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/pt/ - lolcow general

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No. 353511

So shocked this idiot doesn't already have a thread. She's basically a dependopotamus turned actual whore. She's married to a man in the military yet throws her lard ass all over men any chance she gets. Until recently her thing was body positivity but it wasn't working anymore for her because she consistently lies about her size. She claims to be a size 14, but looks more like a 22. Now she's grabbing people's nosleep stories off of reddit and passing them as her own with parnormal stories. The girl is a flat out liar and annoying af.

No. 353512

yess!! I CANNOT stand Lauren.. there isn't a genuine thing about her also lol at the comparison pictures. at that point it's just a fucking scam

No. 353515

Literally who?
Got any links? Screencaps?

(and why do so many threads start with "I'm surprised x doesn't have a thread!!")

No. 353516

File: 1487593309688.png (508.08 KB, 857x642, 9a1nZWQ.png)

omg shut up you're irritating AF. isn't like lardy lane has 10k subs

here's a screencap from another youtubers channel that shows her in a true and unflattering light for OP

& yes this girl is fucking awful and basically morphs her personality into whatever youtuber she happened to meet that month. I am so tired of her calling everything lit.

No. 353524

I have no idea who this person is either. The first post is shit. Where's the proof for all the stories etc?

also this belongs in snow. idc about this nobody, with seemingly no milk.

No. 353532

>omg shut up you're irritating AF

You're calling people irritating but you're the one shitposting. Unless you can prove to us that this girl is deserving of a thread (being overweight doesn't automatically make someone a cow), you're just wasting people's time.

You're so aggressive it makes me feel like this is a vendetta.

No. 353542

Agreed. Basic fat girl who shoops herself =/= lolcow. This reeks of either vendetta or selfpost. Is there milk? OP should post screencaps of proof or drama. Otherwise, this is just another literally who youtuber who doesn't need a thread.

No. 353578

Well I'm interested in a plus-size youtubers thread. People tear down a thread before it even gets going - i agree it is annoying as fuck. This should definitely be on snow though

No. 353581

Why is she a lolcow? This person could've been posted about in the general fatties thread in /snow rather than getting her own thread in /pt (and you've provided zero proof twice now when asked) if you're so mad about her.

No. 353597

Moved to >>>/snow/254884.

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