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No. 486044

Here it is.
The game grumps. I love watching them, but I have to say something. I feel extremely bad for Dan. He has to put up with Arin and his constant bitching and negativity. In the past, it seemed like Arin had a passion for games, but now, he literally hates every fucking game they play. Dan is so genuine, and has so much fun playing video games on the channel, or even when Arin plays and Dan watches. But he is constantly being held down in the deep shitty abyss that is known as Arin. Dan will say something, or tell Arin something about the game they're playing and Arin will just immediately fucking shit on it, or say something super negative and just ruin Dans positive love for what they're doing. EVEN when they are playing a game that Arins likes (who would of thought?!) Arin will STILL make negative comments about it and shit on it, (Dark Souls 3 for example) He just doesn't even give a shit anymore, and he is a constant downer, dragging Dan down with him. I don't know how Dan can deal with the constant bullshit that Arin causes. Why? If you hate video games that much, then why keep doing it? Oh right. The money. I hope Dan will one day be able to do something in his life without Arin being a fucking sour puss about it. Also, what REAAAALLY pisses me off, is when he goes to Japan. He literally has very very very little interest in Japanese culture, yet he still goes, it's just an insult. He makes fun of Japanese culture and their way of doing things, have you looked at Americans? Anyway, I'm done ranting. Surely I'm not the only one who sees this.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 486045

This probably belongs in either off topic, or on /snow/ with the Susie thread, friend. You'll find others who may want to discuss this there, i think!

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