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File: 1516623621045.png (704.04 KB, 1265x960, 5_generations_by_titodeal-dbxy…)

No. 483080

Well, I was just banned from Kiwi Farms and directed here, so I'm creating a thread on this guy. He is an Aspie artist who plans on documenting every single day of 2018 with his shitty art. He is currently writing a story about an Aspie resistance movement on Saturn and is in the process of converting to Judaism.

Here's his dA:
https://titodeal.deviantart.com/(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 483081

File: 1516624089028.png (79.76 KB, 340x380, 72194230-835D-4866-9938-F982A2…)

Should be in snow.
Not enough info or links

Stay in the kiwi farms

No. 483090

Shitty OP. Lolcow isn't the Kiwi Farms transh can.Please leave.

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