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No. 47139
The old "Shit from Tumblr" thread is autosaging.
Since I've been noticing and influx of tumblrinas on this board, I decided to make a new one.
SO basically post SJW bullshit, fresh lolcows and similar
Old thread:
>>374 No. 47140
File: 1423296417992.jpg (164.23 KB, 566x1111, klk.jpg)

Also posting this
No. 47153
>>47152Because they are disabled, illegal immigrant PoC and are opressrd! Even though they just stole that man's brand new car!!
(It hurts so much to right that, I'm sorry)
No. 47155
>>47140haHAHAH oh boy that's dumb.
incredibly self aware that they identify with a poison type pokemon that never shut their mouths.
No. 47163
>>47152Are you blind, death as well as retarded or have you just not been keeping up with the news?
Eric Garner was doing something illegal, selling cigarettes without giving the government their protection money. The police were called and now he's dead.
Are you one of those idiots who believe the police can never do anything wrong and that people who commit minor infractions deserve massive punishment and/or death?
No. 47164
>>47152If the police were an infallible group of impartial individuals who only want to bring justice, you would have a point, but they're not.
There is evidence that people who are disabled and/or not white suffer the most from police brutality. If you are both mentally ill and black, the police can literally be a death sentence.
No. 47178
>>47140If you are staying in a country illegally and are stupid enough to fuck around with the law, your ass deserves to get deported.
But oh yeah, cry racism, but immigrant must = Mexican, so therefor discrimination right?
No. 47205
>>47199Yes. I didn't mean it figuratively.
>>47177More often than not, the police show up AFTER something horrible has already happened, not before or just in time.
The most you can expect is that they find the criminal after you've been attacked or worse, and then if you happen to be the victim but not white or any other group less likely to go through police brutality, like
>>47182 said, you could still get fucked over and shot/tazed/etc for having your hands in your pockets or not being responsive because you're just unlucky as fuck. I'll stop now because the thread is getting derailed.
>>47203>Oh, shit son! A badly drawn comic and an unironic shitpost! You sure look stupid now! No. 47208
>>47205Please stop derailing the thread with your shit, no1curr
Now can we please get back on topic people?
No. 47220
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No. 47253
File: 1423346376002.png (163.72 KB, 978x745,…)

No. 47279
File: 1423353135637.jpg (109.49 KB, 593x600, 593px-Breedism.jpg)

I have a whole SJW folder
No. 47281
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No. 47282
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No. 47335
>>47140At first I thought they're referencing frivolous rape charges (ex. "He looked at me, I feel sexually assaulted!"), but of course Tumblr proved to be more retarded than I give it credit for.
Also, "huge intersection between race and disability"? Is she implying non-white people are retarded or majorly disabled? whut?
No. 47360
>>47294At first I thought, "how damn nasty do you have to be for a guy to pick the goat?"
Then I saw your comment and realized they were trans and complaining that guys won't have sex with them. Someone needs to sit this kid down and explain that guys don't want to fuck other guys, unless they themselves are bi or gay. Thinking/wishing you're a woman doesn't magically make you one.
No. 47369
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>>47360You've hit the nail on the head.
No. 47400
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>>47360Not to mention that they're probs hideous
No. 47401
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pronouns, LEARN THEM
No. 47402
File: 1423404046646.png (49.38 KB, 500x350, ffd.png)

No. 47403
File: 1423404126122.png (23.54 KB, 489x296, tumblr_mgw8mjQYlZ1ryeto5o1_500…)

No. 47419
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>>47407Girlfag is a genuine thing on dumblr.
No. 47420
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No. 47424
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No. 47450
>>47401What really piss me off with most of the tumblr SJW crew is they don't realise they're only dealing with american-specific problems and this whole pronouns stuff is a glaring example. In a lot of countries, this would never applies as there's no neutral pronouns like they, or sometimes words have genders so you don't need the whole "xir dishes".
If they'd preface anything with "In the USA, there's a huge problem of blabla" but nooo every white person must be in a position of power everywhere in the world (as if my half white, half black friend wasn't bullied on her mom's island because whitey are seen as sluts)
No. 47476
>>47419Excuse me while i go and shoot myself.
>>47420Cat calls are rude as hell, but i would be a pretty happy girl if that was the worst that could happen to you. I mean i can imagine more terrifying things like date rape.
>>47424So much baww. Maybe skinny girl was moody because of your terrible attitude.
No. 47534
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>>47435she didnt even get catcalled, she DREAMT of it
No. 47535
File: 1423427933895.jpg (34.44 KB, 600x500, otherkinproblems.jpg)

No. 47536
File: 1423427997483.png (4.35 KB, 377x143, tumblr_m7s3flkKpS1ryeto5o1_400…)

>>47425pretty much
>>47437well they classify it as being queer, so if you call them out on it you lose sjw cred
No. 47537
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No. 47552
>>47424This attitude is so irritating. Jfc loving yourself and knowing you deserve to be treated as someone thinner does not mean that people should find you equally as attractive as the thin person (Btw fatties if you really love yourself you would cherish your body and feed it whats best as well as give it the exercise it craves).
Anyway, this bitch doesn't even realize that she's saying "b-but my personality should make up for my appearance, though remember #fat=/=unattractive!" Like so the fuck what if you were supposedly a joy to be around that night and your friends cousin was being a bitch. Most people aren't solely/initially attracted to personalities (correct me if I'm wrong, isn't that why pansexual is an orientation or whatever?).
Tl;dr acceptance =/= attraction. Sometimes I seriously wonder how much this whole fat acceptance movement is going to skew a lot of girls perception of what people should expect of them when they're first seen. Just because they're not made fun of they're supposed to think that the person is physically attracted to them? Or worse, that if a guy hits on a thin woman, he has to follow it up by hitting on a fat one or risk "fat shaming?"
No. 47590
>>47580That man face, shit.
Why the fuck did she make a hate song? Who didn't date her? Who wouldn't take her to the prom in high school?
No. 47633
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>>47540have more raeg fuel
No. 47634
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No. 47635
File: 1423439644121.png (449.38 KB, 532x465, err.png)

>>47559they think that if you can fit comfortably in an airplane seat, you're anorexic
No. 47639
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No. 47642
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No. 47742
>>47534Wow what sandy cunts. That girl looks fine,not anorexic.
>hurrrr skinnyshaming don't existWell this is a clear example fucking rude to tell a girl to eat a burger or tell her the dog is the only thing to keep her from blowing away.
No. 47743
>>47534I like the 'she's not even fit, I bet she doesn't have any muscle, just another underweight skinny girl' comments when you can clearly see she has abs. So many fatties in denial, mad about the fact that they don't look like her and trying desperately to make it a social standard that anyone (or just any
woman) under 130lbs is 'anorexic' or 'unhealthy' to make themselves feel better.
No. 47771
>>47746that's actually the only way i wear shorts, anon. even in the middle of summer.
i'd like to believe i'm not THAT annoying but i may be wrong
No. 47776
>>47678The song doesn't include thin hate
>Nah I'm just playing, I know y'all think you're fat. I'm here to tell you every inch of you is perfect from your head down to your fettEveryone seems to have missed what was literally the next lyric after the "skinny bitches" one in a fit of rage.
Most of the girls in the music video weren't even fat, either. They just had big butts.
No. 47793
>>47776What gets me is how hypocritical their support for this song is especially after that Blurred Lines debacle. The lyrics to the chorus are: "boys they like a little more booty to hold at night".
Basically, typical boys like real women ~with real curves~ landwhale logic. Of course SJWS eat up this basic, trite shit.
No. 47877
File: 1423523362267.png (91.93 KB, 665x554, tumblr_njfktgJG451qzvgi2o1_128…)

This happened recently.
>black blogger has the URL "whitegirlsaintshit">white girl sends her angry message calling her a ghetto nigger bitch and then adding "and before you call me a racist troll anon, i'm a black girl myself" (pic related), but forgets to click anon>white girl realizes her mistake, shits herself and tries to damage control multiple times>even goes as far as calling it an "experiment" with "her friend, the black blogger", making a fake screenshot of the black blogger forgiving her, etc and other faulty attempts that all blow up in her face and makes things worse>defeated, she starts trying to make it seem like she's being attacked senselessly and brings up her teenage problems (like finding out the boy she likes has a girlfriend)'s fucking great
No. 47887
>>47886I really don't think she's a troll
Going off of the previous drama with her last year she.. really just seems like a stupid white teen girl
No. 47890
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>>47887Oh definitely
I want to believe it's actually a girl with some sort of mental issue who's deliberately acting retarded to get attention on the internet, but that's far less likely.
No. 47891
>>47890I haven't been around a lot of people with downs, but they don't act like this right? From what I've noticed, they seem to understand a lot of basic social norms.
This girl though, her iq has to be close to the tipping point for it, like 72, with the added mental illness
No. 47901
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Some fucknut off to their first interview for a job.
No. 47909
File: 1423528975761.gif (473.94 KB, 200x150, disgusted.gif)

>>47901Holy shit, that lipstick job though. They look like a fucking clown.
No. 47915
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>>47901the "nonbinary cutie" tag is a gold mine for people who need to have their makeup confiscated
No. 47918
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>>47743yeah, how dare she not be a fat cunt
i hAte people sometimes
No. 47919
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No. 47921
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>>47772but anon, that would require thinking
No. 47924
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No. 47930
File: 1423531659704.jpg (130.74 KB, 750x1050, meghan-trainor-cma-awards-2014…)

>>47776No that's exactly the problem with the song. Invert the roles and think of a thin girl saying "fat bitches… just kidding!" .
Everyone would go ballistic over that, even if it was just one verse and a "just kidding" included.
Plus other verses in the song:
>She says, boys they like a little more booty to hold at night>You know I won't be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll,The song is basically putting women with "real curves" on a pedestal because men like them better. And Meghan isn't even that fat either, at least not that fat if you compare her to the demographic she's trying to target with her song.
No. 47940
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No. 47955
File: 1423534401994.jpg (169.35 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_njhpm2GCHf1s8r47uo3_128…)

>Hey hey hey I’m hot and also a god you should love me.
No. 47962
File: 1423534929541.png (292.07 KB, 364x810, tumblr_nj7ayyXlyv1rt3zg0o1_540…)

Have some kawaii art
No. 47986
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No. 47992
File: 1423538849727.png (25.59 KB, 464x140, fds.png)

No. 48006
File: 1423541766617.jpg (333.16 KB, 920x1280, image.jpg)

Don't know if she'd be considered a "tumblerina" but this girl always held my interest for the worst reasons. "Diagnosed" with everything, trying to be some sort of recovery hero but has always been some anorexic junkie posting thinspo and practically begging for attention.
No. 48011
File: 1423544108376.jpg (48.13 KB, 425x597, sega-tower-of-power.jpg)

>>47924I love how GLB has turned into this monstrosity. At this point all I see is "omgwtfbbq".
No. 48013
>>47639That Guardian article is basically anti-SJW. It's about how for all the talk about about saving the third world most environmentalists are rich white men who don't even live the type of lifestyle they're proposing.
It's similar to how most Gamergate opponents are rich white men that claim to be speaking for women but are really just white knighting.
No. 48061
>>48049Gotta admit though, even if they're wearing a Sex Pistols shirt you don't find many teens that have even heard of PIL.
Then again, they did do a reunion a while back and most of their stuff is on Spotify these days.
No. 48076
>>48006JFC that's legit terrifying me rn.
>>47984Or fat.
No. 48102
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No. 48103
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>>48006ugh, she looks so annoying
I bet she has lots of loud opinions and always dominates conversations
No. 48110
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No. 48111
File: 1423576891106.jpg (130.33 KB, 500x750, grd.jpg)

>>48013ah ok, I did not know that
No. 48114
File: 1423577081968.png (15.78 KB, 270x204, 83t4Q.png)

>>48049oh god, she's such an attention whore
No. 48117
File: 1423577129562.gif (108.09 KB, 500x591, tumblr_mesczzsuSf1ryeto5o1_500…)

No. 48128
File: 1423578403849.png (13.8 KB, 699x324, scopoopoo.png)

This is from, which is a hilarious blog and you should absolutely check it out right now even if you don't play the Sims.
Scopophobia: An anxiety disorder characterized by a morbid fear of being seen or stared at by others. How does anon function??
No. 48137
>>47140This is actually quite funny, because places like /k/ agree with the picture's sentiment because many people are really fucked over by police after a self defense shooting, and you should actually get your lawyer to call the police FOR YOU.
Plus I used to live in flint fuck the police there.
Too bad tumblr idiots are making anti-police violence statements look absurd.
No. 48141
>>48139I believe "questioning/queer" and "intersex"
I may be wrong. This is my guess.
However, being a hermaphrodite doesn't seem much like a sexuality…Same with being trans…
No. 48146
File: 1423582235378.png (4.92 KB, 446x118, fhz.png)

>>48141queer (it was questioning back in the day) and intersex
No. 48148
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No. 48158
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No. 48161
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>>48154UGH TRUE, real intersex are rare and tend to want surgery etc. and don't like to draw attention to themselves. They don't go around wearing a clusterfuck of girly dress, beard and pink hair, pronouns XYZYZ.
Tumblerinas misrepresent their struggle by making it seem like a guy wearing dresses or a hairy girl is the same as being intersex
No. 48162
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No. 48163
File: 1423583028601.jpg (23.7 KB, 400x300, tumblr_mzwivfula91rpxmrio1_400…)

>>48160no, hven't heard about it. someone explain what happened
No. 48165
>>48161I once got into an argument about reparations and Halloween costumes with a woman before. She said that I should never wear a native american costume because my ancestors probably killed them, which may be true for my MEXICAN side about five hundred years back, but that guy also founded a settlement and produced like twenty kids with native women.
Then I got to hear about how my white side probably traded slaves by the millions, despite the fact they were poor as fuck italians outside of naples that did nothing in a tiny farm town. If anything, my ancestors were probably slaves to some roman dickhead.
Her family actually owned slaves back in the day. Funny enough. And she's giving ME the flak for it.
No. 48166
File: 1423583325130.png (33.57 KB, 237x593, tumblr_mctv0406Dp1ryeto5o1_400…)

No. 48168
>>48164the first time kanye did this, it was kinda funny, but now it's crass and unproffessional.
if he wants to uphold black women or whatever, he should do it in the proper way, by supporting black awards shows, black artists etc. not by making a ool of himself on national tv
No. 48169
File: 1423583400862.png (19.85 KB, 343x494, ss (2015-02-10 at 03.47.35).pn…)

>>48164The level of delusion I'm talking about here.
No. 48171
>>48169the way she ends every sentence with a question mark?
like this?
even when it's not a question?
goddamn annoying
No. 48172
File: 1423583556442.png (59.95 KB, 504x646, tumblr_mj4pjy8Jrs1ryeto5o1_128…)

No. 48173
>>48169>you can literally give a guitar player as bass and they can play it like nothingNOTHING CAN SHOW HOW MAD I AM RIGHT NOW
A good bass player is like, even more rare than a good drummer. You really have to have a mindset to play bass and of course many people can play both, but they're two different instruments!
It'd be like giving a flute player an oboe and saying "You play this now!"
No. 48174
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No. 48177
File: 1423584291721.png (26.76 KB, 422x523, ss (2015-02-10 at 04.02.21).pn…)

Anyone up for a mini dump of next level otherkin? These retards -believe it or not- think they are actual divinities.
No. 48178
File: 1423584432695.png (55.11 KB, 436x445, ss (2015-02-10 at 04.05.14).pn…)

No. 48182
File: 1423584841254.png (117.58 KB, 416x580, ss (2015-02-10 at 04.11.48).pn…)

If you thought bronies were bad…
No. 48183
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No. 48184
File: 1423585540405.png (49.22 KB, 732x927, Snap 2015-02-10 at…)

If I get violent, the most important thing is to cater to ME and my ~precious feefees~
No. 48185
File: 1423585867250.png (17.23 KB, 820x275, ss (2015-02-10 at 04.28.43).pn…)

>Major mental disorders
>All self dx
No. 48190
File: 1423586115693.png (16.96 KB, 428x423, ss (2015-02-10 at 04.32.54).pn…)

I'm the bestest Kanaya roleplayer evur!!
No. 48192
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No. 48199
They're also one of those irritating people who are convinced they're ~so cute~ and pesters people to reblog their selfies.
No. 48204
>>48111tbh I don't have a problem with genderless bathrooms.
At my university like 50% of the bathrooms are genderless and nobody gives a shit. I don't see why pissing, shitting and bleeding has to be a gender specific thing. It would probably remove a lot of taboos/stereotypes if it wasn't.
No. 48206
>>48204The sign is stupid because unisex bathrooms are usually signed as unisex or not gendered at all. They've also been around forever.
That sign merely exists because someone wanted to boast about how "progressive" they are.
No. 48207
>>48162This person didn't really look in an Ikea catalogue did they? Single beds are probably the most common type of beds and all bed types are basically the same length +/-10cm.
Bed size is only a problem if you're like 6ft6 which I imagine this person isn't.
No. 48208
File: 1423589218246.gif (975.35 KB, 209x173, cringe.gif)

>Don't call me pretty, gorgeous, beautiful, sexy or babe/baby.I'm sure he/she/hy/zie/xie won't have to worry about that.
No. 48210
File: 1423589529121.png (52.86 KB, 540x479, tumblr_nj43g4pKxW1u8739jo1_540…)

demib0y is a comedy goldmine.
No. 48211
File: 1423589675133.jpg (1.26 MB, 2322x4128, 20150210_172916.jpg)

>>48208>>48192>>48210>>48209O FUCK O FUCK GUYS
I think… I think this chick is in the same student accommodation as me.
No. 48214
File: 1423590295326.jpg (339.68 KB, 793x750, tumblr_nj5bvkfSmu1u8739jo1_500…)

>>48211>>48212Oh sweet Mother of Mary we fucking are, but I'm in a plus room.
The carpets and curtains have different colours depending on which floor/block you're in. I think they much be in J Block…
No. 48216
File: 1423590430671.png (22.75 KB, 733x196, ss (2015-02-10 at 05.45.08).pn…)

No. 48217
>>48211Is it a dorm?
Also how can you room by yourself??????
Like did she scare them off
No. 48222
>>48217In the UK literally all of the student accommodation is single rooms and we usually have our own private bathroom too.
Sharing a bathroom is exceedingly rare unless you're in a shitty town or in shared housing and sharing a bedroom is virtually unheard of.
No. 48224
>>48223Yeah, that is… it just doesn't happen here. If they tried it there would be mass protest and something would probably get burned down kek
How the fuck do you guys masturbate or bring somebody back for the night or listen to music or even study? It would not be on here, it's just gross.
What if you get roomed with somebody who doesn't wash, or is a NEET and won't speak, or god forbid a weeaboo?
No. 48227
>>48224Lol my roommate was chill, and we shared a lot of common interest so i got off easy.
The masturbating thing we would just send a text to the other giving a heads up.Also when we would have a guy over.
But there are horror stories of people like that.
No. 48241
File: 1423593428861.png (151.16 KB, 786x2245, Snap 2015-02-10 at…)

>>48233Yes they are serious about this btw.
No. 48249
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I lost it at the panda.
No. 48259
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No. 48261
File: 1423595227611.png (55.18 KB, 600x522, tumblr_mrwcp4N5XP1s6okepo1_128…)

No. 48263
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No. 48280
File: 1423598147711.png (861.73 KB, 1280x706, rsdf.png)

No. 48281
>>48183goddamn I can't
>>48184>I am not responsible for my actionsthen you should be in a mental hospital?
No. 48282
No. 48284
>>48192OMG I went to that exact uni. They're gonna have a hard time with that tumblr shit over there, because he and she are the only recognised genders and nobody has time for any other nonsense.
No. 48285
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>>48207fat people get wider when they lie down I think
No. 48287
File: 1423598933070.jpg (98.76 KB, 640x792, image.jpg)

>>48006>>48103She was also dating some guy twice her age who apparently abused her.
No. 48288
>>48209I'm gonna tell them I saw them on campus kek, I used to go there so I mentioned a detail she'd get
let's wait for the lulz to yield
No. 48290
File: 1423599147517.png (32.62 KB, 491x439, fgg.png)

No. 48293
>>48250your embarassing teenage years were dwarfed by those of others
others stay a tool for longer like
>>48214 No. 48299
>>48298I already did it, but yeah, go call a baby or sexy
No. 48337
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No. 48340
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No. 48343
>>48340I'm confused by the penis part?
However the whole 'WOMEN HAVE CURVES' thing is really irritating to people like me with small hips and broad shoulders. Also, I've never seen a women with giant hips and huge breasts, but have no cellulite, even though they're a bit chubby too to get those curves.
No. 48363
>>48346It is entirely possible to have chromosomes that denote belonging to the female gender and still physically possess a penis but most of the time it's totally functionless.
That being said there is actually more chromosomal pairings than just XX and XY. Not a lot of people are aware of this.
No. 48366
>>48363well, of course! my brother is even XXY!
But yes, I doubt this individual is actually female, or a hermaphrodite.
No. 48367
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No. 48369
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No. 48370
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SJW in a nutshell.
No. 48372
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>#cis scum#racism#white privilege#white people
Sorry for being white. Like jfc tumblr.
No. 48376
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No. 48386
>>48376Is 'Third Gender' a Dalek?
And how many people are going to be able to tell the difference between female/male and femme/butch?
No. 48392
>>48376Why do people feel the need to fit themselves in a category when they'd probably be the first to object to be labelled if they suit a stereotypical image?
Anyway, before I clicked on the enlarge image I thought this was some kind o alien language somebody invented.
Life would be easier if people were just humans and they didn't feel the need to have their whole life consumed by I AM GENDERFLUID THIRD GENDER AND DEMIGIRL!!!!1 ffs, just
exist. Your gender isn't
that important. All this crap just makes people hate YOU not what your sexuality is.
No. 48403
>>48376If you're transgender, aren't you either male or female? You're usually striving to be one because you feel you were born the wrong gender- that's why you become trans to transition into your real gender.
Why is there a weird symbol for it? Nevermind. I should not question tumblr and expect logic.
No. 48417
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>>48407also gonna spam her ask box a little
No. 48425
>>48424Pinoy = What Filipino people call themselves. She's probably white as bread dough though.
I vote we should all follow/unfollow that idiot and convince her there's something wrong with her tumblr
No. 48426
>>48423You mean on that demib0y tumblr?
Nah, but I've sent xir a similar ask
>ey sexy baby want sum fuk? No. 48434
>>48430OMG yesssss
No. 48439
File: 1423610761341.png (208.43 KB, 540x431, tumblr_njkw34OMYQ1r5gqb8o1_540…)

># relationship goals
No. 48445
>>48439Yeah, that's what everyone should strive for.
seriously dumblr
No. 48447
>>48443I've ran into flowersandfemme at UCF.
Bitch could use some deodorant is all I can say.
No. 48451
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No. 48453
I need that on a fucking shirt.
No. 48470
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Genderfluid fab fem(really just a dude who wants to wear lolita but can't for shit)
No. 48473
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>>48472No you cis lord shit.
No. 48476
>>48469That's not true though. Women write a lot of reviews and articles about what's wrong with gaming. The problem is, even with women working in the actual industry, their ideas are brushed over as 'this won't sell enough.' I definitely don't give my money to games I don't support, but that's just me. I can't speak for all. However, I do know there were many surveys done to see how much women make up in gaming and it's almost half. I believe 48% of gamers are women. It isn't new, we're just more vocal about it. Sadly, there are still many who think gaming is a male world and women in games should have DD breasts with bikini armor and not ever be a main character or exist just to move a male protag's story forward.
It doesn't help that even the games with females as protags usually involve uncomfortable sexual violence just because the protag is a woman. Or the woman will be overly manly to 'make up' for being a protag over a male. I do feel we'll make progress slowly, but yes.. it's gonna be a while.
Ahh, apologize for off topic discussion. I honestly do feel women have been gamers forever and we do try our best to change things, but it is still a very male dominated culture for some reason, which sucks.
No. 48485
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Like I see what she was getting at but also this makes me SO iirrationally angry? Like wow first off women are not fucking arm candy, our purpose isn’t to be ‘shown off’. Second, DON’T FUCKING CONGRATULATE HIM ON ACCEPTING YOU AS A PERSON AND NOT FOR YOUR BODY AS IF ITS SOME AMAZING SELFLESS ACT!!! LOVING A FAT PERSON IS NOT SOME IMPOSSIBLE FEAT!!! STOP THIS ASSUMPTION THAT FAT WOMEN CAN ONLY BE APPRECIATED FOR THIER PERSONALITY, BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY NO ONE CAN POSSIBLY FIND A FAT WOMAN ATTRACTIVE RIGHT??? Third and most important fuck you this is such a backhanded thing to say about fat women get out.
JFC Like why you gonna tear someone down for bettering themselves.
I'm a fat girl, and honestly have always wanted to lose weight(working on it) and my boyfriend has been nothing but supportive.
Like just fuck I hate people like this on dumblr.
No. 48487
>>48482Adding onto what you said: There was a whole big thing about men who refuse to play a woman protag, especially if the game involved the lead getting involved in a 'romantic affair' at some point because it made them feel 'weird.'
It's sadly hilarious considering women who have been playing videogames for years have had to put up with male to female romance in almost every game. Apologies for sounding like tumblr, but that's some damn entitlement right there.
No. 48489
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No. 48490
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No. 48494
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No. 48495
>>48476Articles are not spending money. Gamers in general are the absolute fucking worst market for spending money on shit they don't like. People will buy every edition of FIFA, PES, NFL, COD, ad nauseum. People buy shit from EA!? A company that has managed to be voted the worst company (ahead of the bank of America, a company that actually ruins people's lives) in the US three years in a row! It's analogous to people still eating in a restaurant they know has human faeces in the food.
Consumer power really works in practice, just look at the xbone. They turned around on every single feature they had on release because it wasn't selling enough, in less than a year. Not even one year of poor sales was all it took to completely overturn every major decision about that console.
Those surveys included shit like farmville, anon. If that doesn't completely discredit the survey then I can't take your opinions seriously.
The bottom line is, if you don't like a community or the products it produces, why are you in it? If you have to change it to fit in, evidently it's not your community. It sucks but, we're a minority, I don't see why we should be the ones catered to if it puts off the majority.
No. 48500
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No. 48505
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No. 48513
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No. 48515
>>48513I know this kid.
He was recently making posts about being called out for "doing something bad when he was off his meds" he likes to blame all the terrible shit he does on his "mental illnesses"
he used to be butt buddies with idislikecispeople but even she thinks he's disgusting now.
No. 48519
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No. 48526
>>48525I'm really afraid of people with bpd for this reason
already had my life ruined by more than one because "It's a disorder I'll just let them because it isn't their fault"
yeah fuck that shit not anymore
No. 48529
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>>48526Sorry to hear that Anon. After the fits of rage half the time I feel absolutely awful (and yeah the other half I don't because I'm a piece of shit), but it's a never ending cycle. BPD's a fucking nightmare for anyone involved and I can't believe there's 16 year olds bragging about having this.
Sorry for OT, have some firekin.
No. 48532
>>48476Just a question, what kind of games are you referring to? At least for the PC, there has been a lot of work (whether forced or actually done well) trying to bring more varied representation into games. And maybe it's just me, but why does every game need such strict representation? I don't particularly feel the need to play games that accurately represents me or my lifestyle or anything like that. I usually play games that have cool mechanics or an interesting story. I don't believe that everything should cater to me and my needs, especially when there's so many people in the world, how is that even possible for game devs to even create a game that would satisfy even a majority of that?
>Or the woman will be overly manly to 'make up' for being a protag over a male.Genuinely curious, what characters/games do you think have 'compensationally manly' female protags? I mean, once you start subscribing individual traits to "manly" or "feminine" then you become part of the problem.
>>48482>>48487This is kind of what
>>48495 is referring to…if these guys don't buy/support a game that makes them uncomfortable with (even for something like that), they're not paying/supporting the companies who make them, so companies try not to make their games.
I'm not sure why people think the game companies are there to make what ever you think they should, they're an industry like any other thing and are there to make money.
/sorry for huge drunken rant
No. 48549
>>48548Why the fuck did tumblrtards become so obsessed with Ed Edd n Eddy anyway? It was a pretty weird cartoon from the 90s decade or early 2000s, whatever, but it wasn't anything great. At least I can remember 10 better shows playing during that time.
It's just odd because so many people on tumblr were analyzing it like it was the greatest show ever made over the last 2 years or so.
No. 48551
>>48241Nazz is literally the last girl I would think to be a trans in that show. Probably the Kankers, but not Nazz.. //OT
But honestly, why can;t these Dumblrs just enjoy a good light hearted show about getting jawbreakers, wihout long ass itles for each character? EEnE is so easy to make OCs for mary-sues or not, so why can't do that?
Lack of creativity?
No. 48553
>>48398Simple is not speshul~ anon….
Tumblr people are like the new dumber, younger hipsters.
No. 48558
File: 1423623284608.jpg (Spoiler Image,951.63 KB, 2700x2790, image.jpg)

How do people think she's beautiful and inspirational? I got these off vibrant-oxymoron. She's a drug addict who doesn't really do anything?
No. 48562
>>48557i don't think most people would like the show if it was common knowledge the creator drew fanart of children dicking each other.
why this isnt a huge thing yet baffles me tbh. i mean they've definitely turned on people for much less. not to mention SU is a kid's show too. gross. No. 48564
>>48551wasn't nazz really bitchy and annoying
hence trans girl.
No. 48565
>>48562Oh I saw these back in the day on /y/
They wont call her out cause of how GREAT SU is.(never watched it not sure if I will with how much tumblr loves things.)
No. 48633
>>48476I think we should blame entirely designers or developpers but rather the people who finance this shit. In indie games, there's usually more diversity because they don't have a multi million budget and people who will say "We won't change something that works well so far and earns us a ton of money".
It's like when people blame the photoshoping on graphic designers when it's the head of project who will give directive in the end.
But yeah the game industry is quite fucked up, we're so used to strong male protagonists that even we as women don't see anything wrong with it anymore. Even when games like Portal star a non white woman as the protagonist and works well, people still doubt the success of a game without a strong dude with a 5 days beard.
Also that boobs argument is a bit skewed, as far as I know nobody said it's unrealistic to have beautiful big boobs, just that it's realistic to have so many women with
these boobs. Plus it's so cliché it's getting ridiculous.
No. 48642
>>48398Three if you count intersex people. They basically have two genders, like a penis but also ovaries. But it is a rare condition.
>>48439I saw a pic of Charles Manson and his wife with that hashtag, like ug
No. 48652
>>48476usually when 'gamers' are tallied, They take into account app games (which the majority are women. Candy crush anyone?)
So yes, while the percentage of women are growing in the gaming industry. I think there's still a big discrepancy in "GuRl GaMeRz" vs gamers.
No. 48666
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>>48182Garret thiefkin? …From the shitty as fuck 2014 game and not even the originals? Get out. Get the fuck out you tasteless pleb.
No. 48682
>>48491IDK I can see what she's getting at. If your partner does their best to diet and exercise and look good, I think it's acceptable to do the same for them and want to be gorgeous and beautiful when you go out. I think she was just writing it as a cute thing, not seriously referring to herself as an object.
They look pretty happy in their pics. Like, genuinely. One snippet of words does not an impression of a personality make, anon. Clearly he is a nice dude who loves her for her, and she wanted to make the change which she did. And she looks gorgeous. Totally my girltype too.
No. 48684
>>48526>>48528Can confirm for those types being excuse giving assholes. I had to end two relationships this year due to one with aggressive bipolar (who'd tell me to go back to sucking dick and getting asspats) and one who was an absolute dick when drunk and had the gall to give me a half-hearted apology.
Feels bad man. I have shitty choice in friends it seems.
No. 48686
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More tales from the Beyhive.
No. 48730
>>48528Are those people reaaaally bipolars though ?? A friend is a nurse in a mental hospital (with cases ranging from depression to murderers, pyromaniacs, …) and bipolars are not acting once in awhile happy and the other moody.
The one I met would have never admitted they were bipolar or sick during a manic episode, they thought they figured out the whole world and acted like drunk people. When we told one person she had to see a specialist she argued we were the sick crazy one etc, then blew all her money.
Or are there super mild bipolars ? Honestly it seems they just thought bipolar was a on/off thing they could use to justify their moodswings.
No. 48745
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No. 48747
>>48745people on the internet don't like obnoxious people on the internet
what a fucking surprise
No. 48752
>>48750Two different diseases, yes.
Google bpd vs bipolar and you'll get some good articles about the difference between those two.
BPD makes you go through the mood cycles much more rapidly and takes a longer time for the mood to go "down", and the mood swings come from things happening directly in your life. It's more dependent.
And here's a quote describing bipolar or manic depression since I do not have bipolar so I can't describe it personally : Bipolar disorder is known for alternating periods of depression and mania that can last from days to months. During "a mixed state," symptoms of depression and mania happen at the same time.
And if you do have BPD you're usually extremely ashamed of admitting that that's what causes you to go insane so often. You'd rather just take the blame and shut up about BPD.
No. 48756
>>48752I guess tumblrinas think alternating between depression and mania is like alternating with being sad and sometimes because random speshul happy and doing animu roleplay or some shit.
bipolar people don't appear as just normal happy people to others. They appear downright incoherent and stupid sometimes. I met by chance one woman who was in a middle of a manic phase and I could tell she wasn't right the moment she started to speak about how she had to buy an expensive piece of art and it was the best thing she did, she would gain so much money from it yadda yadda.
Anyway I don't think I'd be wrong if I said most of them don't have the disorders they claim on their blog.
No. 48759
>>48756Yes, and I call that puberty. But no, ofc, they're speshul and it's not puberty guise it's bpd/bipolar/whateverthefuckithinkisacoolillness.
I have seen people with bipolar when I was taken in in the hospital for mental issues. It's so hard for them to be even coherent at times, it's so sad to see and just makes it all the more offensive to claim to have it. It's like claiming you have cancer when you're perfectly healthy. Disgusting.
The manic of bipolar makes me feel like I got the lucky straw with bpd, but it's still no walk in the park. What makes me the most angry is that they claim to be in the middle of a breakdown WHILE TYPING SHIT. Like no, when I'm at my worst I can't even do anything except cry, yell and hurt people I love. Shit man, I ain't got time to type. Ignorant twats.
Yeah, no, they don't have either of them. If they only knew how horrific it is to have one of them I bet they'd stop. Or maybe not, they're selfish bastards anyways.
No. 48776
>>48759That reminds me of when "jun" & that dumbass girl who claimed to have panic attacks & would just be typing to "jun" through them.
Like bitch no. If you were really panicking, as if you would stay at the thing that's causing the panic.
No. 48788
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No. 48789
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>>48781really? what makes u think that? im behind on the gossip
No. 48794
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No. 48799
>>48788Spanish people are white :B
source: am spanish
No. 48801
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>>48799stop being a shitlord anon
No. 48803
>>48801shitlord to me means fit person that hates fat people.
what the fuck are you on
No. 48804
>>48776omg nothing made me more angry than the hundreds of people who spammed this post everywhere talking about how "jun" was abusing jas because he made her have a panic attack in every single conversation she had (which he also claimed to have later on, it was kind of like a competition at one point). It boggled my mind how no one questioned how well these two were typing out what was happening to them. Jas at one point said that she was seeing and smelling blood everywhere because he wrote in caps at her and she can't handle yelling because thats how her dad would abuse her. So she had a "panic attack" and went on to describe how difficult it was for her to type because she couldn't breath or see.
All her stupid ass friends saw no problem with it. Anyone who said she was just as guilty of "abusing" him were accused of dickriding "jun". It was hilarious for the most part though because they were so serious.
No. 48805
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No. 48806
File: 1423694775336.jpg (94.38 KB, 680x798, zNIvcim.jpg)

>>48803nah, shitlord is for sjws too my friend
No. 48809
>>48788lmao this retard apparently doesn't know that the native people of North, South, Central America and the Carribean were forced to learn Spanish, a language created by, drum roll please…. white people.
Thats why a lot of Mexican people sometimes write words with a whole bunch of X's and Q's because it sounds similar to their
original language.
No. 48812
>>48810>>48811I'm very bad at sarcasm.
But yeah. Spanish people are white. So offended tumblrina is a retard. But hey, when are they not ?
No. 48816
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>>48812Its okay. Sarcasm can be hard to get on the net.
Shitlord is a common tumblr thing to throw at people.
No. 48821
>>48816>>48812It's also the fact that I'm used to more obvious sarcasm, like on the show
The Office which is kind of sad
No. 48889
>>48172>'killing people in order to keep others kinda-sorta-somewhat alive'I hope this person needs an organ transplant at some point. I want them to spend years on a waiting list, suffering horribly, knowing that, other than having to take immunosuppressants and dealing with that bullshit, they could live a normal life if they get a transplant. I want them to come across people that spread this misinformed bullshit about brain death equating a "milder disorder of consciousness", this bullshit about disabled people having their non-vital organs harvested by force, about disabled people being forcefully rendered brain dead. I want people to tell this stupid cunt that they're afraid to be organ doners.
And, after years of waiting and suffering, I want this person to die, because they didn't get a replacement organ in time.
No. 48931
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Lol this dead3000 chick
Everyone should reblog that one post kek
No. 48970
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I didn't know there were other bpd sufferers here ;~; I was just recently diagnosed.. And honestly it just makes me feel worse. I mean, it's more clarifying to know that my emptiness and rage and disassociation is part of a multi-symptom disorder, it helps a little, but also (in my mind) reinforces what a shitty person I am.. Ugh. (Not saying any of you are shitty, I hope you understand what I mean.)
I don't understand how anyone could be proud of this. I don't understand how anyone could want total strangers to know that you are basically a wrecking ball of super destructive bad decisions.. And I especially don't understand how they can diagnose themselves with all these mental illnesses even though they've never seen a mental health professional.
I deleted my tumblr a while ago and haven't looked back. The ignorance and self important pseudo intellectualism (not to mention the fucking abomination that is otherkin) was too much to deal with.
I fucking wish these people crying about oppression and rape culture would travel to another part of the world, where they don't have the convienences and protection America offers, and try to live off 40 cents a day while they are constantly in danger of death, starvation, rape or hostile takeover. Most of these fucks have never experienced true oppression in their lives. Like others have said, overbearing sjws are pushing more people toward a polital narrative like /pol/ out of sheer rage and annoyance from tumblrs faggotry.
No. 48971
>>48948Don't they understand that not all languages use gender specific pronouns…?
Oh wait, this is tumblr, none of them even know any other language than English or wapanese.
No. 49022
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>>48971This is how these people actually think. Lord save us all.
No. 49053
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I raged and lost.
No. 49055
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>>49053Holy shit they are actually scared of anime characters facing the screen I fucking can't and their BPD (that URL tho) is self dx uuuugggggh.
No. 49059
>>49053Kill it with fire.
It really hits a personal cord within me when it comes to things that I love and grew up on and these faggots just wanna bastardized it.
No. 49065
>>48970Not to be an asshole, but I've noticed that the majority of people who have eating disorders like anorexia come from pretty decent backgrounds, at least lower middle class, where they shouldn't worry about going hungry.
I bet that if they were exposed to an environment where they absolutely must go hungry because of lack of resources or cash, that eating disorder would go away pretty soon.
No. 49070
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Notice how they proudly list themselves as "co-creator" of a pronoun set (you needed more than one person to think of this?)
No. 49071
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This is what 14 year olds are doing with themselves these days.
No. 49074
>>49071I don't think I have enough irony in me to give a reply to this.
Goood old days when all the cool kids used to be bi and just have some emo quotes nd maybe fake self harming pictures on their myspace/lj.
Nowadays you need 30+ labels for your gender and sexuality, three mental disorders, a past more tragic than any movie could come up with and more edgde than bismuth.
I wonder what their parents think of these. Do they know any of this shit? Do they have to use the made up pronouns? Do all thesecrazy tumblr people keep that shit to their online persona or do they actually act this out?
>"Mom you don't understand, I am a reborn dragon godess!! And my pronouns are purr/purrs/purrself! FUCKING CIS SCUM!" No. 49075
File: 1423765752760.png (12.48 KB, 394x550, ss (2015-02-12 at 06.27.19).pn…)

I'm out for tonight.
No. 49079
>>49074>I wonder what their parents think of these. Do they know any of this shit?I'm sure a lot of them mention at least some of their 'issues'. The parents then point out how how fucking stupid it is and the kids cry 'omg abusive household'.
All these retards claim it, see
>>49070 saying 'i am in a dangerous home environment'
I highly doubt 95% of them actually have abusive families.
No. 49095
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>>49075I cant stop laughing.
No. 49099
>>49092Im with you on that.
I also think that these kids don't tell their parents jack shit.
No. 49115
>>49109B-but anon my mom refuses to call me by my ~natural pronouns~ which are plant/plants/plantself and doesn't respect my made up gender!! I'm so oppressed!!!
And how dare you to say LGBT, it's LGBTQIABDMS+++!!!1 I really care for the community by reblogging a picture and raising awareness uwu
Die cis scum
>#twf transphobia #tw homophobia #abuse #cissexism #awareness #die cis scum #swear words #oppression #tw suicide #tw mention of death #tw punctuation No. 49117
File: 1423771973887.jpg (4.55 KB, 298x169, images.jpg)

I kinda have a cringe story to tell.
My little sister is a 11,and her friend which is <b>10</b> made a list one night. (sleepover) On the list of like how to describe her.
Z** is…
Part cat
Changing color eyes
bipolar ( you better watch out) ^ n ^
Anime freak
Sebastian Michaelis wife (HANDS OFF >n<)
I have voices in my head (they tell me to do stuff heheheh > u <)
The list went on I can't remember it all and regret not taking a picture before I threw that trash out. What freaks me out is shes fucking 10 turning 11 and is already like a fucking tumblr tard and my sisters best friend. Granted the kid ain't that bad but can be annoying as hell.
No. 49122
>>49117I… don't think this is really tumblr tier bad. It just sounds like the typical edgy pre teen stuff. I knew a lot of people including myself that used that shit to fill my edgy online profile and feel superior to non weebs waaay before tumblr. Most of us had this phase when we thought nimu was teh hottest shit XD, being shizo/bi polar was totally kawaii and everyone had a Mary Sue character of themselves in their fanfictions that fits this characteristics you listed just perfectly.
Unless words like made up genders, otherkin, godkin, ten different labels for sexulity/gender or MUH TRIGGERS!!! appear I wouldn't worry. Next time you see a list like that, keep it to embarrass her in a few years once she grew out of this phase.
No. 49130
>>49127Fuck, I mean these people want to label every thought that they have as not just the arbitrary whim that it is, but as a representation of who they are. They find a character they really like and can relate to? It's actually a 2 dimensional manifestation of who they are. Think cats are an incredible species? They have to be part of it to. These little shits want
They want people to think it's completely normal, yet go on and on about how many mental
disorders they have. How can "neurotypical" people not think that their belief that they are a fucking plant or far off galaxy is not a product of their mental illnesses? Though we don't have to attribute it to that for long seeing as how they're all self diagnosed. It assures the rest of us that this is all attention seeking behavior.
It seems that every couple of years teens and young adults are becoming more and more attention hungry, with a need to be coddled. I'm 23 and am genuinely shocked by some of the shit that the 30+ year old people I've followed on tumblr in the past have spewed out of their mouths. I felt bad for a friend of mine who was in the same predicament as me (being too sane for tumblr) who actually wondered if she was overlooking her own past too much and that maybe she
should have a mental condition.
No. 49136
>>49122Yeah I just fear when her friend does find tumblr. ( I hope she never does or by the time she does its dead.)
Will keep any further list cause jfc.
No. 49155
>>49130Tumblr can make me have so much self doubt over stuff, and when this happens I have to get the fuck off the computer and just be like nah its not me its them.
I've seen some people start to make buttons/pins of their disorders and wear them around.
No. 49163
>>49115> tw punctuationhaha, I lost it.
>>49155Good. Then I can avoid them easier. Like the ones who shave off the front of their eyebrows.
No. 49206
File: 1423788677409.png (8 KB, 475x107, tumblr_mnn8kprxpz1ryeto5o1_500…)

>>48863you obv need to check your non-tumblerina privelege
>>48881according to dumblr they do
No. 49209
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>>48954I think it looks nice.
No. 49210
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No. 49217
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No. 49219
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>>49024lol he's trying not to laugh
he probably got an eyefull of gross ass
No. 49229
>>49222But it doesn't even say "stone lesbian". Just "stone". ???
There are a few other terms more self-explanatory that I have never heard of either.
>pomosexual What the fuck did I miss
No. 49231
File: 1423790482628.png (6.49 KB, 516x178, tumblr_mgw8h2kHPg1ryeto5o1_128…)

>>49229according to oxf…urban dictionary
". Argues that categories and words can't do justice to the complexity of human sexuality"
that is so pretentious, I think demisexual beats them all though
No. 49276
>>49231Oh I hate the recent popularity surge of "demisexuality."
Needing an emotional connection before you find someone sexually attractive is not special or unique. It doesn't need a special term. They honestly think people telling them "uhh isn't that just part of human attraction…" is oppression. I shit you not.
>>49210I lost it at "birl." What the ever loving fuck…
No. 49277
File: 1423800147608.jpg (31.17 KB, 250x331, birl.jpg)

>Tumblr searches "birl"
>This comes up
No. 49283
>>49276I was confused by this for the longest time because I figured it was the norm for most people to not feel any surges of lust (or what demisexuals call prmary sexual attraction) for people they do not know, regardless of how attractive they are.
Not that it doesn't happen, because we all probably know people who are down to fuck anyone within a few seconds of greeting them. I think thats a small minority of the population though that is exaggerated in media by representing them as college aged people or club goers.
I'm not even sure there is a term for this though–the opposite of a demisexual. I'm getting my info from here: No. 49286
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No. 49287
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No. 49288
>>49283Exactly. It's just normal human attraction. It isn't its own kind of sexual orientation like hetero/homo/bisexual/asexual. Nobody's parents are gonna disown them for being demisexual, god damn.
There are some creepy made up sexualities out there. One of them is only being sexually attracted to someone if they're not attracted to you? Hello, rape mentality… I can't recall the name of it and a google search didn't yield any results but it was on some list going around on Tumblr and when people pointed out how weird that sounded, the creator of the list exploded with rage.
No. 49289
>>49287JFC is it even possible for one human being to have that many neurological disorders? I know some people don't always have the resources to get a physiatric diagnosis, but it's painfully obvious this kid read through mayo clinic's site and pin pointed some symptoms they *~*totally identified with*~* and decided that they MUST have all of these disorders.
>I will ask you to reblog my selfies and reply to my posts or I feel ignored!! I know they're a kid and they clearly just want attention, but god damn. Being annoying is not the way to go about it.
I feel sorry for these kids. I hope they look back and feel embarrassed that they appropriate so many mental illnesses and the like solely to be the most special of the snowflakes. I want this trend to die.
No. 49292
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Part one
No. 49293
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Part two
No. 49305
>>49289inb4 no 1curr about you
i was diagnosed with bpd and bipolar
'technically' the doctor also said i have gad (but i dont really think thats right, imo its just anxiety from my other problems maybe idk), and i dont think 2-3 disorders is uncommon at all. alot of people have more than 1+ if you have a psychiatric problem already
No. 49306
>>49300Exactly this. I can't help but think that those A&E shows that became popular a few years ago like Obsession, Hoarders, etc. have something to do with all these armchair self-diagnosers. My mom loves to say that we all have these "quirks" and therefore we all have a bit of [insert disorder here] in us. I get so exasperated trying to explain that it's only a disorder when the "quirk" becomes so extreme that it inhibits your ability to live normally (ex. Washing your hands often =/= being an OCD germaphobe) but she just doesn't get it.
I think that a lot of people are very misinformed as to what it really means to live with a disorder.
No. 49308
>>49293And this is where the feminists clash.
You have those who are pro transgender and those who hate men regardless
No. 49309
>>49070Seriously the primary use for a diagnosis is to figure out what the appropriate treatment is
So bitch go get BPD on paper and do a couple rounds of DBT
and probably get some antipsychotics if you really think you're that cray lol
No. 49328
>>49284Oh man, I've been following you ever since I made my tumblr a couple years ago. Too bad I don't go on there anymore. Every time I found a blog to follow with neat stuff they would slowly start posting SJW shit.
All I wanted was too look at animu pictures and shit man…
No. 49381
File: 1423839182329.png (76.38 KB, 543x641, ss (2015-02-13 at 02.50.05).pn…)

13 years old, using "it" pronouns and convinced they have DID? Who else but tumblr.
No. 49388
File: 1423840228381.png (4.89 KB, 220x180, ss (2015-02-13 at 03.08.17).pn…)

How conceited do you have to be?
No. 49389
File: 1423840583298.jpg (62.11 KB, 389x539, ss (2015-02-13 at 03.13.42).jp…)

Yes, one of these retards has an actual child. Also, good luck getting approved for testosterone while identifying as a magiboy lmao
No. 49395
>>49075The way they use triggers REEEEALLY infuriates me. You don't just go into a panic attack when you see a broken sign. They're usually only a few small or major things that can cause a trigger. Normally your brain tries to erase most of the things involves with the event that caused your PTSD so things like signs arent going to do shit.
For me, it's whole locations, bad dreams, and negative events. Even then I don't even have an episode right then and there. It lingers in my brain for a while, so when I get home I cry and move on. Even so, I'm not going to force everyone to cater to me and my problems. None of those things are mine to control. These little shots are extremely selfish and disgusting and making it a lot harder on those who genuinely struggle with mental disorders.
I haven't even gone to work yet and I'm raging so hard.
No. 49399
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>>49389What a story Mark.jpg
No. 49403
>>49399this is ridiculous
of course gays don't like pussy
No. 49404
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>>49395not to mention that it's HEALTHIER and encouraged by freaking PSYCHIATRISTS you know, doctors and proffessionals, not tumblerinas, to face your triggers rather than to try and live without encountering them.
The more you base your life around avoiding something, the more power it holds over you. a large part of PTSD is learning to let go of the past, laughing in the face of those mental demons etc.
tumblr is so retarded wow what the fuck do they spend their days doing to be this stupid
No. 49405
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No. 49406
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No. 49408
>>49381can you imagine?
"mum, dad…you have to use 'it' pronouns when speaking to me. It's my new gender"
No. 49409
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No. 49411
>>49293so now the most etreme SJWs hate transsexuals?
We have gone full circle
next up, SJW race segregation
No. 49415
>>49276they think it's special because they think that the average person just goes out clubbing all the time, where they have sex in the bathroom with a random drunk dude
they think they're the intellectual elite because they watch dr who basically
No. 49417
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ah turtlegirl
a true classic
No. 49418
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>>49412Your blog is one of the best on tumblr, you actually have funny and interesting things to say, and you write really well too 10/10 blog
No. 49419
File: 1423844585707.png (191.24 KB, 1294x452, 1408657704984.png)

not tumblr, but still funny
No. 49476
>She got angry and told me I might as well eat the rest of the peanut butter in the jar since I "obviously want to die young from a heart attack."
>I opened up the fridge and got out the jar of peanut butter intending to eat it since she said I could.
>She got even angrier and told me she was just being sarcastic and asked me how stupid I was.Fuck, sorry for selpost but this actually hit close to home being a literal sperglord, except who the fuck eats two bowls of ramen and half a jar of peanut butter all in one sitting oh my god
How fucking ironic is it that one of the few tumblrinas that hasn't put "Self dx autistic XD" in her about me ACTUALLY comes across as having the 'tism?
No. 49479
>>49466Especially because of how quick people in the Western world are to dismiss a person because of a disorder or illness–be it mental or physical. Any negative traits will be attributed to their disorder illness, which is horrible for people who aren't doing anything wrong. People will expect them to fuck up because they think that their brain not working the way it's "supposed" to means they're likely to engage in a multitude of strange behaviors, including criminal activity.
For these tumblr shits, they see it as working in their favor. They can't fully be responsible for their actions.
>I physically/emotionally/verbally harassed you? Nah, dude, you don't understand, that's a product of my self diagnosed mental illness, not my fault. So don't be upset otherwise you'd be oppressing me. No. 49482
File: 1423864190479.png (1.4 MB, 542x1224, spergpronouns.png)

Anyone remember ADF? He got his fucking pronouns tattooed on his arm.
No. 49490
>>49411Errr I'm pretty sure it was a troll response to the sign in the previous post. I can't believe no-one has grasped this yet.
Protip: it says MENZ so it's probably some MRA types.
No. 49506
>>49504The pronoun tatoos aren't
that awful (can be easily hidden and most people won't associate it with hardcore dumb tumblrina SJW) but that "Man hating leasbian" tatoo. She deserves to be unemployed if she thinks this is acceptable.
And I'm glad for whatever place employs her without forcing her to hide this tatoo somehow as I know to never come near to that place ever again without having to take a second look.
No. 49523
>>49520Fuck kink shame.
Most of the people who are in the Kinky shit aren't the ones whining about it.
No. 49536
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No. 49538
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No. 49541
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No. 49542
>>49541Nah, I don't know them but if they were really trans it sucks. It's sometimes a bit hard to dstinguish between legit struggling trans people and tumblrina demiboi magikarp gurl shit.
>>49538This is why no one takes feminists serious. She makes everyone who has some actual brain and good intention for women everywhere look bad.
>>49536wtf is a "System"?
>fictionkinI fear bad news
No. 49545
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actually though i met a girl in college that has a piercing that looks like a bindi, it’s called a third eye piercing and i want to rip it out of her face every time i see it because she’s not indie or exotic or whatever shit she wants to call it.
God these people get pissed at anything.
No. 49572
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Its just fucking hair.
No. 49582
>>49572I definitely always felt like some people were over reacting about dreads, cornrows, fros, whatever else. However, I was doing some research for some paper I had to write for school, about the first black people who were allowed to go to intergrated schools, and it was pretty shocking to read about how they were treated. In order to keep a lot of them from going to school, they would tell them certain hair styles that are more natural for black hair, like the puffy afro or dreads are not allowed. So people had to start cutting or straightening their hair.
I think a few yrs ago a little girl had to be removed from school because dreads were not seen as presentable: terms of black people being told they can't go to school because of race, and having dreads be identified with black people so that people will look down on them, I
can see it as an aspect of black culture
in the US. I know other ethnicities have them too, but I'm limiting this to their history in the US. However, I think that for the most part, there really aren't many negative connotations associated with dreads anymore. There are ignorant comments about the hair being dirty, which I disagree with except when it comes to asians and whites trying to dread their hair since it needs a product to help it stick and a lack of washing.
Out of all things that are actually an issue, things like dreads should probably not even make the list.
No. 49590
>>49581>>49580Yeah their part armenian. Kim made a joke once about them being hairy thats why that got laser hair removal. (OT sorry)
But too black,asian and what ever else they're white people who are stealing their hair styles.I think its dumb do whatever the fuck you wanna do to your hair.
No. 49597
why on earth do white ppl think their opinion on cultural appropriation matters - no one cares that you think it’s okay - if a poc says no - YOU DON’T DO IT - who are you to go around spreading crap information about something you know nothing about
Oh thank you brown person. I will never wear a bindi/(any other cultural item ever) that my grandmother gave me cause I'm white, and shes Indian. And you are the sole person on this subject.
Seriously fuck this bitch. No. 49600
>>49597When people of any ethnic background wear it for fashion it sucks though. I guess people have been attributing it to white people because of how many celebrities and models whom are white were wearing them around without any acknowledgement of where it came from.
Also, on another note, if your grandma is Indian, wouldn't that make you at least 1/4 Indian? You're a poc.
No. 49601
>>49600I say grandmother because it's a pain in the ass to always say/type step-grandmother.
I also just see her as my grandmother and to add step sounds strange to me.
No. 49609
>>49605Yeah, Felice fawn does this on her own site/blog.
It's hard to take the posers from the people who really enjoy the culture. Problem is, tumblr doesn't care. They attack everyone.
No. 49620
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No. 49624
>>49623 is meant to be in reply to
>>49545 rather than the discussion about appropriation.
No. 49630
>>49626How is it insensitive though? Maybe they really like the hair. Maybe they see how much work goes into maintaining it? Some people just like things and want to get into it. It's just hair. jfc
I'm not a lot less people care than tumblr thinks.
No. 49637
>>49630Aside from the whole background with dreads in the US, I think some people's frustration is due to dreaded non black hair being called dreads in the first place. Many black people have stated that white/asian dreads are in no way similar to black dreads due to the process that goes into dreading it. Because black hair is naturally kinky, it dreads easily, so that even if you wash it multiple times a week, eventually it will link together.
Most Asian hair certainly will not do this, as won't white hair without having to go without washing and product needing to be added. Some people are insulted from what I've seen because their dreads are clean, where as we know that the asian or white person had to let theirs build up product and dirt in order to get a
similar appearance.
Also, like
>>49626 said, it usually
is hippie kids, stoners or kids rebelling that get dreads. They have this perception of actual dreads that black people don't attribute to them, it's weird.
No. 49704
>>49605But … they sell bindis in India and South East Asia for fashion purposes, they come in little packets like nail stickers. Everyone wears them, even the people who have a much worse history with Hindus than white people. (See: Everything Muslims ever did to Hindus and vice versa. But you still see girls in hijabs wearing them.) My dad and uncle have been bringing them as gifts for me since I was five. More often than not they're helped by a gaggle of teenage girls to pick out the cutest ones.
Every single celebrity I've ever seen wearing one is one of the convenience store stickers, not the red dot. It's a non issue for anyone actually from India or SEA, only second generation immigrants who feel like they're not really part of "their" culture complain about it.
No. 49783
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No. 49785
File: 1423945350477.png (132.68 KB, 717x546, Pol troll gets a sjw to agree …)

>>49541well I agree with that, she should've been buried in a dress, although I do understand that the parents were really against it, and perhaps people are being a bit too rough on the parents
too bad about her parents, it's a really shitty situation all around
No. 49786
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No. 49790
File: 1423945582957.jpg (64.55 KB, 720x570, 1012295_535671829824223_827129…)

>>49476kek, turtlegirl also made shitty cringe memes like image related
or at least I think they're the same person, someone correct me if I'm wrong plz
No. 49793
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>>49791genetelia is the best typo ever
it sounds like a new type of spaghetti
No. 49794
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No. 49798
>>49790Nah, the meme turtlegirl and the tortoisekin turtlegirl are different people
Holy shit it'd be hilarious if that was her though
No. 49824
>>49794And then you slowly realize that intelligence is decreasing as more of these entitled brats come up, and that the only people who can move America forward are the people who don't believe in this crap, or those who choose to move on.
Maybe we need another renaissance or something. With actual art, new theories and laws, something to get the future generation from going up their own and most of the current generation's asses.
(Not saying not what she is saying is not true, because it does happen, I just don't think Intelligence is the right topic marker for her to use.
No. 49831
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>>49790Holy crap, I was thinking she looked familiar then i realized. Don't know if it's just because I'm tired af
No. 49859
>>49796Mental is right, bitch you crazy.
No. 49881
>>49874Seems like she'd be better off with the daily reminder of
No. 49935
>>49925In cargo pants and a t-shirt?
Not sure if you quoted the right post.
No. 50043
>>49874so, someone out there has or will potentially have sex with ADF?
Doubtful. Too gross to even rape
No. 50058
>>48476Actually, he's completely right. Women simply aren't enough of the market to be pandered to by developers.
By repeating the oft-cited "half of gamers are women" statistic, you're actually perpetuating the stereotype further that women are poorly informed about gaming. It's like when people claim there's a gender wage gap and then expect to be taken seriously.
The 48% statistic is from a survey which includes mobile phone apps, which has no effect on the actual gaming market. It's fine to ask for better representation, but if you cite that statistic as if it refers to
actual video games and not apps, you'll end up looking bad.
No. 50174
>>50118You need to do some reading, pal. If appearance is the only qualifying factor in getting women raped, then conventionally attractive women everywhere would be doing everything in their power to not appeal to rapists. The problem with that is that we cannot tell who a potential rapist will be to know who to look out for (but we do know that statistically, women are the majority of victims).
That's why there are campaigns out there about people not justifying rape through appearance, attire, time, place, accountability or their confusion over whether no or an inability to say no actually means no.
If a person wants to rape, meaning commit sexual
violence towards another person by forcing their submission, they will as long as they think they can get away with it.
That's why it is more about struggle than it is about appearance. If you still doubt it, you can check out the numerous reports made about young guys being asked why they would rape a 70, 80 or 90 yr old woman whom they're not even attracted to, and them responding that it was the heat of the
moment that got to them, that being their desire to subjugate someone else.
No. 50232
File: 1424048253879.jpg (178.65 KB, 960x1280, jfc.jpg)

why does tumblr support these looks
No. 50250
>>50247I lol'd so hard.
>>50232Is that a tattoo of a tree on her chest?
No. 50351
>>49597See? And that’s what gets me about this whole cultural appropriation stuff. SJWS don’t want to judge on looks alone, right? But they’ll gladly tell someone who looks white to stop taking from another culture but uh, what if they ARE that culture? (not saying that you have to be to partake but what happened to taking people on content of their character, not skin colour?)
I’m half black, but if those SJWS saw my pic they’d label me white since I am pale. Those dickheads were deny me access to my own culture just because they see a white girl, basically and to me, that’s sort of infuriating.
No. 50394
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No. 50397
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>>49981True blue SJWs (non weeb) hate on the japanese for being RAYCISSSSSS oh shiiiiIIIIIIII
No. 50398
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No. 50460
>>50351Oh yeah. One time someone was sending me anon hate and they called me a stupid white girl, and when I told them I was actually Latina, they told me "go back to Mexico, slut."
Being fair-skinned on Tumblr won't cause you any problems unless the weird side of Tumblr deems your actions/posts as appropriation. Then shit will hit the fan. (e.g. A bunch of white people yelling at other white people for "trying to look Asian" with circle lens/droopy eye makeup)
No. 50486
>>50476Those brows, holy hell.
How can she look in the mirror after drawing those on and think "yep, that looks good".
No. 50536
>>50454Basically this
>>50457In regards to my coworker; She has dark brown hair. She bleached it and didn't tone it right so the pink turned orange in some areas of her hair. Then she proceeded to tell my the next day when it looked like pink orange shit that she tried to dye over the pink with brown dye WITHOUT using a color stripper first. I just looked the other way because I didn't want to say anything nasty. Her hair is always disgusting. I am saving up to be a hair dresser, so it hurts me to see her fuck up and not care. At least use an online tutorial. She only buys box dyes too. She wants to go white blonde like me. I don't even think she knows what a toner is.
Apologies for OT.
No. 50592
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No. 50598
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Does this ignorant honky understand that we're fucking aware that he isn't experiencing racial profiling at the hands of the police, like does he really think he needs a custom jacket to point out he has white privilege wtf
Wow some of these people like your damned if you support their cause or you're a racist jackass if you don't.
No. 50601
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No. 50603
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No. 50605
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No. 50606
>>50598Sorry anon but I get confused when you make these posts, I keep thinking you're the one making the top comments when you're just in fact quoting them. Just quote them directly or at least add quotation marks.
Also, that guy isn't supporting the movement because he's supporting the behavior of the NYPD, not just the good. We all know black, latino, gay, trans and the mentally ill are subject to more hostile treatment.
No. 50607
File: 1424131427511.png (32.26 KB, 1837x162, cislord.png)

No. 50609
>>50605lol this reminds me of someone I followed on tumblr who reblogged this. She's anti feminist because
she specifically doesn't need it due to living in Poland. So when asked why isn't she feminist for the girls around the world who
do need feminism? Why not be a feminist because not all women around the world have a right to their bodies, etc? All you get is silence.
Anyway, thats not the height of black people's problems, it would be more accurate to say that they're being killed by cops for being black (like the guy in wallmart who was in the toy gun section as an example)
No. 50612
>>50609>>For being blackMore like, "for being violent towards the police, forcing them to defend themselves."
Both tray tray and mike brown attacked the cops who killed them.
No. 50624
>>50612Riiight, the guy who had his back turned to the police, a few feet away from them, didn't even know they were coming for him, was being violent towards police, gotcha. As was Eric Garner, the guy with a fake sword in cosplay who never made contact with cops but was chased down by them and the guy waiting inside a store for his kids to get out of school because it was cold outside.
>>50613who was a kid? The person killed by police was a grown man. He was talking on the phone and had a toy gun in his hand in front of a whole bunch of other toy guns being sold in Walmart. Someone called the cops on him saying a guy had a gun in the store, and when police came they yelled out for him to drop it
as they shot him down from the back.
No. 50639
>>50624 you not watch the trial? Do SJW just make shit up to believe these days?
>>When officer Daniel Pantaleo took Garner's wrist behind his back, Garner swatted his arms away.Resisting arrest is illegal, nigga. And everyone claims "whaa u hurting my wrists" or "whaa I can't breath" when the cops arrest them. Maybe if he wasn't such a fat fuck he would have lived.
No. 50644
>>50641yeah I heard about Tamir Rice too, a lot of black people have been killed when they didn't have to be, especially when they weren't even committing a crime to begin with (i.e. John Crawford, the man in walmart mentioned by
>>50624: If it wasn't for people recording these events or demanding the release of video proof no one would know.
No. 50757
>>50746Wait, they specifically killed him for it? Oh, wait, that's right. Niggers make up their own history, I forgot. The police tried to arrest him, he resisted, and so they had to hold him down in a headlock. Being a fat fuck, he suffocated. (As is common with fatties who try to lay on their backs) He must have been in very bad health to begin with if he died from that, but black people like to ignore this little fact because it doesn't fit their needs. Black people have no real problems, so they take obvious accidents like this and run with them so they claim all their problems come from "oppression".
Aside from that, if a white kid died from the cops suffocating him by accident, no one would care. They would blame it on the fat.
No. 50758
>>50757Nope, I thought we were talking about the cosplayer. I made a mistake.
Judging by your response, you don't know the difference either though
No. 50828
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Can we get back to talking about Tumblrunas and dumb stuff like this, please? Make a racist board on /b/ god damn.
No. 50852
>>49541I disliked Leelah when she was alive and her suicide really doesn't bother me
She posted a lot of that TRANS WOMEN ARE UNTOUCHABLE GODESSES shit all the time but then drew herself and called herself a "Princess boy" implying she's just a feminine dude who wanted a slice of the trans girl oppression without actually having to be trans, I mean her suicide note didn't make sense anyway "I wanted to transition on my 16th birthday and they wouldn't let me" you can't until you're 18 anyway which means she had 1 more year before she could have but instead she decided to become a martyr and make herself the patron saint of tumblr
No. 50856
>>50853No I meant the only reason she said she was trans at all was to be part of the tumblr oppression squad
Also her posts about "omg guys I've realized I'm trans now" don't match up with her suicide story because she'd only been "trans" for maybe a month
It's sad when anyone kills themselves but tumblr blew her death way out of proportion
No. 50859
>>50856Oh wow, I had no idea. I had gone through a few posts of her blog the day her note went viral but I didn't delve any deeper. It is incredibly sad that she killed herself and sadder still that her parents refused to accept her/didn't let her friends come say goodbye at the funeral.
But, honestly, I do feel like the trans community of tumblr is really toxic. People who are legitimately trans and who have dysphoria are completely different than people who wanna be "demigirls" or "princess boys" or whatever. Gender isn't some costume to put on and take off. It's imposed on you based on your sex and it varies from culture to culture. Idk why tumblrites think it's a fun game or a spectrum or what have you. And I don't know why they think that transtrenders are a) the real deal and b) allowed to spew hateful/disgusting shit in the name of "activism." I think most people go along with it or try to be as inclusive as possible because they're afraid they'll get death threats and shit if they don't.
No. 50872
>>50852Just wondering, did you follow Leelah's blog before or after they died?
Of all the trans deaths that happen every day, I wonder why theirs got so much attention.
>>50859>But, honestly, I do feel like the trans community of tumblr is really toxic. People who are legitimately trans and who have dysphoria are completely different than people who wanna be "demigirls" or "princess boys" or whatever. Gender isn't some costume to put on and take off. It's imposed on you based on your sex and it varies from culture to culture. This, so much. However now if you even want to imply that, you're viewed as a "trans exclusive radical feminist" even if you're not radical or a feminist.
No. 50907
>>50890I didn't get those vibes at all.
Fetishists are usually adult males who are into sissy shit and/or "traps", and transtrenders are usually FtM or genderqueer. If she were a transtrender, she could have easily just stopped all that shit she faced with her family by calling it off and only keeping up the persona online.
Likewise if she were a fetishist, then she'd probably be sated by reblogging porn on her Tumblr and waiting until she was 18 to buy her own girly shit to crossdress in tbh. I feel like the princess boy shit was because she hadn't transitioned yet and was still being treated as a boy, but to each their own I guess.
No. 50908
>>50907The majority of trans women on tumblr are sissy fetishists though, or at least that I've gotten to a point of distrust whenever I see one over there
I'm just saying I wasn't surprised to see stupid "Trans women are goddesses uwu" and princess boy shit on her blog
Though I guess I could've just said "It was a trans person on tumblr so I was suspicious"
not necessarily a trans woman.
I just don't like them in particular.
No. 51054
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>Hur hur so many people thought I was a girl.
>Give me money so I can have my surgery.
No. 51074
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>>51070why don't you go outside and live your life so we can live ours?
No. 51076
>>51070And your life would be much happier if you stopped letting Tumblr tell you what to think and went outside to live your life.
But you won't and we won't.
No. 51104
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No. 51110
>>51105Bullying a 12 year old…
These fucking SJWs jesus christ.
I also kek'd at the fact that most people attacking her were white and most people defending her were black.
No. 51180
>>51156Exactly, when I was in middle school, this girl was removed from class to have her parents called because she had curly hair and did not tie it. It made for a very small jew-fro looking hairstyle, but was apparently not allowed because it could be "potentially distracting". No one had complained though. They removed her from the school the second time it happened and I don't blame her, it was really stupid. I read about this happening to mainly white people for natural hairstyles, not dying their hair crazy colors or having it stick out to make it impossible for students to see the board, but just natural hair.
However, this does not mean that a little girl wearing box braids is appropriating culture (for fucks sake people need to learn what that term means) and that
she is not harming anyone. Take it up with the school districts that discriminate.
Liberals I swear, it's always about the small insignificant issues with them.
No. 51203
>>51022Haha have fun seeing TG be completly ruined by tumblr.
>mfw I read TG befor eit wa spopular>saw the rise of the fandom on tumblr>so afraid it's going to be SnK tier shitSeriously, nothing good can come out of this
No. 51237
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>>51203A little ot but I love TG,and SNK, but theres something about tumblr that can turn me off of stuff that I like. Shit I even love SPN,Sherlock,And DR. Who, but fucking christ the fandom on tumblr can just kill anything.
No. 51491
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>>50397Can't un-see this shit
No. 51527
>>51525Its a "transguy" so they say, but is always wearing female clothes and never binds.
Now to me thats a fucking chick, but we can't call them out on it cause we would be oppressing their gender identity.
No. 51562
>>51521I'm seeing this happen in a lot of anime fandoms lately. For example in Yowamushi Pedal there is a character who recently showed up in the manga but isn't in the anime yet that tumblr is losing their shit over. He's only appeared briefly and not much is known yet except for him saying something like "I have a bit of girlish desire" in regards to wanting to wear a matsuri mask (desire to wear a cute mask).
Tumblr saw this as "WOW POSSIBLE NON-CIS CHARACTER!" and ran with it. The comment section on his wiki page is a fucking mess. No. 51585
>>51105How are braids cultural? It's a modern hairstyle worn by most western black women to have a long but easy to handle hairstyle. It has no cultural meaning, what-so-ever.
Like, even with dreadlocks, I know an interracial couple who both have dreads and actually started talking because they had similar hairstyles. Guess he should have shouted at her for cultural appropriation instead of marrying her.
No. 51586
But seriously, it's just a cop-out so they can feel oppressed without the actual struggles of being oppressed.
No. 51605
>>51562holy shit these people are insane. ONE little line (which appears to have been in a comedic situation and very vague) causes them all to believe this shit lol what the fuck.
no wonder these people hate school. they can't critically think worth a damn
No. 51884
>>51615Tumblr's reign of terror knows no bounds when it comes to shit like this. I'm sure everyone saw what happened with SnK a while back when they decided that the entire cast needed to gay, trans*, poc and everything else under the sun that wasn't cis, het and white.
I have a strong feeling the people who are doing this are former homestuck fans. The trolls from what I can tell don't have a distinct race, gender, sexuality and all that jazz which allowed them to sprinkle their special snowflake bullshit all over everything and it was fine. Homestuck was a containment fandom and breeding ground for this shit. So that shit might have flown in homestuck, but it doesn't for the rest of the world.
No. 52020
>>48340saying 'the media' is such a ridiculous way to blame someone else for problems. guess what, 'the media' wouldn't produce unrealistic standards of beauty if people didn't eat that shit up!
tell me, what age do people become adults and responsible for their own actions? never! blame 'the media' for your problems! blame macdonalds for making you fat! etc, etc
No. 52044
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Found on a post about the atrocities in North Korea. Do they not watch the news or what?
No. 52075
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No. 52093
>>52044There's even been stuff about it on 60 mins.
Hell I remember a few years back when Lisa Ling and her sister(or maybe it was just her sister) that was held captive over there.
The information is out there its just not always going to be spoon fed to you.
No. 52110
>>50249could we make a checklist for tumblrcore "style"?
- thick brows
- flower crown
- bright lipstick
- dyed hair (often fried)
- face piercings
- fandom t-shirt
what else?
individuality my ass
No. 52113
>>52110Short hair
Cat eye glasses
Bright ass coloured/patterned clothes
Fandom t-shirt interchangable with "My vagina is beautiful" or "Crush the men" shirt
No. 52120
>>52110Creeper shoes / brightly coloured Docs
Reverse crucifixes
Eyeball hair bows
No. 52130
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>>52110-Tattoo chokers
-Those dark, round sunglasses
-Crop tops
-Emoji/weed/alien/peace sign print clothing
-Holographic shit
-Edgy Killstar shit
-Basically every shitty fashion trend from the 90's
No. 52137
>>52110- dip dye hair
- tie dye shirts
- galaxy leggings
- leggings
- drawn eyebrows in fancy colors and shapes (pink hearts, green stars, etc)
- Creepyyeha everything
- everything from No. 52144
>>52137Creepyyeha makes some nice stuff but most of her fan base is retarded.
Also she's kind of annoying too, always crying about people copying her. She was in this shop in China saw a display with similar items as hers and started crying and having a breakdown. Her and her wierdo bf demanded that the display be taken down right then and there. Crazy. Maybe She needs to loosen that tight ass waist belt.
No. 52147
>>52146why the fuck would you wear creepyyeah shit in public???
wah these kinds of people are so annoying. "i'm wearing this stuff because it's so ~edgy~ and sexual in nature but don't you dare sexualize me!!!!"
No. 52149
>>52148i'm a basic bitch so i think some of the stuff there is interesting. but nah, not dropping that amount of money on your shittily made clothing. i can't imagine anyone living independently buying that sort of shit.
don't want to derail the thread but is there any decent ironic clothing that isn't super overpriced?
No. 52150
>>52149Best bet is ebay.
Found a whole bunch of nostalgic stuff when I was look a few weeks ago.
No. 52158
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>>52110We need a tumblrcore bingo.
No. 52166
>>52146does anyone know if she does waist training or other shit? is her waist really so tiny or does she just use photoshop? her body has always boggled my mind
>>52147i would wear the shit out of creepyyeha things in public. kinky shit is the best shit
No. 52171
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>>52158i tried. i tried to stay with tumblrcore and not just regular trendy/hipster stuff
No. 52178
>>52171A lot of these aren't really tumblrcore, like the facial piercings, but I hate how tumblr turns it this way by thinking they're the ones who invented it (i.e. some tumblr user who was shocked at how many native tribes around the world pierced their skin, especially at how much more "extreme" it was). Most tumblr users are attention whores, so this doesn't really surprise me. It explains why they think the ugliest outfits work well together, why not shaving underarm hair and dying it instead is considered a good trend, why everyone now has a septum piercing despite it only looking good on some noses, why cottage cheese looking body parts are considered attractive (i'm not gonna look down on stretch marks because skinny people and body builders get them, so they're normal), and a whole slew of other shit.
One of the most common "tumblr trends" is getting your septum pierced despite it looking horrible on your nose and then posting 678 pics of yourself in little clothing with the same pose just at varying angles with different "body positive/self love" captions.
No. 52211
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>>52146lol, seriously? of course people are going to stare if you go out dressed like you're on you're way to a fetish party.
It's also annoying how she pretends she has this huge ass and waist to hip ratio when it's so obvious she's just arching her back really hard. You can even see the creases in her skin sometimes from how much she's sticking it out.
No. 52228
>>52196So I used to follow Devilish666. She/they sold their items in an actual store (Avantgarde) in Jingumae (or Harajuku, to make weebs understand).
They said they closed down because so many people were copying and stealing their ideas and designs. The kind of stuff they made including the chokers and garter stuff is now allll over Japan. You can find it anywhere. My question is, did Creepyyeha actually INVENT this design? I know she is heavily inspired by Teale Coco so I doubt it.
No. 52237
>>52166She wears waist belts that are way too tight to forc e her waist that shape in almost every pic. Either that or she is always wearing highwaisted bottoms that cinch the waist. Also she poses REALLY fucking hard. People that also wear waist belts have commented on the tightness before.
Whenever someone asks about how she stays fit she says its her perfect genes while posting pics of her junkfood hauls.
No. 52238
>>52237She also wears it like that to make herself look curvy, lol
She uses garters and stockings to push up her butt
No. 52252
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Does she seriously go out in public dressed like this? I've lived in NYC all my life, but unless i was going to a club with friends (and had a big coat on all the way to that club,) i would not do this.
No. 52256
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>>52245That's most likely what's going on. Pic related.
I have been browsing through her selfies and she's almost posing with her arms up or her hips sticking out to the side, most likely to create the illusion of a smaller waist. She's also sucking in her gut.
Also lol @ her if she thinks she's the one and only who has this style. Aya and Bambi Sato have the same kind of aesthetic, and I think they pull it off better.
No. 52315
>>52313rofl I like you.
>>52256Yeah, she's definitely nothing special. Why doesn't she actually work out? It's so obvious she's sucking in her gut.
No. 52342
>>52328I visited the US once, and I wore kneesocks with a dress. People stared and catcalled so much I just took them off. Can't imagine what it would be like in NYC with her fetish clothes.
Just look at this, and everyone staring and pointing at her: must LOVE the attention.
Here is her with more normal clothes & no curves or ass. No. 52343
>>52328In a perfect world, people would actually follow the rule 'if you have nothing nice to say, dont say anything at all.'
However, there are tons of rude people, from teens to grown adults who will shout something at a strange because of what they're wearing. Hell, when I used to dye my hair pink back in 2002, people would shout rude things at me. This is before the katy perry, nikki minaj and lady Gaga bullshit. Now it's okay to have pastel or dyed hair, but back in the 90s and early 2000s, people were fucking awful and vocal about how weird they thought you were.
When something is trendy and mainstream, you'll get less comments about it. I'd rather get stares than comments really. It just sucks no matter what, because if you aren't in jeans and a tshirt, someone is going to say something unneeded. Creepyyeha is walking around in fetish wear in broad daylight. in nyc. I live in NYC. People are gonna say shit.
No. 52349
>>52342That looks so fucking out of place on a cruise. Honestly it would look way better with just the plain black skirt without the mesh see through shit at the bottom.
Just because she wears 'unique' shit doesn't mean it's gonna look good, she actually has a horrible sense of style.
Her store is one of the cancers of tumblr. So much shitty styles has spawned from it.
No. 52351
>>52343To me I think if you don;t want and can;t handle getting attention for wearing crazy shit you shouldn't be wearing it.
This chick goes out wearing straight up bras and panties, fetish wear, and retarded giant buns on head hairdo and gets bothered when people creep or say shit.
No. 52360
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>>52251Look at this nigga! ahaha
No. 52364
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>>52248bruh, look how tight that shit is. Is that even comfortable?
No. 52372
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>>52363yeah, but for some reason she has a problem with it. i think she wants to be a loli or something. have you seen how some of her designs are plastered with the word babydoll and babygirl? her fanbase are also called babydolls too.
pic is an older picture from when her style used to be more loli-esque.
No. 52375
>>52372i think it's just more of the fetish thing, like how girls are so into calling dudes "daddy" now. with that… she and her boyfriend look so fucking weird, he looks creepy as hell here
>>52360she must be making loads of money now though because fka twigs and some other performers have noticed and wear some of her stuff. and I know twigs has worked with her and gotten custom shit
>>52354i think looking like she's going to a fetish club is the whole point, though (so idk why she gets surprised when assholes take pics or stare)
No. 52376
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>>52220ummmm lol.
Why is tumblr so obsessed with bootys lately tho. The pics of girls trying to get a good booty shot that makes their ass look big are fucking pathetic. Arching back, sticking butt out etc. It's just kind of hilarious picturing the trouble they went through to get a good ass shot.
No. 52378
>>52376why does she care so much she had to take a pic to show her ass? really? now everyone knows you were offended.
>>52375idk if that's it but yea. all i know is she wants to be younger or something by what she sent me but she's already young to me so idk. i'll try to find the message. i can't wait to see her wearing that shit when she hit 40.
No. 52382
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Yooooo, finally someone is talking about this chick. I remember she was brought up on cgl once.
>>52256Aya and Bambi look 10 times cooler and they have dancing skills wtf how have i never known about these girls!
No. 52388
>>52166>>52211>>52220>>52237>>52238>>52256>>52376she really is posing and wearing things to accentuate her hip to waist ratio, but her waist isn't impossibly small. i've known girls with waists like that before (and even smaller), and it was just because they had really narrow ribcages plus not being fat.
like here: just looks like she has a really narrow frame already
she's clearly from a rich family, so i'd say maybe she had work done to make her body like that… but why wouldn't she fix her face first?
>>52382these two are adorable
No. 52394
>>52388>>52388>>52388exactly what i was thinking
shes got the face of the mother of a fucking chinese chess champion
No. 52405
>>52382I really like and admire them! It's cool how they can openly be themselves despite all the criticism they receive for being in love with each other. It's like they're soul mates
on another note, the one on the right (with the open back dress/shirt) has the flattest backside I've ever seen in my life, and I'm not shaming her for that, but it really emphasizes how big creepyyeha's ass is
No. 52412
>>52409lol! I was going to ask the same thing. Is there a yeha white knight here now?
No. 52414
>>52409>>52412Dude unless you thought I saw her having a big ass as a good thing, why would you assume I'm whiteknighting her or that I am her? I'm just saying that in comparison, it really
is big.
No. 52416
>>52404actually, here her body is pretty average. standard skinny chinese girl. there are hundreds of them in flushing. a lot of them don't emphasize their asses like yeha does, so that's probably why a lot of people think hers is of unusual size when it might just be a little bigger than average. some girls with really tight bodies just wear bagging sweaters and leggings (and don't post themselves in lingerie on IG), so you'd never know.
>>52410i vaguely recall her saying she started doing yoga over the summer. she has complained before about weight gain because of eating junk too much. definitely doesn't look like she works out.
No. 52452
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>>52328When I visited NYC I got a load of comments (not negative, people just seemed really surprised by it?) just because I was wearing this coat, which I don't think is especially crazy? So I can't imagine how much attention she gets from her outfits. I'm from the UK and in my experience people will definitely comment on/react to your appearance a lot more in the US.
>>52363I thought she was around 24? That Dollymilk girl who she went to university with mentioned being 24 recently, so I assumed they were about the same age? Either way, she's obviously not a grandma or trying to pull off super youthful kawaii-uguu styles so idk why she would get butthurt about someone asking her age?
No. 52462
>>52451Filters, angles, lightning. She has them, just good at hiding it."
Look how her skin is without all her lightning. Way darker: day: always uses this kind of grainy filter that hides skin dents and imperfection.
No. 52521
>>52462yeah, there are lots of pics showing that she's clearly darker. she even talks about getting tan because of all these fucking cruises and vacations she takes.
>>52464well, she is wearing a corset in one of those pictures…
No. 52525
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Why can't people just read the description before they watch the movie.
No. 52529
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No. 52532
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Otherkin tag.
No. 52533
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No. 52536
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>>52364I'm more freaked out by the hands what the hell
No. 52539
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I almost have a BINGO.
No. 52545
I wish I knew more about psychology so I could learn why all these kids are so obsessed with making up genders, shitty makeup, and interspecies shotacon.
>>52532 fictionkin ones on this blog are especially embarrassing.
No. 52552
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Ah yes cause the all and wise tumblr knows all.
No. 52554
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So this is kinda old,but I get a kick out of it every time.
No. 52570
>>52566No no i wasn't asking for approval i just laughed because i match some of the criterias and told myself i must be looked at like one of those "annoying tumblr people".
(i'm not a native english speaker sorry if i sound really retarded and you didn't sound like a dick at all)
No. 52578
>>52562Serious question, what does being a specific gender feel like, exactly? I've never been able to get an answer from anyone that doesn't go into interests or hobbies or whatever, basically using preference of outside factors to define it.
Honestly it just seems completely fucking arbitrary and I don't understand it at all.
No. 52633
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"I can’t believe I’m having to see this post
"haha people defending mayonnaise as a gender" This post is literally saying nonbinary people are as absurd as having mayonnaise as gender, don’t pretend you don’t understand this just to make fun of people defending mayonnaise as a gender"
No. 52634
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No. 52638
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Vegan side of tumblr is crazy.
They have some good recipes though.
No. 52644
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No. 52647
>>52644all dem self diagnoses
>>52645Copycat suicides are a well-known phenomenon.
No. 52669
>>52659Nah, that's just what gets the most attention because Tumblr is basically run by teens. Three adult black trans women killed themselves recently and it didn't get as much attention.
>>52667 said still applies though
No. 52673
>>52669Not to mention the two trans women that were killed for being trans.
>>52670Theres no excuse really there are soooooo many ways to get help online nowadays,fuck theres even a MASTERPOST that goes around tumblr about once a week with all the links for help. Its just kids wanting attention and a bunch of ask.
No. 52674
>>52670Natural selection?
Stupid kids killing themselves before they can become terrible adults
No. 52680
>>52674I love this answer because once someone mentions it, they're offensive for comparing people to 'animals', when in actuality people have no more special treatment in Earth's natural way.
Paired with natural selection would be population control, but that may be going too far.
No. 52683
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….it's less about them being trans and more about them needing acceptance from their parents. Many people of all ages, but specifically teens because of the stage of emotional and mental development they are in, need to have a group of people who accept their identity, especially their parents. A lack of that means not meeting their needs (check out maslows hierarchy of needs) in order to live a fulfilling and healthy life. Of course this would lead to a disorder like depression at the very least. If depression becomes intense enough it can lead a person to want to commit suicide because they feel hopeless. I mean if you truly believe that there is nothing you can do to change your situation (I mean in terms of attaining happiness here) then the only viable solution to many is to just end their path of misery early on. This doesn't mean they're being logical, but that depression warps their perception into thinking that is their reality. Death can become an obsessive thought, and learning of a person who went through the same circumstances that resulted in their death may make them feel that it is a better option because they are consumed by the thought of the peace death can bring.
No. 52692
>>52680Lol I remember taking an anthropology class in college and my professor recalling how one of his students yelled at him in a rage after he called them all animals. He was terribly confused because there are only two types of kingdoms, animal or plant. He was trying to tell her that she was obviously not a plant, and therefore an animal, but she ran out of the room after cursing him out.
Tbh, the earth is over populated, and I don't say this in terms of the type of people we have, our access to food/water, but more because of the way humans function. We destroy the earth around us more than actually help it, I mean look at all the animals that are going extinct because of what we do to their habitat just to build more buildings. Plus, society isn't really improving just because we have more people.
No. 52716
>>52562from the looks of it you sound really boring and annoying. why are you even here? also people who call themselves trash are also really annoying.
>>52692there are only two types of kingdoms, animal or plant
uh no, there are actually 5 or 6?
No. 52750
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I tried this again.
No. 52755
>>52750Tattoo is spelt well, tattoo.
And I would add those ugly ass platform shoes. And unshaved underams
No. 52914
>>52873"Shota" is literally a name. It's a shortened form of "Shotaro", which means "boy". Its use for pornographic content is purely secondary to its meaning, tbh.
It's not like "Loli", which is a shortened form of "Lolita complex", which is an established pedo thing.
Tumblr weebs don't know what they're talking about and literally blew up over nothing.
No. 52919
>>52914you also know lolita is an actual name to tho right?
god people are fuckin stupid.
No. 52921
>>52917It's originally a name and has little to do with pedophilic content, though (even the subject matter that "began" its use wasn't "shotacon" content).
>Shōtarō, Shotaro or Shoutarou (written: 正太郎, 章太郎, 庄太郎, 祥太郎 or 翔太郎) is a masculine Japanese given name. Notable people with the name include:>>52919It pretty much died as a name right after the book. Literally who do you know that is named Lolita, anon?
No. 53001
>>52874I enjoy shota doujins myself, but people blow that shit out of proportion. That's almost like saying playing violent video games will make you into a mass murderer. Okay then.
I really like Omocat. she's asian, isn't she? I know Asian american . so I'm guessing she didn't think the world shota would matter too much. Man, i hate tumblrtards.
No. 53051
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No. 53295
>>53289just draw an anime character that clearly is an 8 year old.
claim she is 35.
No. 53297
>>53284>If it's illegal in some countries, it must definitely, objectively be a bad thing!Fucking kek. Literally why aren't governments paying more attention to actually stopping child sex trafficking/molestation/rape/pornography production from occurring? Banning some drawings won't help shit, especially since people will be able to look at both the cartoons and photos/videos of actual child abuse online anyway.
And IIRC the UK banned BDSM and most fetishes too for "sexual misconduct", they're a repressed laughing stock.
No. 53354
>>53297I don't think you can really say the government aren't paying more attention to child molestation, trafficking, etc just because it still goes on. I mean it's not like they can just ban pedophiles and poof they all disappear.
Anyway if you like cute pictures of chibiusa fine, but if you like pictures of chibiusa getting fucked then that is another story..
No. 53363
>>53342>>53354Thats what I'm thinking like you know how people invest their time emotions into many series that they watch by discussing characters and plot? They know it's just a show and that it isn't real but by discussing it for the content that it is makes it real because it evokes particular reactions from people as though these events or people actually existed irl.
To watch or read media with animated cp aka shota (I'm not talking about animated child characters doing child like things, and I don't think anyone else here is either, but please correct me if I'm wrong) a lot of people have to go into that knowing that if this were to be replicated with actual people it would be wrong. If I read a manga where I saw a character bully someone else, obviously it didn't affect anyone, but to even understand that what occurred was bullying I'd have to make a connection to real life moral teachings. Not only that, but to then judge those characters based on what they've done is dependent on what I have learned irl.
Most people reading shota would know that it would be illegal to reenact the scenes in irl, which should have them question why the law states this. If you agree with the law then you should understand why having an animated representation of abuse would be looked down on.
Also, I always saw shota as a frighteningly mild way to introduce people to cp because those who are curious about it may try to find it, or fuck who knows it may spark an interest in real kids. While that may be a small percentage of people, shota can also desensitize people to abuse, saying things like people shouldn't care about age differences or that its not abuse if the child enjoyed it.
No. 53436
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Stop shitting up the thread, no1curr. Gtfo and cry in a /b/ thread if you're really that butthurt about someone insulting your drawn CP.
No. 53441
>>53438Its hypocritical bullshit.
Still nasty though.
No. 53492
>>53438The thing about shota is that it's not about little boys. Physically they might appear like that, but they're extremely out of touch with reality, have a sex drive and whatnot, and usually they're mentally much more like teenage girls than little boys. They have nothing in common with real little children except for their looks, which is a secondary trait. The "ruining of innocence" fetish comes first.
Little boys in shota are adorable and sexy, little boys in real life are monsters that aren't the least bit attractive. They have practically nothing in common. It's kinda like rape fantasies most women have, nobody would never want to be raped in real life, but they fantasize about being forcefully subjected to sex. And people who can't draw the difference between real life and fictional fantasy should get off the internet and seek help so they don't have to worry about the psyche of a fictional character.
No. 53495
>>53492…… do you not see how fucked up this is you basically watch little anime boys get fucked. and shotas can also be young teenagers too……
this argument makes no sense the characters are obviously supposed to potray human beings unless they are stated as non human. so since these are little boy character they aren't supposed to represent actual little boys anymore?
is it normal to want to watch anime babies get fucked bc "they're not hyperrealistic they're all stylized and kawaii!!" ???
No. 53504
didn't respond to this tho. just keeps screaming "but they're japanese cartoons!! I'm normal guys I swear!"
No. 53588
>>53326BDSM and other "extreme porn" was banned in the UK in 2009. After the death of Jane Longhurst in 2003 her mother ran a campaign to get "extreme porn" banned and was joined by the usual "think of the women!" feminist and Christian types (the same type of groups behind the recent porn filter crap). There were even (small) street protests against the changes. your ISP isn't going to report you so for the average person BDSM won't get them in trouble. The problem comes when you're arrested for something else and they search your computer or if you're stupid enough to browse porn at work and your boss reports you.
Despite the purpose of this law being "to protect women" it actually seems like it's been mostly gay guys watching gay porn who have been prosecuted or maybe they're the only ones who speak out whereas straight guys keep their heads low and accept the charges.
>In August 2012, Walsh was charged with possessing five images of "extreme pornography", which were not found by police on his computers, but as email attachments on a Hotmail server account. He was found not guilty on all counts. Three images were of urethral sounding, and two of anal fisting. The images were all of consensual adult sexual activity.The recent thing about watersports, facesitting, etc banned in 2014 isn't the same. What happened there was that the government got rid of separate standards for porn films and now they have to obey the same standards as regular films.
Also there's actually similar but different censorship in the US. Basically the payment processors will not do business with you unless you obey their standards. This is how Insex was shut down and why sites like clips4sale are mostly femdom. Visa, Mastercard, etc don't like maledom but turn a blind eye to a lot of femdom unless it literally gets bloody.
No. 53673
>>53588BTW both the "extreme porn" ban and the ISP filter stuff followed this pattern:
1) Christian group does some study but nobody reports it or pays attention because it'd be immediately dismissed as religiously motivated.
2) Anti-sex feminists find the study and use it for their means. The media reports it using some "protect women and girls" spin.
3) Law gets passed by a combination of all parties because nobody wants to be seen as "anti-women".
4) Pro-sex feminists see the new law as proof of the patriarchy and ask for more funding for feminist organisations.
5) The anti-sex feminists receive some of the funding and pick another Christian study to promote thus repeating the whole process.
No. 53685
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Lets get this thread back on track again.
Some gold nuggets from tumblr.
No. 53689
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No. 53690
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No. 53766
>>53747Yep, that shit is hilarious to me because you'd think that a group of people who advocate so passionately for a "movement" would be educated in its basis. Then again, tumblr does tend to throw shit out of proportion, so what
may have started out as a conversation or comments made by educated people about specific issues within broader subject matters gets turned into the bs we so on tumblr today.
Catcalling turned into men not being able to look at women without not having been inadvertently trained to rape them because of our social constructs regarding masculinity. I mean seriously wtf? Dude, even guys sometimes get grossed out by some of the shit guys yell at girls, especially when its older men to young women/teen girls. That's definite sexual harassment and should not be regarded the same as a morning greeting.
Just like the whole cultural appropriation stuff got skewed into white people not being able to cook other cultures food in the comfort of their own homes. That is very different from white people going to a country full of people they look down on, manipulate into having them give them their recipes, then open up an award winning restaurant based off of those recipes, while never giving credit to the people or culture they got it from, labeling it as something other than what it is, and then "americanizing" the recipes. And thats just one example, but
this is to the extent that cultural appropriation exists, usually involving a person/group with the power to bastardize an entirely different group.
Fuck, I hate tumblr for this. Anyone with half a decent college education should be able to look at all these posts and dismantle them but good arguments get lost by dumbasses reblogging everything that works in tune to their shitty logic and adding 'omg this!!' and when it doesn't, redirecting the post to someone else so that they can defend it for them.
No. 53813
>>53792Dude the thing is that there is nothing that we can compare shota/loli to
but cp. If characters are being depicted as children and being involved in situations we have hundreds of laws against in real life, you have to understand why someone would raise their brow to that.
The point is that although some of the media we read/watch are portraying a fantasy scenario, some of it can still be replicated in real life. Shota is the closest thing to cp. It's not real, but it
is as close as you can get to reality and thats why people like it. I mean why would people read or watch media depicting real life people in situations not allowed/possible in real life other than knowing that if they
could partake in it they would, but because they can't they'll stick to shota/loli. There is no way you can morally justify getting off to shota when the character is depicting a child.
No. 53820
>>53815Not the anon you're talking to, but that's just fucking retarded, c'mon. Anon made a valid point, I gotta admit shota/loli freaks me the fuck out too, I can't see it as anything else than animated CP, that's what it is. Sure it doesn't hurt anyone, nor am I saying that you should stop watching it.
Just saying. You're a creep and everyone else who enjoys loli/shota. In the eyes of everyone else.
No. 53898
>>53820I'm a shotacon myself an am creeped out by stuff with characters under 12 or characters who are 12/13/14 who are drawn like 8-10 year olds. I admit it's sick that I like it but that's most fetishes really, we're all a bit fucked up once you go past mainstream fetish content.
Now if someone who can't enjoy half of the Killua/Gon doujin on sadpanda because they get weirded out by how they're drawn too young can admit they're sick, the people into younger boys as well should have no issue admitting they are.
No. 53905
>>53869It is animated CP, no matter how much anyone wants to deny it. No kids are hurt though, so if it can help an actual pedo get off without harming a kid I'm okay with that, but I don't think that's how it works.
And I think you're right calling it abuse, it seems to always be abuse by someone older ugh.
>>53898Yeah well buddy, that's your fetish and your fetish is fucked up. You're a sicko to me, but at least you admit to it being fucked up.
No. 53909
I'm a shotacon and I am into the really young looking stuff. I'm the opposite of
>>53898, I can't enjoy it if they're drawn too old or without tiny dicks. I admit that it's extremely fucked up but eh. I get why people compare it to child porn because it's comparable but I can honestly say that in my case at least it's completely limited to 2D. Also…I don't fucking advertise it…?
I view shota/loli on the same tier as furry porn tbh. It's obvious there's some attraction to certain characteristics of kids/animals but it's not quite the same as actual cp or bestiality. Still kinda messed up.
No. 53911
>>53492>>53495>>53499my point wasn't that they are real
I'm not saying 'it's harming real children
I'm also not a tumblr minded person
I'm saying i have an issue with objectification / idealization of male children being passed off as totes kawaii and ok because it's something women like, while people have problems with my little pony porn even though the characters aren't really children for example, or whatever tumblr complains about.
No. 53916
>>53911I think there was an article a few years ago about how the new MLP looked like little girls bent over or something completely bullshit like that. I personally can't see it, they just look like really simplified horses to me.
My roommate at the time (a very tumblr kinda guy) was absolutely convinced by this and echoed the sentiments to anyone who even remotely mentioned bronies/MLP until they agreed.
That's only kind of related but it was a very tumblr memory I had.
I think tumblrs have a problem with bronies because "my baby niece can't google my little pony without porn coming up!" but that's simply not true, they just don't like men appropriating little girl culture.
No. 53919
I'm just…really weirded out how you people can condemn all these lolcows posted on this site for posting loli pee shit on their tumblrs, trying to emulate young girls for pedobux, or whatever else, then turn around and try to defend liking shota as "a weird kink but we're still totally normal!!!"
I understand where you're coming from, your fetish doesn't leak out into society/your everyday life/it's something you enjoy in the privacy of your own home… But just because it's cartoons, doesn't mean you still aren't schlicking it to underage boys…
>>53916Well, there's the fact that bronies don't really fit in the "dudebro" image tumblrinas have of guys or they're just "ugly creepy neckbeards".
No. 53989
>>53985are you even upset when someone just compliments you and walks away? like they don't even try to engage in conversation. and does it make a difference if they are complimenting you in general or, let's say, your manicure/haircut/shoes specifically?
because being told you look nice isn't necessarily someone "coming on" to you. i feel like some tumblrinas will call sexual harassment on a man that compliments her sneakers
No. 53999
>>53588>>Basically the payment processors will not do business with you unless you obey their standards.So? That's their own business not to do business with people they find disagreeable.
>>Mastercard, etc don't like maledom but turn a blind eye to a lot of femdom unless it literally gets bloody.Why is this a problem? The people watching these vids are men. Women have very low rate of rape, pedophilia, and sexual assault. It goes against our evolutionary interests. Male sexuality, on the other hand, is naturally a bit violent and rape-ish to some extent, so it's concerning that men should be viewing this kind of media.
No. 54012
>>53919Its not okay when fat pigu do it,but don't you bad mouth my 2d 10 y/o that getting gangbanged.
Their hypocritical trash.
I would also like to point out how hard they try to defend that shit just like "childlovers" would never hurt a kid so its okay that they fuck a 10 y/o.
No. 54443
I really hate these people.
No. 54635
>>48707Q: does working with other artists make you a better artist?
A: yes
No. 55262
>>55257>>55259I don't get why they do this. Isn't it more racist to segregate people like that? To constantly think "oh no, there are black people here, I must be careful what I do" Isn't this positive racism? (like positive sexism) How about we treat people like people and not treat them better or worse because of their skin collor?
Same for trans people, I have a friend who is a trans woman and she just wants to be treated like a woman, not a man-turned-woman because that's what it was all about in the first place.
No. 55293
>>55268well. She's asian.
But you know.
No. 55321
>>55293>>55268I get it too, but not everything is about black and white. I swear whenever someone makes any comment about white people being racist, white people always respond with black people this or black people that. Other races have opinions too, you know?
Also, I thought another thread was already started that focused on tumblr
No. 56394
>>53990damn, this proves that if you put sexy underwear and stockings on anything, it gains sex appeal
well maybe not quirky, there's a limit.
No. 56416
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>have you checked your privilege today?
No. 56460
>>55493No… dude you do know Latinos are made up of black people too right? There is tons of colorism among Latinos, but the
vast majority accept black people from their
own communities/culture 1000x more than they would black americans, mainly due to how they are depicted through media and their difficulties communicating with each other.
Asians though….
No. 56471
>>56464yep, I feel bad for a lot of latinos who were forced to come to the U.S. by their parents or because they may die if they stay in their town any longer and have to do a ton of shit to get by and people assume they came here to take their jobs (lol cause everyone wants to clean bathrooms and being paid next to nothing under the threat of deportation and still pay taxes, amirite?)
then once they get here they have to live in low income neighbrohoods which are predominantly black and latino, and
that's one of the reasons there is animosity among them
but I hate when black people try to say latinos have privileges compared to them. Unless they're talking about light skinned, U.S. born, english speaking Latinos, they're out of their minds.
No. 56489
>>56483>>56484>>56485Why do you care about why I'm defending them if you don't even care to look up any available information on the status/rights/dues of immigrants, legal or otherwise.
Also, you clearly cannot fucking read if you have to ask that question, which is hilarious because you need to speak english to live in the U.S. but not have the ability to understand what you've just read. 'Kay.
No. 56499
>>56489>>if you don't even care to look up any available information on the status/rights/dues of immigrants, legal or otherwise. What the fuck does that have to do with anything? And that super controversial Arizona immigration law is nothing compared to Mexico and their laws involving immigrants.
>>Also, you clearly cannot fucking read if you have to ask that questionWhat question? You're the one who lacks reading comprehension. And those posts were written in clear English while yours makes no fucking sense and doesn't address the points made.
These illegals should move to another part of mexico if their hometown is so"dangerous". Then again, anywhere with mexicans is going to be dangerous.
No. 56540
>>56416>POC (1/16th native american)kek, alright mate
>muslim (convert)gotta get dem' oppression points :^)
No. 58402
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Blackout is obnoxious. There's one girl I follow for fashion on my tumblr and she flooded my dash with black out reblogs, including Hoglee. I don't understand this shit.
No. 58740
>>58723Yeah I saw some hotties.
One thing that really bugs me on Tumblr is when I see someone's selfie floating around the caption is their pronouns. I dunno why, it just rubs me the wrong way. Put that shit on your sidebar. It just seems like an extra push for attention to constantly shove your preferred pronouns in people's faces IMO. It's one thing if you're truly dysphoric but most of these kids just wanna be special and call people bigots lol.
No. 58782
>>58777Hate like that can be seen everywhere for other races too.
I'm speaking from my own experiences as a black woman.
Black people have it bad often, but that doesn't make us more special than other other race. Middle eastern people for example.
No. 58793
>>58782who said it makes black people special? I'm not black but when I come across black people talking about the issues they've faced in their own and other countries, I don't think, "ugh, here they go again, what about ______??"
It's about the fact that certain groups face discrimination most places they go to and they should all be speaking about it. It's like when women in the US say they aren't being paid as much as men even though they are more qualified and working within the same field or job, and someone comes and says, yeah, but what about women in India or the middle east, huh???
Or when people say gays can't get married in such and such state in the US and people go, but omg Russia????
No. 60196
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Lmao stfu
No. 60203
>>60196That's true though
Sure, you're going to look like a knob if you run around screaming you're "totally schizophrenic i think of teh deth!!!!1!!1 xD" or scare yourself silly reading about other mental illnesses, but it's better to be educate yourself on how this shit works and think about how your issues might relate and possibly entertain the idea that, yes, you
may be mentally ill.
People who shit on self diagnosis seem to think there's only one type of person who self-diagnoses, and that's pretty wrong.
No. 60211
>>60203no. the type of person who self diagnoses says "I have x, y, or z", not "I think I might have…"
that's the fucking difference between thinking you might have something, and self diagnosing, which is not the same thing
the fact is that 99% of tumblr is made up of BS little shits that dont want or need medical treatment, and that's why they make the shit up and self "diagnose"
No. 60214
>>60207Not everyone has that option, ie people living in countries with horrible or non existent mental health care.
Denying them that falls right into what the person in
>>60196 image is saying.
Not to mention trained professionals are still completely capable of misdiagnosing you or fucking you over in other ways, especially if medication comes into the equation.
No. 60218
>>60211Are you really trying to argue semantics, anon?
If someone makes it a point to say "I think I might have [mental disorder]" on first meetings and/or adds "so for everyone's comfort and safety please make sure to [action]" every time it becomes relevant, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't care about the difference.
No. 60368
>>60252I agree with you, for the most part. I remember when I turned 19, I fell into depression but wasn't aware of it for about 5 months, which seems silly whenever I think back on it, but I just felt as though the fucked up circumstances around me were what were making me feel down. Once things were good but I still felt like dying everyday, it hit me. I didn't want to go speak to anyone because, well, I didn't even want to see or talk to my own family members, so I didn't. I pulled out of my depression, but I did that based on what I red online. In order to even take the steps towards bettering myself I had to know what my condition was in the first place. So I don't think self diagnosing is always a bad thing, but i think I would limit it to depression (not major depression or even childhood/adolescent depression though). In my case I just wouldn't go, but I know that there are millions out there who can't afford to go to a good psychiatrist.
Anyway, I really wish I had gone to speak to someone because although you can be aware of an issue like depression, it may not always be the only issue a person has. I have anxiety, and have had it for years without being aware of it. If I had gone to someone I may have been able to cope better sooner.
No. 60495
>>60453sweden stronk
now thanks to social justice crocodiles no longer have to fear speciesism
also you can embed vis anon
No. 64764
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No. 64903
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sighs. like. ok. i identify with a lot of characters as well, we all feel that feel sometimes, but how on earth is that fictionkin and you "becoming" that character. im just so tired of all these kins telling people that they REALLY REAALLLY like this thing/character, and therefore they must be -kin. how about just an obsessed fan.
also. three persons ??? lol ok good luck
No. 64912
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No. 65322
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>>64912Don't get me wrong bronies disgust me but you can't really claim a show or "Take back" a show, especially one whose fandom had a really bad rep.
Does almost everyone on Tumblr think they own everything because they're trans/non-binary/special/unique/whatever ?
No. 65335
>>64912I love how they claim they'll 'drag to the bottom of the sea' the male fans, but what will they ACTUALLY do apart from bitching and subpar fanart?
Diddly quat that's what
No. 65888
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No. 65890
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No. 65891
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No. 65892
No. 65893
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No. 65895
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>>65892it's a bit controversial, even on tumblr, but it is a legit thing for a small minority of people, mostly weebs and wiggers probably
No. 65896
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No. 65897
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No. 65921
>>65347no, he identifies as nonbinary faaerie fluid girlboi
tumblrina told me so
No. 65940
>>64912To be honest Steven Universe is the worst case of Tumblr pandering anyway, they can keep it for all I care.
>>64915This, this so much. They never gave a fuck about the 80's show and completely ignore the fanbase of the franchise that existed before bronies. They rarely like the new show either, they've just found the perfect spot to push their guilt tripping and policing on other people. The little girls who like the show most likely don't have an idea what the fuck bronies are.
No. 65950
>>53342I prefer pedos fapping to lolicon than actually raping children kr watching REAL cp with REAL children.
theyre weird but why are people so butthurt over drawings.
We might as well ban everything that has fake rape because muh triggers
No. 65960
>>65952this. Finally someone says it out loud. Black women seem to be so fucking insecure and jealous it's hilarious, their constant ragging on "white bitches" is equivalent of all the fat chicks whining about "skinny bitches". There are plenty of gorgeous and beautiful black/mixed women and instead of supporting them they whine about a predominantly white society focusing on white women more.
Hell even their own men want white women more, just look at the black-on-white rape statistics and compare it to the white-on-black rape statistics (spoiler: the latter never happens).
No. 66003
>>65960>>65952but idg why whites care about what black people have to say about them if they feel so superior anyway
the only people I can see being upset by that are whites who interact with or have a desire to interact with black people
I'm neither black or white but when either group has something to say about my race/ethnic background/culture it doesn't matter to me because I don't have friends within either of those groups. I can't relate to them since they don't understand what it is to be from my group, so the fact that they have formed an opinion from their experience in having traveled to x country, having had x friend, or having read x number of statistics is bs to me.
the only time it does matter to me is when a person who discriminates against me is in a position of power and exercise it over my rights (if black people on tumblr are talking about it in this sense then it makes sense, just as it would for whites travelling to a homogenous country with little to no whites).
No. 66046
>>66033I'm not black but I do think there is a difference between the people advocating for legitimate issues vs those who are complaining about random guys not being into them because they prefer a white girl. Like there are tons of guys who are into black women, they can't go and say that every guy who says he's not into black women says so due to the dominant culture dictating that they're not as beautiful.
I mean fuck, if I say I'm not into Asian guys is Asian tumblr supposed to be like: "You see what white people have done? They turned her into a racist. People think of Asian guys as emasculated due to their portrayal in media as being weaker and only interested in studying. Don't forget the stereotype of the small dick size either!!!!!!"
Like dude, no, people usually like what they're familiar with, and then in the case that they're approached by something different may consider it or just like it right away. I never have, but that doesn't mean I'm racist or that I think of Asian guys that way.
No. 66053
>>65960>There are plenty of gorgeous and beautiful black/mixed women and instead of supporting themBut that's what #blackout is literally about and white people whined anyway. Also
>using rape statistics as proof of attractionEmbarrassing. Rape is not about attraction, but power.
I feel like this is Racist-chan trying to start something again, but I can't be sure.
No. 66096
>>66079Tumblr supports you unless you're white, male or straight,
but you can be male sometimes. Only if you're gay and POC. I fucking hate tumblr.
No. 66155
>>66147lmao plant kin
>>66151yeah.. she is pretty smart but has some really unreasonable opinions so I'm worried she's just gonna go full sjw
>for example I was recently talking to her about this guy she liked and tried to go on coffee dates with, but I guess he just wanted to be friends/treated it as a casual hangout not as dates and she was pissed off about it but didn't seem receptive to the idea of like, becoming friends and hanging out outside of the 1 class they had together before expecting a commitment because what if she "wasted all that time on him and didn't get anything out of it" to paraphrase.. I get that going on a few dates isn't thaaat much of a commitment but for a college student..? and is it really so bad to get to know someone first?? No. 66171
>>66147Should have set that fucker on fire to test how flammable plant life is.
>>66159Fuck yeah it is. You don't want to date someone and then find out they're otherkin.
No. 66190
>>66033I'm not even anglo-white (eastern European) but I don't follow or talk to black girls anymore because I'm sick of the constant whining and insecurity and having to walk on eggshells around them because everything is racist and oppressing. This and the the racist as shit LOL WHITE BITCHES SO UGLY AND STUPID talk. I'm glad there's at least one who isn't like this.
The worst though are those girls who are white middle-class American themselves yet act like they're black girls throwing white girl jokes around, typing like people on black twitter and being self-hating to the point of obsession.
No. 66191
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No. 66195
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No. 66198
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No. 66257
File: 1426955750523.png (48.3 KB, 515x614, collectqt.PNG)'re making their own social media for SJWs.
>Advocacy that reaches into 'counter-oppressive' culture. We're 'reverse racist' and 'cis-phobic'. Our social justice party includes not only a warrior but also a mage, support, and a tank.>Advocacy that prioritizes the actual people experiencing the oppression. Black Queer Trans Women come first, everyone else is some degree of minion (see: 'Allies').At first I thought this was a joke but it's for real. They're putting minorities into some oppression hierarchy. Isn't that kind of ironic?
No. 66294
>>66191How am I not surprised that this is written by a white person?
>In many cultures, "Western" styles and ideals of beauty (AKA Whiteness) are considered superiorThe Asians who get double-fold eyelid surgery have said that it has nothing to do with wanting to look white, big, charming eyes are considered enchanting in pretty much every culture even before the whitey showed up. The same can be said for pale skin, especially in Japan it's been considered a beauty ideal for CENTURIES before they even met a single white person. That's why Ganguro exists, young girls wanted to rebel against the age-old "fair skinned" ideal. Fuck, just look at geishas and their white makeup. Look at the old wood paintings presenting characters with snow-white skin.
Actually, assuming that every culture in the world got its beauty standards from the whites belittling and racist. Just goes to prove you how these people live in their own western-centric bubble trying to enforce their own western standards on other countries.
>If you say "We're not ALL like that", you're pretty much outing yourself as a racist. If it's not about you, if it doesn't apply to you, then why do you feel the need to so vehemently assert that you're not like that?Maybe it's because posts like this start with a "Hey white people!" and "Dear white people". How the hell can I not assume that it's not about me? It's like I made a post beginning with "Dear black people" and continuing with a "stop fucking gunning down other niggas and robbing convenience stores", then got mad when decent black people got offended by it and just said "but it's not about you, why do you care?".
>It is NOT the job of the oppressed to educate the oppressor.Now this is hilariously ironic because to me it seems you do nothing BUT try to "educate" people.
No. 66308
>>66159she's literally acting like those guys people on tumblr make the friendzone posts about
she won't even attempt to be his friend because she's not interested in getting to know him unless she a) has a claim to him, b)she gets something out of it, likely sexual
so at the end of the day, this is about her not him
No. 66312
>>66294Idk man, about the whole western/white beauty standard thing. My ethnic group/culture has different ideas about the beauty standards presented in the media, which
does adhere to western standards. Eyes aren't something that is noticed as much as how the face ultimately comes together, it's not a focal point of what is considered beautiful. White skin doesn't even matter to us because we prefer tanned skin too, unless you're trying to be famous. So it's not "pretty much every culture".
No. 66321 reason Most asians are desperate to become "white" is to hide the fact that they CAME FROM AFRICA and have been Traced to Shem.
Learn how to research before spewing bigoted opinions. No. 66324
>>66319the tumblr is strong in this one
Have you ever fucking looked through Japanese fashion magazines? They have their own style and look very different than what you see in the west. Do you mean that they should only dress up in kimonos and have only black hair or else it's white imperialist effect erasing their original culture?
And it's not like it's a widespread phenomena for all or even most of the japanese to dye their hair blonde and wear blue contacts, it's only the gyarus who experiment with a lot of different styles. They don't even think it's western, they just think it's cool and exotic you dimwit.
No. 66339
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Ernst Haeckles beauty standard chart. (evolution chart)
No. 66343
I think East Asians have a preference for white people and wanting to look white as well. The amount of plastic surgeons who do procedures modelling white actors and actresses appearance is incredible. C'mon even though lots of ethnic groups around the world have a high nose bridge and double eyelids, only one of these groups has the pale white skin, blue eyes, blonde hair and thin lips that East Asians, the majority of which are Japanese and Koreans, go after.
This doesn't mean they don't have their own style. A lot of people in Korea prefer the Korean natural look and style, only wanting lighter skin and double eyelids to make their eyes look bigger. People with monolids who have big eyes already don't bother.
Japanese people as a whole don't care to look like white people either, only a small percentage, seeing as how their styles are unique to their country.
Neither of these countries have their girls getting DD tits, tanned skin, wide hips, lip injections (for the ones with small lips) and platinum blonde hair.
No. 66351
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No. 66374
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Snapshotted this comment from an asian dude in the comments. They really do think that way…
No. 66418
>>66407I'm sorry, but I'm confused, what is the argument you think that I am making?
I'm saying that there are East Asians who have a preference for white foreigners in their country and want to have many of their features, i.e. a high nose bridge, double eyelids, pale skin (Even though these features aren't limited to white people) but when you add in the blue eyes, blonde hair… you get skeptical, you know?
No. 66420
>>66414Hello. I think you are esl chan. I also think you are the person who was upset at the EYK thread. Your posts are
very similar to that anons. You need to get over your obsession with Korea and Japan and think you know everything about it because of how much you study from Julien Blanc.
No. 66453
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It's very racist-chan in here. For the troll who is saying we do not know our East Asian history, you are honestly the one who doesn't know shit.
For thousands of years, foreigners were treated as 'dirty barbarians' by China, Japan and Korea. Up until the 19th century, each country only had one port which was open to the rest of the world. There was obviously lots of contact, but on the whole, Asians thought white people were fucking dumb.
Pale skin and dark hair has been a sought after trait in their society for a long time, because paleness was a sign of nobility (I.e. You weren't some dirty peasant working in the field.) in recent years, yes there have been styles rebelling against this notion, and seeking more western examples of beauty, but on the whole beauty standards are still not the same as America or Europe.
Japan was the first to completely modernize themselves to fit into the Western imperial world. China and Korea took a long time to adjust.
So please, stop insinuating you have read a textbook an Asian history when you obviously haven't.
No. 66507
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You're all getting off topic, this thread is for Tumblrina sjws and the dumb shit they do.
Make a new thread if you are going to keep at it.
No. 66523
>>66507my guess is the first line is true, & the rest is bullshit.
No. 66755
>>66507And next in our "this totally happened" series..
It feels as if every SJW on Tumblr is also a compulsive liar. I constantly see all these tearjerker stories on my dash begging for money with the most absurd setups and vague explanations about their current situation. The typical post goes like
>"um hi I'm Leornidaos (xe/xim/xur pronouns), i'm trans and 15 and have anxiety disorder and my family situation is really bad, my family doesn't like me being trans and it's constantly triggering me and worsening my anxiety disorder, plz give me money to buy comfort items for me and my gf cuz I really need them!!!!!"Some of them straight out say that the money goes into "comfort items" (trinkets from etsy, brand clothes, makeup, wigs) to ease their "anxiety" but some assholes say they're collecting money for transitioning when in reality they haven't even gotten a diagnosis and spend the money on the aforementioned comfort items. And the "bad family situation" can be explained as "my family's threatening to throw me out" or generally making it seem a lot worse than it really is, and when you check out the person's other text posts it's apparent that they just have quarrels with their parents like any other fucking teenager but play it like the fucking drama queen they are.
No. 66904
>>66755I Doubt the majority of those are ture,the'll post their anxiety ridden post about how they are in an abusive situation, full of triggers, and suddenly homeless.
If They were actually homeless, They wouldn't be on tumblr reblogging waambulance sj bullshit and yaoi 24/7.
No. 72091
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Is tumblr for real with attempting to compare these two things?