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No. 560621

Ugly northern English Tradwife who believes that children are to blame for rape due to how they dress.

Made a >BAWWWWW post picking on some random 16 year old for being 'slutty and disgusting' and blaming her for how men behave (pics below) and since her post went viral, can't handle the consequences

>post pics of her slathered in makeup but criticises and pathetically bullies and 'calls out' girls for doing the same thing in true Vicky fashion

>is a single benefit mum who sells pyramid scheme weight loss and makeup to fund her brat
>makes no attempts to get an actual job and come off benefits all while whinging about how strippers are all stuck up whores, etc
>basically is stewing in her own anguished jealousy
>autistic sperg with no makeup skills and looks manly af

No. 560627

Any links showing any of this stuff? Social media link? Pics?

No. 560643

File: 1534175798027.jpg (60.98 KB, 496x526, 39109136_259538071324305_58577…)


Sorry! I meant to. You have to wait 5 mins before reposting images.

Your crimes will live on the internet forever, Courtney

No. 560650

No fucking way lmao. My brother is mates with her boyfriend. I'll have to ask him if he knows anything.

No. 560659

Oh anon please keep us updated. I simply have to hear about this disgusting slutshaming, jealous hag and her mannerisms.

I don't get why she's freaking the fuck out over a selfie that's photoshopped anyway. Let girls wear what they want

No. 560891

Sounds like someone’s husband and/or son fucked around with a child

No. 560906

Moved to >>>/snow/664167.

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