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No. 519998
New thread: HERE
The old thread is almost full, so I'm taking this opportunity to start the next installment off with an announcement.
I'd like to address the complaints regarding the infighting and nitpicking in the past threads. While investigating some of the most active posters in order to combat their evasion of priorly issued bans, we stumbled upon one particularly committed poster who turned out to be none less than Dasha herself. We are certain that it's her for multiple reasons. Without going too deeply into the
technical details of tying these posts to her, all of the following conditions applied to all of the many different IPs found to be her:
- her correct geolocation
- using three different iPhones (Dasha is known to have two, Cyr has another) and the browsers shown in her vlogs
- little typing quirks that lined up with tweets and other messages posted on her social media
- English language mistakes that are typical for native German speakers
- an intense vendetta against Mina while praising Dasha, posting a lot of 'inside' knowledge without providing proof, but as if she were personally involved
- active posting times correlated with her twitter activity
We have marked all of Dasha's known posts with the little drawing shown on the left. Much thanks to the staff member who came up with it!
You can read the entirety of Dasha's known post history
here. The deleted file you'll find a placeholder for was an attempt of Dasha's to post a photo of Mina's passport to lolcow.
Please note: We are also aware of a different user who has been banned multiple times. They have been accused of being Dasha by other users, but despite a similar location, this user is NOT the same user we have concluded to be Dasha. Aside from the stark difference in post content, there is enough evidence including technical data for us to be absolutely certain that they are two different users. If you want to read more about our methods, please refer to We have been observing this thread for a long time and made sure to be absolutely certain before outing her. User outings are taken very seriously and are only executed in cases of severe rule violations.
No. 520002
File: 1526595855214.gif (1.87 MB, 480x270, bahahaha.gif)

Putin is fucking insane holy shit, Ooo bitch you outed now you nutbar.
No. 520003
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tfw you argued with Dasha but thought it was just a rabid fan/Mina hating sperg
No. 520025
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This is my new favorite thing ever! Thank you so much admins.
No. 520029
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Holy mother of milk!!!! I fucking knew something was fishy! She’s sperging out on IG stories right now, being a complete hypocrite.
No. 520030
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>I just watched Minas love stream and I seriously hate her. she talks like a retard child. “uwu I look so littol with my bangs i wish papi Edwin was here” I’m gonna throw up
No. 520036
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No. 520055
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In case she tries to play the Hitler salute off
No. 520061
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Someone go get the worlds smallest violin kek
No. 520072
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I found an old photoshoot with her and the ex bf she called 'the love of her life' even when she was already with Cyr (on her old
No. 520088
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Don't you wish you'd stayed a basic Model-Kartei bitch now, Julia Stadler / Julia J'Zargo / Dasha Anou / Julia Blinow … as many names as you got faces, huh
No. 520089
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>>520088She tried so hard and got so far…
No. 520099
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She is treading kota levels of shooping.
No. 520103
>>520099This is so much more jarring if you have
>>520088 for comparison
No. 520110
>>520104Peep jaclyn in the comments
>jaclynglenn This comes as a total shock to me>>520107Naw did anyone capture it?
No. 520111
File: 1526604422623.png (59.12 KB, 306x365, text.png)

I never noticed how weird her grammar and syntax are, but after reading her post history I can't unsee it
No. 520114
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I fucking knew it. This is hilarious. I cannot get enough of the batshit insanity.
No. 520119
>>520118Care to post it anyway?
You can turn it into a .webm to upload here No. 520157
File: 1526609411273.png (24.72 KB, 1215x77, crazy.png)

What a psycho, holy shit. She just had to make Mina and Edwin feel paranoid about their fans.
No. 520158
File: 1526609598075.png (25.8 KB, 1709x186, ew.PNG)

I'm living that Dasha confirmed she is a racist by posting here. Why you got beef on Edwin for being mexican? trumpsha.
No. 520195
>>520187She did say she was intending to make cyr suicidal to break him at one point.
I think it's been known for a while that the girl is very mentally ill. She needs help.
No. 520210
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Holy fuck, this is so embarrassing. And here I thought the milk had dried up already.
No. 520226
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Just waiting for more faux positivity posts and utter denial that she ever posted.
No. 520227
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You know I would usually think the hitler salute type shit is edgy but considering she shills for doe deere and limecrime AND this post… it's all starting to fit. Trasha is closeted racist lol
No. 520228
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Ty for blessing us w this glorious milk admins
No. 520231
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it’s ok Dasha, I’d be mad too kek
No. 520232
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>>519998Bonkers. I read through the other 2 threads last week to try and understand the drama but between the wigs, photoshop, absurd fashion, and dumb twitter/insta handles I couldn't make heads or tails of which girl was which in pictures/screenshots.
Can anyone give a summary of how the bad blood started in the first place? I still don't quite understand the whole Edwin history
No. 520236
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Dasha's now going off on Tumblr and posting more 'unreleased' screenshots but it's totally not her!!
No. 520237
>>520236>I have a lot of confidential shit me and D keep between each other because she doesn’t wanna start anything. But ya’ll wanna label her the most. Idgaf anymore, if D gets upset with me ot blocks me oh well. I’m screen capping out conversations, and all the shit she send me. I DONT DEFEND HER BECAUSE SHES PRETTY AND ALL THAT SHIT. I defend her because of what I seen, the one sidedness. Edwin never admits to his wrongs. That’s bs. Edwin shamed her for her, saying she got lip injections, guess what, I have screenshots of Minas private account where she admits she got cheek injections. He shamed her for that sugar daddy site she was on, but Minas also a sugar baby but there’s screen caps of that too. Girl I got it all, the only reason she didn’t reveal it is because she didn’t wanna stoop to edwins level, talking shit about her taking xanex and framing her for shit. She didn’t wanna shame mina for being an sb, or getting injections, because that’s what Edwin did, he said “fuck that fake shit” but his own gf did all that he talked down about. Stay tuned hoe.mysides.jpg No. 520239
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Now she's framing Mina in a Melanie Martinez-esque situation
No. 520241
>>520232I'm in a goodmood so here is the gist.
>mina was cyrs ex gf>cyr cheated on mina with dasha (he is a serial cheater)>dasha and mina had bad blood for a bit>dasha got cozy on twitter>befriend mina>tell her cyr was an ass to her and forces cyr to apologize on cam to mina>pressures mina to come to LA because cyr owes her>mina flies to LA and hangs with edwin mina and dasha>after billiegate something strange happens>edwin posts a vlog of him and mina leaving the apartment>apparently edwin was kicked out>poly shit with dasha cyr and mina revealedbasically dasha is insane
No. 520246
>>520235There are literally 7 threads about these people, most of which are maxed out with just people arguing over 2 identical white girls
>spoonfeedingwhat's ur damage
>520241bless u anon, that's all I wanted
No. 520248
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She basically admitted herself Cyr cheated kek
No. 520250
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>>520236 it's Hentaiiguy look on Twitter. Why don't you post the whole thing
There's more
No. 520252
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No. 520254
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No. 520256
>>520250there's a reason twitter verification exists, god damn dasha minions have weak ass proof
I'm more inclined to believe dasha was also behind all those creepy mina and cyr fan accounts considering the 3 phones she has plus the fact she's been posting here on a kaka high
No. 520257
>>520256and why would mina make an account called "mina bell priv" if it's supposed to be actually private kek
this is pure autism at its finest
No. 520260
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>>520250so putin's post history is outted as obsessively hateposting about mina and wk'ing herself BUT mina got fillers so she must be the BIG BAD in all this. jfc. these people really don't have any excuses besides "but mina".
No. 520264
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>dAsHa wiLL GeT soOo MaD aT Me
Hahaha, suuuuure. I’ll bet my whole life savings that Putin and Hentaii guy have been scrambling to find any way they can take the heat off of Dasha the past few hours and this is the best they could come up with.
No. 520268
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>>520240Thank you so much admin
No. 520272
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>>520254>>520252>>520250What’s that? I can’t hear you.
No. 520301
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Fucking kek, the samefagging and replying to herself. My sides are in orbit.
No. 520313
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No. 520316
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>>520314Fuck yeah, grease daddy
Take this shit to people’s court
Judge Judy that bitch
Maury that bitch
I want to see all 4 of you skelators throw it down Jerry Springer style
No. 520326
>>520324I wasn’t trying to be mean, sorry if it came off that way! As for the rest of your questions, I don’t know. ):
Dasha should really be deported, she doesn’t deserve to be here. There are way more deserving people.
No. 520330
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>>520328I think the anon who claims to see her around the DTLA area should do the honours
No. 520338
>>520325I don't want to reveal too much, but here are the two things that initially tipped me off:
- I suspect she uses a German phone/keyboard on at least one device, as she has the habit of using ’ rather than '
>example: don’t vs don't- starting off sentences with 'and?' (from German 'Na und?' -> 'So what?', shortened to 'Und?' in German slang) rather than 'so?'
No. 520397
>>520386A transatlantic restraining order would be stupidly difficult, expensive and time consuming if you mean to advise Mina. Mostly we just watch, point and laugh here.
>I was so close to being a fan of Dasha before this.Yeah, she was always a pioneer in the field of shut-in Instagram models wasn't she.
No. 520415
>>520314>>520313I still find Edwin annoying with how he has to act like mina's white knight and she can't speak for herself. I laughed at "i'm going to make a video". Of course you are.
Even though dasha is crazy, nothing she does is really going to do anything to mina. It just makes her own self look bad. In the end this is still just twitter drama with instahoes and it's not that serious.
I still don't understand how these people are holding onto drama from years ago. Isn't Edwin like 30 and his life mission has become to protect his insta-thot from another psycho insta-thot by making strongly worded videos?
No. 520433
>>519998Damn, the staff was right it was well worth the frustration of all of the infighting.
Dasha, please get a life. Seriously. You only went quiet on social media cause you were acting looney here. There is more to the world than Mina, you obsessive psycho.
>>520427>>520415Yeah Dasha's psycho behavior here gave Edwin milk for his dying channel.
You're still a cringy cuck Edwin and just as terrible, whiny and dramatic as Dasha. Let Mina stand on her own two adult feet and stop acting like her bobble-headed father. You need to get a life and a job.
No. 520449
>>520397Maybe fan was the wrong word. I like some of her wigs and when she seemed quiter about everything I thought she was being more responsible. Should have known she was just stirring shit in the shadows.
If Mina was planning to try and return to the states and continue modeling maybe issuing a cease and desist would be wise? That is if the restraining order is out of the question.
Would sage if I could.
No. 520519
>>520386Same, I was also sick of the bad grammar of what we now know are Dashas posts, the Sasha whiteknighting and the constant fighting (Dasha again).
Bless admin-sama for their superior sleuth skills and for the glorious milk!
No. 520562
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>>520322Because La is a sanctuary city meaning they don't respect federal immigration laws.
Also the irony is that she tried to imply Edwin is illegal because he's mexican and there is also various posts of her trying to convince us that she isn't illegal kek
No. 520573
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Uh oh, if nothing in the past 24 hours has set Dasha off, this simple retweet of Mina’s will probably do the job LOL
No. 520574
File: 1526682347195.png (55.23 KB, 630x477, psycho.png)

>The deleted file you'll find a placeholder for was an attempt of Dasha's to post a photo of Mina's passport to lolcow.
Is it this one? What a cunt
No. 520577
>>520573>Edwin is MEXICAN don't forget MEXICO>Mina's name is FOREIGNBitch you live in LA, what's 'foreign' to you?
you're an illegal.
Bitch you weren't joking with your racism.
No. 520592
>>520576It's pretty obvious she was posting frequently at a certain point. Go back several threads and you can see where the
>B-BUT MINA!starts and how she polices the topic for most of the day.
It would probably take too much time to mark all that old shit.
No. 520608
>>520605Hahaha, but guise Dasha didn’t bring Mina over to fuck with her!!! Mina befriended Dasha and Cyr to get to idubbbz!!!11
Sneakily taking a photo of Mina’s passport was an attempt to stop Jasmina’s evil plan to be E-famous!!!11
No. 520638
>>520635Are you kidding? No, she was pretending to be racist while posting anon.
??? Of course she is.
No. 520687
>>520651I always thought so too, I mean, Cyr and Ian aren't really friends, besides that she clearly has a thing for the artsy, emo guys which Ian is not.
Also why would she be Poly with Cyr and Putin if she was pining for Ian? Seems sketch.
No. 520690
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Dasha's screenshots have already claimed their first victim
No. 520721
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>>520248Wait what? B-b-but how was her kissing Edwin and sleeping in husband bed the same as cur cheating on mine?!
Mina wasn’t dating cur when she kissed Edwin? He was very much dating dasha.
Godamn the mental olympics this women plays to justify her actions and victimize herself is mind blowing.
>>519998Thank you admin! This really validates anons suspicions and makes me so glad, I honestly thought I was going crazy when “anons” were saying that Mina is the worst and dasha is doing “so good! Booking PROFESSIONAL modeling jobs and totes not thinking of ugly obsessed mina”.
Merry Christmas everyone!
No. 520747
>>520743Yeah, I’ve been keeping a watch of the notes! It spiked a lot today, the SJW’s are going to rip her apart if it goes tumblr viral.
I’m cringing so hard for her, she really dug herself into one deep ass hole and I’m thinking this is probably going to drag Cyr down as well. I honestly can’t believe the mess she made.
No. 520748
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>>520743absolutely. back when i followed dasha most of what she posted was generic feminist tweets, went on insta and took provocative art-sy pictures and stuff. most of the fans were sjw crowd. hell, i remember posts of her wearing tacky feminism slogans like "uwu satan is a gril" that were popular. she attracts that crowd. so no surprise its causing a stir.
probably now everytime she tweets something smug on twitter someone will link a video to that tumblr post and say something like "ain't you that nazi bitch?" and the argument will be over. these people never forget.
No. 520806
>>520787>DouchaHahaha, that’s my new my favorite!
>>520797Seriously, he and Mina are in all their right to defend themselves after the way Dasha has targetted and harassed them. I don’t know many people who wouldn’t fight back if they had some psycho bitch slandering them and sending armies of autistic 12 year olds to harass them for nearly 2 years.
No. 520810
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>>520743People are saying: dashas secret tumblr for shit talking mina?
According to others blog IP trackers its her, and also her ranting about us…. and mina, naturally
Tfw you rant about minas “whiteknights” (aka anyone who dares criticize dasha) when you, yourself, spent months whiteknighting yourself on the internet. No. 520816
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>>520810Doublepost but I can’t stop laughing KEKEKEK
>you’re the cow ripper!!!!111 No. 520818
>>520816Fucking hell, why do Dasha and all her minions type like retards. It's like she doesn't take a second to think about what she's writing.
>;) ;) cow ripper baby girlAt least if it's her, it's less obnoxious than her sulking and whining about having depression as though that excuses her psychotic behaviour.
No. 520820
File: 1526748339643.jpeg (227.68 KB, 769x1388, 5B1BCD34-A06E-4C26-819B-C88F21…)

Have these caps been posted yet?
Apparently “toatally not dasha” exposed mina being a SB?
Hypocritical and two faced huh Julia? Pissed you got exposed for being a SB?
What happened to “But I won’t expose Mina for being a SB bc I don’t sink that low and I totes respect SBs!!”
Apologize if they have been posted
No. 520821
>>520820Once again proving how obsessed she is with Mina.
Mina wasn’t the one who outed you for being a SB Dasha. You literally exposed Mina just to take the heat off yourself and somehow think it makes you the good guy? Can you and your minions not think critically at all? All your damage control is only making you look worse. YOU are the villain here Dasha.
No. 520845
>>520821It was some random farmer who found and posted her sugar baby dating profile. And it looks like dasha was giving mina advice on sbing, like mina was just getting into it and the more experienced nazi-whore was giving her tips & tricks and telling her what to do.
Shes such a skinwalker that she, not only, tried to look like mina, but tried to get mina into SB-ing and sponsored Instagram posts to be more alike. Just like when she
suggested mina get fake follower apps bc “everyone whose instafamoos gets fake followers to boost their account, I do it all the time!” and even suggested she make fan pages and cringy fan edits, like dasha has done for years. Then tried to flip the switch and scapegoat and set up mina.
Just like with wearing minas clothes and plastic surgery, It’s all just dasha being a hypocrite x10
>>520830I was confused about that too, it just looks like an iphone imessage text convo with some random contact she named “mina” then for some reason chose a random edited ig photo of “mina” and made it the contact photo, which is strange, barely anyone uses contact photos, esp using a selfie from their social media…. unless they want to make their screencaps look more legit.
>>520826>I'd just think Dasha probably set her up for itKek and she’d probably “call mina out” for it, when wholetime she had secretly sucked off trump for only $5, months before mina did, ignoring the blatant hypocrisy and making fake mina/trump convo screencaps for her minions to spread, as-per-usual.
No. 520874
File: 1526758059284.jpeg (125.58 KB, 909x1024, A2F1B20C-2A27-48E9-9E7F-72AA7B…)

>>520857>thinking there’s some magical combo of words she can come up with to a) make this stop and b) get everyone shitting on MinaDash: “two words, FAKE.ACCOUNTS.”
[more crickets]Dash: SIRI GOOGLE SEARCH “mina accounts fake” “fake accounts mina” “mina using fake accounts” “does mina use fake accounts” “fake accounts minabell”
Siri: no search results available, recommended google search results for “therapists near me”, 5 found, would you like to continue this search?
Siri: appointment scheduled for May 24th, 2018 at 10am with Dr. Bell MD at John Hopkins: Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, is there anything else I can help you with?
[spontaneously combust] No. 520879
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No. 520889
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>>520874Thanks for the laugh anon
>>520879Is this the reason why she’s so insecure about her jawline? We all have double chins Dasha, even the thinnest people do. You don’t have to photoshop your photos to the point you look like a whole different person just because you have a little chin fat.
No. 520899
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I’ve honestly never been able to stand this Lettie chick. Something about her extremely annoys me.
No. 520908
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>>520899I’m guessing not all of Dasha’s minions are aware of her threads in lolcow? They’re in for a rude awakening when Edwin comes out with his video.
No. 520914
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Kek all of Putin’s retired minions coming out their basements
No. 520946
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>>520914>>520908>>520899why do they whiteknight this girl so hard. she's not talented or even pretty. and dasha is literally the only person who was
still pressed about the situation. maybe ugly charlie can ask dasha why was she still pressed about shit that died six months ago? you can pretend to be unbothered all you want, but your leader is clearly still obsessed. its useless to play dumb.
stan literally anything else, a musician, a writer, a goddamn vlogger if you want, but not some psycho insta hoe jfc.
No. 520958
File: 1526775319351.png (150.98 KB, 593x716, Screenshot at May 20 02-14-01.…)

Now the haters are just Onision fans. Dasha liked this
No. 521053
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Her minions are so brainwashed. Obviously Dasha is guilty of coming on here, she hasn't even tried to pretend otherwise. She knows that she'll just be digging herself deeper which is why she's resorted to leaking texts to take the heat off of her.
Its like there could literally be a video of Dasha giving a nazi salute while shouting siege Heil and her minions would still kiss her ass. Oh wait..
No. 521059
>>520914My question is if Dasha is doing legitimately crazy shit like posting here then why is he still clinging onto Dasha copying Mina SO HARD? The man-child lacks focus.
Sorry for double post. Had to fix some typos.
Would sage if I could.
No. 521064
File: 1526824996051.jpeg (214.92 KB, 500x1390, 7573D024-B3E6-4277-A27F-C83E8B…)

>>521053Lettie is such an annoying cunt. She literally never shuts up. She’s so self centered, me-me-me, and has this oddly, passionate, hate-filled vendetta against Mina all because of her not being a psychic and knowing she was in the hospital before she texted her. Yeah, sure it might have been a bit rude, BARELY, but lettie never shuts up about (even way after the drama ended), mentions it in every other tweet to or about dasha/mina/edwin/cyr, uses it to justify revealing her secrets and talking shit about her, b8 screenshots with “evidence” of her claims that she never actually ends up posting or showing, and if she does show sc they’re normal, milk-less, and reek of being sh00ped. And has turned the story from “she didn’t show concern that I was in the hospital once when I was depressed” to “SHE CONTINUOUSLY HARASSED ME WHEN I WAS DYING IN THE HOSPITAL FROM SUICIDE, STALKING ME FOR INFORMATION ON MY BELOVED QUEEN UWU!!1”. She even posted her retarded screencaps of her texts on here, outing herself as a selfpost.
How autistic do you have to be to keep stanning someone, who you never met, after seeing everything, all over a 4 message text convo? What a shit two-faced friend, she probably clings to dasha bc everyone hates her in london lol
>photoshopping her pics, just like her idol >lettie: the skinwalker’s skinwalker No. 521066
File: 1526825543525.jpeg (84.16 KB, 622x646, B6361AD2-4962-4604-9665-FFAC50…)

>>520914Sorry, I realized no one posted the whole image of this. People have tweeted at Edwin to include dashas newly discovered post history, he’s seen them and liked them so I’m pretty sure he’s holding out on it until the video drops as his ace-in-the-hole. Fingers crossed.
No. 521071
>>520797Did I say anywhere that he can't say anything at all? I said if he
talks about it for a full year then he's just as bad. I've been in a similar situation but blah blah blogging, so yeah, no, I know it's suffocating not to speak at all. Its just the insinuation that he'd be in the right to make videos for an entire year about Dasha being a cunt. That's just gross.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Just because Edwin is right to shit on Dasha doesn't mean he isn't a weird creepy cringy awkward fuck. Dude is skeevy.
No. 521072
>>521064If Lettie is this far up Dasha's butthole, why doesn't Dasha fly HER over to be a part of her weird twin sister poly fantasy she wants so fucking bad. If she loses a couple of kilos, they can wear each other's wigs,tampons and skin.
I'm sure Dasha would love it.
No. 521096
>>521078She's obviously very manipulative and I dare say fucking scary. Semi blog post but I once stayed in an abusive relationship because the guy was psycho and I was scared to break up with him. Once I got the courage to leave, he refused to accept it. He sent me sucidal photos, and used a lot of emotional blackmail which is hard for an empathetic person to ignore.
Dasha probably emotionally blackmails Cyr or maybe she builds him up by making him feel like he's important and dating a model, but them rips away his self esteem and emasculates him when she gets bored or not enough attention.
Or maybe the pussy is just that good.
No. 521115
File: 1526839435793.png (679.31 KB, 1488x934, Lettie is fucking psycho.png)

Lettie likes to pretend that Putin didn't do anything, but then she lurks here and reads posts, but is still so far up her own ass that she cannot see what a psycho cunt Dasha is. She also misses the point that no one cares about her, she is not even a cow, she is just some lame ass psychotic borderline cow fan. The people on this forum are not Mina's minions you dumbass, they just think you are a waste of space and so is Dasha lol.
No. 521129
>>521064>>521115Jesus fuck, thanks for the recap! I forgot why exactly I hated this snaggle tooth cunt so much. Lettie has always sounded suspiciously jealous of Mina imo.
>>521059Maybe he didn’t want to add about Dasha posting here seeing as we shit on him for mentioning us last time? Speaking as one of the farmers who was talking shit, I don’t really mind this time around, lol.
No. 521144
File: 1526846584023.jpeg (134.47 KB, 747x746, E7E1C145-C7D1-4720-B7A1-79425E…)

Dasha, you are the epitome of cringe.
No. 521255
>>521115I just don't understand why she is unwilling to see Dasha for who she is. There are clips of Dasha on youtube sperging out, acting truly psychotic. There's a video in this thread of her throwing nazi salutes. She's been proven to be an active poster here, completely obsessed with Mina.
I guess Dashas stans are all just lonely little girls who will take whatever bone some z-list instahoe will throw them. I can't see any reason why someone would willingly make themselves look so stupid, just to defend her.
No. 521265
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>>521255It’s fucked up because the only reason she pays attention to them is because they trash on Edwin and Mina. If they didn’t, she wouldn’t think of them twice.
Here’s one of her main minions talking about being suicidal on Twitter and no Dasha in sight. Yet, she has no problem enabling this 14 year old to harass people online. If this little girl had been tweeting about Mina, she would’ve responded, liked, and retweeted in the blink of an eye.
No. 521290
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>>520690Yo, was that the sparklycornhair girl?
If so, why is she getting involved trash talking Mina to Dasha…
Yeah maybe she 'upset' you on tinder but why is she even tweeting mocking things, doesn't make sense to me lol
No. 521506
File: 1526940674794.jpeg (527 KB, 1530x1530, 0A7A6723-3E4A-4B5C-8E04-DE2166…)

This girl is seriously mentally ill. The fact that she honestly thinks this is what she looks like. L o l
No. 521508
>>521464>>521502lol for real. Saying an almost 30 year old's life has been ruined because he had to move out of a house when he couldn't even pay his bills is so overdramatic. It's pretty obvious cyr had problems with edwin outside of dasha. Also edwin clearly wanted to date mina while she still had the weird poly thing with cyr, which im sure he wasn't cool with regardless of the drama dasha was starting.
Also dasha's obsession is mostly directed at mina, not edwin. But not like anything she does is going to do anything. If she lived near them, i'd be more concerned. All she could do is post angry comments on lolcow and try to "expose" mina, which the majority of their fans dont read or would care about. Like does anyone actually care about who is copying who??
No. 521537
>>521519Lol, 3 of her minions twitters are protected now. They’re up to something.
>>521522I think Cyr really believes Dasha’s bullshit. It blows my mind that out of all the girls he’s dated, he chooses to stay with the most batshit crazy one. imo Cyr lowkey seems like a shitty ass person, it’s just not as aparant.
No. 521583
>>521522>Is he as brainwashed as Lainey or something?considering he was Onsion's butt buddy for years, yeah probably. he's not a great guy, he's just less obvious about it.
on one of the old threads someone posted some caps from his snapchat where he says some vaguely crytpic stuff defending his relationship with Dasha to the effect of "I'm turning 30/in my 30s and I need to be more serious about settling down and focus on a lasting relationship" so if he's committed to being in it for the longhaul he probably has blinders on (not unlike lameo and greg)
No. 521628
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>>521506Photoshop is too powerful a tool for these insta thots
No. 521629
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>>521628My personal favorite tbh
No. 521648
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No. 521649
>>521644Like I said in the last thread,
but Mina does suck and I'm not Dasha as this current thread proves so you can suck it tho. I'm sorry not everyone likes your awkward cringey ~littol~ Mina.
>>521648Is it just filter apps and shit that makes her look so different in instagram videos than YouTube ones? Do lives have filters too? I'm old, this shit freaks me out.
No. 521668
>>521648I don't think she looks ugly but that hair makes her look 'special'
When she's laughing unshooped, she looks kinda downsy, but if she didn't shoop and posed nicely, I really don't think she'd be that bad.
No. 521754
>>521518Just getting caught up in this thread and I’m not surprised Dasha got caught it doesn’t seem like she has much of a life outside of Instagram but I’m lmao at her posts..
Anyways they all lose. Cyr gets psycho Dasha and his personal business blasted everywhere and Edwin gets littol baby Mina and making himself look over dramatic and cringy as hell.
The drama is entertaining though can’t wait to watch Edwin’s new vid since they’re all still at it nearly a year and a half later.
No. 521779
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>>521115She’s doing it intentionally, when she’s been lurking the thread and screencapping it every single day. I guess they don’t give a shit …. or? …..There’s no way they’re that blind…..right….?
>pic related is response to being tweeted the link to all of dashas posts, when she’s obviously already seen them here No. 521918
>>520314i’m actually dreading this due to the last time he mentioned lolcow and we had an influx of teenieboppers on the board.
i feel he’s either going to piggyback off the hard work of the admin who outed doucha’s posts, or he’s going to make it sound like lolcow are also his littols uwu army fighting for the justice of littol mina and dorkdaddy against big mean old trasha’n’friends when all we are here to do is bitch and laugh at the shitshow. either bring us a pint of fresh milk in your video or stfu.
ngl would probably still watch on 1.5x speed with adblock kek
No. 522070
>>521265This made me so sad. Influencers don't have to be supportive but these kids look up to their instathot idols so much… Please be better Dasha. Ffs. She'll never be a good person, not to her minions, not to anyone.
>>521405Same. I want them to shit all over Trasha but outside of that I can't stand those cows either.
>>521472Agreed. Age regression comes in many forms. Some people don't have the stomach for even simple couples' baby talk and some can even go for full blown diaper shit like that one girl on YT. I personally find it gross to witness but in private, some forms of ageplay can be healing.
No. 522084
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I wonder which one of these cows has the most STD’s
No. 522107
>>521502lol there is a video of her admitting to it and that i was her intent to ruin her life and she was
smiling>>521508>Saying an almost 30 year old's life has been ruined because he had to move out of a house when he couldn't even pay his bills is so overdramaticnone of that can be backed up however it is fact that edwin was forced to leave his residence because of dasha's pettiness
No. 522262
>>522251if dasha told mina about it
>>520820 cyr absolutely knows.
they have never adressed it publicly but he has to know. she's been doing it for a long time, it was speculated in old threads. she's an illegal immigrant so she can't get normal jobs, this is the easiest way for her to make money. cyr is a literal cuck as long as it keeps the bills paid lol cokeheads.
No. 522305
>>522107>>522265Cyr is on the lease and shes dating him. He clearly wasn't going to kick her out. Edwin wasn't on it, and involved himself with the drama and sided with mina and they did the dramatic run away thing.
Also he clearly wanted to get with mina and she was sleeping in his bed, while she was still semi-dating cyr in the poly thing where no one could communicate clearly and she is his ex in general. Are we actually surprised cyr had a problem with him and didn't want to live with him anymore? He was pretty dumb about the whole thing.
And clearly he can't pay rent if he had to move back home with his parents and couldn't just find his own place/new roomates.
No. 522307
>>522305Dasha kicked edwin out for telling mina dasha was the one who went through her personal phone to delete her instagram, which is much like a portfolio to insta thots and hurt her career
>Also he clearly wanted to get with mina and she was sleeping in his bed, while she was still semi-dating cyr in the poly thing Clearly, that's the way you see it anon. Your theories about all this don't change the facts or what both parties have admittied to.
>Cyr is on the lease and shes dating him. He clearly wasn't going to kick her out.Actually, cyr admitted on periscope that he told everyone they all had to leave the apartment at one point, including Dasha so there goes that statement (his brother helps pay for the lease which he also disclosed).
>And clearly he can't pay rent if he had to move back home with his parents and couldn't just find his own place/new roomates.It takes time to find a place and build credit and be able to sign for a new apartment and it is Los Angeles where rent is very high. It can be hard to find a new place last minute.
>And clearly he can't pay rent Well to our knowledge and Cyrs admittion he did at that location
despite not being on the lease…
No. 522334
>>522307No one denied that mina was sleeping in edwin's bed? They all admitted it. They just acted like it was friendly and platonic. Then they got together immediately after leaving. Pretty obvious edwin had a thing for mina and wanted to get in her pants. Cyr acts like it didn't bother him, but it probably did.
And Cyr said his brother wanted everyone gone because he thought it was taking a toll on cyr because he was upset about everything, not that he himself wanted it. It could be a lie, but that was his side of the story. But not like hes going to kick out his own girlfriend and leave her homeless and I doubt his brother would expect him to. I don't even know what you are trying to argue here? lol. The point isn't who is on the lease, but if CYR or his brother is on the lease, then of course cyr is going to be in control of who gets kicked out and he wasn't about to kick out dasha.
I remember cyr saying he covered some of edwin's rent in the past, but don't remember the exacts, so w/e. But all he does is make youtube videos that get shit views. Didn't him and mina make a gofundme to beg money from their fans so he can fly her over and fuck her? It's not hard to believe hes broke.
I don't know why people want to act like edwin isn't a creepy loser like everyone involved? Sorry if you actually believe hes a poor angel who got his life ruined and does absolutely nothing wrong! I'd love if this thread could shit on all of them without someone trying to defend one of them.
No. 522344
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Edwin needs to upload that video asap, before these anons start cannabalising each other out of boredom.
As for me, I’m moist and ready for the milk
No. 522350
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>>522344You and I both, anon. I wonder if Julia will go AWOL never to be heard from again or sperg out on Twitter until she spontaneously combusts.
No. 522354
>>522350For entertainment purposes, I hope she spergs out and all her main minions come out of hiding to defend their Kween. I can’t wait for the shitfest that’s bound to ensue.
But I guess if she’s smart, she’ll lay low kek
No. 523139
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I can already see what excuse she’s going to use when Edwin comes out with his video.
>I did it because I’m depressed!!!!11
No. 523203
File: 1527310109527.jpeg (76.71 KB, 750x451, FBB15A47-EC25-4C5C-8ECB-5BD2C4…)

This is definitely the story they’re going for, how cowardly. A strong person doesn’t use mental illness and trauma to excuse their shitty behavior, Dasha and Cyr. A strong person admits they fucked up and apolizes.
Keep trying to cover up for Dasha and dismissing her shitty behavior, Cyr. One day you’re going to wake up and regret all the bridges you burned for that drama loving cunt. Kiss the memory of a calm life goodbye, because people like Dasha always have drama and problems no matter where they go.
No. 523261
>>523153Oh my god what did the cunt say?
Lettie was getting fucked on twitter she must have said something lol
No. 523268
>>523203Fuck i hate her even more now,just fucking apologize dasha no one will move on until you own up to what you did
And firsty apologize to MINA
I really want her fans to know what kind of person she is,seriously she doesnt deserve any of them i wish her the worst in life
No. 523309
>>523139No one with depression that I know actively tries to ruin people's lives and act like a total sociopath. The truth is she's just moping because she was exposed and is trying to change the narrative to make herself into a victim, which is ironic considering how much she bashed Edwin and Mina for acting like victims in the past.
I'd like her more if she just owned her crazy.
No. 523472
>>523351If the dumb faggot hadn't advertised he's making "Dasha exposed" videos to generate hype for days, she wouldn't have been able to do preemptive damage control. She would have only had the option to respond after the fact.
Have we learned nothing from Beyonce? Drop the content without warning and let it explode on its own merit. Smh.
No. 523498
>>523479If she does that i swear to god
I may be an ass but i really want all of us to colectivly bully her like she did to mina until people realize who she is,if nothing changes from this and she doesnt own up to anything
Bully the bully kind of seems like cosmic justice for her
No. 523542
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>>523479Was looking at random online stores and found her ugly mug "modeling" among the product pictures on mixxmix. Look at how cute and marketable the real model looks in comparison.
To be fair the site seems to have added Dasha's pic off instagram to be like "look at this famous insta thot wearing our shit fam buy our shit" but it still grossed me out to see her. Wtf are those temporary tattoos?
>>523524The two-part video was a mistake. The constant advertising was a mistake. I'm all for profiting off Dasha's awfulness but he's sacrificing impact for milking $$$, which makes it easier for Dasha to slither out of this one as she always does.
He should have done one video, dropped it without any bullshit hype building, and provided timestamps in the description for easy navigation. Make it accessible af so more people are exposed to her bullshit.
Instead I predict we will get a rambly video with cringy editing and repetitive content. Also going to go ahead and assume he'll focus more on how he feels rather than what Dasha has done. He supposedly has receipts which is great but how you present the receipts matter about as much as what's in them. Edwin isn't the right person for this kinda tea spillage.
I'd be delighted to be wrong about this but this faggot is not very bright and I doubt he has his heart in the right place.
No. 523578
>>523542>I'm all for profiting off Dasha's awfulness but he's sacrificing impact for milking $$$How is anyone surprised by this? This is exactly an Edwin thing to do. He's a cunt who's in it for the money.
Dasha fucked up big enough that she can't completely backpedal her way out of it or seem like a victim. She's probably still lurking here and if you are Dasha, get off of social media and seek some damn professional help. You're pathetic.
No. 523587
File: 1527365146725.jpeg (548.95 KB, 2048x2048, 2331D8BA-4D85-4F1F-B1F1-9B2772…)

>Mina is promoting Annabelle’s wigs?!?!>quick let me go promo them too!!11>>523542Tbh, I think that by deactivating all her shit, she’s only incriminating herself more.
No. 523599
File: 1527365998275.png (589.1 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-05-26-14-18-10…)

Not WK, but she already has pictures of her posted on their Instagram, at least for me it isn't that weird.
No. 523709
Thrift Store Haul / Cloud Inspired Makeup thumbnail because lazy.
It isnt worth watching it, is really cringe with 2005 humor.
She is doing again that stupid face of sucking food and talking about her clown clothes, wigs and make up.
No. 524019
File: 1527443034807.png (1.28 MB, 750x1334, C3217E71-3822-47F0-8652-F535FB…)

Dasha that you?! Your video is coming out whether you like it or not! Kek
No. 524028
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>>524024She’s Austrian and Russian, sir
No. 524074
File: 1527455480188.jpg (178.57 KB, 1080x1350, 32063939_1480039145475382_5588…)

What in the everloving name of fuck
No. 524098
File: 1527457868608.png (454.36 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-05-27-15-38-14…)

I hope the milk is good.
It's really funny watch Edwin white knight Mina on Twitter while she tweets retarded things like " my ass is like freeshavacado" or something stupid like that.
She is 20 years old, she need to learn to speak for herself. If Dasha all ready burn all her instathot bridges (which I don't think so, Dasha is not that special to have that influence) she needs to educated herself, go to University and find a real job.
I think Edwin is a really bad influence for her, how it never cross his mind Mina couldnt stay in his parent's house in Arizona forever? Why he never thought on paying her a Visa so they could move together on USA? Seriously it amazes me how fucking stupid they both can be, specially Edwin.
Edwin if you are reading this, which you obviously are, grow up and let Mina go, at this point she is better off without you. At least try to convince her to study something since being an Instahoe won't last long.
No. 524109
>>524108I think Mina has a banging body too. She looks a bit unhealthy right now, but looking at her proportions and such, I bet she’d look super hot if she gained just a tiny amount of weight and toned out. Dasha looks too boxy to me, like if she gained weight she’d be super top heavy with skinny legs.
Imo, I think both girls are pretty, but can look odd at times and need some help in the makeup/styling department (mostly Mina)
No. 524110
>>524103>>524107>>524108It is getting annoying everytime someone dares to say something about Mina someone always jump to defend her, she is a cow too, wherever you like it or not.
And no, I'm not defending Dasha, she is just how petty and immature like the rest of the cows.
Damn nobody is talking about who is prettier anymore and still there is anons who keep choosing between these two.
No. 524111
>>524110Kek, someone’s been itching for some infighting. Calm the fuck down, half those replies weren’t even for you or have anything to do with what you’re talking about. You’ve been trying to bait people into fighting with you for a couple of days now, so you have to lash out when you see people saying anything positive about Mina. Kek
If you want to sit around and nitpick about her stupid outfits and the way she acts, be my guest, but don’t be mad because some of us like to talk shit only when there’s actual MILK.
No. 524119
>>524074This looks so unbelievably tacky. I'm not sure why I'm surprised by Dasha's lack of fashion at this point. It's as tasteless as her personality.
>>524098Bitch how about
YOU address the allegations make against you. Do something for your damn self for once holy shit.
>>524103>Would your opinion of Mina change if she did defend herself or would you just shit on her?I would honestly have a little more respect for her if she did. But she's the equivalent of a vegetable so she probably never will.
No. 524158
>>524154That's the way it looks to me too. It keeps her hands clean and more like a victim by not doing any of the work herself. She's too old to not make any decisions for herself and it's going to bite her in the ass later in life if it isn't already.
She's not as bad as Dasha by a long shot but she isn't any smarter either.
No. 524190
File: 1527469961468.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1242x1701, 6CDA90F2-2F18-4F76-B536-A92304…)

I honestly think Mina is incredibly pretty. She has great bone structure and would be a great model, but her fashion sense is just terrible. Mina if you read this, you need some styling stat! You are super pretty, but you are not going to make it while you are with Edwin or doing this ‘littol’ crap/wearing horrible costume fashion. Seriously, drop Edwin because you could do soooo much better. He is like a 2/10.
No. 524199
>>524196Incoming: 300 posts rehashing everything Edwin says with point-by-point deconstruction from several anons, 100 posts of infighting, and then the rest of the thread will again revert to the super exciting and not at all repetitive game of Who Copied Who?
can’t wait.
No. 524208
>>524196Re-upload it so he doesn't get the views.
>>524190She looks better here than she does 80% of the time.
No. 524256
So it looks like Trasha is able to be deported I guess.
>>524252 Yeah her fashion is horrendous. Just wish she would dress like a normal person instead of this uwu littol shit. She would be so much more marketable!
No. 524261
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I’m crying.
No. 524292
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No. 524316
>>524312IF she doesn't post, her friends likely do for her. And that drama video will only attract more mina/edwin stans here.
And lol at anyone suggesting mina is over the drama. Her and edwin watch this shit like hawks. She obviously wants edwin to be her spokesperson but shes obviously talking to him and helping him with what to say for the videos. She is 100% involved and just as into the drama as him.
No. 524322
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This sounds interesting
No. 524335
File: 1527488846491.jpeg (402.14 KB, 1242x1175, 461A4EFE-5B0C-48BC-BE02-7C6031…)

But getting you to address the situation, when she’s a grown ass women, to speak on her behalf does not make her look good. You can’t play the “non confrontational” card forever. If you care enough to have Edwin devote an entire video discussing the allegations being made against you, AT LEAST have enough nerve to put your own two sense in.
In the video edwin said Cyr kept things private because he does some pretty bad things, if Mina is also keeping quite does it mean she too has some secrets she’s not telling.
It makes their side of the story seem weak and flawed when you have to hear her side through him.
No. 524339
File: 1527489246223.jpg (101.51 KB, 800x450, 1508706957757.jpg)

>>524327Edwin lurks here far too much to not talk about it in private with Mina. When he was posting here about Dasha, he forgot to cover his own ass and ended up showing how cringy as fuck he really is. He stopped posting(probably not) but I highly doubt he stopped lurking. They both seem like the kind of people who talk just as much shit as the person they're talking shit about. But the moment the camera goes on, Mina puts on her toddler act and honestly, it makes her seem like she's too stupid to be involved with drama. She's with Edwin though, so that act doesn't work on people who know better.
>>524335He needs to stop licking Mina's asshole and let the woman speak for herself.
No. 524343
File: 1527489664774.png (1.22 MB, 750x1334, 1350570E-3B33-4943-98D8-E93818…)

Ah, knew there was something interesting in that YouTube comment. Can’t wait to see those testimonials kek
No. 524351
>>524344There's no limit on standing up for yourself and letting some bobblehead bobble in front of every problem that she encounters isn't helping her.
4-5 clips nearly a year ago don't mean anything since these are her current problems, not Edwin's. She could have made the video instead. He's not her father or her lawyer and she needs to stop playing dumb, grow a backbone and fight back.
No. 524358
File: 1527491251057.jpeg (133.91 KB, 750x631, 8B31A50C-1C43-47F9-A24F-5B505D…)

Apparently Edwin is claiming that one of Dasha’s main minions is actually Dasha. I checked the all the minions twitters and sure enough, this is the only minion going off.
I don’t think it’s actually Dasha, but there’s no milk atm so I’ll just post anyway.
No. 524360
File: 1527491384923.jpeg (492.04 KB, 2048x1347, F7827BC5-FF6C-41BA-BE71-3B40E7…)

>>524359I did find it interesting that this person didn’t even bother watching grease daddy’s video
No. 524362
File: 1527491758496.jpeg (43.47 KB, 750x241, ADCF834A-6BE3-4B54-9811-49D444…)

Noticed this a while ago and thought piggs might’ve seen Edwin’s video, aaaand~
No. 524431
File: 1527497028047.jpeg (116.6 KB, 750x922, 98246424-D7DD-411F-92D1-759703…)

No. 524441
>>524362I think Pigss might be one of the people who gave ~testimony~ to Edwin
Hailey and Dasha were so buddy-buddy together, I bet the psycho shittalkied Mina to Hailey hard. Maybe that's why Pigss reacted immediately when Edwin dropped the vid. She confronted what she heard from Dasha with the truth.
No. 524447
File: 1527498837802.jpeg (124.08 KB, 749x854, 4A9DDABA-671F-4A3C-B476-FEF501…)

>>524441I think she found out from Timothy retweeting Grease papi’s video. I am so curious to see what Dasha was telling these instathots tho, I think that’s one of the few things we haven’t seen yet.
No. 524456
File: 1527502367174.jpg (83.29 KB, 720x394, IMG_-tmb5nh.jpg)

One of Dasha's saddest posts
No. 524458
>>524335eh, not really. he really just goes through the known comments posted here in a logical order. he gets a little bitchy around the immigration stuff but that's it.
showing that dasha posted naked and barely clothed pics, and mina's passport - you can't really call that "flawed." admin here did all the work to prove it.
No. 524459
File: 1527502728748.jpeg (110.67 KB, 1742x598, B19BC8BB-3DF4-48A5-9318-45CBF9…)

and there goes another of Dasha’s instathot mutuals
No. 524479
File: 1527509679332.png (860.97 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180528-151304.png)

this might be related to dasha, considering she did many story shoutouts of her
No. 524488
File: 1527514653188.png (2.5 MB, 2208x1242, 89086778-B2B3-40D9-A1BA-546FF0…)

Why does it say Sinday instead of Sunday, if it’s to be a screenshot?
No. 524502
>>524488I do get the impression that he manufactures some of his proof, like the clip of himself crying from his first drama video, and possibly these screen snaps. It's impossible to trust him or Mina completely. I also still believe Mina is behind those fake accounts since she never outright denied it, and think it's likely that she's lying to Edwin about that, and the sugar baby stuff too.
It's a shame they're both shady because they really don't need to be to get people on their side. Dasha is 100% psychotic and clearly in the wrong, he didn't need to make such a lengthy video about it, even though I found it entertaining.
No. 524504
>>524490That threw me for a loop too, but Sinday is the name of the person he's talking to. (like Cindy)
old vid for proof No. 524543
>>524542A lot of people here complain about there being no new milk but you have to remember that this is old news for
us, but not for his audience and Dasha's supporters. He put everything together in a way that lets people outside of the dramasphere follow what happened. I don't see anything wrong with it and he mentioned that Admin proved it and staff made the caricature of Dasha, so he gave credit too while omitting the site name and saving us from the newfags. As far as videos made from lolcow receipts go, he did good.
No. 524565
>>524561Pretty sure he was reacting to everything she's been saying, and she was critizing him for just trying to make Cyr look bad.
He is leaving some things out, like the sugar daddy thing as well as Dashas hate campaign against ddlg. He's probably trying to avoid anything that can be spun around on him or Mina.
No. 524568
File: 1527533350448.jpg (54.61 KB, 543x519, Capture.JPG)

I swear her fans rival onion boys. They're literally being told her IP was traced and there's definitive proof and they stick their fingers in their ears and go "b-but Edwin and Mina".
No. 524587
>>524268I love the replies from Edwin and Mina's fans to his comment.
>shut up meg>ew nigga>fuck off noone wants your support except your spouse you abuse>you are married to an ugly dudeSeriously almost all of those comments gave me a hearty laugh.
No. 524612
File: 1527543333656.jpeg (239.01 KB, 750x805, 06F94900-C201-4782-A845-C210AF…)

Oh shit.
>>524587Haha I saw these too and was cracking up!
No. 524638
File: 1527546851302.png (1.84 MB, 750x1334, 71BD578F-7346-4A97-965A-72B4E0…)

She’s posting in her other ig. I think she’s just brushing it off and deleted her Twitter so her stabs could feel bad tbh(namefagging)
No. 524647
File: 1527547295179.jpeg (241.18 KB, 750x893, 4D9CD458-4C58-4984-8B91-7210C7…)

I love reading live accounts of the shit Dasha does to turn everyone against Mina, literal fucking psychopath. Kek
>>524628>>524638R.I.P little ones
No. 524654
>>524653Thanks, Farmhand.
>>524650Hopefully seeking several therapists.
No. 524694
File: 1527552745262.jpeg (924.25 KB, 2022x1763, FD3BA346-6296-4DA3-A51C-668579…)

Holy shit, when did I miss this?! Dasha tried to feed Mina laxatives?! What the fuck!
No. 524698
File: 1527553996014.jpeg (344.78 KB, 1826x1370, 8B0CD1B4-D30C-4266-9788-EFBBA6…)

L O L, Dasha’s on IG pretending that her lips are real. Brb going to the bathroom to cry of laughter
No. 524734
>>524727What’s this? It won’t load
>>524725Kek, agree with everything you said. Cyr thinks Dasha is the one because she has a social following, fans that cater to her, and their relationship makes cute uwu “relationship goals” to stupid teenage girls. Cyr is a pretentious stuck up cunt, yeah he loves the attention Dasha gets him.
No. 524754
File: 1527560033491.jpeg (148.2 KB, 1054x675, 3AA9CDB1-AB5A-44C6-B0F8-680102…)

I imagine Edwin salivating like a crazy addict who’s finally getting his fix of drama. Still agree with him though, lol.
No. 524757
File: 1527560097614.png (308.83 KB, 1038x662, Screen Shot 2018-05-28 at 9.12…)

holy shit, how did we never notice that the screenshot has the little stats icon in the corner? thats only available if its your own tweet. we're blind lmao
No. 524894
>>524612you're itsbabydash1fan, aren't you?
Pay more attention to cropping the picture you post next time
No. 524896
File: 1527583172939.jpeg (207.49 KB, 750x601, 3EF5E128-6912-46F7-A5DE-E9D213…)

It seems like Mina is calling her out directly on her page as well now
No. 524933
File: 1527589818201.png (610.13 KB, 924x590, Screenshot at May 29 12-27-19.…)

Her fans are blind to believe this is facetune…
No. 524975
>>524973Dasha told people that she wanted to bring Mina out to 'destroy' her. When Mina came to the USA, Dasha got her to agree to a poly relationship with her and cyr.
She also tried to get Mina to overstay her visa. I honestly think Dasha was in love with Mina. What else would explain the hate?
No. 525018
File: 1527615806641.jpeg (111.68 KB, 815x523, 537A9DFA-4591-490A-B84B-7A33A3…)

Went over to check Dasha’s thread on PULL and they found out she had her double chin injected. On one of her last livestreams last week, she was implying that she’s never had anything done to her face and said that she was planning to get her jaw injected to even it out and make her chin appear less fat. She already had this procedure done months ago. Kek
Note: the circled parts are proof that’s it’s Dasha. I know some of you don’t think she has a Monroe piercing, but I’ll post proof for that next~
No. 525019
File: 1527615946160.jpeg (158.57 KB, 750x1334, FAA25ED2-7A2A-4401-B85D-555DC0…)

>>525018The lips that her “mama gave her”
Kek, Dasha I’ve seen what your mother looks like. Beautiful woman, but her lips are small, exactly like your natural ones. :)
No. 525035
File: 1527618473648.jpeg (207.3 KB, 750x1113, 59C82CD7-4140-4E8C-804C-BE30F6…)

>>525030No one cares about her having lip injections, it’s the fact she’s lying about it and trying to pass herself as natural to her teenage audience.
Her friend phiphibb liked the photo.
No. 525036
>>525033I do believe that it's flipped, but the receipt isn't good proof of that. It just looks like a wet receipt stuck on a cup.
>>525034This is better. It even looks like the lower part of Dasha's face.
No. 525055
File: 1527620024186.jpeg (130.88 KB, 750x928, 9C7C92B0-0F65-4ABE-B637-2EFA4D…)

>>525048Flipped it. It’s blurry, but you can tell it says cafe!
Some people just come here to be negative nancies and to argue with other farmers.
No. 525061
>>525055I wasn't denying that it wasn't flipped, I even said that it was. To me it looked like a face up receipt that got wet and made it see-through. Some people want to argue even when you're agreeing with them.
>>525058Yeah comparing the lips is proof enough on its own, especially with the monroe.
No. 525064
>>525061It’s a sticker that lets the barista know what you ordered, so they don’t have to write on the cups anymore. It’s thick.
On another note that’s a pretty big Monroe scar, unless it’s still open…but I doubt it since she doesn’t ever seem to wear anything in it and the back heals up pretty fast.
No. 525065
File: 1527621677956.png (87.87 KB, 835x768, californiarapelaws.png)

Cyr is really lucky he couldn't get it up when Dasha was pressuring him to perform when Mina was living with him.
Dasha nearly ruined his life.
No. 525071
>>525066This video is a year old and is way too fucking long. Timestamp 29:32 where it describes how Dasha was putting down Cyr because they hadn't had sex during the time Mina was living with them.
Reminder that this is when Mina, Dasha and Cyr were sharing a bed together.
Remember that this is after Dasha pressured and, in Mina's opinion, coerced her into being in a polyamourous relationship with Cyr and Dasha.
Remember that Dasha and Cyr were getting Mina drunk on wine every night and Dasha was pressuring her every night about how she wants to share Cyr with Mina.
Also remember that Cyr cheated on Mina with Dasha which led to them breaking up in the first place.
No. 525076
>>525071The thing that made me like… the maddest I guess? Is that Mina is sitting there talking about how she got to know Dasha and how she thought Dasha was kind of nice or whatever… and her IRL friends are telling her NOOOO. STALKER NO. NO. NO DON'T GO TO AMERICA NO. And not once does she say her friends were right about Dasha!
How many times and how close has this girl been to being found dead in a ditch? Jeeeezus.
No. 525100
>>525076Yeah, Mina isn't the best example of self-preservation
But then again, she probably got use to crash on random people houses.
It has been imply many times she doesn't have a stable home, and definitely have a shitty relationship with her mom since Mina couldn't even present Edwin to her.
It's sad, and Dasha knew about that and still explode Mina.
No. 525102
File: 1527625905832.png (82.51 KB, 720x552, 20180529_222909.png)

Yuup its definatly your choice,not because you dont have a models body..or a models face
All agencies are fighting for beautiful one and only dasha but she is too good for them
No. 525106
>>525100That just makes Dasha so much worse IMO. She can see this is a vulnerable girl that's going to be very easy to prey on.
Does Dasha even have any family? Or have they all disowned her for her single white female act?
No. 525125
>>525110Remember that when Mina lived with Dasha, Dasha had access to her phone. Dasha has pictures Mina has taken of herself that she's never posted.
Dasha has pictures that Dasha has deleted off of Mina's insta.
Dasha has posted naked pictures that Mina took of herself that she never shared with anyone.
No. 525144
>>525125Yeah I meant that in addition to all the stolen pics, I wonder how many times Dasha photographed Mina (like with
No. 525189
>>525165I can't tell if it's some Single White Female shit where she wants to crawl inside Mina's skin or if she has romantic feelings for Mina but she's so fucked up that she doesn't know the difference between romance and hatred.
>>525177Edwin's been asking questions like 'How can a british girl get a restraining order on an illegal in the US?' They literally don't know the questions to ask or who to ask them to. And Edwin is the one between the two of them that has any like… spine. Mina would have straight up been pressured into staying with her stalker if he wasn't there telling her she didn't have to stay in a situation that made her cry.
>>525185I bet you she's filmed some of the rough sex shit that would look reeeaal incriminating. She's already posted nudes of Mina as revenge.
No. 525194
>>525189I don't think Dasha wants to be Mina even though she kind of stole Cyr from her.. I do think she really liked Mina when they met and wanted to be with both of them and then when shit went sour and they both had the same kind of style Dasha just wanted to get rid of her. Dasha is clearly obsessed with Instagram so she wanted to be more popular and she wanted to warn all her "model" friends about Mina (or her perception of her) and she went waaay too far with it.
Even so, if they filmed things like that consensually and she tried to turn it into something else we know Dasha is the type to threaten so I'm sure Cyr has texts of her threatening him if that were the case. Blackmailing is illegal so she'd be incriminating herself.
No. 525197
>>525177Getting a restraining order is really hard, and if you're not even in the same country, forget it. Sad but that's how it is. Warning others is probably the best they can do.
>>525185He's not with her because she's hot, that's for sure - I remember him saying that he wasn't into her initially because he prefers 'art hoes' and isn't into 'insta hoes' (those were the terms used)
No. 525212
Guys, Dasha’s main instagram account is back.
>>525194Dasha was copying Mina before she even flew her over. She even went to the hairdresser with a photo of Mina and asked to get the same haircut. I have a screen shot somewhere, I’m going to see if I can find it.
But yeah, I don’t think she wants to be Mina either. She’s just really really mentally ill and has these sorts of issues with girls all the time. This is some deep-seated shit.
No. 525221
File: 1527638032186.png (1.97 MB, 750x1334, D66FB90C-7D00-48BF-94BE-F59679…)

Hmmm. Thoughts?
No. 525223
File: 1527638135030.png (3.94 MB, 750x1334, 0BFA45FC-921E-47BF-939B-6FB4C0…)

>>525221Jacklyn is hanging out with Dasha right now and liking her photos. She has to know what’s going on considering Onision was tweeting about it?
No. 525232
File: 1527638901757.png (2.43 MB, 750x1334, 950BE8BC-0308-4E89-A3C9-3234F4…)

Edwin is so stupid. he doesnt want to upload today because he doesn’t want Dasha to gain followers, but right now is the time to do it seeing as she re-activated her account.
>>525227I thought she had a little more integrity, shame. It just came to me that Dasha opened her ig again to gain followers from Jaclyn’s shout out.
No. 525247
>>525240Jaclyn can't help but latch on to narcissists because she's most likely an inverted one herself.
Bad move, Jaclyn.
No. 525266
File: 1527642200548.png (1.09 MB, 774x730, glenn.PNG)

>>525265I went through her twitter to see if I can find a post where she was hanging out with him. Jaclyn is an idiot for sure.
No. 525268
File: 1527642345610.png (489.93 KB, 1242x2208, DF42C6C3-462E-4551-A93E-F41DDF…)

People are trash honestly… why the fuck is this whore getting more followers????
Itsbabydash should be losing followers!!!
No. 525286
>>525273She’s still following Edwin on IG, maybe you’re right!
>>525268She definitely should be losing followers. Edwin needs to drop that second video now before the heat dies down and she decides to lock her shit again.
No. 525408
File: 1527658262355.jpeg (26.98 KB, 750x135, 7448E6B9-08D3-4203-A350-9F762F…)

Dasha just followed doedeere, lmfao.
No. 525411
File: 1527658509691.jpeg (113.36 KB, 750x551, EE125FC6-C720-4E01-AEAC-A86F70…)

No. 525420
File: 1527660105580.jpeg (60.95 KB, 750x314, 43B4D9A5-39E9-445F-9BDA-CB6C7A…)

>>525417All I know is I hope he’s not lying about something this sensitive to get the heat off himself, but yeah you’re absolutely right about him having 0 support from Dasha. She’s literally on IG liking photos right now. For once, I feel a bad for Cyr.
No. 525437
>>525434Why not? There's a whole range of options here.
how do you know it's even him using his phone? We already know he's an alcoholic and that Dasha doesn't mind getting into other people's phones.
Alternately, how bad is it for him now that he's alone with Dasha to manipulate him? She might have him thinking it's not even that bad because if he doesn't say something to get the heat off her she'll try to kill herself. 'Do you want to be alone without anyone, with me knowing what I know' that kind of shit.
No. 525455
>>525454I like your optimism, anon. Semi tinfoil, but given how fucking crazy dasha has proved herself to be, surely there must be other loony shit she’s done/people she’s done it to. Maybe not on this scale of autism but there’s gotta be some skeletons rattling around in closets. Possibly literally (but not really, I don’t think she’s
that unhinged…)
No. 525456
>>525455That’s what I’ve been wanting to know. Edwin has mentioned multiple times about people contacting Mina before and after she met Dasha, to let her know about shit she’s done to them.
I think mentioning Cyr is going to be a really bad idea in the next coming video, he really should’ve uploaded sooner like he originally planned. Now they’re going to look bad once again, because of Cyr’s situation. If Edwin is smart, he’ll edit that out and leave it for another day, as much as I’d love to hear about the possible shady shit Cyr does.
No. 525473
File: 1527678170707.png (73.69 KB, 720x432, 20180530_130153.png)

Oh boy
No. 525475
File: 1527678271940.png (130.68 KB, 720x854, 20180530_130442.png)

No. 525483
>>525465Lmfao, savage anon is savage. Completely agree with you, although I do hope nothing bad happens to his father!
>>525473>>525475Holy mother of shit. Cyr, you really dun goofed this time. If Edwin sees this and goes about it carefully, it’ll be the complete and utter end of Dasha and CO.
also, not surprised that Cyr is a slimy grease ball, that dude has always made my alarms go off like crazy.
No. 525489
>>525465I completely forgot about his “friend” who died, good recall anon.
If he is lying then he is as much a POS as his psycho bitch girlfriend and I hope Edwin eviscerates him. And soon, because this is becoming painful.
No. 525494
>>525411Sorry for being the asshole now, but I don't believe it.
I wouldn't doubt that Julia manipulated him into saying this so people will be on their side when Edwins second video drops. They then can sperg about what a horrible person Edwin is for posting his video while Mike's in such a situation, in hope to get fans back.
No. 525507
File: 1527684518090.png (31.04 KB, 433x351, unknown (1).png)

>>525504Yep, I tried to make a new account on my phone, didn't work, then went on my computer with a proxy and still got the error message that I was blocked from making a new account and I was too lazy to spoof my useragent and go to all that length. The nazi salute post was removed first, then I posted a screenshot with a hint to look for it on Youtube and the account was gone a bit later. RIP
No. 525563
File: 1527695275311.jpeg (4.63 KB, 200x69, download.jpeg)

>>525507post the nazi salute on
No. 525687
File: 1527712087871.png (955.47 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180530-222752.png)

I hate jaclyn so much
No. 525690
>>525687It amazes me that either of them has "fans." Their looks
and personalities are both just fucking terrible.
No. 525720
File: 1527715919150.png (414.81 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-05-30-15-30-35…)

10/10 the most supportive girlfriend on the world
No. 525787
File: 1527728040075.jpeg (402.05 KB, 1242x1807, EFD9036C-69C7-43AF-B27E-7B50BD…)

>>525701Someone got defensive lol. God Dasha is a cunt.
No. 525812
File: 1527731581873.png (75.74 KB, 730x417, edwin.png)

Deportation incoming?
No. 525875
File: 1527738562272.jpeg (279.49 KB, 748x1103, F82F8C2A-065D-4451-8743-09A523…)

No. 525899
"Guise pls donate to my kickstart so we can sue dasha, and mina can buy more ugly wigs kthx"
Everybody here who keeps tinfoiling about trasha's legal status in the US is dumb as hell. Cant y'all just call/email one of the "companies" she modeled for (Lime Crime for example) and ask them about her status? Cause if they paid her while she's in a tourist visa , THEY can get in a lot of trouble.
As an end note, it wouldn't surprise me if this all ends up with cyr marrying dasha to keep her here. Yes, he is THAT stupid and she is THAT manipulative. Although if she did get pay while working illegally then she might just get outright deported even on a "fiancee visa". We can only hope.
No. 525958
>>525930She's been in the states for over two years now.
I'm not entirely sure with this but as far as I remember she won a green card or something like that for a party weekend (? please correct me if you know it, I hardly remember) with a friend and she just didn't leave.
No. 525965
>>525953Agreed. SR was/is a disgusting pig on top of being fuckin' ugly, and nothing Jaclyn did or does justifies how gross he was. Ew.
>>525899I know she's an "inoffensive white girl" rather than a "horrible dark skinned Mexican" or whatever America thinks RE: deportation, but there's honestly no way she could live there that long without her lack of citizenship impeding her life, right? I just can't believe it.
No. 525975
>>525875I can't at "Yes, I am very emotional - people say it's cuz I'm a cancer"
>>525899Every youtuber who says they are taking legal action never does lol.
No. 525979
>>525968>>525968Green card lottery is a real thing but you have to be in your own country to apply and win it. You do get the chance to stay permanently but I think you can't leave for the first year, and you can't leave for long periods or you lose the card. I've heard of people winning them (friends of friends). Some countries have bigger 'quotas' for them than others.
The thing is, if she had one, she wouldn't be acting stressy, trying to cover her tracks, or talking about California being a sanctuary state. So she's probably lied about having one for a cover.
No. 525983
>>525979That’s what I mean. I have entered the green card lottery before, but I thought it gave you permanent residency and the legal ability to work. I am on an E3D and I can’t work because I don’t have work authorization yet. I can tell everyone that doing things the right way and taking the legal route is not easy. I think she must have gotten either a legal visa, because she flaunts the fact that she works online, and I just don’t know that immigration takes kindly to that. One time I got a job and got excited and posted it on my linked in before I got into the USA and they looked up my linked in, found it and said they think I am illegally working in the USA (despite being in my home country still ). Immigration are hard asses! I didn’t continue that application either, I had to let the job go, because I knew that if I was turned down for a visa, I would never get into the USA again and my husband was there already! So I just don’t know how she is getting away with this crap.
Surely it would cause problems for her family entering the USA too? I don’t know, but I assume you can’t list an illegal immigrant as a point of contact in the USA.
No. 526005
File: 1527776160845.jpeg (111.42 KB, 750x1204, 8E8D8152-7BBC-4695-AD2A-57DAC2…)

Not exactly related, but Dasha is a bit creepy.
No. 526007
File: 1527776769018.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1242x1880, FC26016A-8ED2-4DB8-87B1-8786BA…)

>>526005She is a fucking headcase
Dasha keeps promoting that ugly bitch Lettie. We know you are getting low on stans these days Dasha, but giving Lettie attention is scraping the bottom of the gene pool barrel.
All the Dasha fans saying “you’re so beautiful” makes me want to vomit lol. This girl is not at all pretty. Even before she started defending that cunt Dasha, I always thought she was ugly. Not in any definable way (apart from her god awful teeth-even after braces they are too big), but she just doesn’t have attractive features I guess.
No. 526022
File: 1527779788737.jpeg (162.02 KB, 905x905, 9E1FD583-3EC3-4D14-AD7A-E9CDEF…)

>>526007Are you kidding me anon? You’re really going to sit there and call Lettie ugly when she hardly even needs facetune and is naturally beautiful?!
>>526010All I know is that their real last names are Stadler and Cyr, seeing as both have family members on FB with the same last names
No. 526061
File: 1527785517367.jpeg (205.11 KB, 749x1159, 391ADE9D-60E7-4A97-A4A1-605C0A…)

One of her possible names
No. 526065
File: 1527786143713.png (615.92 KB, 720x1144, 20180531_180022.png)

Her sisters fb. I found it through searching her bfs name from instagram. Im sure you could find out a lot of info if you dig deep enough, its not that hard. Took me less than 2 mins. Also i blurred tje last name because im not sure of the rules surrounding family members…
No. 526068
File: 1527786656619.png (786.63 KB, 1344x1172, cyr.png)

This is clearly Cyr's last name. I searched through people that follow him and found that he posts on other 'Cyr' family posts and even older people with that last name interact with him.
No. 526069
File: 1527787068522.png (767.53 KB, 1324x1285, dasha.png)

It has to be stadler, because I found her mum's facebook and they share the same last name and she has a photo comparing herself to Dasha. Also covered first name to avoid name dropping.
No. 526070
>>526066It looks like her maternal last name is Stadler and her paternal last name may be Waldhör. The thing is figuring out in which order her first and middle name go, I couldn’t find anything marriage wise with Cyr even though I searched her name in various forms.
I’m almost 100% she’s illegal. She might be loud on social media, but she keeps a pretty low profile irl and doesn’t really go too far from the DTLA area. I know someone who’s illegal and beat his wife multiple times. He ended up in jail and was going to be deported, but somehow got out (don’t know the details) and is all comfy at home right now. So I’m not surprised at all that she manages to stay here undetected, specially considering she’s white and uses multiple names.
No. 526074
File: 1527787607693.jpeg (353.72 KB, 640x1055, A9017D08-FEE5-4445-8E19-4CC1FB…)

i’ll admit i haven’t read through every past post on this so sorry if you’ve already saw this
No. 526075
File: 1527787724541.jpeg (152.05 KB, 640x899, 244BEDB4-1F16-4EBC-AB8E-69427F…)

also stumbled on her old pinterest.. no milk on there but i found the “but i mess around a lot” line pretty funny
No. 526087
File: 1527788310089.jpeg (95.9 KB, 750x1110, B6C10787-C9D9-4A9F-8A89-B73AB0…)

>>526075>British cunt Kek and here I thought sassenach was a regular username she might’ve used in the past
No. 526090
File: 1527789355923.jpeg (287.32 KB, 1542x710, 799F5D0B-236E-468C-8D09-AA6BCF…)

I love coincidences :D
No. 526099
>>526075>>526087This doesn't even remotely prove it is dashas pinterest. The type and brackets there and that Intro are 100% what people type when they are role-playing which is surprisingly huge on Pinterest especially with instathots like dasha and kenna.
Deleted and reposted to add that I'm Irish and sasanach just means englishperson in our dialect, if this pinterest was of any value. It's not hugely derogative. But again I sincerely doubt that's her.
No. 526113
File: 1527791998717.jpeg (79.36 KB, 640x377, 14D5B826-4EFE-440E-B79F-DE3E78…)

New video apparently in about 5 hours.
No. 526131
File: 1527793136212.jpeg (173.12 KB, 750x854, CA39CE14-99D4-420F-831B-53F17F…)

Lmfao. Oh Fettie, Edwin wouldn’t have the opportunity to make videos and monetize them if Dasha didn’t constantly give him material for his videos.
Then again, I’m talking about a moron with 0 logic, who got personally offended because Mina befriended all of Cyr’s ex’s and repeatedly texted him when he broke up with her. Still wondering how that affects you in any way shape or form, kek
No. 526156
File: 1527795221528.jpeg (203.37 KB, 635x778, 8D742086-BC3C-49B2-BECE-72C707…)

oh my
No. 526161
File: 1527795679667.jpeg (570.74 KB, 2048x1280, D39F1C6E-50CF-4F40-86FC-D4F925…)

>To anyone trying to introduce negativity into my life right now, there is actually a place in hell for you.
Hey Cyr, how about you stop using tragedies to cover your cowardly ass. You really think it’s not obvious that you’re trying to set Edwin up to look bad? This whole mess started because of YOUR GIRLFRIEND. Edwin is making videos on you guys, because DASHA is the one who keeps causing problems. Instead of being a slimy sneaky snake and using your dads stroke as your little trump card, why don’t you stop enabling your psychopath girlfriend and covering for her?
It just makes me laugh how you act like Edwin and Mina are the ones fucking over your life, when the cause of ALL your problems is right in front of your fucking face. Control your bitch already, put a leash on her and tell her to stop subtweeting, slandering, sabotaging and stalking.
No. 526175
>>526161>>526156I strongly believe he's lying.
Someone with a facebook account could look if his siblings posted something about their dad.
No. 526176
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No. 526178
>>526175I actually did this as soon as I saw Cyr tweet about it, but most of his families Facebooks are either private, don’t really post, or their posts are just not viewable to the public. His mother doesn’t even have a profile picture.
I think whether or not it’s a lie, it’s still super low to use his dads stroke as damage control.
No. 526231
File: 1527805053652.png (543.43 KB, 1316x810, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 3.16…)

>>526224 >>526227>>526227Julia confirmed via post from a different mom account. Seems like she isn't on Facebook.
No. 526233
>>526229Not completely sure which of her parents she has Russian from, but she said it herself on a live last week that she’s German/Russian
>>526231You won’t find Julia’s Facebook because she deactivated it literally minutes after it was posted on the last thread kek
No. 526252
>>526234He fought with him and later on used his death to avoid backlash from Edwin’s video? Lolok
Also, I can’t seem to find this persons facebook?
No. 526284
>>526179Yes! I actually did a double take because I thought it
was Julia! How much d’ya wanna bet she posted it “on his behalf”?
No. 526295
>>526292The thing is that Cyr will be briefly mentioned and that’s all their retarded fans need to pounce on Edwin. I think he should still do it, it looks like he has more support this time.
>>526293Same, keemstar is a biased little bitch so he won’t do it. Has repzion seen Edwin’s video? I haven’t watched repzion in a while, but I remember him doing these type of videos once in a while. Maybe he’ll do one seeing as he hates Putin?
No. 526296
>>526293Cyr channel and popularity has gone down the shitter lately but at one point I guess he was popular so maybe drama channels don’t wanna get themselves caught up. Also Dasha is just a side piece in Cyrs older videos, it’s more Instathot drama?
It is really weird though, surely ONE drama channel or drama ~hunter ~ would be commenting.
No. 526317
File: 1527818243292.png (18.28 KB, 588x147, Capture.PNG)

Delayed again
No. 526320
File: 1527818483418.png (1.86 KB, 223x176, ECEC7DD8-70F0-4103-B6A3-1BF3F4…)

>>526317This stupid motherfucker. Maybe if you hadn’t stopped to take twitter breaks every fucking 2 minutes the video would’ve been done already.
God I’ve never wanted to punch someone so bad.
>>526320Lol chill bro it’s the internet.
Has anyone heard anything at all from dasha regarding this drama?
No. 526335
File: 1527820229811.jpeg (66.72 KB, 750x383, 0C04DDE6-1717-43AE-BD87-53F776…)

>>526329Just liking every single comment that kisses her ass on Cyr’s post
No. 526363
>>526346Because you’re actively looking for work, anon. Dasha lays on her bed all day plotting/scheming and taking selfies, ofc she’s not going to get grilled and spotted as foreign.
>>526351Exactly. His initial reason for cutting it in 2 pieces was because it would be long, so what’s the difference now? Just post what you originally planned to post and upload the testimonies another time.
No. 526374
>>519998All that time he spent on twitter today could have easily gone into the process of getting the video done and we'd have it today.
Fuck the excuses, he probably caved by giving in to the delay.
No. 526389
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No. 526394
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Looks like stroke wasn’t a lie, still shitty to use as shield tho
No. 526422
>>526416Sociopaths don’t give a shit about “awkward”. I’m not saying there is conclusive evidence to prove he’s lying but this doesn’t prove that he’s
not lying.
No. 526426
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No. 526433
File: 1527834781463.png (433.25 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-06-01-02-29-26…)

Dude, you're the one who invited negativity to come live with you. The way he worded it is obviously directed towards Edwin. You can't just take a passive stance while your gf is doing all this crazy shit and then whine when you start to take some heat for it. Dasha did the same thing in her own way, claiming she has depression. Both scumbags, honestly. Edwin better not let this delay his video any further, no one cares that Cyr's dad is having health problems. Everyone in the world has personal problems, and you still have to be held accountable for your actions.
No. 526459
>>525930she's been in the U.S since she was 19 and she hasn't checked in her some country and there is no proof she goes to any unis. She is most likely illegal since she gets super defensive on the topic lmao
and No it wasn't LDR they met on IG and fucked around while Cyr was with mina
No. 526474
File: 1527856514904.png (75.41 KB, 720x491, 20180601_143437.png)

Are her fans actually retarded or
No. 526500
File: 1527859802420.png (927.35 KB, 1242x2208, 420C7D8B-E7AF-497A-89CA-FE6663…)

This is the first thing that comes up on my search results and I never visit PULL
No. 526531
File: 1527871426043.jpeg (243.05 KB, 750x781, 4EA26FD9-1F8E-4383-9F9A-D39E18…)

Get your buckets ready, fam
No. 526533
File: 1527871663212.gif (1.53 MB, 358x200, AB646E31-2D8E-46F3-BCEC-923786…)

>>526532He fucking better!
No. 526562
>>526561Hahahahaha I'm with you anon
Grow some balls and post Edwina!
No. 526584
>>526583Don't be a lazy cunt, all you have to do is copy the link and exchange youtube for hooktube without even giving him a view.
I'm 10 minutes in and holy shit it's raining caps. He deserves the views for the milk tbh
No. 526588
File: 1527878182488.jpg (70.78 KB, 620x372, Woman-drinking-milk-012.jpg)

>>526577here we fuckin go
No. 526592
>>526583dont be a bitch, he deserves the views like this anon
>>526584 said he really went in 100/100. Edwin if you're reading this bless you for the milk and thank you admin sama for doing gods work
No. 526598
>>526584Sorry i didnt know how hooktube works i just know you can download the videos and i wanted to download it in case he deletes it since the DL button here never works on mobile for me anymore.
Moving on. It’s a good idea to include the timestamps in the description so nothing can really be missed or glossed over. He’s been pretty thorough in these vids so far and I usually think he’s pretty cringey but so far he’s handling himself well imo
No. 526608
File: 1527879718278.png (451.79 KB, 958x526, Screenshot at Jun 01 20-59-03.…)

Edwin is coming through with a ton of receipts. Holy shit a lot of people she was in touch with have turned on her.
No. 526615
File: 1527880119249.png (576.51 KB, 959x532, Screenshot at Jun 01 21-08-08.…)

Charlie confirmed for posting on lolcow on Dasha's behalf, maybe now Admin could check for all the other IPs that were suspicious like the one hinted at in OP?
No. 526633
>>526630On Mina? Doubtful I think. I never watch his old post on his ex, but I doubt he even went into details on her. Cyr is a psycho too and deserved to be sued. Plus he owed money so why the fuck not right? I would sue that wet towel.
Who was that insta thot that Dasha posed with on top of the roof that time? She has long chestnut hair. Dasha deleted the photo and I’m just wondering if she is one of the girls from the video?
No. 526671
>>526660Art student? Can you please give give more information about that.
As far as I know she never went to college.
No. 526691
>>526630he said he didn't sue her and they're on good terms, did you miss those dms?
>>526684I mean dasha never had definitive proof on mina or edwin so why did you blindly do anything for her without thinking how it would make others feel?
No. 526708
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Or she can run away from the whole situation and just turn into jaclyn next lol
No. 526717
>>526706I fear that with all the control Dasha has over Cyr, she may even try to prevent him from finding out the truth and watching the video. Even if his other friends were to try to tell him, Dasha would probably convince him its all lies
(sorry didn't mean the first blank response)
No. 526720
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>>526044Sorry, but that’s delusional. She reminds me of a troll.
No. 526723
>>526691In the way dasha explains things on the down low to me and all the other minions. It could be quite convincing. When you even see what other minions show you and tell you it could be shocking too. Dasha has mentioned that mina even wanted a green card from cyr but when I interacted with him about the drama he was really confused but just said he doesn’t even know anything about that. She speaks for him. But I thought he just didn’t want to say anything at first. I Know he’s told the other minions not to show dasha screenshots of edwin or mina to
trigger her. He’s practically begged not to show her anything because she will probably go crazy. I can ask for the text from one of the other minions but I’m sure they read here too so I’m probably not going to get anything. She’s Can be very intimidating and very convincing, the stuff she said about mina and Edwin made me feel bad for her. It’s a whole different story when your on the inside circle.
No. 526730
File: 1527893989139.jpg (163.54 KB, 792x1144, dashamightbecrazybutmina.jpg)

No. 526731
>>526727Yeah someone on this thread also said she seems to have borderline personality disorder and I don't want to play armchair psychologist but I suspect that she
definitely has some sorta personality disorder (narcissistic, borderline, etc) with all the manipulating bs. Also her obsession with Mina reminds me of the' Favorite Person' stuff people with bpd have, although her obsession is just hateful/cruel rather than love/reliant. It doesn't excuse her terrible behavior though
No. 526732
>>526720Not having eyebrows ≠ being ugly
>>526708I feel almost bad for Dasha because she obviously has serious mommy issues but Jesus fucking Christ, she needs therapy. I wonder if Jaclyn enjoys hearing her ramble about the whole situation non-stop, considering she's a giant drama whore herself.
No. 526741
File: 1527895878080.jpeg (128.56 KB, 750x750, C35A5DA7-7897-4721-9ADD-A0DDCE…)

Here’s a screenshot dasha sent me, I’ll send another one, she mad it seem like mina was Cyrs crazy stalker ex that messages Cyrs exes to get back at him and now I’m noticing now that it’s minas broken phone, She lied saying she didn’t go through it when she’s even been on her twitter messages. I know I’m an idiot for not noticing before.
No. 526743
File: 1527895953415.jpeg (80.55 KB, 640x640, 4590AD55-CBA1-4E22-840B-FEAFF7…)

>>526741 I’m going to screen shot me and dashas messages and save videos before I block her.
No. 526748
>>526727Yeah someone on this thread also said she seems to have borderline personality disorder and I don't want to play armchair psychologist but I suspect that she
definitely has some sorta personality disorder (narcissistic, borderline, etc) with all the manipulating bs. Also her obsession with Mina reminds me of the' Favorite Person' stuff people with bpd have, although her obsession is just hateful/cruel rather than love/reliant. It doesn't excuse her terrible behavior though
No. 526845
File: 1527925708276.png (808.74 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180602-094743.png)

Dasha continues to preted like nothing is happening on insta
Hate to say but she kind of looks really good here
No. 526904
File: 1527936592091.png (85.65 KB, 916x849, trafficking.png)

>>526895>>526897 wasn't a relationship between two adults with no power imbalance or malice. Dasha created this power imbalance for the purpose of having terrible things happen to Mina.
Dasha was misrepresenting her intentions, saying she wanted to 'destroy' Mina to people privately.
She got her to come to the US away from friends and family through deception. Tried to convince her to overstay her Visa in the US, which makes her ineligible to do above board work. Dasha apparently had control over Mina's only option for housing in the US. Dasha proactively ruined potential business relationships for Mina.
Apparently she didn't succeed in getting Mina to sell sex, so it's not like she can be prosecuted. But maaaan Mina got so fucking lucky to have someone willing to help her get out of the apartment when Dasha started to push for a poly relationship. So many people aren't so lucky.
No. 526917
>>526904Eh, I'd say she wanted her to come along with her and perhaps do it too. I imagine they'd get quite a lot if they did it together with a very rich man. Like high class escorts or something, but I think you are being a little over the top in saying that Dasha intended to ship Mina over and enslave her into sex trafficking. That's a reach.
It was probably more like 'come fuck my sugar daddy with me, he's got a yacht'
I could even see (although this is a tinfoil) Dasha getting the idea to introduce Mina to one of her regulars formore money. Even if Mina didn't wanna suck old dick, they could get paid quite a bit just for a live lesbian show.
Or maybe Dasha wanted Mina to partakein the SB lifestyle so they would have more things in common or so she'd have something to use against Mina when they fought.
It's honestly hard to tell what Dasha's intentions were because she's such a rollercoaster of the 'i hate mina i love mina' emotions, but I really don't think she'd be smart enough or have enough connections to a sex trafficking cartel. That's Alex jones level tinfoil anon
No. 526925
>>526921This. There's an influx of newfags asking questions that have already been answered if they lurk a little bit, and ridiculous tinfoils.
The whole Cyr/Dasha/Edwin drama isn't that hard to follow at all.
If you watch like 2 or three of Edwin's videos and Dasha's perscope you'll be up to date. If you are THAT lazy and don't feel like reading.
No. 526929
>>526927I was referring to the newfags asking about the escorting and other minor details, not sure why the anon tagged you as an example, but your question is kind of dumb though.
It's obvious, she's insecure. Why would anyone lie about having fillers/plastic surgery? They don't want to be subject to critisism.
There's a lot of people who lie about getting fillers and surgery and usually it's to avoid judgement but a lot of lolcows do it because they want people to view them as naturally beautiful and untouchable.
Dasha wants everyone to think she's open and honest and only uses a bit of facetune, when in reality she hates herself and projects everything she hates about herself onto other people.
>uses facetuneLook at how thin Mina photoshops herself as!!!
>gets obvious fillersMina has cheek fillers omg!!!
In conclusion, she's very mentally sick and extremely jealous and insecure.
What else would you like to know about why Dasha does half the things she does? She's a psycho. End of story.
No. 526930
>>526917You're acting like you need to do this to more than one person for it to count. It doesn't work like that.
You only need one whore to be a pimp.
You only need one girl stuck in your country illegally at your mercy doing sex work for money at your behest to be a trafficker.
No. 526931
>>526930I'm not acting like that anon.
I know how sex trafficking works.
I'm just saying I don't think Dasha flew her over purely for the premise of sex work. I think she intially wanted a friend/poly twin/whatever and when Mina came over, she couldn't deal with how jealous she felt. She chopped and changed her agenda and obviously because she couldn't get Mina to open up more to the friendship/act the way that Dasha wanted, combined with the fact she was insecure and jealous, she decided fuck it, this isn't going thed way I want, and set out to destroy Mina. She did the same with Edwin and will probably do some crazy shit to Cyr when they break up.
No. 526935
>>526930Not only that but I'm sure Mina would have been able to get out of the situation had Dasha actually been playing to pimp her out.
Like I know they said shit was bad at home for Mina but I doubt she couldn't contact a friend to send her money for a plane ticket to help get her out of the mess.
Yes, typically they take your passport and isolate you from family and break you down but if that was Dasha's plan she's an idiot. Mina has a large following and only being young, I'm sure her parents would start to wonder where she is/contact her. Your tinfoil is a bit of a reach, stop getting so hurt about it.
No. 526940
>>526938Uh you do realise people can have both bpd and npd? I think she has both tbh. I understand why you feel hurt, the stigma that all borderline people are manipulative psychos is annoying and people are quick to diagnose, but Dasha fits the criteria from more than a few traits so I think it's fair to say she probably is a narc with bpd. She was pretty hurt about Mina. Even her friend in Edwin's video said she would sound hurt and say she just wanted a friend then instantly flip and bitch about her.
Don't take Dasha's behaviour as a reflection of yourself.
As you said, you are getting therapy.
(armchairing) No. 526944
File: 1527945852142.jpeg (563.89 KB, 2048x1480, BDB46831-3F11-43AD-907B-D80ADD…)

This is what Dasha was doing when Edwin uploaded his video yesterday. She was hanging out with this girl (freshly graduated from hs) at their apartment. Most likely grooming her to be her minion ofc.
No. 526957
>>526931Dasha had told people she 'was going to ruin Mina's life' well before inviting her. She wasn't looking for a friend.
>>526935No one ever said Dasha was a genius, but she did pick someone without strong ties. Dasha knew she had a bad family life, as evidenced by the fact that edwin wasn't introduced to Mina's mother. Add on to that how Dasha went out of her way to shit talk Mina to any of her followers? I might have some tinfoil but at least I've bothered to read the thread and watch the drama videos. Don't accuse a farmer for getting hurt when you can't even bother to get the story straight.
It's a shame Edwin's family doesn't have enough money to pay for a ridiculous attorney.
No. 526972
>>526957I'm saying you are hurt because of the butthurt way you are replying to anons that don't agree that Dasha wanted to use Mina for sex trafficking from the get go. Noone is saying you are wrong, just that it sounds reachy. I already agreed that she probably wanted to Mina to be a sugar baby/do sex work like her/with her, I just don't think she was planning to sex traffick her.
>dasha knew she had a bad family life>evidenced by edwin not meeting Mina's motherEdwin not meeting Mina's mother happened
after the drama was over, they had moved out and were a couple. What are you on about?
I've read all the threads and Edwin's videos/vlogs, follow all the drama on instagram and twitter plus I've painfully watched all of Dasha's crazy perscope so I have my 'story straight' as you say haha
No. 526973
File: 1527951669265.gif (466.49 KB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

>>526944>>526945That girl looks kind of like mina. Has she found a new replacement?
No. 526975
>>526956Actually it's really common for people to have more than one cluster b personality disorder, but it can be hard to diagnose since npd and bpd share a lot of similar traits (obviously not all)
But I'm not going continue arguing about the bpd and narc shit because armchairing is stupid anyway.
Who cares, Dasha is fucking crazy whatever disorder she has lol
>>526944Dasha's new victim.
No. 526981
>>526945You should've slimmed down your torso in that right picture before letting your new victim post it, Dasha. That is not a good look.
>>526979Please tell me you got help if Dasha's actions in any way shape or form remind you of your younger self. She slipped Mina laxatives ffs. That's not love.
No. 526985
>>526981I got help and I'm a lot older now and embarrassed to even know i was like that. I'd say her actions online remind me of my younger self, not her irl actions which are extreme even from my perspective.
Safe to say, Shes the craziest case I've heard of when it comes to these situations.
No. 526991
>>526979Weirdly enough, I had a similar thought that she was in love with her intially anon.
Semi blog post, but I had a friend who was intense and full on and would suddenly adopt phrases I said, and things I liked. I didn't care about that shit though, but it got weirder.
She would joke that her friends would say things like 'why don't you date (me)? You talk about her so much!' I knew she was lying because she had no other friends. She was saying this to test the waters. She even did the same thing as Dasha where she would give me alcohol and not touch hers. Eventually I distanced myself politely because she would lie about everything and stole something from me.
She got clingy and accused me of hating her so I told her I wasn't mad, I just didn't like some of the things she did. I guess she didn't like that. She then proceeded to blow up in my face and posted my phone number on a public website.
Anyhow, this whole Dasha thing brought back memories and I have no doubt that she was hoping to have a girlfriend. The problem is, with crazy people like that, they don't like it when things don't go their way so they then turn into absolute monsters and instantly hate that person.
No. 527012
File: 1527957407502.jpg (525.29 KB, 1080x1627, IMG_20180602_123527.jpg)

Noticed this. Mina can't even comment or like pictures of other girls without Dasha pretty much trying to claim them immediately after. This is all so fucking strange.
No. 527035
>>527012Probably common to have the same circles and a couple of mutuals but it's also probably Dasha's way of intimidating Mina. I wouldn't be suprised if Dasha bitched non stop about Mina the whole time she hung out with that girl.
On another note, has anyone noticed how Dasha kinda looks like the grinch or a dr Seuss character when she smiles in candids? She's not ugly, and the grich is kind of cute, but the likeness is hilarious given her personality.
No. 527040
Here’s just a bit of insight from someone who has had a skinwalker try and copy me, to when I was like 13 I think I was a skin walker myself(I know it’s embarrassing, but at least it was before I was 16). Real fast, in a nutshell without getting into my own issues that are way gone, as this was a looooong time ago… I was diagnosed with body dismorphia and basically hated myself so badly that I couldn’t understand why a guy wouldn’t want to be with me, and just what was it about the girl they would choose? I would always think that the girlfriend of a guy I would like was oh so gorgeous to the point of trying to look like them. It was sad because when I look back there was nothing wrong with me. I can tell you however that at the time I did hurt, and I had a horrible mother figure to the point that I moved cross country, all the way to LA to get away from her, and I had a strict father figure. I’m not trying to derail here, I’m just trying to give insight from a girl that went through this. Also, even until I was about 26/27 I was still like this: where even though I had the guy in the palm of my hands- I would still obsess on their ex being so pretty. The only thing that changed was that I stopped trying to actually look like the girl because by then I had my own look. But I would still fuck with my man’s exes for some reason, thinking he loved them more than me. So bottom line, I blame Dashas bullshit on her own insecurities in head coupled with a shitty home-family life with the added factors of competition in her media driven mind. I don’t even feel sorry for her because I myself blame my fucked up family instead of myself for my own fiasco. And finally I grew out of the skin walking phase by 16 so her mind is rather underdeveloped imo if she is still skin walking ffs. It’s one thing to borrow a look, another to steal and attempt to actually become the person. Dasha thinks she’s taking the high road by ignoring this whole thing when this is something that needs to be responded to since the allegations are somewhat serious and will absolutely ruin her reputation online. All she would have to do is admit, and apologize. I’m sure many will not accept it, especially Edwin and Mina but she owes them one for sure.
No. 527041
File: 1527965748815.png (396.88 KB, 808x589, Screenshot at Jun 02 20-55-49.…)

>>527036I'm on her IG and it looks like she shot with Dasha a handful of times and talks about how fun it was. Are you sure it's her?
Kek at this rare Julia though.
No. 527045
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When I would talk to dasha in DMs. She showed me that niamh screenshot already so I’m assuming she deleted the conversation between us. I thought it was weird. But I knew instantly I didn’t want to give her my phone number. We only messaged one time but I find it weird to automatically ask for someone’s number like that. At the time I just brushed it off because I felt bad for her because she made Mina seem like a crazy liar. I know the fake accounts are Minas but the thing is, they were not abusive accounts, they are simple fan accounts that didn’t do much of anything but comment nice stuff on Minas and her friends pics like Leon. She also sent a text conversation Leon had with her but I’m hoping I can get that from one of the minions I had a convo with on twitter. Leon didn’t want to be involved but dasha is buddy’s with him.
No. 527065
>>527058Out of curiousity and because I can’t remember, why was Leon mad at Mina again? If I remember correctly it was because she ghosted him or didn’t reply to his texts? Something petty of the sort.
Also, was it Edwin’s video that made you change your mind about Dasha or were you already noticing these things beforehand? Not the anon who was being a bit aggressive towards you yesterday, but to me it’s always been clear as day that she only acknowledges certain fans because they trash on Mina and Edwin. Not judging you, because when this whole mess started I was on Dasha’s side, but it became apparent very quickly that she doesn’t care about anyone but herself and only sees other people as pawns. Basically she only sees others as a means to get what she wants.
No. 527073
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>>527066Because they were subtweeting each other on twitter, mina was mad and made a snarky subtweet with a picture of some weird looking people saying “cyr and dasha look good here” it was back and forth petty stuff. Cyr told idubbz to block mina because mina was obsessed with idubbz at the time. It wasn’t even a big fight but I guess at the time it was and maybe dasha kept that vendetta ever since. Mina did that fake apology at first, but she grew to like dasha. And ended the fued but dasha was still not over it and still plotted to do things behind her back and find her weaknesses went through her personal belongings. I never payed attention to it because I didn’t see the bigger picture until now.
>>527065I think it was getting there I felt just a weirdness when I would look back on things. Initially it was Charlie that got to me. Seeing what dasha would do, it made me feel relatable. The other minions she would do the same thing. She told one of them “You’re the only person that has my back, not even my own close friends have my back and I consider you a close friend” and I was creeped out because she would sent that to all of them. Charlie was manipulated for a long time. Everyone has their own lives and own worries, she only cared about her own she would barely ask you about your personal life.
By the way the picture is for reference that people didn’t believe cyr had contact with idubbz back then but he did, they commented on each other’s stuff. But I don’t think so anymore, only maxmofoe and anything for views. But that’s where that dumb argument over Mina liked idubbz came out. It really didn’t seem like a big deal but she made it Like one. She’s one to talk when she homewrecked the entire relationship, she really snapped being in bed with cyr, I can’t stand her anymore.
No. 527078
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Who is this chick and are she and Dasha still friends? I was wondering if she was the one who said that Dasha seemed to flitter between hating Mina and desperately wanting to be her friend?
No. 527081
>>527073I’m glad you finally realized that she’s not a good person and (hopefully) you never fall into the hands of someone like this ever again. Empthatic/sensitive people are literally magnets for toxic people like Dasha.
Btw we know that Cyr was ‘acquaintances” with idubbbz, but they were never in any way close like Dasha would try to make it appear. It’s kind of cringy how she would refer to idubbbz as Ian on her tweets related to the drama for the whole world to see. She did this in purpose to make it look like Cyr and her have close ties to idubbbz. Going back and forth on twitter doesn’t mean they were or are friends.
No. 527085
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>>527082Universal angel is the only one I’m aware of that personally visited dasha.
No. 527086
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It grinds my fucking gears how these people with followings always insert themselves into the drama and act like they know it all just because they heard one side of the story - like kawaiiguyla
How dumb and stupid can these people be, someone sends you a DM or tells you a story and you automatically believe everything and take to blindly defending them, when you don’t even know the people being talked about? For example example that Cleo chick who called Mina a bitch and unfollowed/blocked her or whatever. Like even if the things being said about Mina were true, how does it affect you enough to insult and take petty actions towards her?
No. 527130
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>>527116Seriously. I’d rather watch Edwin’s cringe (but genuine) crying any day, over Dasha’s fake attempt to cry.
No. 527134
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I wonder if Putin and her flying monkeys will attempt to get Edwin’s videos removed on the grounds of boolying…
No. 527150
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If even her hardcore minions can realize that Dasha is wrong, these instathots have 0 excuse.
I’m down, I was also thinking of sending the link to Edwin’s videos to all of Dasha’s instafamous mutuals, but it seemed like too much work haha. I’ll def report tho.
No. 527153
To all our new users: Please familiarize yourself with the rules and usage guide. for mass-reporting is called a personal army request. Don't do it here. Thank you.
No. 527172
>>527163They’re not asking people to choose sides, they’re them to stop supporting her. Unsupporting Dasha does not equal support for Edwin and Mina.
These insta famous girls should simply unfollow and do the right thing. It’s that easy.
No. 527184
>>527181Which is Mina's type tho? I personally dont think Cyr and Edwin have the same style neither personality.
Edwin and Mina admit they werent each other type.
No. 527214
>>527184Mina’s type, I’m assuming is probably a model/artsy/edgy type like cyr. But I can still see why she likes Edwin because he has a different type of edge to him with the colored hair and emo bands.
I think edwin’s type was very regular women because personality wise he seems like a regular guy. And judging from his exes.
No. 527253
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Honestly, I’m on Edwin’s and Mina’s side about mostly everything, but I don’t know whether to believe them or not about the accounts. Seeing how psycho Dasha is, I guess it could be possible that she was plotting and scheming before meeting Cyr, but at the same time it seems like a reach? I don’t really care about the fake accounts AT ALL, nor do I think the “harassing” of Dasha was that bad, but I just don’t know what to believe. At the same time, if the accounts were really Mina’s, wouldn’t she just own up to it? It was mostly just cringy edits and nothing super malicious like Dasha would love everyone to believe.
How long were Dasha and Tristan broken up before she got with Cyr?
No. 527274
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>>527273Like this made no sense to me, it didn’t relate to what we were talking about really, back then I agreed with her that mina has problems and is really manipulative and she said mina would always request her and cyr to get wine for her. So I thought mina might have abused alcohol and had other problems or insecure she’s hiding then she mentioned mina is a prostitute. It’s insane when you’re one the outside looking in now. Why insist on saying you don’t want to shame her for it but still mention to everyone like it’s shameful?
No. 527303
>>527274Maybe Because she doesn't care about your opinion? All she care is to feed you/manipulate you. If you are thinking mina is doing bad things that means she is success to manipulate you.
"I won't slut shame her for it ever"
Is her way to act like a nice girl. All she cares is herself. Smh
No. 527335
>>527253I honestly do think Mina made those accounts but at this point she’ll never own up to it and Edwin is her dog so he won’t believe it anyway.
That being said what Dasha has done is waaaay worst than some dumb teenager making fan accounts.
No. 527361
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No. 527365
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I’m actually laughing because I told behwah yesterday that it was immature to participate on IG group chats set to destroy other insta models and she deleted the comment in a nanosecond. I wasn’t even sure if there was a group chat or not, but finding out that there really is one? Just fucking yuck, like how aren’t they embarassed of themselves? That shits so fucking highschool.
No. 527553
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>>527547Is putin really is her late 20s? I thought she was 21 like mina. That phiphi skank looks haggard af, she’s veering into bride of wildenstein/big ange territory.
No. 527564
>>527545Lawd did she kill your dog tho. It's not like she directly bullying Mina.
>>527547Dasha is like 20-21 tho?
No. 527585
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Dasha loves to bash Mina and Edwin for have a ddlg relationship yet her best friend has one with her boyfriend who she has a strange obsession with
No. 527587
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No. 527593
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This is on the post where she said she was gonna see a therapist, is she joking about having autism??
No. 527662
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Kek, waiting for Dasha to see this and log onto Cyr’s account to unfollow this chick.
Hi Putin, I know you’re still lurkin, pls reactivate ur FB account so I can see those “fox sweaters” lmfao
No. 527671
>>527668Do you know why she wanted him to unfollow her?
>>527670Oh, yes. I’ve been watching her delete comments all week. I even responded to one of her comments under one of hisimin’s photos and he deleted the comment and blocked me. The only thing I said was “woah, don’t post his nudes just because he wore the same wig now”
No. 527674
>>527661"Bullied by a lot of people"
She think edwin and mina not bullied by a lot of people? Before exposed video, didn't Dasha always dissing mina and edwin on her twitter(with her minions)?? Like wtf.
"Playing victim" sure, Dasha…
No. 527697
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No. 527700
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This will give me nightmears holy shit
No. 527705
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It's been a while since I followed this drama but I never figure out how it was Mina and Cyr's relationship
Did Mina stay in L.A when they were dating? Or did they have a LDR too?
Did they truly last just "couple weeks" like Cyr said?
If Edwin already knew Mina, he never talk to her until days after Dasha invited her and not when she was daiting Cyr?
No. 527718
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I knew that group chat must be full of vapid cunts. How pathetic.
No. 527719
>>527718I feel like at this point we should be more surprised if Julia and her band of merry skanks say something that
isn’t vapid and cunty.
No. 527764
>>527644A lot of people come to lolcow to spread false info or just to get attention by pretending to be on the 'inside', so it's a site rule to back up claims with screenshots. That's why the Anon
>>527640 felt 'entitled'.
>>527640>>527658Please learn to quote posts that you're responding to. As said upthread, read to learn about site features.
We've got a lot of new users in this thread, so please familiarize yourselves with the rules or staff will have to hand out temporary warning bans.
No. 527792
>>527780>and doesn't sperg at allCause she has a bobbleheaded mouthpiece doing all of the talking for her. Seriously, Edwin does all of the talking for her which makes her look like a little bitch who doesn't want to get her hands dirty in her drama.
I agree with you though, it would be helpful for people to actually say what wrong Mina has done than saying she isn't innocent.
The whole toddler shit is pretty cringy and she's too old to be acting like that. Edwin especially so. They both need jobs, some hobbies and maybe an education cause making yourself look like a dumb baby is embarrassing and she's going to regret that shit much later in life. Edwin is too old to not have a job. Them relying on teenagers to fund their long distance bootycalls is ridiculous and lazy as shit.
She also lied about those accounts. If she had simply admitted it, I doubt she would have gotten much hell for it cause it really wasn't a big deal. Definitely not as big of a deal as Dasha made it out to be unless she was leaving nasty comments on profiles.
No. 527804
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Just posting these here seeing as they weren’t posted but this is the type of character she was.
No. 527821
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Hey, Dash. I know you are reading this. I just wanted to remind you that you are losing him and you are going to lose a lot more than him.
Tell me baby, how does it feel to lose control?
No. 527852
>>527700Where the fuck are her eyebrows?
I see you're trying to kiss as much ass as possible to keep friends, Dasha.
No. 527855
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>>525475Sorry the orders wrong. Idk yall it was a comment on his video and I'm genuinely concerned about cyr and younger girls man
No. 527879
>>527855If Cyr really has been fucking around with underage girls, I hope solid proof comes out and he gets what he deserves. Disgusting slimeball. Neither Dasha or Cyr should be allowed around minors.
>>527865I don’t think Mina and Edwin are cows, but I think splitting up the threads would make things messy and confusing
No. 527916
They're all drama cows in their own right, just because one is currently producing all the milk doesn't mean the others don't do some lolcow type shit (again that gofundme or whatever).
And seeing as how this discussion still involves all four of them, there's literally no good reason to have the board be solely about Dasha.
No. 527918
>>527906Agreed,and it would piss her off so much that we are only talking shit about her now so thats a plus
Also after everything bitch put them through,I kinda feel like mina and edwin deserve a break
No. 527930
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Forgot to censore myself the first time lol
No. 527934
>>527921I don't know if put together is the right descriptor, and not trying to WK any of them. Dasha is getting money from her $20 shout-outs and what little opportunities she has left in modeling gigs I guess. Cyr has his Twitch channel which I guess is where the $$ comes from (not really sure). I mean neither of them started a gofundme page just for an airplane ticket to UK. Edwin I still think you need to get a full time job and start that 401k time is a tickin boi.
>>and Edwin are still young enough to get their shit togetherGirl he's like 31. It's not like he has a foot in the grave but he should know better.
No. 527997
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>>527995This is from another former minion who has cyr and dashas number. But I cropped out Cyrs number. All while cyr was trying to get help for dasha. There was one message he showed me where cyr stresses to not send anything to dasha because she is doing better surprisingly and then two seconds later dasha asks what Edwin is saying they ignored her because they don’t know what else to do she keeps asking what people are saying on lolcow as well. Cyr obviously knows dasha is crazy but he’s saying it in a subtle way. Sorry to say dasha needs to go to a psych ward where she can get help. She tried to poisen people other instances and she’s so evil, there’s not a sane person out there who thinks of hurting someone like that. She’s irrational and she’s going to hurt someone and maybe even hurt her dog to take out her anger. She’s building that all in who knows what she could do.
No. 528025
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No. 528031
>>528027Cant take ss right now but Yellabambi upload a photo 7 hours ago with Florenceros.e
The girl who Mina hang out with a couple weeks ago and i think she was in the background of one of the vlogs, singing Trisha's Paytas song.
Either she doesnt care about the drama or didnt get a good impression of Mina to not hang out with someone who supports so much Dasha.
No. 528148
>>528033Fuck that noise, Dasha's the one who's bamboozling these influencers and little kids.
I want her out there apologizing to these insta thots instead of crying about how she's so sad and has therapy uwuuu.
No. 528216
>>528170It is her problem that she chose to believe Dasha because she was promoting an abuser.
You're insulting her intelligence, what little of it there may be, by saying that she was just too dumb to notice that Dasha was crazy as fuck. But hey, maybe she is that stupid!
Now that she's been told you're saying she's too precious to deal with the fact she choose wrong? Get her dick out of your mouth and let the girl learn.
No. 528253
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>>528216Hey I’m not here to argue. I’m just trying to see the bigger picture about these things because I know how convincing dasha can be, she’ll make you feel guilty and chances are yellabambi was treated the same way where dasha would groom her and make her feel bad for her. She uses those dirty tactics on everyone, it doesn’t do more with Intelligence and more so with emotions and feelings, dasha makes you think with feelings instead of using your head. Just wanted Edwin to take a rational standpoint on why these girls have thought of dasha a certain way instead of being hostile about it. Look how long it took Charlie, it took me some time too. Here’s an example of how she convinces people. One of dashas old minions sent this to me when I asked if they had any saved messages from her. Only gave me a few but they saved them to show that “Edwin was a liar” when in fact Edwin proved in his video that dasha was a liar and used her own abuse stories to gain sympathy. That’s not only wrong, but shameful.
No. 528278
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>>528255Yeah I understand I bit more now. I think as anyone, no one wants to be involved in a drama that isn’t there so I was trying to see it that way, and dasha confuses and manipulates so she will use any means to get you on her side. The stuff I seen on twitter was the worst. Only a couple weeks left before it’s officially gone but there is where the most proof of her ways come from. She said a plenty of things I wish I could get proof on but she’s still deactivated unfortunately. At least most of that group knows now. There was just unnecessary hate on there photos about their image instead of forwarding the video towards her or posting the link. Irrelevant stuff that has nothing to do with Edwin. Just wanted Edwin to remind people who the real enemy is. This is another one. They thought “lolcow is making her suicidal and making up lies about her” but I’m my head I was reading all the minions tweets and thinking, they have proof of her Being on here, Cyr thinks he’s helping her get therapy while he’s away with his dad and she’s still asking for what they’re saying. It’s her choice to go on here. No one told he to post Minas passport. No one told her to watch Minas lives. She’s doing this to herself and can only blame herself.
No. 528290
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This isn’t another thing I’ve gotten. Dasha made it like the anons lured her on lolcow when she was posting before this happened. Even though I don’t agree with what this anon did because they poked at her to react and tagged lolcow in their tumblr. Dasha making it seem like it was lolcows fault that she went on here is so stupid considering she was already talking shit on here in the beginning. She made it seem like she was minding her business and mina was stalking her but here we are now, all is revealed and she can’t hide from it.
No. 528291
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>>528290This echos another post she made on here. I would like her to post her IG reach actually. She doesn’t get as much likes as a person with the same amount the followers as her. Blaming the algorithm isn’t your scapegoat.
No. 528322
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Did you guys see this? How long will this go on? Will the milk flow for another week? Lettie lettie lettie… she should not get involved but she can't help herself.
No. 528354
>>528351"anonymous tip"
It was obviously Dasha herself.
No. 528374
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Jesus Lettie is so desperate for attention
No. 528384
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>>528374If Mina’s silence means she has a guilty conscience, does Dasha hiding mean she has a guilty conscience as well?
It makes me laugh how Fettie is trying to make it appear like she was genuinely going to hear Mina out without being biased, but the minute Mina doesn’t reply it turns into ~Oh, btw I’m making a video about you now and outing you as a sugar baby~ Lmfao. Oh, Lettie you are so transparent. We get it, you’re mad because you were a fan of Cyr before Mina ever met him and you’re mad because she got to bang him first. Girl, let go of it already.
No. 528398
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@Lancerdepp is her twitter account too,right?
No. 528448
>>528438She is seriously fucked in the head. No wonder she stans Putin. Crazy attracts crazy. Mina might be ditzy and annoying but she seems like a genuinely nice person. So does Edwin, for the most part. Yes, he’s a cringey and often
problematic drama queen but I don’t think he’s an asshole. Happy to be proven wrong, though.
No. 528459
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>>528456I’m surprised no one has mentioned that this dumb cunt refers to herself as a “drag baby” like
No. 528462
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From Fettie’s old Twitter:
>i’m sorry to anyone i hurt
>i know i’m a bad person
Fucking kek
No. 528491
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>>528484Not the same anon, but here’s an example of Lettie being a weird ass fangirl kek
No. 528533
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>>528484I know her - you don't have to believe that she insists on being the cyr stuff, but her name isn't much of a secret. A quick twitter search will show ya her "name transformation"
No. 528588
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Fettie, you and your cropped screen shots are not a credible source. Please fuck off already.
No. 528611
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So much photoshop, I kind of had to.
No. 528619
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>>528594Because Lettie is a psychoticly obsessed fan of Cyr’s. Like, hang posters on the wall and stalker shrine type of obsessed. If you go far back enough on her twitters, you can see that she had a HUGE crush on Cyr.
The screen shot above is a great example of Lettie being obsessed to the point of siding with him without knowing if he’s 100% in the right. Lettie hates Mina, because Mina got Cyr first. The only reason Lettie sides with Dasha, is because she wants Cyr to look at her favorably.
The day that Cyr and Dasha break up, Lettie will be taking Cyr’s side. Oh, and when that happens, you can BET that Lettie will tell everyone Dasha’s deep dark secrets. All to protect Cyr. Just wait.
No. 528636
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I thought Cyr was supposed to be in Ohio taking care of his dad?
No. 528648
>>519998Can we make a new thread solely about Dasha? She's the most
problematic out of these people.
No. 528650
For former Dasha minions trying to get screenshots of convos, I suspect that she might be intermittently reactivating to prevent her account from being deleted forever, to get old messages of hers, lurk, etc (perhaps at night when people are sleeping). At least that's what I would do if I were in her situation. You might be able to set up some kind of alert whenever the url becomes active again to catch her when she's online