No. 388148
Who is this dunce and why is he going after JoySparkleBS? I get she's terrible, but he seems like a despicable human being. He also seems to be on speaking terms with Onision? In one video he's praising him but in the next he's calling him the worst person to ever live. Does this guy have any sort of moral compass or integrity? Does he just say whatever he thinks will get him the most attention?
Anyone know anything about him/have relevant dirt on him?
YouTube: No. 388152
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Seems like this Sarah chick knows him somehow. No idea if any of this absurd tweeting is true. Noticed her the other day when Joy liked one of her tweets. She seems crazy but who knows.
No. 388159
>>388154It is. My comment was about THIS THREAD lacking in content.
Why not link to that series at least? This is not a /pt/ worthy thread
No. 388162
>>388159sorry as i said, I'm new at this. I'll remember for next time
Heres the series: has a podcast called on the rag which is just fucking disgusting
No. 388168
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What the hell he has a fake Demi lovato twitter account that's actually just him wearing a wig?