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No. 399312
>>399303To be fair how fucking frustrating would it be to talk to this moron.
You almost have to talk at twice the speed to get a word in edgewise.
No. 399317
>>399298He is winning.
A - She's on his stream, so her YouTube stunt failed.
B - She's squirming so hard that you can barely follow what she's saying.
C - She's emotionally unhinged and he's stone faced and has not given her even a single agreement.
No. 399325
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I can't even follow this. It's such a shitshow. They both just want the FAAAAX and definitions and keep interrupting the other.
It's not about having a debate, it has never been about that. It's just about talking over the other.
>you fool
>you dumb fuck
>you idiot
No. 399332
>>399297Joy should have known better to drag on that mental illness vs physical illness thing regarding her fibromyalgia He's was trying to get a rise out of her and she played into his hands.
Goddamn, this is what I get for having hope.
Lmao but his raging. "You fool, you fuck, "bitch" god he hates women
No. 399356
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Looks like all the cows are out right now.
No. 399384
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No. 399403
>>399393HAHAHAHAHAHH FUCK will Lainey be able to get it done without crying lmfao.
How much u wanna bet Gurg will be spying from the mansion.
No. 399408
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No. 399417
>>399410cause she feeds her husband's craziness. She should not be encouraging his drama craziness, but she jumps right into it.
These people have two kids, and this is what they are doing.
No. 399420
>>399409Uh she is probably used to walking on eggshells with her giant manchild.
I feel bad for her but then I also don't. She supports his abuse of teenage girls. I know she has Stockholm syndrome but come on.
No. 399466
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No. 399469
>>399459if my sister was doing this shit, i'd call her an idiot. wtf is this shit.
And here comes lameo crying!!
No. 399507
>>399501thats the only way lameo will not cry, have a "panic attack" and bail.
lameo so hard defending greg's cheating on her lmao.
No. 399516
>>399502And yet Lainey got anxious and cried even with all that sugarcoating. Imagine if she were confronting, I don't know, a normal person that has no interest in sucking her dick.
Imagine if any of us were at Joy's place.
No. 399523
>>399488>>399485Thank you Anons, I did need to change the ask first option.
Is there anything she doesn't blame on her memory?!
No. 399539
>>399530i think she's sucking up to Lainey, honestly.
Lainey's like an Abra–a boring, whiny, crying Abra. Of course, that means Joy has to sidle up.
No. 399540
So lameo admits when he gets on camera he becomes a completely different person and doesnt act like he normally does….
but hes the most honest youtuber ever i thought??
>>399529Honestly its working and has made lameo talk about shit. That's the only way lameo will talk. She will run away if anyone shows hostility. lol. Joy is a cow, but its actually a smart thing to try to sympathize with the person you are talking to to make the person open up/feel comfortable.
>>399534I like how shes upset people assume gerg is this way when thats what he portrays online and attacks people, calls them "retarded", "bitches"/"dumb cunts". lol. That's okay behavior because he does it only with the camera on/online? Hes still attacking people.
No. 399544
Im surprised gerg has butt out of this for so long.
It's great that gerg has his wife as his PR person to protect his terrible behavior.
>>399542lol she said it as if its no big deal. His opinions are terrible in themselves. Also its bullshit that hes not aggressive/insulting in real life when sarah/billie both mentioned he insults them. And he self-admitted hes verbally abusive.
No. 399555
>>399548Lol you can tell lainey doesnt buy her compliments. Also lameo is probably not used to being complimented this much. Onion just shames her all day.
>>399552lol he completely ditched, got his PR wife to protect him, and never came back. Guess he admitted defeat.
No. 399579
>>399571I said he was insufferable too.
>>399572Yeah they all acted like children. Sadly Lainey was the most calm out of them, including the moderator.
No. 399586
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It's a huge file. It's gonna take a bit of time.
No. 399590
>>399585But she didn't, anon. It looked like he was the one
triggering her. I felt he insulted her just to be "edgy", not because she actually got to him.
No. 399593
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>>399583that's because Jeff is not used to talking to psychopaths like Greg who just try to get a rise out of you and not honestly debate. I've seen him moderate other debates on YT and he's really nice and respectful always.
pic unrelated
No. 399596
>>399590He actually left the stream in a massive temper and got his wife to do it, Believe me joy actually
triggered him.
No. 399602
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Yup. Sarah is on joys stream!
No. 399616
>>399613Usually when you
know that someone is a psychopath, you know that they play games and to come prepared.
No. 399637
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>>399632Bitch interrupts everyone but doesn't want to be interrupted.
No. 399644
like i get why sarah would want to be like, pls dont fucking talk about me. but instead her and laineys sister are trying to defend him saying hes never mean to them or to lainey.
which he has proved to be a fucking asshole to all of them???? i dont get it
No. 399653
>>399648All she does is roll her eyes, run her hands through her hair and lick her lips while saying "like.."
Aaaaand Joy compliments her and says "you seem like a smart girl, you're beautiful"
Yeah… because only in Joy's twisted universe, does looks = brains
No. 399667
>>399658She has ADHD. She confirmed a while ago when the anachan rumors were spreading, because she had started taking Concerta (I think), and she lost some weight because of that.
Still, she's interjecting herself into the drama to "clarify" stuff for the Greases, when she in fact doesn't do anything or says anything of substance.
>peopleee…. are different with different personalities… We all have different experiences, Lainey is an actual person, so is GregNo shit, Sarah. Thanks for the word salad.
No. 399676
>>399669She definitely is a better friend to Lainey than Billie. Sarah is too young to talk about any of this because she keeps saying she never saw any abuse, heard of any abuse or experienced any abuse. Also, she tried saying that since Billie is a consenting adult, she could have left whenever.
She's far too young to be in this drama, too bad she keeps placing her dumb blue haired ass into it to stay relevant and ~different~ from her peers.
No. 399678
>>399666This is really sad that this 16 year old and 22 year old girl have to defend greg's actions.
It's actually depressing to see sarah think the shit greg does is okay and try to justify it. I also thought i knew everything when i was 16. Then I got older and realized i did dumb shit. She will too.
It's also sad how she is brainwashed to blame billie for all the problems and think her having to "repent" for her sins by buying them gifts, making videos is the right thing to do.
No. 399704
>>399693IKR! How fucked up has this childs life been that being confined in the onion manor was the most free she's ever felt?
>>399695Joy was trying to make sure Sarah knew that sort of treatment is not acceptable in relationships and Sarah seemed to kinda, sorta get it but then she said well Billie consented and she's an adult so…
face palm No. 399723
>>399717Kek, true a lot of the times.
>>399719Yeah, these conversations almost feel weird to listen to right now? It's something that they should talk about in private.
>aww gurl I didn't mean it like this>no gurl I would talk to her if she said she wanted that>aww gurl I understand thatAnd then you see Joy's creepy very invested face for a few seconds reading a totally unrelated comment
No. 399731
>>399729i fucking love nire
im so sick of sara someone needs to call her out on her bullshit and stop babying her
No. 399734
Sarah is a fucking mess. She literally has nothing relevant to come with, she has no backup for her shit behaviour.
>>399729I think Nire is Erin, or "niretho". The girl who said she was dating Lainey and did a long interview with Joy alongside Luxymoo. She's kinda a cow herself, she kept crying about muh anxiety and abuse when Joy released the interview. She's hella cute tho. Luxymoo is there too, I think.
No. 399747
I don't understand how you guys can watch this shit; everyone involved sounds insufferable. You're all champs.
>>399737any waterworks yet?
I wonder who's watching the kids…
No. 399749
>>399710Makes sense when she's been friends with lameo all this time. Lameo sees telling her greg did something bad and that you feel bad for Billie is what lameo considers a bad friend and will get you dumped. Lameo only surrounds herself with enablers. Sarah enables lameo who enables gerg.
Sarah will grow up eventually and realize the dumb online drama she got into was stupid. She needs to distance herself from these people who will give her bad advice. I can see her ending up in an abusive relationship because she doesn't even understand that abuse can be more than hitting someone. And that abusers aren't always mean 24/7
No. 399806
>>399796100% intentional. This is a lolsuit in every way. I can't wait for the Onions to sue the internet.
>>399799It's her day off! She streamed for 4 hours in the early AM hours, it was about 6 AM her time when she finished. She put up a video about Onion suing her and then ate lunch (it was her breakfast lbr) and jumped on YouTube for the debate. That was at 2:30. She's been on the internet all day. I know we're following this but Joy has been on her ass the whole time in the same spot except for when she went to piss and now she's eating with her dirty hands.
No. 399814
>>399812>>399810Was it the current stream Joy is still doing or an earlier one that the Sister showed up on? Fucking hell, how does this idiot Joy stream like this all day?
Oh that's right. She has no life.
No. 399817
>>399812She did.
>>399811My bad, he did. Joy didn't bother telling him to unmute though. They all sperged today but put her on mute for "not acting like an adult".
No. 399828
>>399825Gotcha, thanks for the correction, anon.
>>399826But that would mean being away from attention.
No. 399832
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some tard is on comparing this whole thing to the movie heathers
No. 399859
>>399854"Guy before" was Jeff Holiday and he's clearly an idiot if he can get
triggered by Onision so easily.
No. 399866
>>399854I'm not familiar with "the skeptic community" but you taking it so seriously makes you sound like a cow yourself.
No. 399870
>>399867He didn't win shit, he walked out in a childish temper and demanded lainey to take over, Who I might add stated in livestream that she didn't expect to end up on it.
Nobody won.
No. 399873
>>399866Basically people like Blaire White and Warski, some black guy. Cough@~@ TJ aka Amazing atheist are the casuals until you get up to Sargon who is technically not part of it because he denounced himself a part of it. I giggled tbh Anon because it does somewhat make me a cow but I like the community that Joy is trying to intercept and get in because if she does that it, it will lose so much ground and go full tard.
It reminds me a lot of Atheism plus when they got Ketchup in on the news and it crashed everything. Believe it or not Thunderfoot is a part of it. lol
No. 399915
>>399859Jeff said on Joy's stream he knew what Onion was doing, (everyone with a brain does, he ALWAYS does this same manipulating shit where he's "nice" at first and compliments the person for some reason and then starts attacking them/calling them dumb to
trigger them until they get mad and he tries to act like the cool, calm collected, reasonable one) but he figured it wasn't going anywhere anyway so he just told him off. I enjoyed it. It's impossible to get through to Gerg or debate him anyway. Nobody has never succeeded, and likely never will. His fans are brainwashed, along with Lainey and her friends. Fuck him, he deserves to be locked away for the shit he's done. Every time I hear about him I get more and more annoyed. He's done so much reprehensible shit and if anyone is defending him now, they're either braindead or severely brainwashed. Ugh.
No. 399918
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Was watching The Blargh and had to screencap the related videos. I just love how it says "no views" on onion's new video. Very indicative of his future on Youtube.
No. 399931
>>399919it's crazy, u can actually find out years worth of people in a matter of hours thanks to the internet!!
anyways. people who have the biggest voices in the anti-onision community often are the cringiest/craziest/most obsessed. I wish it was different so people would take it more seriously…. shame..
No. 399932
>>399930Saw her "fake cease and desist" video on Andy Warski and she was a stupid idiot in that video, so googled her name.
They (in the Joysus stream) just said Onision picked on Joysus because she's MORE popular… Um… his video (that they're watching) got 15k views in an hour… it takes her a full day to even get close to that with an Onision video. They're so deluded in this stream.
No. 399947
>>399940This was her day… she recorded and put up a 20 min video (after having streamed a total of 6 hrs and put up two videos the day before)… went on first her stream, then his you now… and THEN started the 5 hour stream that she's on right now.
Talk about not having a life this was all on a Mon and Tuesday. So, it isn't even that it's the weekend.
No. 399958
>>399957Why yes, they are. It's the same pattern: they look somewhat sane in the beginning and then they turn out to be raving lunatics who actually have a lot of similar personality traits he has.
However, if you're going to look into Gergle's past drama you're in for a fun ride - the guy's pretty batshit.
No. 399974
>>399962Thing is, I don't really give a shit about Onision. So, not interested in the ride.
>>399964Have to admit he made good points. Not sure which were aimed at Jeff Holiday vs Joy Sparkle BS because both did similar freaky melt downs…but both of them came totally unglued and it's really hard to understand why they did that. Especially Jeff Holiday. I've been watching his stuff off and on for a couple years. He's never struck me as such a spaz. Definitely lost a lot of respect for him in that YouNow guesting.
No. 399987
>>399984Lol he lost his shit because he fell for Onion's bait, not because he got bored. Come on now, anon.
No one in that debate brought up the one thing that could send Onion to jail which is tax evasion. He's still under investigation.
No. 399988
>>399984You sure get off on defending Jeff left and right. He's not in jail because it's not illegal to be a shitty person.
>>399986Exactly this.
No. 400046
OMG… watching the debate again at the 21 min mark, she starts rocking back and forward and look at Onision's face. I think he was genuinely scared when she started doing that.
No. 400078
>>400074Just wow.
Since you seem to need your hand held…
See this post >>400057 The actual clips of the debate are the 3 links labeled (YouNow Debate Clip 6/20/17)
'ONISION Guests JEFF HOLIDAY (YouNow Debate Clip 6/20/17)' livestream on The Blargh (21:01) 'ONISION Guests JOYSPARKLEBS (YouNow Debate Clip 6/20/17)' livestream on The Blargh (31:45) 'LAINEYBOT Talks to JOYSPARKLEBS about BILLIE During ONISION's Debate (YouNow Clip 6/20/17)' livestream on The Blargh (43:14) No. 400079
>>400057There's also Lainey's After Debate livestream, where she guested random people after Joy left. It was just posted about 30 min ago.
'Laineybot YouNow 6/20/17 (AFTER ONISION DEBATE)' on The Blargh's channel (58:10), only semi-related but before Onision talked to Jeff Holiday on YouNow he guested Jaclyn Glenn and Social Repose. They didn't really say anything about the debate but including the link anyway.
'ONISION Guests JACLYN GLENN & SOCIAL REPOSE (YouNow Debate Clip 6/20/17)'on The Blargh's channel (4:16) No. 400117
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>>400110If you look at his social blade this stunt hasn't really helped him….he didn't get that many more views, they were well within his usual range, and his subs took a bigger dive than usual yesterday. All it did was help Joy a whole lot, which has to be the opposite of what he wanted. She gained almost 2K subs yesterday and today has already gotten twice as many views as usual.