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No. 51668

Devon Sweeney.

>Internet tough guy.

>Pretends to be a hardcore stoner. He's probably never seen weed IRL.

>Lies about fucking everything (to seem tough).

>Has fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)



No. 51669

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No. 51671

OH I forgot.

>Lied about having cancer twice, to get people to stop calling him fat.

>Lied about being on probation for shit that obviously never happened. Video related.

No. 51676

This seems like a troll video…

No. 51680

The sad thing is that it isn't. He's serious

No. 51728

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No. 51730

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his twitter handle used to be his step mother's phone number, she was prank called.

No. 51731

I still say troll.

No. 51741

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I can see how he would look like a troll, but I've been following him on 8ch for a while and everything seems genuine. His FAS could explain some of his behaviors (like his Elmer Fudd speech, low intelligence…)

His personal facebook is under his real name, so it's easily found. He has added a bunch of people from his school and others he knows IRL, which i'm sure a troll would avoid doing. He also used his parents' phone number as his twitter handle >>51730

No. 51742

pic from 2012

No. 51770

No. 51777

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No. 51799

In his latest video he talks about how his school is trying to move him into a place for low-functioning people.

Right after a video where he said he called to tell his school he wasn't going today because he got his period (did it for the lulz, it must have backfired when the school staff thought he was serious)

No. 51834

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No. 53884

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No. 54891

Looks like a Dreamworks or some other 3D animation character.

No. 54902

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No. 54916

And I'm ded

No. 322181

He didn't lie about having cancer twice. There are several articles about him having cancer.(necromancy)

No. 322192

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This is what democracy does to a person, and that's why I'm a fascist. In Hitler's world, men and women would be honored beings and not pathetic, degenerate whores and chads.

We lack community, culture and we feel a sense of emptiness which needs to be filled with stupid internet drama and make-up. Fascism can provide us our fundamental needs and make society works at it finest, society which is currently almost on it deathbed.(edgy derailing)

No. 322199

Kill yourself like hitler san

No. 322347

>degenerate whores and chads

found the incel

No. 322449

Stop bumping this ancient thread, make a new one if there's any noteworthy news.

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