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No. 51859
Not sure if there is a thread on this girl. I went to school with her, real name Belinda Wang she worked at Mcdonalds and was extremely quiet and is chinese, now she claims her name is Belinda Kovalskaya and is Russian/an Alien bhuddist.
This is her facebook it's mostly public and absolutely hilarious this is her Ask FM account which is even better No. 51873
File: 1424402177559.jpg (246.91 KB, 2048x1544, kek.jpg)

I'm horrible. But I love people who create a fake alter-ego on the internet, pretending they're something they're completely not. Idek what to compare it to, but it's so fun to watch.
She's even pretending to have a partner named Dimtry, just like Valeria.
No. 51880
File: 1424403564696.jpg (51.21 KB, 800x600, yuck.jpg)

If you use a gift card you can put any name in the shipping info. The fact that she's probably using this as proof of her fake name is beyond pathetic.
No. 51882
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No. 51887
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Now this is a cow that can spark a lolcoaster.
With this level of idolization she would probably happily lick Valeria's shit from the ground.
No. 51890
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>>51859I'm reading through her posts and she reminds me of Asha
No. 51893
>>51890THAT IS WORD-FOR-WORD VALERIA'S QUOTE. Until the "and unhealthy food" part.
Scroll down to the White Supremacy section No. 51897
File: 1424405635565.jpg (91.67 KB, 956x1243, 10998507_1386086171705877_9931…)

I'm so glad you guys are enjoying her as much as me. When I knew her she was trying so hard to be Korean and was into Kpop. This is what she used to look like. She is 18, she frequently denies working at Mcdonalds on her ASKfm and claims that jobs are for peasants, I was at the Mcdonalds last week in Macquarie Park Sydney and she was still working there.
No. 51898
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No. 51905
>>51897she was so cute back then, why is she obsessed with wanting to be white/russian?? or at least not chinese from what you've just said, there are a lot of korean girls that would want to look the way she did then
she exposes herself a lot, like with barely any clothes on, and she's 18
now? I think the vid of her in her thong was last yr
No. 51906
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>>51897you've introduced a diamond in the roughs, OP. I'm going through her and
No. 51908
>>51905We went to a school that had a lot of Asian and Indian students, she never quite fit into a typical Asian mold, she was bullied by a lot of people because of how she looks. A lot of the people who bullied her were Indian - Now she despises Indians. Her bestfriend is african/Australian though. It's all so weird.
We stopped being friends because of the whole white supremacy/thin obsession bullshit recently. She even made a VK account No. 51910 Found her youtube, she liked videos on How to videos on Russian accents and Indian accents LOLWOT
She also uploaded a video of her burning the bible No. 51915
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No. 51917
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No. 51928
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No. 51943
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She looks like a demon
No. 51944
>>51941That sounds like one of the tamest lies compared to all of the other bullshit she's spewed.
I don't think she has a legit mental illness, but this is definitely some deep level of delusion. She's completely taken Valeria's entire persona, lifestyle, beliefs, everything and tried to masquerade it as her own.
No. 51946
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She reminds me of Ophelia Vanity. Coincidentally another Chinese girl who lies about being half Japanese and half Icelandic. She also uses her real first name, but a fake Icelandic last name.
No. 51948
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This is off her vk
No. 51949
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No. 52010
>>51986Bullying turns people into crazy race benders.
Who were her bullies? Part of me wants to rip them a new one.
No. 52041
>>51880holy shit she lives in australia?
can I move pls.
No. 52058
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dat badly edited pointy ass
No. 52062
>>52058And the blur on her hand next to it, so bad. She honestly looks fucking terrifying now, especially compared to here
>>51897 where I think she looks super cute. She looks like nightmare material nowadays.
No. 52079
>>52024>the 'better than you' attitudeThat attitude is not her own. She tries to mimic exactly how Valeria answers people on her own, but it comes out sounding like a massive joke:
Q:why are ppl jealous at you??"
A:Because they are not peaceful within themselves"
No. 52087
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too lazy, but I could make a very long list of photo comparisons like this. It would be creepier than the Mila-Felice ones.
No. 52145
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This is just terrible
No. 52159
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She sent Valeria an ask 3 months ago (translated here by chrome)
her obsession with her is extremely unsettling. She seems even MORE obsessed than Valeria's Russian clones, like that Yulia bitch.
No. 52265
WHAT? I consider myself someone who doesn't like children, especially since i dont want any, but come on now. Who actually says that shit? Is she trying to be edgy? fuck that cunt.
No. 52473
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The guy looks nothing like Russian to me personally. Rather Georgian? Idk.
No. 52506
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I'm confused. She had a conversation with the translator of Lifeinplastic21, where she admitted that she regularly reads her blog, yet denies that the girl in the Mcdonalds photo is her. So what exactly does this mean for her "Valeria who?" lies.
No. 52720
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No. 52721
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No. 52752
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>>52720>>52721This is too good.
To have such a prime lolcow, and undeniable proof of her bullshit come so fast
No. 52964
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Hey guys, it's lifeinplastic21. I just wanted to say that I discovered this girl thanks to you (I often read this board btw, generally because i love PT) and one of your anons who submitted an article about her, and my first reaction was "wow, she is just brilliant, I want more", so I wrote her on VK and even asked her for an interview in a hope that this would be entertaining enough to post it on my blog, but what I've got was very short and ordinary answers, just a huge waste of my time. So I am very disappointed, especially in myself. I mean, why did I expect this would be interesting?
Anyway, if you want, I can post some fragments from this conversation.
No. 53032
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>>52964You should have interviewed her in Russian.
Of course she's gonna tone it down when talking to you lol. I can't imagine how embarrassing it must be to try to impress people by raving that you're Russian, and then speaking to an actual Russian person who's been informed of your BS. She probably would have reacted very differently if the person asking for an interview were a random anon she thought she could fool with ridiculous lies. But she knows she can't fool you with them.
No. 53038
>>52964yaaas, please do! I'm sure it's kek-worthy.
>>53032omg, that would have been amazing. she'd no doubt have just been google translating back and forth but it probably would've been obvious, at least to lifeinplastic21. they could have asked the questions in a way that made it hard to translate, I wonder what she'd have done then. probably make some excuse like her russian isn't so good anymore because she forgot it since coming to australia or some bs.
No. 53076
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So here is my story.
First I wrote a nice comment in Russian under one of her pictures and sent her a friend reguest on Facebook, but then I noticed that she actually visits and updates her VK, unlike many non-Russians registered there, so I decided to contact her there, because I feel much more comfortable on VK. So I wrote her a message on VK in Russian:
"Hi, I wrote you on Facebook ^_^ May I talk to you?"
Imagine my surprise when two hours later I recieved the following message in very bad Russian (obviously Google translated):
go fuck yourself liar)))"
No. 53089
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So I wrote "Why are you so rude? I liked you and I just wanted to talk" or something, but it appeared that she blocked me. As I found out later, she also blocked me on Facebook and deleted my nice comment.
But two hours later she unblocked me and wrote the following:
"Hi :)
I read your blog all the time when I'm bored because it's funny and entertaining.
I hope you're not upset with my swearing before
there was a misunderstanding as I thought it was you who composed the article"
(she's talking about this post: )
"I read the pointless article again and realised it was some extremely jealous anti-fan with no life and an ugly soul who submitted it.
the photo of the girl holding a trophy of mcdonalds is not me because I've never worked at mcdonalds before
Certainly a blurry photo with an asian girl who has the first name Belinda is not a valid proof of anything.
Your blog is small.
I can only laugh at how jealous people are of me"
No. 53103
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(I apologize for my English in all my messages during this conversation as I wrote quickly and didn't check them for mistakes and typos)
I still was creeped out by her "omg i'm so russian" behavior back then, so I just wrote her what I think about it, but doing my best to sound friendly:
"Girl, you don't even look less Asian no matter what you do with you and your pictures, you need to realize that you're beautiful the way you are. Turning yourself into a person of some other race is so… self-racist? I mean, girls in the whole world find Asian girls super cute and dream of looking like them, you could use it to turn yourself into an idol, if you want to be popular so bad. Instead, you just look weird trying to look like someone else. You don't need it to be beautiful, because you're ALREADY beautiful.
I'm not a bad person and I just want to help you. Hope you realize it."
Here is what she wrote next:
"Help me with what?
I don't look asian at all.
Thanks for offering to 'help'. But your motives are delusioned and false.
I don't think you're a bad person, and you're actually good looking."
So when I read "I don't look Asian at all" I just gave myself a huge facepalm and decided to give up trying to convince her that being Asian is great and decided to play up to her instead…
No. 53114
File: 1424636463751.png (265.63 KB, 640x960, belinda4.png)

So I wrote:
"Fine, you're Russian and don't look Asian at all. Do you mind continue our conversation in our native language? It's weird that we, two Russian girls, have to talk in English"
And guess what she replied? That's right!
"I'm more fluent in English as I grew up in Australia."
Very smart, Belinda.
No. 53126
but damn, her 'Russian' needs to be seen
No. 53127
File: 1424636976028.png (274.4 KB, 640x960, belinda5.png)

Then, for some reason she decided to share her thoughts on my blog with me:
"Honestly, I'm not concerned of where that reader of yours think I'm from
I can only imagine that the most uneducated and hopeless people read your blog."
(hopeless like you, Belinda?)
"Buuuut you read it, too. Surprise)"
"I used to)"
(yeah, right, bitch, who cares that first you said that you READ it all the time, not USED TO READ, because it's FUNNY and ENTARTAINING)
"Haven't went on in a long time until you tried to add me on facebook and I recognized your face"
No. 53129
File: 1424637359612.png (11.19 KB, 694x122, damn.png)

the way she just shuts down the asker with a 'cool thanks'
No. 53131
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Then she suddenly switched on her thoughts on fame. Have no idea why, I said nothing. She just said that my blog is a shitty place for losers and then wrote this:
"Becoming famous as a real life barbie is pointless to me, it's so empty.
now you know that is not my motive."
"And what is your motive?"
"None of your concern."
(my thoughts at this moment: what a BITCH arrrrggh)
"Alright, I understand"
No. 53135
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She's deleting all her old posts from before she was 'Vladlena' so I'm dumping them.
No. 53138
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She's deleted all statuses talking in Chinese now. There are a few where she is google translating Japanese though.
No. 53140
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No. 53141
File: 1424638510307.jpg (199.61 KB, 1080x720, 24674878.jpg)

Bitch, really?
No. 53145
File: 1424638947975.png (282.94 KB, 640x960, belinda7.png)

"So basically that post is nothing. It stand for nothing and has no value whatsoever. There's no true entertainment in it either"
(trying to not sound rude… THAT BITCH… not sound rude…)
"But I believe that you, as a pretty intelligent person, should realize that it definitely LOOKS like you want to become famous as a doll.
For god's sake, you post a picture of you next to a stand with Barbie dolls, holding a box with one of these dolls and write that you're a new Barbie doll! This is your words, not mine, not that person's who submitted that post
Don't get me wrong, you can be whatever you want. But your controversial statements are very confusing, and that's basically why your personality causes questions and misunderstanding."
No. 53148
>>53141lol those warped shelves
does this bitch even try?
No. 53149
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Finally, I asked her for an interview. I send her a list of questions, and I believe that even a goddamn fyre hydrant could give me more interesting answers. Sigh…
Anyway, her interview:
- How came you live in Australia? Were you born in Russia? Have you ever been there?
- I was born in Vladivostok,Russia. My parents moved to Sydney when I was 3.
- In your opinion, why Russian women are considered the most beautiful?
- We just are.
- Who is your inspiration among famous Russian people?
- I love our president Vladmir, he is strong and a man who keeps his word.
(bitch, really? You're a GIRL, and your personal inspiration is Vladimir Putin??? Could you at least try to Google some Russian actresses or singers? You're not even trying!!!)
No. 53156
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- What do you do for living? Do you work/study?
- I don't work at the moment, work just isn't for me.
- Do you have a boyfriend? Please tell about him a little.
- I do not want to disclose my relationship status
So I felt like I want to punch her in the face because I asked her for an INTERVIEW, I gave her interesting questions, I spent my personal time writing them down, and all I've got - very short and super ordinary answers, like if I was one of annoying peasant Anons on her
So I asked her to give me more detailed answers before it's too late and she answers all of them.
No. 53160
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How can she deny she is asian when she looked like this?
No. 53161
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No. 53162
File: 1424642470715.png (724.1 KB, 1800x960, inter-3.png)

- You once posted a fascist swastika on your Facebook. Does it mean you are a white supremacist?
- The swastika symbol first originated in India. It is a sacred symbol associated with Hinduism and Buddhism and means peace. Hitler took the design and made it into something bad.
- But you posted exactly Hitler's swastika
- I was using it in the Indian way.
No. 53165
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Forgot this one, my bad
- Can you say that you are popular? Were you popular in school?
- Popularity is so overrated. What's actually important is power. I honestly don't remember anything from my high school life. It was a long time ago.
- A long time ago? But you are only 18
No. 53166
>>53131Ew. Her "high and mighty" attitude is not one of someone who actually believes they are high and mighty. You can tell it's coming from an insecure place who only knows how to blurt out what she thinks
other people would say, but fails at sounding real.
No. 53168
>>53143LMAO she's just a fucking parrot, calm down Valeria 2.0
Oops that's a compliment.
No. 53172
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- What are your measurements? How did you achieve such beautiful body?
- 170cm, 45kg. I've always taken care of myself ever since I was a young girl by eating healthy.
- What are your beauty standards? How a girl should look to be considered beautiful?
- I only use the highest quality cosmetics and skincare. I know that not many people can afford to have such a high standard. A beautiful girl would have a small,defined nose first of all. Small chin. And of course it's not all about the face. Figure is very important as well, so noticeable breasts, small waist and long legs are ideal.
No. 53174
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She looks so much cuter as an asian.
No. 53178
File: 1424644097997.jpg (214.48 KB, 1064x575, belinda3.jpg)

>>53149In order to be a good liar, you must first have good memory.
No. 53179
File: 1424644167832.jpg (473.7 KB, 1398x1144, belinda2.jpg)

That's it. ED article commencing now.
No. 53182
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- What advice would you give to girls who want to be pretty? What should they start with?
- If you want to be pretty and want men to fall for you, you need to take care of yourself as early as possible, eat healthy, exercise, abstain from cigarettes and alcohol. It's quite basic really. But the reason why so many young 18 year olds look like they're 30 nowadays is because they don't take care of their body.
- Thank you for your answers :)
But I'm still confused because you said you've been in school a long time ago, but you are only 18!
Aaaaand she just ignored me, again! I'm pretty sure she won't answer this question, because she has nothing to say except "Ok, I lied".
That's all for now, folks.
>>53170Hey, comrade Anon!
waves No. 53185
>>53184I know. I thought it would look dumb if I said it, because then I realized im not underweight.
I am 15, though.
No. 53186
>>53184I meant I USED to be extremely underweight, now I'm average and you can still see my ribs extending from my stomach.
I feel sickened by my own lack in typing skills.
No. 53187
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i was going trough her pictures and like why would you even post this, it's so obvious
No. 53190
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and that mouth photoshop hahahaha
No. 53206
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No. 53208
File: 1424647908747.png (346.97 KB, 576x498, lollolol.png)

yep, the truth always comes out Belinda.
No. 53243
>>53229Many people? HOW many? Names please! And since when being Russian is cool.
I, as a girl who was born in Russia, actually have always found it kind of embarrassing. And not only I. You would be surprised to know how many russophobes are among RUSSIANS, lol.
No. 53248
>>53229The obsession is not
with Russia it's with Valeria. If Valeria were Greek then she would probably be waving the Greek flag behind her pictures and claiming she recently got surgery on her big Greek nose.
It's probably also a mix of racial self-hatred. But the specific country was chosen because of her.
>>53232uh, no. Something as stupid as that doesn't qualify as a rumor.
No. 53266
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No. 53270
>>53255Wow, that's really weird. I see no reason to pretend to be Russian or Ukrainian, these countries have nothing to fall for them, with all my respect.
Oh, alright, for some reason Russian women are considered the most beautiful, this is the only reason why this desire makes sense. Though I personally disagree with this statement. All women are beautiful, no matter where they are from.
No. 53274
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No. 53280
>>53274Bwahaha! Bitch, u serious?? (0:39)
No. 53283
Done. you guys can edit it now or whatever, I'm pooped.
>>53274Oh wow, that's another of Valeria's quotes. I better go add it.
No. 53296
I wonder how she's gonna react when she finds out about this, lol
No. 53352
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No. 53429
You know, as much as this girl denies shit and tries to believe she's Russian, deep inside she knows she's a huge insecure fake. I somehow doubt she's built as tough of a shell as other lolcows. As far as we're concerned no one's ever confronted her with the conflicting Facebook posts and such, I think she'd have a meltdown if she saw her ED article.
>>53352Surprised she didn't straight up just deny it all.
No. 53446
>>53443Jeez, she must be a laughing stock then. That's so embarrassing.
Bte, do you have any idea when this Russian obsession began? And is it as bad irl?
No. 53449
>>53446It started about a year and a half ago.
Since I met her would obsess over kpop stars, youtube celebs like Community Chanell and Bubz Beauty, then she started to try and be goth as well for awhile.
When she decided to change into her Russian persona, she realized people knowing who she actually was would get in the way so she deleted everyone from school and anyone who knew her irl, I have an old account that is still friends with her on her fb though, that's how I got the friends only posts to show you guys.
She is popular in my area as well, a lot of people talk about her she walks around the shops in huge high heels and tiny shorts, big sunglasses and sometimes a wig. She came into my friend's work a few weeks ago and ordered something in and put her mobile number down and name as 'Belinda Kovalskaya' LOL, so I guess she takes it really seriously irl.
No. 53462
File: 1424673253345.jpg (51.38 KB, 453x604, 5OYVQhuEC7Y.jpg)

Her boyfriend legit looks like a skinhead.
No. 53508
>>53174Eh, looks like she's always been ugly and fake.
I almost hope she's an elaborate troll but I get the feeling she isn't.
No. 53510
>>53089She contradicts herself;
>the photo of the girl holding a trophy of mcdonalds is not me because I've never worked at mcdonalds before. Certainly a blurry photo with an asian girl who has the first name Belinda is not a valid proof of anything>with an asian girl who has the first name Belinda>an asian girlShe implies that she shares the same traits as this girl, but that they are broad and could apply to many people. Yet in saying this, she is
still implying that she, too, is Asian.
>>53103>I don't look asian at allShe really can't keep up with her lies.
No. 53518
>>53508Ugly? She looks super cute here…looks a bit shooped but she looked cute in the McDonald's award photo too and that was clearly unedited. I don't think she seemed 'fake' at all really. None of us except OP know her, so we can't really make assumptions as to how she used to be, but OP said she used to be shy and reserved, nothing about her being 'fake' or a bad person.
I'm not sure exactly how I feel about her. I dislike her when I see the recent pictures and posts from her because she acts so stuck up, thinks she's better than
everyone, is racist, hates pregnant women (wtf?), lies, the list goes on. But when I see the pictures of her pre-Valeria 2.0 era, I feel really bad and just sympathize with her. It's like they're two completely different people. I still think this phase of hers might've been a product of the bullying she experienced. That's mostly why I feel terrible, because she might've gotten away from the bullying since leaving school and now it's sort of coming back. I dunno. I want to know if OP thinks she deserves to get called out on all this shit and ridiculed or if it's just kind of a sad situation.
No. 53536
File: 1424687370044.png (41.52 KB, 524x459, 12121.PNG)

The bitch pisses me off by literally
copypasting Valeria's old creepy posts. Write your own posts you lazy shit! No. 53538"By the way did you know that alcohol is a shit of bacterias?"
(godzilla facepalm)
In moments like this, I can't believe she's not trolling. I mean it. There is no fucking way she uses idiotic Valeria's quotes like this one for purposes other than trolling.
No. 53550
>>53518Her entire style looks fakey and, in my opinion, rather ugly in order to cover up that she's an average looking, sort of plain Asian girl. Just chalk it up to different tastes I guess, I find that style really ugly, what can I say.
And I can't feel bad for her because from what I'm reading here she is just a copycat bitch that can't even be original, she has to copy someone else–word for word, no less– to make herself seem interesting. At least others here do their own shit, this is lolcow plus another layer of pathetic.
So yeah, it is sad that she got bullied apparently but that's no excuse to be a cunty lolcow.
No. 53555
>>53255There's this stereotype that Russian men are hardcore machos who don't afraid of anything, so some guys who are unhappy with 'softy' left-leaning (from their point of view) governments or the influence of feminism in their country idealize Russia as some kind of badass manly-man haven. I don't understand it either but yeah, I've known guys like this, too. They're always creeps and tend to be white supremacists.
The actual Russian and Ukrainian people I know are actually very intelligent, sensible people who don't condone machismo or white supremacy at all, and tend to be embarrassed by the stereotype.
No. 53585
File: 1424703516718.jpg (67.91 KB, 720x540, 10929968_1044234305592337_3027…)

Guess nobody reminded her that she's skipped arm day.
No. 53671
>>53664Top kek.
47 kg is 104 lbs. At 5'1, that's most definitely chubby.
You sound like one of those stupid Lifetime movies where the 'anorexics' weigh 110 lbs and have a covering of baby fat and everyone is shrieking at them that they'll die at their weight.
No. 53676
File: 1424717151807.png (389.22 KB, 461x574, capture-20150223-193939.png)

lol so some chick commented on how the doors were bending behind her arm and she was just like "bad photographer"
No. 53677
>>53668Yeah, it's not "extremely underweight." It is thin though.
>>53671104 lbs 5'1" = BMI of 19.6. Healthy/"normal" range is 18.5-24.9.
inb4 "BMI doesn't count because bodybuilders."
No. 53681
File: 1424718742828.jpg (125.52 KB, 600x800, belinda.jpg)

She looks cute here. It's that horrid nose makeup that ruins everything
No. 53682
File: 1424718784480.png (134.91 KB, 221x529, Screen Shot 2015-02-23 at 2.08…)

>>53674God damnit, anon. That's how I know too.
I would strongly recommend Starving in Suburbia if you haven't seen that one yet. I just watched it last night and it's the most batshit insane one of those films I've seen thus far.
More related to the thread, '"Belinda Kovalskaya"' likes the page 'Beautiful Anorexic [BA♥]' on her VK; tagline 'Худей, жируха' / 'Slimming fatty.'
That's kind of a funny thing to do for someone who photoshops their limbs into sticks in every picture. Not to mention when she self-submitted 'so you don't even fear gaining weight haha?' to her and answered 'Why would I fear gaining weight? I won't. It's not even a possibility.' So fucking strange. Like she had to post her fear publicly for her to farcically deny it.
No. 53683
>>53682Oh lol I think one of the worst ones I saw was called "When Friendship Kills" or something. God it was awful.
I do remember this super cute one though about two girls that get swept away to become Playboy bunnies, and one is like a stereotypical blonde who gets all the male attention and the other is a shy brunette, and it turns out the shy brunette is a better bunny than the blonde so the blonde starts starving herself and drinking to compete with her friend and it's actually pretty good you should watch it.
It's called A Tale of Two Bunnies in some countries and The Price of Beauty in others.
No. 53692
File: 1424719679446.gif (453.21 KB, 600x800, belindashoop.gif)

shooped her.
No. 53695
>>53692I'm scurd.
tbh I think she's already quite pretty, she just fucks her face up with the ridiculous contouring and eyebrows.
No. 53718
File: 1424721934295.jpg (336.31 KB, 600x800, belindabrows.jpg)

>>53681That and the brows. Just change those two things and she looks great.
No. 53721
File: 1424722407288.jpg (70.02 KB, 367x550, fergie.jpg)

Features aside, why is nobody talking about the AWFUL crimped hair?
That shit doesn't suit anybody except maybe black women, and even then it's sparse.
No. 53783
File: 1424728331136.jpg (58.01 KB, 453x604, 4IUVYqd-zKc.jpg)

I can't believe she actually went to the gym like this.
No. 53784
File: 1424728412853.jpg (30.28 KB, 453x604, UUbSY3rA4PA.jpg)

No. 53957
>>53939You must hold your weight like shit or something, because you are thin.
BMI wise, you are very underweight.
No. 53969
>>53962Why are you so scared of the word thin? Your weight doesn't fit the average of your height, hence the usage of the word. No one is telling you you're "too skinny, gain sum weight heheh uwu" … Just that you're thin for your height/weight combo.
Holy fuck.
No. 53972
>>53969>>53966>>53965Really? All I'm saying is that if you're a fucking midget at my weight, then you might just be a fat fuck. I'm about average weight, so if you're that short and weigh the same as me, then you're a fat piece of shit and should consider suicide.'m only slightly underweight, which is "not that thin". I never said I wasn't fucking thin, but you must be a bucket of disgusting lard if you're my weight and short.
No. 54017
File: 1424761768795.jpg (50.89 KB, 600x800, FB_IMG_1424761525791.jpg)

This made me lol cos she's doing the \m/
No. 54021
File: 1424762574210.png (383.03 KB, 1067x1650, 2015-02-24 18.19.30.png)

The more you lurk her the better it gets, status said 'asians look similar to those with down syndrome' these were the comments. Even better, she had to edit her comment 3 times to spell 'aesthetic' correctly.
No. 54142
>>54141Nobody cares.
>>54021I kind of wonder how serious this self hatred stuff is. This is so strange to me, especially since she apparently used to embrace being Asian.
No. 54145
>>54021Hahahah oh man, I feel slightly bad for her because it's obvious she hates her own race so much, but she is so laughable. She looks asian and no photoshop gonna change that.
No. 54367
>>54357wow I feel such horrible second-hand embarrassment right now.
This like a weeb being made fun of by real Japanese.
No. 54370
>>54357Meh. Nothing interesting.
>> No wonder she does it [copycats Valeria], Asians always fall for cheap but colorful things.
>> Now I can imagine how Japanese must have felt about first wave of weeaboo craze, when girls all over the world started jumping out of their panties trying hard to look like Asians) They must have felt so creeped out looking at all these white girls speaking bad Japanese and trying so hard to look "Asian" and "kawaii"))I first felt super creeped out looking into her overshoopped slavic eyes))
No. 54427
>>54425me too
i know she's acting really rude and mean but bullying can really fuck up a person so I honestly feel sad for her
it really seems like those bullies made her hate her ethnicity and herself so it explains why now shes pretending to be someone else
No. 54449
File: 1424830455265.png (8.02 KB, 784x107, hahaahahahahaha.png)

No. 54453
>>54449what even goes through her head when she writes these?…
also, I wonder if she blurts out this "I'm Russian" crap irl, I wonder if her parents know about it.
No. 54490
File: 1424836287796.jpg (125.64 KB, 600x800, asian.jpg)

>>54483I doubt it, unless they're downright retarded. Even in her VK pictures with the heavy makeup on eyes and nose she still looks fully Asian.
No. 54501
>>53248This is true. She seems to know next to nothing about Russian culture, she only ever brings up Russia when someone asks her about it, and the only time she didn't was when she said that Russians naturally have big noses. Seems like a strange thing to say about a race of people you love so much that you pretend to be one.
The pic of her in front of the Russian flag was probably only to copy Valeria's as well.
No. 54523
File: 1424846234625.png (863.88 KB, 775x536, wat.png)

>>51859Her tits look mega fucked up.
No. 54527
>>54524What if it's not her boyfriend though….. I mean there's only some pictures of her putting her arm around him. You could do that to someone who's just a friend.
Plus, there's something fishy about how she declines to mention him whenever asked about her relationship. Having a Russian boyfriend would seem like the first thing she would be boasting and gloating about.
Maybe somebody could just ask him "is Belinda your girlfriend?"
No. 54531
>>54499Yeah was going to say, same here. Also met a few Russians who looked East Asian. Its a large country so not surprising some look that way depending on the region.
I doubt Belinda knows this, she wouldn't have to change her look and still get away with calling herself Russian.
No. 54852
File: 1424918506770.jpg (70.17 KB, 800x600, FB_IMG_1424918305654.jpg)

She has got to be trollin
No. 54899
File: 1424929400629.jpg (51.22 KB, 604x453, mbsaJevB1w0.jpg)

That bad shoop tho
No. 54966
>>54951Obviously not white enough, lol
But seriously, wtf is happenning in her stupid head if she identifies herself as Nordic, ie blue-eyed blonde with pale skin! What the fuck is wrong with you, Belinda?
No. 54968
>>54704Actually she's trans-ethnic
No. 54977
File: 1424950750114.jpg (6.32 KB, 281x179, beauty.jpg)

She'll never be this, she should just accept it.
No. 54986
>>54966There's a laser procedure you can sign up for that turns brown eyes blue, because brown eyes have blue pigment in them. It's still in the beta stage, which is why you have to sign up, but the procedure is completely safe and works.
I could see her doing it tbh. That and bleaching her hair.
No. 55061
>>55020I never understood Valeria calming to be Nordic either. But with this bitch it's SO fucking ridiculous I can't even find it funny. How can she be retarded enough to boast about being Russian, i.e Slavic and say she's Nordic?
And btw, anthropologyfag here and to be the Nordic type is not just eye and hair color. It's facial structure down to the bone. Your jaw, forehead, nose, chin etc. have to be a certain shape.
No. 55074
>>55041I would say you should stop giving these worthless attentionwhores attention because nobody gives a fuck about their stupid measurements, but I kind of agree, measurements are better.
>>55061I thought this was funny too. Why not claim to be slavic if you are trying to be Russian? Probably just because "nordic" sounds better…even though in all her fakeness she doesn't even bother dying her hair blonde or using blue contacts.
No. 55085
>>55041Gonna say one word.
I'm 5'2 but my age is an awkward one, and i'm around 47kg.
I have some pudge in the bottom of my stomach, but my ribs are still outlined. I am not chubby, because I'm muscled in my arms, and have a big head. I'd post a picture but that's going too far.
If you have thighs, and figure, it's perfectly fine to be 47kg. But if you're a complete stick, you'll look fat. Weight'll drag down more.
You can also have a lot of fat in your calves, which often isn't accounted for. Or in your ankles.
Just saying. Sorry to be a bother.
No. 55101
File: 1424984096159.png (38.12 KB, 826x157, Screen Shot 2015-02-26 at 3.51…)

Apparently it takes years to bleach your hair.
No. 55273
>>55147Had to google this
I've never heard about most of these dishes.
>>55151meh I really like 19th century Russian literature (Russian realism) and Russian ballet but when Russia became commie everything went to shit
No. 55617
>>53162>I was using it in the Indian wayburst out laughing. if you're going to be a giant racist then at least stick to your beliefs when called out on them.
also, she's pro hitler when if hitler had succeeded he would have killed her for not being part of the aryan race. is this bitch for real?
No. 55637
She's claiming to be Slavic again. I think she doesn't know what the fuck those terms are suppose to mean.
>>55617Actually Hitler was cool with Asians.
No. 55651
File: 1425152695913.jpg (49.41 KB, 604x453, y-S6dxXOfp8.jpg)

>>53783oh my god. that is way cringe-worthy. that outfit is horrible enough without the wig and sunglasses. so much secondhand embarrassment.
No. 55942
>>55941She's lying about everything.
Anything she says should be dismissed as a lie unless proven otherwise.
No. 56160
File: 1425292000700.jpg (5.73 KB, 194x260, images (2).jpg)

>>53462I just realised that her makeup looks like how people tend to do their highlighting/contouring horribly for attack on titan cosplay…
No. 56439
File: 1425337017255.jpg (56.54 KB, 453x604, N_NDdJroJro.jpg)

No. 56536
Soo.. is anyone gonna help with contributing/editing this?'s pretty short and all over the place.
No. 56906
File: 1425430633250.png (784.34 KB, 997x975, Screen Shot 2015-03-03 at 7.53…)

It's funny cause in reality she's only 2 years older than that but looks like a Chinese auntie.
No. 58507
File: 1425792478281.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-03-08-16-22-14…)

No. 58509
File: 1425793149668.png (6.53 KB, 407x89, belindaisatrip.png)

This cap is old but I laughed really hard when I read it.
No. 58581
>>58507>complains about how society is overweight and it's disgusting how people allow this to happen>actively goes to a location (seemingly) just to mock people who are actively trying to change that (lets be real, she is just standing around in there trying to look pretty/get attention, she's probably not doing anything worthwhile)At least those fat people are doing something at the gym and don't just spend their time watching other people. She's lazier than a fatty.
What does she even want from these people?
No. 60098
File: 1426040502316.png (36.14 KB, 695x719, bella.png)

Does she send these all to herself?
No. 60104
>>60098Lol that misleading weight bullshit that women buy into.
No. 60137
>>60098honestly some of them are probably troll questions (I know I sent a few). Her answers are so incredibly boring that I doubt most are self-sent.
Her identity issues are fucked up, but her personality is so dead that it ruins the potential fun. On top of that, she's so fucking stupid. Not even the funny kind, but the "wtf is inside her head?" kind.
No. 60319
>>60137Amen, brother Anon. I used to expect a lot from this lolcow in the beginning, I mean, look at her legend! "I'm fully Russian you ugly peasants ur juz jealous of mah nordic beautey gtfo". It's soooo hilarious it's almost brilliant! And her crazy contouring… And her shoops! In the beginning everyone agreed that she has everything to be a gold mine of lulz.
But then she opened her stupid mouth and started talking - that failed interview, then her stupid answers on Ask, and… yeah, now we have what you have said: she is incredibly boring, extremely unoriginal (even for a complete copycat!) and just SOOOO stupid, but - again - not even in a funny way!
No. 66551
File: 1426981055231.jpg (39.45 KB, 600x800, 10484775_1087865741229193_1755…)

I haven't checked her facebook in a while, and the first thing I saw was this.
How does someone get worse at something the more they do it?
No. 66845
>>66551Holy fuck. I don't even want to know how that contouring looks in person.
She really layered it on and managed to look white here.
But jfc, the amount of make-up to do it…
No. 67298
>>67208I agree. She is playing a part of who she wants to be, but in reality she is shy/incredibly insecure. (Sadly, I can relate) When you're that insecure in yourself and you receive the negativity that she's been receiving from people recently (for good reason, though, I'm not white-knighting) you really just want to disappear. That's been my experience, anyway.
I really hope to see more from her, she started off infinitely amusing. :( Maybe we should work on building up her confidence so we can see more lolz.
No. 67791
>>67701A couple of things:
1. A native Russian speaker has already tried to speak to her in Russian. She refused.
2. It is VERY easy for children to forget their native language when they move from their country/start speaking another language as their main. I've seen it happen many times.
No. 67804
>>67791actually I'm one of those children. I left my native country at the age of 4, and English is absolutely my main language now. However, there's no way in hell I wouldn't be able to hold off a basic conversation with someone in my native language. I may do it with a shitload of misspelling and weird speech pattern, but I'm still 100% funcionable in it…..(woah now that I think about it, she could use this as an excuse for why her Russian is so bad lolll)
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I can say the same for any other kid like me, unless a real effort was made for them to discontinue speaking/hearing that language. Like what Mira intends to do to her kids.
And to answer #1, Lifeinplastic21 gave up too easily when she said that, if someone pushed for it and challenged her excuses for why she couldn't, she'd have no choice.
No. 67863
>>67804Idk, my best friend in middle school had a parent that spoke her native language as well as all of my bff's grand parents, aunt's uncles, etc. but she herself could not speak a word of it despite it being the only language she spoke her first 5 years of life
she could grasp some of the basic meanings, but the very basic, intermediate level meanings
not that I'm defending belinda, just that people
are capable on forgetting a language even though the people around her speak it, idk why though
No. 67871
>>67863Yeah, my mom's native language was Spanish. She stopped speaking it around the age of five or six when she was forced in school to start speaking English. She knows a few words still, but can't converse/understand much and her Spanish pronunciation isn't good at all.
So yeah,
While some people retain the language (like you, apparently) others don't. It is simple to forgot when you are that young and don't have opportunities to practice. It doesn't take any "real effort" at all to not retain it, it just fades away if you don't use it.
No. 67875
>>67871Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, in my mom's case she has always been brilliant at math and science and not so good at language skills. Perhaps that is why she didn't retain her native language well, I don't know. Let's just agree that everyone is different.
And I guess it's really kind of irrelevant because in Belinda's case she is just entirely full of shit.
No. 70078
>>69894I do the same. Every now and then I ask her questions about her life, or trick questions about Russians or something. Surprisingly she answers almost all of them.
I really hate how people send her a paragraph of comments/questions and she answers the whole thing with 2 words. Ignoring 90% of what was said. You'd think somebody this crazy would have a personality to match. It's no wonder she ended up being a carbon copy of another person, she has no character of her own at all.
No. 70100
>>70078Yeah, I think you summed it up pretty well. No personality whatsoever. She's so vague with her answers, I wonder how one even gets into her social circle (which so far seems to exclusively be that supposedly Russian male friend.)
Or maybe she's just not good at making friends with anyone, it kind of seems that way.
No. 83130
File: 1429210728277.jpg (516.74 KB, 500x2041, belinda.jpg)

After over a month of silence, a Belinda "white knight" pops in out of no where.
No. 83180
>>83157lmao sorry
I kinda want that person to come here and whiteknight, we can still squeeze juices out of the Belinda drama yet.
No. 83753
>>83195So cringe.
Russia is actually my native tongue but I immigrated to Canada when I was pretty young. I probably would of forgotten the language completely if my mom didn't force me to go to "Russian after school-school".
That being said, I can always try and befriend her and get some details?
No. 83801
>>83195Lel, so typical of Belinda.
As a native Russian, I kinda would like to talk to her oh-so-russian friends. Of course, if they are not imaginary (and I believe they are). If you remember how she told me to gtfo in broken Russian before she realized I am a native Russian, you can imagine how second-hand awkward this conversation could be. I mean, if her "friends" are real and they are Russian wannabes like her.
No. 83803
File: 1429281516342.png (468.08 KB, 631x651, Сниsaxaxaмок.PNG)

PS: she pisses me off with posting shit like this. This is how foreigners see Russians, and it's kinda offending, like any stereotype.
As oh-so-native-Russian, she should have known that only foreigners OR complete patriot redneck morons would enjoy shit like this.
No. 88521
File: 1429996310020.png (477.3 KB, 523x553, be yourself.png)

She's my favourite lolcow. I'm staring to believe that she's genuinely oblivious to what she's doing.
She really needs to stop using that orange ass bronzer as a contour. I'm on the same boat, but I have the sense to stop using it.
No. 89026
>>88521Ugh, her contouring….yeah, she's becoming my favorite, too.
With pale skin, you need to use cool toned contours that are light in color. Bright ass orange and brown on fair skin just looks like you have dirt smeared all over you.
Well, it's going to look like dirt all over her anyways 'cause this poor girl doesn't know how to blend shit properly nor know how to use a light hand for application.
She had a post a while back yapping about drugstore products (NYX, Maybelline, Covergirl, etc) and how she would never use such, acting as if she was above them and materialistic. Bitch please, your makeup application looks like a 14 year old just went crazy at a drugstore buying their first products from the clearance bin. Hell, I've seen 14 year olds apply their makeup better… I know I can be picky too with brands, but damn if I see it at the drugstore and I like it, I'll use it. No care here.
No. 89352
>>83803I'm Russian and this is not entirely true, but yeah, only rednecks or patriots would enjoy this on daily basis. There is also country music teachers and their students who genuinely enjoy playing this stuff as well, but I guess it's more of a team spirit + they are getting praise and money out of it.
The only times any other Russian citizen would enjoy this kind of music are national holidays. To be honest I never even heard of this song she posted.
No. 89625
File: 1430169397602.png (667.02 KB, 983x977, belinda.png)

>All humans are apes. Hominidae = great ape.
>She's probably talking about chimps or gorillas.
>That's impossible, a human can't be more "insert other species" than human.
No. 89774
>>89711Yeah, why does she think the crimping is a good look? Hasn't someone told her otherwise?
Also, I love how she always wears sunglasses to hide her Chinese.
No. 90009
>>89776Is this what you really believe in?
Cause I'm Russian, and all I want to do with her when she starts spreading this "Omg I'm so Russian" shit on the internets is punch her in the face. I don't feel flattered at all. AT FUCKING ALL. She creeps me out with her public insulting of her own race and pisses me off with claiming she is white/Russian.
I wouldn't be surprised if Japanese feel the same way about weebs. In fact, I'd be surprised if they actually feel flattered.
No. 90086
File: 1430250902776.jpg (125.16 KB, 600x800, asian.jpg)

>>90009Her Russian friends don't seem to think like you. It's clear as fucking daylight that she's Asian, and it should be even more noticeable irl. I suppose at most she can pass for mixed race considering all she does to change her features, but you'd have to be pretty stupid to think she were a full white woman.
So if her Russian friends are aware she's pretending to be Russian and saying all that embarrassing shit, why do they still hang out with her?
No. 90088
File: 1430251039612.jpg (49.54 KB, 800x600, dim.jpg)

here's his facebook it looks like the 8ch guys are sending her asks.
>You don't look Asian at all. Instead, you look like my Slavic cousin after she dyed her hair black to look like a Gypsy-Emo type thing! Was it wrong for me to have gotten intimate with her provided she looks almost like you? No. 90960
File: 1430354839482.gif (78.28 KB, 500x288, 0102.gif)

>>90785>>keep her around as their personal lolcowI hope so, Anon, I hope so. This is the only really reasonable explanation which justifies them in my eyes.
No. 90981
File: 1430356062022.jpeg (29.45 KB, 200x200, ugh.jpeg)

has someone figured out how to milk her yet…. just fucking invite her here, let her whiteknight herself. whatever, just gimme the juices
No. 91009
>>90990I sent it. Probably possibilities:
1. she deletes fucking everything and goes into hiding.
2. she bitches about us on facebook.
3. she comes here but with unfunny and confusing one-liners, dodging everything she can't answer for.
No. 91026
File: 1430360584542.gif (428.88 KB, 320x240, tumblr_n7e32dzrM01s6sc4lo2_400…)

>>90981I gave her a link to the thread, like, years ago in a hope to milk her a little. She played her traditional "too important to give a shit" act and only said:
>>People will gossip and gossip and gossip. But at the end of the day, it's only gossip amongst simpletons.And that's it.
Still, I'm sure she checks her thread regularly. She is too self-obsessed to ignore the fact that people on the internets discuss her.
No. 91195
File: 1430377410473.png (314.92 KB, 720x959, Screen Shot 2015-04-30 at 2.50…)

>>91173are you OP?
that sounds weird. Maybe he found out about her shit, but she's still using him for show.
No. 93280
File: 1430726723956.png (112.99 KB, 499x353, Milkman.png)

So I tried to contact Dmitry, but had no luck - he refused to reply. I sent him two messages for this whole time, and got no answer.
If someone else on here wants to try - good luck to them. I'm tired of this stupid cow and failed attempts to milk her or her environment. She is totally worthless.
No. 93549
File: 1430775556532.png (8.25 KB, 665x90, neutral.png)

No. 110629
File: 1432607718075.jpg (64.83 KB, 653x503, whut.jpg)

Is she trolling, or really just this dumb? I wish I knew the answer.
No. 110658
>>110629This chick is honestly the stupidest person to ever live
and it's hilarious
No. 110985
>>110629I saw this last night as well, I have to think she's just either really air headed or so "smart" that her idolization of Valeria is fairly spot on with all of the controversial statements and then denial. Honestly, like everyone else has already said, she's wearing a mask.
When she changes her face and body in photoshop, she can be whoever she wants to be online. I can't tell if she is deliberately trying (failing) to be an ignorant alien barbie queen or if she's actually a hateful person with no IQ.
No. 112534
File: 1432821951557.png (439.61 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-28-09-01-00…)

>>112518you were not fucking kidding.
It's like a war of lolcows over there, battlefields as far as the eye can see, soaked in milk and salty tears.
No. 112544
File: 1432824931912.jpg (63.38 KB, 960x960, 11350885_926409327417976_60321…)

No. 112650
File: 1432837284097.png (1.39 MB, 522x7454, snap00228.png)

Phew… I documented every fucking thing. In case she deletes it or her account.
No. 112774
>>112650the people commenting/insulting her are almost as ludicrous as Belinda herself.
I'm looking at you, Chay Chay & Katie Jo.
also wtf at the people posting 'white oppression!' memes, isn't Belinda chinese or something?
No. 112804
File: 1432849686162.png (1.16 MB, 769x5628, snap00001.png)

Moar screen caps for the history.
No. 112805
File: 1432849710149.png (1.07 MB, 774x5149, snap00010.png)

No. 112806
File: 1432849748487.png (987.77 KB, 838x3707, snap00050.png)

No. 112808
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No. 112809
File: 1432850036566.png (284.4 KB, 506x1921, snap00019.png)

No. 112810
File: 1432850074918.png (497.42 KB, 765x1644, snap00023.png)

No. 112926
File: 1432857161785.jpg (65.25 KB, 600x800, belinda.jpg)

>You ugly dying looking bitch
No. 117817
File: 1433629465683.png (9.99 KB, 533x206, Фото (2).PNG)

Guys, lifeinplastic21 is here. Remember I made a post about someone who tried to whiteknight Belinda after I posted her on my blog?
Today he(?) suddenly wrote me the following message (pic related).
So I'm confused and not sure what I should reply to this. Should I say that no matter what she does with her life, this doesn't justify her shitty and extremely racist attitude? Or should I express some compassion and maybe try to get some more info? Ideas?
No. 119385
File: 1433916912995.png (1 MB, 1480x5738, диалог.png)

Sorry for being silent you guys, here's the full conversation with that guy. Pardon my shitty English, I don't feel well lately and make lots of mistakes.
So he suddenly wrote me two months after our previous conversation, like, for no reason at all. And before I even replied, he told the rest of the story without me even asking. lol.
And… well, read the conversation.
No. 119412
>>119385>Vladlena>"Russian beauty with dark hair"why is this the most shocking part for me out of all this? even as prostitute she still pretends to be Russian, lol talk about false advertisement. And way to go calling herself the same name she uses on her personal profiles, idiot. Also whoever that person is sounds shady/pretentious as fuck and almost as stupid as Belinda herself.
So her adoptive parents are from Uzbekistan. I half don't believe that, I mean it would be a reason why she doesn't accept her own race, I guess, but then again OP has posted pics of her writing in Chinese, and she has several Chinese friends on facebook too.
No. 120225
>>111127>sweet gothic lolitawhat? this wasn't in the thread before.
Got pics?
No. 121045
>>119385kinda have a feeling that the guy is the one who owns the account for some reason idk
just the encouraging you to talk to her on it thing
but i can obvi be wrong
No. 133424
File: 1436232556585.jpg (11.91 KB, 640x360, FB_IMG_1436232471572.jpg)

Her 'no makeup'photos are frightening
No. 133425
File: 1436232585222.jpg (12.08 KB, 640x360, FB_IMG_1436232468258.jpg)

No. 218536
>>119415it doesn't cost $70 a month lmao i have an account on there and i'm a greedy fuck
>inb4 whorei'm just trying to supplement my income to pay for college and going on dates with rich old men seemed like a good solution
No. 220124
>>134503>But her one video she just posted is freaky. How is looking at the camera and slowly blinking attractive?which is exactly what her idol Valeria used to do in like 90% of her videos before she discovered that vlogging thing in 2013 or 2014. After that only 60% of her vids contain that pointless narcissistic staring in camera. At least unlike Belinda she's got something to say now even if it's mostly new age bullshit, shitty beauty tips and boring vlogs. Too bad Belinda is too dumb even for that.
>>218373Old Valeria's quote, almost literally copypasted.
No. 439250
>>439144Seeing this thread bumped brought up a lot of memories, she was one of the first cows this site introduced me too.
But are we sure this is her? The woman in the picture has a very squared face, in all the other pictures posted ITT her face looked oval
No. 439251
>>439250i think all of those old photos were heavily photoshopped, like
>>52145also her The Ring hair hid most of her face and other anons said she was very heavy handed with contouring, that may be why she looked like she had a pointy face. honestly she looked like an alien in most of them, i'm glad she looks a bit more self-possessed now.
No. 439451
Is she still racist tho?
No. 439678
>>439451thats whats im thinking about too lol
did she clean up her act because she legitimately realized the error of her ways or just to keep people off her back?