.
This is the best. He cannot stop himself.
Someone archive these vids, please. I can't because working.
No. 341324
>>341319>>341206 posted some links and here it is via vidme in 2 parts: downloaded just in case for some strange reason they get taken down.
No. 341329
>>341092Completely irrelevant but how are her eyes so fucking huge? I always thought her fotos are shooped because they look so unreal.
Cyr's and Dash's tweets&and replies on Onion are pretty hilarious if anyone wants more of this.
No. 341347
>>341341And also (I think) that she smoked pot when she said she wouldn't, even though Taylor apparently said she could.
Honestly, I think Taylor has demonstrated some rather impressive string pulling skills. I think it is kind of funny that Greg apparently doesn't realize it.
No. 341356
>>340848>>340852>>340855>>340864>>340865>>340867Lizzie, this is what we've been trying to tell you for over a year - she's a carbon-copy of her husband, the only way to save her is that she has to save herself; and that would be through divorce and therapy.
It's either their way or the highway, you seriously don't want to get involved with either of them; Billie is now probably the near dozenth person he's tried to ruin, do you remember Eugenia and Luxymoo too? You may not remember Skye, AJ and Shiloh - but surely you've seen the way he's also treated Danisonfire, Social Repose, Cyr and Dasha too?
Grease is a true-blue lunatic, and his doormat wife is the same by proxy through his influence.
Do yourself a MASSIVE favor and stay away from them, if you want to help somehow - warn people about them, try to help out Sarah (only if she still isn't fully indoctrinated by now) if you want to but in general, Grease and Doormat are the lowest standards you could possibly have of a friendship - you are expendable to them.
No. 341358
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Dasha is on fire! Everyone should tweet this pic with the caption 'CRIMINAL' at Onion boy
No. 341372
>>341355Agree. It would probably be in Billie's best interest, mentally, to just quit the internet for a while and try to make some friend irl that have never heard of her or onision. I think her being silent and not saying anything else will infuriate gerg. Of course he'll be like, "See! She didn't respond! She can't handle the troof!!" But inside he'll be seething
Gurg- you're gun is out of ammo. You played your trump card. You're impotent.
Sage for blogishness.
No. 341374
>>341230The only kinks he's into are degrading and humiliating subservient teenage girls before fucking them and impregnating them (which is another reason why those "rate your body" videos are so fucking wrong).
But no buttsex, "poopoo" comes from there.
No. 341375
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>>341132These fucking comments, teenage girls really love the "TRUTH NUKE"!!!!!
No. 341378
>>341145He could get in trouble if Billie would just take all this evidence to the authorities and press charges or at the very least get a restraining order.
She could also contact Youtube (which no one in his videos have done) and hope they put a stop to it since us reporting his videos does nothing.
Does anyone near Greg know if gathering evidence for the local authorities would get his house visited or CPS involved? We've got more than enough to prove child endangerment.
No. 341389
If you're out there, Billie. The best thing to do is block all of that household from ever contacting you again, stop mentioning them or trying to refute their bullshit and his fans will forget about you within three weeks if you stay low.
He'll never shut up about you, but his fans will have lost interest and the harassment will die down, they're not very bright and have low attention spans.
No. 341393
>>3411326:58 Justifying his rules because she 'messed up' and needs to 'sacrifice certain things for the relationship' but Elaine is ok because she doesn't do drugs.
I can't believe he doesn't hear how insane he sounds. You can't justify those demands. It's beyond psycho.
No. 341394
>>341210derp. that was the point of those vids all along.
Both Ayalla and Billie were contacted by farmers and asked to state that he cease & desist, or make a vid, or something like that so that they could get restraining orders more easily if he continued to harass them and they'd had enough of his abuse.
I'm not going to scroll for the posts, but they're in the last onion thread.
No. 341396
>>341368Is this Null? Thank you.
>>341372Fuck you. For Billie to fade away is in Greg's best interest. Not Billie's. GTFO.
No. 341402
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No. 341403
>>341368Josh, I think you're a really special man and I think about you often. One day I'll work up the courage to join your website or email you but I don't know when that day will be.
I love you.
No. 341405
>>341399>>341396Not the same anon, but really? Why would it be in their best interest? To get some god damn peace from his toxic personality, his fans and the general madness.
Even if they get a restraining order all he has to do is not mention her by her name in the future. It's
that easy.
No. 341407
>stop mentioning them That's best for Greg.
>stop trying to refute their bullshit That's best for Greg.
>his fans will forget about you within three weeksHis fans still harass AJ, Shiloh and Skye periodically when this shit brings their names up.
Who the fuck are you?
No. 341409
>>341405Confirmed for samefag and Gerg shill.
No one ever gets 'peace from Greg' you asshole and both girls can easily get restraining orders at this point.
No. 341413
>>341408Okay Greg. Will do. You're the first person here in three days who's even remotely suggested that Billie or Ayalla shut up and slink off into the darkness instead of fucking ending this cunt.
>341412So much samefagging going on all of the sudden!
No. 341415
>>341410GG was a whole different scale that involved a whole community of gamers as well as journalists. This is just a relationship made public, no one would be involved otherwise–I don't think people would be that invested.
But who knows, if more people bring awareness to this it could bring up a new discussion about domestic violence. There's enough victims and supporters out there to care.
No. 341417
>>341409You're an idiot. I'm
>>341355. I'm not even sure how to address the 'Gerg's shill' thing because that's just…well, laughable. Sage at the very least.
Sorry you're so milk thirsty that you can't see why removing yourself from toxic environment and finding joy in other things could restore someone's mental health and give them more peace.
>>341412You're right, last post I'm making on this.
No. 341419
>>341410Zoe got a lot of support because GG blew up into something way, way, way bigger than I think Eron Gjoni ever anticipated because a few people were confused about the timeline and thought Zoe had slept with a journalist to get video games reviews. Once that was cleared up, the weird movement didn't end.
Billie and Lainey and Onision were just kind of making bad videos and doing their weird relationship stuff, which is way less newsworthy to most people.
No. 341429
Ayalla really shouldn't wait on that restraining order. He's angry and vindictive, and has implied things like that police might go find drugs in their houses. Well, cops and courts REALLY don't like retaliatory actions, and if they have restraining orders against him, it will be really hard for him to fuck with them the way he is. Billie, Ayalla, if you're reading this, contact their legal advocates. They'll help you for free.
No. 341431
>>341429No, no. They should leave it alone so that he can continue to piss their information all over twitter and youtube.
I mean, what's the worst thing he did? Tell Billie it was a good idea to chain her to a basement wall? Threaten Ayalla's family with the cops? No, Greg's done nothing harassing
at all to them. They should just kick back and let him get away with telling the world Billie's private life. /eyeroll
End this fucker.
No. 341434
>>341426Thanks I'll look today and see what I can find.
>>341432I had forgotten when that all went down. That's a good place to start. Thanks.
No. 341436
File: 1484925611729.png (204.77 KB, 589x685, cuckd.PNG)

I'm afraid this isn't how it works gurgles
No. 341437
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No. 341439
>>341434There may be something here?>>341436Sending your cult of underage buffoons to spam a pre-made definition that you created yourself into Urban Dictionary is definitely not how it works.
No. 341442
File: 1484926019351.png (220.16 KB, 800x480, tumblr_o1kns9u70L1ugnm7xo1_128…)

>>341424Look for the cuddlegate tag, there's a lot of tweets, videos, and screencaps. Here's one I found between blue Onion and white Billie
No. 341443
>>341442I always liked how he worded that.
Woman I was suppose to love. Not simply woman I love.
No. 341444
>>341442This guy kills me, he's acting sane in these messages which leads me to believe whenever he gets bored of Lainey he sucks right back up to Billie, trying to make her believe he's repenting.
Side note - anyone else hate emoticons? its painful watching him trying to be young and flirty with this 19 year old.
No. 341447
>>341445sage for blogpost, but seeing his texts really remind me of the texts between an ex and the girl he was cheating on me with, you can totally tell he's a scumbag even in the early stages.
He's really disgusting and I feel shit for Billie and every other girl he's hurt, its lucky none of them killed themselves.
No. 341449
>>341447I'm more fucking amazed at how similar Lainey types and acts like him outside of the public eye (through private messages and such) no one is going to convince me that he's not been trying to start a cult for the past 10 years to suit his fetishes and exempt himself from taxes.
She's in shoulder-deep with his shit, like… watch out Karla, Rose and Myra; you have competition!
No. 341451
>>341444The way Greg talks to women after he's fucked with them is classic abuser talk. It's nothing all that special. Lovebombing.
>>341448Lainey is the worst of all. I said this yesterday but she's like next level Stockholm shit. He's fucked with her for so hard and so long that she simply does do what he tells her, even if that's all about roping in another sixteen year old. She doesn't care.
No. 341454
>>341449It's kind of interesting. Will Lainey be the first female serial killer accomplice in America? We have Myra and Rose from the UK and we have Karla from Canada, but no one in the US.
>>341450Tbqh Lainey's private twitter doesn't sound all that different from when she's 'texting' Greg, part of me thinks she really is that self-centered and shitty.
No. 341458
>>341456Weren't there posts from it in the last thread? I'm about to leave work but I could have sworn there were posts from lain_boy? Could be cracking up, though.
sage for tired
No. 341465
>>341461I think she tweets, whines, and cries.
Unless it's Greg doing all the tweeting, whining, and crying? I swear I just want them to go take care of their fucking kids, haha.
No. 341467
>>341464Okay, yeah. I fucked up, then for sure.
It's weird, there's been such a freakishly huge amount of info over the past 24 hours. It was a milk bath.
No. 341472
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No. 341477
>>341475Didn't AJ repeatedly say no and he fucked her anyhow? She gave in because she was like oh, well, might as well get this over with or something?
What a fucking asshole he is.
No. 341478
File: 1484928624823.png (12.19 KB, 894x20, Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 11.0…)

The only negative$ on his history. Does that mean he spent money on youtube yesterday??More money than he earned
No. 341479
File: 1484928626783.png (175.26 KB, 1286x542, Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 16.0…)

Not all that relevant so sage, but the woman who was pretty much playing Hannah Minx in his recent videos replied to his "Seeing people spread lies, so as usual, here is the truth" tweet with this.
No way was Lainey comfortable with them filming together. You just know she tweeted furiously about it.
No. 341503
File: 1484929978291.jpg (94.21 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_o58anlRPJ61qbnxbno1_128…)

Cue the adult murder porn music.
>So happy on the day of their wedding, looking forward to the years of ahead of wedded bliss. Little did Miss Taylor know what was ahead of her.. And she would never have that monogamous, sane dream..Chains and abuse.
No. 341514
>>341511I'm well aware of the latter, that's why we only see photos of them meeting in places like Olive Garden at the local mall and never anywhere else.
>>341507It's less abandonment issues and more about control, it's his fetish.
No. 341515
>>341439That does help. I wonder if this contract is still in effect.
Greg says he signed an agreement to give Lainey a monthly sum of money that a friend of Lainey's agreed was fair. He also signed away full custody of their child to Lainey. He says he planned to see their child on a regular basis, but it is Lainey's right to take that away from him if she wants.
No. 341522
>>341516>>341517Cow tipping is really frowned upon because it has the potential to put situations (especially dangerous one) in jeopardy.
DSSCTM has contacted her parents many times before; they don't want to be interfered with according to Gurg.
No. 341526
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No. 341532
File: 1484931540321.png (81.21 KB, 750x628, IMG_4816.PNG)

No. 341536
No way has her family been informed of the latest situation. I'm pretty sure they'd of tried something - Lainey's dad doesn't seem like the kind to just lie down when he knows his family are in danger. But that doesn't mean we should actually tip the cow, I said I wish for a reason. It's not our place to get involved directly with their lives, just sit back and drink up the milk.
>>341503I know it's said time and time again but they really are currently for lack of a better word "placid" versions of the ken and barbie killers. You can totally picture their wedding photos being featured in a documentary about couple killers.
No. 341540
>>341537>>341538>>341539Not to mention she witnessed all this abuse FIRST HAND as it was happening, even if she doesn't care about his exes past stories and experiences with him… when having that same shit happening in real time, in front of you and you're choosing to stay?
You're. Fucking. Brainwashed.
No. 341544
>>341540And she even joked about the situation before someone called her out on this thread saying "wans't you Billie's friend?". Then she was all "I'm not finding it funny blah blah blah".
This girl is as shallow as Plain and Fax Machine are.
No. 341545
(sage your shit) No. 341546
>>341536I think the last time they intervened (her dad in particular) was sometime mid/late 2015 where he contacted Lainey to discuss the possibility of annulling their prenup.
She was having none of it though.
No. 341547
>>341532So Sarah, tell us, since you've all been lurking here since yesterday blew the fuck up–what were the rest of you going to do while Billie was chained to the wall in the basement?
Have you ever heard of the Sylvia Likens case, Sarah?
You know more than anyone else what a piece of shit Greg is. Give up on this 'great' 'cushy' lifestyle and go live with your cousin who apparently loves you. Lainey is not your friend. Greg is certainly not your friend.
Go home.
No. 341556
>>341541Fucking this! Billie defended you, and what did you do? You sat back and posted popcorn .gifs. Classy, Sarah.
Greg and Lainey are tutoring you well.
Don't pretend that you give a shit because until the day that you and Lainey get out of there and make sure that this fucker can never abuse anyone ever again you're both just part of the problem.
No. 341558
No. 341565
>>341552This is so fucking repellent. 'Unchain you for bathroom breaks and showers.'
Please God, let Bilie and Ayalla have a lawyer. He has to land in jail for this. He fucking has to.
No. 341568
>>341561Haha, and to think she was trying to convince everyone that nothing is going on in that house between them all and that she is "just friends" with them.
Friends don't stand by and let their friends be blackmailed and abused under the conditions of a man who had you shipped over to Washington just a few days shy after your 16th birthday.
You are free to leave that house, Grease even said he'd pay for your plane ticket… why are you not taking him up on that offer?
See how that doesn't make sense for any of you being just "friends"? You've been fully aware that you were being groomed by these nutcases since you were 14, Sarah… you are brainwashed by a married couple with sexual fetishes for people like you.
No. 341573
>>341532You know what Sarah (since you lurk here)
So many of us have defended you here, and I was one of them.
At this point I can't believe I ever did, I know you're young, but I think at your age you should be able to recognize what is decent behavior and what isn't.
Seeing from your twitter name, you apart of Greg and Lainey's game.
YOU support the following: manipulation, abuse, and harassment.
Being in that house currently makes you involved, you are not a separate entity.
I no longer feel sorry for you, your a little smug shit head and I do wish I could smack the smirk off of your face.
Shame on you.
Sage for Sarah shaming.
No. 341588
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No. 341591
>>341588Lainey is TrAuMaTiZeD because Billie cheated.
Greg? Nahhhhhh he told her he was going to cheat so it's A-OK. But BILLIE!
No. 341595
>>341569This person here. I'm not much of a writer and they only allowed three picture submissions so I included the video screencap of him talking about the dog collar, the twitter cap of him talking about the basement chaining, and the screencap of their contract.
Is it a bad idea to post what I submitted? I know they're lurking so I wanted to ask before I dropped this 2500+ character thing I sent them.
No. 341598
>>341588Lainey no1curr about sadblog
If there's a Kiwi Farms friend lurking or posting here, could you please mirror the Ayalla video also? There are a lot of images in the Greg thread just prior to this one; I'm not sure that all are archived but there are some important ones that I'm hoping are. Maybe someone is bored and feels like taking a look through?
No. 341601
File: 1484934591460.png (105.9 KB, 1188x533, onion forum makeover.PNG)

Unrelated to the current drama, but just wanted to point out that Onision's forums are open for viewing again and it looks like he removed the "Pictures for Onision's Videos" subforum. I think he also added rules at the top of the subforums saying not to post inappropriate pictures. Maybe he actually was contacted and forced to remove the subforum
No. 341606
>>341588how the fuck is Plain always holding her mouth? this photo drives me crazy, who the fuck does she think she is? joan of arc? she's like this long-suffering so sad woman; god, i can't fucking stand her.
sage for OT photo annoyance
No. 341611
File: 1484935334283.gif (443.68 KB, 500x235, giphy.gif)

Immediately reminded of this. He's a POS
No. 341614
File: 1484935483639.gif (463.02 KB, 500x361, giphy.gif)

>>341610It's the least we can do. If you find any other local or state places that'll pick it up, post some links and I'll copy and paste what I've sent already to two.
>Everyone please chip in to contact these places!The more people that blow up their inboxes about this, the more likely they'll report on it.
>>341611Nah, too harmless. He's Trunchbull. Bad skin, hates women, takes advantage of kids, has a torture room.
No. 341624
>>341618Besides playing the victim (you fucking cunt), the only thing she acknowledged so far was the fact that Grease told Billie's secret on Twitter: Clone asked if she thought it was right to do that and Plain responded with a "no" and kept talking about herself.
Besides that, she's has been quiet about the whole situation: chains, green hair, etc.
No. 341627
File: 1484936448173.gif (786.23 KB, 250x231, Fhtte1z.gif)

Onision's fight on "weed"
No. 341640
File: 1484937167164.png (835.51 KB, 1226x303, sweetjesus.PNG)

>googling around for more information
>find blog with this header
I'm repulsed. He's like a strawberry soaked in grease drippings for 31 years and then finally released.
No. 341645
File: 1484937506146.jpg (34.55 KB, 300x300, IMG_0420.JPG)

god i hate lainey. deleting her twitter was a ploy for attention. she THRIVES off all those "omg is martyr space prince st. lainey of arc ok????" posts.
pic related; it's lainey.
No. 341647
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>>341640lmao wp anon
anyway, just caught up on this thread and i was disgusted until i remembered that they have 2 children and now i'm beyond horrified
No. 341648
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oshit P.1
No. 341649
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oshit P.2
No. 341652
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oshit P.3
No. 341654
>>341547god, that was one of the most disturbing things that I've read for a very long time
sarah needs to get the hell out
No. 341662
>>341132I can't make it past 3 minutes, I am so disgusted at this manipulative pos
fuck him and his doormat
No. 341664
I'm studying Forensic Psychology and Mental Health..
He's a mess of Cluster B personality disorder red flags, to be quite honest with you. It is impossible to 'diagnose' anyone without prolonged and exploratory interviews, but his 'Dear Ex-Girlfriend' video is so interesting (from a scientific angle, from any other it's grotesque) I almost want to take it into class and see what my lecturer makes of him. He certainly has strong elements of Antisocial personality disorder, which is by definition often identified chiefly by a noticeable pattern of the callous disregard for the rights and feelings of others, a strong tendency towards manipulation, and the ability to seem charming (though they are likely to be irritable and aggressive when pushed).
Lack of remorse is also a big flag with ASPD.
Personality disorders tend to merge into each other within their particular cluster; I see him presenting some Borderline personality disorder flags (a pattern of intense but unstable relationships, outbursts of anger especially in response to criticism). He can't stop putting his life on the internet, often to his detriment, and that's often the case with people suffering from histrionic personality disorder, especially since they often seem to be dramatising their worlds and depend for their wellbeing on attracting the attention and approval of others.
The way he has created an entire fantasy world for himself is fascinating. In his world, he is unquestionably right, always, he is a beacon of knowledge and a steadfast champion of truth. He even says it a few times in the video: 'Come into the real world'. The 'real world' for Greg, is this place where he can't be questioned because he's adhering to a set of rules he's made up himself, and he doesn't understand when the rest of us don't go along with them like the impressionable young women in his life. The way he uses a complete devolution of logic, too, it's just WOW. He purports to be very intelligent ("I consistently score high on IQ tests") but when challenged by something even he can't fully justify to himself ("You shared my secrets with the world") he takes this toddler-esque step back into willful ignorance and proclaims: "I don't understand secrets."
saged for blogging, armchair diagnosing, derailing, sorry about that, he's just like a really morbidly interesting and grotesque sub-species of wasp
No. 341665
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Sarah is now private.
No. 341670
I guess I can't expect her to handle any of this well, since she thought moving into the greasy mansion was a better idea than seeking out family.
No. 341672
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He reeeeeally only sees what he wants to see, doesn't he.
No. 341673
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>>341665Well, I still follow her and she liked this tweet.
No. 341683
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No. 341686
He got a 57 on his ASVAB and he's bragging about IQ. 50 is average. His score wasn't even one deviation above average.
My IQ is only in the upper 120s, I barely went to high school (but somehow still graduated) and got a 96 on my ASVAB (An actual, official ASVAB test taken at MEPS, not some online test.) I did, however, brush up on some of the algebra I forgot beforehand. Just to give you a comparison.
Not everything tested for is general knowledge or shit you should have learned by high school, but the majority of it is.
And, if you take the test on a computer, it is adapts to your knowledge/skill level. For example, it won't give you some very advanced math question if you can't manage the algebra questions. The test is tailored to find out exactly how much you KNOW.
Source of his ASVAB score: No. 341691
>>341690I don't quite understand either, but she said on Twitter that she wouldn't elaborate.
It could be sex with him or perhaps she has been with others since, not really our business, I guess.
No. 341693
>>341679If you come into my life
I'll fuck you so hard
I'll fuck you so hard
I'll fuck you so so hard
If you come into my life
I'll fuck you so hard
And you should know that
So chained up, maybe
>>341690I don't get it either, shaming her for having sex with whom? Isn't she only fucking him mostly and his doormat on occasion?
>>341681I'm not sure what you want them to report on? They have mentioned Grease being abusive and a short summary of his shenanigans of the past and current events in their last article; but I'm not sure what else they would find to divulge in to write a gripping story, it may also bring attention to Billie trying to keep things private and they'd only be parroting what Grease has said which isn't exactly… a nice thing to go through again.
No. 341701
>>341683Why does she still seem apologetic about such silly things? He's a freaking sicko why would it be bad to say "lol be mad" to such piece of shit? even if he wasn't shaming her?
That makes me cringe a bit, also the time when in her "dear onision" video when she's like "You say i broke the contract but your SO told me i could do it if i had asked for permission"
WHY IS THAT RELEVANT? Nobody should try to control what you do, why are you trying to be like "but she said i could"?!?!
To me it only proves how immature and brain washed Billie still is. It's kinda disturbing and sad to watch.
No. 341708
>>341679Invite you into this Hell
Youre secrets i'll always tell
My vids are all just a sell
Now please just shave your head
Lainey cannot eat fish
now lets secretly kiss
always was looking for this
but Now please just stay
Youre glare was holdin', chained up, tattoo s showing
Suuuk mi, my cock needs blowin
Where you think youre going Billie
Hey I just fucked you
And I'm so crazy
But you betrayed us
So chained up maybe
and all the other teens
try to chase me
but you betrayed us
wheres hugs for lainey
You cannot smoke pot at all,
This is my biggest downfall,
My dick is uncut and small,
Lainey's not really gay
I beg and cry and freak out
I'm crazy please have no doubt
next year i'll do a shootout
So Billie please just stay
File: 1484941584990.jpeg (80.82 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpeg)

Lol he looks so drained
No. 341714
>>341690I'm putting money on it being about her ex. He's the kind to rub salt in a wound so it was probably more along the lines of "u had sex with a baby murderer!!!!!!! u were so careless u literally got pregnant!!!!!!"
>>341692I think you mean condemning, Anon.
>>341707I wouldn't say still into him, more trying to come to terms with the fact this is a man she naively loved and was in a relationship with for the better part of a year.
No. 341715
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>>341710>Your neck doesn't match your face>You look mad like a Buffy demonI'm so glad known people are finally coming for his ass.
No. 341716
>>341704i still think that tweet was referring to the text billie sent that he "revealed" which said something along the lines of, "i only said no because i don't want any evidence of it"
he thought that meant she agreed it was hot, so he's right and the texts PROVE IT!!1
No. 341723
>>341206I just dont understand lainboy and gerg, like they talked about how during cuddle gate 1.0 billie wasnt going to leave and was just going to stay with gerg and that means shes a evil succubus homewreaker, when HE WAS THE ONE THAT WAS WANTING TO LEAVE LAINEY?! like how is he blaming billie for something he did and that HE was going to leave lainey and even told her he wanted a divorce and didnt love her. ??
then he talks about how he fucked her because he wanted to and "didnt know" that lainey said not to like, im pretty sure he just said he knew lainey was jealous of billie SO WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE DO SHIT WITHOUT LAINEY ANYWAY? like it makes no sense. I really relate to billie and her situatiion and i just get so fucking mad that he LITERALLY DID WHAT BILLIE DID if not WORSE and is ruining this young girls life
im just livid rn
No. 341724
honestly, abusive relationships make it extremely hard for the abused to leave.
>>341701sage for ot
No. 341728
File: 1484943168069.gif (1.22 MB, 260x169, the_magic_onion_dick.gif)

How onion thinks EDs are cured.
No. 341739
>>341132Wow in the video Billie tries to add terms to get him to stop saying mean things to Sarah and Lainey. Thats sad.
It's like onion can't comprehend the fact he is not the one who gets to decide who someone hates the most. If Billie says youre the worst person shes ever met, then you are. You don't choose it. And spilling her secrets sealed the deal that you are in fact the worst person.
No. 341741
That one Reddit thread is still blowing up, nearly 6k upvotes and new comments all the time. because no new info, but I thought people might like to read comments if they weren't aware of it
No. 341761
>>341758Hardly a punishment when he enjoys making those videos. He loves airing his dirty laundry and he knows he can spin it in a way where his tweens will think hes not that bad.
He acts like those tattoos with shiloh was a punishment to prove his love. No because it was your own idea and you made shiloh also get one and you changed yours last minute to not even be her name.
No. 341771
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No. 341773
File: 1484946357159.png (1.65 MB, 946x608,…)

looks like another video is incoming. probably going to have Lainey in it
No. 341783
>>341773Noone cares what she has to say any more, it's all created, scripted and edited by him in the first place… all she's gonna do is whine about how she's at no fault at all and how Billie is the one who "ruined errrrything".
But I doubt he'll let Lainey talk anyway considering he's pretty much barred her from talking about personal stuff over Twitter openly.
No. 341788
File: 1484946929095.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.29 KB, 260x147, download.jpg)

>>341771Lainey looks like zelda from pet semetary
No. 341799
>>341792Ayalla stopped being friends with him for reasons unrelated to onion, so i doubt it.
>>341797Lameo will always be filtered by onion, so nothing she says is worthwhile. He edits her videos and can edit out whatever he wants, and hes going to definitely be there in filming.
No. 341809
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This mother fucker touches himself to Willy Wonka, doesn't he …. He's trying to build his own personal sugar factory …
No. 341811
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did y'all see this one?
No. 341820
File: 1484948555436.png (44.18 KB, 586x227, onisionaliarcolormeshocked.png)

So the LIAR onion took what ayalla said about herself and made it sound like billie was insulting her. HAHA. Such honesty my ass.
No. 341822
>>341819I'm starting to think it's intentional because she likes this "style". She can't seriously be
this bad at make up. This looks like some next level no mirror do it in the dark challenge.
No. 341830
>>341771Skye at 22 (and married to Greasemonkey) looked way younger than her age at the time.
Saged for adding salt in the
wounds, cry moar Lamo!
No. 341831
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Onision's fans
No. 341833
File: 1484950438565.jpg (20.38 KB, 626x126, 1.jpg)

>>341831Like pic related. OMFG, brainwashed idiots.
No. 341840
>>341834She didn't even cheat. Her and Greg had already banged god knows how many times while Lainey grimaced and joined in, he already bragged a ton about it. It was a shaky poly realtionship with blurred lines, how Lainey can put 100% of the blame on Billie is insane. The amount of times he's said "I told Lainey I was going to do whatever I wanted to make it a trinity!!" and people not realize how bad that sounds. He knows his wife's feelings and reactions to things better than Billie.
Lets say Lainey never had the "talk" with Billie about not banging Greg. Billie and Greg banged because Greg said it was ok, then Plainey finds out. Who's to blame then Plain. Her logic astounds me.
No. 341841
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No. 341853
>>341840Lainey is also abusive. Instead of standing up for herself and saying she doesn't want a poly relationship she manipulates Gergles into attacking. She's basicall you given onion an out and that would be blaming everything on Billie.
Anons comparing her to karla homolka aren't really exaggerating. Lainey is evil.
No. 341869
>>341668any time greg talks about his self esteem being through the roof you KNOW it's in the toilet. this motherfucker can't lie convincingly to save his life.
so take a drink for every time he tells us how great he's feeling, because it's friday and i'd like to share my joy at this extreme amount of milk and the savage raping that he's about to experience due to the brick wall that's headed right for his greasy face.
pig. gonna down down, onion-pig-san.
No. 341876
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>less than 10 displayed
No. 341891
>>341843Stab Onion in his sleep knight Sarah!
No. 341896
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>>341683Billie, we know you're lurking here and there.
You have nothing to apologize to anyone for. This wasn't our business to begin with. He tried to make it our business, but it's still your private life, girl. You're not required to explain any of this.
Fucking hell. If this happened to my daughters…
Please stop apologizing, Billie. You're okay with us here, especially the moms. Anyone who has a problem with you probably isn't worth it. At all.
I want to tell both of these girls that they have every right to love themselves. Maybe Ayalla and Billie should reach out to Adrienne or Shiloh? I don't know for sure but I don't think that AJ would tell either of them to fuck off; she's incredibly sweet and she might even be someone who can genuinely aid Ayalla and/or Billie. I don't know about Shiloh, but I think AJ wouldn't mind talking to them.
No. 341898
>>341862She can fuck whomever she darn well wants to after a breakup.
>>341870>>341872>>341875Haha! Is he finally admitting to being a rent-a-cop for the chair force?!
No. 341899
>>341897Certain "truths" he had no right to say. It's not his decision whether or not to share those private details about Billie's life. Then the attempt to justify it by saying it doesn't help people who have gone through those traumatic events. No fucker it doesn't help them to have some asshole share those private events without your consent on the fucking internet.
sage rant
No. 341900
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>>341898He's a real cop and other cops respect him guys.
No. 341903
>>341898"Ah shit somebody ate my lunch again"
"… there he goes again, thanks tom"
No. 341911
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No. 341929
File: 1484954761272.png (467.67 KB, 844x481, f18a9bade1d687c1d64c8e60ecfb16…)

EXACT same font/white background as Gurg's vids today. It says 'I' as in 'Lainey' but that is GREG fucking commentating because he can't LET HER SPEAK FOR HERSELF FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND.
No. 341938
>>341675please ban the underage retards from the marge/venus thread if they continue!
No one who wants to learn about grease wants t go through 1000+ combined woe is me blog posts to get the info
No. 341943
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>>341929These subtitles are clearly by Greg. She says she does not know but the subtitles do - How?
No. 341950
On why he leaked Billie's secret:
"This whole secrecy thing, that doesn't help people who have been forced to get abortions before. That doesn't help people who have experienced horrible crimes before. Telling or encouraging or condoning people hiding horrible things that happen to them is encouraging people to get away with the crimes they have committed. And I know there are a lot of victims of crimes watching this and you know I know you feel uncomfortable with it. But you should know that I'm 100% right when I say it only helps people who've violated you to stay silent about it. And for anyone to encourage people to stay silent about these things, uh, they're the enemy. People who are spreading awareness, people who are talking about the real issues, those people should be appreciated. Because the truth being out, that's not necessarily harmful. That if anything is cohesive towards a productive result. I'm just saying, like I would hope that you guys could hear what I'm saying and understand that I'm coming from a rational perspective."
On being called a psycho/further on why he leaked her secret:
"So you guys think I'm a psycho cause I wanted to chain someone up, uhh, that's - that's funny considering it was a purely consensual thing. Like there was this girl I dated who said she wanted to piss on me (or maybe she wanted me to piss on her?) That's not the point. But when we broke up I didn't go "Ohhh she's a psycho freak." Y'know? She wanted me to piss on her. So what. Some people have kinks. If it doesn't hurt anyone that's fine. Both my wife and another person have said that they would have no problem being chained up and watching anime y'know? Like I talk to multiple people online and they're like the whole chaining of the dog collar thing, that is a - that's a real kink and it doesn't hurt anyone. It's really fun. I think the main reason that would upset the person who was upset about it is cause we were gonna put a sign over her that said "I'm a liar" and "I'm sorry for betraying you Lainey" Because I feel like that is what you need to do to redeem yourself. And you can go on saying that's psycho, you can go on saying that's abusive but if you're getting someone's consent, if you're asking someone to agree to it and they have the right to say no, y'know, they dont have to be in the relationship. The person in question is many states away they're perfectly fine over there, uh, away from our claws or talons and every single time in the past they've come back to us, uhm, regarding one term or another. The terms before were buying gifts for Lainey. Apology gifts for lainey. Which I actually wound up buying because the person had no money. Because they blew all their money on makeup and, uh, illegal drugs and gasoline. The around 10k dollars that I paid them for doing, uh, contractual work for me. So I dunno this is just all absurd and I feel like… I feel like it's very odd that the internet sided with that person, considering all they have to say is that I told too much truth in their opinion and that I cost and that I gave them options to get back with us that they felt were extreme. They were options, they weren't mandatory, y'know we didn't put you through any abuse in that sense. We didn't force you to do anything like that, so it's being like shared around like its like that and that's dishonest. But of course, y'know, I feel like the majority of people based on the internet are dishonest and I feel like the majority of people based on the internet response are drug users and I dunno how you guys keep your jobs because you gotta get drug tested for a lot of jobs. But I mean maybe its better that I'm rejected because it seems like just a bunch of bankrupt moral-IMMORAL people have been reviewing my videos telling ME that I'm terrible when I'm a law abiding citizen I tell the truth consistently and, y'know, theres no victim here, there's just somebody who, sigh someone was honest about. And I-I-I as a person who doesn't have secrets I can't understand the secrecy. I can't understand trying to help people get away with what they've done."
They're just the bits that stuck out to me in Smeg's video, I'll do Lainey's next if anyone would like.
No. 341976
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No. 341977
>>341955Shit, mb, Im an idiot… posted the wrong video
It starts at 0:30
No. 341979
>>341929What she's saying is checking out, but I really don't understand why she's solely blaming Billie.
>>341977this has already been posted.
No. 341982
>>341976No meme just dead
Rip me
No. 341994
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So how is Lainey being punished? it sounds like she broke rules 1, 2 and 5? she wasn't honest with greg, got jealous and didn't tell greg her issues to his face
what the fuck did gurg make her do to earn his trust back? greg doesn't seem to be doing public humiliation to her and i dont see an apology video from her
(sorry for potato photo internet sucks)
No. 341999
From now on, linking or embedding videos from any of Onision's channels is prohibited.
The reason is that any views still contribute to his revenue even if you use an adblocker, and he's made it clear through his words and actions that he uses drama in his life specifically for his financial gain.Violating this new rule will result in a ban and comment deletion.
Here's how to rehost a video so you can post it without benefiting Onision:
1. Copy video URL
2. Paste it on
KeepVid and download the video
3. Upload on as "unlisted" video, do not add tags or anything to draw attention to it
4. Embed on lolcow using the "Youtube" field as always.
Because there's a risk of mirrors being taken down, and to avoid harassment, use a throwaway account. Longer videos (15 minutes and above) will have to be uploaded on a Youtube account with a verified phone number or split up (using any video editing software like Windows Movie Maker) and uploaded in parts.
This rule also includes channels of other members of his household, like Lainey or Sarah.
No. 342000
>>341967Agreed. I don't know if Billie's the shit slinging, foul mouthed homewrecker they portray her as, but he knew what kind of person Billie was and allowed this to happen in his household. Invited her in, even.
>>341976Him self-flagellating in public doesn't make him look better, either. As if it cancels out his horrific behavior. It's like a cherry on top of a mountain of sewage.
No. 342005
>>341999ty admin-sama. been bothering me we've been giving him views.
you can also use Youtube Downloader (free, easy to use) to download any youtube video. you just need the url!
No. 342012
>>342003I'm just baffled that they're all about honesty but can't sit down and FULLY discuss things.
Why didn't she tell Grug she is against doing what he wants and if she did and he did it anyway, why is Billie the only one in front of the gun?
Yes the video talks bad against Onion too but she just keeps ignoring it.
No. 342015
>>341999Lainey's "My Side of the Story".
The 30+ minute video is currently being uploaded.
No. 342017
>>342012She's really stubborn about admitting that Greg isn't attracted to her or something. He doesn't want to be in this relationship but she's gonna cling onto his ankles till he's dead.
He said that Billie was going to be her girlfriend and he wasn't part of their relationship, but he obviously lies and twists the truth to a stupid fangirl wife because he wanted the girlfriend, not Lainey.
No. 342020
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Brainwashing: check
No. 342021
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"more from Laineybot" gerg's ugly mug
for real, lainey's video is just another gerg failsafe.
"but my wife is taking blame! therefore i'm absolved!"
No. 342025
>>342024Everything sounds nice until Greg came into it.
I still don't understand how Lainey can got from "My girlfriend" to "Okay, I share".
No. 342028
>>342025I feel some girls, especially in a relationship with a power imbalance, will suggest threesomes or something similar to "keep the man satisfied" and to make sure he doesn't get bored and leave.
Of course it backfired. But what other explanation is there? Shes probably a masochist.
No. 342029
>>341999And the 30+ minute "Dear Ex-Girlfriend" video.
(Upload in progress, will be available within 30 minutes)
No. 342039
>>342030Same. I'm not sympathetic in regard to her actions (she's still an enabler/manipulator)but I do feel bad about how pathetic and depressing her life is. It seems like she could have been a nice and well-adjusted person if Greg hadn't fucked with her.
Now she'll do mental-gymnastics to convince herself that the past 5 years weren't a mistake
No. 342045
>>342039You're probably a better person than me then, Anon. I'm glad her life is miserable, you reap what you fucking sow.
Saging my salt
No. 342048
>>342044Keep your wits about you anon.
Greg knows that Lainey is sadder looking and more sympathetic, of course he'd try to make her do a video on this to take some blame off of himself (and onto Billie)
Greg is the villain, Lainey is just a sad lifeless pawn.
No. 342056
>>342050didn't he flunk out during officer training because the DS were too mean to him?
might explain his subconscious need to punish people for minor offences
No. 342057
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No. 342061
>>342057I'm not sure why he even had friends i thought the only person you needed in your life was your SO.
Crazy how he everyone around him is a psycho and he is the only sane one
No. 342071
>>342034Taylor is passive, which is pretty shitty but hardly abusive.
Would you feel bad for the girl who tried to steal your husband?
No. 342075
>>342055the anti-o community has been supportive of lainey since she entered greg's life, many many people reached out to help. but after 5 years and shitty things she's done, not many people have any sympathy left for her.
she's not excused for being a shitty person because she's a victim, she is fully capable of making her own choices and decisions.
No. 342082
>>342076Do you see everything in black and white?
Yeah she should leave him because hes a piece of shit, but not leaving him does not make her abusive
No. 342089
>>342085She didnt want to date them anyway, is that abusive? How?
calling someone a fake friend for supporting his husbands mistress seems pretty fair
No. 342093
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No. 342094
>>342089not saying lainey is 100% in full abuser mode. just that they're starting to display some abusive tendencies, which is not surprising but it's not good either.
hayley was called sexually dormant and told her mind was broken because she didn't want to date a man. lainey didn't try to apologize or assure her that THEY didn't feel that way - they just dropped her and pulled the "so betrayed, so lied to, girls keep playing me!!" act. trying to make someone feel guilty for their sexuality is abusive.
and lizzie was not her Friend. this was a fangirl who only spoke to them two times, and only after lizzie bought them a 50$ itunes giftcard. to go after her in this context is abusive.
No. 342096
>>342094>>hayley was called sexually dormant and told her mind was broken because she didn't want to date a, she didnt do that, grease did, shes not obliged to speak for her husband or apologize on his behalf.
>>and lizzie was not her Friend. this was a fangirl who only spoke to them two timesNo matter the context its not abusive to privately dm someone you thought liked you and wanted to befriend you to tell them how dissapointed you are in them suddenly doing a 180 and support their husbands fucktoy.
Maybe they werent friends but calling her out isnt "abuse"
No. 342097
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I know it's a bit old but calling somebody them even if they are delusionally being gender neutral is the weirdest impersonal way to talk about a spouse
No. 342104
>>342096Yeah im sure if onion beats up a girl in front of lainey and she doesnt do it herself, but does nothing to stop it despite knowing about it and just continues attacking that girl instead of her own husband, she wont get in trouble at all for it. Cause you know she wasnt the one who actually abused them. Totally.
And no messaging someone way younger than you who obviously has anxiety or some shit they are the fakes person you have ever metover standing up for someone being abused doesn't make it abuse. It makes you a horrible fucking person who is OKAY WITH abuse. So much better.
No. 342106
>>342104totally the same thing, ignoring someone saying a girl on the bus was fat is literally the same as ignoring murder. She is not her husband, lets agree to disagree.
Also if clone is so an attention whore she only liked plain because she thought that would gain her attention here when that didnt she made a thread for herself that also didnt work, after that she posted those caps. Anxiety my ass.
No. 342107
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this was exactly what lainey wanted. hope she's proud.
saged for slight ot/anger
No. 342109
>>342107And yet these people will still have sympathy for greg and be his fans cause lainey sticks with him even though he was worse than billie.
I love how lainey thinks gerg is pitying her and cares about her. He just wants her to tell her side cause it scores HIM pity points. Dumbass.
No. 342118
>>342021She's mentally stunted, this video proves 100%. She lacks the mental capacity to get over someone or realize when it's time to let go in a relationship. But she shouldn't be excused for this. She is 22 with children. If someone is bad for you, you get them out of your life and move on.
Maybe Billie was a shitty girlfriend but she's 19 and openly admits she has issues with mental health. I did a lot worse to my exes when I was 18-20 and I'm a bad place mentally. Yeah cheating on a girlfriend isn't cool (even cheating by greg and Lainey's standards) but it's not anywhere near as bad as emotional abuse, manipulation, public humiliation, and releasing private medical information.
Yet she's going to place all the blame on her 19 year old girlfriend not her 31 year old husband and father of her children. KOOL
No. 342119
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No. 342120
>>342115Yes, shes 22 your point being?
Calling teens fake is abuse now?
Yes, Billie was being abused too. But in my mind its different because everyone warned her about grease, she has no ties to grease, the relationship was new enough to now have her completely brainwashed and he also had a wife.
No. 342131
>>342130wow Lainey conveniently left that part out. Shes acting like billie was the one trying to steal gerg, and he realized it was wrong and he went back to her. Lol nope. It was actually billie who stopped it from happening then.
Yeesh, lainey is learning the ways of manipulating a situation to her favor.
No. 342132
>>342128Yeah that part of the video confused me a bit because i remember it very different.
Pretty much what
>>342130 says. Does anybody else remember how that went down and have some relevant links?
No. 342135
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>>342132Honestly guys this took me less than a minute to find PLEASE go read up on things before posting
No. 342142
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Knowing that the Three Stooges lurk here, I wanted to post my comment I left on Lainey's video, knowing that it will never be approved for anyone else to see.
No. 342144
>>342135>>342137But these two only sar to me that he made advanced towards billy and then he backed off , wich is exactly what Plain said in her video.
I was asking if there was proof of the situation being billie rejecting onion and then him going back to ~his wife~. Because that's what i remembered happened
No. 342146
>>342004To Greg: Adultery is a crime.
How did you wreck Skye's car again?
No. 342150
>>342128I commented on this exact point on his video where, while lambasting billie, he said he doesn't have the heart to cheat or some shit like that. I'm sure he deleted it but I just wanted him to see it.
I posted, you lying POS, you had the intent to cheat, you were just denied the chance when Billie rejected you.
He tried to kiss her after the massage and after he told her he loved her wasn't it? Weren't they on a bed when this happened too? Greg knew what the fuck he was doing.
Honesty my ass.
No. 342156
>>342155a month max. If they have someone lined up, immediately.
I also like how lainey put all her trust issues on billie. You wouldn't be so worried about girls coming into your house and cheating and stealing your husband if you trusted him not to cheat. It's not like billie slipped onto his micro dick.
No. 342161
>>342155I dunno how long until onision turns on sarah for tweeting the things about not releasing private info.
sage for derailing but greasecock and plank claim they are polyamoros but i thought that meant an open relationship? what they are doing by keeping lolis as pets seems more polygamous
No. 342163
>>342160Theres a chance that girl sees all this drama and will go lol nope dont wanna be a part of this physically. I know i would at least. A new car isn't worth that.
>>342161I don't think they will care she said that. Only if she says anything that goes against them, or says anything that makes it sound like she isn't supporting them 100%. Since lainey also said it, it's probably been approved.
No. 342166
>>342164She acts like she wasn't clear she knew what gerg meant so she went to billie to make it clear. Lol why not make it clear to gerg. Oh right. That wasn't actually what happened. He just told you this was how it was going to be and you went to billie in hopes you could fix the situation through her.
Shes changing the story to fit her narrative of billie being horrible and make gerg look innocent. Shes become manipulative. What a surprise.
No. 342173
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>>342057dancing in the fucking kitchen
No. 342179
>>342175They will turn on her. Gerg never stops making videos until they go into his favor. If he screams im telling the truth, i'm right enough times, his fans start thinking its true even when what he is saying is ridiculous. Then he stops.
Also don't worry. Lainey will never actually stand up for herself. Even if she gets dumped or left. She will just cry.
No. 342182
>>342170She's definitely not as nuts but she's also glossing over so much shit onion did. She's focusing on things that pale in comparison to anything he did.
billie clearly isn't perfect either, but 35 + 20 = 55 minutes talking about what a HORRID EVIL CRIMINAL LYING PERSON she is, when everything was almost entirely instigated by greg's draconian rule over his slave-family, is missing the point.
No. 342185
>>342179>They will turn on her.They will, you're completely right, but this is still good press. Perhaps not
as many are going to turn on her.
I don't think she's going to stand up for herself, but I am 100 % sure he's going to end this relationship and move on to, well, younger things.
No. 342188
Not excusing Lainey, just hoping her kids will be ok.
No. 342189
>>342185Oh definitely. Right now he is keeping her cause he gets to invite whoever he wants to the relationship and no one thinks hes cheating. Shes always going to just be watching some girl snuggle with her husband on the couch and get angry at the girl for trying to steal her husband from her.
Oh well. Once her whining of being left out becomes a problem, he will dump her and say lainey's jealousy was the problem.
No. 342192
>>342173Did Sarah just assume Laineys gender?
No one in her life follows her pronoun bullshit lmao
No. 342198
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All the Lainey support is making me sick. Just when I thought things were turning against Grease and Plank.
No. 342204
>>342198All Plank did with her video was paint Germa in an extremely negative light ( I guess this is clear to most people at least on here, so that's good ) and shared some negative details about Billie. The main focus for me was still a) how deranged Gergle is b) how all of it is okay with her/how she justifies some things that shouldn't be justified, while also leaving some details out. Plenty of overly bizarre rationalisations.
But yeah, I was kind of sick when looking at Twitter replies on Germa's Twitter. The tone under Billie's video turned from people being supportive to calling her a slut, how Gergle was right and lo' and behold one comment said "she should really quit her lying, manipulation,
aborting, etc" I shit you not. Like, what the fuck.
No. 342207
>>342204Meh lainey changed details in the story to make it seem like billie was the one who went after onion relentlessly, while onion was the one who realized he was morally wrong and didnt know what he was doing was cheating at the time. That makes him seem more innocent than he was.
She also blamed billie for causing all her trust issues, and didn't blame onion at all.
And its obvious lainey pawning for sympathy while onion acts like he cares about his poor wife makes him look like some great guy. Anyone with a brain would see it for what it is, but his fans kind of lack that.
No. 342210
>>342204amazing how fast they turned on billie once lainey unleashed the sympathy video.
i know billie isn't the best person, and i personally don't like her. but her secret being shared so many times is going to really fuck her up.
if any of you are so inclined, try to send billie your support. it may not make too much of a difference with all the harassment going on, but it might help a tiny bit.
No. 342216
>>342210I don't really like her either, but this is one of those things where even if you don't, you should still be able to recognise an extremely fucked up situation. And it's like…when 12 year olds are telling someone 'to stop aborting'…what do you even say? It's that deranged.
At the end of the day it's really frustrating that this is going to be another situation Gerle's just going to slide by or so it looks for now.
No. 342220
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>>342214Another thing Gargoyle has in common with Trump. Every time we think THIS IS IT, this scandal will ruin him he somehow wiggles his way out of it.
>>342221Link please.
>>342220Exactly. It's extremely annoying. But oh well, if not sooner, give him a few years when the botox, fillers, make up and filters won't be able to help anymore. Perhaps that's going to open more fantard's eyes.
No. 342242
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Seems that laineys "wah poor me feel bad for MEE" video worked, She's completely intercepted billies support and hashtag.
No. 342256
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Lol i saw someone tweet this at him. Yeah greg you are exactly the same as you were when you were 19 so the same as a few years ago…but wait this has changed I guess. Huh weird.
No. 342258
>>342256is that facebook page real? seriously i knew he lacked self awareness but this is fucking crazy
seriously someone with more knowledge get cps involved the dude is a legit psychopath
No. 342262
>>342261Meant to include this twitter account as an example of what I mean:'ve been pretty effective at getting ads removed. Onion's content is pretty repulsive.
No. 342288
>>342286the only way he could get rid of her without too much fans flipping out would be if he got a new girl into the relationship people liked more then lainey (which isn't hard)
we could see this almost happen when Billie was in the picture and a lot of his fans told him to just get rid of his nagging wife and be with billie because they thought she was much more fun
No. 342310
>>342308Exactly. When I clicked on the link, only one yes man comment was there.
On the bright side, Richie's video was mostly filled with positive feedback (comments-wise)!
No. 342311
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>>342310weird, i'm seeing it differently
onion can claim he is a fax machine as much as he wants but the truth is still out there
No. 342312
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Did anyone watch Sarah's younow a few hours ago?
No. 342314
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>>342311That's interesting, I could've sworn I saw only one asspat comment…
No. 342315
>>342314Oh nevermind, I should've clicked on the archive link in the first place. At least some aren't as retardwd as his fans so I guess there's
some glimmer of hope after all.
No. 342330
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Well, seems like grease betrayed billie too
No. 342331
>>342293Here's what I've been using. Feel free to edit it as you like and correct me if I used the wrong last name for Billie, I couldn't figure out if it was Ingle or Webb.
Popular Youtube star from Washinton state, Onision, a 31 year old husband and father of two, erupts in multi-day social media firestorm against Billie Dawn Ingle, the now ex-mistress to his marriage after their arrangement was ended by Ingle's intake of marijuana despite it being legal in Washington state where Onision's family resides.
Ms. Ingle was involved in an arrangement involving Onision and his wife and was invited to their home where they reside with their two small children and an underaged unrelated female who came to live with them after running away from home from another state.
In the wake of the end of their affair, Onision started a social media firestorm against her involving referring to her family as 'drug criminals' for indulging in marijuana usage and hoping that "Pot users could OD and die".
Onision went so far as to post evidence on his Twitter to restricting Ingle's visitation to her family to twice a year on major holidays because of his opinion of them.
In a more disturbing light, Onision and Ingle's both posted text messages between them where in order for Ingle to be 'forgiven' for her marijuana usage she would have to agree to be chained in the house's basement by a dog collar for a week. Onision went on to reassure Ingle that she would be unchained for bathroom breaks and be allowed to shower.
All the while above the basement the family of one other adults and three underaged children would go about their daily lives ignoring Ingles' presence in the basement below.
When Ingles refused to this along with the stipulation that she have her eyebrows shaved and be tattoo branded with 'I am a Liar' on her body (one of two tattoos Onision demanded she allow on her body as proof of her loyalty), she was shamed by Onision for being "boring" and told that "It would be hot."
Onision is no stranger to outing his sexual deviancy to his largely teenaged and female fans. He's been in hot water prior for posting scantily dressed photos of underaged female fans and rating their bodies in videos posted on Youtube and monetary enabled. Some of these scantily clad fans are as young as twelve years old and the parents were not consulted prior for permission to have their daughters identities posted for worldwide viewers.
Onision has not restricted this to Youtube, involving sexual content on his Twitter and inviting his followers to vote on polls involving such questions as "Would you date my wife?" where on answer was 'Yes but I'm underaged' and even one poll even asked his followers what size they preferred for men's genitalia.
As of 1/20/2017 Onision is still continuing his online attack of his former mistress and posting private information regarding their arrangement with his wife on his social media.
No. 342335
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No. 342341
>>342337Here's the part I didn't include that explained the personal information. I just used 'Onision' for the body because if anyone wanted to use parts of it they'd be able to find more information that way and he's more well known as Onision than Greg Avaroe.
To whom it may concern,
I thought you may be interested in this story. A local Youtube star who lives in Washington state, one Onision (real name: Greg Avaroe) is currently involved in several scandals involving underaged parties and an of-age mistress.
Relevant links: (Twitter links here)
Videos involving details of sexual abuse and attempt to chain his mistress in the family basement (where three underaged children live) to shame her:
(Video links here)
>>342339Will do! I've sent it to every local newspaper/TV station I could that accepted emails but haven't gotten any replies back. Just keeping a copy of it in case anyone posts new suggestions. I can't do much else to help so what I can do I'm trying to because those kids need to get out of there. Greg and Lainey can rot for all I care.
No. 342345
>>342342Kept forgetting to sage.
If you have any quotes you think would work, let me know but anyone is welcome to use what I posted and edit themselves to send out.
As for the mistress thing I didn't really know what to refer to her as. I mean I guess I could have used girlfriend but that seemed just as odd given that he's married and as much as we joke about sister-wives I couldn't really prove that aside from her having a ring so I went with what would make sense to anyone not familiar with the situation or their arrangement.
But yeah, don't want to derail anymore so anyone feel free to use
>>342331 and
>>342341 and edit it how you like and use it however you want if you think it'll help.
No. 342346
>>342335His avatar next to his messages makes me feel ill! Luxy, if this is you who just posted, I truly am sorry for what you went through. No one deserves to be sexually harassed nor coerced by the likes of Gretchen or anyone; especially you who just wanted to genuinely get close to Lainey.
Feel free to help us out when you can! For Billie, Ayalla and the other women who are afraid of Onion!
No. 342375
>>341227lol he thinks hes soooooo kinky
clearly this is not bdsm, this is just trying to humiliate her so he has more control.
No. 342394 A TRUE SCORPIO (Crazy? Cruel?
No. 342396
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with the lights so bright, it makes his nose look 10x uglier. It's so bright he might as well put the buy a green balaclava and green screen himself
No. 342403
>>342397I'd feel more sympathy for her if she didn't have a big case of the buts in general.
>No I don't agree that it's right Greg posted her private secrets BUT>It wasn't just Billie's fault BUT>If I was really upset I wouldn't be flirting with other girls right now BUT>I probably shouldn't have tried to replace Billie with other teenage girls BUT>I'm agender and feel weird about my body BUT here's pictures of my cleavage and also some DD/lg stuffAnd when she gets called out on ANY of that she goes straight to victim complex.
No. 342404
>>342394"'Their curiosity is always high, always!'
Not really, no, some stuff I don't care about, like I'm not curious what my exes are up to right now. Fact I dread knowing. Because guess what, when you say you love someone, even if you say you don't love them anymore, ugh, they linger inside you, it sucks"
Well done on not mentioning it anymore Greggles!!
No. 342406
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>>342396He seriously looks like an orc.
Has Ayalla said anything about Onision's mentions about her despite her asking not to?
No. 342407
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>>341234anyone who's done a modicum of research on BDSM knows that BDSM punishments aren't to be employed as a means to work through legitimate relationship problems. The fact that he followed up by insulting her– "YOU'RE BORING" is despicable.
Pressuring consent by presenting it as an ultimatum is absolutely abusive, as is pressuring your partner to get a demeaning tattoo, attempting to forbid your partner from seeing their family, and airing their private information. Getting an abortion is a fucking awful experience that no one seeks out voluntarily.
The fact that he and lainey are trying to defend their deranged manipulation with the claim that Billie lied to them and manipulated Lainey– FUCK YOU. YOU BOTH CHOSE TO DATE A 19 YEAR OLD, someone who doesn't possess enough experience navigating romantic relationships to be in a poly triad with a married couple who have no patience or understanding for that inexperience.
I come on this website for giggles and shits and catty drama, but this man is a legitimately toxic piece of filth. I genuinely wish ill on him. I hope he gets hit by a bus. I hope his stockholm syndrome'd wife wakes up and realizes how unreasonable she's being and gets out of that marriage with full custody of their child before Greg can inflict any emotional abuse onto it. I absolutely believe that Greg would be the type to shit-talk a separated spouse in front of his child in an attempt to turn the child against Lainey.
No. 342409
>>342396Well, its either have an uglier looking nose or have people see your cheap orange foundation show and still see the zits.
A little late to the train, but I find it odd that its such a huge stink about lying and weed use while Groggy boy was willing to end his marriage to chase after Billie. Where the fuck is his humiliating punishment. He should get a tramp stamp saying " I abandon family for pretty looking tail" along with dye his hair green. ( No need for a ugly tan since his makeup is naturally orange looking )
No. 342412
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Her account's not even active, there's absolutely no reason to @ her. Still just trying to garner sympathy I guess.
No. 342414
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>>342412Someone commented this on it lmao
No. 342417
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>>342404He said he's third but his rank says #404.
No. 342422
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these two are fucking pathetic
No. 342452
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"Well I don't love my ex any more so I can say whatver bad stuff I want because love is full of TRUTH but not love is ALSO full of truth!" Da fuck this nigga smoking?
No. 342462
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>>342455don't forget I did respond after you called me out on it, your logic is flawed
No. 342476
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>>342460That's the whole 'conversation' I had with him, in case anyone is vaguely interested while things are sort of quiet.
No. 342479
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>>342476A+, you'll know you hit a nerve when you get blocked
No. 342483
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dude u lurkin'?