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No. 51205
(Drama begins at >>133414)Himeka(honey kitten momo) and her sister bibi(right).
Himeka has been copying Yukapon with pee blogs and shitty dance covers for years. She's changed her name over the years because she kept getting banned for distributing and selling CP of herself on tumblr. If anyone says anything to her about it she immediately yells "racism" or that they're "jealous"of her success and money as a pedo pandler. She's scammed many shops. She claims to be popular and have fans but they're all refollowers since she follows a bunch of porn accounts for the attention her daddy never gave.
Bibi on the right is trying to be a kawaii aidoru and claims to be "gyaru". She's nearly 200 lbs overweight and doesn't know enough japanese to know most of her "fans" are calling her fat and a nigger. The other 25% only wants her because she's practically naked.
Tldr; weeaboo sjw sisters who have been scamming for years,calls everyone jealous and fills the void of their daddy issues with Japanese perverts on the internet.
No. 51222
>>51205> for the attention her daddy never gave.This is literally true, actually.
She used to Tweet about her dad neglecting/ignoring her from time to time, and once he called to tell her he was taking her off his will and she just said "Okay, but can I have a new phone??" or something like that.
Another time she wrote this long post on one of her old Tumblrs about how she's very depressed and actually enjoys pedos fapping to her and that it makes her happy.
I actually feel a bit for her. I feel like we could've been friends in an alternate universe where she doesn't have such a shit attitude tbh
No. 51326
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o bibi
No. 51366
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Bibi is becoming such a stellar lolcow
No. 51376
>>51366Being in the same friend group as aminyan, I didn't know Himeka/momo that well but I know ami kept saying she was worried about Himeka because she did cam shows and said she wanted to move to Canada to become an escort instead of going to college. I know for a fact Himeka and her sister bibi would talk shit about ami behind her back and to her face but ami never really argued back. She really doesn't deserve this. Anyone who knows their character will know they're lying.
Micky is also super insecure because her current creepy bf was obsessed with aminyan in 2012 but after she completely broke ties with him, he used micky as a replacement for her. So micky has been bitchy to ami since then.
Himeka is only using Micky for her anti-Aminyan tirade and Bibi is just riding along. There's so much more I want to write that aminyan told me about Himeka but I don't know if she would be comfortable with that……I wish she could just take revenge on Himeka for once and all to shut her up. She always follows the pattern of "friends while talking shit" then suddenly hating so called "friend" for no reason.
No. 51385
>>51382That screenshot looks fake as hell.
And Bibi is just emulating her sister and her sister is emulating Yukapon who as a bad example to start with.
No. 51387
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No. 51411
>>51366Lol I'm pudgy chan.
This dumb bitch was gonna scream "YOU IS AMI I KNEW IT BE YOU".
She didnt even get why I called her fatass a weeaboo.
No. 51418
>>51416God she looks fucking old.
No. 51457
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No. 51698
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No. 51881
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You can turn anonymous questions off on mobile, the fuck is she talking about?
No. 51885
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>it's obvious to tell who's Ami
I'm pretty sure that girl gives zero fucks about you, your sister, and Micky's bullshit, Bibi.
>I'm not scared but she's crazy
Proof? Oh right, you have none because she isn't crazy, she's just done with all your bulshit.
>she just wants me to delete so she won't have any competition
I don't even know to start with this one. Top kek for sure
No. 51895
>>51429You mean to tell me she looks 15?
get real nigger.
No. 51903
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Aminyan truly doesn't care about her or her sister and were just laughing or ass off at how dumb Bibi is. She can't even give any solid evidence.
No. 51911
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No. 51918
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Just in case the screenshot is hard to read.
so everyone who is disgusted by how much you girls lie is suddenly ami? lol plenty of people have replied off anon. were the people who reported you for selling cp aminyan too? Is the reason your parents hate you her fault too?Who cares if your sister is 15, she wants to talk grown so she'll be treated like it. she's following in your footsteps of devaluing herself online for followers. you and your sister always have problems with other people. You're obviously the problem.
what problems with other ppl? minding my own business while u girls try and find my school address, full name and other personal info. get the hell out of here. my sister is doing her own thing and i can assure u NOT selling her body. i never devalued myself for followers. i like my body think its cute and have no issue takin pics in cute panties . get with it or get lost . if u wanna support an abuser and liar go ahead but dnt act like u kno anything about me. also my parents love me? hence why i have all the amazing things i do and go to all the amazing places i go too ?um ????? goodbye."
No. 51921
>>51326Since she's 15, I can't look at her in the same light as I do most, if not all adults who do the same thing she's doing. She likely sees this as a way to fit into a community, and I don't fault her for that because a lot of teens are just trying to find a place to fit in and feel accepted. The thing that boggles my mind is that if she's this far into her aidoru bs, then she should know that she is literally the complete opposite of the image that people into this shit are into. The only thing she has going for her is her age, which shouldn't have made her think it was enough to sway anyone into liking her.
Trying to put myself in her shoes here, I think she might have been under the impression that she can add something new to the whole aidoru image, as I think a lot of non Asian girls in general think too. But fuck… idk if this makes me a racist but I think I'm most surprised because she's black. Wouldn't most black people ridicule her to death and back if they saw this? I think the same thing with white people too though, most of my friends would think people making videos like this have no life lol
No. 55761
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the photoshop though
No. 55826
>>55761Jesus Christ. How bad can you Photoshop?
And honestly, I find them both hideous. Especially the girl in the picture.
OT, but I wonder if there any of these black lolis whatever who uses natural hair? My hair is curly and pretty long, they can do that too.
No. 55953
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>>55761Besides all that blur and tilting her eyes and liquifying her nose d-did she shoop out her top lip lmaoo
No. 56005
>>55826There waaas a black lolita posted in one of the kawaii black girls thread on PULL I believe. Or she was mentioned. I don't remember, but she was a sweet lolita. Don't know if she's still around though.
Plus there is another girl who is a classical lolita used her natural hair in a shoot. That's it.
No. 56014
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>>55953I wonder had it occurred to her that maybe men don't want her because she's underage, not very attractive and has a shitty attitude?
No. 56019
>>56014>Those tags. Just Christ, what the actual fuck.
Do they actually like her? I can't read moonspeak but I hear they talk shit about her crusty ass most of the times.
No. 56021
>>56019She is more of a fetish to japanese men than she will be in America.
Japanese men don't love her and she hasn't had a relationship with them extending beyond her sending nudes and them jacking off.
The post seemed serious enough(the original one she was referring to) but she hijacked it by self promoting herself. What a bitch.
No. 56025
>>56014Micky also replied "Himeka you're so perfect!"
Yet you're the one who shamed her for selling nudes a few months ago (micky does literally the same thing). All of these bitches are laughing stocks.
No. 56176
>>56155>isn't Japan getting more SJW friendlyNope and I don't reccomend it for anyone sensitive. Especially tumblr feminists who react to everything. They'll realize how good America is if they come to Japan.
>tons of blacksNope. There's some but they're rare.
No. 56414
>>56407I used to get so annoyed at this too, I was never romantically/sexually attracted to black/dark skinned people growing up, even though I had friends who were black. Idk why I wasn't and despite thinking about it one day because of wanting to know whether this was do to subconscious racist reasons, I couldn't figure out why.
Then I realized, the problem wasn't my "preferences" as much as it was the way I was thinking about it. I always said "I'm not attracted to black people," as though they all looked the same or as though I've come across every single ethnic group of black people and didn't like any of them. In saying I wasn't attracted to black people, if someone wanted to set me up with someone and said, "oh yeah, they're black btw," I would immediately say, "oh thats too bad, I'm not interested" without knowing that they're like or look like. It's unfair, but mostly it's nonsensical because idk if I'm not attracted yet.
Also, there is a difference between saying I'm not attracted to black people and I'm not attracted to dark skin. Ex. some people would date beyonce, but not lupita nyong'o.
No. 56456
>>56428From what I've seen on youtube from people documenting their experiences, some Korean people act like black people are mythological creatures and want to touch their skin/hair, while others scream when they see them and runaway because they're criminals, though they've never met a black person before. They say it's supposedly because in the movies all black people are criminals. Koreans just seem pretentious in general though, they seem more quick to like an ugly white girl than Japanese people.
Fuck ngl, if I were black theres no way I could see myself wanting anything to do with countries like these. Why do these girls do it to themselves, outside of the self hatred/low self esteem? Or is that just it?
No. 56470
>>56461Exactly. What black people face in Japan is a walk in the park compared to some parts of America. As long as they're in Tokyo, they'll be treated the same as a white person.
Can we stop the OT though
No. 57704
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Proof of Himeka actually saying shit about aminyan and not the other way around. Some guy tweeted this to aminyan because Himeka told him this on LINE.
"Have you seen Aminyan's live? She's too ugly! That person is too bad. Do japanese people like that girl? No I think."
Well, this goes to show bibi, her sister and micky were full of shit.
No. 57706
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"Bad sing
Bad clothes
Bad dance
Bad face
Everything bad!"
Her Japanese is terrible. I wonder why this guy decided to turn against Himeka.
No. 57748
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She posted this on her blog not too long ago
No. 57750
>>57748All lies. I'm pretty sure this "stalker" is the one she's talking shit to aminyan about but he was an aminyan fan and exposed her. If she's being stalked so bad why not take a break from the internet? Why is her sister still posting nearly naked shit and bragging about being 15?
She just wants sympathy from the "omg! ! 1 this is super important111!!!" Tumblr crowd.
No. 57762
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>we're going to Japan in October 2014!
>never went
It's hard for me to believe Himeka is moving there.
No. 57772
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Her and her "stalker" she's telling him to buy her shit and gets mad when he said no.
No. 57971
>>57704Jesus, she just keeps going on and on with talking shit about Ami. You know how jealous she is when she feels the need to constantly put someone down to someone who doesn't even care. Well he did, but she didn't know that.
She used some pretty harsh words too. Busu? Fucking busu herself.
No. 58038
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She knows she's lying, she doesn't want her followers to see how full of shit she is.
No. 58087
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>>58081Micky is so gullible
No. 58097
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>>58092She tried to get rid of the evidence.
Someone please shut this dumbass down.
No. 58099
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People are reporting them.
No. 58100
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>>58099She's still trying to defend this mess.
No. 58102
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>th-this is cyberbulling
Not even close
No. 58105
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>he just sent me these texts
Yeah right
It's obvious she gave him her number, why is she trying so hard to play stupid and lie?
No. 58112
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The mental gymnastics here are astounding. Someone should let the FBI take a look into this because she just admitted her school and parents didn't care.
No. 58114
>>58112The "they over sexulasing you" shit.
No fuck this.
She is sexulasing her self you dumb fucking cunt.
No. 58116
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It's really crazy how they let something like that fly, I think the person who originally reported her should have went to the police.
No. 58118
>>58116And twitter did delete their accounts. If you tried going to their accounts(her and her sister's) it says "this account has been suspended". If her "stalker" deleted it, it would have been just saying it doesn't exist.
>stalker If you've had a stalker for 1 1/2 years and he keeps hacking your stuff, WHY don't you reboot your computer and clean that shit off? This makes no sense.
No. 58142
>>58100Why are these mad weeb pedo pandering twata ALWAYS fro
m Florida?? Is something in the water there?
No. 58150
>>58148FL is a conservative southern state with a massive drug problem, everyone there is either old or young and having kids they can't take care of and don't know how to raise. That inexperience coupled with the religious crap that gets spewed all over this state + the beyond shitty school system creates ignorant, dysfunctional angry kids with no futures who feel like they were cheated out of the decent life they feel they deserve and take it to the internet.
I have no idea where the weeb shit fits in, though.
No. 58157
>>58153Even people with money in this state just don't seem to give a shit about their kids, don't get them into hobbies or go on family outings or trips or do anything families are supposed to do to make sure their kids have a healthy amount of self esteem, self respect and are content enough that they don't have to pander to pedos online.
Fl is where shitty parenting is considered adequate and nobody really gives a fuck about… well anything.
No. 58389
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No. 58393
>>58081i got really bored and thought "why the hell not?" lol
but damn, she's annoying and dumb af. i'm also not really familiar with their drama though, so idk how to combat them that well. i mean, other than calling them pedo enablers.
No. 58394
>>58092got u. 👌
i don't really follow weeb drama so pls hit me up with these "receipts".
No. 58819
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No. 58857
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>>58855I wonder if they would pull the whole, "it's not cp because I'm not having sex" in a court of law.
No. 58919
>>58907Did you just take this chance to be ignorant?
It's honestly shocking How himeka is in denial about her being in the wrong, she probably spends her days bad mouthing aminyan to Japanese. And she isn't the first black girl to broadcast on nico so she dint break any barriers.
No. 59082
File: 1425893286275.jpg (100.27 KB, 640x968, image.jpg) Bibi is convinced she's so popular, I've taken the time out to look at her video commens to confirm.
Here are the comments
"black pig" which is said a ton of times
"Get the fuck out"
"Well Amina is cute…"
"At least her tits are huge"
"I want to eat this black pig"
"The camera workmanship is great"
And all of the comments are along the lines of this. Her average 30 minute stream gets 300 viewers. What barriers is she breaking? She's a joke.
No. 59083
>>59082"This girl is 15 years old…?"
"She's so ugly"
No. 59513
>>59498I'm getting the feeling they're going to try and claim those are actually compliments and
>>59082 is lying to make them look bad
No. 60020
>>59671Yeah piss off fucking nigga or osmehting like that.
I really laughed at
>「黒豚喰いたい」 No. 60046
>>59671thanks fam. i fucking hate katakana.
>>60020lmaoo i died. it's my favorite one tbh.
No. 60050
>>60046> i fucking hate katakana.ファキンニガー
In romaji it' just: Fuakinnigaa
No. 60177
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We need self-confidence? None of us are stripping on camera while Japanese creeps hurl racial slurs just to get some line stickers.
No. 61776
>>61754If anyone wants to show screenshots to their school about what they're doing(selling pussy for LINE stickers), bullying, making CP if I remember correctly this is the info they wrote about themselves a few years ago.
Himeka Is Angela [REMOVED], Senior
Bibi is Deborah [REMOVED], Sophomore(even though she's 300 lbs over weight)
They live in [REMOVED] and theyre at a private school called [REMOVED]
No. 61777
>>61773Their dad is a deadbeat nigga and their mom apparently doesn't care. She probably gave up on them. They've never worked and besides Himeka claiming she's going to Japan every year(I really doubt she's moving there) they have no aspirations. Probably will live off of government money to buy lolita dresses they can't even fit. PT 2.0
>>61776Contacting the FBI at this point might be more productive. What they're doing is highly illegal.
No. 61790
>>61782because aminyan is jealous of her duh
It should be illegal for parents to allow their kids to get so fat. Bibi isn't just chubby but she's fucking obese.
No. 62124
>>61812>>61812selling sex is legal here, but there's a bunch of rules and shit. You can't buy sex though.
So, in a sense she's right, but she's also misinformed.
No. 63565
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Watching Bibi's NDD live show like
No. 108073
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but aunt jimima, you can't be kawaii
No. 108084
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No. 113015
>>112977Bibi has two accounts
Report them both for CP
No. 113026
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Tumblr URL is princess–bibi
Hasn't lost weight, just uses 4 filters and shoops a bit. You can usually tell because she puts stickers next to the shooped area.
No. 113080
>>113020i never heard anyone use that term before on here and i'm a regular
i think you are just getting
triggered No. 113110
>>113104See reason all of this shit happened is because Bibi's sister Momo or himeka or baby–chan came here to talk trash about aminyan. When the tables turned they started shooping pictures as "proof" that aminyan bullied them, but there were a shit ton of inconsistencies. Also one of aminyan's fans uploaded a screenshot of himeka asking if aminyan was famous in japan and trying to turn her fan against her. These two are nutcases and make new accounts because of CP deletions.
No. 125938
>>125857Seriously. Where are these girls' parents?
Also she really needs to stay away from like half the clothes she wears. They're made for rectangular, skinny girls and they just make her look fatter.
The pink swimsuit/bodysuit thing is the only thing that actually looked good on her in that entire tag, it's upsetting
No. 125940
>>125938Fatties do it all the time, wear things that don't suit them. It's become a normal thing now.
She wants to be kawaii, lol simple
No. 126040
>>125938I'm guessing her parents don't really care. I just wanna know how she cam afford some of this shit. At 16 i had a job and couldn't even think of getting knock of liz lisa… its kinda hard to think her parents are okay with some of the shit she buys.
Not even because its ill fitting, but because its "weird" for a black girl to be into that shit.
No. 126044
>>126040Black parents are surprisingly flexible about things like this tbh, at least in my experience.
I'm a black weeb and I was really into Jfash since I was in middle school. My mom thought it was odd at first but never expressly forbade it (except when it came to thigh highs), and now she actually thinks it's cute and doesn't mind at all (I'm in HS now FWIW). My dad doesn't seem to care much.
I remember Momo used to make posts about her family not understanding her, though. It seems they've gotten better at accepting it, though, esp. since she (allegedly) gets to visit Japan sometimes.
No. 126580
>>126556What gets to me is that some of the stuff she orders or receives is very not safe for parents to see if you are a teenager?
Remember when she begged on her Tumblr for someone to buy her a collar that read "BITCH" on it? How the fuck would she intend to sneak that past her mom once it arrived?
No. 127011
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Amina is in duh illuminati yall hurrr hurrrrr she try and act all innocent but she down with 666
No. 127016
>>127013Yeah, pretty hilarious.
No. 127068
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I met aminyan
No. 127501
>>127469to be fair she never said anything about starving
i'm going to assume you are the anon that asked her that stuff and say that you should probably just watch the cows from afar
your coming off as weeny when you yell "OMG YOU'RE NOT ASIAN UNKAWAII FAT BITCH"
half decent milk never comes from being annoying and unfunny
next time try giving her a backhanded compliment like "wow! your really cute! well, for a black girl who dresses in asian clothing"
No. 127508
>>127501>i'm going to assume you are the anon that asked her that stuff and say that you should probably just watch the cows from afarNope, not even close.
This came from her post
>Its not like I can’t be thin ( anyone can starve theirself ) No. 128181
File: 1435422622670.jpg (145.46 KB, 640x827, image.jpg)

>are you psyhic?
That makes no sense at all.
No. 128185
>she felt threatened by us Why would she fell threatened by three talentless fatties who sell nudes for line stickers and cheap Chinese clothes.
>Us 3 selected girls that poor little ami just couldn’t stand to see doing better than her in something. Again, why would she feel any way toward three talentless fatties? None of them can sing, dance, or speak Japanese properly.
>She goes psycho crazy bonkers over little things like getting more views on NND than her. Why would she care about NND when she's constantly doing live shows and on TV?
>NO ONE is jealous of Aminyan. NOBODY. She's gone full retard if she thinks we're gonna buy that after what she's said.
>She wants to dance around in Japan posing as an idol( which she’s not doing too well )If she wasn't doing well she wouldn't have as many fans or do live shows or be on TV. Like she must be protecting at this point.
>I’m not jealous of her because we have different aspirations in life.If you call stripping on NND for old Japanese men while being called derogatory words just to get some line stickers and cheap Chinese clothes an aspiration, you live a truly sad life.
No. 128190
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Makes me giggle to see so much mouth-frothing rage and ratchet behavior with such a kawaii theme.
No. 128195
>>128182>She gets no favorites on any of her tweets considering she has thousands of followers (which are all ghost followers because they were purchased).Funny because if you go to her Twitter her last tweet had 16 retweets and 22 favorites. She's clearly in denial.
>I got more views on niconama with this “lard ass” than ami. Why does that matter when the girl is on national television and doing live shows.
>OK SO? I STILL GOT MORE VIEWS AND COMMENTS THAN U IN THAT BROADCAST. and people call you uncle. Bald headed uncle. They call u kappa a reptilian creature. They say ur wearing a wig too. It’s that noticeable… WowGetting views because you come off as some side show freak is not something to be proud of. Ami was on a show that was on network tv, a hell of lot more notable than streaming on NND. And how does she know what they said about Ami when she doesn't even know what the comments on her NND are constantly like?
No. 128200
>>128190>if you try to hurt my little sister the way you hurt me i’m coming down to tokyo and beating your ass and i am not joking.Empty threats, she's too yellowbellied for that.
>i’m not into this anon petty internet shit, i will come down somewhere and smack the shit out of somebody if i have to and i’m about to.Again, empty threats, and she thrives on petty anon shit.
>i felt bad because i know ur broke and living off of student loans so i let u go.The girl is an idol and more than likely working outside of that. So she's living comfortably. Himeka is fucking delusional.
>i’m about to be living in a high rise in miami at age 18 and honey i’m feeling good.And watch as she posts about not being able to get it. Again, the girl is fucking delusional.
No. 128284
>>128277does it look good on anyone not asian to be honest?
subtle cute like korean fashion looks good on whites and black people but obnoxiously cute stuff like lolita only works for asians and even then it looks shit.
No. 128292
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>>128283>S-She's not cute! She looks like a stripper!Literally what? There's nothing stripper-like about her appearance at all.
tbh you're probably thinking that because you subconsciously sexualize black girls for some reason. Next you'll be telling me Willow Smith looks like a prostitute.
No. 128297
>>128284>only asians can wear lolita!!>a-anyways they still look stupid in it!!So, were your measurements too un-kawaii to fit into burando or were you bullied out of the community for your asinine opinions?
Up next:
>lolitas are all sluts, bullies & spoiled bitches, too! No. 128298
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>>128296well, the creators of angelic pretty dont look like kids. most people who wear it dont look like children, because the majority of the people who can afford it are 25 and older. thats just the reality of it all.
No. 128299
File: 1435444486894.jpg (325.18 KB, 1000x1500, tk-2013-05-18-009-001-harajuku…)

>>128297how can you be bullied out of wearing a style of clothes?people can wear what they want but lolita just looks less ridiculous on asians.
for example this girl doesnt have a nice wig, makeup etc but she still looks normal/ presentable in lolita. it just looks like something that suits her.
No. 129117
>>129113>>>5424501She'd complain about her family constantly. There was always some sort of malicious behavior going on at her house, and her mom apparently once told her she wished she was dead.
I wasn't sure what else to do but comfort her.
The kicker is that she was completely bi-polar about it. She'd cry about her parents, and then immediately get over it and bring up her new Sanrio character merchandise. Shit was jarring.
Dear god how did you find this. She's worse off than I thought.
No. 129120
>She started taking "requests" and would title read-more posts things like "T-shirt for onii-chan x333", "Maid costume~" etc. People offered to buy her things, sent her asks like "OMG you're so pretty I wish all black girls were like you" and she complied.
Eventually, she put up a fucking Amazon wishlist on her page, and I suspect she actually got presents from strangers.
I was still too beta to properly confront her about things. Sooner or later, her blog got temporarily shut down. She made a new blog and whined and whined about it. I knew all of this but kept my mouth shut. The pictures got progressively less SFW, too, but I didn't realize that until it was too late.
She deleted all the pictures of herself from the Tumblr, I just saved them beforehand to confront her with. Plus, she CONSTANTLY changes her URL. It used to be milk-kitten or something, then honeymomokitten, then cinnamomoroll, etc. Sorry.
No. 129129
File: 1435560627694.jpg (225.61 KB, 900x900, original.jpg)

>>129118what is with these bitches and lolicon?
never any other niche like oppai or any other anime niches? (pic related)
it's so weird that these cows always have the loli obsession
No. 129259
>>129113>>129118>>129120>>129122This is not a reliable account of what she's like IRL. I'm very sure I made this shit up years ago just to bump the thread and dump OC pictures. Nothing on /r9k/ is ever true. I'd believe it if something like this actually did happen, though.
The details about her Amazon wishlist, trading nudes for dosh with strangers online, weird fights with her parents, obsession with lolicon and her hentai blog are all legit though.
No. 130446
>>130432Yes usually.
Fat and POC with an alternative style=Sjws looking their.shit happily
White/pale/Asian/skinny=regular kawaii Asian bloggers
No. 130466
>>127469except the asians she post are not in shape nor healthy, they're too skinny. sorry but bibi is obese but those asian girls she post are disgustingly too skinny to look kawaii. gross
bibi should lose weight though
No. 130490
>>130489You have to be really fat or disabled or some shit to get the SJW likes / reblogs or really beautiful for everyone else.
It's funny bibi said aminyan's streams were only popular because of pity…what does she think she looks like? I sent her "gyaru? bitch where?" But she didn't respond lmao
No. 130779
>>130489If you're a landwhale you have to have a good style, otherwise you won't get a lot of notes
Or have some quirky style and a good camera
Bibi has shitty style and a shitty camera, so her notes only come from perverts and DDLG ppl
No. 130818
>>130489>i'm a cute black girlcalling yourself cute is one of the saddest things
>people tell me sono, thristy neckbeards online that would say that to any girl doesn't count
you are WAYYYY too fat to be a loli BTW
why can't people like you face that a loli just isnt your body type? if you dressed good for your body you wouldn't be on here
>>130807nobody is going to jail
just go cry to mods and see what they think :^)
No. 130839
>>130823i didn't even mention tumblr
fucking idiot
No. 130844
I reported the blog.
>>130839And oh my god you are a psyhco. If you were a decent human being you would have reported yourself.
No. 130849
>>130841i didn't mention tumblr in that whole post
can't you read?
No. 130850
File: 1435878022242.jpg (11.68 KB, 300x200, 4892289 _3a6155e7602ec3d4bb6d1…)

>>130844i'm a psycho? why? because i said that being a loli looks bad for you body type?
No. 130860
>>130856you seem upset
get some tea and calm down
just report the tumblr if you think its that bad. i dont give a shit about porn i just wanna laugh at cows. is that so wrong?
No. 130865
>>130862>cunt>autistic>ttly not madjust shut up
lets get back on topic and laugh at dumb people or stop being a party pooper
report the tumblr and be done with it
No. 130868
>>130867then who cares? stop going on about it
it's all i'm saying
No. 130875
>>130868You're the only one.
Anyways, Himeka is pretty bad at covering her tracks since she mentioned that blog that's on the magii page in this post. No. 130894
>>130888i love how the same guy liking her porn and saying how he wants to bang her is a real thirsty guy who has porn with girls who have nipples covering most of their boobs lol
how pathetic is that guy?
No. 130900
>>130852Pretty sure one of those is actually a picture of Himeka. It was posted here before and I said "Huh, she kinda looks like Ami".
Fucking kek
No. 130903
>>130897don't immediately jump to conclusions
it COULD still be her
that whole "barely legal" thing seems like something she would say
No. 130910
>>130818>calling yourself cute is one of the saddest thingsok
>thirsty guysNo, girls tell me this too. Sorry. :^)
>why can't people like you face that a loli just isnt your body type? if you dressed good for your body you wouldn't be on hereWhat. Wait, do you think I'm Bibi or something? Is your reading comprehension completely shit?
No. 130915
>>130891is there a single decent person in the world though? is everyone perfect? stop acting like you're an angel from above when you're a filthy human just like everyone else.
is she not allowed to get on with her life and do something she wants to do? unlike these girls she's not trying to hurt anyone. fuck these ugly obese turds.
No. 130923
>>130912The face shot. I can't remember whether it was posted in the Himeka or Micky thread, actually.
This girl's certainly too light skinned skinned to be Himeka, but too thin to be Micky.
This "sweetyoungmarie" porn blog most of the nudes are reblogged from was deactivated in 2012, it seems.
No. 130928
>>130920Himeka was a minor and LITERALLY selling nudes, aka CP for material possessions.
Since the content from what's allegedly Ami's porn blog was most likely up in 2012 (according to the "-deactivated2012" addendum and the dates some of them were reblogged), and Ami is 22 now IIRC, she would've been 18 or 19 in 2012, making these nudes legal (inb4 "oh but she called herself barely legal" - terms popular with jailbait fetishists are not admission of anything, or else most of the porn online is illegal content).
No. 130949
>>130935Well this changes everything.
>>130937It's been said before she's from Michigan.
No. 130959
File: 1435885115355.jpg (36.13 KB, 400x317, lawdylawd.jpg)

>>130935Well this is…a interesting discovery.
No. 130976
>>130971Alright, then provide some substantial evidence that this is Ami.
I can imagine a weeb like Ami lying about being half-Japanese in her teens, but what was the need to pretend to live in a different state? That's a bit overkill.
Things aren't looking good for you, anon.
No. 130984
>>130966hey ami, you embarrassed?
it seems like you regret posting porn of yourself on the internet
maybe it will teach you next time to not to do that
just leave this site and live a normal life and forget this whole anime loli shit
you aren't too far gone to stop and ruin your personal name and stop you from getting a job
go low brow and don't post yourself on the internet unless you want to be a target for places like "the pink meth"
No. 130985
>>130983Why just change the state and not country, then?
It's not like anyone would try and call her out on believability if she ventured as far as to say she's British or still living in Japan tbh.
Alternatively, why even mention where she lives? It's just a porn blog, and if someone wanted to meet up with her for fucking or whatever, she could easily answer their asks privately and set things up.
Unless you're trying to say she somehow knew people would discover not only her nudes, but have an archive of her blog 3 years later and meticulously planned ahead.
No. 130990
File: 1435886439708.png (244.74 KB, 830x467, l9k8f.png)

>>130985not that anon
but here is a picture of you right now
No. 130992
there are lots of sites like that still going
No. 130995
I don't watch Bob's Burgers but I'm just talking common sense. A paranoid person would either not mention their whereabouts at all, or say something like "I live in Brazil" when in reality they live somewhere completely different
No. 130997
>>130995well i do that sometimes when i'm lying about where i live
it's not THAT out there. come on
No. 131008
>>131003im not himeka because im not some fully grown black woman trying to be kawaii
No. 131012
both ami amd hime need to lose about 60 pounds
im not hime just because i am trying to give advice to not make yourself a awful reputation that could affect your life seriously
No. 131014
>>131006If that was your goal, then it would be likely to use fake pics from a deleted account. You don't need real porn pics of her if you're trying to ruin her name. You just need some faceless nudes of a skinny black girl and tack her name onto it.
Not to mention, Himeka has some searchable nudes out there herself and has sold CP. So wouldn't it be wise to not poke around with this, Himeka.
No. 131017
>>131014im not cock-eyed himeka, ami
im saying this whole loli shit will affect her IRL life as that she will be known as that 20+ year old blacl girl pretending to be a kawaii asian. she could easily turn into a black pixy
No. 131018
>>131016But if you were? Don't skirt around shit, you have to admit it's fucking strange. There's more reason to believe this chick isn't Ami than there is to believe it really is.
Not even going to touch the obvious vendetta from the one exposing her ("Karma is real. You are a liar and your skeletons must come out of your overflowing closet. Everything on this blog is 100% true. These are not lies just facts.")
No. 131023
>>131017>thinking that's Amikek
Himeka why are you obsessed with her?
No. 131024
File: 1435887585969.png (105.25 KB, 289x283, tumblr_m9cn5mLFKu1qikoq3.png)

get back on topic and stop accusing everybody of being hime or ami
they are both ugly laughable wannabe asians and we could be laughing at them instead of whiteknighting and bitching
No. 131026
>>131017You think people would care about that? Look at Yuki. She was semi-famous and had loli/pee fetish stuff. It didn't ruin her. What ruined her was her rape accusation.
Plus, you have nothing really. Unless you have nudes with face shots, she can deny it. Just as people here don't fully believe it, others won't.
Your vendetta is sad.
No. 131027
>>131026everybody makes fun of her for the loli pee thing
but you know, if you want to be known for that i wont stop you
but can't we just make fun of lolcows? why do we have to argue, anon? :^(
No. 131030
just stop arguing holy shit
go back to pull if you want your drama
just look, you guys are either going to accuse me of being ami or hime or micky
because i have just been called all three
No. 131032
>>131026Idk why this is even being argued after
>>130966 pointed out something important
>Taking into account the archive links, and the fact that the one and only faceshot available is NOT reblogged from "sweetyoungmarie" but it was posted by the owner of this blog, I'm willing to bet this isn't Ami.
>only faceshot available is NOT reblogged from "sweetyoungmarie" but it was posted by the owner of this blog, No. 131035
stop trying to act like you're doing something for her. you are just trying to fuck up her life.
No. 131043
>>131037im actually a white gay guy
but they wont believe me, don't even try
>inb4 omfg himekaaaaaa No. 131047
>>131044how about we drop it?
i think idol shit is weeby to begin with
but eh, different strokes for different folks. you like ami? good for you
No. 131050
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>>131032tbh the vendettafag's mistake was reblogging shit rather than just saving everything and reposting it.
Because the blog was deleted and all these porn pics/vids had like 20 notes tops, there would be a very low chance of being able to reverse image search them and find the source.
Without a secondary source for the images and the fact that they all have the same shitty "orange" tone like
>>130977 said, there'd be no reason to believe it was anyone but Ami.
But it looks like our Anon (aka Himeka) got too big for their britches and thought they could frame her for an entire porn blog and phone sex requests on top of that.
What's all but assured is that Ami isn't this Marie chick, and since Marie's the source of the nudes, everything falls apart.
>inb4 the text posts and pics suddenly start disappearing and then reposted one by one No. 131053
>>131052idols are serious business
aren't they?
No. 131057
>>131056i didn't know they were all the same person??
No. 131065
>>131061well i came here to laugh at fat black "kawaii" girls
soooooo can we stop arguing and just shut up about ami?
No. 131067
>>130888it's not
and even if it is, it's child porn so, don't get happy
No. 131068
>>131063sorry, im not on this site every minute at everyday
i kind of don't live under my rock enough to always know this shit
No. 131072
this is obviously aminyan
http://[REMOVED CP]
No. 131078
>>131072you can make a seperate thread for her so you dont shit up this thread with arguing
if you REALLY need to
No. 131081
>>131077Yes, we've covered that but that doesn't corroborate any of the other shit on that blog.
Her "naked" parts are covered too
No. 131084
>>131081i dont know about the other pictures.
but that picture is aminyan.
No. 131090
>>131087yeah, i dont care
i want to laugh at himeka and bibi…
i mean you can make a ami appreciation thread on b? sorry
No. 131092
>>131078Aminyan is not a lolcow so i dont feel there is a need to make a topic about it.
im just sayin thats clearly her
No. 131095
>>131093but this is getting a bit off topic
this is more of a ami thread now it seems
the only time you guys mention hime or bib is when you accuse someone of being them
No. 131096
>>131093if we dont talk about it how can we find out if himeka or bibi is behind it?
the drama is not off topic imo.
No. 131099
>>131096either doxx them or dont
going on about ami's idol career isnt going to help us with anything :/
No. 131103
File: 1435891179421.jpg (290.74 KB, 1770x1000, doxxing 101.jpg)

stop being lazy assholes and find who made the tumblr yourself
No. 131105
>>131072The sheets in this picture do not match the sheets in the other pictures, all of the other pictures have brown sheets and these are green. Also her arms are really small in this picture and we know that Bibi likes to photoshop shit so this could be photoshopped
As it stands there is no proof that Amina took the pictures on this blog, and even if she did distributing them is illegal as Amina would have been underage in 2012.
Even if all the pictures are of Amina this doesn't prove any accusations of her being a bad person, as it stands there is no proof that she made the original blog, someone could have used her alleged pictures to make it, having talked with her, she really doesn't seem like the kind of person to talk in a vulgar way but this is just speculation. This is pure jealousy at it's core, no if ands and or buts about it, I would be inclined to belief if I actually saw face shots, and as someone said the jaw on the girl in the video doesn't look the same. Bibi and Himeka are just trying to bring her down to their level. In reality, nudes will do nothing to destroy your career as idol as gravure is popular and a girl I know who is currently going to japan to perform soon has had her nudes leaked by an ex on 2chan. After all even otaku understand that pureness isn't real, they're perfectly fine with jacking off in their hands and then shaking hands with their fave aidoru.
No. 131107
>>131105i dont need any proof etc
I have eyes and i see thats her face.
No. 131114
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>>131108shes a popular niconico broadcaster and she was kicked from her idol group because jrcach spread some lies about her
No. 131123
>>131111i'm sorry but i'm not enough of a weeb to enjoy schoolgirls in sailor fuku dancing to vocaloid
>>131117i dont think its her either
the pictures dont really match up
No. 131126
>>131122>careerok anon, sure
it's more of a hobby than a full time serious job
No. 131160
>>131149>>131156i hate the whiteknighting alot too, thats why im saying we should shut up about ami
if you care that much about her go and make a different thread somewhere else you think fits
this is a himeka and bibi thread. not a ami thread
No. 131165
she isnt funny so why are people talking about her idol career? i dont give a fuck about her or her idol career
No. 131167
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>>131164lmao still waiting for the "Wahhh stalker a and bullying me!!!!!" Posts
No. 131169
File: 1435895121222.jpg (22.47 KB, 225x400, image.jpg)

remember when Himeka asked for those stickers lmao
No. 131188
File: 1435897059679.jpg (63.71 KB, 640x427, image.jpg)

we got a winner guyz
we're all just jealous of this totes bbw gaijin gyaru breaking borders Loli. aminyan is shaking in her boots.
No. 131196
>>131181it's you
it's you himeka
No. 131239
>>131227's hilarious how hard she's trying to deny she's not lurking here and how she doesn't care. Not to mention that whole fucking vocaroo.
Speaking of that vocaroo, it sounds like one of those "h8rs maek meh famous!" scene girls. Someone should put it in a cringe compilation.
No. 131253
>>131244She and her sister went on for eight minutes. Also
>everything on lolcow is fan fictionI don't know how she thinks facts backed by evidence is "fan fiction.
No. 131392
>>131227>"I was on Lolcow for 10 minutes">rants about every single thing getting postedTop kek
>"This is literally grown 20-25 year old women"Lmao half of us here are your age or younger Himeka. Suck a dick. Bitch can't even pronounce "gravure".
No. 131442
File: 1435928054312.png (600.07 KB, 502x502, o050205021331557046770.png)

Aye but real quick
The lighting in this pic and the lighting in those videos is the same.
No. 131456
How many gofundme things does she plan on doing before getting a real job lol she's already in Japan, so what exactly is this for?Her living expenses?Please…
No. 131471
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She went on local TV looking like that?
No. 131481
>>131478Those three are just so, so stupid.
Even when they have the advantage of being anon, they don't know how to clear the air of their names or even take someone else down without getting called out a mile away.
No. 131482
>>131471She looks super cute even without filters and stuff.
>>131478The thing is Ami doesn't need a thread because she's not a lolcow like this fat whore who always tries to drag her.
No. 131497
>And if it ain't friends, but fans,Lmao I hate typing on my phone sometimes.
No. 131520
File: 1435938022919.jpg (315.6 KB, 1125x2001, image.jpg)

There's thousands of twitters with Japanese middle schoolers to high schoolers posting erotic pictures with thousands of followers.It says this girl is 16.
No. 131525
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Same girl she's 16 and has thousands of followers.She has tons of followers too.Are we going to report her?
No. 131527
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LJK = Ero high schooler
No. 131531
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No. 131532
>>131518Himeka are you seriously trying to trick people into posting CP and getting v&
Really girl
No. 131535
File: 1435938556190.jpg (Spoiler Image,338.14 KB, 1125x2001, image.jpg)

This is the girls bio stating she's 17 from the picture above.
No. 131555
>>131535It honestly hurts my heart to see you this defensive over nudes. Why? Are the pedos the only knes givjng you attention in life? Girl, learn to love yourself, or else you'll always have people making fun of you behind your back and to your face.
You're trying to hide the fact that you're hurt by us making fun of you, and its just making everything worse. Honestly, just stop. Leave the Internet alone for a while, focus on school, friends, working, anything irl. Just log off for a month, you'll probably feel better.
(This goes for any cow lurking this thread, we'll forget about you if you stop being funny, promise)
No. 131627
File: 1435948997365.jpg (363.97 KB, 1125x2001, image.jpg)

Ami you just deleted the post stating your height…Just so you can lie some more on lolcow.
No. 131639
File: 1435950735584.gif (859.76 KB, 268x268, beurselfbitchstepyapussyupgeta…)

>>131627Himeka please, you look…so dumb
You're embarrassing yourself
No. 131651
u know yr a ratchet cunt when an anonymous catty board defends another lolcow over u
No. 131874
>>131872It's all the KFC.
Amina isn't Beyoncé or anything but how these sideshows think they look better than her is beyond me.
No. 131915
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>>131912Went to her video comments
>only one comment is bad!!!!Literally all of them are calling her a fat pig, telling her Amina is cuter, calling her a nigger. ONE of them called her cute. The rest are fucking terrible. No. 131917
File: 1435984279338.jpg (141.51 KB, 640x915, image.jpg)

>related to this stream
1 is smelly feet
2 is something about Brazil
And 3 is about fat people lol.
No. 131921
File: 1435984624011.jpg (261.02 KB, 1125x1875, image.jpg)

Most of her comments aren't really racist they are just ew…
No. 131924
File: 1435985639919.jpg (262.92 KB, 1026x1792, image.jpg)

Ew it's just thirsty japanese pedos calling her cute.Does she have like some sort of fan Twitter that retweets all of her shit?I thought we reported her.
No. 131925
File: 1435985714914.jpg (142.81 KB, 1125x1517, image.jpg)

She's too fucking ugly to be getting all of these favorites imo
No. 131930
File: 1435986019090.jpg (367.89 KB, 1125x1908, image.jpg)

Why do these ugly bitches follow so many people???What the fuck ten thousand.This whole thing is dumb as shit.
No. 131945
File: 1435988115018.jpg (364.54 KB, 1035x1840, image.jpg)

It says black imouto idol and than laughing.What the fuck?????These Japanese people are dumb as shit.
No. 131949
>>131930>>131945Get a life, lose some weight, learn how to put on makeup, get plastic surgery.
Stop wasting time on here trying to pretend that Amina isn't succeeding right now, especially over you. Posting fake porn did not go well for you so spamming us with this shit isn't going to do anything, time to come up with a new strategy, yknow, actually fucking trying.
No. 131950
>>131945Japanese weirdos
But she is cute
No. 132056
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No. 132073
File: 1436021343804.jpg (458.85 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nqohguGXYU1rp0lqeo1_128…)

Ew, she makes me really ashamed to be Nigerian.
On another note: Look, three girls all a hundred times cuter and less ratchet than, Himeka, Momo and Bibi in just one picture.
No. 132075
>>132073>MomoObv I meant Micky
No. 132143
File: 1436031560056.jpg (219.23 KB, 1125x1865, image.jpg)

Aminyan made this years ago I guess. Says here she's 20 or 21.So in those nudes she was probably 18. No. 132148
>>132096Oh piss off, it's true. If Ami and the rest weren't wearing weave then Japan would obv… oh you get the picture. Aint' sitting here arguing with you. Not my fault TS speaks the truth most of the time anyway.
No. 132149
>>132092And apparently I'm derailing the thread.
Ahh stormtroopers and their nazi sidekicks are back guys
p.s fuck off no one cares
No. 132154
>>131920Fuck sake.
I think those skirts are bad enough on thin legs let alone fat legs. Sad part is, the tumblrina feminist do-gooders will support this bitch's clothing of choice and laugh at her behind their computer screens so they can clown her further.
Oh Japan, what have you done to the world.
No. 132156
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No. 132164
>>132151How am I even being racist though? See this is the problem, people call out racism just because someone mentions black or black hair or whatever. Stop using that card and twisting it around, it's getting old.
Course they don't all wear weave, I know there is blacks living in Japan with natural hair. But even if Ami had natural hair, I'd be very surprised to see what their reaction would be like if she didn't have the weave. Weave is like kind of expected isn't it? Y'know to fit in with the cutesy scene there. Again you go in the tumblr tags /blackulzzang and /blackhime ect it's all weave. Yeah, I get it's to fit the style/trend/cosplay. But I'd love to see a black aidoru who will actually show off her natural hair some day. If it happens, they'll be mixed and even then I bet the mixed one will still call themselves "black" and piss off a ton of black women.
No. 132172
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No. 132174
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she looks like tweety
No. 132177
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No. 132179
File: 1436033545964.jpeg (70.44 KB, 500x667,

Bibi-tan xo
No. 132182
File: 1436033710228.jpg (118.85 KB, 720x960, IMG_2730.JPG)

She was thinner at one point?
No. 132206
>>132143She posted pictures of graduating Highschool last year and she's turning 19 this year. They don't let 20 year olds as seniors. She's been saying she's the age she is now for years so unless she has some elaborate scheme I doubt she's lying about it.
She probably put her age up for that website because some sites won't let you join unless you're 13 or 16 or whatever.
No. 132524
>>132506Lol Okay.
I wonder if aminyan told her mom about the address thing.
No. 132899
>>132893That's pretty dangerous honestly. Especially since she's active very often.
>>132896Who are you even talking about?
No. 132986
>>132917>doesn't even know how to quote properly She never thought any of this
>>132896 and had said before it's not that kind of place. You must be Himeka or Bibi. Either way, fuck off.
No. 133005
>>133001I like how she first insisted the nudes
were CP to smear Ami's reputation to bring her down to her own level, but now that she knows she's getting deleted for illegal content she's going "S-She was totally legal in them!" and posting an incorrect DOB (ie not the one in her FAQ: Take several seats, Himeka. If these are real, you can be charged with possession of CP of not just yourself, but others as well.
Of course, none of these pics (except the one where her face is shown and the actual nudity is covered) are actually her.
No. 133414
Himeka sent a request to delete this thread due to her and her sister being underaged. The email is below.
>Child Porn>[link to this thread]>This thread is filled with images of minors in suggestive poses and clothing. The people on this thread have posted these girls full names, school, personal phone numbers, among other information that can be read by clicking the link. One girl is 17 and the other is 16. Please remove this thread or legal action will be taken. Thank you.I deleted all potentially "suggestive" photos, as well as all personal information (except for first names).
She has (obviously) been the one spamming links of another girl's nudes, which, ironically, I understand to also likely be CP.
She is forbidden from posting in the future. Any future posts she makes will be called out.
When she turns 18 on July 21, personal information of her (but not her sister or other family members) may be posted again.
Here are some of her posts. Many others she made were deleted for linking to CP.
>>130848>>130852>>130926>>130955>>130967>>130971>>131144>>131149>>131156>>131170>>131475>>131901>>131921>>131924>>131925>>131930>>131945>>132143>>132160>>132175>>133367 No. 133442
>if you contribute or post to any sites like PULL, lolcow, 4chan, or whatever the case may be. please for the love of god block me, unfollow me, and don’t talk to me. it’s disgusting, pathetic, petty, and just gross. i do not like you and want nothing to do with your existence.So wouldn't she be pathetic, petty, and gross then? Seeing as she has several posts on here.
>i have problems with ONE PERSON IN THIS COMMUNITY because of their craziness, manipulative b.s, stalking, and just deplorable behavior. she hasn’t changed at all and continues to do what she does. using anon and lies in order to cover herself She calls Ami a bad person but not did Himeka make several tumblr blogs to "expose" Ami, she through her own sister under the bus.
>i don’t see myself coming back to my twitter, personal blog, nico, or anything because honestly i do not feel safe. i guess everyone hates me anyway so who am i posting for?? i’m turning 18 soon. i’m too old and grown to be involved in this. First she uses the "I'm just a kid!!" excuse, now it's "I'm too old!!" If she really didn't like the drama she would have already apologized and moved on with her life. This girl is miserable as hell.
No. 133454
What a surprise, Bibi totally igonres how her sister threw her under a bus, posted CP, and them both ugly. Also, telling the admin to kill themselves is pretty stupid. Bibi said on the post.
"I have had to post on that site to clarify allegations regarding me that are totally false. If I didn’t report the posts regarding personal info it would still be there. Although a lot of the claims are baseless and just false if I didn’t report it or bring it to any ones attention no one would have said anything and that’s the sad part. Honestly the admin can literally kill his or herself because they know they are wrong. What they did was put my sister at danger even more by basically saying “IN 2 WEEKS YOU CAN DOXX HER AS MUCH AS YOU WANT” well fuck you. Yeah I said it and idc. Obviously the people in charge of this site are fucking dumb as hell. And you hoes on lolcow, what did I do to you? Like what did I do to YOUR irrelevant self to make you even want to put my personal info on the Internet? I’m “too dark and fat and I don’t deserve any of the attention I get because it’s all pity”? Is it my Twitter which doesn’t exist anymore where I posted slightly revealing pictures of my own self? Or is it because of Aminah Camara Johnson slandering my family and posting my personal information? I’m not even going to say get a life because you know you need a life. I have the right to post on my own thread because this pertains to me and my info. As for the random people posting their two cents with no relevance I’m completely disgusted."
No. 133484
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>>133454oh my god
she is acting like we are obsessed with her because she is a popular ~idol~
and she didn't HAVE to "pose" as us either, we didn't hold her parents hostage like isis or anything, wow
No. 133590
>>133584I like you, badass admin
Are you a waifu or husbando
No. 133593
>>133590NO DON'T TELL US
The mystery is exciting
No. 133700
>>133414Wow this is just the best thing I have read all day
she's so bad at pretending to be anon
No. 133702
File: 1436262573981.jpg (248.76 KB, 612x736, 1399342272817.jpg)

Goddamn this is some good milk. What kind of insane bitch shits on her own sister, posts child porn of herself and others and then turns around and calls people who call her out on it pathetic and disgusting?
No. 133703
>>133414>me and my sister literally had to post stuff posing as some of these crazies who frequent lolcow, in order to somehow and someway protect ourselves. like….?? and the admin is going to say “i outed you!!!” … like what? but top kek right ^u^You don't understand guys, they HAD to ""pretend"" to be one of us to protect themselves!
That's totally why it's ok to shit on your own sister and make five child porn blogs over the course of 2-4 days.
No. 134094
>>134091>please stop talking about it>they deleted their tumblrs even though they are probably still online somewhere>its all over, go homeDAMAGE CONTROL
No. 134137
>>134127>>133454>>133442>>134127just in case
>this is going to be long
>if you contribute/post to/follow/like any sites such as PULL, somethinblr, lolcow, 4chan, or whatever the case may be. please for the love of god block me, unfollow me, and don’t talk to me. it’s disgusting, pathetic, petty, and just gross. i absolutely do not like you and want nothing to do with your existence. i stopped the idoling thing three years ago. the summer of 2012 after i came back from japan. you can see it on my old blog angelysugar. (i never said i never wanted to become one?? the same people obsessed with me are the ones who are mixing me and my sister up ok) i stopped my ddlg/”selling cp” blog in spring of 2014. i have too much going on in my life to be distracted by this anymore. me and my sister literally had to post stuff posing as some of these crazies who frequent lolcow, in order to somehow and someway protect ourselves. like….?? and the admin is going to say “i outed you!!!” … like what? but top kek right ^u^
>i have managed to ignore the thread for months but now it’s like.. really? i have problems with ONE PERSON IN THIS COMMUNITY because of their craziness, manipulative b.s, stalking, and just deplorable behavior. she hasn’t changed at all and continues to do what she does. using anon and lies in order to cover herself up. not only that but she manipulates people into hating my guts. if you hate me for posting pics of me in my underwear/cosplay in 2012, or i’m ugly and too dark skinned, or i cover my nose in some pictures, or because i ignored your ask, or i’m open about my sexuality, or i am honest with my feelings and emotions, or i like moe stuff, that’s fine. totally fine. but posting my personal info, getting my irrelevant family involved, spreading straight up lies (i read that post about the “yea i knew her in school! she was a nerd and no one liked her” i did laugh ngl) is absolutely not okay
>i’ve been on a hiatus for internet activity off and on for almost a year now. my twitter is 100% japanese and i only have japanese followers, the same applies to my nico. right now, i’ve been on a hiatus for over a month. i don’t associate with the western idoling/jpop community because i know how malicious they are. acctually, one of my biggest regrets in my entire life was starting this entire thing. if i stuck to mmo’s, gaiaonline, anime and whatever i would’ve had a much better highschool experience and a much better outlook on myself and my life. i tell all girls who i know who are interested in cute stuff/idols/jpop to stay AWAY from this toxic and disgusting community.
>if you absolutely need to talk about me to sleep at night, have fun. but have fun fueling off of stuff/lies/rumors from literally 2012/2013/2014. i’m done with this stuff. i don’t see myself coming back to my twitter, personal blog, nico, or anything because honestly i do not feel safe. i’m turning 18 soon. i’m too old and grown to be involved in this. i’m moving, starting a new life in a new city and doing productive things. i’ve been thinking about this for quite some time and i’ve decided it’s not worth it. i’m not putting myself and my family at risk for something so trivial and superficial. i’m working on extracting all negativity out of my life and the internet is honestly the number 1 negative thing in my life even though i have basically left.
>happy aminah? you got what you wanted. (you had nothing to hide except sweetyoungmarie, samefa*ng all over anon hate sites, and posting MY personal information like my NUMBER and MOMS number, SCHOOL, FULL NAME AND OTHER THINGS ONLY YOU WOULD KNOW BECAUSE I WAS YOUR FRIEND FOR 4 TERRIBLE YEARS. among other things ^w^) she’s so innocent and sweet though and perfect and angelic and such a successful idol so everyone go support her ^3^ i literally tried doing the same things she does to me to get her to stop and she doesn’t. this blog is going to be 100% images and i will not be posting information on my life or ratchet, gross, no faced, fake, lying, bumass, people i have mentioned in this post. (including the lolcow admins tbh.) No. 134138
>>134127>>134136I noticed the archive links don't show up for specific posts like
>>51876. Is that how it is normally?
No. 134142
File: 1436324826061.png (66.66 KB, 500x397, 101010.png)

>Bibi and Himeka (HoneyKittenMomo) were doing sexual things on Nico Nama (on World Otaku Mate channel)
No. 134181
>>134172damn were they participating in finance domination in their early teens?
And yeah, Ami knows she has to play up the "moemoekyunkyun men r v kowai i'M innocent virgin" to keep her fans which are mostly men.
No. 134184
That video just makes her seem insecure. A person can change in a matter or months or days if they shed the group they hang with.
Maybe both her and her sister are spoiled brats? Maybe Aminyan is just fake? Sorry but I agree with
>>134172, even if Aminyan is playing the Yuka game and is portraying a false identity to get ~tru idol statusseseses~ I'd rather she do that than scramble posting stupid old ass FB messages.; She's STILL salty about Aminyan and this thread but acting like she doesn't care? Please. Cry into a mason jar and let us drink your pathetic tears, cow.
No. 134189
>>134188 >>134186
I understand. It just seems weird for someone like Hime to weird out like this. Aminyan is occupying herself with idol work etc. while Hime's crying over stupid stuff and could very well be doing the same thing.
No. 134193
>>134189>and could very well be doing the same thing.Let's be real, anon. Japan would tear Himeka apart for being dark skinned and not super skinny.
Bibi may get the brunt of the "black pig" comments, but Himeka would literally have to hide her face and suck in 24/7 to avoid getting mauled by netizens and wota who demand perfection even though they themselves are ugly as shit.
No. 134194
>>134188in all these years she never gave up the aidoru dream and she said she wants to do bikini modeling in the future…
she probably still likes using men for money.
No. 134213
>>134184Ami is just doing what every other idol/wanna be idol is doing, playing cute and innocent. Personally, i think it's dumb, but hell its working for her. She's a pretty cute girl, and seems happy enough. The main reason why i can stand her is because she isn't lurking lolcow slamming her sister or hurting anyone.
I'm willing to look past all this shit from hime's old facebook, because as it stands, no one cam prove Ami is
currently trying to scam some dude out of his money.
I'd be willing to look past Micky's old twatter posts too, if she even gave the illusion of cleaning ip her act. I'm seriously not one to hold shit that minors do against them (unless its rape/murder/gramd robbery), because i know what it's like to be a stupid ass kid doing stupid ass kid stuff.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that we don't really care about old facebook posts, Hime. Or fake ami nudes, you and your sister keep digging the hole deeper for yourselves, and you look more and more desperate the further you reach.
Idk what you're trying to prove, because no one with common sense is going to think Ami is some delicate sweet flower that never does anything
bad. She's human, like the rest of us, and scrambling for old facebool messages and spreading fake nudes just makes us feel sorry for
Also, how low do you have to be to talk shit about your flesh and blood just to blend in on an anonymous image board to talk shit about some black girl in japan? Lower than Micky's tits, i guess.
No. 134216
>>134213 also
>>134184 , i know you aren't himeka, just making sure she knows im talking to her
No. 134231
>>134213I kinda feel like himeka and micky are pulling out ami's old shit because the same shit we're laughing at them for she used to do when she was their age.
And I guess if you try to look at it from their perspective that'd seem kind of irritating/unfair. Let's just hope and pray that when they're older they get their shit together. I mean, looking at micky's old tweets vs. now she was way worse back then.
No. 134310
>>134168Why is it that both Micky and Himeka quickly scroll past certain parts of the conversations? Are they hiding something?
>>134213I kind of agree with this, but all this time Micky, Himeka, and Bibi have been bitter. All them saying things directly or indirectly about Aminyan. While she dropped of the insanity of it and actually worked toward her goals. It's pretty ridiculous how bitter these girls are toward her because she didn't want to waste her life away being like them.
No. 134313
>>134310Well it looks like those messages are from 2014, 2013, 2012 etc so it'd be a pretty long video if they scrolled through the whole thing lol.
It looked like micky was just trying to show the recent screenshots she took to show they weren't shopped. idk what the fuck himeka was trying to show.
No. 134315
>>134313With Micky, I noticed that those bits were out of context as what she skipped through showed they had two different conversations about two different things.
I definitely agree with Himeka's video, I didn't really see the point of it.
No. 134345
>>134343okay but here me out here anon
compare himeka's cow shit to micky's cow shit
No. 134471
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Aminyan has lost a lot of weight compared to now. But she is still cute though.
No. 134773
>>134146how is this incriminating evidence for ami to show hime's innocence?
it seems like himeka was in the same boat and they were sharing johns that gave them money?
i could be wrong but stuff like
"i told him i'd share him with you"
"yeah he did that for me too"
if anything she was more in the camwhore game than ami. Momo just showed how long she has been selling sexual stuff and how ami grew out of it and turned into a adult while himeka is still a gutterwhore
No. 134823
>>134777but ami is right
she was just stating a fact
himeka is a whore, and grass is green. whats so wrong about that?
No. 147732
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>>134308They've been really quiet lately, but that's not saying much.
Bibi's learned to shoop her selfies and stop showing her face as much lol
No. 148000
My redneck roommate likes to call me Niggerloli, it's not cute and when I politely ask him to stop he calls me a SJW. It's just not a nice thing to be called period, black or white, I don't like the word and he wouldn't like it if I called him uglycrackerman.
No. 148207
>>148000>Niggerloli>loli>LOLIokay. This is either hime, Bibi or Micky
nobody in the real world casually calls someone a loli. Also, racial crap belongs to /b/
No. 148219
>>148000What the fuck? Is he (literally) autistic?
Racism aside, I can't imagine anyone calling somebody that. Especially a roommate.
No. 148857
File: 1438466807777.jpg (52.51 KB, 400x533, tumblr_ns5whlBQGk1t0ij5do3_400…)

Sorry for being off-topic but isnt that yukapon?
No. 149654
>>149088>>148860>>148879>>148898>>148933>>148000 "Ami is soooo ugly, I'm a black LOLI!! Normal fags kno the loli fetish!!! They call me one all the time!!" Fucking really? This isn't going to work
stop trying to change the topic
we are going to laugh at you Himeka (or Bibi) and you can't stop us
>>148453 No. 149662
>>14908810000x prettier than hime or Bibi
those girls look like middle aged black girls in a mid-life crisis
No. 150495
>>150364himeka and bibi try and say how hard it is to be a
kawaii black loli and calling ami ugly and trying to change this into a ami thread even though she is totally uninteresting
No. 153536
she thinks she deserves to be in japan for no reason
No. 153549
>>153526>bibi thinks she deserves to have mommy take her to japanshe probably wont even like japan
i bet she is expecting to go there and just be a kawaii idol or something
No. 153698
>>153536Lol this is kinda like a "WELL U DIDNT WANT TO GO SCHOOL THERE ANYWAY!", but I feel h bad for her really. I'm into education and love the concept of school, when I was rejected from getting into one of the schools I wanted I cried for half the day. Same if I did get accepted, and, then I realised neither I nor my parents could've paid.
Probably she could have considered going to community college or a public college and then transfer to a university for her majors to make an easier agreement with her parents (Assuming she didn't do so).
Besides, it'll be good to be living in Florida initially because she gets In-state tuition.
No. 153700
Idk why my auto correct is switching out my letters and words..
No. 153910
>>153847> She was just bragging about *~18 years old with a penthouse in miami~* and shit on Amina for taking out student loans which is normal as hell. She's such an idiot especially when she said this.
>i visited yesterday and pleaded with the financial aid people, telling them my mom couldn’t pay the 38,000 by herself and honestly, she shouldn’t have to. She really let that livestream shit go to her head. She thinks everyone suppose to give her whatever she wants.
No. 153999
No. 154317
>>154081just go on her google account and look through her posts't be lazy, anon
No. 154318
>>154309no she doesn't
arguing on weeaboo "idol" bullcrap will always be pathetic, no matter what side of the argument you are on
No. 158281
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Himeka is back on twitter. In case she makes private again I took screenshots! Her @ is bunny0199 and she follows and unfollows all of aminyan's followers and guys from Japanese Loli porn twotters. She's also lying about being half japanesez
No. 158282
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No. 158369
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>>158342>>158343Hate to be devil's advocate, but my sister is pretty dark and we're Jamaican/Chinese. Like how there are white/black children who look extremely white.
Anyway, I hope this doesn't turn into another discussion about race.
No. 158523
>>158522Forgot to add that Himeka is 0% Japanese obviously, lmao.
Half Nigerian, half Trinidadian, all hoodrat.
No. 158529
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>>158282Oh jesus christ I have the same phone case as her.
I always thought those anons who post about having the same possessions/body types/whatever as lolcows were just being 32 inch waist-chans, but it really is a specific, sickening kind of feeling. Like why
No. 158807
>>158281these girls don't even look slightly asian!
who would believe this?
No. 158809
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>>158281LOL micky is following her
kawaii hoodrats stay together and obsessively stalk ami-sempai all day every day
this jealousy is getting hilarious
No. 158854
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"Rumors of me like can we get ??"
they ain't rumors if they are true..
No. 167850
>>150495>>149654Can you stop being an ami white knight or some shit?
Nobody is bibi nor himeka here.
We all agree they're fugly but ami is still ugly.
What's with people worshipping any of them?
No. 167853
>>158282her body seems nice tbh
maybe its just the angle but her boobs are good
No. 167888
>Nobody is bibi nor himeka here.Admin already confirmed that they have posted in here
>ami is still uglyOk Himeka
No. 167894
File: 1440366244894.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.48 KB, 640x854,…)

Well, it finally happened.
No. 167906
>>167894Oh great.
Lol maybe we should sent this to Jrcach
No. 168020
>>167864If ami is ugly Himeka and bibi are subhuman.
>>167894she's been selling these for line stickers for a while. Looks like a horse
No. 168265
>>168054Hi himeka
you are still ugly compared to ami
No. 168442
File: 1440425115664.png (150.53 KB, 449x442, 1439276458395.png)

>>168265>Gee someone has a different opinion>HI HIMEKAfuck me for replying.
No. 168458
File: 1440428555049.jpg (39.2 KB, 600x583, IMG_20150415_180545.jpg)

>>168442You can't get upset that they said that when you put
>Say what you like. No. 168612
>>167850i actually think Ami is cute
and it has been confirmed that himeka and/or bibi has posted here
Why the fuck do these girls have such a hate-boner for ami?
No. 168634
>>168020they're all fucking ugly
ami, himeka and bibi
they all look disgusting
No. 168696
>>168612cos ami is like the black dakota rose
and dey jelly
No. 168772
>>168702She should be since this post
>>133414 but these
>>168634>>167850Seem like something she would post. So maybe she's ban evading.
No. 168790
>>167894What disturbs me more about this is her attitude
>uguu I've never done this befoooore u///uBut well… Ageplay was never a turn on for me.
Absolutely disgusting.
No. 168808
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>>168646>>168756>>168772>thinking you need to be himeka to say ami is uglythis thread is really going downhill for sure.
Himeka, bibi and ami all look like shit.
some of you remind me of the faggots from the berry thread that keep thinking everyone is berry.
No. 168813
File: 1440462940275.jpg (83.84 KB, 735x611, IMG_20150409_023143.jpg)

>>168808>Expecting no one will say you're Himeka after she made several post saying Ami is ugly
>Honestly believing Ami is as ugly as Himeka and BibiNow I'm not saying the girl is drop dead gorgeous, but she sure isn't ugly.
No. 168845
>>168820I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about in general. Say what you like, yeah. But in the whole thread when people disagree with an opinion, they use come up with Himeka is posting!!
Yes, it was proven she posted here, but doesn't mean everyone posting against the tide is her.
No. 168854
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No. 168863
>>168808considering they have an obsession with calling ami ugly
it's a BIIIGGG chance that anyone who says ami is ugly on this thread is probably himeka
admin confirmed that all the posts calling ami ugly was from himeka and/or bibi
No. 168875
File: 1440467138128.gif (162.73 KB, 214x119, 3993337 _7f0b8ad6abae96c7057ed…)

>>168867Not the anon youre talking to but im only
>>168873 >>168808
>>168634so there are different people here. only i called ami ugly. not another anon.
No. 168877
>>168875oh, sorry. Yeah, they are all kind of ugly, just ami is less so IMO
>>168799>i actually like pictures of her bootyew
No. 168880
>>168879care to give me the link?
ami should start wearing ribbons in her hair
she would look much cuter
No. 168882
>>168875Not the anon you responded to but, here
>>168873 you say
>I never implied ami is as ugly as themBut here
>>168634 you say
>they're all fucking uglyami, himeka and bibi
they all look disgusting
So what's the truth?
>>168878Besides Himeka selling nudes for dirt cheap shit? Who knows.
>>168879This is a Himeka/Bibi thread, go make an Ami thread if you want to discuss her.
No. 168989
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>>168890If you look at pictures other people took of her she looks pretty. She just smiles awkwardly in selfies.
No. 169200
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>>169198was this her panties?
No. 169201
File: 1440521160471.png (1.1 MB, 1292x712, Screenshot_3.png)

>>169200no, it's just shorts i guess?