File: 1503953287188.png (826.9 KB, 720x1191, 1503883161363.png)

No. 429934
Last thread:
>>425446Facebook: / Snapchat: mariahmallad
- Admits to ghosting cons/planning to ghost PAX gets in an argument claiming everyone does it, but then deletes the entire post.
- More KBBQ drama unfolds as Moo claims she made the neck piece to her new cosplay, with anons uncovering it was indeed KBBQ who is just doing commissions for her as far as we know.
- Based farmer rips into moo for lying, being deceitful overall, inciting others on her fb/twitter to do so.
- Anon starts tumblr to showcase all of Moo's shitty behavior: Cue standard chimping out, underwear photos and sappy rants to hide her butthurt, complete with 'leaked?' nudes on reddit.
- Joy as many other people off anon call her out in various ways
Please: KEEP THE THREAD ABOUT MOOMOO. That means no Vamp, no SSS, no tenleid, no other cosplayers, no fit/weight/pet animal/etc. topics unless it's directly relevant to Mariah and her chronicles. Don't derail and don't reply to bait! No Muslim arguements please.
The basics:
>body positive, but photoshops her body and wears shapewear/corsets constantly, resorted to getting liposuction>Proven through twitteraudit that she has bought at least 20k followers.>laughably bad at making cosplays – if she's told they're bad, she falls back on her Mei costume and makes excuses for why she couldn't wear the new cosplay>spends very little time and effort on each costume and then claims her money is "hard-earned">claims she cosplays because she's passionate about the characters and the hobby, but is only in it for the money>does monthly "boudoir"/half-naked shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame>has to beg for money, con passes, etc. despite making over $10k per month on Patreon>known to spend chunks of her Patreon income on fancy vacations, alcohol, drugs and treating her friends while simultaneously half-assing all her cosplays>pretends to have played/know about the series she cosplays from, despite evidence proving otherwise>loiters around at booths during cons, pretending to have been invited as a guest>lewded a dragon loli after people told her not to and massively backpedaled after she couldn't just laugh off the backlash>had a major fallout with her boytoy KBBQ bc he didn’t want to fuck her, according to numerous rumors she threatened KBBQ with something that made him quit all social media in a second.>constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that’s happening to her when she’s done the same>goes off on social media tirades and then immediately back pedals No. 429940
>>429733I totally agree with you, and I'm in the middle of writing up some new posts right now. As said in another post I can only really sit down and do this when I have a free hour or two. Unlike Moo I have an actual job, and other IRL responsibilities I have to tend to.
Sadly the blog is a main blog, so I can't add contributors to it. But anyone can submit posts of their own/ send asks with info it. If you don't want your name attached to a post just make it VERY CLEAR in the post and I can resubmit it as a normal post. I don't care who ya'll are (I mean this in a very loving way ofc) so its not like I'll out you or anything.
Also Mariah has done a lot of shitty things in the last two years, and I want the posts to be as coherent and comprehensive as possible. But there's just so. much. shit. Ty to all the anons that dumped older screenshots but just dredging through some of the threads I already have is mind numbing.
No. 429943
File: 1503954356686.png (325.26 KB, 463x559, dodododo.png)

I wonder if the Milky Kween herself will see this. Hey Moo!
No. 429944
>>429938Please shut up no one cares. Living in Vegas doesn't count as being close to Mariah btw.
Back to topic, I thought vamplette was her DVA why is she asking random people online if they will be DVa instead? Her Instagram story she was asking for a dva cosplayer to message her who is going to PAX and blizzcon.
No. 429954
>>429687i think it's ok, but the tried to pack a gigantic plot into a few episodes and didn't work out of course.
i think they did ok with higurashi, for example, since it had way more episodes
sage for anime rant
No. 429971
File: 1503960266796.jpg (195.83 KB, 640x960, tmp_31065-20170828_16101719063…)

Her fupa, the hole, the uneveness of her cosplay, her bra sticking out, the horribly cut bangs and the usual hotel room background..she sure is a professional!
No. 429983
File: 1503962627962.png (705.84 KB, 720x1014, Screenshot_2017-08-28-16-19-33…)

One of her white knights said the dot scars were stretch marks
No. 429985
File: 1503963327441.png (870.22 KB, 720x1041, Screenshot_2017-08-28-16-27-18…)

Why doesn't she keep her hands to herself?
No. 429992
>>429983jesus. was the pic on the left pre or post lipo? can't make out any dots on mobile.
either way, holy fuck, the difference. wake up mariah - lipo is not going to fix you.
No. 429993
>>429992The left photo is pre-op, I beleive it's from when she still lived at home and was the first time she wore the samus bikini. She was a lot thinner then though, still chubby.
It really is crazy how much she has messed her body up trying to use lipo as a quick fix. She looks like a big clump of half molded clay. So bumpy, lumpy, and disproportional. Losing weight naturally might semi fix things and make her look less weird, but at this point she'd have a lot of lose skin if her flappy post lipo stomach skin rolls are anything to go by.
No. 429994
>>429992Different anon
It's sometime last year vs this year I believe
No. 429998
>>429985Yep. She can grope all the asses and tits she wants, but if you do much as even touch her without her permission she will "lay your ass out". Such a hypocritical cunt.
>>429983Wow. Her dipshit fans will do anything to not admit she is a fat bloated whale. She is well past "thicc" or "chubby". She is just plain obese at this point.
No. 430005
File: 1503965777833.png (984.25 KB, 720x1280, 1502498769118[1].png)

the way her face is super stretched from the tape in her mememe pics just really bugs me. it looks like she can't even speak properly
No. 430022
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No. 430024
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>still using the same shapers that makes you look boxy
No. 430033
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No. 430035
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No. 430036
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No. 430040
>>430036>>430035I'm questioning the validity of her "reduction" story and am starting to think her underbreast scars are implants. She's almost flat-chested in these photos and docs don't reduce down to flat unless medically necessary (ie cancer). If this was pre-reduction, what was there to even reduce?
Sage for OT and speculation
No. 430042
>>429705>>429708PAX can definitely kick out anyone trying to get into badged areas without a badge or any property they've contracted to rent for that weekend.
However, ghosting is not "illegal". If moo shares a badge with another person, they can both be kicked out (sometimes banned) and badge removed. That isn't illegal, but it is a breach of contract agreement the badge purchaser made when buying it. Now, if she's peddling her paid patreon without a permit/permission, then that is illegal, but the extent depends on each city.
No. 430045
>>430044That's a stretch.
>>430022How long before a boohoo post after this sad attempt at laughing off people are onto her?
No. 430046
>>429934What does "ghosting a con" mean? Sorry: I'm not a cosplayer, just a simple woman with a calcium deficiency.
sage for retard
No. 430051
>>430047>>430048Thanks, friendly anons. Not only does she not have "connections," but I guess she doesn't have the money, either. /s
Unbelievable, really.
No. 430052
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No. 430053
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Already messing up the paint job
No. 430075
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No. 430079
>>430075Oh my god those look terrible, the paint job…
Also I get why she did the "weathered" look with her Cindy cosplay, even though it excessive it made enough sense. But I feel like here she's just using it as an excuse to get away with a sloppy job and attempt cover up how bad these boots really look. Because it doesn't make sense that the boots are weathered, even if she's gonna do the same to the suit, which lmao I doubt.
No. 430090
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>>430053lmfao nice hair momo
No. 430093
>>430090Professional cosplayer, my dude!
PAX Anons, be sure to get lots of candids for us!
No. 430096
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What are garbage bags
No. 430098
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No. 430103
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I'll try to be more active on this one since I might have more free time than tumblranon, send drama summaries and receipts my way
No. 430126
>>429938>>430056Jesus just dish something instead of trying to "scare her". The only thing you're doing is fucking it up for everyone because she'll start going psycho on all of her friends. Offer concrete milk or shut up. For all we know you might be just one-time acquaintances or full of shit and baiting us.
>>430063Because she attends two conventions in a month and doesn't take her time to craft her costumes with patience, it always has to be some shitty new cosplay for every convention that she can lewd for patreon bucks.
No. 430136
>>430127Uhhhhhhh have you ever made a prop in your life
Painting is always the last step
No. 430143
>>430138That's preference though - many pros wait until the last minute
Stop grasping at straws
No. 430152
>>430144Me too lmao
Am I the only one to find these boots cute?
The base is well done, I know she didn't make it
She's doing her best anyway imho
No. 430160
>>430152Actually I don't think those boots suck either. The weathering is better done this time too.
But it's certainly not on a professional cosplayer level.
If she would be someone just doing it for fun I would say good job but it's mono we are speaking of.
Also her normal Mei shoes looked okay in the beginning too - but then they broke down and looked like crap lol
No. 430161
>>430160They look good because she has a really good base to work with. She hasn't done anything besides cut some shapes, paint, and glue some stuff together. She is doing literally child's work.
And hunty her original boots never looked good what are you on! lmao
No. 430171
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Second off, her dumbass used a color correcting shampoo on her hair and now it's purple and it's hilarious. Would say aww poor her but when bad things happen to bad people I just sip my tea.
No. 430172
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Thirdly, I really wish these two would stop being so passive aggressive and just come out and catfight lol. At first I felt bad for Steff but they're both just as bad haha. This post was made the same time people were calling Moomoo out for the kbbq stuff.
No. 430181
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No. 430182
File: 1504013573091.webm (533.69 KB, 180x320, h1HolvKkNP-hr3Cb.webm)
God she is so fucking annoying.
No. 430183
File: 1504013738840.jpg (169.06 KB, 900x1200, DIY5OKYUEAALoTc.jpg)

This looks like absolute shit.
No. 430190
>>430183Ugh that big glob of hot glue upsets me so much. The part where the foams don't meet. But mostly those globs of glue. You can see she just got - I don't know the name of them - the little handles, held them down, then covered it with the black velcro and it's not even even. What the hell?
What I really don't understand is why she weathered her props at all? Looking at Beekeeper Mei, her equipment looks pretty new/clean/shiny. Why is the intentionally making it look shitty and dirty?
No. 430204
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gg moomoo
No. 430223
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This is great.someone had to have trolled her into this
No. 430225
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Seeing how splotchy her hair job is, intentional root showing or not
No. 430231
>>430225Her hair is so fried that it looks like dog fur now. She probably blowdries her hair without a heat protectant too.
>>430226I think it's a bit of both someone trolling her and that she's stupid.
No. 430237
>>430234What she MEANT to buy was Loreal's Shimmer Lights. It's color correction based on the color wheel. The purple counters yellow and neutralizes it.
She also didn't add conditioner to it which would halter some color.
No. 430239
>>430237She probably left it on for too long, there's no way in hell purple shampoo is gonna turn your hair purple unless you let it sit for too long. So, I just looked this up and this is kind of like a dye, it's not meant to tone your hair, she's a dumb ass. The review pics on amazon literally show purple hair results. It's a COLOR WASH.
>>430237She should've just bought actual toner instead of attempting to use a dye lmao FFS, she didn't even bother reading the bottle either
No. 430248
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Foam harness
No. 430260
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No. 430266
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No. 430282
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No. 430298
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Either she is showing off her "friends" badges or she is going
No. 430327
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>>430273She needs to STOP, no ones hair can take this sort of damage and I will bet good money that she has never deep conditioned or anything like that.
No. 430339
>>430336A narcissist like Moo will never admit she is wrong. As far as she is concerned, this place is nothing but a bunch of friendless losers and virgins who are getting together to hate her for no reason at all. Because they are sad and pathetic that no one loves them and they are jealous of everything she has.
She'll lurk because she is an insecure cow who needs to know what everyone is saying about her, but there is no way in hell she will ever internalize what is said about her here to make herself better.
No. 430341
>>430266Did she fuck up trying to tone her greige?
Not for nothing, it can be extra easy to fuck up if you fail to stand test and/or leave that shit on too long.
Coconut oil and pert, bb. Back to normal probably in a week.
No. 430343
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What about Moana
No. 430348
>>430343I'm 5000% sure at this point that she just bought that commission for the prestige of wasting money on the same joker that makes her "mommy's" crappy armor designs. Moo has no chance in hell of cosplaying that unless she get serious about commissions (as in not just doing it as cheaply as possible.)
Plus her splashing cash on him made him use her as an "inspiration" for a very shitty-looking portrait in a game, so the commission was a win-win for our moo-moo.
No. 430351
>>430327Oh my god people who USED THE PRODUCT BEFORE commented on her post saying it would be out in a couple washes and then she goes and does this???
She is literally the stupidest fucking person alive
No. 430357
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Girl stop
No. 430358
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No. 430365
>>430170so he made the belt? the very one she said one thousand times "dude i made this"? and which looked really strange to be something from her since her shit looks like, well shit
>>430183 as seen here. i thought it was vamp who made it but could be him too.
No. 430368
>>430357skylardidit: How do you want your hair fam?
mo mo: Just moo fam
Translator note: Moo means "just fuck my shit up"
No. 430370
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There are a number of cosplayers that have purple hair at the moment so maybe it's an individuality thing for her. Because she's such a unique snowflake she can't be 100% like all the girls she copies or it'll be too obvious all she's (barely)good at is cheap and rushed mimicry of real professionals
No. 430384
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No. 430389
File: 1504047974701.jpg (29.17 KB, 617x289, 564654564.jpg)

daddy came to rescue her
No. 430393
>>430384God what a dumbass. Mesh is also a lot cheaper to use and can save you a lot of time. This is gonna be fucking great to see this train wreck!
>>430389Such a fucking cuck
No. 430406
>>430384Like I said, complete fucking narcissist. She refuses anyone's help or opinion and is always looking to clap back.
>>430389What a fucking asshole. Nice to know he and Moomoo use the same high school level "Your parents obviously never loved you" insults when attempting to roast people. What is it with these beta chucks thinking that if they defend Moo's honor enough that she might maybe want to fuck them? It's so god damn pathetic.
No. 430411
>>430406I'm actually glad she refuses to take advice this time. She's obviously trying to prove that she's capable of coming up with good cosplay construction ideas on her own.Maybe she's hoping someone will beg her for a tutorial or something.
It's gonna taste so sweet to see her train wreck cosplay when it's all put together, I can't wait. And if you're reading it, try to prove us wrong, Moo, please. Show us how great your ideas are. Hahaha.
No. 430446
>>430359Has she… not seen a beekeepers protective gear?
Coz, spoiler alert, that wrap around the face is mesh.
No. 430451
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Antares was making Chin Li for Moo when she came over and watched Umineko
No. 430453
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>>430451*Chun Li. Moos "bun convers"
No. 430454
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No. 430458
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No. 430461
>>430459Yknow how your hair usually looks extra nice and silky after going to the salon coz they use the good shit?
Her hair still looks like straw. Can't wait to see it after a week.
No. 430462
>>430459now it looks kinda brown/grey
geez she was up at 5am doing her hair
No. 430467
>>430453Cheap satin makes me reeeee.
There are so many other options that will not look like cheap costume shit.
No. 430470
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>>430267Look closely at her side, anon. There lies your answer. It's hair.
No. 430478
File: 1504066139116.png (1.04 MB, 716x1145, Screenshot_2017-08-29-21-06-35…)

I'm laughing so hard.
No. 430479
>>430478Too bad she doesn't make anything and instead commissions other cosplayers and doesn't even bother really shelfing them out to her audience. She gets shit commissioned and makes one notification post about who made it, IF she credits them, and thats that with them. It grinds my gears how that gets HER fucking attention, but the good cosplayers that she commissions from and who have good artistic talents and can sew get not even a 1/8th of her audience acknowledgment.
/sage for my apples being salted
No. 430485
File: 1504068406806.png (193.12 KB, 736x1029, IMG_4645.PNG)

>>430459This was when she first got it greyed….wearing her own clothing label stuff lol
No. 430487
>>429934This might just be reaching but i know her ex Maroon cosplay has a thing for silver hair
I can't show screenshots without exposing myself but he asked me to dye my hair that color cause he was into it
Which is why i thought it was so weird she was so stubborn about having silver hair
No. 430490
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>>430478Seperated at birth!
No. 430499
>>430459>>430485I like this color and style on her.
Then again, I'm comparing this to the trainwreck that her hair has been recently, including the rat's nest in OP.
No need to be critical of the obvious straw texture. Her hair was already FUBAR from the past bleaching jobs, so dying it some stupid ass quirky color again would've made it worse. The only real way to begin the recovery process is to dye the hair back to a darker color, as it was naturally, and grow out the virgin hair hoping that the root contrast won't be glaringly obvious as it would have been had she opted for bleached blonde or ~le quirky cospuray gurl~ color hair again.
Toner purple hair is the living nightmare sent to punish Moo for her hubris.
No. 430501
>>430490You're awesome, anon.
>>430487Who fucking cares if she knows who you are, stop being a coward. It's Moomoo. It'll make
her look like a bully if she attacks you.
No. 430511
File: 1504077539497.png (1.31 MB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2017-08-30-00-17-25…)

Its 12 am and she's having boba
No. 430515
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>>430091Did you just have an aneurysm or something?
No. 430517
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she credited kbbq kek
No. 430519
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now edited to David Han
No. 430520
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No. 430522
>>430511What kind of ghetto ass place in LA serves boba past midnight, donut shops???
Have fun digesting over 60 grams of sugar in your stomach late at night you cow you're well on your way to get diabetes
No. 430523
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No. 430524
File: 1504081104191.jpg (4.51 MB, 676x18429, tmp_7257-20170830_021414103337…)

moomoo being salty after someone commented she outsources everything
No. 430525
>>430512>>430513>>430514Top kek. Thought this might have happened due to her not understanding what people meant by purple toning shampoo, but by god here we are. Thank you for these receipts.
What a crack head, wanting to make such a big fucking deal out of this. If she had just let it fade almost no one probably would have said much aside from lolcow.
I think she didn't end up liking it or something and maybe because of that she thought others wouldn't either and that they wouldn't be all that harsh on her if she claimed it was an accident.
No. 430527
>>430511This seems like a nitpick. Is it really any different than most sad bitches who stay awake at night tongue bangin a pint of ice cream?
>inb4 I get jumped on cause I don't think a midnight boba is going to tip the scale in comparison to the factors that are far more influential in driving Moo to her current weight ie. lack of exercise, personality issues, and lipo as a fix-all to the formerPls don't rattle at me.
No. 430529
File: 1504084344155.png (397.7 KB, 730x821, klklk.png)

searching hash tags on insta to see if she is the first cosplay of something is rly pathetic imo
No. 430530
File: 1504084705484.jpg (508.77 KB, 660x660, Momokun_Velma_15.jpg)

No. 430533
>>430532Momo will be in NO WAY better, because doodledonut actually looks like she's wearing beekeeping attired.
Not a body suit and shitty put together foam ""armour""
No. 430539
File: 1504090759237.jpg (712.02 KB, 1080x1671, originaldesigndonutsteal.jpg)

Looks a bit familiar…
No. 430544
File: 1504093068369.png (552.27 KB, 812x596, swimsuit mei.PNG)

>>430539>>430540momo actually properly credited her swimsuit when she first posted it and admitted it was inspired by rian synnth
No. 430547
>>430544I forgot to post it on my laptop, but yeah, I looked into it and saw that Rian got it commissioned first. Then I take back my statement about someone doing the same design as Moo. Kinda sucks Rian didn't get as much attention for hers though :(
And I just realized that she's the holiday Dva in moo's Christmas shoot. She's so pretty and I'm following now. She's got a lotta good cosplays, and she looks great in them.
Sage for OT
No. 430556
>>430539Honesly, moos design is nicer. The swirly bits on the bottom piece look really messy.
Saging since the girls OT
No. 430559
>>430524So pathetic that she always feels the need to clap back at everyone like this. It also explains why all those cosplays look like a rushed mess since as usual, she tried to finish them last minute in the hotel room of the con she was attending.
The reason you feel the need to "indulge" Moomoo, is because you're an insecure cow who can't handle everyone not kissing your ass.
No. 430564
File: 1504098811674.png (417.1 KB, 540x960, 21268659_10209940320496068_152…)

from her instastory 1/3
No. 430565
File: 1504098845872.png (404.12 KB, 540x960, 21244667_10209940320416066_131…)

from her instastory 2/3
No. 430566
File: 1504098868741.png (477.01 KB, 540x960, 21244461_10209940320136059_304…)

from her instastory 3/3
No. 430575
>>430564>>430565>>430566What a fucking cunt. Why is she acting like it's so fucking hard to just credit people who do work for her? It's so obvious that she wants to be seen as this "super amazing cosplay craftswoman who makes all these amazing builds", like how her "cosplay mom". Nigri is thought of. But the problem is that she is complete dogshit at it. She is literally incapable of making anything that doesn't completely fall apart after a single use. Case in point: her Camilla. It was so bad that it was practically falling apart an hour after she wore it to the con and she had to stop wearing it, hence why she since settled on doing a shitty, low-effort kimono version instead now. It's why anything she wears that looks remotely good like Ana and Mei is because she largely didn't make any of it, which is why she tries so hard to lowkey take credit for them.
It's obviously clear that the "haters" get to her, hence the bitchy passive aggressive "See?! I'm totally crediting my PAX cosplays this time, since you guys will find anything to bitch at me for!" rant. No Moomoo, the reason you get so much shit is because you're a shitty person who tries to take credit for work that isn't yours.
No. 430602
>>430591Sage goes in the email field.
/sage for OT
No. 430607
File: 1504106463737.png (173.23 KB, 1242x1531, IMG_0101.PNG)

Came across this on my feed today.
No. 430611
>>430605At the end of the day she still cares. Her fans sure don't because most them are just waiting for her to start doing nudes, so they'll say whatever nice, supportive compliments until she does. Essentially trying to friendship neirbway into some pussy.
She has some quite frankly, breathtaking self-image issues. She wants to feel like she isn't just a whore who takes her clothes off for guys to jack off to, so she tries deluding herself into thinking that she has actual, tangible skills. That she is a creative, talented artist who can build something from nothing. Except she can't, she has demonstrably proven that she is just god awful at it, literally incapable of building something that won't fall apart in an hour. So she instead tries to lowkey take credit for work that looks way better than hers that she knows she didn't build so that she can feel like she isn't just a whore who has no other skills than just lying on her back with some guy grabbing at her tits and fingering her.
Which is why it stings extra hard for her when she gets accused of being a fraud, because she knows it's true. It's why she fights back extra hard against it and tries to prove everyone wrong. It's the reason for the constant emotional break downs and rants at 3am. Because slowly but surely, it's all getting to her and she can't run from the truth anymore. She can't lie about building props anymore without getting called out for it. She can't lie to herself about her appearance and her "body positive" bullshit since everyone knows she got lipo done. She can't lie about being "such a good person" since we know she has made an enemy of practically everyone in the cosplay community and even scared some off for daring to not wanting to be in a relationship with her.
It's all coming crashing down around her and she is getting desperate. Get your popcorn ready folks because it's only going to get more fun to watch from now on.
No. 430613
>>430607>>430608please color code each person next time anon, but thanks for the milk.
this guy totally gets it.
No. 430615
File: 1504107589564.png (52.78 KB, 750x634, IMG_2466.PNG)

Jfc is right. Why can't you be a professional for two seconds and stop salt posting about all your "haturz". You pretend to not care and that it doesn't get to you, but you're constantly complaining about it.
No. 430619
>>430615No Moomoo, it's:
Me: "Tries to take credit for others people work by not crediting original artist"
People: "Fuck you!"
Jesus christ are you so far up your own pancake ass that you can't see how this is all your own fucking fault? No one is just making shit up to hate you. It's all shit you have done and have refused to own up to or apologize for.
No. 430621
File: 1504108188972.png (935.56 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2017-08-30-08-48-08…)

Is this…done?
No. 430630
Also notice that her worst cosplays are the ones she actually has made. She always screams out that she's all about positivity and a positive force within the community but she cannot even give credit. The reason why people hold her to a higher standard is because she is well known and she has to understand that everyone will be watching what she does. She isn't the only cosplayer to get called out for not giving credit either. She needs to quit playing victim and grow some figurative balls. No one hates on you for breathing but what you choose to do with every breath you take (doxxing people, stealing credit, making excuses, calling people out). You use your power and influence to drive out people you don't like from what is supposed to be a friendly community. She tries so hard to claim that kbbq didn't leave cosplay because of her but when you look at things from his shoes (having constant vague posts being made by you and calling you out to mutual friends on social media) wouldn't that make anyone want to quit???
Moomoo seems to have a hard time grasping the fact that her "haturz" did not appear overnight. It is all a cumulative result of her being a shitty person. She has not been giving people credit for a while. There are a few photographers who have claimed before all of this that she has not given them credit for their photos even though they took the time to contact her about it. She has not even given credit to the people who made her Mei jacket. All of this could be stopped if she could just own up to it all and actually do a sincere apology instead of "I'm sorry for xxxx but xxxx does this too."
This isn't just about giving credit. It is about her using people and their work to look like something she is not. Even her followers do not give a fuck whether or not she can make anything. They just want to see her go full nude and do porn already.
No. 430631
File: 1504109502389.png (212.81 KB, 625x429, Untitled-1.png)

>>430040No, those pics are definitely post-reduction. This is what she looked like at 12. It definitely looks uncomfortable, but I still can't approve of having breast surgery of any kind so young.
No. 430636
>>430529And this is why cosplay is trash now. We got insta and Patreon hos demanding neckbeard money while going 'I'M FIRST. I'M THIS CHARACTER. ME'
I hate this hobby now. Moo is one of the worst out there.
No. 430643
>>430636Sage for blog post, but anon, I get where you're coming from. I got so frustrated with seeing how all the thots in this hobby are changing cosplay for the worse that I nearly quit. Take some time away from social media and these forums, focus on what you love about cosplay, and try to reconnect with it. Don't give people like Moo
the power to ruin something you enjoy.
No. 430651
>>430643not that anon but i actually quit, not just cause people like moo, but cause of toxic people in my fandom. people like moo and nigri always bothered me before, but were far away enough it didn't get to me, but my fandom comm had a toxic girl similar to moo in it that basically bullied me out, and it's hard when these people are pushing themselves into your local areas. that said, i do miss cosplay and have considered getting back into it just for photos since i had a pretty good following.
point is that while moo may not ruin it for you personally, she brings in people like her closer to home that can really affect you.
No. 430652
>>430636 Holy shit, how did I miss that. Like what the fuck is wrong with her? It's not enough for her to cosplay the character, she also has to be like "Oh I'm so special! I did it first so it makes me better! Fuck everyone else!" Just go fhvk yourself Moomoo. It's selfish bitches like you that are ruining cosplay.
>>430642Seriously, all of her "apologies" have been her making excuses and trying to drag everyone else down to her level so she doesn't look as bad.
No. 430653
>>430649it would at the very least be astep up from what she does now. the issue doesn't lie in if she means it or is just doing it to save face, it's how she's doing it. she does the same shit over and over again.
>gets caught and called out>tries to make excuses>gets mad and says "well so and so does the same thing">deletes post>bawws about working hard>posts some half-assed 'apology' bawwing again and trying to rope others's always like that, it was like that when she finally claimed she was doing porn, trying to claim everyone does it. she did that with the ghosting shit, she's done it with the crediting shit, with the lewding the loli shit.
at this point her saying, "yeah, i fucked up sorry, you're right" would be a breath of fresh air, but she won't do that, she'd say "yea, i fucked up, but everyone's human, everyone fucks up", displacing her personal responsibility like always.
if we could get her to even just appear to be really apologizing without the excuses or sharing the blame, then i'm sure most of us would be happy.
No. 430686
File: 1504115746713.png (561.89 KB, 720x972, Screenshot_2017-08-30-10-53-23…)

I can tell this will be inaccurate as fuck. The collar, no petals on the sleeves….wanna bet Moo pushed this on her at the last minute?
No. 430688
File: 1504116196894.jpg (74.23 KB, 1440x1382, FB_IMG_1504115876987.jpg)

Saw this on fb
No. 430695
>>430690Because Deku is the main character underdog who wants to be the #1 hero and basically gets the best power
And Mariah sees herself as the center of attention (main character)
She thinks she is an underdog rising to the top of the cosplay world (all cause she is actually super fucking shitty)
And she thinks she's the coolest thing on this planet
Maybe she is delusional and thinks Jnig will "pass down" the title of cosplay queen like All might have Deku One for All
Who knows
I just think she is a delusional cow who paints herself in this "main character" "innocent" role
No. 430699
>>430695Shockingly, that does all add up. She's deluded herself into thinking that she is this sweet, innocent no name underdog who will reach the top of the cosplay world through hard work and dedication, and that her "cosplay mama" Nigri will pass down all her secrets to her and make her the new "queen of cosplay".
When really she is like Kachan, a bully who pushes around anyone who is weaker than her and can't stand the thought of someone being better than her and constantly blows up at everyone on social media the second someone says something that upsets her.
No. 430700
File: 1504118343612.png (1.08 MB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2017-08-30-08-47-35…)

No. 430710
>>430630>I'm a positive person! >I'm trying to be positive!>Don't be a hater my dude, I'm trying to live life and be positive!Or she could actually be a positive force in the community, but that requires self-control and discipline
Look at the new instastory posted 5 hours before this. Those were put up 2 hours before posted on here. 4-5 am. Who the fuck is up at 4-5 am on Wednesday that isn't working an actual job? Who the fuck is even thinking about "haters" hating on her for just breathing?
No. 430711
File: 1504119508718.png (813.08 KB, 720x1149, Screenshot_2017-08-30-11-56-22…)

>>430706>>430702Nuh this was just a show off post. Also cardboard wings
No. 430713
File: 1504119551303.png (774.17 KB, 1440x2120, Screenshot_20170830-135559~2.p…)

Wasn't she tweeting like a week ago to respect people's pronouns? Such disrespect.
No. 430716
File: 1504119733900.png (179.66 KB, 720x946, Screenshot_2017-08-30-11-59-21…)

Response to her Beekeeper Mei pack 1/3
No. 430717
File: 1504119866570.png (306.5 KB, 720x930, Screenshot_2017-08-30-11-59-29…)

>>4307162/3 Vamp chimping out instead of countering with a mature response. We all know she didnt make jack shit but of course her head dick suck committee come to laugh
No. 430724
>>430717Why the fuck is this retard actually acting like because it was made quickly that it somehow absolves her of any criticism? The very fact that it was made in such a short amount of time is exactly why it looks so shitty and hastily made.
How about you shut the fuck up and get Momo's cock out your mouth and just hang back like the hatchet faced, blood sucking leech everyone knows you are. Can't believe people actually defend that dipshit here.
No. 430738
File: 1504120913260.png (74.83 KB, 724x599, IMG_0698.PNG)

>>430718God she has middle schoolers making fan accounts for her now.
No. 430743
>>430713pronouns are a fucking meme anyways. these idiot fat fakebois always look as girly as possible as 'rebellion' since 'they identify as boys'.
>cosplaying a chinese girl>looks like a girl>obvious tits/not binding in other photos.nah its a girl.
No. 430744
File: 1504121509846.png (157.05 KB, 720x921, Screenshot_2017-08-30-12-30-20…)

This post gave me autism
No. 430751
>>430744Oh wow Mariah you're a real cosplayer because you made 10% of your cosplay yourself. You must be proud. Sucks you didn't make the gun, the suit, the neck piece, the gloves, and the boots. Congrats on spending 2 days on making a belt that looks like shit.
>>430717Let me get this straight
>makes 15k a month>does not have a job outside of cosplay "work">does not even work out anymore>sleeps at 4am>has enough cosplay "connections" to commission or ask for tipsAnd you mean to tell me that you did not start on this "big build" of yours until a week before the con????? Mooriah your last "big build" was your shitty Yoko and any monkey with a sewing machine could have made that in a week tops!! How did you not have the time to start on a skin you were sooooo excited about???? You've had 3-4 months to make it and you didn't even have to make all of it at once.
I hate people who justify their shit work with "I didn't have enough time guyz." If you knew you didn't have enough time you could have started earlier instead of sucking dick and drinking. Having no time is not an excuse especially for someone who calls herself famous and believes herself to be the next Jnig. Many less known cosplayers I know have made cleaner builds in a shorter timespan.
The worst part is "rushing it" is always her usual excuse and response to comments like these. You've been cosplaying for almost 2 years now you fucking cow. You should know better by now if that's your consistent reason for your garbage skills.
Also don't talk all high and mighty moochlette. You have only slightly better skills than Moo and that's not saying much. Be a good pet and stfu
Sage for pissed off rant
No. 430755
>>430753Why is Vamp so mad if she didn't help with this costume? Her work isn't being insulted?
I'd like to see Mariah put half the effort she does with lipo and food into exercise and crafting. I'm excited to see the finished bee helmet. I don't cosplay but her materials make it sound heavy. No mesh and more weight?
No. 430768
File: 1504124343958.jpg (182.48 KB, 1438x745, tmp_16871-Screenshot_20170830-…)

No. 430769
>>430755Because they are friends and Vamp is a decent gal.
I highly doubt Vamp helps Momo with her cosplay because the quality of the former's work is vastly superior. Momo's been improving in recent months though so it seems either the experience is paying off or Vamp is giving her tips.
Let's hope Momo's Menat cosplay will continue the trend
No. 430770
File: 1504124502563.jpg (65.17 KB, 960x640, tmp_18318-FB_IMG_1504124396020…)

the image Facebook removed from momokun after someone reported it. Not sure if it was posted or not
No. 430774
>>430771Just as bad as momo in what way? Vamp seems to stay away from drama for the most part.
Her twerk videos are kinda trashy and a ripoff for 75/mo but its not as bad as some of the stuff rampant on patreon and the community in general (buttplug vids come to mind, uhg)
No. 430784
File: 1504126084143.jpg (44.93 KB, 592x433, fghjkö.JPG)

I am speechless
No. 430788
File: 1504126466266.jpg (60.43 KB, 809x438, ertzui.JPG)

Here's the person who made the criticism about moomoo's shitty armor. She actually relpied to me on fb claiming that vamp never helped her. I am crying
No. 430795
File: 1504126778616.jpg (18.35 KB, 202x236, SDFGHJK.JPG)

I'm sorry I won't make this mistake again anyway here is her reply.
I am just so tired and dealing with moo and vamp that my head is not functioning enough
No. 430796
File: 1504126788979.jpg (254.21 KB, 768x1024, Untitled1.jpg)

Summeriah '17
No. 430802
>>430713Fucking snowflakes. Identifies as boy but presents herself as a girl? I wouldn't change the pronoun.
>>430744Vamplette held at gunpoint
>>430796Drawanon has returned to us. Praise
No. 430803
File: 1504127307065.gif (663.47 KB, 480x324, 1490222035913.gif)

>>430784Way to show your true colors Vamps, now get back in the trash with Mariah
>>430795Except it is the truth you cow, people here post actual screen caps and expose your lies all the time.
Momo is so delusional jesus fucking christ
the face is on point
No. 430815
>>430809No, she knows of her shitty behavior and she checks lolcow pretty regularly. There's a reason why we have a no cow tipping rule.
>>430804You just leave it alone.
No. 430821
>>430524She looks pretty cute in that Bulma cosplay.
Damn shame that she let herself go
No. 430832
>>430784WHY IS SHE TELLING THAT A 17 YEAR OLD HIGH SCHOOLER?? Who the fuck does she think she is??
Costhots like them are a bad influence to teens by spilling bullshit like that. No Vamp, you aren't automatically a good cosplayer if you show ass and tiddie. NEXT.
No. 430837
File: 1504131266234.png (44.6 KB, 590x460, can't work during the week for…)

No. 430862
File: 1504135017942.png (1.07 MB, 720x1015, fuckupmoomoo.png)

Guys, let's stay on topic.
Global rules is no cow tipping.
Mods have warned us officially - please stop derailing the thread.
No. 430899
File: 1504141006292.png (1.04 MB, 720x849, Screenshot_2017-08-30-17-49-54…)

No. 430921
File: 1504145029077.png (920.32 KB, 720x1178, Screenshot_2017-08-30-19-01-23…)

No. 430927
File: 1504147828535.png (208.65 KB, 720x942, Screenshot_2017-08-30-19-47-45…)

No. 430929
File: 1504147998823.png (692.29 KB, 720x1048, Screenshot_2017-08-30-19-51-59…)

No. 430930
>>430929I honestly wonder how wide her shoulders are with the puff of the sleeves included.
She looks like a damn linebacker.
No. 430953
>>430841How about the photo like 5+ threads ago an anon took in the airport where she has LOLCOW OPEN ON HER PHONE
Stop being a nuisance.
No. 430959
File: 1504153356872.png (1.01 MB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2017-08-30-21-21-00…)

No. 430960
File: 1504153411209.png (1.11 MB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-08-30-21-20-57…)

By fuck it up did she mean fuck this up?
No. 430965
>>430962do you not have eyes
>>430959learn this lesson, kids. don't rush this shit so last minute
No. 430975
File: 1504159954077.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2720.PNG)

Mariah, this is why your cat got sick, you have it walking around in absolute filth.
No. 430980
>>430976>>430973>>430953Yeah I just went back through all the threads and tried to find a pic of this. There were quite a few candid anon pics of her in an airport, but none of them showed her having lolcow open on her phone, or even her phone at all for that matter.
Not saying she doesn't lurk and post, because she most likely does (it's insanely obvious that she lurks at the very least), but we don't have SOLID proof. I only say that because you've seen how fucking great she is at spinning the truth when there's no physical proof of something. Unless you have actual screenshots and pictures, she'll just claim it's "gossip" and "haters".
No. 430986
>>430796Next thread pic plz,
it's perfect.
No. 430991
>>430564god the passive aggressive "UGGHH I GUESS I'LL POST CREDITS HERE UGHH HERE SMDH MY IG IS FOR MYSELFIES NOT FOR OTHER PEOPLE!!! btw I'm only posting credits because you assholes bitched at me are you bullying cunts happy now" attitude is so fucked up. And an instastory? Only a limited amount of people are going to see this you fat slob and it'll be gone in 24 hours. Just tag them in your WIP photos for fucking shit's sake. And of course she made only around 20% of her Beekeeper Mei and the ones she did are the worst of the whole build.
>>430615I've never fucking seen anyone be this salty about having to credit people for their work. She's like a 13-year old throwing a fit for not getting her way.
>>430653She wouldn't even say that. It would be more like
>I'm sorry I guess??? It was because of these people and it's basically their fault that this happened, but I guess I'm just a shitty person no matter what I do right? In fact, I didn't really even fuck up at all! So stop bitching at me and get a life lmao! No. 430993
>>430713Have to say that these snowflake fakebois need to fucking go with their pronoun policing bullshit. But as usual Moo is an idiot for advocating people to ~respect preferred pronouns~ and then refusing to follow her own advice.
>>430751The "crunching a huge build in a week before the con" meme was actually started by JNig who supposedly magically created huge foam armors in less than 2 weeks to seem like some sort of a cosplay goddess. And people emulated this style of course since they didn't want to be any worse than her. They only didn't take into account that JNig has a fucking team behind her making the costumes (Her bf and other friends), she recycles the same patterns a lot and her work is extremely rushed and looks like hotglued piece of shit up close.
>>430770>That faceThe definition of derp. Also why does she have such heavy contouring for Stocking of all characters?
>>430796Behold - the return of the only drawanon in these theads who knows how to capture Mariah perfectly
>>430837That's basically how moo is reasoning now. "x only made this piece and that piece of the costume, I made all the rest!" without taking into account that "the rest" means around 30% of the whole costume. And her fans gobble it all down.
>>430841Fuck off Mariah.
>>430863She was posting about it on her twitter for fucks sake. Read the first two threads at least before you come here to make us all repeat ourselves for the hundredth time.
No. 430995
>>430975That cat looks scared every time we see it. Now I see why.
>>430921She got her nails done after anons here were talking shit about them over the past few days.
No. 431006
File: 1504184553259.png (90.24 KB, 720x533, Screenshot_2017-08-31-06-01-06…)

No. 431009
File: 1504186534029.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2470.PNG)

She's "rawr I'm a dinosaur I'm so random"ing the fuck out on her insta story freaking out about pax. She's talking like a mile a minute in her likely coke-induced state as always.
All shitting aside tho, her makeup and whole look here really don't look that awful. It's really sad that she only puts effort into her physical appearance like once or twice a month.
No. 431013
>>430717This is making me want to out myself so bad and reply to thia because my S.O and I made our first armor cosplays(both full body) in 10 days leading up to a con. And they hold up still years later.
Meanwhile, what they made looks like total garbage and will likely hold up to that namesake.
No. 431015
File: 1504188047378.png (152.68 KB, 750x998, IMG_2471.PNG)

Wow looks like she finally decided to properly credit this photographer. If she did it on this one and obviously knows there was an issue, why couldn't she go back and credit the other ones the photographer was upset about properly??
No. 431016
File: 1504188301169.png (221.54 KB, 750x1183, IMG_2472.PNG)

Idk if this was pointed out before or not but on the side you can very clearly see a safety pin in her cosplay. She's always bringing this one up when she tries to prove how great she is at cosplay. Why the fuck is she proud of this piece of trash????
No. 431020
File: 1504191434667.png (742.34 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2017-08-31-07-53-46…)

No. 431021
File: 1504191506226.png (1.19 MB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2017-08-31-07-54-45…)

No. 431029
>>431021Seems like the 5 hour color correction was a waste since her hair stylist didn't even bother trying to match her extensions after the correction.
That girl needs to stop doing hair asap.
No. 431038
File: 1504195887548.png (248.94 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-08-31-09-09-25…)

Has nobody posted these yet? I'm sure Moomoo hasn't chimped out because she doesn't visit kiwifarms, seeing as she loves our threads so much. But Justin is circulating these on Facebook.
No. 431044
>>431042>>431043I dunno I haven't seen them. If that's the case I'm still going to leave up the first one that says "girls hate themselves so editing is a must"
Nice body positivity moomoo.
No. 431057
File: 1504200722331.png (679.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170831-100742.png)

back to back to back snap vids about how she's ~~~so excited to meet her fans~~~ get a grip moomoo
No. 431073
File: 1504203841309.jpg (90.74 KB, 710x472, IMG_8094.JPG)

Made by one of her neckbesrd fans. How desperate can you be
No. 431074
File: 1504204091805.png (777.35 KB, 720x1050, Screenshot_2017-08-31-11-26-21…)

Not surprised
No. 431075
File: 1504204273480.png (193.24 KB, 720x914, Screenshot_2017-08-31-11-29-39…)

No. 431076
>>431075"I just dress up as animu characters as my sole source of income while thirsting for efame as #1 THICC cosplayer. Totally not my job or anything, my dudes!"
Oh god I fucking hate her so much.
No. 431078
File: 1504204707839.png (525.24 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170831-100711.png)

i have a friend who's going to PAX and she's gonna try to take unflattering pics with moomoo in her bee Mei, will post results.
No. 431080
>>431075You say you aren't a professional but you parade yourself at cons saying you are??? If you aren't some professional why do you try so hard to protect your image just to look like one?? You even call yourself a businesswoman. She's then going to say "I meant I'm not a "professional" cosplayer my dudes." What are you then?
Classic Moomoo backpedaling.
No. 431082
File: 1504205093955.png (145.79 KB, 720x960, Screenshot_2017-08-31-11-43-40…)

No. 431108
File: 1504211624202.png (78.43 KB, 750x558, IMG_2948.PNG)

>>431075>never said i'm a professional my dudes!!! don't have to moo - you're making a living off of it, so you're by definition a professional. just an incredibly shit one with no aspiration to improve. hope you're putting all that cash in the bank, because when the bubble bursts you will be beyond fucked.
sage for taking a page out of onion's book.
No. 431130
File: 1504216925880.png (12.65 KB, 499x85, crackhead.png)

No. 431139
>>431130I was gonna clean my room until I got high
I was gonna furnish my house but then I got high
My room is still messed up and I know why
'Cause I got high
I was gonna take time on my costume before I got high
I coulda gave people proper credit for it but I got high
I am lewding in a busted ass costume and I know why
'Cause I got high
Because I got high
Because I got high
No. 431143
>>431142Agreed. Edibles are better than smoking, and that's fine that she appreciates a good weed cookie, but she really does just come across like she's trying too hard.
Saging for nitpick.
No. 431144
>>431142ia although i don't really have an issue with coke (it's really common with people i hang out with). whenever lolcow starts going in on drinking/drug use i wonder how many people here really are over 18.
i bet mariah is one of those people who eats a lot when she's stoned though, and probably super obnoxious. those things apply to her when she's sober though.
>>431143moo definitely has that sort of high school "omg WEED!" vibe going on. publicly posting about getting high is pretty tacky for an adult - most other people don't really care or think it's a big deal by the time you're in your 20s.
No. 431150
File: 1504221779435.png (198.22 KB, 720x928, Screenshot_2017-08-31-15-42-20…)

No. 431153
>>431150If I had a dentist who has been working for two years and told me he wasn't a professional I would not go to him.
Moo flip flops like crazy. Her saying she's not a professional is just her way of trying to excuse her shitty craftsmanship and attitude. Grow the fuckup and improve then. You're not improving because you're always making excuses. This is why people hate you.
No. 431167
File: 1504983460187.png (256.94 KB, 365x495, Screenshot 2017-09-06 at 4.53.…)

-Moo decided to go to the con as Chun-li and Beekeeper Mei. Farmers wanted with anticipation as she began her vomit over how great everything is. She is accused of photoshopping her ass again in a Chun-li and "proves" it by turning around and lifting the front of her "skirt". She also bends slightly to show off her shrunken head of a ass.
No. 431169
File: 1504983734510.png (834.62 KB, 720x1192, 954205583f44bcf8a18b065ded2532…)

>>431167Controversy arised in the thread due to her mention of eating edibles and possibly smoking bud in Seattle. She stuffs her face yet again despite ~going to the gym 3 times a week~
Mariah proceeds to meet other costhots and eventually posts a picture of her Beekeeper Mei. It was brought up again and again that she did not make the pieces or she wasn't fully disclosing how many pieces KBBQ made.
No. 431173
File: 1504983871101.png (163.39 KB, 202x479, Screenshot 2017-09-06 at 8.32.…)

>>431169Every photo of Moo was of her holding her stupid ass hat.
She posted about a possibility of how to make the "mesh" part of her mask, received a contributory comment on Twitter and clapped back in retaliation why her idea of clear worbla and spray paint wasn't sufficient.
No. 431174
File: 1504983939686.png (1.1 MB, 640x1136, 352a476329148d652375dd0f6fa142…)

No. 431176
File: 1504983979583.png (665.56 KB, 602x601, 614f0255ff048b8cf25eb45612236c…)

No. 431177
File: 1504984034001.jpg (53.96 KB, 300x100, 0fcf2a7e8b17352f887762ca02534a…)

Anon made header for site
No. 431178
File: 1504984117919.jpg (454.58 KB, 2896x2896, 0e00944ef2a342812e8a4977673a90…)

Cindy pics were posted. Photoshopped to hell
No. 431179
File: 1504984149677.png (978.19 KB, 720x1180, f7fa17f29d86b2ef51447691061798…)

Mei was a bust, visually. Her suit was another RPC Studios shitty zentai and you could see her undergarments through it. Also >dem roollssss
No. 431181
File: 1504984238537.png (25.28 KB, 465x203, 04277cdd40230fb2b75908a3f67a6f…)

No. 431182
File: 1504984283967.png (24.93 KB, 467x232, 29f82c95eaaae2640cbd407f26881c…)

As anon put it: "That's a lot of people working on it just to come out as bad as it did." lmao
No. 431183
File: 1504984406903.png (13.83 KB, 513x108, d9490b16b30732209eb91e08c9005c…)

Two cows collided when Onion came up to Vamps, dressed as Tifa, and asked for a picture. Moo apparently did not know who he was (since she totes does not troll lolcow on the daily) and tries to backpedal when Onion responded
No. 431188
File: 1504984565374.png (1.32 MB, 720x1192, f1f588a09c38d4969745dc1c2be72d…)

Aside from her cosplays, she wears this outfit all days that she is in Seattle.
Also, remember when Moo said she was interviewed by Bandai about the new Dragonball installation and acted like it was an exclusive? She did not. She was interviewed at a con with other people and was given swag as a result. This is where she apparently met Onion beforehand
No. 431189
>>431176I'm pretty sure she held her hat so much because it would not stay on her head.
>>431178Holy shit this shoop is next level lmao
No. 431191
File: 1504984700117.png (293.59 KB, 442x587, Screenshot 2017-09-03 at 6.03.…)

The OP for the google drive uploaded the rest of the sets they had until June. If you want to see her laziness check it out No. 431192
File: 1504984754223.png (16.37 KB, 552x128, e9ed7844cd8578ca6e249dbf6ac915…)

No. 431193
File: 1504984827528.png (84.18 KB, 720x420, cc70391a45a7134b3b797dfa826030…)

New projects that she is possible traveling to Cali for today
No. 431195
File: 1504984923958.png (1.39 MB, 750x1334, c899e2a21fb2ec4905f39143bff178…)

Nigri posts a picture of a mentally and physically disabled fan, Moo needs to also. Her fans proceeded to roast the poor fan. Moo did not take the picture and instead took it from the girl's instagram.
No. 431196
File: 1504984995294.png (715.86 KB, 597x598, 460f223f6a4dc6d6e039a85af53499…)

>>431195Moo scoping out her potential prey
No. 431198
File: 1504985047887.jpg (168.46 KB, 810x1152, 67d93dc24b4c0c5246da075f82965f…)

No. 431199
>>431193I thought she would be doing Umineko?
I would love to see her mess up Beato's wig color like she did with Shion. ~Favorite series~ right, Moo?
No. 431201
>>431199She's had a Etsy containing her totALLY SELF MADE COSPLAYS is one of them. Probably doing Shion cause she's been found out.
No. 431202
>>4311982017 would be a wild ride if Moo ends up part of the trinity.
I know it won't ever happen, but just imagine that crossover
No. 431203
File: 1504985259880.png (70.79 KB, 720x390, 518d67f937aad61a37fbeb4bcd12f2…)

Etika, a popular streamer, took a selfie with ratchet Moo. His fans proceeded to make "smash" comments. Moo seemed disgruntled, despite her fans making even more disgusting comments in her social media.
No. 431204
File: 1504985338402.jpg (43.59 KB, 737x325, 2499e0dec9c3175dad588cb6a948cd…)

Where will she buy it?
No. 431205
File: 1504985362291.png (395.55 KB, 720x877, 577810e41f294179dd8cc0d32e514f…)

>>431204…Spirit of Halloween or Ebay?
No. 431206
File: 1504985498383.png (390.26 KB, 1440x1618, 703ec635b0f5a65ea020b0141f8456…)

S0 r@nDvm Moo decided to purchase her Girugamesh earrings from Etsy and proceeded to make a short Instaclip of her calling her followers "mongrels"…which she always seems to take his character outside of what it really is. But who are we to judge the great master of FSN knowledge.
Also this.
No. 431207
File: 1504985549700.png (84.13 KB, 353x443, da989f6a7940571a71213d48aadb45…)

No. 431208
File: 1504985579201.png (114.39 KB, 720x648, bae1d63823a93a59fcc7f8da9ec199…)

No. 431209
File: 1504985650478.jpg (67.33 KB, 750x447, 8aa94d688becc2067f1853d3e526b0…)

No. 431210
File: 1504985708329.png (1.08 MB, 750x1334, b9edb2e20e1bcddd400ec6600c58a2…)

No photoshop here, keep it moving!
No. 431211
File: 1504985756242.jpg (65.66 KB, 720x540, ca926df6c6354fbe8cad2e99e711a7…)

>>431201I can't wait to see Moo do Beato and try to make faces like her. She's gonna look like a leather bag.
No. 431212
File: 1504985774939.png (22.87 KB, 489x160, 9738da0acee7b51b56240a7fd5c13c…)

Makes a tl;dr about how the haters can do what they want, she does whatever she wants, 10th edition.
No. 431215
File: 1504985841746.jpg (299.02 KB, 750x1103, 550b54ab63099e439bff63d890cb5b…)

original post, also on FB
No. 431216
File: 1504985884374.png (130.12 KB, 720x537, 3eb0a178690bd4bfa90e20252ebd3e…)

chimping out
No. 431222
File: 1504985997313.jpg (158.12 KB, 750x1037, 1ef7d155b10e51602f2ed4a1da2972…)

OP of what anon already posted. Despite a wavy thigh and ass, shooped waist, ITS NOT PHOTOSHOP U JEALOUS HATERS. Squarenoodles is paid to make her thin, but still in denial.
No. 431223
File: 1504986020678.jpg (228.17 KB, 750x1170, a3efe790ad2fe0d36fb52011b94954…)

No. 431225
File: 1504986068369.gif (193.78 KB, 354x400, add670b781022291a8c2d1a78ff9d6…)

lovely gifs anon made
No. 431226
File: 1504986091773.gif (507.01 KB, 476x911, 7cdf2c8b6cca477776aaeebb4371b2…)

No. 431227
File: 1504986156300.png (27.17 KB, 621x260, 25498ac679339617b38026b8f2d70b…)

No. 431228
File: 1504986207087.png (219.88 KB, 720x939, e189d688883b68fa2207b6b4e3b19f…)

No. 431230
File: 1504986234655.png (170.69 KB, 720x930, 7c0888d28b63309d459fd9f55ff26b…)

No. 431231
File: 1504986325684.jpg (95.56 KB, 750x1334, e1ea32ec32dba4308dd241694d13ee…)

Some tea about the Dragon Maid Shoot. Don't forget Moo also told Sabrina to delete the pictures they took together 3 times over social media. She eventually just posted a picture of herself without Moo.
No. 431268
>>431211She can't do facial expressions.
She'll probably look at the camera with those dead fish eyes of hers with her mouth hanging open.
No. 431269
File: 1504992533528.jpg (98.13 KB, 637x736, a wild onion appears.jpg)

Onion replying to one of Moo's tweets, again.
No. 431298
>>431274Wait is she really going to UC ? For this bullshit.
Like I understand that if you see something weird you might freak out but this seriously? It looks like a fucking bug bite.
No. 431314
>>431198onion hates girls who are anywhere near overweight but at the same time she's into MooMoo? the denial is real. greg probably has a bbw fetish or some shit
i doubt momo cares for his attention though
No. 431324
File: 1505007294989.jpg (51.57 KB, 700x380, teenwitch6.jpg)

so my boyfriend pointed out that mariah looks like the brother character from teen witch and i kind of flipped out.
No. 431326
>>431274This whole thing was milking it. She said all the UC s were closed cause weekend (most CA urgent cares are open every day or on Saturday) and she said she wont go to a hospital so she is going to " wait it out"
It was totally just for attention
No. 431330
File: 1505007663527.png (635.85 KB, 720x1037, Capture _2017-09-09-18-37-07-1…)

Saw this on my news feed today
No. 431331
File: 1505007846320.png (56.72 KB, 720x765, Capture _2017-09-09-18-42-50.p…)

>>431330Some of the comments
No. 431333
File: 1505008144346.jpg (323.97 KB, 2896x2896, 20170909_204745.jpg)

No. 431359
File: 1505013632714.png (980.2 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170909-201956.png)

does she EVER take a break?? Also getting major /one of the boys/ vibes from these insta stories
No. 431402
File: 1505025605218.jpg (4.03 KB, 409x52, FB_IMG_1505025513646.jpg)

No. 431407
File: 1505028730514.jpg (1.03 MB, 1080x2509, 20170910_002840.jpg)

>>431182She posted this a week ago on her
Reddit, changing again who made what on her Beekeeper Mei. She needs to learn how to keep her stories straight if she wants to constantly lie about taking credit for work other people did on her costume. Oh and of course conveniently leave out certain credits.
No. 431414
File: 1505031839837.png (696.58 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170910-012306.png)

humblebrag about how she has /3/ photoshoots tomorrow!! Wowweeee nice moomo, pray 4 u that u won't be hungover and cancel at least one of em tomorrow
No. 431415
File: 1505031894164.png (651.42 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170910-012301.png)

stop wearing these glasses
No. 431420
>>431419I mean, can you really blame her?
I'm sure for every person going: "Ugh, gross!" a person goes "Oh wow. Leaked nudes? I gotta see those!"
Which, I thought she would openly post pictures of herself just wearing lingerie and a "Samus Wig" and call it art?
Does a difference really exist with nudes?
Isn't that what all her shoots end with?
No. 431501
>>431490Well, her new excuse is "I'm only 21 and am still figuring myself out and will make mistakes. I'm sooooo glad that you all had your life figured out at my age".
Except no Moomoo, it's not that we all "figured out life" by your age. It's that we all stopped acting like we were in fucking high school with this petty, Mean Girls-type drama bullshit by your age and a full grew the fuck up, something you are otherwise incapable of doing.
No. 431508
File: 1505064157649.png (190.47 KB, 720x865, Screenshot_2017-09-10-10-20-57…)

No. 431516
File: 1505066616611.jpg (212.7 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20170910_110259.jpg)

Jesus Christ
No. 431524
>>431516Same crappy $2 thigh-highs from Walmart as usual, but at least this cow finally got/borrowed a new bikini.
Keeping it classy in a hotel room as usual, eh Moomoo? Don't forget to credit the person who gave you this idea, although I really doubt you will unless grilled.
No. 431527
>>431516my god
shes tryna suck it in too
No. 431529
>>431516She's leaning so far to hide the fat in her arms yet it's still not enough to hide that massive gut.
And that bikini top is too small too and makes her chest even flatter than it already is.
No. 431536
File: 1505068146513.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170910-132639.png)

No. 431538
Also just realized, her socks don't cover her feet. I don't think I've ever seen thigh highs without soles, did she cut them off or something? I just don't get this girl and what she thinks is flattering…
No. 431539
File: 1505069242054.jpg (7.86 KB, 275x184, Even zoidberg has more sex app…)

>>431516Her transformation into Zoidberg is almost complete. Now just waiting on her hair to fall from all the dyeing.
No. 431544
File: 1505069715136.gif (815.34 KB, 275x207, 1497841067956.gif)

>>431516Eeeww that granny face… with that lumpy half-naked body…
Is she trying to make sure that no one jacks off to her? God damn.
No. 431546
>>431516she's sucking in so hard it looks painful.
>>431536dat FGA lmao
No. 431564
>>431561She's LEWD Beekeeper Mei, but you know, for charity, my dudes! Save the bees! And Mooriah's drug fund!
Someone suggested she do a photoshoot of her Beekeeper costume for charity and she's running with it as an excuse to lewd up 'her' character again.
No. 431566
>>431564Holy jesus fucking christ
At least choose something in fucking character
she has a bob with this skin.
No. 431571
File: 1505073730683.png (40.38 KB, 463x385, Screenshot 2017-09-10 at 1.01.…)

No. 431572
File: 1505073810850.jpg (248.46 KB, 1152x2048, DJYzfIRVwAA0heH.jpg large.jpg)

No. 431575
>>431571First of all, she never makea much off of print sales. Secondly, what's the point of doing the bee shit and not donating to save the bees? She keeps posting #savethebees
This is probably the most fucked up thing she has done
No. 431577
File: 1505073973220.jpg (14 KB, 619x146, don't lewd.jpg)

No. 431579
>>431572Can someone please find where she was throwing a fit when people mentioned the jizz wax from the Camilla shoot?
Bitch cant keep her opinion straight for longer than three seconds huh? I love how she's STEADILY going closer and closer to porn
No. 431581
File: 1505074412025.jpg (112.34 KB, 675x1200, lumpy.jpg)

No. 431583
File: 1505074629181.png (37.42 KB, 465x492, drama.png)

No. 431590
File: 1505075432129.jpg (94.03 KB, 640x571, 1488228067729.jpg)

Imagine being KBBQ in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Momokun, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your fat body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another cosplayer in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be KBBQ and not only stand in that garage while Momokun flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just stand there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MOMOKUN LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of asians and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies on the West Coast. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with "personal trainers" in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking KBBQ. You're not going to lose your future cosplay career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
No. 431592
>>431590Forgot to sage, sorry. Anyway, in loving memory of KBBQ not being there anymore in her
lewd shoots.
No. 431599
>>431581Damn, that lump on the back of her knee lmao
>>431572So instead of honey, she chooses fake cum? Totally doing it for the bees, guys. She's as fake as the fake cum, what a retarded bimbo.
No. 431602
As someone studying to be a psychiatric I find Momo to be an excellent case study for narcissistic personality disorder or NPC for short.
>If you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may feel a sense of entitlement — and when you don't receive special treatment, you may become impatient or angry. You may insist on having "the best" of everything — for instance, the best car, athletic club or medical care.
At the same time, you have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation. To feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make yourself appear superior. Or you may feel depressed and moody because you fall short of perfection.
To diagnose, psychiatrists use these categories (which I will breakdown with examples of how Momo shows these):
>Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance.
She literally walks around cons like everyone should know who she is. She always shows off on social media of people in public recognizing her.
>Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it.
She consistently tries to put herself in the same category as actually talented cosplayers and is desperate enough to pass off the works of others as her own.
>Exaggerating your achievements and talents.
She has been bragging about how great her Yoko turned out because she "made it all by herself". She is only masturbation material but acts like she is some celebrity.
>Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.
She fantasizes that she is making some big impact in the cosplay world even though in 4 more years she will be a nobody (maybe earlier). She fantasizes so hard about KBBQ being her perfect mate that she obviously couldn't handle his rejection.
>Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people.
She hangs on to her mommy Nigri and other more famous people (and people with some talent) believing herself to be in their league.
>Requiring constant admiration.
She is constantly posting on social media for compliments and ass pats.
>Having a sense of entitlement.
Goes around with the "don't you know who I am?" vibe.
>Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations.
I feel that a lot of her friends went through this. When people don't do as she wants or not to her expectations she goes on long rants on social media.
>Taking advantage of others to get what you want.
She keeps trying to "network" and make "connections" for her own use.
>Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
She's selfish. Plain and simple.
>Being envious of others and believing others envy you.
She believes that anyone and everyone who hates her are jealous of her fame and money.
>Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner.
Does this even need to be explained?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 431610
File: 1505078147427.png (112.47 KB, 720x539, Screenshot_2017-09-10-14-11-47…)

No. 431619
>>431572Oh god, she put in in her mouth. That's just next level trashy and plain disgusting.
Anyway, isn't this supposed to be for a charity? What kind of charity is gonna want their name associated with an ugly, fat woman with a misshapen lipo body covered in fake jizz? What does this even have to do with bees anymore; the bikini doesn't even have any black on it. This is just her making porn and USING a good cause to justify it. She is not supporting it, she is USING it for her own gain. She couldn't give a shit about anything but herself.
No. 431638
>>431572Le sigh
I wish my cosplays were taken seriously, it sucks my porn gets more attention. I know the solution, do more porn!
No. 431669
File: 1505084753176.png (115.51 KB, 720x757, Screenshot_2017-09-10-16-03-28…)

No. 431685
File: 1505086726242.png (170.67 KB, 750x1187, IMG_2553.PNG)

Her wavy/lumpy love handles are triggering me that is not what a normal body looks like, even a fat one.
No. 431692
You're taking shitty porn pictures in a hotel room Moomoo. How about you just shut up and donate some of your Patreon bucks or donate to a food bank and stop trying to act like you are Mother Fucking Teresa. Its fucking disgusting that you are trying to use a national tragedy as an excuse to do shitty porn.
No. 431694
>>431685That fucking used up bra and panties again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moo, you are hands down the cheapest, pettiest bitch in cosplay right now and THAT is a fucking accomplishment. Even random weebs in Naruto cosplay from ebay at podunk cons have more of my respect than you do now.
No. 431696
File: 1505087640778.jpg (11.86 KB, 320x337, triggered.jpg)

>>431685Those fraying bun covers
No. 431697
File: 1505087652080.png (670.88 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170910-164942.png)

i swear to god, she has 3 pairs of underwear. why doesn't she take 50 patreon bux and buy an actual, nice fitting and THEMED bra/panty set?
No. 431710
File: 1505088855217.png (144.2 KB, 1217x477, IMG_0708.PNG)

These are the idiots that support her and these idiots are the reason why she will never fall.
No. 431713
>>431602when will you armchairs fucking stop writing novels diagnosing people you've never met in real life?
No one fucking cares anymore, you guys never say anything new.
No. 431715
>>431707It's so obvious she isn't doing this to help anyone or make a difference. She is just using this to pat herself on the back, to tell herself that she is "such a good person" and if you have no right to criticize her because "what have you done to help?"
If I were from any of the effected areas, I'd be completely disgusted with her and would tell her to go fuck herself. Trying to piggyback off a national disaster to excuse your shit hotel room porno shoots and act like you have the moral high ground is one of the slimiest, most disgusting things ever
No. 431716
File: 1505089074082.png (2.11 MB, 1366x938, momokunstarterkit.png)

i made this for our Americ-Italian-I mean Lebanese hero
No. 431718
File: 1505089508615.png (818.76 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2017-09-10-17-23-11…)

No. 431722
>>430775tbh I think vamp is smart. why break ties with the person that makes you semi relevant, since momo is 'popular' vamp gets to stick with her and meet other popular cosplayers. Plus momo has a ton of followers and reblogs vamps post. if she cuts ties with momo she can cut all of that out. and go back to being a nobody cosplayer
sage since about vamp
No. 431725
>>431572So…is she finally going to stop pretending she's an actual cosplayer and stop expecting to be patted on the back for her awful 'work'?
At least cosplayers like SSS actually produce decent content and don't lie about what they're doing
No. 431730
File: 1505091739417.jpg (51.96 KB, 431x353, junk.jpg)

>>431720it reminds me of this
No. 431734
>>431669I love that she is trying to make excuses for why she made it more lewd. If you want money Mooriah just say that you did it for the money. It makes no sense why you would make a set more lewd for charity when apparently you make 15k a month which if you even used half of that it would be more than this lewd photo set you are doing. If you take into account that you went to California from Vegas and paid the photographers and paid for all the booze and drugs, you're burning away the money you could have just sent to charities.
You are so fake and I hope others can see through your bullshit.
No. 431740
File: 1505092482612.png (778.67 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170910-175546.png)

No. 431751
File: 1505093218910.png (888.74 KB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2017-09-10-18-23-48…)

No. 431752
File: 1505093316846.jpg (110.93 KB, 1067x1600, 12119954_717776911689431_22392…)

our QUEEN did this much better
No. 431758
File: 1505093745789.png (793.89 KB, 720x1180, Screenshot_2017-09-10-18-33-55…)

No. 431760
File: 1505093782228.png (742.75 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2017-09-10-18-33-17…)

No. 431777
You just took some fucking photos that you would have done anyway because you're desperate for attention and slathered fake cum on your tits.
Fuck off you cunt.
No. 431796
File: 1505096672200.png (115.77 KB, 750x631, IMG_7561.PNG)

>>431790And what is even going on here? She literally just said she'd go through the proper charity channels, etc for the bee mei bikini shoot, and now she's saying if you want to see it you have to sign up for her Patreon LMAO what a fucking cunt. Either do the charity or don't. But don't pretend like you care. It's obvious she's just doing this to get more patrons.
No. 431852
File: 1505102795779.gif (148.01 KB, 600x405, honey you've got a big storm c…)

>>431616She will most likely wait until the total sum is collected for sales and then commit to the donation. If she gets any kind of recognition, all she will have is her name associated with the donation.
>See guys! Look at me being the hero! You can be lewd and still be great like me! I give it about a year until she's doing masturbation videos and 2 years before she's doing full on pornography. Cumilla and this shoot is a foot in the water.
No. 431871
File: 1505106130058.png (436.86 KB, 539x583, leave it bee.png)

>>431670Pledging doesn't mean committing. YOU HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING YET. SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND BEE HUMBLE.
No. 431872
File: 1505106614626.png (29.24 KB, 667x224, pos.png)

Fucking garbage mother fucker.
No. 431883
File: 1505108472870.png (Spoiler Image,964.58 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-09-10-16-28-20…)

Reddit anon again. Boy Moomoo's WKs are easy to fuck with…but I digress.
Caught this gem in the comments of her Bee Keeper Mei picture on facebook.
No. 431890
File: 1505110250333.png (715.83 KB, 825x745, bts.png)

Master of posing.
No. 431901
>>431893I love you, anon.
>>431887I bench airplanes with my ass three times a day and drag a bus full of fat people for six hours a day with my toes.
It's easy to make up obvious bullshit, right Moomoo?
No. 431907
File: 1505117667247.png (694.6 KB, 885x759, Untitled.png)

No. 431908
>>431906She said she isn't posting it to Patreon. But…Didn't she say she was going to have it be on Patreon? Or is she doing special prints + a set for patreon?
>>431907This is the least awful photo from this whole Chun Li thing.
No. 431909
File: 1505117756401.png (1.43 MB, 675x1200, Untitled.png)

No. 431942
>>429934>>431883oh god… the gut, I don't think her skin can handle more lipo tbh
I've lost almost 11 pounds thanks to this threads… not even lying
sage bc ot
No. 431944
File: 1505128291467.png (282.69 KB, 466x320, moos.PNG)

>>431925Oh shit, anon, I see them too. She's totally gotten new lipo, because we would have noticed them before with how often she pulls bikini bottoms up her cooch.
No. 431952
>>431324No idea what show this is but… Uncanny.
>>431600>>431947While disgusting, lots of people who have tits have stretchmarks on them pls sage it ain't news
No. 431953
File: 1505137192306.png (306.32 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-09-11-09-30-29…)

Moo just lost her fucking mind on twitter
No. 431954
File: 1505137216116.png (344.39 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-09-11-09-30-26…)

No. 431956
File: 1505137403038.png (362.76 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-09-11-09-36-13…)

No. 431957
>>431954wasn't aware calling her out on her shit was ~slander~. truly the hallmark of any cow is when they start clinging to that word.
she's just mad people are right through her. only reason to be so defensive. she's no different from the child she was on those stupid rp forums, threatening to beat people's asses like the little hood rat she is. maybe if she didn't give herself such a reputation for being utter trash they wouldn't doubt everything she does, handling everyone like this just makes her look less credible.
No. 431958
File: 1505137643976.png (367.97 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-09-11-09-38-56…)

Keep in mind it's also not even 7 am where she is so she probably ha sent even slept yet.
No. 431959
File: 1505137685295.png (375.86 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-09-11-09-39-20…)

No. 431960
>>431953>>431954>>431956Jfc Moomoo it really wasn't that clear in your posting how the profits were being handled.
>>431958>>431959What's with all this crazy ass damage control? It's literally the same shit people have been saying for months now. Has she finally lost her "lol ok my dude" cool?
No. 431964
File: 1505138445436.gif (1.97 MB, 380x285, cringe.gif)

>>431742>>431760Dat PT pose! The Queen did it better, though
>>431751Is she in an abandoned building or something?
>>431956Ha, what a fucking bitch. I love how she doesn't even need people to expose her, she does it all by herself… She acts all "I'm a good person uwu" but the second she receives a small callout comment she completely loses her shit and drops the good facade, revealing who she really is: a disgusting person.
She seriously has weekly mental breakdowns on Twitter, not sure of how she still has fans. "People slander me to have 5 minutes of fame!!11" jfc cut it out, you're literally just famous for being the most hated cosplayer in the world.
Get her, Justin.
No. 431965
File: 1505138454287.png (52.03 KB, 602x251, f9c88c60f8c4ce89164b8564755257…)

Should I be more disturbed by her crazy alpha bitch behavior after staying up all night, spamming twitter, or people who legit support her rampage of tearing people apart on twitter?
No. 431968
File: 1505139259017.png (182.61 KB, 750x1133, IMG_2557.PNG)

In response to pewdiepie saying the n word. 1/4
No. 431969
File: 1505139281198.png (165.98 KB, 750x963, IMG_2559.PNG)

No. 431970
File: 1505139302621.png (114.92 KB, 750x699, IMG_2560.PNG)

No. 431971
File: 1505139386003.png (118.72 KB, 750x757, IMG_2561.PNG)

(She stated previously that idubbz saying the N word wasn't bad because he was being ironic)
No. 431976
File: 1505139565302.png (111.4 KB, 750x797, IMG_2563.PNG)

Finally, my personal favorite from this disastrous thread : I'm lebEANese. Must be really proud of it considering she can't even spell it properly.
No. 431978
>>431960It's getting harder for her to keep up the "lol you don't get to me" act now that more people are on to her bullshit. It used to be a small handful that she could just wave off, but now it's literally everyone, even people in her trusted "inner circle"
I said this before in the last thread: This is the beginning of the end for her. The meltdowns and blow ups are only going to become more frequent and she is going to do more to appear to be more tough and "don't fuck with me". To the point where she is either going to say or do some shit that even her most loyal fans won't co-sign on.
Funny how she is showing her true colors now without anyone having to out her. She tries to play up the "I'm such a good person and such a positive force in the community" act, but the second she gets called out or checked, she chimps out and starts flinging shit in every direction hoping to hit someone. Her entire attitude with this "charity" bullshit has been "I WAS DOING THIS FOR CHARITY! YOU CAN'T CRITICIZE ME FOR THIS!" Like suddenly all the "haturz" were going to sit back and say "Wow, Momo is trying to do something good for someone other than herself. Maybe she isn't such a shitty person and I should leave her alone because I'm such a loser who didn't do anything to help".
Bitch please, anyone with a functional brain stem can see what you are doing. And no amount of "I'm calling you out bitch boy" and pretending to be tough is going to make it go away.
No. 431981
File: 1505140256234.png (113.96 KB, 750x965, IMG_2564.PNG)

No. 431985
File: 1505140512382.png (123.97 KB, 750x849, IMG_2565.PNG)

No. 431986
>>431968>>431969Ok yeah, this shit obviously never happened. It is so obvious whenever she is lying because she will always make up these extreme scenarios that no one can criticize without looking like an asshole.
Surprised you didn't go further Moomoo. Why not add that a random white guy ran up on you with a gun and called you a terrorist and threatened to rape you. A matter of fact, why not six white guys? Anything to make you look like more of a victim and get more sympathy, right?
No. 431988
File: 1505140542055.png (127.42 KB, 750x805, IMG_2566.PNG)

(Go to the gym use that energy I'm dead)
No. 431989
File: 1505140567108.png (263.09 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2567.PNG)

No. 431990
File: 1505140586161.png (159.43 KB, 750x1035, IMG_2568.PNG)

No. 431992
>>431983Maybe a combo of this, drugs, and imminent mental state collapse. I don't get all these names she's using, she seems to think she's some hot shit. Is that Justin the one that posted here? Is that why she's so
No. 431994
File: 1505140764473.png (125.63 KB, 750x934, IMG_2569.PNG)

Sorry about bad formatting, I'm just doing my best to keep up with her
No. 432008
>>431994This is definitely Gilgamesh inspired.
I get second hand embarrassment from all those "bitch" and "little boy". This is high quality cringe right there.
No. 432013
File: 1505142891669.jpg (14.46 KB, 635x100, 1.jpg)

I feel kinda disgusted by the support some people are giving her for losing her shit like that.
No. 432020
Looking at that Twitter meltdown she's having I'm pretty sure she's on some kind of drugs or having a psychotic episode. That isn't a normal kind of fit an average person throws. Also her retweeting the YASSS QUEEN SLAYYYY tweets is really fucking embarrassing and screams how insecure she is.
>>431872I seriously can't believe she tweeted this
>>431968"White kids" come the fuck on Mariah you're white, you're not even arab-passing, just plain old white. Just because you're like 1/3 lebanese (who are white) doesn't mean you're a ~special PoC goddess~. And seriously I'm 100% sure she never wore a fucking hijab growing up.
>>431994>Bitches about people using the N word ironically>Uses the world mongrel, a slur for mixed people, as an insult>>432016Fuck off Mariah
No. 432041
File: 1505146084433.jpg (1.58 MB, 2560x1920, 17-09-11-11-57-13-909_deco.jpg)

She says she has nothing but respect for Chun Li, a character she grew up with. She also stated she never Lewed chun li either and went on this comment tirade about how respectful to the body her shoot was. Someone please post this lol.
No. 432059
File: 1505147561161.png (1.45 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170911-112728.png)

No. 432060
File: 1505147588767.png (1.54 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170911-112839.png)

No. 432064
File: 1505147690518.png (1.23 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170911-113028.png)

She made this face while saying they should start a #justinisover hashtag or soemthing shes a mega creep I reported her entire story for harrasment and bullying
No. 432076
File: 1505149144474.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1653, 20170911_115835.png)

No. 432078
>>431985She strikes me as the type that only acts tough behind the screen. Has she ever confronted anyone irl?
>>431968>>431969Mariah not knowing anything about Islam pt.9999. Kids don't wear hijabs.
>>432064"Bullying is wrooong"
No. 432081
>>431959Tbf the dude she's arguing with is a fucking retard. He finds one shitty candid he took where she didn't credit him and is like UR WRONG MOORIAH then retreats to FB to brag to his downsy brotards about how he was totally trolling her. More like dude was fucking wrong and just wants attention.
(Not that I believe any of this makes her reaction a good one.)
No. 432092
>>432078She absolutely only talks tough behind the screen. When she knows that people cant do anything to her. Every time she talked about confronting people who talked shit about her online she always hid and ducked until the con was over. Whenever she was or her "cosplay is not consent" tirade about guys touching her inappropriately and saying she would beat the shit out of them or pepper spray them she didn't do shit and lo and behold guys still think they have a license to grab at her ass and tits. She is absolutely all bark and no bite. She always goes on these cringey tirades and tries to talk herself up as this tough bitch who isn't afraid of anyone.
But the second someone talks about confronting her in real life she either hides or gets her neckbeard army to shame them into going away. She is the biggest pussy ever and it's laughable how she thinks anyone is talking all her talk seriously. 10 bucks says she'll delete all of this before the day is out and backpedal with "We should all love each other and stop trying to tear each other down/I'm such a good person and I won't sit back and be bullied"
No. 432101
File: 1505150599358.jpg (98.74 KB, 540x960, IMG_7248.JPG)

I hope this is
No. 432102
File: 1505150669028.jpg (49.59 KB, 600x212, 6kh8sTK.jpg)

>>432101Do it Ian. Do it.
No. 432109
>>432098The reason she doesn't talk about where the source of her "haturz" come from is because it will lead back to here, not only outing her as a lurker publicly, but it allows her fans to read up on all her bullshit and start to turn away from her after seeing what a shotty person she is.
>>432099I have no doubt she is going to piss off the wrong person and will catch herself getting the shit kicked out of her. Which is funny because back in the day whenever she got into arguments on twitter she claimed she knew martial arts and said she could kick the shit out of the guy she was arguing with. Even back then she was a fake tough girl.
I would kill to see her flabby arms desperately flailing trying to hit some girl/guy as she is going to the ground after getting popped in the mouth.
No. 432111
>>432106Same, I feel betrayed. He really should do a CC on Moomoo though, she's as hated as Leafy and Keem and the perfect target for a content cop. After Tana he didn't do any other CC because he had no ideas, right? Because the Tana one went so big he thought that it would've been impossible to make a better one. Here's the perfect one.
And since Anisa lurks here, he could dig on Mariah's lolcow threads to find dirt, since there's so much dirt and we have everything capped and her breakdown videos saved.
No. 432119
File: 1505153426800.png (174.97 KB, 750x972, IMG_5942.PNG)

Can anyone post the screen shots of her saying the racial slurs?? I can't find them.
I think it is hypocritical of her to talk about being bullied for her race and religion as a child, only to be saying racial slurs herself. I don't give a fuck that it was 4 years ago. She was 18 (I understand that does not mean you're an adult mentally) and if she was truly bullied and felt hurt, why would she do the same to others??? It makes no sense to me. On top of that, children do not wear hijabs. She is really milking the sympathy points.
No. 432134
File: 1505155202282.png (183.23 KB, 720x955, Screenshot_2017-09-11-11-35-14…)

No. 432136
File: 1505155426395.png (241.54 KB, 720x890, Screenshot_2017-09-11-11-35-24…)

No. 432142
>>432137Is she really that fucking sense that she thinks anyone that goes after her is looking for fame? Bitch you don't even qualify as "Internet famous". You are just a picture guys rub one out to and instantly forget. How fucking deluded are you?
And he is still right, this shitty attitude where you feel the need to clap back at everyone who criticizes you is one of the many reasons everyone hates you Moomoo. Grow the fuck up.
No. 432147
Alright guys, I uploaded the video to , here is the link: to cringe. Let's count how many times she says "boy" "bitch boy". She's insufferable. Enjoy anons.
No. 432158
>>432147thanks anon for posting this!
Also, is she sitting next to a person and yelling like a maniac here? Fuck, her voice so annoying.
>>432151I love this lmao
No. 432160
>>432138It's reading comprehension you illiterate swine
It's amusing that she continues to try and portray herself as some intellectual when time and time again she proves to the whole world that she isn't. I cannot wait for when 10 years from now she will be living in some studio apartment in the slums, all alone, staring at old bodysuits she can't fit into anymore, and regret every decision she has made. She will realize how irrelevant she is and that all her friends were fake.
No. 432164
Companies will out you for even the slightest public slip up. Anything that could be slightly perceived as affecting their bottom dollar and your ass is out on floor. And guess what Moomoo, these little rants you go on at 3am, constantly trying to drag and ruin people who criticize you is kinda one of those afformentioned things that will keep you out of the industry. What, did you expect they will roll out the red carpet and hand you a job, calling you a hero? Are you that fucking dense?
All you've done is show that you are an unprofessional, toxic cunt who is a social media nightmare to have to put up with. None of this makes you "brave" or a "role model". It just gives them more of a reason to shut the door in your face when you roll up to their booths at a con with a shitty last minute cosplay begging to collaborate with them.
No. 432170
>>432166Why bother searching, probably only about 6 people even wrote anything. She is not nearly as famous and influential as she thinks she is.
But yeah, this mob mentality that she fosters is fucking disgusting. She just has complete disregard for anyone who doesn't kiss her ass and tell her how great she is.
No. 432174
File: 1505159325073.gif (497.99 KB, 500x236, keepitupmoo.gif)

>>432147I've been patiently waiting for her complete mental break down. It's going great so far.
No. 432184
File: 1505159895712.png (90.03 KB, 750x744, IMG_5944.PNG)

>>432180I understand that this was 4 years ago but wow. How can you say you were bullied and against racism when this is was you? She needs to quit using the "I was younger and immature" argument because nothing has changed.
No. 432187
File: 1505160028937.png (2.05 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8042.PNG)

she is doing something with mashable where she has to make a costume in two days. are you guys ready or what
No. 432192
>>432188Except she's finally admitting to doing a shit rush job on her filthy bedroom floor?
Once again, buy a fucking table Moo!
No. 432199
>>431956store envy allows ppl to peddle smut, or is the smut patrons only
bitch is so confusing
No. 432202
>>431981just change it to her name and he to she and its moos future
what a dumb cunt
No. 432206
>>432203It's because she is still looking to pocket money from this. She is is just leeching off the hurricane disasters for more money. It's basically: "I'm such a good person for helping out all these people for charity, but still donate to my Patreon, which won't be going to charity, as well if you want to see this set". If she really gave a shot about charity and wanting to help people, then she would donate all the sales from her set to charity. But nope, she still is looking to make cash off of this, so she has to beg for Patreon sheckles as well.
She is being a sleazy, disgusting cunt and is just mad someone called her out for it.
No. 432209
>>432208if anything moo and her followers just point out all the gross people in the world. she's gross and she attracts gross people. i don't think these people are even worth anything but their $$, both in the real world and in moo's world, but she's not worth anything but t&a to them either.
this shit's sad to see, but honestly i don't consider moo or any of these lewd, nude or even boudoir girls actual cosplayers. gravure or sex workers maybe, but that's not what cosplay is. glorified booth babes, that's all.
No. 432210
>>431909The loose threads sticking from her headpieces drive me fucking nuts. Finish your fucking hems Moomoo, it takes you 10 fucking seconds. Also her proportions are seriously messed up after the lipo.
>>432206Exactly, she wouldn't be having a mental breakdown like this if she wasn't really worried about what little reputation she has going down the shitter because of it. She was openly planning to pocket relief donation money and that's terrible no matter how you look at it.
No. 432219
File: 1505162938906.png (191.71 KB, 258x453, hippo.png)

>>432147Thanks anon. I couldn't bring myself to watch the instastory, I just didn't want to give her my view.
No. 432225
File: 1505163388995.png (179.49 KB, 250x451, eyetwitch.png)

She really does the eye twitch several times in the stories breakdown. Scary
>>432220Wait, do you know her? Any more milk to share?
No. 432227
>>432210She is usually the loudest whenever what you are accusing her of is the truth. She will scream from the rooftops proclaiming her innocence if whatever you said holds any truth. It's why she's going in so hard on this. So that people won't see what a scummy, shittty person she is by trying to profit off of a natural disaster.
Again, this could have all been avoided if she just donated all the sales from her set to charity. But nope, she is still looking to pocket cash from this.
No. 432269
File: 1505168192830.png (55.78 KB, 400x180, 4xQ1rlulmlo1_400.png)

>>432147Momo is the cow that keeps on giving, man
No. 432299
>>432289Fucking this. This would have been a perfect opportunity to not only separate herself from lewd content, but also show some positivity in the community. She could have done a set with her beekeeper Mei and donated all the money to charity.
But nope, she has to fall back on her shit lewd content and use it as another opportunity to scam people. She is practically allergic to being a good person.
No. 432306
>>432303I don't know anon, this one
>>432219 seems pretty perfect
No. 432310
File: 1505171686972.jpg (247.68 KB, 560x560, the succ.jpg)

>>432306Bitches step off pls
No. 432315
File: 1505172560739.gif (662.39 KB, 500x300, ff308004338df5d5496f66dd44d3ad…)

>>432310Bless you, anon. I kek'd so hard.
No. 432317
File: 1505172932871.png (73.27 KB, 459x546, nn.png)

Shut the fuck up. Thats like when she said she wasn't cosplay Kanna in a bikini and just happened to be wearing the wig and wanted to do a shoot because lol.
No. 432319
File: 1505173102986.png (68.46 KB, 468x562, screw loose.png)

>>432317THis dude is just popping off. LOL
No. 432326
File: 1505173931810.png (936.11 KB, 1080x1703, Screenshot_2017-09-11-18-46-52…)

>>432317>>432318She literally says there she did a bikini mei shoot??? But no, of course she totally isn't cosplaying as mei right?
No. 432330
File: 1505174181106.jpg (49.77 KB, 296x370, tumblr_nx67msYBBx1ugztwyo2_400…)

>>432327I wonder what it is!
>>432325Usually if you're banned on FB with that account, I assume its like every other social media account and you can see it with another account. Worked for me and my twitter account
No. 432334
File: 1505174428349.png (140.49 KB, 474x485, Screenshot 2017-09-11 at 4.59.…)

No. 432339
>>432330well, fb pages are linked to the admins personal accounts, but you could just keep making pages to keep commenting. in theory.
im too lazy to troll someone that consistently tho. but consider it an option next time any of you want to. then it wont get traced back to your personal.
No. 432343
>>432334didnt she already edit/post some of these chunners photos? i seem to remember it from earlier in this thread
and why the fuck did she need to go to cali JUST TO HAVE A "PHOTO SHOOT" IN A MOSTLY EMPTY GYM????
No. 432346
>>432340She could have delayed the bee set, and done another. But I guess it's hard to think up storm themed not-cosplays to slut yourself up with.
What's even the point of buying the set when anyone interested already jerks off to her Patreon and will get it there?
Just an excuse to try and look good, as always. She's too fucking predictable.
No. 432358
File: 1505178193728.png (183.72 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5484.PNG)

Everyone remember our lord and savior Kollin?
He recently shared momos insta story meltdown publicly and thornechan, momos friend (ex friend? Acquaintance? I don't know their relationship now) commented this on that post
No. 432360
File: 1505178412511.png (267.96 KB, 569x531, 1.png)

No. 432378
File: 1505178649096.png (531.85 KB, 533x990, 20.png)

>>432376Patreon money going to something that never happens.
No. 432393
>>432365How long until she breaks down and tries to lipo her linebacker shoulders? She seriously looks like a man in drag in this no matter how long I look at it. She doesn't even have wide shoulders naturally, is the kicker. That's all fat just building up.
>>432362Her writing style is like nails on chalkboard. I can't believe people pay to read these shitty excuses for blogs. Go read some 12 year old's cosplay blog on tumblr for free and you can have the same experience.
No. 432395
>>432393>lipo lineback shouldersShe could but structurally some women have larger backs despite weight loss or gain. Probably not going to happen the way she wants since her stomach looks like a washing board
>>432394o sorry
No. 432397
File: 1505179821155.png (134.12 KB, 750x829, IMG_5946.PNG)

She seems to be working hard to make people believe her and kbbq are on good terms or something. It wouldn't shock me if she tried to hit him up suddenly and have him tell everyone they are on good terms. It is obvious she only paid him for commissions ("coincidentally") after the fact they had their falling out in order to make it seem like there is nothing wrong between them. It is obvious at this point that he wants no part in her or this whole drama since he has yet to make a peep. RIP kbbq
>still hoping he appears one day with milk delivery >>432359Whether she actually wanted to donate or not I think Moomoo deserves this because
a. She poorly planned this shoot and made it no different from her other shoots. It would've been smarter for her to just do the shoot and just donate the money she has for the cause.
b. It looks like she purposely made the whole process confusing in order to make cash on the side. If she really wanted to donate she could have done a streaming campaign that is dedicated to the cause or something to raise awareness about the cause.
c. She's just a lying cunt and wanted a way to market her new shoots. It seems that she could be losing money due to the lack of porn- I mean….. POV shoots now that kbbq isn't around anymore.
No. 432402
File: 1505180368657.gif (456.92 KB, 498x396, dvahell.gif)

Gentlefarmers, I do believe this was one of our better threads. Just to make it clear for our OP, which picture is best?
No. 432405
File: 1505180765357.png (59.29 KB, 598x253, 8406994bc5a87cd65d158a37f04f88…)

what the fuck is wrong with this bitch? It is literally 13 hours later since she went on her insta story and twitter tirade, and she is STILL, BRAGGING about how she "dug a grave for a little bitch this morning" Fuck her, she's such an insufferable cunt.
No. 432415
>>432408What low accomplishments
It's so sad
No. 432449
File: 1505188352625.png (306.02 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2574.PNG)

(Just scrolled up and it didn't look like anyone posted this one yet but I might have missed it cuz I swore I saw it earlier)
No. 432450
File: 1505188406698.png (104.73 KB, 750x1019, IMG_2577.PNG)

(Someone posted a screenshot of her lewd chun li)
No. 432451
File: 1505188482111.png (133.96 KB, 750x1044, IMG_2578.PNG)

(She responds with a winky face????? Seriously, is she ok? She genuinely seems to be having some sort of manic episode right now)
No. 432458
>>432041>and do so culturally??? How???
Also, goddamn that spergfest. Cringe everywhere. Justin, you started out strong, but you lost all that momentum and fucked it up by getting a big head about it. Try again next time.
No. 432468
>>432397Sage for OT but Wendy is almost equally shitty irl as moomoo so her commenting on the way moomoo acts is ironic
>>432451Momokunt not being able to clap back her way out of this is hilarious.
No. 432472
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No. 432473
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>>432472Their claims seem to check out. The Nikki girl is friends with all of Moo's Vegas crew (J Team). Looks like she really was a terrible person even in high school.
No. 432477
>>432475I mean, would you be surprised if it really DOES smell awful, though? Knowing her and how she is?
Sage for speculating she has a dirty minge
No. 432479
File: 1505195631001.png (150 KB, 478x785, c65c3ab60e610960eb447a76cd86cf…)

Let's see if she replies to this. She's quick to call out being racist four years ago and claiming she's changed~
Whats her excuse for being racist earlier this year?
No. 432488
File: 1505201609687.png (1.05 MB, 1280x1024, Better than Momokun.png)

Can't disagree with that.
No. 432489
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No. 432501
>>432497Yeah all the lewd peach stuff never looks good imo !! But yeah bishoujomom is definitely what moomoo wishes to be at least bishoujomom is pretty, cute and a decent body for being plus sized and doesn't seem to say otherwise
Anyways I really hope that this is the downfall of moo damn I mean how many bridges has this bitch burned in this half year alone????
She really burns through everything so quickly
Love to see her trying to have her friends defend not even her cos mom gives a shit lol
No. 432513
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momo WISHES she could look like her
No. 432521
File: 1505217174497.jpg (150.62 KB, 1304x417, Screenshot_20170912-133622.jpg)

Apparently her mei beekeper won't be on patreon (sorry if this was posted already)
So basically all the money goes to charity but who knows how much she will put in her own pockets.
Anyways it it's hella confusing knowing where you'll the the set in the end. You'll have to follow her on every social media to get the final picture which shouldn't be the case
No. 432525
>>432521Wait didn't she that the beekini mei was going onto patreon too and not to buy the set through there if you wanna donate??? I don't get her reasoning to sell the same set on different sites if she still wants to pocket the money?? I'm really confused by her wording and how messy she's making this stupid set
Why not donate a percentage if she still wants to profit on this set rather than setting up two or however many links to buy it
Whatever she's still shitty for exploiting a disaster to make herself look good, that's not very Muslim of you moomoo
No. 432526
File: 1505217927615.png (43.2 KB, 583x244, 2prints.png)

>>432521 She made a tweet saying only TWO prints will be sold, while the rest she will be pocketing. How difficult is it to put the entire set for sale for charity? No…gotta get those patreon bucks instead. She's such a two-faced cow.
No. 432532
>>432527 Theres two things here that she did here in regards to this bee keeper mei travesty.
1. She said she wasn't going to "lewd" this costume/character. If she were to do it, it would only solidify her as more of a liar, and that she only cares about sexualizing characters(which she does). She only used the bee charity/hurricane as an excuse to act like a slut with fake cum on her face in a bikini.
2. What other cosplayers have made THIS big of a deal out of donating to help the relief? If she cared as much as she claims she does, she would have said "fuck it" and sent over whatever amount of money without having to act like a whore in the process.She flat out said in her ranty instastory she was NOT going to be putting them on patreon, so to see tweets where now they are? She's a lying cow, and anyone with a brain can see that, but now she's in a position where she could conveniently pocket all of this money that COULD go to a relief instead. But really, who wants to see a gross, overweight GIRL, with faux cum all over her face, mouth, tits represent a national tragedy where people have lost everything. Fuck this bitch so hard. Sage for rant.
No. 432539
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>>432502Exactly what I was thinking!
No. 432549
>>432488This peach design is stolen from the model Vera Bambi and no credit was given to her. Also her face is fucked. If you're going to try promote a Cosplayer on here for attention, at least find someone relevant to momo or blatantly better.
Sage because this is a fucking Mariah thread.
No. 432555
>>432306Thanks, I took several caps of her breakdown but the hippo one is by far my favorite.
>>432310Shoop Patreon money being sucked in by her mouth
No. 432570
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>>432567Moo my dear, you never fail to deliver the milk in these thirsty, thirsty times. Can't wait to see how you're going to explode now!
No. 432579
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No. 432582
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>>432567I just felt the ground rumbling. Mental breakdown incoming, just in time for the new thread!
No. 432587
>>432578This one
>>432219 please
No. 432588
File: 1505230360487.png (1.87 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170912-113102.png)

Out here looking special needs
No. 432591
File: 1505230910170.png (395.12 KB, 368x494, Capture.PNG)

How about some "bitch boy"
No. 433001
>>432362she acts like doing three shoots is hard in a day? Fuck I shot about 12 different things this weekend as the photographer and it was fucking heaven. Especially if its your job and you love doing it.
Sage for no contribution