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No. 367274

I didn't feel like truly figuring it out yet, but it is hilarious:




Is she lolcow material? I don't know, I mean she is doing something but looks hilarious in the process. She's a virgin as far as I can tell with trollage, I'm just dumping her here like a dead whale and let you decide. I just spotted her, but didn't harpoon her.

She wants a 100k followers and I think you guys can arrange that, good or bad.

No. 367297

Eh. She may be one of the rare people who actually gave some sort of disorder that makes them fat– she seems to be a decent enough dancer and you don't develop those skills without a lot of practice. If the only reason she's a lolcow is because she can dance decently while bring fat, then meh. (Also she's lolcow material because she's a virgin? Seriously?)

No. 367299

Moved to >>>/snow/287718.

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