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No. 39129

- walking, talking, wannabe russian kotex
- is starting to capitalize on her image? (lol)
- probably should learn AE to handle that nose thing
- has anyone actually heard of this girl where the hell did she come from


No. 39130

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No. 39135

She doesn't seem to be good in english considering the stupid titles of her videos so it isn't surprising nobody heard about her.

No. 39143


No. 39150

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ehhh, she doesn't really seem like a lolcow, especially considering other kota clones. she doesn't really seem interesting either, her photos/videos are really boring and even she seems to be bored while taking/recording them. is smiling just not kawaii? overall, she's a pretty girl and she may be nice(idk i don't speak any russian), she should try doing her own style/look. i get wanting to copy some things about kota, i know i've copied her outfits from the tumblr era, but basing your entire look/personality off of someone else is stupid. especially for fame because we already have one kota, why do we need another?

if we're gonna be making threads on specific kota clones, i think taylor r and definitely violetta moore? (i think that's her name, correct me if i'm wrong) are much more cringeworthy and lolcowish. pic related if from her, violetta's? phase when she was copying allison harvard.

No. 41296

No matter how much contouring she does, she aint gonna be cute with that massive nose.

No. 41299

She's probably trying to imitate Kotex's face in her tutorial vids. Trying to look ethereal and like a doll but she just ends up looking bored.

No. 41302

You must have the nose of a god.

She seems boring, all Kotex clones are the same.

No. 41306


>if we're gonna be making threads on specific kota clones, i think taylor r and definitely violetta moore?

My favourite Dakota wannabe is Kiki

No. 41310

Oh, and ain't that the truth.

No. 41313

If you watch her videos where she can't shoop, it's quite large.

No. 41315

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my nigga

No. 41453

Is there a list of the kotex clones? I had no idea there are so many.

No. 41458

You will find most of them when lookingsearching for "kotakoti inspired" at YT.

No. 41459

on pull they have a thread on kota clones but that's all i know of. i think the reason why no one really composes a list of kota clones is because there are blurred lines with it. like there are some girls that just happen to have blonde hair and a style like kota's but a lot of people label them as clones just for that. taylor r, before she became a massive dakota clone, was often labeled as one for being a blonde who wears circle lenses and liz lisa. you get what i'm saying?

the only ones i can think of off of the top of my head were that one fat ginger australian nazi attention whore, lauryn, and the ones mentioned earlier, lenni, taylor r, violetta?, and kiki, lol. i know for a fact i've seen them all (or at least most of them) but they're so boring that you won't remember their names or faces and you definitely won't want to keep up with them.

No. 41460

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good grief
i did look it up, and i found this tutorial. i have no idea who the girl is and if there's anything actually wrong with her personality, but this…this isn't a good look for her

No. 41479

Omg. Anon, I never thought I'd find her again. Thank you for reuniting me with this weirdo.

No. 41481

What the hell is this? And why do they keep hanging bedsheets in the background of these videos?

No. 41489

BlueTheCat on Youtube. It's too bad she's no longer active because her videos are fucking weird and captivating. Annoying fat weeb girl does makeup.

I love cats and all, but this…is another level of crazy about cats.


No. 41505

its weird to me when fat girls even try

id have to say, if i looked like her id probably throw in the towel and keep my face in a book

its like gilding a turd

No. 41589

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There was one from Mexico that no one really talked about because she's not even known, she just kinda quietly copies Kota and posts the pics on Facebook, but the copying is hardcore.

Idk if she stopped, but last time I saw her she has just bought circle lenses. If she hasn't stopped, then she's officially been at it for about 3 years

No. 41628

Tbh like it just makes her face look even worse. And her hair is so ratty.

No. 41636

She hasnt stopped. Her name is Krisella CantĂș

No. 41642

what is up with her lack of neck?

No. 41662

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No. 41663

is this suppose to be a clone? neither her makeup or style looks like it, and there's no mention of Dakota in that blog entry?

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