File: 1506378266692.jpg (26.97 KB, 207x275, momokun_begging.jpg)

No. 439516
Previous Thread:
>>435304Facebook: / Snapchat: mariahmallad
Places to Find Reciepts:
http://momokuncosplay.tumblr.com Drive: not talk about her surrounding costhots unless it's directly about Momo. They have their own thread here:
>>>/snow/386826Quick notes:
>>Sperges on twitter and other scoial media constantly then preaches "love" in the cosplay community>>Deletes and blocks anyone who posts negative comments>>Ghosts cons. Lies about being invited to cons. Sneaks into cons.>>Acts tough online then hides at cons to avoid confrontation>>Begs and harasses photographers and other cosplay workers into working with her>>Twitteraduit proves she bought at least 20k followers>>Skirts around crediting people constantly until finally she gets called out and then says she just forgot>>Gets drunk and high on the regular and posts all about it on her social media>>Made a Q&A blaming everyone else but herself for her mistakes>>In said video, admits lipo but blames the ~fat shamers~>>Throws KBBQ name through the mud because she knows he can't defend himself rn>>Losing sponsorships because of her behaviour>>Lewding Bee-kini Mei after saying she wouldn't for "charity" - still waiting for this to pan out>>So very much more but this is a quick rundown and I'm just trying my best, my dudes No. 439519
File: 1506378518022.jpeg (207.39 KB, 750x1019, 1455638548529.jpeg)

idk how to search on this site
is this the original momo thread No. 439521
File: 1506378676066.png (286.15 KB, 509x505, momokun_skirt.png)

She admitted to not making the skirt, she only added the ribbon.
Her original post DEFINITELY was trying to lead people to believe she did it.
No. 439527
File: 1506379183576.jpg (93.47 KB, 960x720, 1506271786086.jpg)

Small image dump from last thread incoming
The party Momo was at after her grandfather passed away - no Momo in sight
No. 439530
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GRRL clothing in response to Momo's sponsorship
No. 439531
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Momo going back to her bitchy way even on her Q&A video where she says she will be changing kek
No. 439538
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She's singing "Devil in Disguise" by Elvis Presley in her stories. A little too on the nose, isn't it lmao
No. 439547
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"Workout" Chunli
No. 439549
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Proof of her being gross even before the Patreon money
No. 439552
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No. 439553
>>439547Can't wait to see the airburshed and photoshopped version of this set for comparison lol
>>439548Thank you, anon. Np.
No. 439558
File: 1506380915387.jpg (58.58 KB, 620x620, 88888.jpg)

>>439552See picture
>>439554She tries to act like she's this nice girl and an angel but she's actually the "devil" in disguise, ya know, a fat piece of shit who hurts people for her own gain. It's just funny for her to be singing that when it feels fitting for her.
No. 439640
>>439519It's just so incredible because we've found out how much of a
huge bully she has been through her entire life (and continues to be). But she only ever manages to see herself as the victim. Amazing.
No. 439666
Moomoo's case is different than "I was born this way".
No. 439674
File: 1506387917484.jpg (49.35 KB, 564x843, C_FEmS6XoAA-t7J.jpg)

>>439650But if you look at momo's old pictures her shoulders werent as wide. it's literally cause she keeps gaining weight and then only getting it sucked out of her midsection so her shoulders are actually getting wider and wider because she keeps gaining weight.
No. 439696
File: 1506390141902.png (104.18 KB, 788x707, fuckingstop.PNG)

She's STILL riding Ethan's dick, and he STILL has no idea who the fuck she is. When is she going to stop?
No. 439728
>>439711Are you okay? That was so
triggered for no reason. Calm down, no one else was making the thread anyway.
No. 439732
>>439711being this
triggered over a thread pic
fucking kek
No. 439741
File: 1506391960787.png (979.46 KB, 776x768, cow_shape.png)

What even is the shape of her body, it's so ridiculous. People jack off to this log body? Tf?
No. 439744
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On her video where she recorded herself singing and driving on Instagram
No. 439757
>>439718You know what
triggers me more than anything about this set? she didn't use the song, she didn't even use a REMIX of the song. how the fuck are you supposed to do mememe without the song from the m u s i c v i d e o
No. 439759
File: 1506392677774.png (616.64 KB, 850x474, beachedwhale.png)

>>439718This has to be the most unnattractive video Moo has put out so far. You can see the damn tape on her face and her makeup just looks like she blended it with actual dirt.
No. 439764
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No. 439778
>>439718The seams on her socks and gloves fucking
trigger me
No. 439780
File: 1506394924880.png (1.61 MB, 1366x768, momokun.png)

>>439718Anyone else notice she takes off the thigh highs for the outside shots? I wonder if how tight they were on her was causing issues lol
No. 439781
File: 1506394978902.png (Spoiler Image,1.84 MB, 1366x1536, momo_veins_leveladjusted.png)

Totally sexy Momokun
No. 439798
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No. 439800
File: 1506396864260.jpg (Spoiler Image,459.57 KB, 581x513, 1Av8bNm.jpg)

>>439795moo the fuck is going on with your mouth? It looks like her skin is peeling she's caked on so much make up.
No. 439802
>>439798"Almost all of which is self-made"
by other people
but sage for ot… how come most of her fans/white knights are over weight beta males with bad facial hair?
No. 439805
>>439781>All those spider veins Do you think she's in pain? At this point she has to have crazy leg cramps.
Also stretch marks are natural and it's not like I don't have any, but… Yikes, all of those just show how fast her body fluctuated, no time to adjust to the weight.
No. 439827
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>>439519>>439642>>439644Is she seriously trying to invoke the "be careful who you call ugly in middle/high school" meme?
No. 439851
File: 1506410046880.gif (1.99 MB, 500x321, okaay.gif)

>>439519>yeah, well…she grew up>people think i'm just this random good looking girlnone of this happened.
No. 439854
>>439647thanks captain obvious! who the hell would get lipo if it actually caused you to gain weight? god, mariah is dumber than shit.
>>439718this is so bad, even worse in motion. why is her face so many different colors and textures?
No. 439877
File: 1506422551736.jpg (475.7 KB, 1434x996, moo-stache.jpg)

>>439718I don't know why she wants to take an HD footage when it just makes her look worse from upclose. Pic related, I though this was an obvious stache (And I'm a moderate feminist but she could mind the details and wax if she's gonna shoot so close!) but on other shots it just looks like a brown line.
I don't know who could find this attractive. The makeup is caked on and you can see all the holes and weird stitching which is really distracting.
No. 439880
>>439644Notice how she doesn't use a recent picture for the 'after highschool' pic. From what we've seen of her Chun Li shoot, she would look exactly like the pic on the left now, just with uglier hair.
>>439547I mean on this one on the right she's basically doing the same pose and nothing looks diffferent from the highschool picture. She looks worse, even, cuz she now has the face of an alcoholic.
No. 439885
File: 1506424602217.png (4.12 MB, 3076x1312, bitovacunt.png)

Ok, I know I'm being a bit of a cunt in these…but why wear like 3 ill-fitted bras and get the chub roll back fat fupa?
And god, rip ankle.
No. 439899
>>439880She didn't use a recent pic because this post is from over a year ago, as mentioned here
>>439519I do agree, though, that this post is now very ironic since she is right back to where she started.
No. 439900
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No. 439901
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>>439744She's so full of shit. Her response was not by any means "agreeing with him"
No. 439902
>>439795So much non-quality content in here I am actually crying and I wanna throw up.
The money she's raising is so unfair, but this is not her fault and I can't blame her for this.
Kudos to her anyway, she raised an empire based on lies, shitty content and cringy fanbase.
Plus, she's so out of character even if she's "sexy" I don't even.
It's like they made just one take and they were like "Uhm, I'm tired, let's make something else, mkay".
A good video needs at least 4-6 hours of recordings imho and this seems so bad
And this music really began to piss me off, get somethig different ffs.
No. 439906
File: 1506430761930.png (2.17 MB, 1416x1200, momo renegade angel.png)

goddammit momo your legs are fucking backwards
No. 439913
>>439906Lurker fag here. There are women who make curvy and heavier girls look sexy and hot, but this isn't any of that. I think the major difference is the girls that know how to make themselves look good, choose better garments to wear that do a better of accentuating their body.
I was eating a sandwich and felt sickened by this image. A good sandwich… made with home-made fluffy Hawaiian bread, pineapple smoked ham slices, and some delicious cheese. Now I look at it and think… "maybe later?"
No. 439914
>>439913She is so delusional that she is plus sized that she tries to squeeze herself into unflattering clothing.
There are plenty of companies she could order appropriate, flattering clothes from…places that would actually have good bras and underwear and even jeans that would fit her.
How much does liposuction usually cost? If she's making roughly 10k a month that means she's in the 3rd tier of taxable income, so assuming she has even 10k taken out that's still 110k a year…she should easily be able to afford paying off her procedure AND all her other bills and still be able to buy better clothing.
No. 439927
>>439914sage but I get
triggered knowing shes making potentially over 100k a year and has shit to show for it
if I had a 100k per an job for even one friggen year i'd have a mortgage for a house by now. Christ.
No. 439931
>>439877>Gloves are sewn with black thread despite the fabric being bright blueRRREEEee it's a small detail nut annoys the fuck out of me because in fitted gloves the fabric gets so stretched you definitely see the stitches from the sides. And the gloves are full of pale makeup stains.
>>439914This, she's in denial about her size so she just stuffs her body in clothing that's too small, trying to use shapewear to make it fit. If she used clothing that fit her, her excess weight wouldn't be so accented. And as for the lipo, I'd imagine it would be around $5000-7000 per procedure depending on the clinic.
While we're on the topic, I seriously do wonder where her money goes. She has no furniture, never buys new clothes, pinches pennies with her cosplays a lot and even ghosts conventions so does she just spend it all on her friends, drinking and partying?
No. 439953
>>439948It's what Chel tried to do with her. She was kissing Moomoo's ass for months trying to get into her inner circle. Only she got completely ignored and had a huge bitchfit on Twitter and Moomoo called her the fuck out on it.
I expect Moomoo to do the same when she sees her ass kissing isn't working.
No. 439959
>>439948The only reason it worked with Jess is because tbh Jess could probably be considered a minor celebrity at this point. Even if you don't really follow cosplayers you might have seen her or know who she is. So if Jess wanted a youtoober to pay attention to her it would be pretty easy for her. But I really hope H3 doesn't give Moo the time of day but Moo tends to get shoehorn her way into whatever she wants in some way shape or form. Most cosplays of vape naysh I've seen get a favorite on twitter or Insta at the most. H3 usually focuses on retweeting memes and fan art and has an idea of who just wants to use them as an attention grab.
Vape naysh stuff is kind of dead though and is only brought up every once and awhile.
No. 439962
>>439948It's so blatantly obvious when Moo does it though because she finds some new person to latch onto every few months. Once one doesn't give her the attention (and new followers) that she wants, she desperately moves on to the next person.
I'm going to agree with previous anons and say I have no idea WHY she does this with the amount of money she's making. This is crap I'd expect from someone that has no fanbase, not someone that's already making 10k on Patreon.
No. 439984
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No. 440000
>>439994I gotta agree. She is practically living in squalor. Barely any furniture, wearing the same clothes for weeks in a row. Having to ghost at cons because she can't get tickets. This sounds like someone who is barely making ends meet and is living paycheck to paycheck. It seems like she is blowing all her money on booze and junk food and just barely scraping by with her cosplays because she knows horny losers will pay for her showing any amount of skin or implied nipple or even a tiny peek at her pussy.
She has no interest in bettering her craft or developing talent. She just wants to feel important by bumping elbows with all the big names in the community. She wants all the things that come with being a big talent like getting paid to go out to conventions and getting sponsorships from big name companies like Funimation and Blizzard with having to do any of the work.
No. 440004
File: 1506450509098.png (221.94 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-09-26-14-21-57…)

Two of my favorite comments from her yoko picture. Which looks so terrible.
No. 440010
File: 1506451350764.png (199.96 KB, 500x281, hurghhh.png)

>sell content online
>give 75 percent of it away for free in "promo" social media posts and shitty 5 minute clips
>complain when people who buy it complain
wow so professional cosuprayer
No. 440013
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No. 440015
>>440013Has time to go to Disney with friends but can't seem to make it to a funeral for a supposed loved one?
Yeah, I'm definitely thinking Moomoo was disowned by her family and don't want her anywhere near them.
No. 440021
File: 1506453251957.png (36.85 KB, 241x521, IMG_7803.PNG)

>>440020The plaid again I'm
triggered No. 440022
also wait did she fly to cali for this?
No. 440026
Guy who made the meme holding a gun
Anyone who disagrees with her
Just to name a few
No. 440051
>>440045Because she has slow-as-fuck turn around time. She could be working harder or putting more effort into paying a photog to send the pictures back sooner and get everything set up, but why bother if people will start to expect more consistent content?
(Read as: That requires work, why would Moo work harder than barely the minimum?])
No. 440055
>>440042she's such a lazy cunt. i wonder if she has fucking hardcore depression(obviously) because it would explain why she can't do simple business things when that's literally all she has to do all day.
i hope that management-chan anon reads this because it's clear as day she has no fucking manager, she's self managed that's why she sucks.
i remember when i sold shit as a hobby on top of my fulltime job and still managed to take product photos, ship stuff out on time and update my site/social media. she can't even do that. i swear if she was selling any physical items other than prints she'd have been dragged so hard by now.
No. 440062
>>440057>>440056Fucking sage your off-topic whining about bullshit.
>>440059Pretty sure even Moo knows how to reply to a comment directly lol. This is just a pain in the ass who has no idea how this site works.
No. 440067
>>440063>guysthere are no guys here, try again.
No. 440071
>>440056No it's the fact that she herself flaunts her money and acts like she's a better cosplayer than others just because she makes more. She has even made a twitter post a few months ago telling people to do better than her. Someone responded saying that they do better cosplay work than her and she clarified that she meant it in terms of money.
The fact that she acts like that yet tries to look like some donating angel is obscene to me. A lot of anons are bashing on her because she herself constantly tweets about not being able to do shit because she has no time or money when she clearly has a lot of both.
No. 440076
>>440075Yeah it's best to ignore the obvious bait.
>>440074I'm surprised that no one called her out on that.
No. 440089
>>440085How DARE you??????????? So what if she has her name attached to her beautiful, artistic work? Her name is also attached to all of the GREAT things she does for the community!!!!! Such as:
NOT stealing other people's work
Donating tons of money to charity
NOT lying about anything
NOT harassing, sexually or otherwise, other cosplayers
NOT doxxing other people if they disagree with her
Being INSANELY body positive (she only got lipo because society FORCED her to do that, dude wtf)
The list just goes on…She's an incredible person, and any company or organization would be insanely lucky to have her on their team.
No. 440100
>>440094About a hundred bucks for one parkhopper. If you're buying food and drinks there though you're going to spending another hundred bucks. This is just for herself though I hope she isn't bankrolling her friends because that would be sad
If her friends live in Anaheim they might know someone who can give them a discount, or something
No. 440111
File: 1506457942104.png (787.98 KB, 720x1201, Screenshot_2017-09-26-13-28-29…)

>guys my family is totally affected by the hurricane I'm going to donate by spending $$$$
No. 440122
File: 1506458378885.png (396.95 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_6133.PNG)

>>440120This is the kind of shit attitude that she has. She justifies her fame with her money. She can try her best to look like she's charitable and a good human being but she is just a spoiled whiny brat who bullies others.
No. 440137
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No. 440373
File: 1506478910325.jpg (1.33 MB, 2896x2374, 20170926_211806.jpg)

No. 440374
File: 1506478926323.jpg (494.69 KB, 2896x2896, 20170926_211655.jpg)

No. 440375
File: 1506479026092.png (187.77 KB, 720x1021, 20170926_212008.png)

"Catch this fuckin' kamehameha."
No. 440387
File: 1506479983605.jpg (Spoiler Image,278.37 KB, 2896x2896, 20170926_213758.jpg)

The real side by side unlike that Cindy edit
No. 440427
>>440387what the fuuuuuuck. How do you let yourself get this disgusting?
>>440375Is this recent? Is she doing this while at disneyland? She has no idea how to enjoy herself without being a bitch to others, if so. Also, she's going after the fucking easiest bait. Saying this guy is wrong is like saying pedophiles are wrong. Of course it's true and everyone will agree with you. She's just trying to get the easy likes and retweets from the masses by going after an easy target. Sounds about right for Mooriah.
No. 440440
File: 1506487092751.png (752.1 KB, 835x624, Screenshot 2017-09-26 at 9.37.…)

man that hurricane relief money is being used correctly and i don't feel like she's a total fucking liar.
No. 440463
>>440436It's so obvious that this was sarcasm that I almost feel bad for you.
>>440440PLEASE stop spreading this bullshit rumor that she's using charity money to fund her trip to Disney. She hasn't posted the prints for charity yet and hasn't started raising the money at all. She has stated that she will be posting the prints in mid-October. I'm sure she'll end up fucking it up somehow, but when you spread around rumors like that it makes the actual milk we have on her way less credible and gives her an excuse to say we're all just a bunch of gossiping assholes.
No. 440489
File: 1506499111937.png (571.06 KB, 932x595, Screenshot 2017-09-27 at 12.58…)

No. 440490
File: 1506499177313.png (507.06 KB, 933x551, Screenshot 2017-09-27 at 12.59…)

No. 440499
File: 1506501097534.jpg (109.38 KB, 639x1136, tumblr_oqzhbqhMtj1vcj9auo1_128…)

No. 440501
>>440466>>440463Honestly the fact that she hasn't even posted the prints up for sale yet and it's been this long is just as bad.
It takes less than an hour to upload something to an website or online store and she's too lazy/self-centered to even do that.
All this time her prints could be selling and making money for "charity" (which she'll probably pocket anyways let's be real), is just wasted because of her lazy ass.
No. 440522
>>440516And hell if she does have bipolar, she isn't treating herself because she's… you guessed it.. lazy!!!
Like it's no excuse for her behaviour. If she suffers from something it's her responsibility to take care of herself, doesn't automatically excuse or rid of anything she's said and done
No. 440526
>>440501I don't get why she's waiting so damn long when they're flooded out of their houses
now. What good is that money going to do weeks from now? She's fucking retarded and selfish.
She could have donated out of pocket money now and still do the charity prints later.
No. 440533
File: 1506517017861.png (151.52 KB, 250x340, 1492721594274.png)

No. 440548
File: 1506522192817.jpg (576.62 KB, 1288x1304, moomoospitroast.jpg)

Anime twitter is shitting on Moomoo and defenders come out of the woodwork No. 440571
File: 1506526912089.jpg (50.17 KB, 686x960, pt.jpg)

>>440489>>440490Times have really changed, haven't they?
Remember when PT did a Chun Li cosplay and she was routinely shat on by the entirety of the internet for being fat?
Now, as long as the girl has a semi decent face and instahoe makeup, she can be this porky and stubby looking and have all this support. This shit here
>>440548 looks like PT's 'gravure' thing she tried to pull.
Do you think PT ever gets bitter about this shift in cosplay now? Seems like she really missed the shine train…
No. 440579
>>440571PT would have never tried to cater to gaijin neckbeards, only glorious nipponese ones!
Moo is popular because the gross neckbeard community, not because she's fat.
No. 440601
>>440571pt wanted to be a thin petite japanese idol. if someone said "don't pick on her just because she's thick" she would have freaked out at that person for saying she's thick because she was in denial about her size. she would not be on board with the body positivity thing. she had severe body image issues.
mariah wants to be thick and is riding the body positivity train to the bank. even though she has body image issues too she'll admit that she's bigger and will bitch out anyone who thinks it's bad.
i think there wouldn't be much change in the pt drama if it happened today because of these differences.
No. 440607
>>440576Could just upload it elsewhere.
>>440601Hell, Moomoo will bitch out anyone who thinks she's fat despite going on and on about being fat herself.
No. 440639
File: 1506537251892.png (54.22 KB, 607x490, snap.png)

>>440635Those prints… Its almost October.
No. 440640
>>440639The most patient cucks in the world.
Bitch goes on vacation as if she earned it but hasn't sent out rewards from the beginning of the damn year. This year is almost over, what the hell does she need a vacation for.
No. 440642
File: 1506537777098.png (103.5 KB, 358x357, Screenshot 2017-09-27 at 11.42…)

>>440639highly doubtful. If she actually delivered all of these, then why are they getting lost? This was posted 2 months ago with a inchat update
No. 440643
File: 1506537864726.jpg (3.58 MB, 1935x2576, moositkanna.jpg)

No. 440652
File: 1506538113555.png (57.29 KB, 690x409, why.PNG)

No. 440656
File: 1506538609159.png (15.15 KB, 453x107, Screenshot 2017-09-27 at 11.47…)

TBH like every other project she's not really talkative on the 3 channels. I didn't cap a whole lot.
No. 440661
File: 1506538986563.png (1.1 MB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2017-09-27-12-01-28…)

Her hair
No. 440663
File: 1506539140823.jpg (4.8 MB, 1932x2576, high as fuck.jpg)

No. 440664
File: 1506539282890.png (59.09 KB, 427x534, motoko.png)

No. 440667
File: 1506539380509.png (53.17 KB, 427x457, look harder.png)

>>440656There is a lot of stuff to cap if you know how to use discord.
No. 440670
File: 1506539450113.png (60.16 KB, 407x527, eh.png)

Feel a little guilty about posting some of this.
No. 440671
>>440639This is fucking ridiculous. How the fuck has no one called her out on this bullshit? She is literally stealing money from these people. This bitch has time to run off on "vacation" and get completely shitfaced at parties but she can be bothered to send out shit that people actually paid for?
It's shit like this Moomoo that is the reason you aren't taken seriously as a professional. And it's why you'll never be on the same level as your "cosplay Mom" Nigri.
No. 440672
File: 1506539537975.png (56.39 KB, 417x532, ready.png)

So it seems like she isn't as upset because she and her family have been prepping for her grandfather's death for a while now. Still sad to see she isn't mourning as much, but Im guessing he is also kind of distant, so everyone chill out with the "NOT MOURNING SO RUDE AT A PARTY" shit.
No. 440675
File: 1506539686599.png (296.19 KB, 1409x1617, 30269786f3d54f2b0075e7f325946f…)

She didn't reply to any of these… I feel kinda sad for them tbh
No. 440676
>>440670>>440672Goddamn it. I currently have a relative in a hospice with an aggressive form of lung cancer. He's too frail to even go under chemo. We only found out after he took a heart attack.
I feel so bad for her right now
No. 440681
File: 1506540185235.png (305.32 KB, 1242x1859, IMG_5061.PNG)

That wig
No. 440685
>>440678Yeah it's understandable
I'm really close to the relative I wrote about so it's hitting hard
But if he wasn't, I'd still feel pretty fucking bad about it but I wouldn't be crying every night I suppose
It's like distant relatives you only hear about maybe once if there's a death or they took a fancy holiday.
I can sympthaise with this.
No. 440687
File: 1506540523361.png (29.52 KB, 1347x185, 0b4e48cddc70ce31eb047160133fe3…)

this discord is just depressing
No. 440711
>>440701This. She's not acting like someone who's "trying to be a good person". She sounds as selfish as
she normally is. I don't get why anons are suddenly pitying her for being herself as if Moomoo didn't do this song and dance a million times before in the past 30 threads.
No. 440715
>>440711For fucks sake. Not everything is about hating Moo. I can relate on this whole grandfather death thing. Its understandable and frankly I went out when my grandfather died and I didn't cry at all either. Some people you are seriously not close to and thats okay. Just because its family doesn't automatically mean you have to be sad or that you can't do anything until an acceptable amount of grieving was done. She can share that she cares and that there is a death in the family without making it all about grandstanding. Fuck. MILLIONS of people post about their deceased. Its not some magical thing Moo suddenly thought up. People take SELFIES at wakes ffs.
Saging because the salty anons who think her grandfather passing = she should be kept indoors for two weeks and isn't allowed to do anything but talk about how sad she is.
I dont fucking like Moo. Im the one giving all the links to the removed videos, patreon updates, discord, but jesus christ. Some of you seriously sound like you are 16 or something because of how you FEEL she should act.
No. 440719
File: 1506542261897.png (857.18 KB, 720x1182, Screenshot_2017-09-27-12-55-59…)

No. 440721
File: 1506542422873.jpg (188.71 KB, 1365x1365, IMG_20170927_125945.jpg)

No. 440729
File: 1506543721879.png (1.08 MB, 640x960, ew.png)

No. 440730
File: 1506543730555.png (19.54 KB, 436x253, average.png)

No. 440731
>>440725exactly this.
If momo didnt care about her grandfather? why ask for pity points?
If it's actually as 'hard on her' as she's trying to portray, why has she been out partying, going to disney etc?
If she needed 'time off' which would be bullshit anyway since she barely does anything anyway BUT would have been passable if she said something before going off to Disney.
It's sad to see that her shitty little ploy has suckered so many of you since that's all this is to her, It's a convenience. Notice how now that her grandfather is her pity card we havent heard anything about the cat? It's literally the same shit. When she went to visit her grandpa it was 'It sucks that i cant work on cosplay cause i'm visiting my sick grandpa my dudes' or are we choosing to forget that. jfc
She doesnt give a fuck about her grandfather and she's just using it (like she does with everything) to get people off her back since the heat is on her still
No. 440735
File: 1506544695704.png (345 KB, 479x554, a year and a half ago.png)

No. 440736
>>440730"the average size is 16"
Momo's average size is 28
No. 440739
>>440720I didn't mention heroine at all in my post, newfag. This is lolcow where we talk shit about cows. It's not a hugbox. You can't get mad at us for doing what the site is intended for. Remember where you are.
Moomoo posts shit like this for sympathy points. She wants people to pity her even though she isn't showing any signs of mourning. She's doing her usual thing which is treating herself for being lazy.
No. 440753
File: 1506546724660.png (1.28 MB, 720x1182, Screenshot_2017-09-27-14-10-30…)

Please buy a new bra
No. 440760
File: 1506547557372.png (Spoiler Image,982.69 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2738.PNG)

I find it hilarious that she left the beauty cam watermark on the pic cuz she knew everyone was going to give her shit about her very obviously edited photos
No. 440771
File: 1506548032076.jpg (297.45 KB, 2896x2896, 20170927_163257.jpg)

The face she makes when she's not the center of attention
No. 440772
File: 1506548040065.png (1.09 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2739.PNG)

Fucking crazy eyes
No. 440780
File: 1506548372683.png (86.07 KB, 750x806, IMG_2740.PNG)

The bags under her eyes are SO bad
No. 440850
>>440735"I'm pretty sure I'm the first…"
Bitch, you're not. And sage for mini rant, but all these cosplay hos who want to be 'first' piss me off so much.
No. 440873
File: 1506552619426.jpg (17.7 KB, 385x385, BUY NEW UNDERWEAR U GROSS BITC…)

>>440772jfc they couldn't edit out the Calvin Klein logo on her underwear? fucking tacky
No. 440903
File: 1506553957609.png (237.87 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170927-160753.png)

Someone just asked.
No. 440906
>>440490so are you mei or chun li
you cant fucking be both
dumbass bitch
No. 440908
>>440516It's not self diagnoses you retard.
>>439519 she admitted it herself over a year ago.
No. 440933
>>440873they also dont edit her weird boob veins a lot of the time, it seems
like i know theyre "normal", but when someone shops so much of their own body its weird to me they dont hide them idk
No. 440988
File: 1506568534394.png (1.31 MB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2017-09-27-20-11-43…)

No. 440991
>>440988Look at how nice their wigs are….now look at Moomoo's wig.
Fucking pathetic.
No. 440997
>>439516Cat or Antares is only there cause she is friends with Mariah. But she deserves this way more than Moo. Also why wouldnt they choose someone like Vampy Bit Me
She fits the aesthetics better. Its awkward when people dont "match" in photoshoots or films or something. I hate it
No. 440999
>>440997cause moomoo is screwing the guy that organized the event also idk vampy seems more the type to cosplay what she wants. She's mainly stuck to one piece, monhun and gundam for a while now so why would she cosplay from some anime that no one has heard of, cares about and seems to be more generic fap bait?
>>440988I'm amused cause stella is just sprawled out showing off her body and moomoo is doing her best to make sure you cant see her stomach or waist.
No. 441009
>>440908Why should we believe anything she says? She probably just said she was diagnosed with all that stuff for pity points.
Remember when she said her parents were hardcore practicing muslims and she wore a hijab as a child, when her parents are definitely not hardcore muslims and children don't wear hijabs? Remember when she said she never had lipo? Remember when she said she was super close to her recently dead grandpa but then turned around and said she wasn't actually emotionally affected by his death becasue they weren't that close? Bitch is a compulsive liar who uses it to get pity, I don't believe for a second she was actually diagnosed with anything.
No. 441031
>>440753is… is that the same bra she used for wicke? Does she really only have that one, the black one and the nike sports bra?
Also god her wig styling skills are awful.
No. 441042
File: 1506577553067.jpg (21.7 KB, 540x233, 1494746240823.jpg)

>>441008>>441039Y'all need to READ instead of trying to start feuds when it's unnecessary.
No. 441043
File: 1506577715144.png (458.72 KB, 814x599, Screenshot 2017-09-27 at 10.48…)

No. 441046
File: 1506578076734.png (127.96 KB, 857x560, role.png)

Does this mean Moo can't kick people and stuff because she isn't a moderator in her own Discord?
No. 441062
>>440997I don’t think Vampy would even want to do this. It’s more than just an underwear shoot from what the bts footage has shown. There’s spanking and groping pictures so it’s basically just a higher quality production go what Momo normally does. Surprised Stella is involved actually, though her own content has become increasing more sexual in the past year too.
Sage for ot
No. 441075
>>441074She sucks up to Mariah on Facebook like a lap dog it's really pathetic to watch
I'll get caps next time she does it since it's always on theit personal accounts
No. 441078
File: 1506587958338.jpg (503.62 KB, 1935x1290, IMG_5723.JPG)

>>441076I just made one comment you're the one who (was wrong) and kept pushing it.
But here's a cap for your dumb ass anyways. ;)
No. 441102
File: 1506604067592.png (81.37 KB, 720x439, Screenshot_2017-09-28-06-05-50…)

No. 441125
File: 1506609728006.png (153.55 KB, 720x753, Screenshot_2017-09-28-07-40-35…)

No. 441126
>>441125seeing shitty people liking the same stuff as you do just makes you so tired of the thing. you cant really do anything about it, especially if the fandom is big and you see the shitty fans everywhere.
sage for rant
No. 441136
>>441126Seriously. Cringey members of any fandom will turn you away from it because no one wants to have to deal with that shit.
Although this is funny coming from Moomoo since she has literally chased people out of cosplay for not wanting to fuck her or for not kissing her ass.
No. 441152
>>441151She just uses people like pawns on a chess board and doesn't care who she fucks over or ruins. And she'll completely debase herself to get whatever she wants. She'll kiss and and suck dick like no other. And then she drops you the minute you are of no use to her, all in service of her ego. And if you even think about taking any recourse or try to call her out, she will drag you through the mud publicly and leave you to the wolves. She'll say you were just jealous, or that you tried to slander her first, or you fat shamed her or even make false sexual assault and rape claims. Anything to deter anyone from ever working with you again. All because you hurt her feels. Even her "cosplay Mom" Nigri won't be safe when she thinks she has finally overtaken her. I'm sure she'll accuse her of bullying and fat shaming her and that she is just jealous that she isn't the "queen of cosplay" anymore.
These aren't the actions of a "good person". These are the actions of a complete fucking sociopath who has no regard for anyone other than herself.
No. 441154
File: 1506617328549.png (681.16 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170928-194721.png)

>>441064I really don't know what to think of GRRRL clothing anymore… because they say she's not a sponsored athlete, but this post sends mixed messages.
No. 441160
File: 1506618197032.png (568.13 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-09-28-09-59-41…)

>>441154There are so many examples of reading comprehension and cohesive thought gone AWOL in Momo threads that I can't even bother with them all. Key word is "athelete," and looking through their list of atheletes, all of the girls do some sort of sport/activity to warrant athelete status for the brand. Scrolling further it allows you to also be a "brand ambassador" which is probably what Momo signed up for. It's probably just to be a one-off post of yourself in their clothes but not a sponsored longterm athelete listed on their site. The message that the bran sent to that one farmer said Momo is not a sponsored athelete, but they didnt clarify if she was a one-time ambassador afaik.
No. 441167
>>441083Funimation is not paying Momo anything. She is name dropping again to pretend she has more connections than she really does. I was an open event where all you had to do was ask and send photos in to promote it.
It was like when she went to see the Tokyo ghoul movie. Instead of saying she just watched it like a normal person, she had to say "I was invited by funimation themselves!"
This isn't the first time she does this. She simply can't go to a con, she was invited. She can't just go to a casual meet it, she was invited and the event was focused on her. She's weird like that.
No. 441173
>>441167this is what i've been saying,
she didn't get invited as a special guest or anything, the justin guy just used his position to get her photos in. we don't even know if hers was the only photoshoot.
No. 441174
>>441171i have a contacts sponsorship from pinkyparadise, i get free lenses to review and coupon codes and shit, and i only have 500 followers. i still have no clue why they gave it to me.
i feel like most of moo's 'sponsorships' are like that too.
No. 441175
>>441167You don't know if they're paying her or not.
Someone like Stella who is an actual professional wouldn't do a promo photoshoot for free so they're most likely paying them all SOMETHING.
Think a little, idiot.
No. 441180
She is not above tossing people aside if they clash with her or if she finds no use for them. She was riding Plusfox's dick super hard when he was shooting her photos. Hell she sucked kbbqs dick literally when he was making shit for her and doing her pov shoots but when they had a falling out she publicly ruined him. There are screenshots on threads where she deletes or insults people who say anything neutral or negative about her mom Jnig. Her and Nana were good friends and now it looks like they barely talk now that Moomoo has surpassed her. She isn't even above stealing credit as long as it makes her look more talented than she actually is.
No. 441194
File: 1506622800218.png (308.92 KB, 490x442, funimation.PNG)

>>441190y'all are dumb as mariah if you think this has nothing to do with funimation when they're advertising it on their page and their logo is on the marketing material for the event
No. 441196
>>441185You must seriously want a fucking medal or throne, Patreon-anon. You mention how much you're giving us every two days for the past week or so. We thank you and appreciate it, but speculation is also
allowed here as long as it's saged.
>>441193She does this with interviews at cons, too. People who go up to everyone at a con and ask if they'd like to be interviewed. Moomoo will make it seem like that only interviewed her because she's just so special and precious.
No. 441210
>>441179This is what's happening.
Funimation official FB has promoted the event. So YES it is an official thing.
This is how non-convention paid cosplay events work.
Now everyone shut the fuck up about it and quit tinfoiling.
No. 441213
>>441185Wow, you're posting screencaps of a fat cosplayer being a bitch on an anonymous image board, fucking W O W anon. Real hard hitting shit there.
>>441179The problem with that is that a lot of people aren't going to really care about Mariah outside of lolcow
No. 441234
>>441227Im not saying you are wrong. Im agreeing with you and saying people need to just deal with the fact that she is working with Funimation on this campaign they are doing for the lewd series. Tbh, thats probably the reason Stella was choosen too. Not just because she makes cosplay and is formidable in the cosplay scene, but because she has tons of experience doing burlesque and pinup. Put that together with what they are doing here and you have why she is there. Anteras is probably there because she knows how to make clothes and knew her body plus the most revealing outfit would be made properly and look good on her.
Like..Come on. None of this is really far fetched. Moo seems a bit out of place, but knowing their circle and the fact that they know Justin, is probably the reason why Moo is involved at all. Plus she brought in a good crowd along with Jessica at the blowling alley thing during AX.
Like.. Its NOT impossible to accept.
No. 441241
>>441240I really have noticed this as of late.
It doesn't matter a bit if you are ugly/low quality. All you need is to sexualize the shit out of yourself and the fan base will follow. Companies/events have no moral standards anymore so they will invite and cater to anyone with a following now.
Saged for crying moar.
No. 441246
>>441239yeah but Funimation doesn't care. She's controversial and has the potential to draw in some decent sized neckbeard crowds for Funimation to milk dry.
>>441229take ur meds sweetpea
No. 441260
File: 1506628908006.png (840.49 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170928-130036.png)

No. 441261
File: 1506629397427.jpg (199.04 KB, 2048x2048, B0D80670-A064-47D8-BC1D-8D5EF7…)

>>441260Even being airbrushed to hell and back….it's still the saddest hank hill ass…
No. 441265
>>441260Dumbest shit ever. And her underwear?!?! Having a huge label on a cosplay is so god damn tacky.
Her eyes also looked like she's high on crack.
She should just do porn in her ebay bought costumes. She's the worst.
No. 441294
File: 1506633510507.jpeg (148.65 KB, 931x1400, 35BA6411-6B1D-4702-9EF9-1CA5C6…)

>>441260Remember when everyone used to rag on pixyteri so hard for being fat?
Mooriah is fatter than PT ever was.
No. 441295
File: 1506633605420.jpg (99.36 KB, 1365x1365, DK1IbWyVwAUMxkS.jpg large.jpg)

No. 441296
>>441260I really really hope conspiracy theory anons are right and she's constantly high or drunk or something. That's the only thing that can explain why she seems to want us to think that she owns, at most, one pair of underwear and two bras.
How does this underwear fit this character at all? Does Chun Li love Calvin Klein in Moo's headcanon? I don't play Street Fighter but does Chun Li even live in a time or country where she could havve access to Calvin Klein underwear? MOO JUST BUY SOME UNDERWEAR YOU PROBABLY HAVE AN AWFUL YEAST INFECTION BECAUSE YOU NEVER CHANGE THAT SHIT.
No. 441304
>>441295"I'll never lewd Chun Li my dudes I respect her too much!"
Open crotch shot. C'mon….
No. 441311
File: 1506635470997.gif (70.26 KB, 342x413, LR1Xg4d.gif)

>>441277It would look like this if not for photoshop blurring to try and hide it. Just unhealthy, ugly and awful
No. 441315
>>441295Can her eyes do anything besides looking like she's on something? She has the most expressionless faces. You can tell she actively tries to make her cheeks look thinner by having her mouth open in every damn picture she takes.
Sage because she's a dumb cunt
No. 441322
>>441295oh god im crying w laughter at these
what lies below? airbrushed vagina?
No. 441361
File: 1506641089119.png (174.19 KB, 266x479, Chun-Li_(MvC2).png)

>>441296Chun Li was (originally) born in 1968. She's usually referred to as an interpol agent. sage for lore fag.
No. 441366
File: 1506642296526.jpeg (563.15 KB, 1242x1842, 2A93C8CA-F7C4-4697-B4AF-30CD67…)

lol ok jan, stay peachyyyyy
No. 441385
File: 1506646169328.png (238.55 KB, 1378x807, Capture _2017-09-28-17-49-06.p…)

No. 441387
File: 1506646449529.png (70.66 KB, 720x406, Screenshot_2017-09-28-17-51-58…)

If she didn't sperg about it when he posted it six hours ago she will now. Hey moomoo!
No. 441421
File: 1506649861899.png (762.87 KB, 720x1039, Screenshot_2017-09-28-18-48-42…)

Why does she do this with her eyes
No. 441427
File: 1506650369276.png (600.62 KB, 720x838, Screenshot_2017-09-28-18-56-43…)

No. 441434
File: 1506650808836.png (354.42 KB, 1025x334, Screenshot 2017-09-28 at 7.06.…)

Etsy was updated. Think she's going to do this again..
No. 441437
File: 1506651439870.png (192.99 KB, 336x455, momo kneebutt.png)

>>441274tfw you don't have a butt but your knees have em
No. 441454
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No. 441455
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No. 441471
File: 1506657092787.png (Spoiler Image,208.32 KB, 405x538, 20170928_224955.png)

Same strange edit or makeup from the mememe set in the cleavage. Left the gut because I'm sure there's something there too
No. 441479
>>441421I'm pretty sure she does the wide-eyed + slackjawed look because it eliminates any creation of eye bags, crow's feet, and smile lines. But she just ends up with crazy eyes.
I know from experience doing this lmao its better just to smile so you have a visible excuse for wrinkles at least in candids
No. 441485
File: 1506660274342.png (1.01 MB, 720x1147, Screenshot_2017-09-28-21-43-10…)

No. 441502
File: 1506663435681.png (113.37 KB, 750x1299, IMG_5739.PNG)

>>441491>>441487>>441485They even tell people in their MOST RECENT POST THAY THEYRE SHUT DOWN………….
God she's so stupid!
She just posts shit like this to make herself look good when she's too lazy to actually give a shit and read the actual accounts posts!
No. 441505
>>441504Big enough to begin with*, sage
But seriously why is it so hard for this girl to smile naturally.
>>440721 and her Stocking and Mememe! she smiles in but it's so stiff and uncomfortable. Maybe it's just the face tape?
No. 441516
>>441494What do you want, a fucking reward? You've been reminded of the rules. Milk providers don't get to break them. Bye.
>>441485Why doesn't she just offer people send them donations or something? She has to be on a cocktail of drugs to be this dumb.
No. 441546
File: 1506670418007.png (191.07 KB, 720x936, Screenshot_2017-09-29-00-30-42…)

No. 441567
File: 1506675217907.png (147.09 KB, 750x850, IMG_5742.PNG)

>>441562>>441546She's getting another animal too lmfao
Not even adopting. There are so many homeless animals right now because of the hurricane that she supposedly cared sooooo much about yet she's buying from a breeder…
No. 441588
>>441583Breed don't matter, NO cats deserve to be subjected to moo.
saging, but lets not turn this thread into another cat welfare thread.
No. 441597
>>441588Not breed or any animal deserves to live under this bitch. She can’t even take care of herself why the fuck is she getting another animal???
Saging for PETA talk bullshit tier
No. 441609
>>441470>>441494>>441537wtf is a mod on her period? calm down.
(don't give a shit if I'm banned)
No. 441615
File: 1506696240236.png (279.99 KB, 494x494, 1492571025559.png)

>>441567>breederThis time of year shelters are brimming with kittens ready to be adopted. But no, gotta get those cats worth a couple grand because ~blue eyes~
No. 441621
File: 1506697361045.jpg (45.66 KB, 342x342, 1506356715908.jpg)

>>441428Take your own advice, Moomoocunt.
No. 441625
File: 1506698391193.png (548.14 KB, 720x777, Screenshot_2017-09-29-08-18-35…)

What con is this
No. 441634
>"picked up a lot of knowledge in craftsmanship and marketing"She barely makes her own cosplays. The only time she picks up craftsmanship is when she picks up the poor saps who are willing to help her (only for her to take credit).
Also, marketing???? What marketing? All she does is post "lewds". Heck I'm almost sure that her nudes that were "leaked" helped with a lot of her fame. She probably looks up to Kim Kardashian.
>"promotes body positivity as well as positivity"Uhhhh no. She had lipo done which shows she doesn't even believe in her own body positivity bullshit. She even tried to hide it according to sources.
And what positivity? She starts drama with literally anyone with a non positive opinion of her and Jessica Nigri. Such a child.
No. 441637
>>441609>>441616>>441623Farmhands have been making fun of "xD" for quite a long time now, it's just fairly rare. I thought that
>>441470 was an amusing and clever way of saying "no one cares" though (as if you guys aren't always whining about blogposting anyways). I enjoy the input as long as its not overbearing or on every other post. Maybe think of it as a sign that they are invested in the community and it would suck as badly as 4chan if they didn't click with the dynamics of it.
>>441627>>441631Lmao god, you can tell that a lot of cosplayer guest profiles are written by themselves but ffs Momo you didn't have to make it so obnoxious, you're supposed to make it NOT look like you wrote it.
>>441635I can't help but wonder what she did to get them to include Vamp, I doubt con heads picked up on them being bffs and thought it would be cool to guest both. Dunno though.
No. 441731
There is some confusion, all three bans were from separate mods. I think you must misunderstand that there is a lot more bans than what you guys see publicly. I can't say for all the mods why which one was banned for what reason, if you want to ask please stop posting about it in here and go to the complaint thread in /meta/ so admin or other mods can clear it up.
>>441709>>441710No need for the double post/samefag btw.
No. 441789
File: 1506722753159.jpg (500.76 KB, 2896x2896, 20170929_165812.jpg)

Looked like someone tried calling it as a fake but…
No. 441790
File: 1506722780486.jpg (492.57 KB, 2896x2896, 20170929_170029.jpg)

She's just a dumb cow
No. 441824
File: 1506726351744.png (1.05 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2742.PNG)

She recorded this WHILE DRIVING. I would hate to ever be on the road at the same time as her Jesus Christ.
No. 441850
File: 1506728717399.jpeg (408.27 KB, 982x2048, the box.jpeg)

>>441789This scale cost about $150, not including any shipping fees. No bootlegs exist.
>being too fucking stupid to look at the boxdying
No. 441866
File: 1506729839028.png (782.02 KB, 720x1022, Screenshot_2017-09-29-17-01-36…)

This set makes her look like she realized the stove was left on
No. 441931
>>441546Don't try to lick vensy's ass moo, she doesn't care.
>>441567Jesus the disgust for people who buy from breeders make me wanna die. Also as
>>441570 said, purebreds are waaay more prone to sickness so yeah, way to go moo.
No. 441932
>>441866I just don't understand why she'd do a "strong workout set" in the same ratty pair of underwear she's been wearing this last year.
Put on some compression booty shorts (DID YOU ALREADY FORGET ABOUT YOUR SPONSERSHIP WITH GRRL?) and a sports bra. Bam, workout gear with some sex appeal. You're welcome Mariah, now please pay me since I clearly do more work than you do.
No. 441949
File: 1506738222419.png (880.52 KB, 1080x1558, 20170929_210425.png)

Saw this on fb today:)
No. 441950
File: 1506738379707.png (507.91 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2743.PNG)

No. 441951
File: 1506738696521.png (681.91 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2744.PNG)

No. 441953
File: 1506739163660.png (97.04 KB, 203x275, 1498699702589.png)

>>441951>that Cow girl hentai cosplay in progressGOOD GOD, WHYYYYYYYYY
No. 441992
File: 1506745034022.png (127.51 KB, 720x487, Screenshot_2017-09-29-21-14-44…)

Back on the horse
No. 441993
File: 1506745080231.png (189.57 KB, 720x608, Screenshot_2017-09-29-21-14-14…)

No. 442002
File: 1506746243490.png (18.32 KB, 394x151, Screenshot 2017-09-29 at 9.36.…)

No. 442010
>>442008I've watched this 3 times now and it never stops surprising me how crusty she looks in this video.
What is hydration
No. 442016
>>441789God, remembering that her and tenleid interact lol. Who do you think is the bigger leech?
>>441950>Literally says "I would never lewd Chun">admitting that's exactly what she's doing, for money At least she's being honest with herself, finally, I guess.
No. 442024
>>441434I remember when everyone mistook Sierra/ThornChan for Mariah when she was spotted at Sabakon in this cosplay
Is that why she still wants to do this cosplay? Cause her and sierra aren't friends now she has to show her up?
No. 442039
>>442035….what the fuck
she'd probably just backpedal and say she saw it somewhere with no credit given, but still not give credit
No. 442051
File: 1506763997378.png (1.33 MB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2017-09-30-02-31-38…)

No. 442059
File: 1506767025036.png (322.9 KB, 540x842, Screenshot_2017-09-30-05-21-51…)

>>442051KKB replacement. Even shit flirting and holding hands less than 2 months ago.
No. 442060
File: 1506768616521.jpg (209.96 KB, 1920x1080, DK9GRWTXoAU3qof.jpg)

The Funi twitter apparently posted this. Did they also get emails from anons? I wonder if it's related.
No. 442097
File: 1506787202889.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1678, 20171001_015631.png)

No. 442098
File: 1506787288245.png (241.8 KB, 1080x1827, 20171001_015705.png)

>>442097the one thing shes good for. Being fap material for desperate men…even they are seeing through her facade on patreongirls
No. 442099
>>442098what hes saying is a bit of a contradiction tho lol
>love her body typehard back rolls?
No. 442106
>>442103As a fatty, I totally agree. I don't think there's anything ok with glorifying the way her body looks and saying "oh she's not fat, she's thicc and she's really healthy!!!" and seeing it as something anyone else should ever actually want to be. Obesity is not healthy. Period. If people are comfortable being obese or are too lazy to do anything about it, that's totally fine, but there's absolutely nothing ok with telling other people that it's healthy and everyone should look like that. Be fat if you want. If people are attracted to you and you're happy, good for you! But don't pretend that you're healthy and try to force other people into thinking you're attractive if they don't already think so. It's not society's problem, it's your own.
Sage for angry blog post.
No. 442120
>>442103That's the thing. If she was just a fat, popular cosplayer, nobody would hate on her. She is just such an awful person that people like to pick on her weight because she tries to pretend to be all body positive, but it's really obvious that she's super insecure about her body. Also she claims her body is healthy and is basically promoting obesity as healthy to impressionable people, when it's pretty obvious from non-photoshopped pictures that her body is unhealthy.
Moo moo being fat is not the issue, as much as she likes to cry and pretend it is. Her being a horrible excuse for a human being is the problem, and her disgusting body is just the cherry on top of the shit sundae.
No. 442157
File: 1506802085789.png (234.51 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170930-130547.png)

Someone suggesteda Cortana suit guess Moo really wants to cosplay her even though she said she doesnt like Halo that much.
No. 442165
File: 1506804001590.jpg (856.72 KB, 1438x1940, Screenshot_20170930-223856.jpg)

holy shit
No. 442167
File: 1506804276540.png (3.66 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1720.PNG)

Oh god it's starting.
No. 442168
File: 1506804423537.png (3.2 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1724.PNG)

Her body is so disgusting. Like zoidberg feom Futurama. Her ab muscles just turned into pudding after the liposuction and creating rolls that are no where near normal. I hope MooMoo seriously gets in shape soon, because her body is just ridiculously unhealthy.
No. 442171
>>442165One of them is complex and has thoughts and feelings and cares about others. They have ambitions and hopes and dreams.
The other is Momokun.
No. 442188
>>441625It's sad that even with photoshop at their fingertips this is the best they could do.
It has to take a lot of work to make her look presentable.
No. 442191
File: 1506806233795.png (4.69 MB, 1242x2208, A6FE47AE-18AD-4356-B8EE-BAC5C4…)

No. 442192
File: 1506806267749.png (4.54 MB, 1242x2208, 24F53C2E-867B-419A-9862-2248B0…)

No. 442202
File: 1506807262319.png (1.24 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-09-30-14-32-14…)

No. 442204
File: 1506807449166.png (517.67 KB, 720x893, Screenshot_2017-09-30-14-36-21…)

I cant
No. 442207
File: 1506807953444.png (165.04 KB, 688x436, kanor sperging over moomoo.png)

No. 442208
>>442204open your eyes fuckboy, you're blinded by thirst. also
>implying Momokun has any honorI lul
No. 442211
File: 1506808325949.jpg (380.9 KB, 1113x1600, 1.jpg)

Here's the source.
No. 442220
File: 1506809586650.jpg (48.54 KB, 441x408, bih.jpg)

>>442212oh yeah, uncanny.
No. 442250
File: 1506813147734.png (5.52 MB, 1242x2208, 1F3E6893-20A8-4EAC-AA65-510439…)

I'm sorry, if you're posting videos of yourself rubbing your tits and pushing them together, what makes you better than any cam girl? Just be honest about who you are and what your content is.
No. 442256
File: 1506813649183.png (10.15 MB, 1242x2208, C8B0B8AE-57FF-45A4-9FD8-368537…)

>>442202I can't believe she posted this on twitter for everyone to see and couldn't be bothered to shop out her discolored, deodorant-speckled pits, smooth out her stomach and thighs, or her lipo scars. Maybe she's just trying to be honest with herself now lol. But god that caption
No. 442286
>>442194lol dont worry moo, we are drowning in your milk, just not the kind you want
her eye makeup is ok here, i think
No. 442291
>>442256I'm really really sorry to anyone with veiny breasts and I know it's natural for larger breasts, but that fucking huge vein on her boob is so gross. Maybe it's because we know she got a breast reduction when she was skinny, so most of that is not breast tissue, it's all fat, but something about it all just adds up to her boobs looking so disgusting.
>>442282Thicc is supposed to mean curvy. Like, someone who's a healthy weight but still has big hips and/or boobs. Insecure fat girls stole it and tried to make it about themselves, like Moo, but all its done is turned 'thicc' into a meme where you just call everyone fat that. Well, some people still use it to mean curvy (Like Moo's neckbeards), but it's mostly a joke now.
No. 442328
File: 1506822596594.png (167.57 KB, 720x749, Screenshot_2017-09-30-18-42-18…)

No. 442329
File: 1506822646207.png (1.07 MB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2017-09-30-18-46-11…)

Nailed it.
No. 442336
>>442328so wait, if this set was made for her- not bought- then why the fuck isn't it source accurate? the cow girl is wearing boyshorts and a microkini top, not a standard bikini. she can't be this fucking stupid, my god. I don't even care about the source material itself, just the fact that she cannot be source accurate if her life depended on it.
Sage for autistic rage
No. 442338
>>442329oh i wanna kill myself
what is this gonna be like
No. 442339
>>442194your photo is showing anon
also wtf are those lines at the center of her bikini?
No. 442370
File: 1506829265973.png (107.76 KB, 750x906, IMG_7839.PNG)

I see moo paid cogconnected for a second article.
No. 442378
>>442358>>442366Honestly, nails are my biggest
trigger and I cannot bear to look at Mariah's, you pointing out her natural nails under the acrylic made shivers go down my spine and audibly go "AAAAAH".
What the fuck, how can she live with that shit?
No. 442379
>>442370"Her Cosplay is 100% Hot"
Totally how humans speak.
No. 442387
File: 1506832429778.png (1.03 MB, 1440x1400, Screenshot_2017-09-30-21-32-07…)

Nice diet Mariah.
No. 442399
File: 1506836036436.png (1.72 MB, 1440x2292, Screenshot_20170930-223058.png)

No. 442400
>>442329God he looks so old and creepy.
She sure found her new POV boi star pretty quickly after KBBQ tapped out.
No. 442407
>>442339I'm an idiot, thanks anon and jani. Luckily I'm a nobody haha.
>>442365 I noticed that too and thought it might just be laziness but like other anons pointed out, I wouldn't be surprised if she was just planning on reusing this for Sonico in the future?
No. 442410
File: 1506838023021.png (1.16 MB, 720x1174, Screenshot_2017-09-30-23-03-40…)

Date night wears: her crusty Nike sportsbra
No. 442411
File: 1506838052942.png (1.23 MB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2017-09-30-23-04-10…)

No. 442413
>>442410mish mash couple
his nose is so bent it hurts
No. 442426
>>442420I wouldn't doubt it, but he probably tolerates a lot of shit from Momo's end just for the status of dating someone internet popular if he couldn't get someone better looking.
If he settled for a bipolar fatty he's probably weird as shit. For no other prettier girl to put up with that for at least the dough throws up some flags.
I give it two months before she puts red X's over his face in their photos she posts.
No. 442427
>>442420>>442426what is this and how is he rich for it? i mean i live in another country so maybe it's different i don't know
sage for being dumb
No. 442437
File: 1506843186315.jpg (472.74 KB, 2896x2896, 20171001_022143.jpg)

Even for a hentai she can't stay (or even be) in character, the cow girl is a shy type yet there she goes groping herself, licking her lips, making "o" faces, etc grossly flirting with the camera. She also made a point to show that she didn't have pubes showing this time too, camel toe with cow print something I never thought I'd see
No. 442440
File: 1506843869470.png (1.19 MB, 720x1175, Screenshot_2017-10-01-00-39-44…)

No. 442454
>>442437poor deku doesn't deserve this shit
she should have mineta. sexual harassment and completely useless
No. 442455
File: 1506846109488.png (203.51 KB, 460x767, YHtBjBS3AKbaSta9ftg4dkYucUEazf…)

eloquently put
No. 442457
>>442370Is that header + intro even written by a human? It actually sounds like they fed her name and context to a markov chain program that printed out some generic blurb.
>>442437This, she always has to be as trashy and slutty as possible while picking the most unfitting characters. There are plenty of provocative characters around, why can't she pick those for a change? Now she's being blatantly obvious about how she doesn't care for the source material and only uses characters to milk neckbeard dick bucks. And because she has zero sense of subtlety or eroticism she has to go for that deplorable "teehee rubbing my tits and licking my lips ahegao open mouth dripping with cum so sexy!!!" style every fucking time.
No. 442485
File: 1506855822199.jpg (202.12 KB, 506x688, cow.jpg)

>>442437Accurate text bubbles though
No. 442487
>>442485Man the character doesn’t fit her at all, every character she chooses has a way thinner body than her
Sidenote: she eats her green stuff but momoo just eats massive amounts of fat and sugar lol
sage for stupid comment
No. 442490
File: 1506857764252.jpg (Spoiler Image,46.17 KB, 583x326, ohgodwhy.jpg)

…I have concerns.
1. Is this just my eyes being old and not understanding what the fuck is happening in this area? It looks weird.
2. I know it's hard to see, but it looks like her labia is hanging out a bit. And in other pictures of this, you can clearly see pube stubble.
Maybe it's just me.
No. 442496
>>442490In the 1 area, the lip of the bikini is lifting away from her body, so we see the inside of the bikini a little bit. Then, we see where it touches her body again and that causes that weird shadow. I don't think it's caused by photoshop, just Moo being too stupid and lazy to get a costume that actually fits.
2. I don't want to think about that enough to answer
>>442437I just realized that that is a generic wooden cow bell that she bought and sloppily painted over. It just looks so shitty and homemade becausae of her painting. She ruins literally everything she touches, including herself.
No. 442503
File: 1506862782535.png (248.02 KB, 580x598, lol.PNG)

No. 442513
>>442399>looks like if Marisa Tomei had an uglier, fatter sisterThe funny thing is that Marisa Tomei is almost 53 and looks younger than Mariah…
>>442329I'm hyped. This is going to be hilarious
No. 442524
File: 1506871613953.png (1.83 MB, 1440x2096, Screenshot_20171001-082058.png)

LMAO I wonder how that guys girlfriend feels about him doing porn with moo.. that second picture of her kissing his cheek was only 6 days ago. Almost feel bad for the guy, maybe he didn't know what he was getting in to? But also it was hilarious to see moo taking so many selfies when he's got a drink or something in hand, she prob paid for everything to try to make herself look better but it just made it look like he was using her for the free drinks and free trip lol
No. 442525
File: 1506871758878.jpg (367.25 KB, 2048x1536, Breast reduction.jpg)

Saged for potenial newfag but has she ever mentioned a breast reduction before?
No. 442526
>>442524Wait, new fuckboi has a girlfriend…?
I'm expecting good milk
No. 442538
File: 1506873697168.png (332.59 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171001-085945.png)

No. 442539
File: 1506873722773.png (328.94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171001-085954.png)

No. 442540
File: 1506873773713.png (992.45 KB, 1004x857, Da6pack.PNG)

>>442510>>442511Don't you remember when she tried to cleary pass her flacid skin (and weird fat rolls) just after the lipo she had for a six pack and also lying about hitting hard the gym? That's a lot worse than the working out lines thing. At least PT was really working out (even though she was delusional about her body progress and actual body type).
No. 442544
>>442524Tinfoil here but: Fuccboi is using Moo for cash and his girlfriend is aware of this already and lols every time they post a photo together because she knows the truth.
Sage for obvious tinfoil.
No. 442546
>>442544This would be hilarious. Imagine fuckboi and girlfriend planning everything ahead, he plays Moomoo for fame and cash and she gets half of the cash her bf makes by playing Moo. And in the evening, after a long day of listening to Mariah's ramblings and valley girl voice, he comes back home and tells gf how his day was and they laugh together at the cow.
Sage for impossible dream
No. 442554
>>442540>>442550Exactly. Not talking about something is not lie, everyone choose what to share with people… But she did lie about the lipo, about the gym, preached a false body positivity, and always try to make seem that all the hate she got (cause she deserve it) is because she is not thin…
Compare her to PT is not fair, Moomoo is beyond shitty…
No. 442559
File: 1506876881773.jpeg (232.4 KB, 750x1252, B4BC042C-BFE0-4028-8BD8-888184…)

Moomoo is defending herself in a /cgl/ thread to prove all us meanie haters wrong
No. 442564
>>442550She actually said that she "hated hiding it" and it was "so difficult" for her to hide it because she's "a very open and talkative person and likes to tell everyone everything".
A couple people called her out and asked WHY she had to hide it but of course she fucking ignored it.
No. 442579
>>442576she had a really old face even before getting fat, with eye bags and all. we’ll never know what she would look like without.
also who the fuck wears circle lenses for a casual night out? tone down your weeb bullshit moo, it’s fucking cringe.
No. 442618
File: 1506884010347.png (1.13 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7862.PNG)

>>442524Urge to vomit intensifies
No. 442627
>>442618if i was this dude’s gf there’s no way in hell i would let him record fap bait with mariah. she has no morals or boundaries and would probably be trying to get him to fuck her. at the very least, being extremely inappropriate instead of professional.
poor girl probably isn’t aware of moo’s penchant for sexual harassment though.
No. 442643
File: 1506890519721.png (138.13 KB, 720x646, Screenshot_2017-10-01-13-39-42…)

I like how she probably found out about what the situation looks like and backpedals
No. 442676
>>442572she is selling her body whether she wants to admit it or not
you would think with the money she supposedly makes she would put in more effort
but the bitch cant buy furniture or a new bra so you shouldnt be surprised
i still cant believe those pube shots tho. why would she ever release them
No. 442694
File: 1506901021027.jpg (1.26 MB, 4359x3109, kek.jpg)

No. 442727
>>442694Momo's fans being neckbeards has backfired so hard with that ghoul picture. Neckbeards don't know what women look like with/without makeup, so they don't realize her face is covered in concealer. Hope that picture spreads around her fanbase and they all think she looks like that without makeup, lol.
>>442329Also, since everyone's talking about her new fuckboy. Is it bad that I'm excited to see the cringey shit she's gonna make now that she has a new photoshoot partner? Her stuff's been kinda tame and lame ever since she burned her bridges with KBBQ and didn't have anyone to smack her gross ass our touch her flabby udders for pictures anymore.
No. 442736
File: 1506907684424.png (729.25 KB, 720x951, Screenshot_2017-10-01-18-26-01…)

No. 442737
File: 1506907748457.png (1.01 MB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-10-01-13-44-51…)

No. 442744
>>442736What is up with her arm? It looks like a fabric tube shoved with stuffing or something. All misshapen and at weird angles. Also, I thought Mariah was really short? Is this guy also really short?
>>442737Is she really trying to do this fake "bae caught me slipping" stuff? Her body looks like its melting into the mattress.
No. 442749
>>442736lol this pic is at the big ferris wheel (high roller at the linq), rides are like 30-40$ a person and even more if you pick the carriages that have an all you can drink bar in them. she definitely fronted at least 100 patreon dollars to get her new boytoy drunk.
that one evangelion i think? cosplay with the terrible short red jacket and the long black wig, she took those in the parking garage near downtown in a very bar-filled area so we know where she went after the pics were taken…
No. 442754
>>442751I was just thinking the same thing. I was going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say maybe they were just like super friendly and that was how they expressed their friendship (idk I've seen people do stuff like that before and be totally comfortable about it) but this is absolutey NOT that. This is like HARDCORE flirting and it's incredibly blatant. It's actually disgusting. His girlfriend has to have seen this stuff by now. There's no way anyone would be ok with this type of flirting with another girl.
Unless they're in an open relationship like another anon pointed out above, but I feel like that's pretty rare and I kind of doubt that.
No. 442756
File: 1506910343560.gif (876.63 KB, 400x251, backrolls.gif)

>>442191who the fuck does she think shes fooling with the backrolls? she can suck in all she wants but the rest will betray her illusion
No. 442769
>>442727she's also ruining her fanbase with shit like
>>442736 she's not supposed to be a person with a boyfriend and emotions. she's going for the gravure idol shit, so she needs to be a fake pure, accessible piece of ass.
No. 442776
File: 1506912310775.png (977.06 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7866.PNG)

Moo's acting manic / high again in her latest IG stories
No. 442805
File: 1506914640515.png (141.8 KB, 404x536, Screenshot 2017-10-01 at 8.23.…)

I'm sure they're in a relationship
No. 442808
>>442805It's hidden on his Facebook profile
What a scumbag
No. 442811
>>442801yes and i didn't see anything besides her kissing another guy but in april or something
>>442802woah i didn't see that, i'm going blind, thanks anon.
>>442805did go as far as going to her fb but thanks
sage for me being dumb
No. 442815
>>442812what if there's another SNAKES!!! breakdown lol
then again, moo is an idiot and would probably rather think she "won" or some demented bullshit like that
No. 442826
>>442825Whale* sage for dumbass samefagging
>>442817Not so sure that would be such a good idea tbh
No. 442833
>>442831Well whatever is going on, Momo doesn't have the girlfriend as a friend on FB but has the guy as a friend.
So either she doesn't know the girlfriend or doesn't like her is my guess because Momo adds everybody she meets/talks to
No. 442838
File: 1506918054372.png (462.68 KB, 934x335, damnson.png)

>>442821Her comments have turned into just pure savagery. I love it. Everyone has turned on you, Momo. Where's your fanbase?
No. 442839
>>442835I'm not even sure where these people are getting this idea that she's a "huge cash cow". This bitch can't even afford to buy furniture for her house. What makes people think that she's just going to hand out money? Yeah, she might buy them tickets for something or like pay for their food and shit like that, but it's not like she's just going to write them a check.
And if Vamplette is anything to go off of, associating with Moo doesn't get you any sort of fame by association. The majority of her follower and fans only want to see a "thicc" girl in her underwear.
No. 442843
File: 1506918309345.png (386.71 KB, 720x919, Screenshot_2017-10-01-21-22-11…)

No. 442845
>>442821yeah I thought the yandere shit had pretty suspicious timing too… Or is it because it's conveniently October, idk.
We know she is a stupid weeb with no respect for boundaries…
No. 442859
>>442832at most i would drop a link being like, you know how your boyfriend is acting with a much younger woman, right?
and maybe the insta story anon mentioned from right after
No. 442860
File: 1506920723330.png (211.2 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2770.PNG)

Sorry for the covered words, I didn't want to take 2 screenshots cuz it all fit. Covered words are "anything", "I", and "you"
No. 442862
>>442860>masturbation merchantnice
im guessing she blocked them after her higher than thou reply
No. 442863
File: 1506920944039.png (125.94 KB, 750x825, IMG_2771.PNG)

No. 442864
File: 1506920971488.png (Spoiler Image,93.59 KB, 512x924, IMG_2772.PNG)

No. 442865
File: 1506921011007.png (896.97 KB, 845x738, aaaa.png)

Pic she posted on FB vs the one she just put on twitter. Why hide your arm pimple and beauty cam mark?
No. 442868
>>442865this is so hilarious to me and i dont know why
is there something wrong with her hand too, or was she trying to even out the hearts
>that fat roll overhanging the ill fitting bra No. 442878
File: 1506922118966.png (336.23 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2773.PNG)

If she spent even half the time she does responding to all the hate she gets on actually doing her JOB and mailing out prints she might not be six months behind on rewards. She responds five times as much to hate as she does to the people who genuinely like her.
No. 442884
>>442883you can still get your prints
>implying she'll even ship themif you give her more money!
No. 442892
>>442890She could have done super sonico which is the exact same outfit
But nope has to be from some random hentai to try and show how sexual she is to her fans and how she "likes more than mainstream anime"
It's just tryhard as fuck
No. 442910
>>442908My bad
Patreon vegas shooting donation shots when
No. 442920
At the very least can't wait to see the "I'm safe my guys but i'm so sad this happened las Vegas is my HOME" post
No. 442926
>>442924She does flavor of the month with everything.
Games, anime, boys, tragedies that actually affect people
No. 442933
>>442903there is but she lives nowhere near it so unless she was there she's not in danger - it was only at one hotel, rest were red flags
t. worried vegas anon 2 blocks from strip
No. 442943
File: 1506930667574.png (174.51 KB, 1433x1173, Screenshot_20171002-003838.png)

Yes it's really scary and I hope any farmers out there are okay and safe. Momo is trying to get attention by reposting fake random bullshit she sees on Twitter it's disgusting.
No. 442944
File: 1506930671646.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171002-004647.png)

Moo is on Insta saying 80 dead and 200 injured because she had access to a police scanner and declaring it a terrorist attack. Nowhere in the news, granted every station had ascanner, is there THAT many casualties. She's being so extra.
No. 442947
File: 1506931138647.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171002-005616.png)

Backpeddled because she exaggerates everything
No. 442951
>>442944For the record, the police are saying: 2 dead, 24 injured (12 critical)
Sage, just in Vegas watching this unfold
No. 442954
>>442944god momo shut the fuck up. youre a disgusting pos. way to freak out and add to the mess that is false information. where the fuck did she even read 80 dead 200 injured????
this shit
triggered me. she's usually a dumb cunt on the daily, but you'd think in situations like these she'd try her best not to be fucking ignorant
No. 442957
File: 1506933375155.jpg (101.65 KB, 575x1024, DLHl7ofUIAAeOmc.jpg)

>>442954>>442953>>442952>>442951She got all her news from the Overtflow douche. Same dude was using the scanner she posted on her insta story and reporting wrong shit. Most recently with her she can't read because she thinks she can donate blood because Nevada is unregulated but the Red Cross doesn't accept from unregulated states. Bitch can't even read right
No. 442959
File: 1506934308873.jpeg (845.4 KB, 1242x1699, B052A6C6-A1D1-46C7-A72F-62C2C7…)

This is the weirdest shit. Guess she didn't take that post he made about liposuction personally.
No. 442961
>>442959But doesn’t she have a fucking tattoo?? Like is she regretting it now or what??
She’s dumb as shit thinking people are going to accept blood from unregulated state
Also smh girl just fucking follow news sites, so far the confirmed amount is 20 dead and 100 injured., like it’s not that hard to look at the top trending news on social media
Seriously I’m like really rolling my eyes at the anons who said moomoo wasn’t the type to milk a national tragedy to make herself seem like a saint
Look at the supposed hurricane donations that are gonna be useless because she’s waiting so long and people are dying
And now her random misinformation and wanting to donate blood
She’s fucking scum bruh
Sage for rant
No. 442963
File: 1506935088780.png (165.03 KB, 750x1112, IMG_5880.PNG)

>>442961>>442957Look at the replies, it looks like the person who sent her the info was just stupid
Though I guess she could have just looked at the post and saw Nevada on there herself
No. 442970
File: 1506936217521.jpg (937.47 KB, 1071x3303, Screenshot_20171002-021533.jpg)

She was just going on about the shooting but still has time to reply to haters.
No. 442976
File: 1506936923261.png (170.18 KB, 827x1130, 1611ed2cb8313c8ad34eca6e33cd7b…)

this dumb bitch is never going to change. argues with someone over the net, but when she gets caught she tries her "uguu best of luck to you~". she truely is a cow and deserves her place in pt
No. 442978
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a triggered moo. its been when even your fans have to tell you to not feed the trolls and remind you how you said youd change
No. 442983
>>442978I wish I had a spare twitter account to give her shit for there not being a single recent picture on that board her mom made
No. 442986
>>442978Love that her mom uses the CK set shoot and just cuts out her face, oof, that's gotta be weird
But seriously if she had just not responded it would have completely blown over, but oh no she had to make sure to mention how much popular she was and now it's gonna come back to bite her and she'll have even more negative attention on her than she does now.
No. 442990
>>441992>someone who barely breaks 20kUh, she knows most of her attention isn't positive right?
I think most people would prefer positive attention to what she has.
No. 442991
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No. 442992
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No. 442993
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No. 442994
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Ahhh so much “positivity”
No. 443002
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>inb4 charity prints for LV shooting victims
No. 443005
>>442970please god let lowtiergod do a roast video omg
he’s a cow in his own right but it’d be hilarious
No. 443006
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No. 443008
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No. 443013
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Also offical count is indeed 50 dead, 200+ plus wounded, 24 in critical condition
No. 443028
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So dramatic. Go to a food drive or donate it off your own pockets you twat
No. 443041
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No. 443053
>>443012To be fair, the news was reporting those figures for ages before the numbers confirmed to be higher.
Though Momo was also the one screaming about hundreds dead and injured before any official news was out.
No. 443057
>>443027Can't sleep because she had just woke up feels more accurate
I can't believe she was actually right, apparently??? Dunno how dude went from in custody to fucking dead tho gg cops
No. 443070
>>443044>MY family is okayWhy does this sound so selfish?
She's talking about Las Vegas having to come together and makes it seem like she's so caring about everyone who was injured but the way this was worded makes it seem like she doesn't give a shit about anyone else like she previously did.
Sage for potential nitpicking
No. 443073
>>442976Remember when she said before her break that she would start using twitter more professionally? Yeah…. so much for that.
Also Mooriah would try and justify her existence with the amount of views she gets. For one thing, she is the only one ho can see the view count on her stories. Another thing is you can't compare viewership between different platforms because different platforms have different algorithms. YouTube has shitty algorithm causing subscribers to not see when the people they sub to post videos. Instagram however will advertise stories of even people you don't follow on their search tab. Instagram stories do not even take engagement into account so if someone watches your story for a second it's still a view. So if Mooriah really feels all high and mighty she should compare her YouTube views to his because her YouTube views don't even break 20k.
No. 443076
>>442736>Mariah is 5'2>This guy is as tall as her>This guy is 5'2>>442831The "teaming up and using Mariah for money" ""conspiracy"" was obviously ironic, anon
>>442970I love how she still measures people's worth by the money/views they make. She hasn't changed one single bit from that video.
No. 443078
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this shit ended up on my timeline and jesus girls why do you have to show how much you donated? stop boasting
No. 443079
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Hugbox of unwavering support
No. 443091
File: 1506959558275.png (107.95 KB, 593x437, donation.png)

She's already off on another rant about people complaining about her "showing off". Will this lead to another crazy instastory rant? This would be the perfect opportunity to slam her with the hurricane relief claims she's been boasting about.
No. 443094
>>443078At least she donated. Who cares if she made a post patting herself on the ass for it? Better $2000 to victims than the countless, useless "THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ;_____;" posts I'm seeing on my feed by people who want to show how virtuous and good they are by "thinking" about the bad event but doing fuck all like donating money or blood to actually help.
You guys are nitpicking this, bigly.
No. 443098
here are all the things she's donated to on gofundme: donates $2000 to this but can't even donate enough to actually help vamp reach her goal of $600 to fix her car that was broken into. great friend she is
No. 443100
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love this juxtaposition
No. 443101
>>443091People only cared to see receipts for your other donation because you scammed people out of their money by making donations confusing. You also claimed to be releasing your charity shoot on patreon too and split up donations by doing so. You also could not name a charity for weeks. So yes, people have the right to be paranoid about your charity donation. However, this is a different case. I'm sure no one would care so as long as it shows she donated.
All this shows is that she could have done this for her charity donation but didn't because she is lazy and was milking it for money.
No. 443102
>>443097Her own family lives there, of course she cares. When tragedy hits in your backyard the first thing you do is make sure your own family is in order before you start assessing the situation of strangers.
You're nitpicking because she's not being 'humble' enough when that doesn't fucking matter when $2k donated is still $2k to victims. It's more than what you or I will do and you know it.
No. 443103
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No. 443105
I agree that it was a good move to show how much she donated to prove she did.
It is her past actions that are biting her in the ass. She seems to brag or seek attention for every tragic thing that happens. First the "save the bees" donation that turned into a Hurricane relief that she hasn't even opened the sales for yet. Then using her grandfather on his death bed, and then eventually his death but choose to get drunk instead of going herself. Now she is donating to the 40 in vegas. I guess people are peeved because she could have donated to the Hurricane this whole time since she posted her Beekini Mei on her paetron.
>>443098Vamp has gotten into plenty of car accidents and before just had her daddy get her a new car. Maybe she should practice road safety, learn to maintain her car and the lot.
No. 443111
>>443106Evidently, you care.
Want me to say it again? "Thoughts and prayers" posts are just as attention-seeking and virtue signaling as Moo posting that she donated $2k except her action proves a help whereas facebook posts don't. That's the end of it.
No. 443114
>>443091the part that surprises me most about this is
"It's my money that I worked for!"
Is it? Does she do anything other than buy costumes, attempt and fail at basic sewing, and pose on a bed with cum all over herself?
This is a serious question, does she actually get money other than patreon? Or is she attempting to say that patreon is "work"
No. 443119
>>443115The real issue is that she only donate so much within a much without it affecting her life. She wants to donate, she isn't some evil disney villain that only wants to hoard money. But because her only source of money is through patreon, everyone is fully aware of how much money she can safely donate while still living life. She wants to donate, but she also wants to look amazing, and still get attention on social media. She wants to buy and do expensive things and not feel like she's living off of other people.
It is easier to postpone and trickle the donations, so that way she can still show she cares, but not actually risk anything major. She still drinks and eats expensively, wears designer clothes, spend tons of stuff for "future projects" and takes her models and photographers out all the time. She CAN spend 6k on donations, but it is easier to mask a future project as a donation opportunity while she spends possible donation money on dumb shit.
No. 443120
>>443115Granted you think a hurricane and a mass shooting share an equal dynamic.
Federal and state aid is immediately distributed for weather-related catastrophes whereas it could be years or never that a federal grant is set up for victims of a mass shooting.
People know about hurricanes for days in advance and can prepare, whereas a shooting happens in an instant with families prepared for nothing.
People will treat a hurricane relief situation and a mass shooting situation differently because they
are fundamentally different.
No. 443124
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Not only pinned the tweet but also retweeted meaningless backpats
No. 443129
>>443124It was great of her to donate. I don't think anyone is arguing that.
It would have been a lot more graceful if she had linked to the gofundme without showing her donation. If people went there they could see that she donated $2000 and think "wow, that's good of her". It would still be proof of her donation there because it shows up. But by posting it while saying "please donate" it does come off as "LOOK AT HOW MUCH I DONATED". And since she has been putting off the hurricane relief stuff it looks a little tacky.
No. 443135
>>443130>If mariah didn't say anything about it and did nothing it would be a tiny blip in this threadEither way her family lives there and she would've made a status about them at least. Surely had she not made mention about donating anything, you would have been questioning why she set up a hurricane charity but seemingly gave nothing for a tragedy happening in her own area. She was going to be criticized either way because she's the one who got her nose into fundraising awhile ago, but still.
Please stop making us defend Moo on this front. Complaining about her capitalizing on attention based on how much she donated 1. Is moot because all that matters is that victims get money and help, and 2. Is not much different than any other person posting on social media about this event right now.
Let this one go, because it's petty.
No. 443165
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No. 443172
>>443165This is so fucking embarrassing. I have family who were on lockdown in the hotels and didn't know if they were safe or not until earlier this morning but good to know Mariah is using a tragedy to make herself look like a saint. Seriously, fuck you Mariah.
Saged for pissed off Vegas anon…
No. 443183
>>443178That is true, but since she doesn't seem to much of her own income it's just her fans paying for it whilst she's fronting with her name to gain "respect".
It would be just better to use that patreon money to pay for cosplays lol
No. 443184
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Mooriah… I do think it was nice to donate, and yes it's okay to express your worries about your dad being on the strip in that massacre (I would be too)… but this is so unprofessional and childlike to whine on your IG story like this. You're making a terrorist act about you and you're just fueling it and making it worse. Grow the fuck up. Stop trashing the cosplay community. You're a fucking cow, physically and mentally.
No. 443208
>>443165what happened in vegas was terrible, but god, this is just… so uncalled for. in my country there are terror attacks every 2 days and our costhots never try to make it about them.
sage for ot whining
No. 443268
>>443258We asked for receipts previously for her charity because she was being shady about it and failed to name a charity for weeks. She made it confusing to donate and made it so that she could still profit off of it.
People are not complaining because she posted a receipt. It was about how obnoxious it was. She could have just said "I donated to this charity" and not even have to post the amount. Also, her doing this showed that she could have done the same for hurricane victims instead of making a whole fuss and possibly taking months to actually donate since she has been lagging on the charity stuff. I appreciate her donating and even increasing awareness about the shooting, but for the entire day it has been nothing but "look at me im a nice person" by bombarding everyone with examples of why she is such a nice person. News flash, people who are actually nice shouldn't need to feel like they have to prove it.
No. 443282
>>443268The actual "nice people" are the ones helping others every single day. The ones who donate their time, money and effort every day. Not when it's most convenient for them or onlybwhen it's a national tragedy, and certainly not in a self-mastubatory effort to prove to everyone how good a person they are.
Meanwhile, Moomoo is bullying others out of the community for not wanting to be her fuck toy or for not worshipping the ground she walks on. Accusing guys of sexual assault and rape because her ego was bruised by them tossing her lard ass to the side. And then brags about how she is so much better than everyone because she makes more money selling pictures of herself with fake cum on her tits and some random guys fingers in her ass for desperate losers.
So she can go fuck right off. One questionably charitable action does not even begin to erase all the shit she has done to other people.
No. 443290
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Didn't see this one posted here yet, sorry if it was and I just missed it.
It's unbelievably disgusting how much she has turned this event into something about herself. That whole post was about how SHE is scared and SHE is upset and SHE was just on the strip yesterday. All she ever does it talk about herself. I can appreciate the fact that she's donating money and blood because that's a wonderful thing to do, but she's still somehow managing to make this whole thing about her.
No. 443304
>>443279No. No one is flip flopping.
With the mei stuff: she claimed she was doing the shoot for charity, swapped charities several times and then pushed back the charity drive til when it will basically be useless. She also never even suggested that she could donate herself and did not donate a penny towards it.
With this: immediately started making the situation about herself by bragging about what she donated, getting mad that some randos on twitter talked shit at her and didnt lick her ass. She's now claiming that she's done nothing but 'cry and check the news' but she's had time to try and clap back at lowtiergod and other twitter randos? If she actually cared why is she arguing with people about unrelated things on twitter?
No. 443316
>>443258For the last time, it's good that she donated, and that she donated that much. The problem is that she always has to make it about herself.
Geez, it's like some people lose their ability to understand what they read here.
>>443279The newfag is showing, sage this.
No. 443338
>>443294People here in Las Vegas are being asked to donate blood, there is a massive need here.
While this may be true for people outside Las Vegas, we DO need people locally to donate.
There are lots of thing to shit on this bitch about. Giving blood isn't one.
No. 443345
>>443339Looks like you thought wrong.
It's a legit gofundme, the Stan listed is a Las Vegas politician, and you can easily find her under the donators.
Also a gofundme isn't really a "charity"
No. 443349
>>442839Well Vamp is also not even that special. She has a face that looks like it was bashed against a wall and her craftsmanship is pretty mediocre compared to other better looking female cosplayers. She also has no personality besides being Moomoo's lap dog.
Sage because not Mooriah.
No. 443356
>>443290Yes, 50+ people died and she doesn't speak more than a sentence about them. She doesn't say anything about those people or their families or the people who knew them and will never speak to them again and will have to look at their shot up corpses.
No. It's all about Mariah. She has no empathy whatsoever. She didn't donate to charity to help people. She donated to help her own shitty image. All her entire life is is "me me me" and I don't mean her shitty cosplay of that music video.
No. 443384
>>443375do·mes·tic ter·ror·ism
the committing of terrorist acts in the perpetrator's own country against their fellow citizens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sage for definitionfagging but cmon buddy it was
No. 443391
THE DAY BEFORE. Damn heathens. Show respect.
No. 443417
>>443353You really think that guy is the one she's sleeping with?
You think she would make that public? That this guy looks anything like what moo would go after?
He's just fake news. Something to get people talking. All publicity is good publicity to a degree.
No. 443487
>>441832I was going to say the same… She'll have her
triggering 1/2" gaps for whatever nasty shoot she does on Halloween
No. 443497
>>443258she pinned the fucking donation tweet and wont stop talking about it
no shit its for attention, how stupid are you
No. 443499
>>443282>some random guys fingers in her asswait
is this a real thing she did
No. 443502
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No. 443510
>>443502sage cause it's not momo but i love how she tries to talk shit about steff all the time but Steff has been out all day donating blood, helping out and keeping people updated without bragging about how 'selfless' she is.
This is probably moomoo trying to one up her tbh
No. 443512
>>443502I wonder what breed of bitter bugs will crawl up your asses to invalidate her doing this as well?
List of things she did for other people today:
>donated $2k>volunteered at a blood bankAnons:
>?????I hate Moo but you all are being so unreasonable about your rage.
No. 443521
>>443517>MUH ATTENTIONStill unreasonable.
It's like you expect people to be quiet about major contributions and where they volunteer.
Did you also throw hissy fits when people make the local news for doing something nice? When celebrities get in the media when they donate to hurricane relief?
Do you sit in your computer chair and stew about how anything good that someone does for someone else is always motivated by PR?
I know for a fact you will never donate $2k even if you had it. After all, the other rich pampered cows such as Onion never gave a red cent to anybody even when they were at their richest.
Your ilk piss me off.
No. 443522
>>443520>implying you're talking to one personYou DO have a problem with her donating because HOW DARE SHE mentioned how much she donated on her social media.
You're bullshit.
No. 443524
>>442865i vote this (left) because of her gross fat roll
>>442737this because its pathetic
>>442694for hate comments
No. 443528
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>>443524Full photo of left.
No. 443529
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>>443528And while I was on her Facebook
The problem isn't that she donated, or that she's talking about donating. The issue is that she's doing it just to spite the haters who were making fun of her. "See, look at what I'M doing. YOU'RE doing nothing!" Its the same exact argument she used for her Beekini set when she announced it was going to go to charity. All of her good will comes from a place of spite and pride, thats not something to congratulate someone on.
No. 443558
>>443542>>443545all of this.
>>443551nah, you can stop. no one would have damned her at all if she didn't feel the need to make this about herself and just asked people to help as much as they could and left it at that.
No. 443559
>>443557Why are you putting in quotations the word "done" when I never said that anyplace?
Why are you implying I don't think Moo is shitty anymore just because I think shitting over the way she donated is an extremely weak point?
No. 443564
>>443551nobody said shit about other people, this is about her selfish personality.
>Stop making this about Moo.this is her fucking thread what do you expect genius? no one is minimizing her action we are minimizing why she did that. go lick her ass you look like you are suited for that.
No. 443566
>>443561Oh my fucking god.
She doesn't have a cult of followers just because she has a facebook, instagram, and patreon for fuck's sake.
She's a leader of nobody.
And just because I'm telling you to stop obsessing about the attention she got from posting about her donation doesn't mean I'm calling her a hero. Get over it.
No. 443574
>>443502 It looks like this was her instagram story.
Does it even matter the fact that she's doing this on a platform that will be erased on 24 hours? Normally I would never defend Moo but I know Maroon and Bastion, they definitely were doing this for the good of the city so hopefully this cow paid for something good.
Unless Moo is claiming to be a victim can we drop this shit about her milking the Vegas shooting. It seems like a lot of anons here either live in Vegas or know a lot of people here. Yeah, Moo may be looking for asspats about this shit but at least she's helping. We can shit on her later but reading how much y'all are hating on her right now is upsetting.
No. 443578
>>443551>And people who do nothing but post on social media about how sorry they are for the massacre are more loving and caring somehow?There is a huge difference between slacktavism and Mariah using her donating time and money to rub it in the hater's faces. No one is out here comparing Mariah's actions to others, people are simply judging her motives for doing it.
>Money she donated is still money to the victims. It doesn't matter how she intended it to be perceived.It absolutely matters. Yes, that money and that food will be put to good use, but as a public figure it matters immensely as to how she tries to perceives it. Going to go OT here as an example, but David Beckham donated and did a lot for Unicef. A few months back emails leaked where he flat out admits the reason he did so much was merely to make himself look good, and try and be up for a humanitarian award. The money went to a good place, but he's still, like, a jackass my dude.
>She was screwed either way because you guys don't like herYou're probably not wrong about that tbh, but she's done that to herself. I think her best bet was to make some posts about what happened, show remorse, link to charities/ gofundmes to encourage people to do the same. She also chimped out at people on twitter, which doesn't help at all. She could have gone through it gracefully, but she can't do anything gracefully lbr.
No. 443579
>>443574Sage for double.
I live here, I grew up here. Any money donated for the help of people injured is more than welcome.
All I'm saying is can we stop shitting on Moo the literal day of a MASSIVE TRAGEDY. A lot of us seemingly are either from Vegas or have connections to it. Moo is not the focus here by any means.
No. 443590
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>>442736What a perfect mug to bring, thanks Charlie
No. 443596
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No. 443643
>>443637how the f am I supposed to post proof? hacked emails? hidden cams?
everyone thats been around mariah since the beginning has known her hotel exploits. she is a t h o t
(stop baiting) No. 443656
>>443605Wicke is the ugliest I've ever seen her, like, I'm literally repulsed.
All I saw was her hand near her ass, and I assume KBBQ resting his hand inside her thigh which looked retarded and awkward. Did you mean the latter, because I refuse to look closer at the images in question.
No. 443663
>>443656Iirc there’s a pic of her flat ass with her butthole barely covered and I think that’s where the thumb in ass came from cause kbbq or whoever tf she had as her photo shoot fuckboi at the time but I think that was her shampoo pov right ??
Also lol @ anons claiming we’re getting mad for her donating when it’s not the case good for her donating but it’s one thing to pin ur donation and rt tweets asspatting you for donating, it’s like jnig all over again with the pulse shooting, posted everywhere she donated like 500$ and claimed to do a charity calendar that never saw the light of day
Like mother like daughter
No. 443667
>>443119>wears designer clothesI wouldn't be too confident on that. That CK underwear she's constantly showing off and stretching thin is $8 at urban outfitters. Nike wear isn't going to break the bank.
Now if it was something like Supreme, definitely different
No. 443668
>>442944i was listening to the police scanner and they didn't mention anything about casualties or injuries - they don't care about that. they're busy directing strike teams and fielding possible new shooter sightings and arranging safe transport for those who were safely locked down.
pro tip moo: the people leading the charge are never the ones to count the bodies. they clear the way for them.
No. 443690
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>>443688You don't look on her twitter account?
No. 443691
File: 1507009885586.png (177.53 KB, 419x312, Screenshot 2017-10-02 at 10.50…)

talks about eating vegan pad thai and COMMUNITY MY DUDES
No. 443692
File: 1507010036676.jpeg (514.97 KB, 750x1154, BEE3282B-8C95-409F-9AB2-421C60…)

>>443685God her chat is filled with ass kissers.
No. 443693
>>443692"mei is evil"
you spelled "Momokun" wrong, bud
No. 443705
also >moo pronouncing thot "thought"
No. 443706
>>443705Elemetry school classmates. I highly doubt she cares. She's just saying she KNOWS someone who was shot from 20 ears ago and thats another reason how she is suffering from this. THen laughs at the twin's sister who got a bullet in the ass WHILE RUNNING AWAY FROM AN UNFOUND SHOOTER AT THE TIME.
She's such a fucking piece of shit.
No. 443709
>>443184her dad wasn't at one of the casinos affected, nor close to it - and if he wasn't on graveyard, which is shit tier really, he wouldn't even have been there. caesars didn't call security guards in, they used what they had already.
i wish there was any use for being able to see some details about him, or if only moomoo worked there…
No. 443716
>>443706but she totally donated from her heart, not for publicity my dudes.
also what the fuck why does she have that kind of mic when she doesn't stream at all? and that screaming… isn't this supposed to be a charity stream for a massacre? why is she so happy? it's creepy.
No. 443719
File: 1507012216386.gif (758.77 KB, 295x222, oZypSef.gif)

>>443715One day Moo will find a skeevy enough liposuctionist that will give her the fupa of her dreams
One day.
No. 443721
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No. 443724
File: 1507013097451.png (724.25 KB, 627x857, vxBndAf.png)

Yes Momo, let's post an insensitive photograph of the blood stains in the hospital from those who were injured or literally dying the moment they were taken in for validation of how much you are 'concerned'.
Fucking christ.
No. 443727
File: 1507013554630.jpg (5.56 KB, 294x47, 642154445.jpg)

>>443726>>443725i don't think she took it. its way too much i dont want to believe she did it…
also, hello farmer
No. 443731
>>443727My bad. I was so shocked that she posted that picture for asspats that I assumed she took it.
sage for being an idiot
No. 443732
File: 1507014099990.png (677.31 KB, 1035x495, ed3af53498f85773114aefa0bd40c7…)

Concentration. She is awful at overwatch
No. 443736
>>443733suzy said that shit about mercy, what is with these bitches and 200
or maybe she had said 300 i dont remember
No. 443746
>>443697>>443706oh yeah she definitely cares so much about this tragedy and only wants to help, she's not just milking this for attention and asspats how dare anyone shit on her for th-
>makes light of people who actually got shotWELP
No. 443751
File: 1507018679952.png (4.27 KB, 324x82, fourteen.png)

lmao she had a blank expression reading this message. Don't even think she noticed the name
No. 443757
>>443742I lied but it's finally up
>>443756Sorry for wall of text lol
No. 444140
File: 1507074790994.jpg (32.03 KB, 500x375, gug.jpg)

Why do people donate to a single person who says they are going to donate to a charity?
Why have a middleman when you can do some googling find a charity or hospital to directly send the donations to.
I just feel strange about her stream because she could have recommended people just send it where she donated.