File: 1403896729393.jpg (10.16 KB, 300x274, THE PT FUCKER.jpg)

No. 453
So I think it's time we have this discussion.
We'll have tryhards show up here and try to troll us. For some reason /cow/ /atf/ hates us even though we do the same thing they do, maybe they hate girls, I have no idea. We have never bothered them or tried to troll them. It's just not on our agenda.
Now before staminarose went down, most of use were handling it pretty well and called them out on their bullshit, idiots couldn't even get their stories straight, and the whole secret sadist club meetings at bars was so fucking ridiculous that it was hilarious. BUT. Some of you did fall for it. It wasn't until PTNR said "Wait a minute… PT does babysit a little girl around that age" that we all freaked out and wanted blood for the toddler that "got molested".
These trolls were bad trolls. But we will have smarter and better trolls show up here, we just got lucky these guys were retarded.
We need one Golden Rule. "No proof; GTFO" We can't keep falling for people that say they know PT, have proof about something she did or said, but refuse to show it to us. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS BULLSHIT.
We did once and it caused our pissy admin to shutdown the board, precious material was lost, half of our user base is gone, and we may have lost PTNR for good. It was fucking chaos.
So please think. This rule should have applied to PTF since he obviously lied about a lot of stuff and the only thing we had for "proof" was admin saying "HOLY SHIT IT'S THE REAL DEAL BUT I CAN'T SHOW PROOF TO YOU GUYS" I think we all deserved to see this "proof" ourselves.
So, what say you?
No. 455
>>454Honestly, I don't want to derail the thread and argue about PTF.
To me at least if he lied about one thing, he probably lied about other things as well. He always provided us with info we already knew (except for the times he fucked her and his ~dark sexual desires~) I don't think he knew her as well as he lead us on to believe and it mostly sounds like they were pen pals. He said stuff like
well she did this and that, but never provided screen caps (because she might find out it was him) while at the same time saying PT was stupid and talked about her shit to everyone. To me at least, he came off as suspicious. That's my opinion though and everyone is entitled to their own. I know PTF had some fangirls on SR.
Anyway, I would really like to focus on The Golden Rule and I hope we can all at least agree on that much, whether we liked or believed PTF or not.
No. 458
>>455He didn't have fangirls at all. No one liked him and we all thought he was beta. However, any gossip on PT was better than no gossip. Most of it was useless, but I enjoyed some of the shit he said.
No real need to talk about that loser because we once beheld the glory of the true Messiah, only to lose her in the most retarded take down I've ever seen.
I blame the SR admin for pussying out. The only person who actually had real concern for the accusations was PTNR (if it were true) because she had inside info that PT was actually babysitting. Just a coincidence, but there was no reason for the rest of us to run screaming.
Well, maybe this will be a lesson for future. I just think losing PTNR was too great of a loss. It was really getting good! Come back PTNR!!!
No. 459
>>453I agree pixydesu. No more falling for stupid subpar troll shit, when in doubt "no pics, no proof" should always been our golden rule. When we don't use that rule, people think shit gets real and whoops baleeted site b/c 2scurred. Thankfully now we have a competent admin that's not going to ruin the fun/pussy out because OMG rumors desu.
This is a lesson we learned the hard way.
No. 469
>>468There was also skypeanon that was going to confront PT about it and tell her Britfag told anon.
I know PT probably most likely didn't molest anyone, but I really really want to hear PT's reaction to the accusation. I'm pretty sure PT just blocked her and went along her merry (miserable?) day.
No. 494
>>489It's not hard to get people to start a witchhunt when child molestation is brought up, so I'm not impressed. All that happened was a few sheep projected their feelings onto an imaginary victim and wanted blood for a non-existant injustice. We didn't gain any laughs, we lost content, since all the pictures and screencaps we collected were lost with the site AND we've lost PTNR who was actually contributing.
I for one blame the sheep who followed such shitty trolls who didn't even bother to fake screencaps of convos at the very least.
No. 591
>>5901- sr will be back
2-everything has been capped
No. 597
>>591>>592No fucking way I'm going back to SR, If I do it's to screencap shit. I hate the fucking admin, she's like fran, shutting down boards when they fucking feel like it to teach us a lesson. I'm not a fucking kid and neither are you guys. She's a bad admin who protected PT Fucker when anyone said anything bad about him.
IMO everyone is fair game, and PTF was a lolcow himself with his ~dark sexual desires~ and ~he's not shallow~ and he's a ~sexual t-rex~ and he's a ~generous lover~ Like who was that for? Us? His ego? He's as fucking delusional as PT.
On /cow/ back when it was 789chan (Krapple?) he said girls told him he was very good looking (fucking el oh el) before the board turned against him and he ran off like a dog with his tail between his legs.
I don't need some bitch that abuses her power and gets involved in board drama. IMO admins should just be there to make sure nothing illegal is being posted (gore, cp, snuff etc). And maybe get involved when someone is planning on trolling PT through her family or some shit.
She also kept bitching about how fucking pissed she was about us linking the board to PULL and Unichan. Like you hypocrite bitch we spammed your board EVERYWHERE when fran was around to get more members and she didn't complain then.
No. 602
>>599Jesus fucking Christ I don't even like calling them trolls, they were so fucking bad, I feel second hand embarrassment for them and our dumbass admin. Oh waaaah I can't deal with shit I'm shutting down the board. JFC fuck off then.
I don't like flaky cringy bitchy admins. She flaked on us once, she'll do it again in the future. She's just not worth it.
No. 606
>>605That would be awesome admin-sama, but how would you get a hold of her?
There's also rumors about SR coming back online. How do you guys know this?
No. 608
>>606I have no clue how to contact her, unfortunately. I also don't know what would happen if she did bring SR back online.
I would appreciate it if anyone could help me find a way to contact her.
No. 611
>>608I'm positive she lurks this board, she just wont pipe up and say "Sure take it!" I think those posts she made about having a real life was her just saving face for throwing a tantrum.
Either way, I'm not going anywhere, and I think
at least half the people on here wont either. Our user base will grow over the months so don't worry about that. People don't like an admin that makes you walk on eggshells around her.
Also I can help link the board on various sites and boards, even if it gets me banned on SR when it comes back. This is the TRUE and HONEST board ♥ ♥
No. 612
>>610>>610But before all this happened, before people hated/resented her, she could have asked for help before it got so bad. I'm sure a lot of anons would have been willing to help her with no bad intentions in mind. She's just a bitch.
BTW how did you find out her address? That's some cool shit I'd like to know how to do.
No. 618
>>615Well most of that flew over my head, and no I wouldn't d0x the admin of this board.
SR on the other hand, meh. I'd lmao if someone did spam her address because all she feeds us is tantrums and paronia and I'm pretty sure there was at least one post of her calling us idiots. Like wtf, do you have to insult the entire board because a couple of people pissed you off?
No. 622
>>618It's as simple as going to and typing in a domain name.
For example: the information is anonymized or fake though.
No. 630
>>628Actually she changed it and is protecting herself. Same anon as the one who posted dox from franchan. I remember back in the early days I looked up the SR domain out of curiosity and saw where the admin lives.
After I posted franchan's dox on SR, someone asked me how I got it and I explained like I did here. I'm sure the admin saw that and then another time later I looked up the SR on whois and it gave a completely new location.
Admin really lives in Los Angeles.
No. 631
>>628Tech ID:cfbb8406b2343c19
Tech Name:WhoisGuard Protected
Tech Organization:WhoisGuard, Inc.
Tech Street: P.O. Box 0823-03411
Tech City:Panama
Tech State/Province:Panama
Tech Postal Code:NA
See, she is using a guard to hide her real address.
No. 632
>>628>>629>>630You guys can't trust what's on there to be accurate or correspond to where the owner lives compared to the hosting company or domain provider.
I have access to a service that lets me see historical records. has always had anonymized whois. The anonymization service listed Los Angeles originally and later, Panama.
Here's its record from March 2013:, the admin doesn't actually live there.
No. 633
>>630That's too bad :\
L.A, huh.
I wonder why she acts like she got her undies twisted up her twat.