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No. 359103

READ THIS: https://prettyuglylittleliar.net/topic/3410-cheyanne-sparks-kourtney-galloway-bryson-tillers-baby-mama/?page=1

Stealing someone's identity, catfishing as them for 2 years and going, fakes pregnancy & miscarriage, plagiarizes songs from a Youtube singer, creates fake emails for Bryson Tiller and his manager, perpetrates AKA (a black sorority), etc.

No. 359105

No. 359107

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15-16 years old, lives in Colombus, Georgia

No. 359108

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She pussied tf out and deleted her Youtube channel.

No. 359109

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No. 359113

No. 359131

aw shit, this sounds entertaining

No. 359148

k, read the whole thing. so a sad girl is obsessed with some musician and has been catfishing the same woman since she was 13.. this whole thing would stop if Daisy just made a video calling her out.

No. 359152

really sad. can't imagine how gross and insecure she must feel from pretending to be someone else for so long.

No. 359201

Moved to >>>/snow/268607.

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